TIIEMICHIGANDAILY gry tr t ttit Ualtu *1 - Eaited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publication~s. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ciass mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrie' $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTING BY National Advertisiig Service, Inc. VP College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO* 'BOSTON - LoS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated, Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Gelk Alvin Dann . David Lachenbruel Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt , Grace Miller Virginia Mitcefll Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wriglt Managing Editor . . Edit r4al Director . City Editor . . . Associate Editor * . Sports, Editor Assistant Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff . Business . .Associate Business . .Women's Advertising . . Women's Business Manag Mana Manas Manaj tg g tg tg M Eger Eger tger tger 6v a._ . .a .w..._,. - NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLES THATCHER The editorials published in The Michigan, Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A New Meanin For Armistice Day . . OR THE LAST TWENTY YEARS Armistice Day has been an occasion w.hen editorial writers wrote passionately about the futility of war, especially foreign wars. They quoted the slogans, "the war to end wars," "the war to save democracy" with cynicism and con- tempt. As a result a whole generation was brought up to believe that the worst calamity that could befall the United States was the par- ticipation in another war when our shores were not in any immediate danger of invasion. They were taught to be skeptical about the use of similar slogans to get them into another fight. They became indoctrinated with the dangerous concept that it makes little difference who is declared the victor at' the end of the conflict. They were misled into confusing this country's losing the peace with its being acclaimed a win- ner in the struggle. TODAY the civilized world faces one of the gravest dangers in history. A barbaric force has been set loose which has not yet known de- feat. Exactly when the United States would face the fascist aggressors if it stayed at peace cannot now be determined. But it would come. The reasons why this country is in danger have been repeated often in these columns and else- where. The picture of our existence temporarily. as an isolated island of democracy after the fall of Britain has also been described effectively. THOSE who are still non-interventionists may seQ cause for jest in the fact that this day which has been traditionally dedicated to peace is now being used to arouse this nation for war. The force of events, however, has made this position necessary for anyone who desires that the ideal of permanent peace shall become some- thing more than a beautiful vision. The interventionists must be prepared to con- cede the possibility that, our participation in World War II may have the same tragic result as the aftermath of World War I. The next American generation might grow up in the same atmosphere of cynicism and despair. That risk must be taken for there is no way out. If we de- lay and permit Great Britain to go down, the future is absolutely black. If we intervene, there is an even chance that a better world will emerge. In the eloquent words of Winston Churchill, "We must fight for the right to build the fu- ture." We must have the courage to hope that the experience of the world since World War I will be an effective pressure on those who make the next peace. - Alvin Dann Politicians And Price Control . . PRICE CONTROL BILL is finally before the House of Representatives. After over three months since President Roose- velt asked Congress for price legislation, the bill has been reported out of the House Banking Committee. It is still far from satisfactory and even farther from enactment. Current reports from Washington indicate that the President himself may veto the measure if it's passed in the present form. History will probably mark the slowness of action and the unnecessary bickering on price rnntra i ne nf the most disusnting enisodes Critic Calls Rodzinski Concert Good, Bad Cleveland Orchestra Program: Overture to "Euryanthe" .V.............. Von Weber Symphony No..5 in E flat major, Op. 82 ......Sibelius "Iberia" Impressions for Orchestra No. 2 .... Debussy "Scenario for Orchestra" on Themes from Show- boat ....,.............................. Kern CAME AWAY from Sunday's concert with mingling impressions, good and bad. In sev- eral respects the Cleveland Orchestra played with as much discretion and restraint as to be both indicative of a highly trained symphonic or- ganization and yet carry discretion and restraint to a degree where it becomes tiresome. To say that the orchestra under Dr. Rodzinski left an entire field of dynamics relatively unexplored would be essentially correct. However, consid- ering that the orchestra's permanent scee of activity, Severance Hall, in Cleveland, is far smaller than Hill Auditorium, the limit of'the orchestra's loudest fortissifno as exhibited Sun- day is not surprising. Robust is not the word that would characterize the playing Sunday afternoon. I would much rather suggest such words as delicate, transpar- ent, brittle, and, perhaps, over-refined. These things were apparent especially in the first half of the concert. The Von Weber piece was nicely played suffering only from a somewhat nervous interpretation as indicated by the rushed tempos. At least, it was a slightly different Weber than the one to which most of us are accustomed. UNDOUBTEDLY, the piece de resistance of the afternoon was Sibelius' Fifth Symphony. In this work I particularly admired *Dr. Rodzinski's treatment of the long, musical "smoke screens" so characteristic of Sibelius. At no time did they become tedious. Discretionand restraint ap- peared to best advantage in such passages. And when thematic material was added, it was ob- viously present by the prudent subjugation of the accompaniment. As to tempi, their excellence was not to be denied, and on the whole, the performance of the symphony seemed to have much in common with the composer's intent. THE DEBUSSY NUMBER, following the inter- mission, gave the orchestra unparalleled op- portunities for extremes in expression that were not taken for their full advantage. This difficult music showed up flaws in the woodwinds and in general ensemble. Then too, I must again voice my former complaint of too meager a range in dynamics. It seemed that Dr. Rodzinski rather waited for Debussy to neet himon a cold frosty pinnacle rather than come down and bathe in the warm, lush, sensuous meadows of impression- ism. The performance was distant instead of per- sonal and, by its brittleness, almost classical rather than impressionistic. To be sure, the notes were, for the most part, properly played, yet something was lacking. Perhaps it was this thin line between romanticism and the modern school that needed a more sensitive yet authori- tative interpretation. AS TO Jerome Kern's "Scenario for Orchestra," I will say at the outset that I like the tunes in it. I have played them innumerable times in a variety of instrumental combinations and many of them are my favoritesAn the vast literature of the popular ballad. I have no objection to their pres- ence on symphonic programs if their are treated in a manner compatible with the best there is in music. Bit to offer an arrangement of such obvious mediocrities is highly incongruous after listening to Von Weber, Sibelius, and Debussy.' I understand Dr. Rodzinski commissioned the work. Someone should have warned him that. Mr. Kern is a tunesmith and not a musician with any profound or serius ideas toward his art. 'this arrangement, a fugitive from a high-school band library, wherein virtually each tune was preceded by a devilishly ingenious dominant sev- enth chord, certainly had no place in a program supposedly devoted to the work of expert com- posers. Of course, the piece was well instru- mented. Even down to the harmonica furiously played by the hard-pressed xylophonist. All that seemed to be lacking was an organ, a paper- mache showboat t9 be set up directly in back of the tympani, and a colored quartet to sing at least one chorus of "Ole Man River." PERHAPS next year we will be so fortunate as to have Andre Kostelanetz on a concert. He does things like these-only infinitely better. Naturally, the applause was tremendous. For an encore, Dr. Rodzinski replayed a portion of the above-mentioned work. This was an indica- tion of a lack of repertoire along this'line. Had I known of this deficiency, I would have been only too glad to run over to the high school and bor- row some popular band novelty such as, say, "Uncle Dan and his Dog, Rover." The musicians could easily have read this at sight. -J. J. Houdek a price administrator who could set ceilings on all commodities, goods and articles, and rents in defense areas. Farm prices would be limited to 110 percent of parity. WAGES are therefore exempted from govern- ment control. Farm prices might just as well be exempted, too. Basing them on 110 percent of parity constitutes no control be- cause parity is simply the figure which will give the farmer the same purchasing power he had in 1900-14 and consequently changes with' the prices of the goods bought by farmers. But the politicians have an answer for every- thing. Granted that the threat of inflation is caused through the increase in purchasing dol- lars and the decline in consumer goods, they seek to take away part of this new income to solve the problem. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau would tax wage earners 15 percent of their earnings, justifying this step on the grounds of rising wage levels. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN to the great majority of middle class Americans whose income remains the same? It is they who would take the nnnishment under this plan. Reduction in che Drew PersoR GOASHINGTON-One of the most important but little-heralded moves made by this country recently is the steady stream of mechan- ics, aviators, technicians which has crossed to Africa to establish equipment and repair bases in Egypt, Persia and the Near East. On the surface, this young army is to repair American tanks, airplanes, and teach the Brit- ish how to operate them. This in itself, is a most important function, since the British seem to have a rare aptitude for gumming up Ameri- can machinery. In the latter part of last sum- mer the defeat of the British, when they ad- vanced on the Italians and Nazis with 200 tanks near Tobruk, was due almost entirely to faulty handling of American tanks. The tanks were brand new, and the British had not taken sufficient pains' to get acquainted with them. As a result they lost 200 of these best and latest lease-lend tanks. Since then there have been no more advances along the Libyan front. Since then, also, General Russell Maxwell has been heading a new Ameri- can mission in Egypt to train the British- in using and repairing U.S. tanks. Beneath the surface, this army of American technicians also serves another important purpose.'Actually they are the advance guard to set up bases, repair shops, docks and everything else necessary for the landing of an American Army, should that ever become necessary. That is the essential significance of the stream of men going to Africa. Some of them are staying on the Atlantic coast, just north of Dakar. The Aluminum Dive Has Done Its Work . THE ALUMINUM DRIVE did all that was expected of it. It was a success a tremendous success. There was lots of aluminum collected but that's not important. What is important is that every housewife who gave up her teakettle "took a whack at Hitler" and every boy scout, - every campfire girl - who ran from house to house collecting sauce pans, meauring cups and pie plates had visions of tremendous bombers over Berlin. Every Amer- ican who gave a piece of aluminum, n matter how small, now has his "finger in the pie" and is personally interested in this war. Yes, it was a success but now there's the devil to pay. The American public has been shown the affair in a ne light and the reputa- tion of several high-ranking politicians, indus- trialists, and even society women are held in the balance. IN THE FIRST PLACE the entire drive was based upon a colossal lie. The false promise was that the teakettles of American housewives. could be melted and recast into bombers. They can not. To be certain we asked two members of the metallurgical engineering departmen vhose names, because they are both engaged in active defense work, cannot be used. They said that aluminum, unlike cast iron, cannot be melted and remolded. "At best," they said, "the alum- inum collected can be turned into inferior con- sumer products." This is a far cry from the vis- ions of Americans who sacrificed their kitchen ware to the "cause", from the hopes of those people who dumped their precious aluminum ware into baskets decorated with pictures of bombers and American flags and guarded by men in uniform. Waiting strategically until after New York's mayorality election, Knudson lay the blame for the aluminum drive at the feet of publicity-wise, super-salesman Mayor LaGuardia. It is impos- sible to tell whether LaGuardia was wholly re- sponsible for the affair or not. Probably he was no more than the publicity director. At any'rate it was he who "put over" the aluminum drive.. He did a good job. So well was it publicized that even small towns had their quotas and the gift of a pot or so became a social obligation. IT IS NOT DIFFICULT to justify the drive with rationalization or at least to read the thoughts of its sponsors. At the time of its initiation the American people were still wholeheartedly against intervention. Something was needed to awaken them, to arouse the war frenzy which makes war conditions bearable. The Aluminum Drive answered that purpose admirably and in a coun- try where the people are admittedly led by the government, where mob psychology and fear are recognized tools for manipulating public opinion, it could be wholly justified. In America, however; where authority is said to originate in the people themselves, such mob Atactics are .certainly not to be condoned. The Aluminum Drive is finished. It has done its work and 'done it well. It is best forgotten. We can only hope that the American people will not soon again fall victims to a like stunt. -H. J. Slautterback complete control and the excess money can be put into the saving coffers. It is still also possi- ble to escape wage control when and, if the cost, of living stops going up. * NEVERTHELESS, this solution, obvious as' it is, seems very remote. Congressmen, falling prey to the agricultural lobbyists and other pressure groups, are forgetting the peril that awaits the nation with wartime inflation. Let the average man go without some of the bare necessities of life: This is war. The people must TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1941; VOL LH. No. 38 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the U*iversity. Nodces Student Tea: President and Mrs. Rutttven will be at home to students' Wednesday afternoon, November 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock.' A Dental School Assembly will be held Wednesday, November 12, in the Kellogg Foundation Institute Audi- torium. The speaker will be Dr. James K. Pollock, Professor of Poli- tical Science. The subject will be "The Significance of the Present Sit- uation in Europe." All students of the School are required to be in at- tendance. All clinics and laboratories will be closed at 4:00 and the stu- dents are asked to assemble by 4:10 p.m.1 Students, College of Engineering: The final day-for Removal of Inom- pletes will be Saturday, November 22. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Wednesday, November 12. A. H. Lovell, Secretary Bronson-Thomas Prize in Ger- man. Value $32.00. Open to all under- graduate students in German of dis- tinctly American training. Will be awarded on the results of a three- hour essay competition to be held under departmental supervision 'in the latter half of March, 1942 (exact date to be announced two weeks in advance). Contestants must satisfy the Department that they have done their reading in German. The essay may be written in English or German. Each contestant will be free to choose his own subject from a list of 30 offered. Students who wish to com- pete must be taking a course in Ger- man (32 or above) at the time of the competition. They should register and obtain further details as soon as possible at the office of the Ger- man Department, 204 University Hall. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian 'Women's Club offers a scholarship for $100 for the year 1942-43 for which young men and women of Armenian parentage, living in the Detroit metropolitan district who demonstrate scholastic ability and possess good character and who have had at least one year of college work, are eligible. Further information may be obtained from me. Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for February and June 1942: A list o candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 U.E.S. Any prospective cajidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Registration for Permanent Posi- tions is being held at the Bureau of Appointments Tuesday through Fri- day, November 11-14, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Both sen- iors and graduate students, as well as staff members, are eligible for the services of the Bureau, and may reg- ister in the Teaching Division or in the General Division, which includes registration for all positions other than teaching. February, June and August gradutes are urged to register now, as this is the only general regis- i GRIN AND BEAR 1TBy Lichty e.i - t l e "If that's one of them bundles for Britain, put in this necktie your Aunt Cora gave me-I understapd they'll accept anything!" DAI LY OF F ICIAL B ULLETI N are reminded that the University re- quires them to register in the Bureau# of Appointments before they can re- ceive certificates. . University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Women students wishing to attend, the Columbia-Michigan football game are required to register in the Office of the Dean of Women. A letter of permission from parents must be in this office not later than Wednes- day, November 12. If the student does not go by train, special permis- sion for another mode of travel must be included in the parent's letter. Graduate women are invite to regis- ter in this office.S Approved Organizations: The fol- lowing organizations have filed a list of officers with the Office of the Dean of Students and have been ap- proved for the school year 1941-42:I Abraham Lincoln Cooperative Alpha Alpha Gamma Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Lambda it Alpha Nut Alpha Phi Alpha ' Alpha Phi OmegaI Al Thaquafa Am. Inst. Chenical Engineers Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers Architectural Society American Student Union Athena Avukah Beta Kappa Rho Bethlehem Student Guild1 Christian Science Organization Delta Omega Delta Sigma Rho' Disciples Guild' Eta Kappa Nu Fellowship of Reconciliation4 Flying Club Freshman Glee Club German Club Graduate History Club Graduate Outing Club Hiawatha Club Hillel Foundation Inter-Cooperative Council Iota Sigma Pi Karl Marx Society La Sociedad Hispanica ILe Cercle Francais Michigan Cooperative House Michigan League Michigan Party Michigan Union Mimes Mortar Board Newman Club Omega Psi Phi Phi Delta Kappa Phi Eta Siga Phi Lambda Upsilon Philippine-Michigan Club Phi Tau Alpha Pre-Medical Society Rho Chi Robert Owen Cooperative Rochdale Cooperative Sailing Club Scroll Senior Society Sigma Delta Chi Sigma Eta Chi Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Rho'Tau Sigma Xi Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Women Engineers Student Defenders of Democracy Student Religious Association Student Senate Suomi Club Tau Epsilon Rho Theta Sigma Phi Transportation Club Vulcans Wyvern Society Young People's Socialist League Academic Notices 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. F. C. Benner will speak on "Ad- sorption from binary organic liquids by silica" and Dr. N. W. MacNaugh- ton on "Mechanism of hydrogenation of the carbonyl group." history 49: Mid-semester, 10 am., Thursday. Nov. 13. Room C, Haven Hall. Adams-Low. Room 231 A. H., Luckham-Zapotochna. concerts Recital: A program of woodwind, clarinet, saxophone anid cornet en- sembles will be presented tonighteat 8:30 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, under the direction of Mr. William D. Stubbins. Mr. Russell Howland and Professor William D. Revelli. Al- though the general public is invited, smali children will not be admitted. Lectures Lecture on Chinese Poetry, Poetic Composition and Songs: The second in a series of six lectures on Chinese Literature by Gerald (Hsien-Chi) Tien of Yenching University will be given in the Rackham Amphitheater, today at 4:15 p.m. The subject will be "Poetry, Poetic Composition, and Songs." These lectures are sponsored by the International Center and the Chinese Students' Club. The public is invited. Events Today Botanical Journal Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room N.S. 1149. Reports by: Jean M. Campbell. "Binary varia- tions in Tradescantia." George F. Small. "Mass collections of Rubus odoratus, and Rubus parvi- florus."d Lucille L. Kell "Chemistry of chromosomes." Harriet E. Smith, "Changes of Type in Bacteria; Application of Gen- etics to Plant Breeding." Mathematics Club will meet to- night at 8:00 in the West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr. E. G. Begle will speak on "Local Conect- edness." Aquinas , Seminar: . Discussion . of second article, Book 1. Lane Hall, today at 4:30 p.m. All inter'ested stu- dents and members of the faculty are welcome. Music Seminar: Mr. Leonard S. Gregory will discuss "Palestrina and His Contemporaries" at Lane Hall, at 4:15 p.m. tdday. Association Discussion Group: Dis- cussion of More's "Utopia" at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. Le Cercle Francais will meet to- night at 8:00 in the Michigan Leagup. Dr. Francis Gravit will speak on "la cuisine francaise." Mr. Harold Fish- man will play piano works of Debussy. French songs. University of Michigan Flying Club will meet in 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. at 8:30 tonight. It is urgent that all October flying fees and dues for November be paid at that time. ROTC Armistice Day Parade: ROTC Sophomores and Seniors will fall in for the Armistice Day Parade at 4:45 p.m. today. ROTC Freshmen are invited to observe. Armistice Day Rally: Muic by the University Band and talks by Prof. Preston Slosson, Prof. Bryan Rut from Wayne University, and Dona O'Connor, '42, Will be presented at the Armistice Day Rally in Rackham Auditorium at 8:00 tonight. The rally is sponsored by the Student Defend- ers of Democracy. Sigma. Rho Tau will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Union. Dean A. 1. Lovell will be the guest speaker for the evening, his topic being "A Work Reserve Pool for After the Defense Effort." All engineers and architects are invited. Hiawatha Club meeting. at the Union tonight at 7:30. Guest speaker will bb a representative of the Uni- versity Alumni Association. All Up- per Peninsula students invited. The Tuesday evening concert of recorded music in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building tonight at 8:00 will feature the following pro- gram: gaBach, Toccatas and Fugues for Or- gan (played on the "Praetorius" Or- gan of Westminster Choir College); Handel, Concerto in B Minor for Viola and Chamber Orchestra; and Beethoven, Concerto in G Major with Gieseking, Pianist. Athena Honorary Speech Society will have a meeting for actives and pledges tonight at 7:00 in the League, Kalamazoo Room. Alrmembers must attend. Mimes Opera Dance Chorus to meet at 7:15 tonight at the Union. The Fellowship of Reconciliation invites anyone interested in an Arm- istice Day consideration of peace and peace objectives to meet in Lane Hall at 7:00 tonight. Rev. C. H. Loucks will speak briefly followed by a period of "Meditation for Peace."