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Latest Technic
Has Menefee,
Foust Articles
St. Lawrence Waterway
Is Featured In Edition
Called 'One Of Finest'
Featurilg an article by Prof. F. N.
Menafee of the engineering mechan-
ics department on the "St. Lawrence
Seaway," the second issue of The
Michigan Technic for the year will go
on sale at 8 a.m. tomorrow at the
Engineering Arch and in the lobby
, of tie East Engineering Building.
Other articles in the issue which is
advertised as one of the finest in the
Technic's history include "City Engi-
neer," F. R. Stovver, city engineer
of Dearborn; and "Heat Transfer
through Glass,". by Prof. Alan S.
Foust of the chemical engineering
Student articles in the issue will
be "Rouge Plant Inspection Trip," by
Richard G. Shoel, '43E, and "Photo-
graphic Malpractices," by Troy R.
Young, '42.'.
Introduced to the engineering col-
lege. in the Technic's regular feature,
"The Technic Presents . . ." will be
Union president Bob Sibley, '42E,
Prof. Peter Field of the mathematics
department and Bob Wallace, '42E,
president of Tau Beta Pi, national
engineering honor society.
Subscriptions for the remaining
seven issues of the engineering maga-
zine will be sold at a reduced price
to engineering students who have not
yet obtained their subscriptions.
I A iv
Keh Lauds Chinese Courage;
People Sure Of Final Success
By Red Cross
Opens Today
(Continued from Page 1)
will handle the West Quadrangle's
campaign for Red Cross funds. Col-
lection boxes will be placed in every
house lounge and quadrangle resi-
derts will receive notices in their
mailboxes tomorrow morning, Powers
Dormitory women participating in
the drive are under the direction of
an Assembly representative (name
in bold face type) from each house.
Martila. Cook women workers are
compdsed of Alice Jack, Jean Hamil-
ton, June Karker, Jean Baxter, Mar-
garet Colins, Alvira Sata, Rita Gar-
vey, Margaret Murray, Betty Kefgen,
Mary Jane Utley, Nancy Ward, and
Rosamond Griggs./ ,
Stcckwell: Miriam Dalby, Gloria
Brugaletta, Teefe Gabriel, Mary Trel-
fa., Marion Tukes, Mary Herbert, Lys-
le Gunn, Shirley Field, Jean Oakleaf,
''ern Symons, Anne Maloney, Bar-
bara Pierson, Barbara Miller, Doro-
thy Beiss, Jane Gilden.
Mosher: Sarah Corwin, Charlotte
Conover, Carol Cullis, Annette Kem-
per,. Jeannette Klotz, Lois Karker,
Betty Partenfelder, Joanne Pernnoyer,
Ruth Schwab, Ellie Schwartz, and
Maxine Hanchrow. -
Jordan: Peggy Vickroy, feano
Webber, Joan Selmier, Jean Bitchell,
Katherine Joels, Hazel Kalil, Doro-
,thy Weihrauch, Martha Steel, Nita
Everson, Margaret Saults, Pat' Ken-
nedy, Grace 0kin, and Jean Loree.
Alumnae House: June Gregory,
Jean Scott, Mary Woster.
Helen Newberry: Virginia Jominy,
Teddy Field, Janet Fishman, Miriam
Edgar, Alice Shreve, Betty Awrey,
(Continued on Page 5)
"The people of China can stand
anything as long as they know that
they will some day be free of Japan-
ese aggression," C. E. Keh, Grad., a
dark little man from Peking, China,
declared with a show of undaunted
patriotism for his native country in
a recent interview.
"There is not a man, woman or
child in China who is not certain that
the day of Chinese victory will come"
Keh continued confidently. He would
not, however, even venture a guess
as to the date of that eventual day
"No one knows or can guess it de-
pends upon so many things."
"First," he said, "it depends upon
the American policy in the Far East."
Again and again, throughout the in-
T he CityBeat:
Today's Ann Arbor News
In Summary
Playing Santa Claus for gEnglish
children has become a major project
for more than 3,000 Washtenaw
Coupty schoolchildren, under the di-
rection of the Junior Red Cross.
The second in a series of four
lectures for Ann Arbor food hand-
lers will be given at 8 p.m. today in
the auditorium of the W. K. Kel-
logg Foundation.
The Iepture will deal with "Food
Guardians," -protecting food from
contamination and spoilage by
proper means of storage, refrigera-
tion and display.
Week-end traffic again took its toll
in deafi and injured with Walter
Marshall, mayor of South Lyon, and
Gary Johnston, Deerfield Center
killed in automobile collisions.
On the injured list are Miss Mar-
garet Major, also of Deerfield Center,
and Edwin Amcell, a Fowlerville rail-
way workman.
In addition to the city-wide school
celebration of Armistice Day, seniors
lnd underclassmen in Ann Arbor
schools are hard at work on school
Biggest event of the school play
season will be the Ann Arbor High
school seniors' production of "Grow-
ing Pains" Dec. 5 and 6.
British Navy Smashes
Mediterranean Convoy
' ALEXANDRIA, Egypt1 Nov. 10-
(RP)-The smashing of two Italian
convoys believed ferrying thousands
of Axis troops and war supplies to
Libya Sunday was described by
British naval officers today as the
heaviest blow dealt the Axis' North
African "ferry service" since last
,A British Naval Headquarters
statement said nine of the ten con-
voyed supply ships and one escort-
ing destroyer were sunk.
Women's Speech Club
To HoldMeeting Today
Athena, women's speech society,
will hold' its regular'bi-weekly meet-
ing at 7 p.m. today in the Kalamazoo
Room of the League.
The new officers who will serve
for the coming year are Anna Jean
Williams, '42, president; Irene Fer-
guson, '42, vicepresident; Marjorie
Teller, '42, secretary; and Louise
Keatley, '42, treasurer.
terview, Keh emphasized his belief
that America must not supply Japan
with war materials. He said thal
China has abundant man power but
that American aircraft, tanks and
ammunition are badly, even desper-
ately, neeeded.
"Secondly. Keh complained. "the
people of America do not seem to
realize how closely the battle in China
is related to the European war." He
justified his complaint saying that if
Germ y is defeated in Europe, Ja-
pan 11 fall with her axis partners:
but if Britain is defeated China alone
will be left to fight the dictatorships.
Describing war conditions in China,
Keh stated,."War is always bad, but
it is no worse in China than any place
else." Keh explained that the chief
cause of suffering is not the bombing
or atrocities but the worthlessness of
the Chinese yen. "The yen is worth
only one twentieth of its pre-war rat-
ing," he said, "and fortunes of China's
richest families have dwindled to al-
most nothing."
On thewhole, Keh's picture of
China at war was a brighter one than
other accounts have indicated. "We
can hold out. We can hold out as
long as any one on earth," he said
French Group '
iTo Meet Toda"y
All Students Are Invited
Under New Policy
All students on campus with one
college year or two high school years
of training in French are invited to
attend the second meeting of the
Cercle Francais at 8 p.m. today in the
While in the past membership in
the French Clubhas been selective,
this year a new policy has been adop-
ted in which all students interested
in extending their knowledge of
French language, culture and civili-
zation may become members of the
"La Cuisine Francaise," a talk by
Francis Gravit of the Department of
Romance Languages, will open to-
day's program, followed by a group
of Debussy selections for piano, to
be offered by Harold Fishman, '42SM.
During the business meeting, stu-
dents will be organized to carry on
the various activities of the club, each
one being eligible to work on com-
mittees in charge of programs, music,
plays, games and publicity.
i err
Gerald Tien To Speak
On ChineseLiterature
Poetry, songs and poetic composi-
tion will be the subject of Hsing-
Chih (Gerald Tien), Grad., who will
speak at the second of a series of six
lectures on Chinese literature at 4:15
p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi-
A former member of the faculty
at Yenching University in Peiping,
China, Tien is studying in the gradu-
ate school on a fellowship.
Sponsored by the University Chi-
nese Students' Club, the series is a
study of Chinese poetry, prose, drama,
novel and contemporary literature.
The next four lectures will be given
on successive Tuesdays.
DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M.
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and Paulette's the Bet
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-eoreasfion Hoperha
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Al so
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