f THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edward G. Bull Receives Commission Edward G. Bull, who received his the Navy kir Corps. Ensign Bull, of B. S. degree from the University, has Stockton, N. Y., will report to the cofnpleted his advanced training and Naval Air Station at Norfolk, Va., for has been commissioned an ensign in full-time duty with a patrol squadron. Dr. Gravit To Discuss 'Cuisine' In Meeting Of Cercle Francais h 1 Selections From Debussy To Be Heard By Society At Session On Tuesday "La Cuisine Francaise" will be the subject of a talk by Francis W. Gravit of the Romance Languages Depart- ment at the second meeting of the Cercle Francais at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the League. Following Dr. Gravit's speech, Har- old Fishman, '42M, will render a group of Debussy piano selections. One of the primary purposes of this meeting will be to organize members into varied activities, each one being eligible for committee 'work in the planning of programs, music, the pre- sentation of plays, games or publicity. Further, stated Prof. Charles E. Koella, adviser to the club, "We shall try to make a chorus of the members, so as to teach them to sing the French songs in harmony." All students on campus with one college year or two high school years of French are urged to become mem- bers, as the Cercle Francais will strive, in accordance with the desires of the committee in charge and of the chair-; man of the Department of Romance Languages, Prof. Hayward Keniston, to encourage thV students to improve' their knowJedge of the French lan- guage, ° culture and civilization; , to learn French songs; 'to enjoy them- selves socially and to be actively in- terested in their club and its aims. "We will try," promises Professor Koella, "to make it as entertaining as possible for the members and to Law Review' To Be Issued Convoys, Labor Disputes, Trade To Be Featured Three articles of interest to those outside as well as those connected with the legal profession are con- tained in the first issue of volume forty of the Michigan Law Review, which will be published tomorrow. In an Article entitled "Neutral Con- voys in Law and Practice," Ben- jamin Akzin of the Library of Con- gress Legislative Reference Service discusses the wartime powers of the President. According to Mr. Azkin, "The Executive's power to conduct foreign relations is not subject to the reservation of refraining from acts which may conceivably lead to war. "Federal Intervention in Labor Disputes and Collective Bargaining," by Ludwig Teller, cites the need for appropriate Federal legislation to govern labor disputes. In the third article, "The Supreme Court, the Commerce Clause, and State Legislation," Vincent M. Bar- nett, Jr., also advocates Congres- sional intervention, to destroy the increase, in interstate barriers which have been permitted by recent liberal Supreme Court decisions under the commerce clause. Supplementing these articles are comments and decision notes written by law students. This issue is the first of eight published monthly, November to June inclusive. make of them an enthusiastic groupI who will learn to speak French more and more, and like it." The committee in charge of the club's activities includes Professor Koella, chairman, and James C. O'- Neill and Dr. Gravit, all of the De- partment of Romance Languages. Officers of the Cerele are as fol- lows: president, George Kiss, Grad.; vice-president, Richard Picard, Spec.; secretary, Elsie Jensen, '42 and treas- urer, Marilyn MacRitchie, '43. The City Beat: Today's Ann Arbor News In Summnary The city dump on Dhu Varren Rd. will be in use for at least another week because the injunction order has not been issued as yet by Circuit Judge Fred George. Property owners won their suit against the city recently, claiming that the dump was a health menace and a public nuisance. The city in- tends to carry the case to the state supreme court. Celebration of American Educa- tion Week will open today with an all-city tea from\4 to 6 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. Ann Arbor parents, teachers and children will all participate in the seven day affair which first began in 1921. Edward F. Conlin, local 'attorney has been appointed to the Ann Arbor draft board by Governor Murray D. Van Wagoner. Conlin replaces Harold M. Golds who was called to active service in the marine corps. That fellow who predicts the weather in this town says that we're going to have more snow flurries (which may mean a blizzard, de- pending on the flippancy of the air currents around here) and freezing temperatures today. Superintendent of the Ferndale schools and governor of the 153 dis- trict of the Rotary International Ed- gar F. Down will speak to Ann Arbor Rqtarians at their regular weekly meeting at noon Wednesday. Avukah Plans Year's Activity Zionist Group To Discuss Policy At Hillel Today Policy for the coming year will be the subject of the meeting of the local chapter of Avukah, American students' Zionist organization, at 8 p.m. today at Hillel Foundation. Emphasis on Avukah's participa- tion in Jewish community life is ex- pected to be the object of its work in the coming year. Extensive addi- tions to the program along the lines of Avukah's highly successful Sun- day school are planned . Discussion will take the form of a panel led by Gerald davidson, '43, William Schumer, '44, and Elise Zeme, '44, with participation by the audi- ence. Further plans include a series of outside speakers who will discuss the g neral subject of "Zionism and Its lielationship to American Jewish Life." Dates of lectures will be an- nounced at a later date. Opera Supporting 1* Cast Announced HOLI DAY An eight man supporting cast forBE UT I A the Mimes Union Opera was announ- B U Y DE ced yesterday by Opera Director fJ "Bob" Adams. Look your best for the festive weeks - The embryo actors are Truman shine and glow with glamour. Holiday Garrity. Don Young, '42, Jeff Solo- Permanent Wave Specials from $5. mon, '43, Art Katz, Grad., Dick Stew- art, '44, Bob Shedd, '42, Stanley Glassman, '44, and Dick Shely, '42.- The three lads will be played byu d I # Jack Collins, 42, Dick Rawdon, '44, ' BEAUTY SHOP ad Keith Muller '44. an er,4.e"Above the Parrot" 1133 E. Huron The show will be presented in the 338 S. State Ph. 8878 Ph. 3414 Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Decem- ber 9 tlyrough 13. c;;;;0;;; ;;;; <;; > cmo<;;;;;;;;y c; ; Special. r Pre-Thanksgiving Shoe Week Only I I COLLEGIATE SHOE SHOP 1 7 C OOR / 01 Rose Aqua Cream Turqoise Lavende r S:**C~lIOIJSI Latin Americans Now Are Eligible in CPT Courses Helena Rubinstein Says: 3, Cooperatipn with Latin-America now extends to the training of pilots in the Civilian Pilot Training courses subsidized by the United States gov- ernment. A scholarship established for South Americans to take the courses in me- m-anics and flying has been awarded Alberto Ramirez-Angel, '44E, of Bo- gata, Colombia. The courses which were established for the extension of civilian flying include course in ground school and finally pilot training courses which lead to a pilot's license. Late additions to the CPT program have made it possible for women to take ground school courses but gov- ernment orders still disqualify them from actual flying. QPT courses are held in many uni- versities and colleges throughout the country. Basic flying training courses are followed by an examination for pilot's license. The course here has been in operation for about a year with flight leaving from Ann Arbor Airport. La Sociedad Hispanica Will See Mexican Movie * s 44 L IG H T WOOLENS andCREPES r * Town and Country Make-Up Film: A soft, natural, luminous foundation that d sing and application of "PASTEUR- holds for hours and protects against IZED FACE CREAM" are the first dryness. steps in bringing out your natural beauty. For soft kissable lips use Helena * Wear a mascara that is run-proof and Rubenstein's lipsticks. Match your lip smudge-proof. Make your lashes look color to your complexion: Red Velvet, long, dark, and lustrous. In blue, black, Sporting Pink, Rico Red, and many or brown . . . Helena Rubinstein. others. $Q.95 V to Iv 11