Weather Y2 40 an Cloudy; Snow Flurries. r Iaiti Editorial I Victory Must Not Bring 1erian PInishment.. I VOL. LII. No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1941 Z-323 PRICE F iCE F.v rIVE a - ~-.- - -- - I ... is ! T1 !-" \f Y /A"v J" 'mot 1 Congressional. Leaders Seek Rust, Slosson To Speak i/ At Armistice Day Rally Neutrality Poll For Thursday Student Views To Be Represented By Don O'Connor; 'Win The War-Win The Peace' Will Be Slogan House Action On Senate Amendments Requested By SpeakerRayburn England, U.S. Plan Move In Fra East WASHINGTON, Nov. 8--(P)-Ad- ministration leaders decided today to press for a direct final House vote on the Senate's amendements to the neutrality bill not later than next Thursday. SpeakertRayburn said after a con- ference with majority leader McCor- mack of Massachusetts that this pro- cedure would get the legislation to President Roosevelt "much quicker" than would turning the House and Senate bills over to- a joint committee for compromise. Two Methods When Senate gnd House pass re- lated but differing legislation, there are two methods for adjusting the differences: 1. One chamber must accept the other's version, or 2. A committee of Senators and House members works out a compro- mise which must be submitted to both chambers for final approval. In the present case, the House roll- ed up a 259 to 138 vote on Oct. 17 for repeal of the Neutrality Act's pro- hibition against arming of merchant ships. This measure then went to the Senate which last night passed by a vote of 50 to 37 an amended bill which also would permit United States merchant ships to enter com- bat zones and belligerent ports. Announce Decision ' Announcing the decision to ask the House to accept the Senate bill in- stead of seeking to compromise, Ray- burn said: "We think we have the votes to pass it." But many Republicans said the vote might be extremely close. Representatives Jonkman (Rep.- Mich. and Muhdt (Rep.-S.D.), for instance, said that many of the mem- bers who helped roll up the 121- majority on the ship arming proposal had committed themselves at that time to vote for no other amendment. Both Nations Are Seen, Ready To Act In Orient WASHINGTON, Nov. 8-(A)-It was learned on excellent authority to- day that plans are well advanced :For an early and concerted action by Great Britain and the United States to strengthen their position in the Orient. Further, the program apparently is to be put into effect at about the time of the arrival here of Saburo Kurusu, a special 'Japanese emissary who is bringing with him a list of proposals by the Tokyo government, to which have been attached some of the characteristics of an ultimatum. Kurusu is expected to arrive here next week end. The whole situation, and the plan which has been formulated were dis- cussed exhaustively at yesterday's; cabinet meeting, it was said. No one, however, woulddivulge the nature*of what the two nations intend to do. The gravity of the Japanese-Amer- ican situation has been repeatedly emphasized in recent days by Ameri- can officials. TalmadrTe Haas Cool Reception Florida Students Say He's An 'Unwelcome Guest' /JF JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Nov. 8-(P) -Governor Eugene Talmadge of Georgia, here for theannual Georgia- Florida football game, was advised today by a group of Florida students that he was an "unwelcome guest" because of recent changes -he made in the Georgia university system. A revamped Board of Regentspre- cently dismissed several educators at insistence of the governor. Two of the men, Walter D. Cocking and Marvin S. Pittman, were charged by Talmadge with advocating racial co- education. John Cotton Brown, editor' of the Alligator,.student newspaper at the Appearing together for the first time on the same platform, the two men who initiated the recent pro- fessor's petition calling for "total war" against Hitler are scheduled to address the Armistice Day Rally in Rackham Auditorium at 8 p.m. Tues- day. Prof. Preston Slosson of the his- tory department and Prof. Bryan Rust of Wayne University will stress at the rally, not only their conten- tion that we should "Win the War," but also that it is equally necessary for us to "Win the Peace." ' Examining these two postulates from the viewpoint of the student, Don O'Connor, '42, will emphasize the importance of youth's support- ing the defeat-Hitler program. As treasurer of the Student Defendes of Democracy, which is sponsoring the rally, O'Connor has been active in anti-fascist work on the campus. Immediately preceding the rally the University Band, under the direc- tion of William D. Revelli, will march up. State Street and then to the Rackham Building. They will play several marching songs and con- clude with "The Star Spangled Ban- ner." Professor Rust, a winner of the Croix de Guerre in the last war, has recently been accepted with overseas rating a second time by the U.S. Army Dean Yoakum Gives Greeting . To Professors Conference Of Teachers Recommends Adoption Of New Tenure Plan Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, dean of the Graduate School, welcomed near- ly 100 university and collegeprofes- sors yesterday morning at the re- gional conference of the American Association of University Professors held at the Union. The morning session, presided over by Prof. C. D. Thorpe, president of the Universityof Michigan Chapter, opened with an address by Prof. M. M. Knappen, of Michigan State Col- lege, who spoke on the seven-year tenure plan for instructors. This plan was recommended by the Association in a vote taken last year. Professor Henry Owens, of Michi- gan State Normal College, presented some of the disadvantages of the plan and led a discussion concerning its merits and drawbacks. Prof. Frederick S. Deibler, of Northwestern University, president of the Association,- spoke at the lunch- eon on the Association's principles, especially as applied to the problems of tenure and freedom of speech, demhonstrating the close relationship between the two. The Association, he said, is interested in standards of tenure and in procedural questions, rather than in individual cases. and expects to be called to the service in the near future. For years he has been working for international peace, but now feels that the isolationists in this country have made peace impossible until the Nazis are defeated. Recognized as a public speaker of1 ability, he accepted a special invita- Armistice Day Welfare Drive To Open Here Campaign By Red Cross To Begin On Campus; Dorms To Be Solicited Relief Here, Abroad Is Theme Of Drive Michigan students will have their best chance of the year to relieve suffering, both accidental and man- made, when the American Red Cross opens its second anual campus mem- bership drive Armistice Day. Lasting from November 11 to No- vember 30, the campaign will stress the quality of mercy-mercy for war- wrecked Europeans and mercy for disaster victims at home. The cam- pus drive will be handled by Eliza- beth Luckham, '42. Thorough coverage of every wo- men's dormitory, cooperative, League house and sorority has been planned by Miss Luckham and her committee, f } L E 'Try Invading Continent, Mw RAF Replies With Attack Fuehrer Dares England; PROF. BRYAN RUST tion to address a joint session of the New Hampshire legislature last June 4. Professor Slosson has been equally active in the movement for interven- tion and a strong international or- ganization to afterward maintain the peace of the world. The rally'is similar to those being sponsored by the Student Defenders of Democracy on other campuses throughout the nation. Art Cinema Gives Comedy Playbills An Extra Showing The Art Cinema League believes that comedy is a much-needed form of entertainment these days. A complete sell-out of their Amer- ican comedy series Upheld this be- lief, and the League decided to hold supplementary showings of the fam- ous films at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday eve- nings prior to the regular 8:15 p.m. performances, today, Nov. 23, and Jan. 18. Season tickets are on sale today at the League desk, and at the Lydia Mendelssohn bo; office shortly before the show. Featuring the nation's greatest stars in some of their most famous farces, the presentations today are Harold Lloyd in "Grandma's Boy," 'and Buster Keaton in "Sherlock Jr." Four of Charlie Chaplin's hit come- dies-"The Tramp," "A Woman," "The Bank" and "Police"-will be shown Nov. 23. There will be a meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Grand Rapids Room in the League of all dormi- tory, sorority, League house repre- sentatives Working in the Red Cross drive. Material (membership cards and buttons) will be distributed and Mrs. Merle P. Malin, Executive Secretary of the Washtenawt County Chapter of the Red Cross, will explain the campaign's pur- poses. Mariett Rolleston, '43, Rosalie Smith, '42, and Mary Brownrigg, '44. All wo- men on campus will be reached by the drive. "Since the Red Cross is entirely supported by conti'ibutions and mem- bership dues," Miss Luckham de- clared, "University women have an excellent opportunity to aid its ac- tivities. Any contributions, of any amount, will be taken in addition to full membership fees." Chartered by the United States Congress as an intermediary between civilians and the armed forces, the Red Cross has been giving courses in home nursing, first-aid, and motor mechanics to University coeds and women throughout the country. . According to Miss Luckham, cam-1 pus organizations will work for a $700 contribution this year, half again the amount collected in 1940. A com- plete list of University women work- ers in the drive will be published in Tuesday's Daily.l Separate from Miss Luckham's committee but with the same ulti- mate purpose, the West Quadrangle's Red Cross drive is under the directionI of Frank Powers, '42, and Warren Watts, '45. Collection boxes will bex placed in every house lounge andt circulars will be distributed in the Quadrangle's mailboxes Wednesday. Senior Class Petitions Due Tomorrow Is Deadline For AllApplications Petitions for senior class officers are due by 3:30 p.m. tomorrow at the student 'offices of the Union, it was announced yesterday by the elections board. Up to the present time, no timedextension on the filling out of these petitions has been granted. Signatures of 25 seniors in the lit-' erary college and the same number in, the other schools are required to make the petitions valid, except in the case of schools having less than 25 seniors, where the candidates need only get as many signatures as pos- sible. Men candidates in the literary school should appear for interviews before the Men's Judiciary Council between 3:30 and 5:30 tomorrow inr the student offices of the Union. The Women's Judiciary Council' will interview women applicants from all schools from 3:30ep.m. to 5:30t p.m. Thursday in the League. Eligibility cards must be presented by all students who expect to become candidates when they turn in their petitions. The election date has been set as Nov. 18 for all colleges and schools with the exception of the Law School. The lawyers' election will be held Monday, Nov. 17. Tribune Photos Depict Michigan Campus Life Hundreds Of Planes Used In Greatest Offensive; Bomb Berlin For Hours Iceland Is Named Base For Convoys LONDON, Sunday, Nov. 10.-(P)- RAF planes roared over the Straits of Dover in a steady stream as soon as the moon rose last night, continu- ing without a let-up the giant new offensive which sent 600 to 800 planes against Berlin and the continent Fri- day night and Saturday., \ The British declared it was the greatest offensive of the war, with 300 planes in the air over France at one time Saturday in addition to the several hundred planes used Friday night. The bombardments attained full scope Friday night when hundreds of bombers thundered against the continent, from Oslo, Norway to Brindisi, Italy, and for hours held Berlin under a tempest of fire and exp16sions. -The cost, the British acknowledged officially, was 15 fighter planes and 14 pilots today and 37 bombers and 200 airmen lost last night in the shell- filled skies and ice-forming fogs over G erm any. __________________________ Patrol Extension Seen In Iceland Base Move WASHINGTON, Nov. 8-(P)--Des- ignation of Iceland as a full-fledged naval operating base stirred conjec- ture tonight that extension of Amer- ican naval patrols and convoy escorts all the way to Britain was imminent. Secretary Knox assigned Rear Ad- miral James L. Kauffman, 54-'year- old veteran of World War convoy bat- tles against submarines, to command of the Iceland base. The announcement followed by a day the Senate's vote to permit Amer- ican flag vessels to go into belligerent, meaning especially British, ,ports. While the house has yet to act, au- thorities forecast that if cargo ves- sels are permitted to make the whole trip to England they will travel routes protected by American warships. Should the Atlantic fleet add this job to its present assignment of guarding the sea lanes between Amer- ica and Iceland, the island outpost would become the scene of even more intense military and naval operations than it has experienced since Ameri- can forces moved in four months ago. Such intensive development of the place had not previously been indi- cated, but the establishment of a naval operating base there, within itself an administrative step, showed that numerous naval activities both ashore and afloat had been or were being set up. There will be a egeneral meeting of the 'Ensian editorial staff at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the 'Ensian office. All eligible sophomores are urged to attend. Dr. Rodzinshi Will Conduct Concert Today The Cleveland Symphony Orches- tra, under the batonĀ° of Artur Rod- zinski, will present the third concert of the 63rd annual Choral Union Series at 3 p.m. today in Hill .Audi- torium. Program for the afternoon concert includes the following works : Over- ture to "Euryanthe," by Weber; Sym- phony No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 82, by Sibelius ; "Iberia.," Impressions for Orchestra No. 2 by Debussy; and "Scenario for Orchestra" on Themes from "Show Boat," by Kern. First Of Four The Cleveland Orchestra is the first of four major symphony org'ni- zations to appear in this year's Choral Union Series. Others to follow will be the Chicago Symphony, conducted by Frederick Stock, on Nov. 30; the Boston Symphony, led by Dimitri Mitropoulos. on Dec. 10; and the Boston Symphony, under the baton of Serge Koussevitzky, on Feb. 3, 1942. The return of the Chicago Orches- tra under the "Dean of orchestral conductors"-Frederick Stock-will serve as a homecoming. For 31 years, the organization has appeared an- nually at the May Festival from 1905 to 1936. Twelve years in a row on the Hill Auditorium stage is the record of Dr. Koussevitzky and his group of Boston players. This year's engagement of the Easterners is only a carry-on from past performances and is dic- tated by popular request. Appeared Last Year The Minneapolis Symphony ap- peared in Ann Arbor for the first time last season. Dimitri Mitropoulos will take t ge podium to lead his mu- siciansonik amore on Feb. 3, 1942. A limited number of tickets for the orchestral concerts and other num- bers in the series are still available. Information about the remaining pasteboards may be obtained by com- municating with the University Mu- sical Society Offices in the :Burton Memorial Tower. Plump Blonde Beauty Becomes Miss M-Club Meet Miss M-Club. With the contestants narrowed down to two in the search-for-beauty contest held at the M-Club dance last night at the League, a new contender arrived to vie for the honors. i Dressed in a daring, seductive gown, the newcomer proved to be glamorous, 220-pound Alberta Wis- tert, darling of the gridiron. "She" carried herself with the same grace and dignity that have been shown in public the last five Saturdays. Germans Will Not Fire On U.S. Ships Unless Attacked, Nazi States Russia Is Reported Counter-Attacking (By The Associated Pressy Adolf Hitler last night dared Bri- tain to attempt an invasion of the European Continent, and in the same address celebrating the beer hall putsch of 1923, declared he ' had ordered all German ship con mand- ers not to fire on American vessels unless they were first attacked1 As his armies were pictured in the new role of fighting doggedly on the defensive, -by Russian and Britih sources, Hitler challengednBritainto attempt an invasion in the west say- ing his ,plans were ready to meet them. Whether they try an offensive on Norway, the German coast, Hol- land, Belgium or, France, he told his party followers, "We can only say: 'Step up, you will leave again faster than you came." Troops Nearing Leningrad In the same address, Hitler re- vealed that his troops are within 6% miles of Leningrad, that the Soviets had lost between 8,000,0OO and ;10,- 000,000 casualties and that the Ger- mans had captured or destroyed Is,- 000 planes, more than 22,000 tanks and more than 27,000 guns. Announcing that German U-boats would not attack American vessels, Hitler added that any German otfi- cer who does not defend himself when attacked will be court-martialed, and repeated., his warning that any ships carrying aid to the enemy would be torpedoed wherever they are found. Russian prisoners total 3,60,0, he saidand "when German military authority has counted something, then it is correct." "The entire industry of the world, including our German, could only slowly replace this'material," he add- ed. "The industry of our democ- racies in any case can not replace it in the next years." Dislikes 'Britzkrieg' Hitler told whi followers that he disliked and never used the term "blitzkrieg," but that if such a word' could be applied, it would certainly be with respect to the Russian cam- paign. "Never was a great empire smashed and destroyed In so short a time as was Russia this time," he said. He spoke in the Munich beer cellar where in 1923 the Nazi Party ixet one of its few reverses-the putsch whose anniversary he commemorated.r,' Hitler strode unexpectedly into the Munich hall after coming secretly (rom the eastern front. It was here, two yeafs ago, that a bonb eploded 11 minutes after Hitler and his aides left a similar celebration. This time, he proclaimed the "right of every German ship to de- ?end itself when attacked" and. scornfully dismissed American at- ;empts "to create dreams of fear in Germany through threats and plans for, gigantic armament." But his speeth came as the Rus- ;ians claimed the 37day-old Nazi Irive on Moscow hadf been all but brown into reverse. Germans Struggling Soviet General Rokos"ovsky, in a Moscow radio broadcast, said the Germans were now struggling to hold their .lines against Red Army attacks "on many sectors of the front." German flame-throwers were re- sorted widely in action, darting long }ongues of fire over the snow-covered battlefields in attempts to stop the advance of giant Soviet tanks. 'Russian front-line dispatches re-. ported Gen. Gregory K. Zhukov's Red armies were counter-attacking heav-- ily in four main sectors-at Kalinin, 95 miles northwest of Moscow; Volo- kolamsk, 65 miles northwest of Mos- cow; Mozhaisk, 57 miles west; and somewhere on the left flank, presum- ably at Maloyaroslavets, 65 miles southwest of the capital. President Ruthven Heads Association President Alexander G. Ruthven It Was A Peaceful Saturday: Football Heroes Tackle Books, Date Coeds On Their Day Off Foremost Woman Reportert Journalist Anne McCormick To Speak Here On Thursday By BILL BAKER and BOB MANTHO (Editor's Note: No fugitives from the sports staff are the authors of this article, who, with press pass and pen prepared, invaded the solitude of the Michigan gridder on his day off . .. Headline: WOLVERINE ELEVEN IDLE TODAY. But there's no rest for the Fourth Estate. All of which prompted the ques- tion: What does a football player do on his day off? So we buttoned our overcoats, braved the snow and came up with the following inside info on what an open date on the Wolverine schedule means.-4 Captain Bob Westfall was no Bullet Bob yesterday, as he spent the after- noon in company with his books. Said the nation's Number One fullback: "Behind in all subjects . . . gotta get on the ball today." But last night Bob stole the signals from Beau Brummel, accompanied a cute cam- pus coed to the M-Club dance. Kid Kuzma took a mail man's holi- U. of D. game." With firm resolution: "I should study," he listened to the Navy-Notre Dame game on the air, met the gang at the M-Club dance last night. Angie .Trogan, sub guard, kept in trim over the open date with a brisk game of touch-football with \the fel- lows in the rooming house. Al Wistert doffed cleats, donned slippers and spent a quiet afternoon with the books. We called up Davie Nelson and got the message: "Gone to Detroit for the weekend." Don Boor dodged the issue with "be back in a few minutes" and never came back. Phil Sharpe was sharp enough in ROTC to get tapped by Scabbard and Blade. Initiation into the society oc- cupied his afternoon. Bob Kolesar spent the afternoon studying comparative anatomy. Said Bob: "If I don't get caught up with my studying pretty quick I'll get a ROAD scholarship back home." Bob Ingalls always has a date on Anne O'Hare McCormick, the wo- man with an uncanny intuition about coming events in the international scene, will step upon the lecture plat- form Thursday in Hill Auditorium to mark the second feature on the Ora- torical Association Series. Foremost feminine correspondent, Miss McCormick somehow manages to be on the spots when or before international crises pop. She was in Rome when Chamberlain was there. She was in Parliament in London the dlay he startled the world by an abrupt abandonment of his policy of appeasement as Germany menaced Poland. Remembers Tea But she will remember longer a quiet tea one afternoon in Palestine with the' District Commissioner of Jerusalem. For they talked for an interval standing on the low stone wall'about his garden. Twenty mn- facts of a nation's existence. She has interviewed Hitler, Stalin, Ven- izelos, Dollfuss, Roosevelt, Strese- mann, and other national leaders since becoming a staff member of the New York Times. Beginning work last January, she penetrated 13 countries in order to study conditions and events at first hand before her return late in May. Part of her amazing ability to pre- dict events is credited to the fact that she gets close to the minds of people by stopping and chatting with farm- ers, gardeners, waiters and small merchants, in order to estimate their reactions faster. Predicts Fascist Rise Her initial accomplishment was an accurate gauge of the future develop- ment of Benito Mussolini and his fas- cist party before either had impressed themselves upon the average journal- ist's consciousness. Now she is fre- quently greeted by her colleagues in