TUE MICHIGAN IDAILY Michigan Daily ~1 .Ij ,.. -.., ., --l -'.4. / .i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for reblication of all hews dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.'a Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrie" $4.00, by mail $5.00 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI.I4G Y National AdVertisiig vice, Inc. *Colege Puditsbers Rejnsenttative 420 MADISON AVE. NkW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOsTOn . LOS AnGELES * SAN FRANCISCO &iember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staf Emile Gel . Alvin Dann , Da*id Laehenbiruch Jay McCormick HM Wilson Arthur Hill Janiet Hiatt Graee Miller Virginia Mitchell'. . . . Managing Editor .Editorial Director .r . . . .City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor * . . .Women's Editor . .Assistant Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor w flahiel i. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Business Staff Business Associate Business . . Wmen's Advertislng . . Women's Business Manager Manager Manager Manager NIGHT EDTIOR: WILL SAPP The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of, the writers only. Finland's Defensive Wdr . " . AMID THE' UPROAR that greeted the Administration's warning to Fin- land to cease its war against Russia came the rather remarkable words from the indignant Republican Senator from Ohio, Robert 0. Taft, that Finland is actually fighting a war of defense against aggression by the Soviets. We can still recall a time not so long ago when the Russians moved into Finland and claimed that it was absolutely a war of defense. The idea was laughed down by everyone in America, with the exception of the Communists, because it just didn't make sense that Finland, a drop in the bucket, should constitute a menace to a country that has more area and population than it knows what o do with. When the Finns ac- cepted the aid and arms of Germany to enter the war against Russia, some people stopped laughing, it wash't such a funny act on the part of Russia any longer. For now, we can see the strategy of the Russians, even though we still cannot accept that war on the basis of humanity. To put it mildly, Russia is a bit. "tied up" at the present with the Nazis. With Moscow within artillery range of the Nazi advance and the whole south of the country in danger of being cut off and seized by the German war machine, the-Soviets are not vitally interested in attacking Finland. It would seem that they have more at stake in the south, and in the battle for Moscow than in attacking Finland at the present time. THE FINNS are serving the Nazi purpose ad- mirably by forcing the Russians to keep a portion of their army in the far north as pro- tection against these fighters of a "defensive war" who have advanced into Russian territory and proudly shouted their military successes to the world. Since when has that been a defensive war? Finland is no more on the defensive at the pres- ent time than are the German advances in Russia. And if, as the Finns claim, they are pro- tecting their borders, they must have changed the map very.,recently. May we suggest to Sena- tor Taft that he differentiate between the Fin- land that keeps its war debt up to date and the Finland that is now obviously Nazi indoctrinated - and controlled. Defense may be given a lot of connotations, but the Senator offers one that is really new and different. - Eugene Mandeberg New Yorkers Are Dorm ant . . IORELLO H. LaGUARDIA is still Mayor of New York City, but the narrow margin of his victory proves municipal consciousness to be dormant and the vestigial political machine to be all too alive. A mayoralty election in .New York City means much more than any other municipal contest. New York has always taken the lead amongst American cities, whether in population, size of buildings,, or venality of its pofitical set-up. In 1933, when LaGuardia turned the Tammany Tiger into a squawling kitten, reform apparently had arrived in the Big Town. Slum clearance, new playgrounds, new roads, a unified tran- sit system, and streamlined city service were only part of the gains made by LaGuardia and his Fusion administration.A Last Tuesday's election saw LaGuardia up for a third term. But what was New York's reac- The ReplyCurils by TOUCHSTONE LET'S COVER THE NEWSFRONT The women's page of the Michigan Daily, student newspaper of the University of Michigan, lo- cated at Ann Arbor, Michigan, has long been a source of considerable enjoyment to me. There are several reasons for this. Most of them go steady. However, in the inimitable style and dash that is the women's page, often there may be found interesting examples of what equal rights for women has done to grammar, usage, and Mr. Fowler. In the examples which I shall noy give the underscoring is my own; the girls didn't see anything to underscore about. From a recent story on selection of an 'M' Club queen, in which it also developed that three athletes were running away from hordes of women who wanted to be judged best in their class or breed or show or something, I quote this interesting little stipulation: "After all, this isn't a goon contest to pick the grind who can cram the most. They're looking for a 'natural', - and each and every girl at the dance will be eligible to compete. Basic pro- visions, however, limit this within reason. She must be above three feet, five inches tall and no more than five feet and seven inches." To which I add only that I consider those di- mensions very very much within reason indeed. NEXT 3 offer a letter written recently by one who shall go unnamed here simply because he is a sophomore reporter and mustn't get swell- headed.- To the Editor: I am a devoted reader to the Daily's woman's page, and I want to compliment you for an article appearing in yesterday's Daily, concerning Hallowe'en parties. It was truly great proof that only in America is there real freedom of the press. Where else, I ask you, could a news article appear which is brave enough to ask the question, "How can you tell a good party from an other- wise?" When I read this question I was positively thrilled for this was no ordinary question such as "How can you tell a good party from a not so -?" or merely "How can you tell a good party?" Oh no! This was a question de- '"gned to tax the mental powers of every straight-thinking student. However I confess that I was unable to ansiwer. this puzzler, so that I rushed over to my friend Nicholas who agreed with me at once on the journalistic excellence achieved therein, and who even maintained that he 'had an answer. "It is very simple," said Nicholas. "The only way you can tell a good party from an otherwise, is to make sure that it isn't a likewise." So there. I thought I'd pass along the good word to you. Nicholas and I both like your women's page and we are going to continue reading it. We may even write you more letters - that is if our keeper lets us. Ta ta! Lover of Womankind And again I have few comments, except that it gets slightly corny at the end, and there are some interesting deviations contained in the letter itself, from what has in the stuffy, cloister- ed tradition of the academies come to be re- garded as accepted English grammar. Heigh-ho, it's a workaday world, and we all have classes to get to, so for now, so long until soon. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Marxist Meetings To the Editor: . To those last few remaining sincere persons who felt that Hitler Germany represented no menace to the national independence of our country, the recent sinking of an American war- ship must have proved without a doubt the danger to America and the necessity for all our people to rise as one in the defense of their land. And it must be further evident that we should immediately take steps to clarify ourselves as to the problems and issues facing our nation so that we may be better equipped to forge that national unity which is a necessary prerequis- ite for our defense. It is with this in mind that the Karl Marx Society announces a series of student talks and round table discussions of a different type. We of the Society have long ,felt that an analysis of current problems from the Marxist point of view may often lead to a clarification and under- standing of the problem that might escape the ordinary scrutiny. It seems that no matter along which lines we think, Karl Marx cannot be ignored today. His is the prevailing philosophy of that sixth of the earth's surface, the Soviet Union, that is warding the blows of the Nazi hordes from our shores. These talks and discussions will take place every Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m in the Michi- gan Union. This Sunday, Nov. 9, the topic will be "Appeasement and 'the Rise of Fascism." It is hoped that a wide variety of students will take this opportunity to not only acquaint them- selves with Marxism, but to bring forth whatever critical evaluations they may have. Executive Committee, Karl Marx Society the throne of Jersey City, New York's Democrats are busy shooting adrenalin into the Tiger, and Kelly-Nash is burying Chicago's woes in a State Street subway. There are no oriorities on votes: 'clie SDrew Persn and Robet SAllen WASHINGTON - A lot more than the ques- tion of the closed shop in "captive" mines will be decided by the National Defense Mediation Board's ruling on this controversy. Behind the scenes there is also involved the President's next move on new labor legislation. If the NDMB succeeds in settling the mine fight peacefully, the chances are strong that the legislation plan will be shelved. The view held at the White House is that a controlling prece- dent would be established that will make com- pulsory mediation in defense labor disputes un- necessary. LEWIS is the leading foe of the NDMB. He dislikes Chairman Will Davis personally and has consistently pot-shotted at the Board from its start. If the Board can chalk up a record of mediating a dispute in which he is involved,I the White House feels that Lewis's opposition \will be torpedoed and the Board's authority firmly established. However, if the Board proves ineffectual in ending the mine dispute, then the President is ready to go immediately to congress with a bill. The measure would outlaw all strikes in de- fense industries and impose compulsory arbitra- tion for the duration of the national emer- gency. The law would be modelled after the Rail- way Mediation Act, which provides for a so- called "cooling off" period, but would go further and prohibit strikes entirely. All defense labor disputes would have to be arbitrated by a Gov- ernmental Agency whose rulings would be bind- ing on both parties, under heavy penalties for defiance or violation. PRIVATELY, Roosevelt does not favor compul- sory arbitration. But he is determined not to permit another situation to arise such as Lewis's shutdown of vital supplies to the nation's de- fense. If the Mediation Board proves effective in handling this test, the President is willing to shelve the bill he has up his sleeve. , Otherwise. the wraps are off and Congress will be asked to legislate. How We Got Alaska RMY AND NAVY strategists who stay up late studying the defense of the U.S.A. consider only one part of tle country in actual danger of Axis invasion in the near future. They have some definite ideas about the Pan- ama Canal, Texas and the Southwest if the Nazis ever get across from the bulge of Africa to the bulge of Brazil. But for the time being, with Nazi armies encroaching on Russia, and with Japan becoming more and more belligerent, they ,say the only real danger spot is Alaska - sep- arated by only 25 miles of Bering Sea from the mainland of Siberia., In view of this, it is interesting to dig into the musty archives of the State Department re- garding the manner in which Alaska was ac- quired from Russia. THE PURCHASE took place shbrtly after the ,war between the States, when the Czar was occupied in trying to get an outlet through the Bosphorus, which risked war with England. So he was afraid England might take Alaska. Also Alaska was valuable chiefly for seal and sea otter furs to beautify the ladies in waiting, and the Alaskan fur crop was getting low. Simultaneously, Charles Seward, Secretary of State in 1867, was anxious to extend the new American "emphie" both north and south and had suggested the Alaskan purchase to the Rus- sian ambassador in Washington. The Czar, in reply told his Ambassador, confidentially, to sell for $5,000,000. But the Ambassador, thinking there would be some bargaining, sent a message to Secretary Seward one night and told him his government would sell Alaska for $7,000,000. He said he would come to the ,State Department to discuss the deal in the morning. BUT SEWARD summoned him to the State De- partment that night., In fact he was so anxious to get Alaska that he sent carriages out for State Department clerks, and kept the lights burning in the Department until about 4 a.m. when the treaty for the purchase finally was signed. The price was $7,200,000 - exactly $2,- 200,000 more than the price proposed by the Czar. The extra $200,000 was thrown in to purchase a Russian development operating there. After the treaty was signed, Congress rebelled against ratifying it, claimed it was an area of rocks and ice. So Seward sent a slush fund of $300,000 to Capitol Hill, of which $10,000 was paid to Thaddeus Stevens, famous crusader for freedom of the slaves and author of the Four- teenth Amendment. Later the Russian Ambassador asked his gov- ernment to relieve him from duty in such a center of corruption. Crowded Russian Capital FOREIGN DIPLOMATS are supposed to be ex- pert at pink teas and protocol. But at Kui- byshev, new capital of the Soviet Union, diplo- mats live. like frontiersmen. Spats are not even unpacked from trunks. "The Volga Boat Song" is romantic, but inhere is nothing romantic about living onr the Volga today. Kuibyshev (Kwee-be-sheff) is a cold town and a crowded town. The U.S. Ambassador, with all the other Ambassadors, lives in a barracks which, although cold in November, will be a lot colder in January. Kuibyshev is on the windy steppes of Russia, unprotected by woods, and with homes warmed by scanty fire wood. When Joe Davies and wife went to Moscow in 1937, they stowed into the yacht "Sea Cloud". be "Concerning tacles." r <.;: r , Vision and Spec- To Students Enrolled for Series of1 Lectures on Naval Subjects: Lieuten- ant Commander R. C. Young, U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer of the U.S. Naval Reserve Aviation Base,t Grosse Ile, Michigan, will deliver at lecture on "Aircraft and the Carrier" at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11, in Room 348 West Engineering Building.- Concerts . Choral Union Concert: The Cleve- land Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Conductor, will be heard in the Chor- al Union Serie, in a program of com- positions by Weber, Sibelius, Debussy, and Jerome Kern, Sunday afternoon, November 9, at 3:00 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets, either! for the season or for individual con- certs, are available at the offices of' the University Musical Society, in Burton Memorial Tower, up to noon Saturday. On Sunday afternoon tickets will be on sale at the box offiue in Hill Auditorium after, 1:30. Charles A. Sink, President. i Messiah Concert: The annual Christmas presentation of Handel's "Messiah" will take place Sunday afternoon, December 14, at 4:15 o'clock. The following artists and organizations will participate: Marie Wlkins, soprano; Edwina Eustis, contralto; Ernest McChesney, tenor; Douglas Beattie, bass; Palmer Christian, organist; the University Symphony Orchestra; University Choral Union; Thor Johnson, Con- duc r. Reserved seat tickets (main floor, 55c; and balconies 28c, including tax) on sale beginning Monday, Novem- ber 10, at the offices of the University Musical Society, in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Recital: A recital by student en- sembles under the direction of Mr. William D. Stubbins, Mr. Russell Howland and Professor William D. Revelli will be presented in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater Tuesday eve- 'ing, November 11, at 8:30. Included in the program will be compositions for woodwind quintet, clarinet quar- tet, saxophone quartet and cornet trio. Lectures University Lecture: Sr. Amado Alonso, Director of the Instituto Filo- logico, Buenos Aires, will lecture in Spanish on the subject, "La novela Don Segundo Sombra y su significa- cion en la literatura gauchesca de la Argentina," under the auspices of the Department of Romance Languages, on Monday, November 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: John Garstang, Professor of Theory and Practice of Archaeology, University of Liverpool, will lecture on the subject, "Hittite Civilization" (illustrated) under the auspices of the Department of His- tory in the Rackham Amphitheater on Wednesday, November 19. at 3:15 p.m.. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The, Pre-medical aptitude tests will begin today in Room 300 West Medical Bldg., 1:30-5:00 p.m. Pre- medical Society dues must be paid by (Continued from Page 2) 1 1 R es U S Ot O .. All ts..P. AS. 'Please, Gentlemen! . . . I beg you not to vote me a raise! I can't stand any additional taxes!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, GR IN AND BEAR IT By L chly rent social and political events aret invited to the Saturday Luncheon Group meeting at Lane Hall on Sat- . urdays for a luncheon followed by an 1 hour's discussion. Small charge. Make reservations by calling Lane 1 Hall by 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Station WJR: 9:00-9:30 a.m. to- day. "Youth In the News" under the direction of Gerald Schaflander. Station WJR: 5:45-6:00 p.m. Best Faculty Talk of the Past. Prof. John Musykens will talk today on "Voice Control." . The Graduate Outing Club, in place of the regular Sunday peeting, will indulge in a hayride today. The group will leave at 8:00 p.m. from ini front of the Rackham Bldg., and re- turn about 11:00. Since only 20 canc go, it is advisable to make reservations1 at the information desk in the Rack- ham lobby. Cash deposit must be made to hold a reservation which willl be returned if the ride must be called off. "Jim Dandy": The Department oft Speech presents Play Production in "Jim Dandy," by William Saroyan, tonight at 8:30. Season tickets con- tinue on sale this week. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Members will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cor- dially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Neues aus Franzoesisch Nord-Afrika" by Dr. Rudolf Nobel. The University of Michigan March- ing Band will practice on Ferry Field at 4:30 p.m. on Mohday, November 10. Important that all members be present, 'without instruments. R.O.T.C. Drum & Bugle Corps will report at 4:30 p.m. Tu'esday, Novem- ber 11, to participate in Armistice Day Ceremonies. Uniform required. -Meet at the R.O.T.C. Headquartrs. Tau Beta Pi: There will be a meet- ing in the Union Sunday at 4:15 p.m. followed by a buffet supper at 6:15. Varsity Glee Club will rehearse Sunday evening at 6:30. Petitions for class officers are available now at the Union. They should be turned in at the Union by Monday nOon, November 10. Station WJR: The broadcasting studio presents the University of Michigan Choir, under the direction of Prof. Hardin Van Deursen, on Sukiday, 9:00-9:30 a.m. Thereawill be a registrationmeet- ing of all people interested in per- manent positions Monday, November 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. The Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation wishes that all seniors and graduate people desiring jobs in Feb- ruary, June, or August, be present at this meetig. The detailed pro- cedure of registration will be dis- cussed at the meeting. Both graduating students and staff members are eligible for the services of the ]aureau, and may register in the Teaching Division or in the Gen- eral Division,, which includes regis- tration for all positions other than teaching. Motor Mechanics Class: All stu- A-,+.. "r.n n r ci O nn in h recorded mus in the Idunge of the Center, consisting of: Wagner: Prelude to Parsifal. Liszt: Concerto No. 1, in E. Livits- zki & the London Orchestra. Mozart: Symphony No. 41. "The Jupiter": Bruno Walter conducting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Karl Marx Society will sponsor a studycircle Sunday, Nov. 9, at 6:00 p.m. in the Union. The topic to be discussed is ".Appeasement and the Rise of Fascism." Everyone wel- ome. Wesley Foundation: Bible Class on Monday evening at 7:30. Dr. Bra- shares will lead the discussion on "Suffering." This is the next topic In the series on "Developing Reli- gious Ideas." The Lutheran Student Association will hold its supper hour at' 5:30 and its forum hour at 7:00 on Sunday evening at Zion Parish Hall. At the forum hour Professor Paul Kauper of the Law School will speak on the subject "Freemen." Churches First Congregational Church 10:45 a.m. Services held in Mendelssohn Theatre of the League. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, minister, will preach the sermon on "When the Sun Sets At Noon." 5:30 p.m. Ariston League, high school group, in Pilgrim Hall. Lee Case and John Kasurin will lead a summary discussion on the topics of the past two meetings. 7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship will meet in the church parlor to hear Dr. Louis Hiskins discuss "Worship as a Means of Developing Character." First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship, 010:45. "The Residue God," subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. Westminster (Student Guild, sup- per and fellowship hour 6:00 pm. Dr, W. P. Lemon will discuss "How The World Worships" at the 7:00 p.m. meeting. Everyone cordially in- vited.' First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washingtoh St., open week days froi 11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m, ex- cept Saturdays when it is open until 9 p.m. Bethlehem Evangelical and Re- formed Church: 10:30. Worship Serv- ice. 6:00. Student Guild Supper. Dis- cussion Topic, "Hinduism." Speaker Mrs. France sca Thivy First Methodist Church and Wes- ley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. in the Wesley Foundation Assembly Room. Prof. Kenneth Hance will lead the discussion. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "Holy Day" at the morning worship service at 10:40. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6:00 p.m. Speakers will be The Rev. Howard Busching of Farm- ington and Rev. Luther Butt of Mon- roe. lFellowship hour and supper at 7:00 p.m. Ann Arbor District Choir Festival at 8:15 p.m. Disciples Guild (Christian Church): 10:45 a~m. Morning, Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Continuing the series on "My Religion," Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen; Director of Hillel Foundation, will speak on "The Jewish Faith." A social hour and tea will follow the discussion. First Baptist Church: 10:15 a.m. Graduate class with Prof. Leroy Wat- erman at the church. Undergradu- ate class with Rev. C. H .Loucks at the Guild House. 11:00 a.m. Sermon, "The Coopera- tion of Church and State." 6:15 p.m. The Roger Williams Guild will meet in the Guild House. A anel discussion on "Alcohol?" will belthe feature of the program, Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. Church Service. Speaker, Rev. Lou Ray Call, of the American Unitarian Association, Boston. Subject, "What Liberal Religion offers the College Man." 7:30 p.m Student Meeting. Mr. Call will lead a discussion on some phase of the problem of the church in the modern world. 9:00 p.m. Social hour. The Church of Christ will meet for Scripture study on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the Y.M.C.A. Building. The morning worship will be at 11:00 a.m. Mr. Artist Ford, of the Vinewood Chuich of Christ in Detroit, will be the guest speaker. In the morning he will speak on "The Opinions of Men." The evening service will be at 7:30, and he will speak on "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" Midvkeek Bible study will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to these meetings. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10:00 a.m. High School Class; 11:00 1 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the, Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Student oh(n!ricn- ao ' 'UAWork Pro aram.