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November 08, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-08

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Wev ather


Sir ia

Snow Flurries, Cold.


Defensive WarF.




Red Offensive
Raises Hopes
For Ultimate
Soviet_ Victory
sJ -
Withdrawals Of Nazi Air
Squadrons From Areas
In North Aid Moscow
Germans Stalled;
Take Punishment
BERLIN, Saturday Nov. 8-(P)
-Berlin underwent an air raid dur-
ing the night for the first time in
six weeks.
A communique said:
"The enemy during the night of
Nov. 7-8 carried out disturbing at-
tacks on a wide front over a wide
area of Germany without note-
worthy effects.
"By dropping bombs upon resi-,
dential quarters, also in the Reich's
Capital, the civilian population suf-
fered small losses. ,
"According to reports available
at present, six British bombers were
shot down."
(By The Associated Press)
A restrained but nevertheless real
optimism for the long pull appeared
last night to be running higher
among Hitler's great antagonists
than at any time in many a weary
nionth, and the immediate position
was that the Germans were having
the worst of it on the central front
and making little progress in the
Of Moscow, where the Nazis flatly
conceded they had been brought to a
standstill although blaming it on the
weather, London reported general.
So'viet attacks above the city were
rising in power to something ap-
proaching a major counter-offensive.
Seek Railways
The eventual Russian purpose, said
these accounts, was to reopen the
Leningrad-Moscow railway. While
any such conclusion was still a long
way off it did appear from the avai-
abZle reports that. the eraans had
been thrown back several miles in
some sectors and that the Russians
had regained a branch railroad 4near
Kalinin, which is about 95 miles
northwest of Mo cow. The Nazi for-
ward positions were reported under
punishing attak in a 30-mile-deep
zone running from Kalinin 30 miles
down to Voloklamsk.
In all this area the pyeviouqly re-
ported withdrawal of the' bulk of the
German aerial squadrons, all pre-
sumably assigned immediately or
prospectively to the south, was plainly
giving the Russians a better chance
than they had had since the main
German offensive on Moscow began
Oct. 2.
Push On Sevastopol
German reports of yesterday
stressed the Crimean push on Sevas-
topol, the main Soviet Black Sea
naval base, saying Nazi artillery and
dive-bombers were/beating heavily at
the city's approaches.
A strong Russian defense in the
lofty Yaila Mountains on the south-
ern and eastern ranges of the Cri-
mean peninsula was conceded.
Dr. Rodzinski
Iere 1To Lead
Third C oncert

Popular demand makes the differ-
ence between mediocrity and top-
.notch performance.
And the Cleveland Symphony Or-
chestra has had a reputation for be-
ing much in demand every season
since Artur Rodzinski became its con-
ductor eight short years ago.
That's why it is considered one of
of the finest musical organizations in
the nation today.
Maestro Rodzinski will take the
Hill Auditorium podium at 3 p.m. to-
morrow to lead his 82 virtuosos in a
program that includes the following
selections: Overture to "Euryanthe"
by Weber; Symphony No. 5 in E-flat
major, Op. 82, by Sibelius; "Iberia,"
Impressions for Orchestra No. 2, by
Debussy; and "Scenario for Orches-
tra" on Themes from "Show Boat,"
by Kern.
The Cleveland Orchestra comes to
Hill Auditorium in the middle of its
busiest season. Its home-town has
gone "all out" for this group of musi-
cians, making it necessary to add a

Panties Taboo, Girls
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. -(P)--
Aerchandisers 'received orders to-
day to curb that impulse to swathe
in cellophane everything on the
shelf from panties and perfume to
soap and shovels.
In ruthless disregard of the com-
ing Yuletide, the Office of Pro-
duction Management forbade the
further manufacture of gift wrap-
pinge Christmas bells, sipping
straws and paper hats from "cel-
lophane and similartransparent
materials" made of cellulose.
The order directedthat no more
of the transparent cellulose be
ued in packing a long list of
items, including:
Razor blades, cosmetics, soaps,
textiles, metal goods, sporting
goods, paper and paper products,
wax articles, hardware, electric
appliances, decorations and novel-
ties, flowers, wreaths and gar-
lands, flower pot covers, ribbons,
bows and rosettes.
The OPM said the use of moist-
ure-prsof outer sheathing on cig-
arette packages was being studied
with a view toward later curtatil-
ment, as well as the packaging of
food in transparent cellulose.
Dean Yoakum
To Welcomed
Delegates Will Represent
Michigan, Ohio Institutes
In -Regional Conference
Professors and educators from 34
universitie "and colleges who are here
today for a -regional conference of
the American Association of Univer-
sity Professors will be welcomed by
Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the
Graduate School, at 10 a~m. in the
Union Ballroom.
Representing schools of both Ohio
and Michigan, the delegates will dis-
cuss ways to "increase the usefulness
and advance the standards and ideals
of the profession.B
Following Dean Yoakum's welcom-
ing address, the morning session will
continue with a. talk by Prof. M. M.
Knappen, of Michigan State College,
on "Tenure anq the Problem of the
Instructor." Prof.Henry Owens of
Michigan State Normal College will
then lead a ,general discussion group.
A luncheon will be served at 12:15
p.m. in the Union Ballroom with K. C.
Pennebaker, Director of Civil Service
in Minnesota, speaking on personnel
The afternoon session will open
with a talk by the pesident of the
association, Prof. Frederick S. Deibler
of Northwestern University. "A Mes-
sage fr'om Headquarters" is his topic.
"The Evaluation of Faculty Services"
will be discussed by Prof. Victor D.
Hill, of Ohio University.r y
Terminating the conference, a sec-
ond discussion session will be directed
by Prof. David L. Randall of Albion
College and Prof. Donovan F. Ech.
Saroyan Fantasy
Ends Run Today
Today is the last opportunity for
Ann Arbor audiences to see "Jim
Dandy," William Saroyan's fantasy
which is appearing here before ap-
pearing on Broadway.
Students in classes in Play Produc-
tion of the Department of Speech
have roles in the play. Jack Mitchell,
Grad., is cast as "anybody" Jim
Dandy and Willis Pitts, Grad., as Jim

Crow, "anybody else."
Valentine B. Windt, Director of
Play Production, conducts this "sym-
phony in words" and Robert Mellen-
camp is Art Director.

Strike Threat
Is Announced
By Trainmen
Wage Increase Deadline
Is Set For Dec. 5, Union
PresidentWhitney Says
Five Organizations
To Back Movement
(By The Associated Press)
CHICAGO Nov. 7-A. F. Whitney,
president of the Brotherhood of Rail-
road Trainmen, announced tonight
his organization and the four other
big operating unions would call 350,-
000 men out on strike Dec. 5 toen-
force demands for a 30 per cent wage
Leaders. of the other operating
unions agreed there would be a strike,
but they declined to say when. Al-
vaney Johnston, Grand Chief Engi-
neer of the Brotherhood of Locomo-
tive Engineers, said additional details
had to be worked out. I. C. Cashen,
president of the Switchmen's Union
of America, said he "wouldn't be sur-
prised if Dec. 5 was the date." Whit-
ney insisted it would be Dec. 5.
Besides the trainmen, engineers
and switchmen, Whitney said the
Order of Railway Conductors and
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemen would go out on that
Four hundred general chairmen of
these groups-the key workers in the
nation's railroad transportation sys-
tem-"flatly rejected" earlier today
a 7/ per cent pay boost recom-
mended by the President's emer-
gency fact-finding board and urged
their leaders to execute a strike order
authorized by the membership Sept.
The boards report to the President
was the last process provided by the
Railway Labor Act to forestall a
strike. The law requires, however,
that 30 days must elapse between the
time the report was made and the
time a walkout actually begins.
"The strike will be called at 1:45
p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Dec. 5,"
Whitney said. "Exactly 30 days to
the .minute from the time the board
handed its report to the President."
Representatives of the carriers an-
nounced today they would accept the
board's recommendationsdeven
though they were "disappointed" in
Sideshow Of Life
Rolls Merrily On...
CLEVELAND, Nov. 7.-(P)--Only
drinkig nien need apply for this
job. A want ad appearing here to-
day seeks:
"Alcoholic, who is a salesman of
ability, tox sell an effective home
treatment of alcoholics; we will
treat you to your satisfaction first."
HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 7.-(R)-Ac-
tor Fortunio Bonanova, filming a
picture on his own at Sonora, Mexi-
co, was summoned to Hollywood for/
a movie role.
He arrived today after a hurried
700-mile drive and was toldto pre-
pare to go on location-to Sonora.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. -(p)-
The farewell party of Madame Con-
stantine A. Ouinansky, wife of the
retiring Russian Ambassador, cele-

brating the 24th anniversary of the
Soviet Revolution-and with Uncle
Sam's billion-dollar loan as a back-
drop-tied up traffic tonight for
three blocks.



Re moves


To Arm
r Zone I

U.S. Ships,


s, .

Finns Assert Need
To Obtain Bases,
Secure Frontiers
(By The Assoeiated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-The Uni-
ted States, still awaiting a reply to its
urgent , admonition that Finland
cease hostilities with Russia, made
public today memoranda saying a
Soviet peace offer was transmitted to
the Finnish minister here Aug. 18.
(In Helsinki the Finnish News
Agency had circulated a few hours
earlier a blanket denial of reports
Finland had received Russia's terms
for peace last Aug. 18.)
The memoranda disclosed also that
Secretary of State Hull had told
Hjalmar J. Procope, 'the Finnish Min-
ister, on Oct. 3 that the United States
was prepared to spend $75,000,000,000
if necessary to help suppress Hitler
and his dreams of conquest.
Hull Mum
At a press conference today Hull
declined comment on a Finnish broad-
cast which said in effect that Fin-
land's war with Russia would be end-
ed as soon as the threat of renewed
attack had been removed. The secre-
tary then made public the memor-
anda, covering his Oct. 3 conversa-
tion with Procope, and a talk Aug.
18 between Sumner Welles, Under-
secretary of State, and the Minister.
The documents revealed Hull had
assured the Finnish envoy he was
"glad to see Finland recover her lost
territory" (ceded to Russia after the
Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-40), but
that the governing question just now
was "the future safety of the United
States and of all peaceful countries
in the world."
'Finland Not Content'
This safety is threatened by Hitler,
Hull told the Minister. Therefore
"the one question uppermost in the
mind of my Government is whether
Finland is going to be content to re-
gain her lost territory and stop there;
or whether she will undertake to go
further, if she has not already done
so, so that the logical effect of her
course and action would be to pro-
ject her on the side of Hitler into
the general war between Germany
and Russia and the other countries
War Cessation
Termed 'Suicide'
HELSINKI, Nov. 7.-(A3)-The Fin-
nish press contended today that Fin-
land sorely needs to repossess the
Hanko Naval Base and the islands in
the Gulf of Finland which Russia
obtained by the treaty of March,
1940, and that to yield to British-
American demands for immediate
pessation of the war with Russia
would be "military and national sui-
These careful comments followed
up a broadcast over the official Fin-
nish r.adio last night which quoted
this significant passage from a ai-
phlet of the Finnish Central tabor
"Finland's war is purely defensive
and it will come to an end as soon as
the threat of renewed attack has been
removed and her frontier has been
made secure."
Finland Wants Peace
(There have been repeated unoffi-
cial intimations that Finland would
like to conclude its part of the war
as speedily as possible-if it could
avoid German hostile action.)
Last Monday U.S. Secretary of
State Hull advised the Finns to get
out of the war or risk forfeiting U.S.
friendship and said he had informed
the Finnish minister last August that
Russia was ready to discuss peace
on a basis of territorial compensation
for Finland.
The Finnish foreign office denied
it ever had received a Russian peace
offer, and newspapers all over Fin-
land asserted today the only agency

through which a peace proposal had
been sent to Finland was a British
radio broadcast two days ago.
Leaders Abandon
LACKAWANNA, N. Y., Nov. 8-(iP)
-The 25,000 inhabitants of this city
that steel built were without a local
administration tonight, their mayor
and six other officials having resigned

New Far Eastern Crisis Started Here,
S..........RU MILES 0
X Marks The Spot For Kebi Maru. .
. * * * *
America's Involvement In War
Looms In Russo-Japan Quarrel

Majority Leaders
In Lower ilouse
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6-(,P)-The
Senate votedu50 to 37 tonight to
amend the Neutrality Act so that
American ships may mount guns for
theii protection and sail through any
seas arfd to any ports, including com-
bat zones and the harbors of O lliger-
ent nations.
It took this action at the end of a
long day and evening of tense and
sometimes dramatic debate, which
found the opposition to the Roose-
velt foreign policy making a last ditch
stand against legislation which it fre-
quently called a prelude to tear.
Bill Goes To House
The measure now goes back to the
House for action upon highly impor-
tant and. controversial Senate
amendmehts. As originally passed by
the House, the revision resolution
called only for the arming of Ameri-
can ships. Permission to enter combat
zones and belligerent ports was added
by the Senate.
While the House has customarily
been less inclined to follow the Ad-
ministration's lead on foreign policy
questions, the majority leadership
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. --W)-
If the Senate-approved Neutrality
Revision Measure is' enacted, these
provisions of the existing Neutral-
ity Law will remain on the statute
The President or Congress may
proclaim the existence of a state of
war between foreign states. ,
American citizens may not travel
on belligerent vessels except in ac-
cordance with Presidential regula-
"Americans may not deal in the
securities of belligerents.
No persons may solicit contribu-
ti s in the United States for bel-
'lgerent goyernments.
The President may prescribe reg-
ulations regarding the use of
American ports by belligerent sub-
marines or armed merchantmen.
The National Munitions Control
Board may regulate munitions ex-
Foreign vessels are forbidden to
fly the American flag.

(By The Associated Press)
TOKYO,- Nov. 7.--The future of
Japanese relations with the United
States and Russia pivoted tonight on
what Russia will say to a protest over
runaway mines in the Sea of Japan
and the outcome of Saburo Kusuru's
'"war or peace" mission to Washing-
The New York correspondent of
the newspaper Asahi telephoned to
Tokyo the opinion that the chance of
success in rapprochement at Wash-
ington was "about one in 10 .
Kurusu holds the fate of war or
Japan Stern ,
Asahi appended the.comment that
"It should be made clear that Japan
will not pay any price" at the ex-
pense of Japan's broad program of
Asiatic leadership.
Kurusu, ace diplomatist chosen to
break the impasse at Washington,
paused overnight at Manila on his
clipper flights and visited briefly with
High Commissioner Francis B. Sayre
and President Manuel Quezon. He
expected to take off at dawn Satur-
day for San Francisco.
To newspapermen he said the less
one talked at present of Japanese-
United States relations the better.
Here in Tokyo a government
spokesman said Kurusu's visit mani-
fested Japan's "earnest desi're to
'bring the talks to a conclusion as
early as possible."
k Envoy Has Letter
It was reported Kurusu carries a
letter from the Japanese Premier,
General Hideki Tojo, for presenta-
tion to President Roosevelt, but there
was nothing to indicate it was more
than formal credentials.
In the other most important sec-
tor of Japan's diplomacy-relations
with Russia-the foreign office still
awaited an answer to its urgent pro-
test over the sinling Wednesday
night of the Japanese steamer, Kehi
Women candidates for positions
as senior class officers in all
schools will be interviewed by the
Women's Judiciary Council from,
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thurs-
day in the League.

Maru, with a possible loss of 1311
lives, attributed to collision with a
mine that had floated from the
Vladivostok defense belt.
Russian Ambassador Constantin
Smetanin said he would have to get
instructions from home before an-
swering. Koh Ishii, Japanese cabinet
spokesman, without waiting for the
Russian/ answer,' said Russia iad
promised precautions before and
questioned its good faith.
JamEes' Sunk
Aiding Tanker


U.S. Destroyer
During Salinas


NEW YORK, Nov. 7-(R)-The
American destroyer Reuben James
was torpedoed and sunk while merci-
fully aiding the torpedoed American
navy tanker Salinas, passengers of
the Icelandic steamer Godafoss said
today on arriving after a harrowing
16-day voyage marked by submarine
attacks and the constant dropping of
depth charges. /
I Collectively the 31 passengers pic-
tured the section of the north Atlan-
'tic patrolled by American ships as
being "alive with submarines," an
area so dangerous that the convoys
went almost 1,000 miles off its peace-
time course. .
Aboard the 1,542-ton herring boat
passengers stayed up at night and
slept in the daytime, for submarines
seldom attack then. They wore life-
belts 24 hours a day and said they
lived in dread after seeing the dis-
tress flares from the Salinas.
Show Didn't Go On
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 7-(R)-The
script called for an Indian to drop,
dead at the climax of a tent show
drama. Two fell last night. One got
up after the curtain was down. Fran-
cis E. (Bill) Burkhart, 55, former
vaudeville actor, did not arise. He
had died of a heart attack.

there was confident that it had
nough votes to approve the Senate
changes. Action was planned for
Wednesday and, if favorable, it will
send the legislation directly to the
White House.
The language freeing American
Shipping of the restrictions on its
movements prescribed by the Neu-
trality Act proved the most contro-
versial feature of the'bill ih the Sen-
ate's debate. By comparison there
was relatively little :opposition to the
ship-arming clause.
Opposition Strong
The opposition repeatedly and at
length contended that permitting
American vbssels to carry cargoes
hrough submarine infested waters to
' reat Britain 'could have only one
result-inctdents which would surely
lead to war.
Administration supporters replied
~hat the whole Roosevelt policy was
:esigned to keep America out of war,
,nd simultaneously sustain the right
. f the nation to send its ship where-
-ver it will, regardless of the threats
of Adolf Hitler.
The basis of their arguments was
the contention they have advanced
since the beginning of mnths of de-
bate on foreign policy-that the peace
and security of this nation depends
upon the defeat of the Nazis in Eur-
ope. To this they added the statement
that the neutrality law, as it stood,
was impeding this country's policy of
helpinIg Hitler's enemies. .
Fjnal Vote Unruly
The final vote, taken amid such
confusion that Vice-President Wal-
lace was forced repeatedly to rap for
order, was preceded by several other
roll calls, on most of which the ballot-
ting was virtually identical.
In between these ballots, three
lesser amendmeits were beaten. Vot-
ing 50 to 38, again, the Senate turned
down an effort by 'Thomas (Dem.-
Okla.) to permit ships to enter cer-
tain belligerent ports but not pass
through combat zones. On a voice
vote it rejected an "amendment by

. _ ._ i

Where's Your Ambition, '42?
Few Petitions Are Turned In
By Potential Senior Officers

Parent Education Institute


Dr. Chave Challenges Church
'To Look Critically At Itself'

Ambition appeared to be a missing
quality in the senior class today when
it was reported that only a few peti-
tions for senior class officers hack
been turned in.
Applications for all candidates will
still be available this morning from
10 to 12 at the student offices of the
Union. These applications are due
at 3:30 p.m. Monday at the student
offices. Signatures of 25 seniors in
the literary college and the same
number in the other schools must
be affixed to the petitions to make
them valid.
Men candidates in the literary

offices of vice-president and treas-
Included in the elections are the
following schools and colleges: Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, School of Business Administra-
tion, College of Architecture and De-
sign, School of Forestry and Con-
servation, School of Music and Col-
lege of Pharmacy.
Seniors who are not enrolled in the
literary school are not submitting
very many applications and the elec-
tions board is urging them to do so
in what little time remains before
the deadline.

Highlighting the closing session
of the twelfth annual Parent Educa-
tion Institute Dr. Ernest J. Chave of
the University of Chicago yesterday
challenged the church to look critic-
ally at its institutions and to revise
them so that they will have meaning
in the modern world.
Dr. Chave maintained that the
church ritual which depends on cere-
mony misplaces the true emphasis of
the church and to some extent should
be discarded.
=ring the morning the delegates
heard Mrs. Sidonie Matsner Gruen-
berg, author and lecturer, term fala-
cious the common notion that our

the Michigan State Employment
Compensation 'Commission, outlined
the aims of his department, saying
that it was striving not only to get
jobs for the unemployed but to place
them in vocations suited to their
abilities and desires.
He warned that one out of every
three youths seeking a "white-collar",
job never finds employment in that
Citing psychiatry as a wide-open
field, Lund said that there are 750,-
000 mental and nervous disease pa-
tients in the nation's institutions to-
day, with only 3,000 trained psychia-
trists available.-

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