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November 07, 1941 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-07

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Harmon Signs With Army Air Corps Iwzr. it Draftee Sent Courses

'Win The War-Win The Peace' Will Be Unique Slogan
% Of Meeting Sponsored By Local SDD Chapter

With the slogan "Win the War-
Win the Peace" studentA, faculty
members and townspeople will meet
in a unique Armistice Day Rally at
8 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Audi-
Featuring music by the University
Band and talks by Prof. Preston Slos-
son of the history department, Prof.
Bryan Rust of Wayne University and
Don O'Connor, '42, the mass meeting,
is being sponsored by the Student
Defenders of Democracy.
Although there has been an Armis-
tice Day rally on the campus almost
every year since 1918, this is the first
time that the cry has not been to
"keep America out of war."
Sponsored, as it is, by an inter-
ventionist student organization, the
meeting this year will call for more
effective aid to Britain, Russia and
China. At the same time, equal stress
is to be placed upon the importance
of obtaining a just and permanent
peace once the Nazis are defeated.
Two of the speakers-Rust and
Low-Cost Living.
Offered Students
There are still a number of vacan-
cies for both room and board in the
cooperative houses on campus and
all interested in living or eating at
one of the houses should contact
Owen Schwam, '43E, at 2-2143.
In spite of the rise in the price of
food and other commodities, the co-
operatives have managed to keep
their rates at a very economical level.
The price range in-the various houses
for both room and board is from
$2.25 to $6.00, and for board alone,
from $1.50 to $3.40.
John Krell Joins
Fort RileyCavalry
John Krell, '38M, of Saginaw, is
now a trainee in a horse squadron of
the Cavalry Replacement Training
Center at Fort Riley, Kan.
After attending the University}
Krell went -to the Curtis Institute
of Music in Philadelphia for two
years. He was a, member of Leopold
Stokowski's "All-American Youth
Orchestra" of 1941 in which he played
the flute.
At -the Replacement Center Krell
will receive 13 weeks of intensive
training in horsemanship, weapons
and combat practice.
Three Killed, Five Hurt
By ChemicalExplosion
Nov. 6-(A'-An explosion at the big-
gest plant in the great Kanawha Val-
ley's multi-million dollar chemicals
industry today killed at least three
persons, injured five others and start-
ed a fire which still was burning
long after nightfall.
Officials of thle plant withheld
comment on the damage and no offi-
cial list of dead and injured was
made public.
Department of Speech
' resents '

Slosson-were the originators and
distributors of the recent professors'
petition to Congress which demand-
ed immediate total war against Hit-
ler. They obtained 275 signatures of
faculty*nen here and at Wayne.
Both of them have for years been
adveates of strong international or-'
ganization to guarantee the peace of,
the world. and they now feel that
such organization cannot be attained
unless Germany is decisively beaten.
O'Connor, who is treasurer of the
Student Defenders of Democracy, will
speak from the viewpoint of a stu-
dent of draft age who, nevertheless,
feels that this nation must become
more active in the battle against
The University Band, under the
direction of William D. Aevelli, is
scheduled to open the program with
selections of a patriotic nature.
The local rally is one of several be-
ing sponsored by the SDD on cam-
puses all over the country. The
largest of these will take place in
New York City and will be broadcast
over a nation-wide hook-up.
Talks are to be delivered before the
New York students ' by 'Dorothy
Thompson, Herbert Agar, Sargeant
Allan York, Robert Wagner, Jr., and
Peter Flynn.

Tom Harinon, Michigan''s All-American football star of 1940, in De-
troit, turns in his application for enlistment in the U.S. Army Air Corps
over to Capt. R. L. Gillespie (right), recruiting officer. The football
backfield ace faced induction,.into the army on November 19 under
the Selective Service Act.
Michigan Freshmen Wleet
Former High School Principals

Thursday afternoon teas attract
mostly graduate students and de-
partmental men, for, as genial Prof.
Roy W. Cowden, chief of the Hop-
wood Room suggests, younger stu-
dents become easily alarmed at the
preponderance iof' grey heads.
Actually, the Room is open to all1
students in the departments of Eng-
lish and Journalism, and occasional
undergrads would be welcome indeed.
Seated around the table at yes-
terday's tea were Professors Here-
ward T. Price, Carlton F. Wells, Louis
I. Bredvold, and Frederick W. Peter-
son, of the English department; El-
oise psychologist Lydon Babcock, who'
is writing fiction, and several gradu-
ate students who ,are planning to en-
ter work in the spring Hopwood com-
* * *
November is Mildred Walker Month.
Miss Walker, who placed first in a,
former Hopwood contest with her
novel, "Fireweed," later. published,
has made the Woman's Home Com-
panion with a short story, "Vienna'
Her greatest current achievement,{
however, is her jplst published novel,
"Unless the Wine 'turns," a por-
trayal of the rugged Montana coun-
try with which she is so familiar.
The \story is of a forest fire and
its effect 'on five people who are
first on the scene. The change in
their personalities is "as dramatic as
I the physical struggles involved."
"Unless the Wind 'Turns" is, Miss
Walker's fifth book. Many niay re-
mamber her "Dr. Norton's Wife," a
Literary Guild selection, and her 1940[
fiction success, "The Brewers' Big
Oral Surgery Class
To Be Conducted
A two-week graduate course in
oral surgery is being conducted by
the School of Dentistry at the Kel-
logg Foundation Institute.
Prof. John W. Kemper of the De-
partment of Oral Surgery is con-
ducting the course work.
Last year, 316 graduate dentists'en-
rolled in courses at the Institute for
a minimum of two weeks. Of this
group, 207 were from Michigan and
109 came from 23 other states.
According to advance registration
figures, a considerable increase in
enrolment is expected this year, Dr.
Paul H. Jesserich, director of the In-
stitute, revealed yesterday.

By TWARK LWPPER Prof. Lee O. Case of the chemistry de-
If Ann Arbor seems unusually partiment, will head the chemistry
crowded and busy Thursday, Nov. 13, group.
it will not be due to an early Christ- Thi; Principal-Freshman Confer-
mencI n a trw4-fold purpose. First,
mas rush but will mean that m'c~c it elnefit tudents who are pew in
than 150 high school principals and the University and who may be hav-
teachers have arrived to attend, the ing trouble with their work. Second,
fifteenth annual Principal-Freshman it benefits secondary schools so that
Conferende to be held in the Horace they may better prepare students who
will enroll at the University in the
Rackham Building and the League. future, and finally, it tends to aid
Principals from 95 midwestern high the University in discovering what

schools will interview the 700 Univer-
sity freshmen from their respective
schools. All interviews will take place
Thursday morning on the second floor
of the Rackham Building. Deans
from seven Michigan junior colleges
will also interview 150 junior college'
transfer students who are enrolled
in the University.
After the morning session a lunch-
eon will be served in the League ball-
room. Represei dtives from all Mich-
igan colleges and members of the
University faculty have been invited.
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts,
will give a short address after the
The afternoon program will consist
of conferences on Articulation of
S'econdary School and College Work!'
These will be divided among three
diocussion groups, one dealing with
English, another dealing with foreign
languages and a third dealing with
chemistry. Prof. Mentor L. 'Williams
of the English department, is chair-
man of the English group, Prof. Hay-
ward Keniston, head of the romance
flanguages department, is chairman
of the foreign language section and

improvements can be made in its ori-
entation program for new students.
Bible Course
Classes Will Hear Lemon
In Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. W. P. Lemon of the Pres-
ayterian Church, will discuss the book
of Mark, at the second class of his
six-week Bible course, while will meet
from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. today in
the Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Lemon plans to interpret parts
4 of the Bible in relation to the ways
and teachings of Christ. The discus-
sion following will show how these
principles apply to modern every-
day living.
A 20-minute play will be presented
by the Presbyterian Drama Club at
the "Recreational Evening" for stu-
dents at 8:30 p.m. today in the
church. Jean Edmiston, '44, will be
in charge.





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