Rain aad Colder
As Anl Army S3 Ilbut
No Stoppages
In Production,
Is Pledge Made
By Roosevelt
President Hits 'Misguided
Industrialists, Leaders
Of Labor' In Warning
Says U.S. Ready ;
To Go All The Way
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. -(A)-
,While representatives of 35 nations
applauded, President Roosevelt pled-
ged today no "misguided" industrial-
ist or labor leader shall prevail against
America's defense production nd its
"unlimited commitment that there
shall be a free world."
Warning that United States was
prepared to go all the way to bring
about Hitler's downfall, the Chief
Executive told the final session of the
Intternational Labor Office Confer-
ence that this country must make'
"full sacrifices" now or postpone the
day of, real sacrifice-as did the.
French-until it is too late."
President Speaks
The President spoke from the east
room of the White House before 250
delegates to the conference estab-
lished by the League of Nations to
iipdove the ;standard of living of
workers the world over. His words
were broadcast over three networks
and to every other nation by short-.
wave. .
Repeatedly the delegates broke in-
to applause, their first when Mr.,
Roosevelt, speaking directly to repre-
sentatives of occupied lands, asked
them to transmit this pledge to their
"You have not been forgotten; you
will, not be forgotten."
President Also
The. Presidendt also struck out
aginfst a few isguided industri-
alists and leaders of labor who, he
said, think only of profits and "de-
liberately delay defense output by
using their 'economic power' to
force acceptance of their demands,
rather than use the established ma-
chinery for the mediation of indus-
trial, disputes.
"Yes, they are but few," he said,
measuring his words. "They do not
represent the great mass of Ameri-
can workers and employers. The
American people have made an un-
limited commitment that there shall
b4 a free world. Against that com-
mitment no individual or group shall
Stain Scores*
Allies' Inaction
Lack Of Two-Front War
Bolsters German Army
LONDON, Nov. 6--P)-Russia's
setbacks at the hands of the German
Army were laid by Premier Joseph
Stalin today primarily to the fact no
second front had been opened in
Europe by Great Britain-or the
United States.
"What is the cause of the tempo-
rary lack of success of the Red
Army?" Stalin inquired in a speech
broadcast to the world by the Moscow
radio. Then he said:
"One of the causes is definite lack
of a second front in Europe against
the German Fascists. ,
"The matter is that at the present l
time on the European continent there
are no armies of Great Britain or the
United States conducting war against
the German Fascist armies.
"Therefore, the Germans need not
divide their forces to conduct a war
on two fronts--on the west and in
the east."
Harmon Meets Knox
-Both Sides Offside
BURBANK, Calif., Nov. 6--(R)-
Tommy Harmon flew in today to
talk about a movie contract and, he
intimated, something a bit more per-
Re or
Russia To Receive Arms-
In Lend-Lease Extension
President Grants' $1,000,000,000 Credit To Soviet;
Stalin Appoints Litvinoff Ambassador To U.S.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6-VP)-Pres-
ident Roosevelt threw the vast lease-
lendcoffers of the United States open
to Russia tonight, granting the Sovi-
ets a $1,000,000,000 credit, witout in-
terest, to buy weapons to battle Hit-
The announcement came unexpec-
tedly from the State Department
which made public correspondence in
which Joseph Stalin thanked Mr.
Roosevelt for this "unusually sub-
stantial aid" in the "great struggle,
against our common enemy, blood-
thirsty Hitlerism.'
Great Loan
Th great loan was announced only
a few hours after it became .known
that Maxim Litvinoff, former Soviet
Commissar for Foreign Affairs, had
been taken off the political shelf in
Russia, and named Ambassador to
the United States.
It was assumed Litvinoff's mission
would be to strive for greater aid for
his country. Whether he would urge
more active aid than credits was not
immediately known.
In announcing the credit, the State
Department made public a para-
phrase of a letter the President ad-
dressed to Stalin Oct. 30.
In it the President spoke of the
recent Moscow conference, attended
by American and! British representa-
tives, at which arrangements were
made to speed supplies to Russia.
cial difficulties," Mr. Roosevelt wrote,
immediate arrangements are to be
made so that supplies up to $1,000,-
000,000 in value may be effected un-
der the lease-lend act.
"If approved by the government of
the U.S.S.R., I propose that the in-
debtedness thus incurred be subject
Choral Union
Will Present
Third Concert,
to no interest and thatthe payments
by the government of the U.S.S.R. do
not commence until five years after
the war's conclusion and be com-
pleted over a ten-year period there-
It was expected that most, if not
all, of the weapons and materials to
be bought with the $1,000,000,000
would be produced in this country,
although the announcement did not
say so definitely.
The Presidents note assured Stalin
all the "implications" of the Moscow
conference would be carried out to
the limit.
Stalin replied Nov. 4 that he deeply
appreciated this pledge, and went on
to agree completely with the terms
on which the $1,000,000,000 loan was
He also agreed to another pro-
posal by Mr. Roosevelt, that the So-
viet Union make special arrange-
ments to sell the United States raw
materials and commodities urgently
needed here, the proceeds to be cred-
ited to Russia's account.
Senior Class
Elections Date
To Be Changed
November 18 Announced
For Offices' Contests;
Petitions Due Monday
The date for the election of senior
class officers has been changed from
'Thursday, Nov. 20, to Tuesday, Nov.
18, for all colleges and schools except
the Law School, it was announced
yesterday. The Law School election
will be'held Monday, Nov. 17.
Petitions for all candidates are
available any day from 3 to 5 p.m. at
the student offices of the Union.
These applications are due at 3:30
p.m. Monday at the student offices
and must bear the signatures of 25
seniors in the literary college and as
near to that number in the other
Men candidates in the literary
school should sign up from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m. on Monday with the Men's
Judiciary Council. The room will
be anounced at a later date.
Women applicants of all schools
are to be interviewed by the Women's
Judiciary Council from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. in the League.
In the literary college the positions
of president and secretary will be held
by men and those of vice-president
and treasurer by women.
The election will include the fol-
lowing schools and colleges: College
of Literature, Science and Arts,
School of Business Administration,
College of Architecture and Design,
School of Forestry and Conservation,
School of Music and the College of
TokyQ Paper
Insists U.S.
Make Terms
Japanese Patience At End
States Times-Advertiser,
Foreign Office Organ
Burma Road Move
May Be Imminent
TOKYO, Nov. 6-(IP)-Japan's pa-
tience has "reached the point of ex-
haustion" and its Army may strike
next at the Burma Road to cut off
American suplies to China unless the
United States cqmes to terms with
its special envoy, 'Saburo Kurusu, the
the foreign oice organ, Japan Times
and Advertiser, declared tonight.
"There is always the possibility,
even the probability of a direct march
on the Burma Road," the editorial
said, "to force America 'to abandon
what is tantamount to direct military
iperations against Japan at the ex-
pense of the American people."
Kurusu's trip by plane across the
Pacific was described as "a last op-
portunity (for the United States) to
make amends for aggression and re-
store the occasion for an amicable
All Japanese papers interpreted the
special mission as "proof of Japanese
sincerity," in wishing to avoid conflict
with the United States in East Asia
where Japan claims dominance, and
Miyako said "evidently Premier Tojo
wishes to get a quick decision on
Japanese-American talks."
The Times and Advertiser's hint of
possible forthcoming operations by
Japanese forces based in French Indo-
China was accompanied by a decla-
ration that "there is very hope that
force will not be necessary. But
Japan is prepared for any eventu-
Traffic over the Burma supply
route, the Foreign Office organ said,
already has been hampered by air
raids-"but the permanent solution
would be Japanese occupation of the
When and how Japan's troops
move "are matters for the high com-
mand," it added, but asserted once.
such an expedition is undertaken,
"America's choice 1 between letting
Chungking down or keeping Chung-
king up would be solved automati-
cally, for it could not assist Chiang
Kai-Shek's party if the sole remain-
ing/major avenue bf supply were cut."
Japan sent a sharp rotest to Russia
today and demanded a prompt reply
to its charges that the 4,523-ton
Japanese steamer Kehi Maru was hit
by a Russian mine in the Sea of
Japan and sunk with the apparent
loss of 149 persons. Another 247
abord were rescued.
Film' League
Will Run First
Double Show
The Art Cinema League believes in
the idea that intellectuals and low-
brows meet in full accord at come-
dies, and the more fantastic the
comedy, the greater their fundament-
al agreement.
Acting on this principle, the
League announced a four-program
comedy series on Sunday evenings
and found their faith justified-it'
was a complete sell-out.
To those who missed the opportun-
ity to buy tickets to the regular 8:15
p.m. performances, the League now'
offers a supplementary showing of
the same films at 6:30 p.m. on the
established dates-Sunday, Nov. 23,
and Jan. 18.
Season tickets for the remaining
three performances are on sale at a
reduced price in the League, Union,
and a State Street bookstore.
Featuring America's greatest com-
edy stars in some of their most fam-
There Was
A Disturbance
Last Night,
The legal minds of the Phi Del-
ta Phi house said it was only
"nocturnal nonsense," but more
than 200 freshmen at the West
Quad and the local police would
term that a gross understatement.
There was a fracas between the
freshmen and the lawyers late last
night caused by some derogatory
cat-calls arising from members of
the two factions--who cat-called
first is not known definitely.
At any rate, the lawyers, who
were playing football in the street
below the dorm, proved irritating
-or possibly tempting game-and
the Class of '45 swarmed from the
West Quad en masse.
Faced with overwhelming odds,
the lawyers executed a strategic
retreat into the Phi Delta Phi for-
Heroes to the end, (when the
police came), they claim it was
not they who summoned the
guardians of the peace, but some
sensitive coeds in the neighboring
Adelia Cheever house. That's the
legal version.
Net results-nobody hurt, two
Phi Delta windows broken, one
Phi Delta garden hose stolen, and
a pending suit against some un-
identified West Quad bugler who
the Phi Delt's say is the main
T o
By Radio
Reveal Operations
Russians Counter-Attacking, Advancin
On Germans Along Moscow Front;
Large Body Of Beseigers Retreat
threat to
their pursuit of legal
at 502 East Madison
One of the nation's finest musical
institutions will appear on the Hill
Auditorium stage at 3 p.m. Sunday,
when the Cleveland Symphony Or-
chestra, under the baton of Artur
Rodzinski, will present the third con-
cert of the annual Choral Union
A quarter of a century ago, this
organization got its start. Eight years
ago Artur Rodzinski took over the
baton. Today the orchestra is enjoy-
ing its greatest season.
Dr. Charles A. Sink; president of
the University Musical Society, pre-
dicts a sell-out for the concert. "There
aren't many tickets left," is the
Those that yet remain may be pur-
chased at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Mem-
orial Tower.
The program for the afternoon
concert includes the following works:
Overture to "Euryanthe" by Weber;
Symphony No. 5 in E-flat major, Op.
82, by Sibelius; "Iberia," Impressions
for Orchestra No. 2, by Debussy; and
"Scenario for Orchestra" dn Themes'
from "Show Boat," by Kern.
Fund Receipts
Fail To Reach
Expected Goal
Campaign Of Community
Ends With Collections
Falling Short Of Quota
The Community Fund campaign
closed yesterday still short of its $59,-
434 goal. At the close of the final re-
butions had reached $43,452.45, or
port meeting at the Union contri-
73% of the total.
Although the intensive drive has
ended, oficially the campaign won't
be over until all pledge cards, signed
or unsigned, have been turned in to
the campaign officials, John Moore,
executive secretary said. There are
many pledge cards still in the hands
of solicitors, and it is expected that
these will bring in a sufficient
amount for the goal to be realized.
The special gifts and the University
divisions ended their campaigns
ahead of the other 'divisions with
totals of $20,271.10 and $9,614.45 re-
spectively. The University division
was headed by Prof. Albert H. Marck-
wardt, of the Department of English,
and Prof. John P. Dawson, of the
Law School. Prof. Laylin K. James
of the Law School was chairman of
the general campaign organization.
.Totals reported by other divisions
follow: Women's $2816.75; Junior
Chamber of Commerce $1195; Service
Clubs $354; Industrial $2726.50; Com-
mercial $3381; University Hospital
$495.90; Utilities $1325; Public
Schools $1185.75 and Dunbar Com-
munity Center $87.
(By The Associated Press) i <
The Germans appeared last night
to have about given up for the for-
seeable future their efforts to take
Moscow and Leningrad and there,
were plausible suggestions that Hit-
ler was preparing to turn the mfain
force of his northern and central
armies southward soon to join his
already immense southern columns
in a great struggle for the Caucasus
and the Crimea.
First, there was a reports by British
informants that most of the German
aerial squadrons were being with-
drawn from both the Moscow and
Leningrad fronts, some being sent
directly to the south and others go-
ing ba~,k to Germany for refitting
and reorganization of pilot person-
This substantial concession of fail-
ure for the Leningrad and Moscow
offensives-so London described it
and is, indeed, it seemed to be on
the basis of the, available infor-
mation-was attributed principally
to the inability of the air arm to
smash the extremely strong Russian
outer defenses before Moscow and
Leningrad as it had done in so many
other theatres. The British thought,
too, that the task of supplying ad-
vanced aerial bases over 1,500 miles
of hard-contested communication
lines had proved too great.
Second, in Berlin itself there was
speculation of the possibility of a
grand offensive down uponi the broad
Caucasian. Isthmus between the Azov
and Caspian Seas. An operation of
such scope would imply the use not
only of the existing southern Ger-
man Armies, which are approaching
the Caucasus from the west, but, a
thrust to the south of the strong
forces now all but immobilized before
Leningrad and Moscow.
Battalions Undaunted
By Rain; Will March
At 5:10 p.m. today a stalwart bat-
talion of cadets from the senior "and
sophomore classes .ofs the; ROTC will
buck the odds of Ann Arbor weather
and sally forth for what was /to have
been the second of two fall parades.
Last Friddy's ceremony was thwart-
ed by the same sort of precipitation
evident in the community for the
past two days. The same weather
signal willhbe used as for that par-s
ade: ,if the flag across from the
Library is flying at 4 p.m. the parade
has been cancelled.
The 28-piece ROTC Drum and
Bugle Corps will set the cadence as
the battalion marches in review fol-
lowing the ceremony of retreat. All
faculty members, students and towns-
people are invited to attend.'-
KUIBYSHE, Russia, Nov. 6.-
(- The Red Army was reported
tonight to be pressing a major
counter-attack on the right wing
.of the Moscow defenses in the direc-
tion of Volokolamsk, advancing as
mucdhas three miles at one point
and throwing a large German force
into retreat.
strongest Nazi displeasure if not in
fact something worse-would sharply
weaken the northern German wing
and quite possibly would permit the
reopening of the railway line runiing
from Murmansk to Leningrad.
The Finns are understood to have
cut that line in some points-and it
is prospectively at least a vital supply
route-or at any rate to be command-
ing it in those areas.
"It is realized that our frontiers
cannot finally be determined until
the coming peace conference," said
the Finnish announcement. This
could be read to mean that the Finns
expected such discussions soon, but
there has been nothing to indicate
any such development.
Finland Insists,
Finland has insisted all along that
it was fighting Russia not as an out-
and-out German ally, but only to se-
cure its frontiers for the future and
to regain certain territory taken from
it in the past by the Soviet Union.
American pressure obviously had
had results as early as Wednesday,
for on that day a Finish spokesman
found it necessary /to deny reports
of demonstrations in Helsinki-a cap-
ital which gratefully remembers
American friendship for Finland in
its war with Russia iii 1939-40-and
clashes between the crowds and the
A separate peace by Finland aside
from tearing a hole in the facade of
a "crusade" against Bolshevism which
the Nazis had erected would come at
a time when Hitler's progress against
Russia is very slow everywhere save
in the far south.
News Agency Report
Earlier the Finnish news agancy
had issued a denial of reports abroad
that Finland had been presented Rus-
sia's peace terms on Aug. 18.
(U. S. Secretary of State Hull said
on Nov. 3 that he had told Finnish
Minister Hjalmar J. Procope that
the United States had learned Russia
was prepared to discuss peace with
territorial compensation for Finland.)
Saroyan Comedy
To Be Presented
"Jim Dandy," William Saroyan's
thought-provoking fantasy-comedy,
will be presented for the third time in
its four day run at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
LONIDON, Friday, Nov. 7.--(A')--
The Foreign Office declined to
comment today on the Finnish
radio statement that Finland's war
with Russia is "drawing to a close."
The first defectior among Ger-
many's associates in the war upon
Russia drew near last night with an
official Finish radio announcement:
"Military operations are drawing to
a close as far as our country is con-
This, a diplomatic way of saying
that Finland had made about the last
march with the Germans, seemed to
represent a major triumph for Amer-
ican diplomacy. Washington only last
Monday disclosed that the Finns had
been informed that they must cease
offensive action against the Soviet
or lose American 'friendship.
Finland's withdrawal-if' indeed it
is able to go through with it in the
A DKE Gets The Part:
SSelf-Styled Non-Entity' To Star
In 1941 Mimes Union Opera
Harvard Man Is Gloom Dispenser:
Hooton Calls Race 'Degenerate'.
Institute Hears SibleyOn Jobs
Jack Collins, a senior from Grand
Rapids who calls himself a "non-
entity" because he never did anything
on campus but join Delta Kappa Ep-
silon, was chosen yesterday to play
the leading role of the Mimes Union
Opera to be presented Deoember 9
'hrough 13 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The "non-entity" who has never
been on a stage before will have a
singing and acting role in Ray In-
gham's Hopwood prize winning musi-
cal comedy.
Director' Bob Adams also announ-
ced yesterday that Dick Rawdon, '44,
and Keith Muller, '44, will play' the
Rawdon) who will be, according to
publicity reports, voluptuous and rap-
acious. Muller will be Stuart Hedge,
Fenno's cousin.
The name of the show is yet a sec-
ret but will be grandiosely revealed
on Saturday, Nov. 22, between the
halves of the Ohio State-Michigan
football game.
With almost all characters chosei
for the 80 man show, Director Adams
is holding daily rehearsals at the
Union. Two dozen hairy-legged
"chorines" are going through the pre-
liminary one-two-three-kick! routine
for Dance Director Robert Vibbert.
And the rest of the time Mimes
He looks like the Harvard profes-
sor to end all Harvard professors, but
behind the old school accent lies a
mind as tough and unafraid of facts
as that of a hard-headed New Dealer
like Leon Henderson.
Prof. Earnest A. Hooton yesterday
spoke three feet over the heads of
some 500 Michigan parents and
teachers in giving mankind the ver-
bal lacing it has long deserved but
seldom received; but also told them
some unforgettable facts about the
world in which they live.
The famous Harvard anthropolo-
gist did no bushbeating as he told
the slightly shocked delegates of the
Parnt Frdeuation Tnntitutp tehat man
Asking that youth abandon the
time-worn vocational trails and seek
new job opportunities, Dean Carroll
Sibley of Los Angeles College yester-
day told delegates to the twelfth an-
nual Parent Education Institute that
both parents and educators must en-
courage exploration of new trades
and professions.
Dean Sibley, speaking before 400
parents and teachers in the Rack-
ham Auditorium, stressed that Amer-
ican youth must be taught to use its
ingenuity in turning stumbling-
blocks into stepping-stones, in con-
verting problems into solutions.
Mrs. Sidonie Mastner Gruenberg,
author and lecturer from New York
City, speaking earlier in the after-