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November 06, 1941 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-06

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___.. TttE MICHIGAN DAIIY ____ _ U

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Research Featured By Orthodontists

.. I


Orthodontists of the Middle West
have returned to their practices after rnent, prepared by the 13 candidates
seeing demonstrations and hearing for the degree of Master of Science
lectures on the latest techniques in 1 -rthodontics at the graduate
the profession at the fifteenth annual Three members of the staff gave
meeting of (he Great Lakes Society papers on diagnosis and treatment of
of Orthodontists, held here Monday cases. Dr. George R. Moore spoke
and Tuesday under the sponsorship on "A Study of 58 Orthodontic Cases,
of the Department of Orthodontics 'Five to Fifteen Years After Treat-
ft the University School of Dentistry ment." "Specific Points in Diagnosis
and Indicated Procedures Based
Ninety-five members and their Thereon," was the topic of Dr. Ches-
guests attended the sessions, which ter D. Ward. Dr. Ira A. Lehman read
featured a progressive demonstration a paper on "Observation of Cases
of research projects in the depart- as an Aid to Orthodontic Diagnosis."
We carry a complete line of
GILBERTS Chocolates.
* Ira -f O EI TSr/Y ROSS .3 h /
"Wherestudents meet to chat and eat"

'Baillie Boys'
Senrve Chinese
W 130 filndstry

Secretary Has Duty Of Hiring
Admitati-ve S f f Members.

En gineering Group
Sp nsors , oker
Fog Nett; Stniidnts
''jo lsortd by Cthe' I~iigiE' ,iin;
Council, a smoker for transfer engi- i

Pre-Med Group M\Ieets
At a meeting of the Fre-Meclical
S ciet yeSterday in the Mich'g an
Union, Dr. Elizabeth Crcsbv of 1he
Anatomy Department addressed an
audience of oval 'i .students in -
n]eeron wit[the fi'ilm o "D eipmpu
of the Norvous Systenm"

Three Michigan graduates are
among the group of American-
trained engineers, called "Baillie
Boys," now directing China's wartime
industrial effort.
They are Frank Lem, '27-28E, Chu-
Si Wu, '26E, and Charles Wong, '27-
'28E. All three are serving in the
administration of the Chinese Indus-
trial Cooperatives. They are called
"Baillie Boys" because they received
their training through an agreement
nade between Henry Ford and Joseph
Baillie, an American missionary in
China. This agreement provided for
American training of promising Chi-
nese engineers.
Lem is chief engineer for the In-
dustrial Cooperatives while Wu, who
btained his Master of Science degree
at the University in 1927, is adminis-
trative head, and Wong, who got his
M. S. degree here in 1930, is a re-
gional engineer.
The Chinese Industrial Coopera-
tives movement is a system of more
than 2,000 "vest-pocket workshops"
which have grown up in China to re-
place production lost or destroyed
during the war. Some 100,000 refu-
gees and dispossessed workers man
the cooperatives. They produce about
$1,000,000 worth of consumer and
military goods monthly.

Hidden in the maze-like iabyrinths
of University Hall is the office of
the woman who is responsible for the
employment of the University's cler-
ical staff of over 350, the adminis-
trative backbone of the University.
Soft-spoken, pleasant Mrs. Grace
Van Cleaf, secretary to the Commit-
tee on Office Personnel, is charged
with that duty-a job she says she
wouldn't change for any other on the
In her office the lengthy process
of choosing stenographers, clerical
workers and typists for all depart-
ments of the University goes on ev-
ery day of the year-applications for
jobs, giving of tests, personal inter-
views, placing of applicants or the
bitter disappointment of a refusal.
Must Take Test
Every applicant must take a test
before being considered for a Uni-
versity clerical job. Last year nearly
1,000 tests were given, and as a re-
sult 520 applications were placed on
file in Room 209 University Hall.
Three types of tests are given-
stenographic, typing or general cler-
ical. The first two are given every
two weeks and the clerical once every
month. Mrs. Van Cleaf makes out
typing and stenographic tests her-
self. Each person is given a personal
interview before taking the test, and
Mrs. Van Cleaf goes over the test
with them afterwards.-
After the test all who passed are
laced on record in the active file of
applicants, which today has over 700
names. When any department or
unit of the University needs addi-
Aional permanent help, they make
application to Mrs. Van Cleaf, and
she sends two or three to the unit
head to be interviewed. Every per-
son sent is "guaranteed as to, me-
chanical skill." -
But the test which every person

for Mr,,, V 11 ( '-'at 'd oviv ,i cach
ap)1mant personally, "No person se-
cures a job on his test record alone."
Mrs. Van Cleaf also goes around to
the various University units which
she supplies with help and becomes
acquainted in order to know what
type of applicant to send.
There is an almost constant turn-
over in clerical workers in the Uni-
versity. September and October
are the biggest months, with July,
first month of the fiscal year, third.
Many workers have been with the
University 20 years or more. how-
Busy Summertime
Bt Mrs. Van Cleaf's busiest time
is in thersummer-- 'Then people are
lining up employment for the coming
school year. Many students have
part-time work as clerical workers,
and they make application for work
during the summer."
So this woman who places workers
as much on psychological fitness as
on their record, never takes a vaca-
tion during the summer, for she re-
ceives hundreds of written applica-
tions from all over-as far away as
And on a map on the wall of her
office she places a pin in every place
from which she receives applications
by mail. All get the same answer-
they can take the testsbutthey must
take' it on campus.
Has Held Job Seven Years
For seven years now Mrs. Grace
Van Cleaf has held her job. Her of-
fice is a little room in University
Hall, "with walls painted pink be-
-ause it's more cheerful."
All of which goes to make up one
)f the most difficult jobs on campus,
but one which perhaps comes closer
to real people than any other. And
one that Mrs. Van Cleaf wouldn't
,rade "for any other in the Univer-


neering students will be held at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union, to enable
the new students to meet and talk in- H
formally with engineering faculty
Speaking informally at the smoker
will be Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Ride at
College of Engineering and Dean
Walter B. Rea, assistant dean of stu- GOLFSI D E STABLES
dents, after which the meeting will
break up into informal conversation
groups. Free Transportation
Although no specific topic has been to and from stales
set for the main talks, it is expected d
that Dean Crawford will discuss the
academic side of the engineering col- SUPPER RIDE
lege while Dean Rea will take up
extra-curricular activity and their re- Every Friday
spective values.
Chairman of the committee plan- Call 2-3441
ning the smoker is James Edmunds,
'43E. Assisting him are Carl Rohr-
bach, '42E, and Bob Imboden, '42E.


The response to yesterday's MENU was great!
mere is aniother
"'Topper Menu," for Thairsday
DELUXE HAMBURGER on toasted bun, relish,
-. potato chips, 15c


The time is getting short to have your 'Ensian
photograph taken. Make an appointment for
a sitting today and take advantge of the fine


of Johnny's homework
Good lighting may not en-
able Johnny to sail through
his studies in jig time. But it
will certainly make seeing
easier and win his emphatic
"O.K.!" Give him a new I.E.S.
study lamp with a 150-watt
bulb for good lighting. (We
do not sell these lamps. See
them on display at your deal-
er's.) The Detroit Edison

UniversityHospital Conducts
Experiments On Common Cold

1. Baked Meat-loaf with creamed mashed potatoes,
buttered peas, roll and butter
2. Hot roast pork *ndwich, gravy, mashed potatoes,
apple and nut salad . ....
3. Chop Suey with steamed rice, roll and butter
4. Chicken salad on crisp head lettuce, roll and butter
5. Waffles with crisp bacon, pure maple syrup,
butter chips, milk or coffee
6. Baked macaroni and cheese, vegetable, apple and
nut salad, roll and butter, milk or coffee


Dial 5031

a ~~'r' '..
I J f 1 /

R. .


Londoners huddling in bomb shel-
,ers and hundreds of thousands of
American doughboys in army camps
may be spared the discomfort or
serious illness caused by the spread
of the common cold and its cohorts,
pneumonia and influenza, this win-
ter by the experiments being con-
ducted by the University Hospital)
and other medical centers in this
country and Great Britain.I
Work in the Department of Pediat-
rics and Communicable Diseases of
the University Hospital has centered
around the use of ultra-violet ray
sterilization while the University of
Chicago and the English medical men
have been experimenting with aero-
sol sprays of organic chemicals de-
signed to kill harmful bacteria in the
Respiratory Infection Serious
Long a problem plaguing medicine,
respiratory infections-colds-spread
particularly under conditions of
crowding such as are ordinarily found
in theatres, schools and nurseries.
During the last war, influenza was
almost as disastrous to our armed
forces as enemy bullets.
At the University Hospital two
wards have already been equipped
with ultra-violet ray lamps which
have reduced cross infection by about
60 to 70 percent. The admitting room
of the contagious ward is similarly
Experimentation in ultraviolet ray
sterilization has been going on at'
the Childrens Hospitals of Phila-
delphia and Toronto, and Duke Uni-
versity where the idea is being applied
to operating room conditions.
Cross >Infection Is Problem
Cross infection within hospitals
has always been a troublesome prob-
lem which no amount of precautions
have been able to completely do away
with. Cold germs are inadvertently
spread by infected or carrier doctors,
nurses and visitors.
At the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology stroboscopic photography
has shown that infectious bacteria is
projected into the atmosphere by
coughing, sneezing or even talking,
and gauze masks commonly worn by
doctors and nurses are only partially
effective in stopping this.
More important than direct con-
tact from person to person is the
trouble caused by air-borne infection.
Bacterial casts show that counts as
low as 15 to 20 bacterial colonies per
ten cubic feet are found in outside
air with counts as high as 600 to 1.000
colonies in a crowded hospital wait-
ing ropm.
A recent report by Dr. Charles F.
McKhann, head of the pediatrics and
communicable diseases department.
and Dr. Fe del Mundo on early in-
vestigations at the Boston Infants
Hospital, during 1939-40 offers im-
portant evidence.
Air conditioning does not seem to
offer the answer, but remarkable re-
stlts were obtained when ultra-violet
-ay lamps were installed at the Bos-
ton Infants Hospital. Air bacterial
counts dropped almost 90 percent the
'first week although subsequent counts
were not quite so low.
Use Experimental Method
Two wards were used in this early
experiment-one protected with a
diffused curtain of ultra-violet rays
from lamps at the entrance to the
cubicles where the infants were kept;
he other was maintained under com-
mon 'conditions and used as a con-
trol for comparison.
Over a six-months period the con-
rol group of 224 patients showed an
'ncidence of cross infection of 12.5
)ercent. In the ward protected with
iltra-violet rays only 2.7 percent fell
,rictim of cross infection.
This new technique was the sub-
iect of a three day symposium at the
University of Chicago at a conven-
tion during September to consider
the problem of aero infection. Al-
°eady a few army barracks are using
,iltarviolet ray protection and thf
,nethod may soon become universal ir
the fight to stamp out the cold germ.

7. Thr'ee Decker Sandwich, baked ham, American 'cheese,
tomatoes, lettuce, pickle, potato chips, milk or coffee 35c
8. Pineapple and creamy cottage cheese salad, roll and
butter, milk or coffee . .. . .30c




9. Grilled cube steak, French fried potatoes, solad,
vegetable, roll and butter






See you this Saturday Night
at the
Herb fflller
and His Orchestra

- A GLIMPSE of the styles that are destined to make
the All-American rating among College Women

throughout the country.

Presented by the Mer-

To assure coast-to-coast telephone facilities adequate
to meet future defense needs, the Bell System is con-
structing a 1600 mile, $20,000,000 cable line between
Omaha and Sacramento.
Several newly developed "plow trains,"working from
opposite ends of the line, are burying the cable for
maximum protection. They dig deep furrows, lay two
cables in them and cover them with earth-all in one
continuous operation. Their meeting will mark com-
pletion of the first all cable line across the continent.
Carrier systems;will be operatrd in the cables=- one
A . . M


chants of Ann Arbor and The Michigan Daily.




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