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November 06, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-06

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The Miehigan Daily

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications. k
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
w College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42



Emile 0e16 .
Alvin Dann .
David Lachenbruc
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson .
Arthur Hill.
Janet Hiatt ,
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B., Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright
The editoria
Daily are writ
staff and repr

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . ., . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. .. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff '
. . Associate Business
Women's Advertising
. . Women's Business


als published in The Michigan
ten by members of The Daily
esent the views of the writers

Mothers Of America'
Turn Undemocratic . .
U NDEMOCRATIC, undignified, and
disgusting are the only words that
aptly describe the actions ofa small group of
Women who pelted the British ambassador, Lord
Halifax, with tomatoes and eggs during his re-
cent visit to Detroit.
Moreover, this group of women have the gall
to style themselves as "the Mothers of America."
I am sure that the real mothers of this country
are shocked by the actions of the demonstrators
and by the audacity of this group claiming to
represent them. Such actions certainly would
not be condoned by the isolationist leaders of
this country and it is surprising and alarming
to find mothers engaged in such demonstrations.
Perhaps their cause of isolationism is just, but
this type of protest is not only futile but very
wrong. The ambassador is the, guest of the
American people and such treatment as he re-
ceived is wholly discreditable to the nation.
i It seems strange for "sons" to be protesting
about , the conduct of "mothers" but I believe-
that most of us are ashamed of their actions.
This is not the first time this group of women
has been heard of in an unfavorable light and
it is becoming a public eyesore.
- John Erlewine
Give Reuther Plan
Fair ' T'rial .
P become a very real fear for some
2;000,000 workers. Plants throughout the nation
are closing down because of the lack of materials
which have been placed on defense priority lists
%nd their workers face the prospect of a workless
winter. Speaking of the outlook in the automo-
bile industry alone, George Addes, secretary-
treasurer of the CIO's United Automobile Work-
ers, remarked, "At least 160,000 will be on the
streets wondering why, with so much talk of
labor shortages, they have been denied a work-
ing part in the drive to out-produce Hitler." No,
the tremendous defense effort of the United'
States is not employing its laborers as it might.
Perhaps the best suggestion thus far advanced
is that non-defense plants be quickly re-tooled
for defense production. This project, requiring
immense quantities of tools and dies, is proceed-
ing too slowly to ward off the wave of unemploy-
ment that is coming this winter. Quicker action
in the tool and die field is sorely needed to bring
the re-tooling at least to schedule.
ITWOULD BE LOGICAL to assume that the
capacity of the plants producing tools and
dies are being fully utilized, but this is not so.
Instead, according to a CIO conference on pri-
ority unemployment, only 35 percent of the ca-
pacity is being used at present. Sixty-five percent
of the vitally important tool and die industry is
Idle. The United Automobile Workers' Research
Department estimated that of a total possible
252,320 machine hours only 9,760 per week are
being utilized.
How can these idle machines be utilized to
make tools which will bring to life our priority-
short plants? Almost a year ago Walter Reu-
ther, a high official of the UAW, devised a plan
by which , these idle machines could be made
useful to defense production during the time

Drew Pearson
Robet.Aien "
S. DIPLOMATS are not shouting it from the
housetops, but there have been two impor-
tant occasions when the British put a very re-
straining hand on American foreign policy, and
checked major moves in the South Atlantic and
the Pacific.
One move was last May when it became con-
clusively apparent that the Vichy government
was the tool of Hitler and when many U.S.
strategists favored the taking of Martinique and
the Azores, and perhaps even a landing force at
Dakar in French West Africa.
But the Churchill government protested that
this would take U.S. ships away from transport-
ing supplies to the Battle of Britain; would focus
American attention upon another part of the
world. So Roosevelt kept out of the South At-
The second move was about' two weeks ago
when Mr. Churchill telephoned the President to
advise against any showdownwith the Japanese
in the Pacific. His advice came shortly after the
new pro-Nazi cabinet took office in Tokyo.
Churchill urged that the battle in Europe was
the main show and the United States should not
get absorbed with side-shows.
Regarding this Churchill advice, there con-
tinues to be a wide rift inside the Roosevelt ad-
ministration. And incidentally, there is not com-
plete unity on this point inside the British gov-
ernment. Australian sentiment leans toward a
cleaning up of the Pacific situation, after which
all parts of the British Empire, plus perhaps the
United States, could concentrate on Europe.
Rift In Roosevelt Administration
INSIDE the Roosevelt administration, the men
who urge a go-slow policy toward Japan are
Admiral Stark, chief of Naval Operations, and
the State Department. On the other side are
many of the other admirals, including Admiral
Ernest King, commander of the Atlantic Fleet,
who says he can get along in the Atlantic merely
with his present consignment of destroyers and
light cruisers, which are all that are needed for
The first big point of the "strong policy"
admirals is that every day of delay weakens the
Russians, and the Russians are the big potential
allies of the United Sta'tes against Japan. With
Russian bombing planes operating from Vladi-
vostok against the paper and bamboo louses of
Tokyo and Yokohama, the Japanese would be
up against it.
The second big point urged by these admirals
is one which not many people realize: When the
United States went into the last war, Japan was
on our side. There was no need to worry about
the Pacific. But this time, the minute the U.S.A.-
becomes embroiled in Europe, it has to guard its
back door against a traditional and very potent
Therefore, argues the Pacific school within
the Navy, let's face our enemies one by one
rather than have two jumping on us later and
from opposite directions.
There is nothing the Navy dreads more than
the idea of attack in two oceans at once-attacks
aimed at Alaska on one side and Brazil on the
other. That is why some of the admirals so
resent the phone calls from Winston Ohurchill.
U.S. Destroyers
the Reuben James and now threatens all
U.S. des'troyers in the North Atlantic, is far
different from that of the last war.
Today, German submarines operate in gangs
or wolfpacks of three to five, lurking in the
path of a convoy, and without putting their
periscopes out of the water. They do not even
run their engines. Thus the approaching de-
stroyer cannot pick up the subs with its sound

detector, but the subs, on the other hand, can
hear the engines of the approaching convoy.
Then when the convoy is within range, the
subs release their torpedoes, sometimes blind.
Gffreek Stydenits Send
Message Of Thanks
Dear Fellow Students:
Accept our profound gratitude for the ma-
terial aid which you are giving us and for your
genuine sympathy in the cause for which we are
fighting. We shall never forget that you have
come to our assistance when we needed you most.
Ours is the happy lot to be fighting for the
nation where democracy emerged. We are glad
for the privilege to make the supreme sacrifice
for our Christian faith and national freedom.
Our religious and democratic' heritage will be
defended to the last student. For us, as it was
for our ancestors, there is but one choice-liberty
or death.
We do not know how much more destruction
these scientific barbarians will bring on our land
and on the rest of Europe before they are
whipped, but we are certain that their doom is
near. After they are defeated, victors and van-
quished must work together for lasting peace
and world brotherhood.
We wish it were possible to convey in person
our deep appreciation for your kindness and be
assured that we shall remain indebted to you
- The Students of The University of Athens
(For fear of reprisals, The. Ameri-

The Reply Churlish
SOMEONE HAS SAID ah life, ah love, ah birds
in the springtime, ah theatre people; with
an exclamation point. It is with this significant
quotation that I wish to start off today's col-
umn, because indeed I am going to write about
theatre people. I only know the ones who work
around here. over in that barn by the Union,
and at the Mendelssohn, but I am quite sure
that they stand for theatre people the world
over, because I too read the articles about sum-
mer stock in Life, and have also read what the
authorities such as Booth Tarkington, Sinclair
Lewis, and George S. Kaufman have to say.
Footlights! Indeed the very word sends a
thrill through the most prosaic of our spinal
columns, does it not? There is a great lure, a
fascination, a fatal attraction about the theatre.
And to this subtle call, there answer many. For
the sake of the record I am writing this column
before seeing Night 1 of Jim Dandy, so my re-
marks must not, oh they very much must not, be
linked with any person or place in real life.
Devoted to their art, carrying with them some-1
thing of the Grail they seek, the theatre peopleJ
are beautiful and entertaining persons to drink
coffee or any other beverage with. At no point
does a conversation become sluggish, for when
words become lacklustre, the theatre people are
always ready with anemotion or a scene from
their latest. They are champions all of the cause
of the Harvard-B'way accent, and a hard-work-
ing bunch withal.
BUT in their gayer moments they do not relax.
They practice their art at all times. They
have a certain kind of sense of gag, but very
seldom of humor. They are always more inter-
ested in the reaction to their delivery than in the
nature of that which is delivered. They will
laugh at one another's jokes, in hopes that you
never can tell who might turn out to be a cast-
ing director, but the laughter is stagy, and the
people behind it are earnest indeed, and don't
think things are very funny, except when George
dropped a whole side in Act one three years ago
at Southampton.
Now I do not intend this as a general criticism
of a rather nice, dreamy set of people, no indeed.
I want to feel free to sit down with them any
time and quietly listen to them, and be seen in
their company, and smell their greasepaint, and
lose myself in the soft cadences of their voices.
On the other hand, becase they never pay ay
attention to what I have to say, unless it is about
Al Lunt or his wife, I take this opportunity to
sketch vaguely what I have noted about, them
during a long and profitable association, and
without making , a moral judgment-you won't
find one of those at the end of this so if that's
what you're looking for, better drop out right
now-to gently twit my friends with what they
have made of themselves.
Theirs-Play. Production now-is the old old
story of the apprentice wearing his master's
britches. In short, without having learned all,
and I do mean all, about the stage, they have
picked up the ham. They pine for a booth in
Walgreen's on Broadway, they dream of a two-
twenty audience-but for the present, anything
that'll listen. So long until soon.
N Jim Dandy Ann Arbor has received some-
thing which is real and exciting. At the
same time, it offered further proof of the shal-
lowness pf the Ann Arbor playgoing public. The
audience laughed where no laughs were in-
tended. A line of overstuffed biddies comment-
ed through the entire performance on the dan-
cer's figure. Antics like this are enough to dis-
courage anyone, even a simple drama critic.
And so, instead of panning a play, I find my-
self panning an unappreciative audience.
When Saroyan wrote that this latest effort of
his is a "symphony of words," he was not indulg-

ing in understatement. I was fortunate enough
to read the script before seeing the play. This
undoubtedly aided in my evaluation of the pro-
duction. But the beauty of passages such as tlis
must have struck everyone:
"Stay and after a while, we'll go and look
at flowers somewhere. When the snow comes
we will look at that too. When there is
rain, we will breathe it. We'll stand around
together. Listen to bells. Look into store
windows. Watch grass grow in little cor-
ners, near rock and cement, in sidewalks, in
roofs, in all the desperate places where
grass is not wanted."
It is rhapsodic and musical. It is thought-pro-
voking. It is excellent.
SAROYAN is again setting forth his philosophy
of life. There are shades of Whitman in his
writing. Basically, it is pantheistic. A glorious
unity is all-pervading, and the 'individual stands
forth as the shining example of this intrinsic
goodness. Saroyan must be played from the
heart. It presented a real challenge to a group
of novices, and they are to be commended high-
ly on their success.
I am not going to list the cast and discuss their
performances. There was no actual cast. They
were all characters. They caught the spirit of
the play and in doing so, lost their identities in
the characters they lived.
T HE PRODUCTION itself offered many tech-
nical difficulties. The lighting was very
good. It heightened the effectiveness of the play
by capturing moods and transmitting them across
the .footlights. The set was enough to capture
anyone's interest and retain it.
As every hit of bluirb for this play has pro-

"Calm yourself, Pop-you oughta know the sponsors won't let Captain
Blaze get killed."

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VOL. LII. No. 34
Publication in the Daily Officialt
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.t
To Members of The University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
November 10, at 4:15 p.m. in-Roomt
1009 A.H.
Minutes of the meeting of October
13.. k
'Communication from the Univer-
sity Senate relative to the functionr
and size of the University Council..
Report of the 'Counselor to Foreignt
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Members of the Faculty are invited
to attend the 12th annual Parent
Education Institute which will be in
session at the Rackham Building
today and Friday, November 6 and 7.
Call at the registration desk in per-
son for admission badge.,
Students in the University will be
admitted to the lectures in the Lec-
ture Hall, provided there is room
after delegates are seated.
C. A. Fisher, Director
Extension Service
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselor's Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8:00 to
12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. ac-
cording to the following schedule:
I through O, today.
A through H, Friday, November 7.1
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the Cleveland Orchestra con-
cert to be given Sunday afternoon,
November 9, will be issued to members
of the Choral Union whose records
of attendance are clear, and who call
in person, Friday, from 10 to 12 and
1 to 4, at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Me-
morial Tower. After 4 o'clock no
tickets will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after Saturday, November 8, by stu-
dents other than freshmen will be re-
corded with the grade of E. Freshmen
(students -with less than 24 hours of
credit) may drop courses without
penalty through thee eighth week.
Exceptions to these regulations may
be made only because of extraordin-

the Columbia-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office
of the Dean of Women. A letter of
permission from parents must be inE
this office not later than Wednes-
day, November 12. If the studentI
does not go by train, special permis-f
sion for another mode of travel must.
he included in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to regis-
ter in this office.
Carillon Programs: The bell cham-
ber of the Burton Memorial Tower
will be open to viistors interested int
observing the playing of the carillonz
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily1
through Friday of this week, at which
time Professor Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carilloineur, will present an#
informal program.
University Lecture: Sr. Amado
Alonso, Director of the Instituto Filo-
logico, Buenos Aires, °will lecture in
Spanish on the subject, "La novela
Don Segundo Sombra y su significa-
cion en la literatura gauchesca de la3
Argentina," under the auspices of the
Department of Romance Languages,'
on Monday, November 10, at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: John Garstang,
Professor of Theory and Practice of
Archaeology, University of Liverpool,
will lecture on the subject, "Hittite
Civilization" (illustrated) under the
auspices of \the Department of His-
tory in the Rackham Amphitheater
on Wednesday, Novembtr 19, at 3:15
p.m. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Chal-
fant Robinson, Curator of Mediaeval
Manuscripts at Princeton University,
will lecture on the subject, "Mediae-
val Manuscripts," (illustrated), un-
der the auspices of the Department
of History in the Auditorium of the
Kellogg Foundation Institute on
Thursday, November 27, at 4:15
p.m. The public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Professor Ernest A. Hoot-
on, Anthropologist, Harvard, will'lec-
ture on "The Pathology of Nations,"
at 11:00 a.m. today in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. This is open to faculty
and students.
Events Today

By Lichty

Oons at 430. The seminar is spon-
ored by the Student Religious Asso-
iation and is open to any interested
Inter-Guild Luncheon: The Inter-
uild Luncheon, open to Inter-Guild
ouncil members and members of
ny student Protestant Guild, will be
eld at Lane Hall this noon. The
incheon will be followed by a busi-
Less meeting of the Council for the
lection of a new president.
Ann Arbor Independents will meet
ointly with Beta Kappa Rho at the
eague tonight at 8:00 in connection
vith Independent Fortnight. Fresh-
aen women especially welcome.
Ushering Committee Theatre Arts:
'lease sign up for ushering for the
'inema Art League Movies, "Grand-
na's Bqy" and "Sherlock Junior" to-
lay, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
['here are TWO perfomances, one
Lt 6:30 and one at 8:30 p.m. We
eed ten ushers for each performance.
Cabaret Committee of the Soph
abaret will meet in the League at
:00 p.m. today. Room number will
)e posted on bulletin board,
Graduate Outing Club is sponsor-
ng the first of a series of weekly
ocial hours for graduate students
tonight, 7:00-9:00, in the club room
f the Rackham School. Bridge,
chess, and a variety of other games
vill be available, and there will be
'ecorded music. Graduate students
re welcome to come at any time and
ise any of the facilities.
Assembly Banquet Ticket Com-
nittee will meet today at 5:00 p.m.
n the League. Money and extra
ickets will be turned in at this time.
Bridge Tournament: The fourth in
he series of Duplicate Bridge tourn-
ments will be held in Rooms A, B
nd C on the third floor of the
eague tonight, 7:15-11:00. Students,
aculty, and townspeople are invited.
"Jim Dandy': The Department of
peech presents Play Production in
Jim Dandy," by William Saroyan,
onight, Friday and Saturday at 8:30.
Season tickets continue on sale this
Michigan Outing Club will meet
;oday at 4:30 p.m. in the Union. The
'oom number will be posted on the
ulletin board. Anyone interested
n outdoor sports-hostel trips, hikes,
,upper cook-outs, etc., is urged to at-
;end. Plans will be made for some
tctivity this weekend. If unable to
ttend call Dan Saulson (9818) or
Aibby Mahlman (2-4471) before Sat-
Meeting of Interior Decorating See-
ion, Faculty Women's Club, in the
Michigan League today at 3:00 p.m.
lecturer: Mr. Albert de Salle, De-
:roit. Subject: "Pictures as Decora-
ion." Guest Day.
Golf Tournament - Women Stu-
dents: All scores for the Women's Fall
lxolf Tournament must be turned in
to Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium
by 5:00 p.m. today.
Archery Club - Women Students:
Archery Club meets today at 4:15
p.m., rain or shine, for a novelty
shoot. Meeting place posted on bul-
letin board in the lobby of the Wo-
men's Athletic Building.
First Presbyterian Church supper
tonight at 6:00 p.m., in 'the social
hall of the church. There will be an
address by Dr. Lemon.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members

will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room Michigan Union.
Members of all departments are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
talk on "Neues aus Franzoesisch
Nord-Afrika" by Dr. Rudolf Nobel.
ROTC Parade: Seniors and Sopho-
mores will fall in for parade on Fri-
day, November 7, at 4:45 rather than
5: 10.
There iwiilf be a registration meet-
ing of all people interested in per-
manent positions Monday, November
10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. The Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation wishes' that all seniors and
graduate people desiring jobs in Feb-
ruary, June, or August, be present
at this meeting. The detailed pro-
cedure of registration will be dis-
cussed at the meeting.
Both graduating students and staff
members are eligible for the services
of the Bureau, and may register in
the Teaching Division or in the Gen-
eral Division, which includes regis-
tration for all positions other than
Suomi (Finnish) Club will meet
Saturday, Nov. 8, at 8:30 p.m. at the
International Center. Everyone in-
terested is invited.
Physical Education-Women Stu-
! dents: Individual Sports Tests will be
given this week in the following activ-
ities: Tennis, Archery, Golf, Friday,

ary circumstances, such as serious or A.S.C.E. will meet tonight at 7:30
long-continued illness. in the Union. Prof. Wisler will
E. A. Walter speak on "Flood Control." New mem-
_---- bers welcome.
Bronson -Thomas Prize in Ger--
man, Value $32.00. Open to all under-. AI.Ch,.E. meeting today in Room
graduate students in German of dis- 1042 East Engineering Building. Dr.
tinctly American training. Will be E. H. Potthoff of the Socony-Vacuum
awarded on the results of a three- Oil Co. will speak on "Aviation Gaso-
hour essay competition to be held line and National Defense." Every-
under departmental supervision in one is welcome.
the latter half of March, 1942 (exact-
date to be announced two weeks in Zoological movies will be shown in
advance). Contestants must satisfy the Natural Science Auditorium to
the Department that they have done day at 4:10 p.m. Open to all inter-
their reading in German. The essay tsted.
may be written in English or German.
Each contestant will be free to choose


his own subject from a list of 30 1La- joc iedad ispanica: he first
offered. Students who wish to com roup of new members of La Sociedad
peedmustue akngawhoursewin m- Hispanica will be initiated tonight.
pete must be taking a course in Ger- All other new and old members are
man (32 or above) at the time of the invited to be present. The meeting
competition. They should register will start promptly at eight o'clock.
and obtain further details as soon See Bulletin for room number.
as possible at the office of the Ger-SeBultnfromnmb.
man Department, 204 University
Hall. Polonia Society will meet tonight


Women students wishing to attendI

at 7:30 in the recreation room of the
International Center. A talk about


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