Weather UL# Cold and Rain. 5k iguu Iait& Editorial 'iMothers Of Aiiica' VOL. LII. No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1941 -323 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Treasury Recommends New Tax Bill Of 5_Billions Morgenthau Asks Passage Of Anti-Inflation Levy; PayrollsToCarry Load Both Corporations, Individuals To Pay -BULLETIN The United Press reported last night that the Treasury had pre- sented to Congress-along with a request for immediate action- a new $4,800,000,000 tax bill which would boost already stiff individual and corporate income taxes and social security levies. Biggest item in the program would be a new income tax to be taken out by employers from monthly payrolls. This would raise between $2,000,000,000 and $3,000,000,000. WASHINGTON, Nov. 5-(P)-Sec- retary of the Treasury Morgenthau and several aides held a secret ses- sion with the House Ways and Means Committee late today, members said, and discussed the possibility of early Congressional action on a new anti- inflation tax program to raise about $6,000,000,000. Fourteen of the committee's 25 members were present and some of them said a decision would be made tomorrow on the Treasury's request that action be started on the new pla nat once., One member said the Treasury of- ficials expressedk the hope the bill could be enacted in time to put some, of the proposed taxes into effect in January. He said there was little pos- sibility Congress would act with such speed, however. Another member, who said the Treasury proposal called for taxes amounting to about $4,800,000,000. asserted they involved chiefly higher Social Security levies and incoW, taxes. Other members said, how- ever, the group discussed a wide var- iety of proposals, including compul- sory savings plans under which taxes would be deducted by employers from their workers' pay envelopes. A gen- eral manufacturers' excise levy also was talked of, it was reported. Legislators said the Treasury based its appeal for the huge n9ew bill, al- most double the' $3,500,000,000 de- fense tax bill enacted a few months ago, on the threat of inflation. U.S.-Japanese Relations Hold Congress In Capitol WASHINGTON, Nov. 5-(P)-Ad- ministration leaders have decided to hold Congress in session indefinitely, Germans Claim Gains In Crimea; Soviet Holds Fast On Central Front 'Kurusu, Japanese Envoy, Leaves For United States To Ease Pacific Situation * * * * * KURSK20 3. MILES KHARKOV STALINGRAD 10 - .. ROSTOV :zov KRASJ ODARQ CRIM..EA SEVASTOPOL TIFL1S MIS S-" -. 13/a& Sea .ATUM -1 .ANKARA TABRZ.... T UR KEY - I R AN M While the Moscow radio claimed that the German drive on the Central Front had been brought to a standstill and that Nazi troops were entrenching in an effort to hold what gains they had made, Germany claimed that their Crimean offensive had broken through to the Black Sea over the Yaila Mountains. On the approaches to the main Soviet ports of Sevastopol an d Kerch, however, Hitler's legions appeared to have been halted. Nevertheless, the German march over the Yailas represented an important strategical gain, for it would enable the Nazis to cut the Soviet defending troops into three parts. The German offensive against Rostov also appeared to have been temporarily halted. Soviet reports this morning claimed that the Ger- mans in the Donets Basin (possibly near Rostov) were in full retreat. At day's end it appeared that Hitler had passed for the time being from the offensive to the defensive 7rJ im ihino - na n nfin n dn n n~ t- -- - " -o1 "f -^ - - - nf ne r----- o . ...... {.- - e - . - - ___- Q - I Slogan Of SDD Rally WillBe 'Win The War-Win The Peace' WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. -(IP)-- The White House today labeled as important the speech which Presi- dent Roosevelt is to deliver at & p.m. (EST),. tomorrow to the In- ternational Labor Office delegates. All three major radio chains will carry the speech, it was announced., because of the crisis in Japanese- American relations, informed sources said today. The decision came as a surprise, in- asmuch as some House leaders had talked previously of knocking off leg- islative work for the balance of the year, as soon as the neutrality and price control measures were out of the way. Influential Democratic legislators, who asked that their names be with- held, said that under present plans there would be nothing more than three-day recesses for either the Sen- ate or House in the near future. Chinese Troops Said To Be Aiding Russians NEW YORK, Nov. 5-(P)-Round- about reports from unidentified sour- ces were received in New York to- night to the effect Chinese troops are going to the aid of Russia against the German invaders. The M&orocco radio said the Chinese would send 40,000 troops to Russia, asserting its information came from China dispatches which said the gen- eral commanding the Chinese 18th army had made the decision to send help. T 3+~t)' 1thL1 ic a in_ f~ hnio.A bc s I r i 1 ana was ignting a hom ing action t 4: * < (By The Associated Press) The Germans. claimed last night that their central offensive in the Crimea had broken through to the Black Sea over the 5,000-foot-high Yaila Mountains somewhere be- tween Kerch and Sevastopol, but there was no evidence of progress of consequence for the drives directly upon those major ports. Moreover, a strong improvement in the Russian position about Moscow was plainly suggested both by Ger- man silence as to that theatre and by a Sovietdeclaration that theNazis had been halted everywhere along the Central Front and were urgently dig- ging in, even emplacing tanks as stationary pillboxes, in an effort to hold what gains they had made. Hitler, it appeared, had passed at least for the time being from the of- fensive to the defensive and was for the moment fighting a mere holding action in the hope of preventing the possible shift of troops from about Moscow to the South. As to the Crimea the available in-I formation plainly implied that on the approaches to both Sevastopol, the main Soviet Black Sea naval base, and Kerch, which stands at the northeastern extremity of the pen- insula and is separated by only two miles of water from the Western Caucasus, the Nazis had come down to a substantial halt. As much was indicated by Berlin's Draft Board Calls \Signals For Harmon Michigan's Tom Harmon, who spends his evenings sportscasting over WJR, his Saturdays airing Michigan grid tilts, his Sundays playing pro- football and his spare time fighting with his draft board, is going to spend some time with Uncle Sam. For yesterday Tom's draft board in Gary, Ind., sent him notice that he will be eligible for induction into the a Army Nov. 19. In Detroit, how- ever, it was an- nounced that Gary Flash I has ap- plied for enlist- ment in United Tom Harmon States Air Corps, and passed his physical examination. Under the rules of the game, Tom has until Nov. 8to enlist. Harmon, who is building a home in Ann Arbor for his parents, had applied for deferment from the Army on the grounds that he was the sole own accounts and by Soviet reports that these thrusts had materially slackened. The explanation seemed to be that the Nazis had reached the outer fringes of strong defensive systems to which the Russians had been falling back in a retreat which was now ending. Before both Sevastopol and Kerch, British informants said, the Soviet Marshal Semeon Timoshenko had completed the reorganization of strong and effective forces and was ready now to join major battle. Nevertheless, the German march Upton, Eyster Voted To Posts Freshmen Will Represent Class On Engine Council David Upton and James Eyster, both '45E, were elected to positions on the Engineering Council as repre- sentatives of the freshman class in the College of Engineering elections held yesterday.s Over 400 votes were cast in the voting, election committee chairman Verne C. Kennedy, '42E, reported, and all ninecandidates ran very close in the final tabulation. Unlike other engineering college class elections, freshman elections are held in weekly freshman assemblies, attendance being compulsory. It is because of this that the freshman vote ran so much over the 200-vote mark set by the senior balloting last week. Very good results 'were obtained with regard to the new regulation prohibiting electioneering, Kennedy stated, and no infractions were re- ported. to prevent thle shitinzg of meCUitroops irui n ear Mvoscow to the Ci..mea. O> over the Yailas would represent an important strategical gain for it would put the invaders in position to take from the rear the Yaila positions, which are among the strongest in the Crimea, and likewise would mean the Soviet army had been cut into three sections. The German tentacles were far spread: one, trying 'to break through to Kerch, was pointed almost due east from the vicinity of the town of Feodosiya some 55 miles away. A second, headed straight for Sevasto- pol, was pointed southwest and obli- quely in relation to that- declared to have scaled the Yailas. There was no special news during the day of the older German offen- sive operating north of the Crimea and eastward along the Azov Sea to- Rostov on the River Don; it, too, apparently was going nowhere at the moment. The Soviet reported this morning that somewhere in the Donets Basin -and thus possibly about Rostov- the Germans were in retreat "leaving behind them heaps of dead and many guns." Heavy German losses in the entire Donets area were claimed. The day brought new developments in hemisphere naval matters. Thirteen Senior Engineers Tapped ByVulcan Society Thirteen engineers were tapped last night by Vulcan, senior engineering, society. Those who were tapped are Dean Ivan C. Crawford, Wilbert E. Acker- man, Stanton Allen, John S. Burn- ham, William G. Collamore, Robert L. Collins, Henry T. Fielding, Thom- as H. Gamon, George D. Gotschall, Robert C. Kietch, Verne C. Kennedy, Carl Iohrbach and Alexander C. Wilke. For the first time in the history of the University, Armistice Day will find students and townspeople alike attending a rally which has for its slogan, not "peace at any price," but. rather, "Win the War-Win the Peace." Putting equal emphasis upon the necessity of a decisive victory over Hitler and the importance of obtain- ing a just peace settlement afterward, the Student Defenders of Democracy is sponsoring the rally, which will feature talks by Prof. Bryan Rust of Wayne University, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department, Don O'Connor, '42, and music by the University Band. Professor Rust, long an advocate of strong international organization to guarantee the peace of the world and now an ardent interventionist, [has gained considerable recognition throughout the nation as a public speaker. In June of this year he ac- cepted a special.invitation to address Faculty Men To Meet Here For Convention Michigan, Ohio Professors Gather For Conference; Dean Yoakum To Spoak Delegates from 27 Ohio and seven Michigan universities and colleges will meet here Saturday' in a regional conference of the American Associ- ation of University Professors. Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the Graduate School is scheduled to de- liver a welcoming address opening the morning session of the meeting at 10 a.m. in the Ballroom of the Union. He is to be followed by Prof. M. M. Knappen, of Michigan State College, speaking on "Tenure and the Prob- lem of the Instructor." A discussion will be led by Prof. Henry Owens from Michigan State Normal College. At luncheon at 12:15 p.m., also in the ballroom of the Union, K. C. Pennebaker, director of Civil Service in Minnesota, will discuss "The Gen- eral Principles of Personnel Evalua- tion." The delegates are to hear two talks at the afternoon session. Prof. Fred- erick S. Deibler from Northwestern University; who is president of the association, will present "A Message From Headquarters," while Prof. Vic- tor D. Hill from Ohio University is scheduled to follow with "The Evalu- ation of Faculty Services." MICHIGANENSIAN TRYOUTS All eligible students interested in working on the 'Ensian are re- quested to attend the general staff meetings to be held at 4:15 p.m. every Monday. At this time they will be acquainted with the vari- ous types of work connected with the yearbook. v ' a joint session of the New Hampshire Legislature. He has been active in the peace- through - international - organization movement ever since his return from active duty in France at the end of the last war. It is his firm con- viction today that lasting peace and a democratic world order can only be attained if the United States helps Great Britain and Russia defeat Ger- many and its allies. Rust was the originator of the pe- tition which urged Congress to wage "total war on Hitler now" and was signed by 275 members of the Wayne and Michigan faculties. Professor Slosson, well known among the students of the University and a nationally recognized historian and authority on international or- ganization, will demand that we "Make the Peace Stick." Like Rust, Slosson has long advo- cated world organization for peace and is now an interventionist. He was a member of the Wilson peace delegation to Paris after the last war. At present, in addition to his teach- ing duties, he broadcasts three times a week over WJR. The third speaker on the rally pro- gram-Don O'Connor, '42,-will look at the war and the peace from the student's point of view. As treasurer of the Student Defenders of Demo- cracy, he has taken an active part in the fight for greater aid to the anti- fascist nations. The local meeting will coincide with student rallies on other campus- es all over the countryt. By far the largest of these is the one which is to be held in New York City under the sponsorship of the American Youth for Freedom, of which the Student Defenders of Democracy is a member. The New York rally is to be broad- cast and will feature such speakers as Dorothy Thompson, Sergeant Al- lan York, Herbert Agar, Robert Wag- ner, Jr. and Peter Flynn. Movie Tickets' Price Reduced Lloyd, Keaton Comedies To Be Shown Sunday Famed American comedians act- ing in some of their most applauded productions will make up the re- maining offerings of the Art Cinema League's comedy series. The League will present the last three numbers in the series at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23 and Jan. 18 as a supplement to the regular 8:15 presentations. Season tickets for the earlier per- formances are on sale at a reduced price in the League, Union and a State Street book store. Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton are the headliners in Sunday's farces, "Grandma's Boy," and "Sherlock Jr." Four of Charlie Chaplin's early films-"The Tramp," "A Woman," "The Bank," and "Police"-will make up the feature program Nov. 23. Jan. 18, about the time you can use some hearty laughs-before fin- als-the League will present Sidney and Mrs. Drew in Frank Capra's "The Professional Patient." "The Strong Man," Capra's first experiment in the creation of a full-length comedy, stars Harry Langdon, and completes the bill. Blind Man Elected New Akron Mayor AKRON, Nov. 5-(AP)-A blind man is going to be Mayor of Akron. George J. Harter, 58-year-old Democratic state legislator who entered politics after becoming blind 10 years ago has ousted Lee D. Schroy, three- term Republican, thereby upsetting most experts' predictions. Electors in this heavily unionized "rubber capital," many of them re- membering Harter's consistent sup- port of labor-endorsed measure in Takes Special Clipper Ship As Grew, Hull Confer Over Radio-Telephone last Peace Effort' Is ManilaOpinion - BULLETIN - NEW YORK, Nov. 5. --(P)-- The Tokyo radio said tonight Japanese observers have aband- oned every hope for some sort of an understanding with the Unit- ed States in the light .of the hos- tility of American public opinion toward Japan. The radio, heard by NBC, also said thee observers predict a showdown between the two coun- tries is inevitable in the very near future. TOKYO, Nov. 5--(P)-Saburo Kur- usu, the dapper diplomat who signed the Axis alliance for Japan, is flying to the United States in a new hurry- up effort to ease the admittedly "very serious situation" in the Pacific, it was announced today. The urgency of his mission was be- tokened by the fact that the China Clipper was being held two days at Hongkong to make connections with the plane in which Kurusu already is en route from Tokyo. This was ar- ranged last night in a radio-telephone conference between U. S. Ambassador Joseph C. Grew in Tokyo and Sec- retary of State Cordell Hull in Wash- ington, a Japanese government spokesman said. (Although Kurusu signed the Axis treaty he is not considered either strongly pro-Axis or anti-American. He has held posts in the United States and married an American wo- man. (Secretary Hull said the United, States had nothing to do with Kur- usu's mission except to extend the usual courtesies of travel. Sources close to Hull said the Pacific situ- ation was at such a critical stage that the less said about it the better.) Simultaneously, the Japan Times and Advertiser, organ of the foreign Affice, boldly called on the United States to "take the right turn in the :oad" or "face the alternatives." The gist of a seven-point program, which the paper said the United States must adopt if any agreement were reached, called for withdrawal >f American influence from the Far East, recognition of Japanese mii- ary, diplomatic and economic con- luests of the past decade, and acqu- oscence in Japan's "new order" for treater East Asia. Nazi U-Boats Comse Closer To Nova Scotia TORONTO, Nov. 5-(IP)-German submarines, already reported seen from the Newfoundland Coast, will be operating close to Nova Scotia within a short time, the Chief of the Canadian Naval Staff predicted to- day after the christening of a cor- vette designed to fight U-boats. (If U-boats reach Nova Scotian waters, they would be adjacent to areas of the United States. The West- ern coast of Nova Scotia is about 50 miles from the easternmost point of the United States and almost the same distance from Campobello Is- land, New Brunswick, where Presi- dent Roosevelt has a summer home. Cape Sable, southern tip of Nova Scotia, 'is about 250 miles east of Portland, Me.) "The battle (of the Atlantic) is growing ever more intense until to- day we have German submarines op- erating adjacent to the Straits of Belle Island and in the vicinity of Newfoundland," Rear Admiral Percy Nelles, Chief of Canada's Naval Staff, said at a dinner at Oakville, Ont. "It is only a matter of a short time before they will be close to our Nova Scotian coast." Earlier, when the corvette Oakville was christened at Oakville, Navy Minister Angus McDonald revealed Marten Ten Hoor Blames Educators For Much Of Present Day Ignorance By HALE CHAMPION and JOHN ERLEWINE Deploring the sentimentality, vague- ness, and ignorance of the American people concerning democracy, Dean Marten 'ten Hoor of Tulane Univer- sity told delegates to the Parent Edu- cation Institute here yesterday that educators were partially at fault for ;his ignorance. Dean ten Hoor contrasted the ideal University with one organized under the Nazi system and drew from that contrast the conclusion that the very essentials of education as we know them will be lost if we fail to stop the totalitarian threat. program, warned that any attempt by either parents or teachers to strictly discipline youth would result in demoralization rather than better morale. Another speaker of the opening day was Eugene B. Elliot, Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction, who stressed the importance of the+ new nation-wide citizenship program designed to aid five million aliens. Other featured speakers were Dr. James D. Bruce, vice-president , in charge of University relations, who gave a brief history of adujt educa- tion in Michigan; Ray O. Wyland, Boy Scout executive, who outlined construction of the World After the War." Developing Wednesday's theme, "The Family," members discussed "Education for Family Life," "The Relation of Good Food to Behavior," and "The Development of Attitudes Within the Family" in morning con- ferences held at the Rackham Build- ing. Continuing the general theme of the conference, "Man Remakes His Environment," the conference today will consider "The State." Prof. Earnest A. Hooton, noted author and anthropologist of Har- vard University, will be the featured speaker of today's session. Professor