Editorial, To The Class' Of 1945:... ig Sir igant B3aityj I Weather Continued Warm ,,. , VOL. LIT. No. 1 42 PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE C . ........ ... Ruthven Urges Hull Recommends Neutrality Repeal To Combat Hitler Publicatior Ruling Bo Is Expan Two More Facult Appointed Last By Board Of R Two Others Ad As Terns E By A. P. BLAUSTE (Daily City Editor In conformance with th revised by-laws of the Boa gents and the Board inC Student Publications, two f were appointed by the Re June to serve as new memb publications board. At thesame time the Discipline OfDemocrac Is President Greets Freshmen 1,800 New Students rd Rise As One To Pay y Men President Tribute t June tegents fegentsFreshmen And Transfers Will Take Part ded In Orientation Week Program xpire,... More than 1,800 freshmen and transfer students gathered in Hill Audi- IN torium last night to hear President Alexander Grant Ruthven emphasize ) hthat "the most important of our duties in, as well as before and after col- e recently lege, is to discover and acquire the discipline of democracy." ird of Re- In the climax of their first day of orientation activities, the new students Control of rose in a body to pay tribute to President Ruthven as he described this 'acultymen discipline as "the control within each person which permits men and women gents last to live together in peace, harmony and mutual respect." ers of the Y He pointed out that the audience should not only practice such control Regen"s themselves, but that they had a right to expect it in their teachers. These Draft Boards Authorized To Defer College Men Hampered By Induction Besieged Russians Pledge Death Fight (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.-While President Roosevelt conferred with advisers on ways of accelerating American assistance to nations fight- ing tle Axis, Secretary of State Hull indicated today he thought the time, had come to lift restrictions of the Neutrality Act. Already modified by the repeal, in 1939, of its rigid embargo on sale of arms to belligerents, the act still for- bids the arming of merchant ships, prohibits them from sailing into com- bat zones, and requires belligerents to take title to implements of war obtained in the United States be- fore such implements are shipped. Hull declined to venture any pre- diction as to whether Congress soon would repeal or modify the act. But at the same time he commented at his press conference that both he and President Roosevelt had criti- cized the Neutrality Act from the start as a measure more likely to get this country into war than to keep it out. President Roosevelt, soon after re- pturning fromn.t we .ken visit to Hyde. Park, N.Y., held a conference at the White House with Vice-President Wallace, and others high in govern- mental circles. Their talk dealt princip1lly, the conferees said, with the new $5,9$5,- 000,000 Lend-Lease a'ppropriation, and proposed price control legisla- tion. Wallace and Connally said the con- sensus was that there would be little difficulty in obtaining Congression- al approval for the new Lend-Lease fund, Increased College Deferments Given WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.-(A)- Selective Service Headquarters today authorized local boards to defer the induction of college students into the Army when immediate induction would cause "undue hardship" be- cause of intereference with their work. At the same time officials reminded local boards that students perparing for occupations or professions, such as the practice of medicine or engi- neering, could be deferred from in- duction for such preiods as might be necessary to permit them to complete their work and enter into their chosen professions. The primary con- sideration in this case, however, is that there must be a shortage in the' occupation for which the deferred student is preparing. Under the new procedure a student who had completed half a quarter of his college year, for instance, when he was called up for military service could obtain. postponement from his 'local draft board until the end of the quarter. This same provision applies to any other fraction of a college term. However, Selective Service Head- quarters said that if a student knew in advance that he was scheduled to be inducted shortly after the school period opened then he could not ex- pect a postponement. It was sug- gested he could either enter the Army immediately by volunteering or else remain out of school until time for induction. Besieged Russians Pledge Death Fight (By The Associated Press) MOSCOW. Tuesday, Sept. 23.- Pledged to fight to the death, Red troops and hastily-recruited civilians were reported today holding firm outside Leningrad and Odessa as Defentse Series To Be Offered By University Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle Is Appointed Head Of New Courses By DAN BEHRMAN Following President Ruthven's oft- repeated declaration that college stu- dents are fit for something more than buck privates, the University is offering a series of courses intended for men in all phases of defense ac- tivity. Last to be announced but first in importance to University men are the Defense Training .courses set up by the Literary College under the di- rection of Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle. These courses, while not a guarantee of immediate classification into a desired service, are planned to al- leviate the "usefulness" of Literary College men in defense assignments.. Still in line with Dr. Ruthven's in- tentions, all defense program work must be fitted into the student's regidar courses. According to Prof. Schoepfle this means that junior and senior draft eligibles will be able to take courses in industrial mobiliza- tion or radio communication instead of mere fillers for credit. The emergency requirements of an industrial nation are such, that near- ly all University courses come under the heading of civilian defense needs. The Literary College has divided its program into two classifications, the first intended for students anti- cipating military service and the sec- ond for men engaged in civilian as- pects of defense. Part I encompasses accounting, cost accounting, meteor- ology, sanitary chemistry, photog- raphy and aerial mapping, radio communication, surveying, short- hand and typewriting, civil engineer- ing and mechanical drawing. While most of these courses are open only to upperclassmen, their prerequisites (Continued on Page 2) Prospective Strangler Born To. Cliff Keens Reserve the National Collegiate heavyweight 'wrestling title of 1961 for James Clifford Keen. James Clifford, all seven pounds two ounces of him, was born two weeks ago, head wrestling Coach Cliff Keen's first son. Cliff, who already has two girls, says the future champ hasn't clamped any headlocks on him yet, but is rapidly learning the chickenwing. named two additional members of the faculty to the Board replacing Prof. William A. McLaughlin of the romance languages department and Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of the political science department whose terms of office had expired. The new Board members are Prof. Carl E. Burklund of the engineering English department, Prof. Hobart R. Coffey of the law school, Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech department and Prof. Merwin H. Waterman of the School of Business Administra- tion. Facultymen who will continue in office are Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Prof. Edson R. Sunderland ofI the law school, secretary of the Board, while Lee A. White of Detroit and Webb McCall of Mt. Pleasant will remain as alumni representa- tives.. Student members of the Board, chosen in a general campus election last May, are Charles Heinen, Grad., Harold Guetzkow, Grad., and Karl Kessler, Grad. The new organization of the Board, created by the Regents in Decem- ber, added two facultymen to the publications group and gave voting power to the two alumni members. Previous to that time the alumni representatives merely served as ad- visers and the voting power was held solely by the Board's four faculty and three student delegates. Following the announcement of a change in the organization of the Board, the publications body was' given a hearing in May and petitions signed by 4,350 students were submit- ted to the Regents opposing the change. The Regents decided, how- ever, to stand pat on their former decision. Objection to the Regents' action was made by many students and members of the faculty on the grounds that such a measure would render student representation virt- ually ineffective because of the over- whelming number of faculty mem- bers on the Board. On the other hand, the University Council committee which recommen- ded the change charged that The Daily misrepresented the student body to those who had "misunder- stood" it as the opinion of the cam- pus as a whole-and that the solu- tion was a "faculty dominated" Board. NO YOUNG MEN OR WOMEN should enter an American University in the fall of 1941 without being profoundly conscious of the priceless benefits guaranteed to them by the' traditional liberties of this NatIon and of their bounden duty to maintain the prosperity and security of their country by every possible means. The University of Michigan holds that, in addition to the efforts and activities which apply directly to the safe-guarding of America in a crucial time, it is equally necessary for the citizenship to be educated and intelligent, capable of furnishing its own leadership, productive of professional workers, scientists, and technicians to maintain its health and well-being, and so truly con- vinced of the essential superiority of democratic liberties that it will never swerve from the paths laid down by our forefathers. Your work here this year, in a great institution provided by a free people for the education of their youth, should be undertaken and pursued with this in mind. It is our task to help you become actively, positively useful citizens; it is yours to avail yourselves of the privilege and to acquit yourselves of the duty. --ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN Literary College To Celebrate Hundredth Year October 15 same teachers, the President added, a Daily Quizzes Frosh Co-eds On 'M' Males It would be only appropriate, in deference to the unprecedented de- luge of women that has descended upon our fair city, that for once The Daily forego tradition and pub- lish not a "man on the street," but a "coed on the campus." This is ladies' day and in further deference to freshman women, their favorite topic-men-will now be publicly discussed. Question: What would your answer be if a student whom you had never seen before came up to you and asked you for a date? Doris Weeks: "If he was a typical' Michigan man I would probably grab him and run. . .." Midge Birkett: "'Yes', if he seemed like a nice boy." Mary Biggerstaff: "Why, I'd turn him down, of course ... maybe." Margaret Aithouse: "I never pass up a good opportunity.... Question: Do you intend to let your studies interfere with your social life? Mingled with a few emphatic "no's" from June Ely, Marilyn Moore and Ruth Mary Picard, these gems of wis- dom were recorded: Eleanor Ketcham: "My answer is Dean Lloyd's: I came to the Univer- sity, not to the campus." Libby Davis: "My mother might see The Daily, so I can't say no." Martha Frey: "I'm afraid that sometimes I'll have to." Jane Kneedler: "Why, certainly ... I mean, No!" t. Question: Is your impression of Michigan men such that you would unhesitatingly accept blind dates? Margaret Davis: "Yes, from any but freshmen . . . but I hope they don't take my answer too seriously." Jane Bronson: "Yes if I have known them for years." Penny Hayes: "Heavens No!" NOTICE Sophomores and second semes- ter freshmen interested in work- ing on either the editorial, busi- ness, sports or women's staffs of The Daily are requested to report for tryouts at 5 p.m. Monday at the Student Publications Building. Plane Vs. Submarine: Prof. Stalker Claims Solution To Menace From Submarine Progress And Achievement{ To Be Reviewed Here' In Day-Long Program By HOMER SWANDER One hundred years ago Thursday two professors and seven students gathered in Mason Hall to conduct the first class ever held at the Uni- versity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. In commemoration of this event the College of Literature, Science and the Arts-which was the first de- partment of the University-will stage a day-long centennial program on Oct. 15. No classes are to be held in the College, as . the entire day will be spent in a review of the growth and achievements of the. University during the past century,! as well as in a discussion of the prob- lems confronting a liberal arts col- lege during the coming years. Those first freshmen not only went to all of their classes in Mason Hall -which is still in use, forming the north wing of University Hall-but they also lived and studied there.' Surprisingly enough there was still room enough for the University to lodge its scientific collection in the building. Four other buildings, all profes- sors' residences, comprised the re- mainder of the University's physical equipment, as it stood in 1841. One FRATERNITY NOTICE 4 Fraternity rushing will begin at noon Sunday instead of Satur- day, Interfraternity Council Presi- dent Don Stevenson announced of the original professors' houses forms part of the President's House on the present campus. From the meager curriculum of mathematics, Greek and Latin which was presented to the first class, the many of the other 13 schools and Literary College has since expanded to such an extent that it may now properly be called the "mother" of colleges }which make up the modern University. The College of Engin- eering, the Graduate School and the schools of Education. Pharmacy, Business Administration, Music and Forestry and Conservation all had their beginnings in what is now called the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. In addition to providing a liberal' arts education to its own student (Continued on Page 7' re here to help the student learn the "whole truth" and to aid them in ob- taining necessary knowledge. "However," he cautioned, "the knowledge you acquire is your respon- sibility and it is a serious one. Know- ledge is power, but it may be a power for good or evil. You have come to the University for just one purpose- to learn how to use it for good." "Your principle task here is not to equip yourselves to make an easy liv- ing, but to learn both what the world is and what it should be and to train yourselves to be good citizens." Must Become Good Citizens President Ruthven stressed the point that a student would have com- pletely failed in his job if the net re- sult of his years at the University was to make him only a skillful surgeon, an able business man, or a well-train- red engineer. "If, on the other hand," he con- cluded, "you make of yourselves good citizens, then you will have become educated in the true sense of the term and a cr d to'your school and the society which supports it.", Other speakers on the program, in- cluding Kenneth W. Morgan, Direc- tor of the Student Religious Associa- tion, Dean of Students Joseph A. , Bursley, Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd, and Prof. Philip E. Bursley, Director of the Orientation Period who presided as chairman, "empha- sized how fortunate the young peo- 'ple of this country are in comparison to the youth of all the' other conti- nents of the !world. 'The Student's Duty' Pointing out that it is the student's duty to do the best he can and to make the most of his every opportun- ity, they added that in entering a university all freshmen "place them- selves in the front line and take their place as free men and women who want to preserve freedom of action and freedom of conscience for all mankind." Dean Lloyd extended a particularly warm greeting o the women of the class of 1945, for they comprise, she said, the largest group of women to ever enter the University in any one year. For the first time in history there are more women than men en- tering the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Busy Orientation Week The assembly brought to a close the first day of what will prove to be a busy week for both freshmen and transfer students. Yesterday was spent largely in getting acquainted with their advisers, finding out about their programs and looking over the campus. During the remainder of the week the new students will be caught in a swirl of activities ranging from health examinations and registration to mixers and tea dances. Freshmen will also be required to take two 'Scholastic Aptitude Tests and a Reading Test. Boarding Facilities Available At Co-ops All students wishing to board at any one of the 12 campus coopera- tives are urged to contact Owen Schwam, '42E, at the Congress Co- operative House as soon as possible. Board at the various cooperatives ranges from $1.50 to $4.50 a week while working hours range from 15 to 30 hours a month. Nine of the student cooperatives are for men while the other three are for women. Students wishing to room at the cooperatives may call William Dit, . v .. u ., . , 1 I li l I Too Many Girls? Impossible! By MORTON MINTZ Anothey answer to the submarine menace and possibly the "missing link of convoy protection" has been found at the University of Michigan. Prof. Edward A. Stalker, chairman of the aeronautical engineering de- partment, revealed yesterday that a new helicopter of his own design, a craft similar to the autogiro in its use of overhead blades but differing in that it has no propeller, could be carried as armament on every mer- chant vessel plying the waters be- tween the United States and the war areas. These helicopters, operating to and from the short deck of merchant ships without catapults or cranes, would carry a military load of pilot, observer, two-way radio and depth charges, and aided by their unique ability to hover in the air and travel very slowly, would be able to take a' a positive threat to their safe opera- tions. In contrast to the submarines, heli-, copters would operate in comparative1 safety. Commander William A. Read, U. S. Naval Reserve, wrote in the United States Naval Institute *Pro- ceedings in May, 1941, that "because of the absence of wings and the ro- tation of the blades in flight, an auto- gyro (or helicopter) would be an ex- tremelyrdifficult object to discern at any distance, yet it should be capable' of spotting a submarine more readily than a lookout aboard a destroyer." Commander Read, naming several important disadvantages of using conventional seaplanes or aircraft carriers for escort duty, asserted that rotary-wing aircraft provide the an- swer to the problem and listed these requirements as essential: In addition to its pilot, observer, two-way radio and load of depth- Literary School Males Rejoicee; More Girls In Class Of 19451 " By WILL SAPP Michigan's 101st class-the Class of 1945-streamed out of Hill Audi- torium about 9:30 last night 1800 strong, and just like the 100 classes that preceeded them, they stood around and looked for dates. As soon as orientation chairmen Phil Bursley told them that more girls than fellows were enrolled in the literary school freshmen class than ever before in the school's history, they sat up. And when they sat down it was in campus coke shops where they talked1 of Ruthven's suggested discipline of democracy, home towns, high schools President, Deans Joseph Bursley and Alice Lloyd that there was more to education than coming to campus, most of them smiled contentedly as they walked into the night. "In four years," their faces said, "we shall be educated. And that is fine." About a thousand of them stood in front of Hill . . snatches of' conver- sation drifted about. "Why not take history ..." a pretty sweater girl was saying to a friend ... two girls were jabbering to themselves . . . "He walked right up to me and said aren't von from Pittsburgh?" . .. from a fel-