THE MTCHTIAN _DAILY TFFSi'i AV. VO'VF NTPr.R 4.' 1441 The Michigan Daily i Letters To The Editor m1 I r * a.. . :.,.. __ tn W_1 k-V'AWANW-a-- i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press 'The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail $5.00. REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONkL ADVERT19ING 8Y National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. . MICAGO SosToN - Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO '1ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emnile Geld Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet iatt : Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell * . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor * . . .Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Daniel James Louise Evelyn Business Staffl H. Huyett . . . Business Manager B. Collins . Associate Business Manager Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manager Wright . . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON ,MINTZ The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Freedom Of Seas And America . . T IS utterly inconsistent to wage an undeclared naval war in the North Atlantic and not to repeal the Neutrality Act. The United States destroyer Reuben James is at the bottom of the ocean today-"west of Ice- land"-the victim of a Nazi torpedo. In the same waters the U.S.S. Greer emerged unscathed from a skirmish with German submarines and the U.S.S. Kearny, was ripped by Nazi torpedoes. Saturday the German government, in an ex- traordinary statement from Adolf Hitler's head- quarters, charged the torpedoed destroyers with aggression against German naval units and ad- mitted officially for the first time that Ger- many's U-boats fired at the Kearny. The German report might well have read, "You asked for it, and we gave it." Certainly this cannot be denied on our side of the Atlantic. But it should not be forgotten why we asked for it. Our naval units are in the Iceland area be- cause we are committed as a people to the de- struction of Hitler and because we are feeding the materials of destruction to his declared enemies. The sinking of the Reuben James with the loss of 76 men should not bring us any nearer an actual declaration of war by Congress. For the attack was not the unexpected, rather it was the natural outcome of a foreign policy that will not accept as law any war zone laid down by Hitler. It should prove that the time has come for the removal of all restraints on Amer- ica's full exercise of the right of the freedom of the seas, including the acts which prohibit the arming of merchantman ships and the right to enter combat zones and belligerent ports. It is almost as inconsistent to carry on a naval war in the face of the Neutrality Act as it is to stand for the military destruction of Hitler, but against a declaration of total war. - Will Sapp Arbitrate Trouble Between Unions . . A JURISDICTIONAL STRIKE involv- ing the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamships Clerks and the Teamsters' Union, both affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, resulted in the first strike violence in De- troit in many,months. The teamsters refused to agree to a settlement made by the clerks and as a result a picket line was formed to stop the clerks from going to work. This strike fortunately is not in the defense industries of Detroit, but it in itself represents a serious problem of general union policy. Do the labor unions expect to be in public favor when they cannot themselves make up their own minds about internal problems and thus cause inconvenience and violence? Clearly they can- not be expected to be heralded as the great saviors of the working classes or even benefac- tors of the worker when they are continually bickering among themselves. The jurisdictional strike of the intra-union sort is foolish since it destroys the all-important solidarity necessary to win demands from man- agement, but of even greater dimension is the inter-union strikes that often entangle AFL and CI0 unions in expensive, damaging, unpopular struggles. These inter-union conflicts are per- Replies To Miss Slautterback ... To the Editor: , LTHOUGH I do not agree with the predom- inantly interventionist flavor of current Daily editorials I have maintained faith in the liberal and intellectually honest writing of even the America Nexters. This morning, though, I received a severe shock. When I turned to the editorial page I was greeted by the statement that American Democracy Cannot Survive War . . . Under this assertion was an editorial by one H. J. Slautter- back. I feel very sorry for a Daily with such editorial writers; I feel very sorry for Miss Slautterback, but not for the same reasons that make her shed such crocodile tears for the poor factory owner's unprofitable position. Miss Slautterback declares that the only refuge of the American people, the only thing that has preserved what democracy is left us, is their in- nate conservatism and their confidence in the Constitution "that has guided the United States through nearly 200 years of expansion." While I realize what Miss Slautterback seems not to, that the Constitution has expanded with each decade of expansion of our nation, it is not with our innate conservatism or this document that the fate of American democracy rests, but with the opposite, unceasing attachment to the principles of liberal progress and social con- sciousness. In the first half of the column next to the Slautterback editorial lies the true reason for the danger to free American institutions. (Editor Note: This was the Washington Merry- Go-Round about congressional delay on infla- tion.) Still hopefully, - Lord of the Isles Editor's Note: The following articles are excerpts from long letters which had to be cut because of space requirements. Other Points Attacked STATES RIGHTS . ... Undoubtedly govern- ment is everywhere becoming centralized, per- haps \ too centralized, but the automobile (by abolishing localism) has done more than a dozen wars to effect that. I quote from T. H. Reed, formerly professor at the University of Michi- ;an: "The automobile has done more in two decades to revolutionize the areas of local gov- ernment than all the events of history since the battle of Hastings." The great depression also -ompelled the federal government to assume un- usual powers. But while this may or may not be unfortunate, I see no diminution of either liberty or democracy in it. The worst invasions of civil rights in this country have come from local gov- ernments, and the federal courts have often in- tervened on behalf of minorities locally perse- cuted. I would rather trust my liberties to any- one I can think of at Washington than to the present Governor of Georgia or the present mayor of Jersey City. Capitalism, too, is a different matter. Every- where in the world governments are, and have been for two generations, interfering more and more with the conduct of private business. I do not view this process with the unmixed enthu- siasm of the Socialist or Communist, for govern- ments can be as wasteful, incompetent and tyrannical as any private employer.. But the process is not a negation of democracy; on the contrary, it has meant in part an effort to curb the gigantic power of private monopolies and to protect the poor and weak from the conse- cuences of cut-throat competition. - Preston Slosson potent struggles within the ranks of the organ- izations'whose unity is vitally important. WHAT CAN BE DONE? The only effective remedy sounds hackneyed, but it is still workable: sit down at the conference table. In the case of such strikes as the Teamsters' in Detroit let the AFL executive council quickly determine which union is encroaching on the other and hand down orders immediately to end any trouble. This remedy is simple and work- able through the pressure that the parent organ- ization can exert. The struggle between the AFL and the CIO is of a much larger nature and the problem of rapprochement is extremely difficult. But if the two unions were to sit together at a conference table, each thinking unselfishly and of long range problems, at least a truce could be reached so as to settle much of the trouble. If union die-hards should block this sort of planning they could be silenced by the participating unions. The jurisdictional strike problem must be set- tled if the American labor movement is to pro- gress. The union-baiting vultures are already watching from the cliffs of the defense effort and need little urging to come swooping down on unions weakened through internal struggles and lack of public support. For the unions' own sake as well as the nation's, jurisdictional strikes must be eliminated from the labor scene. Peace must be made by unions fighting jursidictional battles and it must be made in a peaceable manner. - Leon Gordenker Wage Control Opposition Representative Wolcott of Michigan, senior Republican member, says that fellow-Republi- cans on the House Banking Committee are opposed to any reference to wages in the admin- istration's price-control bill. This follows re- jection by the Republican members of the com- promise proposal of the committee's chairman, Representative Steagall of Alabama, to prohibit wage increses which would result in higher Democracy Will Survive .. . To the Editor: PROBABLY the greatest argument advanced by Miss Slautterback is that: "In the hands of a President already serving his third term, will be placed*powers as great and inclusive as those which Hitler exercises. Powers so complete that with almost no further legislation the Presidency of the United States can be turned into a dic- tatorship." This is an argument which is often heard, and which is usually based on a complete ignorance of history. It is an assertion which utterly disregards the past experience of our nation. Of course, past experience is not an in- fallible guide to the future; but it is the only guide there is. Intelligence consists in making ise of past experience in order to guide future action. Failure to take previous experience into account is a sign either of wishful thinking or of intellectual impotence.r The past experience of our country certainly does not support the assumption which Miss Slauttereback makes. We have engaged in two major wars since the Constitution was adopted: the Civil War and World War I. In both cases, almost unlimited power was placed in the hands of the president during the emergency; the legis- lative branch of the country was relegated to a minor role, and the rights and freedom of the people were also curtailed. But in both cases, as Soon as the emergency was over, the presidency was deprived not only of the powers delegated to it during the emergency, but even of a large part of its customary prestige. There was a violent reaction; Congress took the bit in its teeth; it almost impeached Andrew Johnson, and it re- fused even to ratify the treaty which Wilson had negotiated in Paris. Furthermore, in each in- stance the war was followed not by a period of regimentation but by a decade of the wildest individualism. NOW, as I have admitted, it does not invariably follow that what has been the rule in the past will continue to be so in the future. It is merely highly probable that it will be. Certainly the odds are very long against Miss Slautter- back's unsupported assertion that the contrary will happen next time. Consequently, I fail to share her gloom as to the future of our demo- cratic principles. I also fail to share her doubt as to the strength of democracy. I do not feel that it is too weak to survive a war. It has sur- vived several wars in the past; it can survive this one too-it can survive even the rabbit- hearted defeatism of young women like Miss Slautterback. - Arthur L. Cooke Post-War Economic Crisis Must Be Prevented A CRISIS, perhaps even greater than the war itself, faces the United States after the present conflict when the in- dustrial boom declines. The economic disloca- tion that will follow the ending of the demand for military supplies and equipment staggers the imagination. What will happen, for example, to the workers in the airplane industry? Civilian aircraft uses will not require the huge number of planes now being turned out. Undoubtedly many workers will lose their jobs. This will cut their purchasing power and the resulting effects will be felt by business men and other consumer-goods pro- ducing industries in their community. But, unfortunately, the airplane industry is not the only example' of bad post-war effects. Every manufacturing concern engaged in de- fense production will be forced to slaken output and reduce employment after the demand for its products is over. Tank, munitions and gun plants will all be hit. As in the case of the first in- dustry cited, effects from these changes will be felt by many other groups. A VICIOUS CYCLE beginning with the closing down of the war industries which forces re- ductions in output in industries producing for civilian use is very likely to result. Millions of laborers will be thrown out of their jobs. Star- vation may even be so threatening as to force the government to resort to the familiar bread- lines of the early thirties. Added to this pessimistic picture are other factors. There will be millions of men released from the nation's military forces who will in- crease the already lengthening list of job-seek- ers. Then, too, there is a possible problem of inflation. It will'also be difficult to get back to the uncontrolled system of allocating resources. Ghost towns. will probably become prevalent. Mildly indicative of this is the housing boom in Washtenaw County because of the Ford bomber plant near Ypsilanti. When the migrant workers lose their employment in this plant after the war, they will seek their livelihood elsewhere, leaving many newly built residential sections in the county uninhabited. OF COURSE, it is true that some industries, such as automobile manufacturing, will in- crease production. They may be able to absorb some of the unemployed, but the switch will be slow. In addition, with demand low, no increase in production can even be expected here. If the other problems alsobdevelop, moreover, the sit- uation will indeed be urgent. Many of the offic- ials of the government already realize this and are attempting to find a means of preventing it. It is not the purpose of this editorial to sug- gest a means. The writer is not an "expert." The editorial is merely trying to impress upon the sceptics the gravity of the problem. Those who say that all post-war problems should wait un- til after the war are making a fatal mistake. Investigation to find a successful means to hanl- he certain economic crises must con- c<" tcAber S. Aflei BRITISH DEMANDS for greater censorship of the American press, made public in London last week. are not new to executives of the U.S. Army and Navy. They have been hearing these British complaints for some time-and with mixed sympa- thy. Theoretically U.S. officials are in- clined to agree with the British that perhaps some news should be with- held from the American press. On the other hand, those who under- stand American public opinion real- ize that President Roosevelt has a far different problem from that of the British in educating public opin- ion. Britain is in the war and the public has been accustomed to war for two years. The American public, however, is a long way yet from en- tering the war, and demands the facts rather than any twisting or withholding of the facts. Furthermore, there is a group in- side the Army and Navy which de- mands more facts for themselves regarding the British military posi- tion. They believe the British have been too optimistic, and that Ameri- can military strategists should have all the British facts. GRIN AND BEAR IT "We like to treat our cook like one of the family-then Otis can tell her what he thinks of her!" sr t . . i ' \ ; ' -. ,, _ :. ; - ; , ,. S , 1. t. c-_.. : ,aye - ' .4-, By Lichty I 1 One very vigorous member of this school is Admiral Ernest J. King,- commander of the Atlantic Fleet. Ad- miral King is running one of the most efficient sections of the U.S. - Navy, the convoys across the NorthA Atlantic, but he believes in looking the facts in the face-even thoughp disagreeable.F Admiral King Wins Out e SEVERAL DAYS AGO King had f reason to differ with Admiral o William Standley, retired, who went U to Russia as adviser to Averell Harri- i man. Standley, after stopping also e in London, came back with an en- 0 thusiastic 60-page report glowing I with Russo-British ability to hold a out. t When Admiral King heard of this t he went to the White House and reg- b;J isteredan emphatic protest against n the "Pollyanna stuff." He told the i President that he did not trust Ad- a miral Standley's report and wanted to send his own observer to the Medi- v terranean to look over the British s situation. b Admiral King can be a tough talk- a er, and he did not mince words with r Roosevelt. He intimated that the President might remove him if he wished, but that he (King) had to v know what the U.S. fleet faced in i the Atlantic. So the President gaveo him permission to send one of his r own Atlantic fleet officers to look p over the British situation. t Honey' Fitz Has FDR 'In' b 0NE MAN who has no trouble get-r ting in to see the President, evenv in these hectic days, is John F. Fitz-1 gerald, 78-year-old ex-mayor of Bos- ton, father-in-law of ex-AmbassadorK Joe Kennedy, and still a potent fig-r ure in Massachusetts politics. Amongt his myriads of friends from coast to coast, he is known as "Honey Fitz," but the President calls him "Grampa" t and is fond of him for two reasons.1 Fitzgerald was the first candidate the President supported in a politicalI campaign. This was back in 1895,1 when Roosevelt was a student at Har- vard and "Grampa" was running for7 the first of three terms in the House of Representatives. Other reason for Fitzgerald's "in'' at the White House is a lilting tenor s voice, which the President hugely admires. Every time the spry Bos- tonian calls, the President demands to hear his "theme song." Fitzgerald needs no coaxing. While White House aides listen goggle-eyed in the outer office, and with his host gleefully beating time, "Honey Fitz" lifts his voice and sings: "What's the matter with Grand- pa? He's all right. What's the matter with Grand- pa? He's out all night. Nobody knows wherever he goes. He's dancing on the top of his toes. What's the matter with Grand- pa? He's all right." Secret Nazi Map Details HERE are the details of that secret Nazi map, dividing South America into five vassal states, which was dis- closed by the President in his Navy Day speecht: 1. Starting at the top of the south-I er continent, the Nazis grouped the following to make up one of their proposed subject provinces: Colom- bia, Venezuela, and the three Gui- anas, British, French, and Dutch. 2. South of Colombia and extend- ing down the west coast, another grouping consists of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and the northern half of Chile. 3. A third aggregation is built around Argentina, to which is added the southern half of Chile on the west coast (where there already is a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2)t a k member of the faculty or other em- r loyee not on indeterminate tenureu ho is called into the service of theN 'ederal Government during the pres- d nt emergency shall be deemed to be in n leave of absence without salary 4, or a period not longer than the end f the present term of appointment. Upon release from Government serv- u ce the University will if possible re- f Imploy such person at the beginning n f a semester or academic year as n may be practicable and in a position a s nearly comparable as possible with he former position. Whatever ten- ative understanding may be reached C ,y a department Chairman with a J member of the staff should be put F n writing with copies filed with theG ppropriate University officers. f Chairmen of departments are ad- d ised to weigh carefully the neces- N ity of filling positions made vacantm y the national emergency and to l .ttcmpt to make provisions for theW eturn of members of the staff. b Senate Reception: Since no indi- vidual invitations are being sent, this t s a cordial invitation to all members Af the teaching, administrative, and a esearch staff and their wives to be 0 present at the Senate Reception t to new members of the faculties onight in the ballroom of the d Michigan Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception will take place from 8:30b to 10:00 o'clock, after which thereG will be dancing from 10:00 to 12:00. It is especially hoped that new teach- ing fellows and instructors may be present and the chairmen of depart- ments are asked to be of assistance in bringing thi about.- Members of the Faculty are invitedS to attend the 12th annual Parent i Education Institute which will be in a session at the Rackham Building on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 5, 6, and 7. Call at the registration desk in person for ad-5 mission badge.4 Students in the University will bes admitted to the lectures in the Lec- ture Hall, provided there is room after delegates are seated. C. A. Fisher, Director Extension Service Approved Organizations: A list of1 organizations which have been ap- proved for the year 1941-42 -will bet run in the D.O.B. on November 9 andI 11. It is hoped that all organizations wishing such approval will submitt a list of officers to the Office of thet Dean of Students before November 7. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Courses, droppedt after Saturday, November 8, by stu- dents other than freshmen will be re- corded with the grade of E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through' the eighth -week.I Exceptions to these regulations mayt be made only because of extraordin-c ary circumstances, such as serious orf long-continued illness.t E. A. Walter t Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts may ob- tain their five-week progress reports in the Academic Counselor's Office Room 108 Mason Hall. from 8:00 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. ac-J cording to the following schedule:f P through Z. Wednesday, Novem- ber 5. I I through O, Thursday, Novem- ber 6. A through H, Friday, November 7. American Student Union: The University Committee on Discipline approves the recommendation of thej han freshmen: Courses dropped fter Saturday. November 8, will be ecorded with the grade of E except nder extraordinary circumstances. o course is considered officially ropped unless it has been reported a the office of the Registrar, Room University Hall. Varsity Glee Club: The following pperclassmen will continue to report or Varsity rehearsals. Freshman ames are not included, but those ow attending Varsity rehearsals are sked to continue to do so. Albin, Aldrich, Barrett, Bassett, azley, Beu, Boynton, Brown, Busche. ohn, Conti, Converso, Crowe, De- ong, Derby. Dongvillo, Farrand, ischer, Fredrickson, Funk,Gibson, illis, Harris, Hileman, Hines, Hol- and, Imperi, Klopsic, Koppin, Lan- is, McDonough, Morrison, Murphy, rorris. Plott, Powers, Rawden, Red- aon, Repola, Rhodes, Stern, Strick- and, D. Wallace, Wierengo, Wilton, Whitney, Queern, Kellogg, Carle- ach, Hildebrandt. Women students wishing to attend he Columbia-Michigan football game re required to register in the Office f the Dean of Women. A letter of ermission from parents must be in his office not later than Wednes- lay, November 12. If the student oes not go by train, special permis- ion for another mode of travel must e included in the parent's letter. Graduate women are invited to regis- er in this office. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held in Room 319, West Medical Building on Wednesday, November 5, t 7:30 p.m. "Fluorine in Metabol- sm" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet on Wednesday, November 5, in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. N. R. Davidson will speak on "Electrical Conduction in Liquid Hydrocarbons." Doctoral Examination for Mr. James Lewis Calver, Geology; the- sis: "The Glacial and Post-Glacial History of the Platte and Crystal Lake Depressions, Benzie County, Michi- gan," today at 2:00 p.m., 4065 Na- tural Science Building. Chairman, I. D. Scott. By action of the Executive Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Concerts Carillon Programs: The bell cham- ber of the Burton Memorial Tower will be open to viistors interested in observing the playing of the carillon from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily through Friday of this week, at which time Professor Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will present an informal program. Lectures University Lecture: Mr. Arundell Esdaile, President of the British Li- brary Association and former Secre- tary of the British Museum, will lec- ture on the subject, "Dr. Johnson and the Young," under the auspices of the Department of Library Sci- ence, today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: =Mr. Earl S. °.' .... ;: ,, ,F, C jr r i f t