Weather Jr Fair and Cooler. Lie iga ait Editorial Freedom Of Seas And America.... VOL. LI. No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1941 Z323 jww- - PRICE FIVE CENTS '1& Y a iff-Ilk " ! t f 7t T "Ar"i 7 T Nazis Ieject U. S. Request Huge IVavy Bomber Lost In Atlantic With 12 Men Pilot Relates Story Of Northwest Airlines' Transport Crash In Moorhead, Minn. For Payment Of Damages Sen. Connally Says Action On Neutrality Revision Does NotImply War Senate Polls Favor ArmingOf Ships WASHINGTON, Nov. 3-(A')-Ger- many has declined to reply to a United States request for $2,967,092 damages for the sinking of the Amer- ican steamer Robin Moor, the State Department disclosed today. This development was made public while the capital awaited in vain for word of any further survivors of the U. S. Destroyer Reuben James, tor- pedoed last week west of Iceland. Forty-four of the crew have been res- cued, but there is mounting fear for the lives of the remainder, believed to number about 76. There was no loss of life in the case of the Robin Moor. Flying the American flag, it was torpedoed, shelled and sunk by a submarine in 'the South Atlantic May 21. Neutrality Revision Doesn't Mean War WASHINGTON, Nov. 3-W)--Sen- ator Connally %(Dem.-Tex.) told the Senate1 today that revising the Neu- trality Act did not mean a declara- tion of war any, more than had pre- vious foreign policy steps, but added that Adolf Hitler already has given this country "cause for war." Connally, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, took up the Ad- ministration fight for neutrality re- vision with a statement that Hitler had demonstrated a fixed determina- tion to sink American ships. World Conquerer "We can not surrender our rights, and get off the sea at the cruel and ,coarse dictation of a man who wants to conquer the world," he added. He spoke after informal polls had indicated the Administration had at least 51 certain Votes--two more than a majority-in favor of the pending legislation to knock off the Neutrality Act provisions preventing arming American merchant ships and for- bidding them to enter belligerent ports or combat zones. Leaders were counting on final Senate action by Wednesday, but Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.), an1 opponent of the measure, said a final tally Thursday or Friday was more, likely. Excited Senator Connally, his arms flailing, stepped into the debate after Senators Taft (Rep.-Ohio) and Clark (Dem.-Mo.) had questioned whether this nation would be justified in entering the war because of sea losses to date. "Now the Senator from Missouri is getting-all excited about his arithme- tic and wants to know how many ships will have to be sunk before we'll go to war," Connally declared. "I guess Hitler ought to know how many so he can stop just one before the total number." WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-WP)-Loss of a huge bomber in the Atlantic with the death of 12 men was announced by the Navy tonight-its third report within two weeks of major disaster. The ship crashed, the Navy said, and killed two officers and nine men of its crew and also an Army officer, Lieut. W. P. Robinson, who was de- scribed as a passenger. Where the bomber crashed, what may have caused the disaster, and all other details were withheld for the time being. The type of ship itself was not identified in the Navy's announce- ment. From the number of men aboard, it/was believed, however, that it must have been one of the huge PBY flying boats used for iong dis- tance sea patrols. Neither the Navy nor the War De- partment was able to give Lieut. Rob- inson's address immediately. The terse official announcement omitted the location of the disaster, along with other details. The mem- bers of. the Navy crew were thus listed: Ensign Carl M. Thornquist, Naval Reserve, Newton, Mass. Ensign Carl Bialek, Naval Reserve, New Hackensack, N.Y. Coy M. Weems, aviation ordnance- man, first class, Ocean View, Va. Joseph S. Wanek, radio man, sec- ond class, Escondido, Calif. Vern H. Anderson, aviation ma- chinist's mate, second class, Norfolk, Va. Andrew R. Brazille, radioman, third class, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Ocran G. Knehr,, radioman, second: class, Norfolk, Va. William L. Payne, aviation ord- nance -machinist, third class, Dahl- gren, Va. M. Ground, seaman, second class, Bason, N. Y.-t E. L. Cooper, seaman, second class, Brooklyn, N. Y. Walter Vincent Garrison, aviation Recent Thefts Add To Local 'Crime Wave machinist's mate, first class, Ocean View, Va. At Moorhead, Minn.. the story of how his twelve-ton transport plane "started to flutter or shake" with the controls dead and speed indicators "out" was related here today by pilot Clarence Bates, only survivor of the Northwest Airlines crash near here early last Thursday in which 14 per- sons lost their lives. Disclosing icing conditions prior to the tragedy, Captain Bates from his hopsital bed gave a deposition for a formal investigation describing his futile fight to keep the big ship fly- ing with the cargo of twelve passen- gers and three crew members. Ominous commands rang out in the tiny plane cockpit as aBtes and his copilot, Alden Onsgard, 25, began struggling to avert disaster after trou- ble first developed when they were 600 feet above the Farge airport to consider landing. IMovie Series 'Particular' Thief Monroe Street Ten Robberies Pilfers House; Listed Is Expanded Supplementary Sequence Features Past Stars Since the Art Cinema League's first presentation of its American comedy series proved laughter still at a pre-I mium, a new supplementary program has been set up for the remaining pictures. Announced yesterday, the new schedule provides for a 6:15 p.m. showing of the picture before its regular run at 8:15.iHarold Lloyd in "Grandma's Boy" and Buster Keaton as "Sherlock Junior" will therefore scream on the screen for two audi- ences Sunday at the Lydia Mendel- ssohn. Tickets for the new series can be obtained at the League and Union desks, and at a State Street book- store. They will be offered at re- duced rates, since the first bill, star- ring W. C. Fields and the Marx Brothers, has already appeared in Ann Arbor. On November 23rd, Charlie Chaplin will be revived in his famous silents, "The Tramp," "The Bank," "The Police," and "A Woman." The final show of the series, scheduled for January 18, will feature Harry Lang- don in "The Strong Man" and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew's "The Pro- fessional Patient." Nine Favor '0l' Sock'- 11,217_Unimpressed Nine students out of 11,226 are in favor of forming a new tradi- tion for Michigan. They have written in to The Daily urgingt the adoption of the '01' Wet Sock" as a trophy to be given the loser of the annual Michigan-Ohio State grid contest. There were no votes against the adoption of the trophy. The deadline for votes for or against the trophy, which has been offered by an alumnus, has been extended tonThursday. No oral or telephonic votes will be accepted. All votes must be writ- ten in a letter or post card and mailed to "The 01' Wet Sock Editor," Michigan Daily, Publica- tions Building, Ann Arbor. All, votes will be turned over to Coach' "Fritz" Crisler. Phone Union Votes Strike For Nov. 14 Military Communications, Long Distance Service ThreatenedBy Walkout Quick Settlement Sought By Moran NEW YORK, Nov. 3-(r)-The Federation of Long Lines Telephone Workers, an independent union, to- night called a strike for Nov. 14 af- fecting communications in 42 states. President John J. Moran of Pitts- burgh declared the 15,000 members of the union had voted "overwhelm- ingly" for a walkout which "will com- pletely tie up the long distance wires, the Army and Navy communications systems, the wires of the Civil Aero- nautics Authority, the country-wide radio hookup and the transmission of wirephotos and teletypewriter news service." Moran immediately directed an ap- peal ; to President Roosevelt, asking that the dispute be certified to the National Mediation Board. He added that should certification come the strike would be called off. The union, demanding a four per cent wage boost and narrowing off geographic pay differentials, said negotiations broke down Oct. 25 after a super panel of the U. S. Conciliation Service was unable to effect a settle- ment. A spokesman for the long lines di- vision of the American Telephone and 4 Telegraph Co. said: "The management was ready to resume negotiations, but the Federa- tion was unwilling to do so unless the management would agree in advance to make immediate wage increases all over the country, regardless of con- ditions in various areas or the length of time. since last increases were made. '0-0 Druid Initiate Seven In Fall Tapping Rites DRUIDS, sons of magic, Foretellers of the future, Judges-very knowing, wise- The fires in the stonehenge Are set alight, With flames to heaven raised; Look upon thy awenyds, Called from out thy mighty court- The uniformed who would seek thy light. Hence to the oak grove, There to test Their unworthiness. With eyes to heaven raised, Invoke a blessing from the skies, Perpetuate thy heroic deeds- Keep ever bright Thy burning torch- The glory and wisdom of knights of old. Stalwart DRUIDS, true and bold. To the rock of DRUIDS have been summoned: Al Thomas, Leo Cunningham, Stro- ther Martin, Charles Boynton, Hol- brooke Seltzer, Chandler Simonds, William Todd. Athletic Managers Named In a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors of Athletics yesterday in the Ad- ministration Building, Monroe Gil- bert, '42, was elected tennis manager, and Elliott Atamian, '42, was named golf manager, while Robert Wallace, '42E, was appointed chairman and Robert Krause, '43BAd, secretary of the Board. Third Concert Will Feature Dr. Rodzinski Germans Slowly Cutting Crimea Apart As Drive On SevastopolAdvances II "Little Hope' Remains For 95 Of Crew On Reuben James By ROBERT ,MANTHO The third concert Sunday of the annual Choral Union Series will bring to the Hill Auditorium stage the first symphony orchestra of the cur- rent season and one of the best musical organizations in- the nation. It will also fill Hill Auditorium to its 5,000 capacity-for the orchestra to appear is the Cleveland Symphony., under the baton of Artur Rodzinski. With an accumulation of many years' experience behind it, the Cleve-, land Orchestra-known sometimes as the "touring orchestra" because it has played 856 concerts in 25 states dur- ing 22 seasons of travel-is enjoying one of the greatest years in its his- tory. Since the time that Dr. Rodzinski took charge of his 82 virtuosos eight years ago, the organization has stead- ily forged to the top of the musical ladder. Today it is one of the rela- tively few top-notch symphonic groups in the country. J i 1 I 1 l r , iI ' I 3 1 l By MARK LIPPER /"Particular," bhat's the adjective police are using to describe the thief who ransacked a rooming house at 608 Monroe early yesterday morning, taking $26 in bills but ignoring all. small change, watches anal other jewelry. Entering through the front door' which was unlocked, the burglarI searched the rooms of several of the students and emptied their pockets and wallets. Richard Neymark, '44E, reported $12 missing, Harold Klinert, '43,' $8, Mort Nyman, '44E, $2.50 and Earl Richardson, '43, $3.50. This is the tenth robbery reported by police in a period of three weeks and is the first student rooming house robbery of the year. The crime wave began on October 23 when four fraternities, Phi Epsilon Phi, Acacia, Delta Tau Delta and Delta Sigma Delta were robbed of more than $295 in property and cash. The same day rooms in the Old Dental Building and the Natural Sci- ence Building were also ransacked. A few days later a movie projector was taken from Newberry Hall. Last Wednesday the homes of Prof. Robert H. Sherlock and Prof. Wells I. Bennett were burglarized of more} than $2,000 in money, household goods and clothing. A total of about 45 robberies was, recorded in Ann Arbor last year. Police suspect yesterdays robbery was committed by the same "sneak thief" who performed the other bur- glaries this year. Ernest Ho'ototi To Talk Here Bringing to Ann Arbor such well- known speakers as Prof. Ernest Hoot- on, Harvard author and anthropolo- gist, and Dean Marten ten Hoor of tulane, the twelfth annual Parent Education Institute will convene to- morrow in the Rackham building. Ray O. Wyland, Director of Edu- WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-(/P)-The Navy reported tonight 45 members of the crew of the torpedoed U.S. De- stroyer Reuben James were saved, but that "little hope" was held for seven officers and 88 men who remained missing. Making public a partial casualty list of the warship, sunk last Thurs- day night west of Iceland while on convoy duty, the Navy disclosed 142 officers and men were aboard. Of this number the body of one man was recovered, one man died shortly after being rescued, and eight were injured. Of those saved, 37 were uninjured. The Navy said: "The Navy Department announced additional information Monday night regarding survivors of the torpedo at- tack on the U.S.S. Reuben James, de- stroyer, which was sunk the night of Oct. 30-31, 1941. "Of the crew of 142 officers and men, one body was recovered, one man died shortly after being rescued, Neutrality Act Revision Wins 1131 Advocates SDD Drive Gets Unde Way; Homer Swander Addresses Kiwanians In eight hours of soliciting, the Student Defenders of Democracy ob- tained 1131 student and faculty sig- natures requesting the immediate ap- peal of the Neutrality Act, Hale Champion, '44, publicity chairman of the organization, announced yester- day. A few of the signatures came from individual efforts in dormitories and fraternities, but the great majority of them were obtained by student volunteers working at a table which had been set up in front of the Gen- eral Library. The table was there approximately eight hours, Champion said. The newly-formed Speakers Bur- eau of the SDD also got under way yesterday with a talk by Homer Swander, '43, chairman of the local chapter, before the Ann Arbor Ki- wanis Club. The talk was designed to show "our elders that those of us who will have to do the front-line fighting when war comes, believe America is worth saving, worth fighting for, worth dy- ing for." The speakers bureau has adopted a policy of furnishing student speakers to luncheon clubs and other organi- zations who are interested in hearing how youth feels about the war. Fewer Students In '40-41 Require University Loans University loans to 1207 needy stu- dents during the school year 1940-41 totaled $155,664.50. Improved business conditions throughout last year, Cashier Boyd C. Stephens pointed out, were reflected in these figures, for they represent a decrease of $3,552.96 and 70 students over the previous year. At the same time total collections jumped from $154,994.07 to $167,419.11, an approx- imate increase of $12,000. Since the establishment of the loan funds in 1897, a total of $1,996,936.45 has been granted to students, with a loss during the same period of less than one per cent. Thus, out of al- most two million dollars loaned in the past 44 years, students have fail- ed to pay back only $16,200.38. Famous Philanthropist Simon Guggenheim Dies NEW YORK, Nov. 3-OP)-Simon Guggenheim, 73, sixth of the seven Guggenheim brothers who helped pyramid a tiny western smelter into one of the world's greatest mining eight were injured and 37 men were uninjured. "The Navy Department holds little hope for rescue of the seven officers and 88 men who have not been ac- counted for." The announcement was the first news of the disaster since the re- port of last Friday night that 44 en- listed men had been rescued. It was said then the normal complement of the destroyer was 120 officers and men, but the Department then lacked a full roster. , Tonight's announcement listed the known dead as: W. H. Merrell, fireman, first class; body recovered from the water. Home Route 1, Ardmore, Tenn. D. R. Olmstead, fireman, 2nd class; injured seriously when rescued and died Nov. 2. Home. 415 North Union Street, Olean, N.Y. The 37 men who were saved and who are uninjured included: L. E. Tyger, fireman, 3rd class, 486 Peterboro, Detroit. A. E. Goeziza, machinist's mate, 1st class, 6148 Coleman Ave., Dear- born, Mich. E. W. Jaeggi, shipfitter, 2nd class, 6510 Vinewood Ave. Detroit. V. T. James, metalsmith, 1st class, Route No. 3, Hickory, N.C., and 619 East Oak Street, Ironwood, Mich. R. T. Kapecz, gunner's mate, 1st class, 619 East Oak Street, Ironwood, Mich. , The Navy did not give out the names of those who are missing. Food Handlers Are Required To Pass Tests Restaurant, Lunch Places, Bar Personnel To Take City Instruction Course The Common Council last night amended the city ordinance regulat- ing eating, places to require the in- spection of employees by the City Health Officer. Under the terms of the amendment the personnel of all restaurants, lunch counters and bars within the city limits are required to hold a working permit issued by the Health Depart- ment. To secure such a permit an applicant must satisfactorily com- plete a course of instruction given by the Health Department. Formerly, a food handler's permit was not re- quired by law, but was a prerequisite for an "A" rating from the City Sani- tary Inspector. The amended ordi- nance makes these permits compul- sory regardless of the rating of the establishment. The course of in- struction, composed of four lectures, will begin tomorrow in the W. K.'Kel- logg Auditorium. Applicants must also furnish the Health Department with a morbidity history and the Health Officer may require any phys- ical or medical examination "reason- ably necessary for the protection of the public health and safety." The Council received a written pe- tition from Frank Hawkes, of Jack- son, Michigan representative of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which re- cently established a 'local here, to which 70 city employees now belong. The petition embodied proposals for a "true set of working condition and wage demands for city employees." It was referred for consideration to the budget and the police and fire committees. Sorority Caretaker Dies After Stroke Frank Miller, 53 years old, care- taker at the.Kappa Alpha Theta sor- ority, 1414 Washtenaw Ave, died in his room at the sorority early Sunday morning following a heart attack. Miller had been employed as care- taker by the sorority for the past six General Sir Archibald P. Wavell, "he British Commander-in-Chief in ndia, has arrived in Singapore, pre- sumably to determine whether he could throw a major part of his force into or near the Caucasus. Information from British sources -n this point last night was too gen- eral to give any clear indication as to what the decision is to be, but ob- servers in London held that the Soviet certainly would not invite British troops in unless Britain de- clared war on Finland, Hungary and Rumania, all of which are aiding the Nazi invasion. Finland Is Warned To Cease Hostilities Still later, Secretary of State Hull, asked whether there was any basis for London reports that Britain hesi- tated to declare war on Finland be- cause of U. S. objections, disclosed that the United States, already had warned the Fins that 'they must cease offensive operations against Russia or lose American friendship. Saroyan Cast Is Announced Jim Dandy' Is Offering Of PlayProduction British Policy In Caucasus Awaited; Soviet Hiints Desire ForAlly's Aid U.S. Warns Finland To Leave Hostilities (By The Associated Press) The Germans, extending the broad area of their dominance in the vastly important Black Sea area, were slow- ly cutting the Crimea apart last night and by the best available accounts appeared to be still driving down upon the Soviet naval base of Sevas- tapol. They had previously been re- ported within 20 miles of it. On the central front, however, Hit- ler's offensive upon Moscow appar- ently was making only negligible pro- gress, if any. While Berlin was silent on this theatre the Russians claimed to have Improved their position at the north- ern and southern anchors of the Red line by violent counter-attacks which regained part of the city of Kalinin, 95 miles northwest of the capital, and beat the Germans back in the region of Tula, 100 miles to the south ,)'f Moscow. The front of imminent decision, however, was the far South. There, he Nazi High Command claimed the Russian defenders of the Crimea had )een split into two rough columns and were being driven into the sea- 'he one in flight toward Kerch on the Crimean neck extending eastward toward the Caucasus and the other falling back upon Sevastopol to the southwest. The Soviet High Command last .light limited its report of the situ- ation in the Crimea to the bare phrase hat heavy fighting was in progress. Sevastopol knocked out and Nov- "rossisk immobilized would give the Grermans much the better of it in the whole of the Black Sea. Nevertheless, Sevastopol, the main prize, was far from gone. The Rus- ;ians, sweating under heavy fire from German dive bombers, apparently were laboring to form a line just short >f the city for a much stronger re- ,istance than any yet offered on the peninsula. Russia Policy Suggests'- For Britain Three Schools Gain Enrollment Falls 6.1 Per Cent; Figure Smaller Than Piedicted Final University enrollment figures the University, as they added 130 ad- for the present regular semester show ditional coeds to their forces. At the a total attendance of 11,226, a drop same time, the number of men de- of only 726 or 6.1 per cent from last creased 856 from last year. This lat- year. ter drop can, of course, be attributed Contrary to pre-school predictions to the Selective Service Act and to three schools in the University actu- the abundance of lucrative defense ally have an increased enrollment jobs. this fall. The literary college has 21 The largest decrease came in. 0e more students, the engineering col- graduate school, which this year has lege 31 more, while the dentistry 378 fewer enrollees. Other major de- school shows an increase of 40. " creases were: 230 in the law school, Prior to the opening of school Uni- 123 in the education school, and 87 versity officials had expected the en- in the business administration school. rollment to drop off in every college The summer session this year also and predicted that the total decrease showed a large decrease, taking a would amount to 11 per cent. drop of 625 students or 11 per cent. The cast for "Jim Dandy," as an- nounced yesterday by William P. Halstead, Assistant Director of Play Production, will include Jack Mit- chell, Grad., as Jim Dandy, anybody; Willis Pitts, Grad., as Jim erow, any- body else; William Altman, '42, as Johnny, a young man with one foot in the grave; Barbara White, '45SM, as Flora, a young lady from away back; Stanley Hole, as Little Johnny, a newcomer; Herbert London, '42, as Fishkin, a pessimist; Neil Smith, Grad., as Jock, an optimist; Mildred