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September 23, 1941 - Image 27

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-23

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WAA Sports And Fashion Review
Formal Rush
Planned Activities FormalsRrsh
S nnPeriod Starts
BeP'1jnf'EPe bmm 1Here Sunday',,

- 4 ~ -

1Jo be Held Tomorrow

Orientation Group
Will View Exhibit
On Palmer Field

Panhellenic Booth In League
Offers Registration And Advice
To Would-Be Sorority R~ushees
>)n Wee
Members of Panhellenic Associa-
tion will begin the period of intensive
rushing this year at 3 p.m. Sunday
To Give Welcome to continue until Thursday, Oct. 9.
Would-be rushees must register at
the Panhellenic Booth in the League
this week and must adhere to the
rushing rules set forth by the Asso-
ciation throughout the formal rush-
ing period.
All rushees are required to pay a
fee of $1.50 at the Panhellenic Booth
by Monday, Se'pt. 29, which entitles
them to the Panhellenic Booklet con-
taining information about fees and
location of the sorority houses. The
list of rushees will be divided alpha-
betically so that the first half of the
sororities will invite the first half
of the rushees to tea on Sunday and
the last half on Monday, while the
last half of the sororities will invite
the groups on the reverse days.
Invitations Delivered Friday
Invitations to teas may be delivered
starting at 9 a.m. Friday during
swhich time no active may talk to
a rushee outside rushing hours. Rush-
ees need not reply to the tea invita-
DEAN ALICE C. LLOYD tions, but they must accept or re-
fuse any invitation enclosed, per-
sonally or by telephone. They are
limited to forty-five minutes at each
om ShelterOpen House and may go to all open
houses for which they have received
For Children invitations, only on the day for which
they are invited.
a A sorority may not have more than
s Purchased four dates with one rushee. The
rushee may be asked for a second date
Thirty children are now housed in by enclosed invitation, during the
the Ann Arbor Shelter in Corfiwall, tea, or by telephone. She may be
f ~asked for a third date, during the
England, which was made possible first, but she may not be asked to a
through the efforts of the Ann Arbor formal until she attends the second
Save the Children Federation. date except when no other arrange-
These children are all from the ment can be made. She may attend
bombed area of Plymouth in Devon-. only one formal by each sorority.
shire-many of them in sad need of Silence Rule Enforced
clothing, which is being rushed Effective as of yesterday there must\
through as fast as possible, to them be no contact between rushees and
and to other English children., sorority women except as stated in
Governor Allen of Kansas will be the rules, nor may alumnae contact
in Ann Arbor this fall to report on rushees during formal rushing. No
the shelters he visited in England rushee may be called for or taken
during his trip this summer as dele- home by the sorority except in the
gate of the Save the Children Feder- case of formal dinner engagements.
ation. The local branch of this na- From 9:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 9,
tion-wide organization promised last until 9 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 11, there
spring to raise $3000 within a year. will be no communication between
Of this sum;,$1100 was sent July 1, sororities and rushees. Silence peri-
by co-chairmmen Mrs. Preston Slos- od between sororities and rushees
son and Dr. Edward Blakeman. The who have received bids ends at 9
rest of the money is to be raised by p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, and between
a series of "diminishing". teas, which sororities and women have not ac-
Mrs. Slosson will begin soon, cepted bids, it ends at 9 a.m. Mon-
Special sponsor to the Ann Arbor day, Oct. 13.
Shelter is a former American girl, Each rushee who has been invited
Lady Nancy Astor, of Plymouth, who to join a sorority will receive a pre-
is working on the project in conjunc- ference slip on Friday evening, Oct.
tion with the Ann Arbor group. (Continued on Page 5)
And It Was Not Aphabeticil
soup That Made The Quiz Kids


Archery style in clothes and in perfect marksmanship is one of
the sports exhibitions which will be offered at 4 p.m. tomorrow by the
Women's Athletic Association in their style show at the Women's
Athletic Building.
Petstes Pommes de Terre
Not so long ago, this column-or shall we be more informal and just
call her Aunt Cobina, since that's her maiden name?-gave incoming fresh-
man women a dash of advice on the proper social attitude to cultivate for
a few of the occasions which Michigan's season has to offer. The counsel
was, so well received (we got one fan letter-from our mother) that we
have decided to continue this type of thing for awhile, or at least until
all of us start beating at our heads with shoes-the inevitable result of too
much advice given and received.
You will remember-all right, so you don't remember-but anyway,
be that as it may, the column had, in its etiquette tips, the backing of a
College Board of representatives from the finest reform schools in the
East, and now we have added a male con-
{/ tingent from equally reputable institu-
tions, so! that we can give advice to all,
(or at lease to two) of the sexes on ...
clothes, of course!
' Musts' For Wardrobe
Yes, kiddies, Auntie Cobina realizes
that, the subject of clothes -has been
thrown at you for the last month in
everything from the largest of national
weeklies to the quarterly edition of your
Sunday school gazette. But if you think
that's going to stop us, you're so wrong!
Naturally we think that we have something that is really different. Some-
thing which will give you a genuine college background before you've
even started.
And so, what we shall proceed to do, you lucky people, is to give you
a complete resume of what to wear on each and every occasion which
may come up, taking the most typical events as cross-sections, as it were.
Now, gals, after the little lecture which Aunt Cobina gave you so
recently on rushing technique, naturally you will want information on
the correct couture for these affairs. Well, we might just as well tell you
to wear some kind of a velveteen dress, because that's what you've all got,
anyway; we haven't seen the freshman yet who hasn't bought herself the
suh-weetest little velveteen to knock the local yokels dead at the first tea.

grace Moore
Will Introduce
Concert Series
Grace Moore, American prima don-
na who will step before Choral Union
audiences in Hill Auditorium Oct.
22, will bring to Ann Arbor for
the first time the voice which has won
the plaudits of four kings and three
The famous concert and opera star
is one of the most decorated queens
of song. She was one of the last
American women to receive the cov-
eted cross of the Legion of Honor of
the French Republic. This was
awarded to her in recognition of her
brilliant successes in the Charpentier
opera "Louise" in both opera house
and on the screen.
Decorated By Kings
In Oslo, Norway, King Haakon
awarded the American singer the
highest honor of his country for ac-
complishments in the arts-a bar
pin bearing a royal crown of dia-
monds. In Sweder, she received the
king's Gold Medal. Belgium gave her
the Order of Leopold after she sang
for the royal family in Brussels. In
Copenhagen, King Christian pre-
sented her with the Order of His
Majesty, when she sang at the Royal
Opera.. .
Her most recent decorations in-
clude 6ne from Cuba, and a co-
memorative gold medal of Mexico
City. Miss Moore already holds the
Gold Medal award from the American
Society of- Arts and Sciences for her
picture "One Night of Love.''
Dreamed Of Opera
Tennessee-born Miss Moore sang
in church choirs as a child, went to
New York for musical comedy and to
Paris to star in the Opera Comique.
The latter had been her fondest op-
eratic dream which came to realiza-
tion only after years of study, three
months of which was spent in final
preparation with.the composer, Char-
With her Parisian conquest made
Miss Moore returned to the States in
1928 to sing the role at the Metropol-
itan Opera. This performance the
critics called one of the real achieve-
ments in, contemporary American
Assembly Aids
Information Booth In League
To Start New Year's Activities
"Information Please!" for every
freshman will be available through-
out Orientation Week at the League
lobby Information Booth sponsored
by Assembly, independent women's
Following the freshman week pro-
gram, the organization will present
its annual independent tea from
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Oct. 1, in the
League Ballroom. This tea is given
in honor of freshman and transfer
women to acquaint them with As-
sembly and its functions. The theme
for both the tea and the Information
Booth is "The Declaration of Inde-
pendents" and will be carried out
with decorations of red, white and
For the tea dance, the newcomers
will meet their advisers and arrive at
the dance in groups, where by a spe-
cial system which has been devised,
each woman will meet many others:
The Assembly Executive Board will
also be introduced to those at the
The annual scholarship dinner,
Assembly Banquet, will be held dur-
ing the first week of November. At

this time awards are given to those
individuals and residential groups
with the highest scholastic averages,
and to the three women, a sopho-
more, a junior, and a senior, who

Dr. Bell To Address Gathering;
Demonstrations Of All Sports
Will Follow Style Parade
Costumes To Cover
Cycle Of Seasons
Introducing style for sporty as well
as the sport itself, the Women's Ath-
letic Association will give its ninth
annual style show and sports exhibi-
tion for new students, both fresh-
men and transfers, at 4 p.m. tomor-
row at the Women's Athletic Build-
The sports parade will begin imme-
diately after Dr. Margaret Bell, head
of the women's physical education de-
partment gives a short talk to the
students, who will be seated on Pals -
er Field between the Athletic Build-
ing and the tennis courts. Donelda
Schaible, president of WAA, will com-
ment on the costumes worn as the
models walk along the elevation at
the side of the building. She will
indicate to which sport each outfit
is suited, and will emphasize the
date for the first meeting of ,eah
sport being commented upon.
} To Model Sport Apparel
The models, chosen on the basis of
good posture and activity' in WAA,
will show outfits for each of the four
seasons in the sports program; in
each season there are at least four
individual sports opportunities and
one team sport.
Starting the style show will le Vir-
ginia Morse modeling the shorts,.
shirt, shin guards, and carrying a
hockey stick for hockey; and a out-
fit for volleyball, these two sports
being the two team sports of the first
season. Following this, Jean John-
son will display the proper archery
costume-a sweater and skirt.
Appropriate clothes for golf will
be modeled by Anna Jean Williams in
a skirt, shirt and sweater and Belva
Barnes in a golf dress. White shorts
and shirt for the tennis court will be
worn by Harriett Pratt.
Contrast Old And New
A contrast between the old and the
new swimming styles will be shown ,
by Hazel Muller, in an early 1900 cos-
tume, while Margot Thom will wear
the latest in swimming attire. Next
in line will be both modeling of dance
costume and a demonstration by
Shirley Risburg, Evelyn Spamer and
Doris Ann Slack. They will wear
modern dance outfits, consisting of
leotards and either long or short cir-
cular skirts.
Again, a contrast between styles
will be emphasized when Betty John-
son and Mary Hayden model the old
and new in riding habits. Following
this, will be Mildred Radford in slacks
and shirt with a pack basket, show-
ing the appropriate wear for outdoor
Beginning the indoor sports season,
Martha Piersol will wear a white bad-
minton dress. She will be followed by
Mary Neafie in a full skirt and blouse
showing the proper bowling apparel.
Riflery clothes, consisting of blue
jeans, shirt and suede jacket will be
sported by Nancy Filstrup.
Fencing Style Shown
Both the style and the demonstra-
tion will be given for fencing at this
time, by Mary Reichle and Doreen
Voiles in white circular skirts and
white plastrons. Winter outdoor
sports will be represented by Nancy
Upson modeling skating attire and
Miss Johnson in, a skiing outfit.
Closing the sports part of the style
show will bei Linda Gail George in a
school dress for playing ping pong
and Mary Lou Curran in pastel slacks
and shirt, carrying bat and mitt for
(Continued on Page 5)
Herb Miller's Band
To Play At League

By way of introduction to its new
policy' of regular Friday and Satur-
day night dances, the League an-
nounces that it will present Herb
Miller's band as its first rhythm at-

So just arrange its princess lines on your frame, (it is
princess, isn't it? Uh huh, we thought so), and we can
all just proclaim it as an official uniform. With it, you
have undoubtedly planned to wear one of those little
bitty things that sort 'of sit on the back of your heads
and have about three square yards of veil to blow around
and smear your lipstick. Fine! Wear it. And you won't
even have to take a hand mirror with you for when you
want to straighten the old chapeau, just look at the
most convenient girl, and there you'll be-in prototype.
Now, for the well-known date dress, and let's hope
that the title for the thing doesn't become ironic. Per-
sonally, we just call them "good" dresses-it's more in
character. However, we (yes, even Aunt Cobina) all
hope for a date occasionally, and it is for these that we
have prepared a most complete list of what to wear
where-and why.
Classification Of Dates . ,+,


Five mental virtuosos of the fam-
ous Quiz Kids radio program will
match brains and wits with five Uni-
versity professors especially selected
for the battle Nov. 24. This will be
the third feature in the University
Oratorical Series.
Unusual encourageneft and stim-
ulation on the part of their parents
rather than grammar school educa-
tion have made Jack, age 14, Betty,
age 12, Richard, age 11, Virginia, age
12 and Harve, age 10 superior in
knowledge and intellectual ability.
Are Not Prodigies
The Quiz Kids are not prodigies or
mental monsters as so many people
call tlgem but are normal kids with
normal childish interests. Their
backgrounds, ranging from relief
family to middle class, are in no sense
above the average. It is rather their
love of reading and prodigious mem-
ories plus patience, perserverance
and persistent cooperation in the
home that have made the kids so
adept at outwitting adult authorities.
Jack Lucal, whose superior scores
have awarded him 31 repeat appear-
ances, was only two years old when
his mother first began discussing
with him the happenings of the day.
As he grew older, the regular discus-
sions were focused on famous per-

at rummy and to add up checks in
Gayety and zest are added to the
program as frequently the kids will
interrupt, argue and add strange bits
of information. Even the printed
answer sheet in the hands of the
master of ceremonies is proven most
inadequate when the kids come forth
with more elaborate and detailed
Arguments Result
Not content to merely answer, a
prehistoric bird, to a given question,
one kid went on to describe its call.
Another kid immediately interrupted
to say the bird was extinct, not pre-
historic. An argument resulted be-I
tween the two on the correct usage
of the terms. The m.c. wallowed in
confusion and the audience clapped
with delight-all of which goes to
prove that the Quiz Kids not only
know the answers but a great deal
Success of the program is due to
Louis G. Cowan, Chicago publicity
man, who originated the program;
after a tedious search for the first
few experts. No child is under con-
tract. Participants are given a $100
United States baby bond for each
performance. The three youngsters
with the highest scores are kept over
for the next appearance and the

Fewer Men Enroll
In Literary College
Surrounded by signs to remind him,
"Think" and "Chance favors the
prepared mind", Registrar Ira Smith
sees the years come and go with little
spectaculer change in registration,
save for the fact that this year lit
school men are becoming members
of the suffering working class, and
lit school women are taking their
Total freshman enrollment is two

Dates may be classified into approximately fourĀ°
(a) The formal, or white-tie-for-dinner-old-thing type.
(b) The "studied" informal affair, or migawd,-have-I-got-to-slap-
that-stinky-old-black-crepe-on-again? type.
(c) The informal-and-sister-we-really-mean-informal type, and
(d) The rough and ready, or it-speaks-for-itself type.
There, you have the rough outline of the social set-up, and we can now
proceed to fill in the spots which seem to need clarifying.
The first, the "formal" type of date, we feel doesn't need much ex-
plaining. You all know the procedure. You'll have on those stockings
with the run at the knee, because it won't show, and you put on your flat-
heeled evening slippers, because your date is short-they're always short, it
seems-and the net dress which is your mother's favorite because it makes
you look so girlish. You will not forget to add the grim set look which only
a formal can bring out on a person's face; you will not fail to prick your
finger as you pin on the corsage in a place where it wob-
bles beautifully all evening, and you will, by all means, not
fail to add that smart scalloped effect to your costume
by stepping on the hem in various places and ripping it
The Informal Evening ...
Your biggest problems are going to come on your,
U dates of the second type for the very simple reason that

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