_______________________THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUND AY, iOV 'EMBER Z, 1911 Michigan Daily I C 3-1I 'PAMCNAMNAMM I Edited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the liversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The ;Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e, for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication of all other matters herein also erved. gntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as bnd class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by rrier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. lsCollege Publishers Representative 420 MADisON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON LOs ANGLES - SAN FRANCISCO ember, Associated Colleg ate Press, 1941-42 Increase Social Security To Curb Inflation . . . ECRETARY of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau took another step for- ward to curb the inflationar trend of prices when he called for a quick increase in Social Security taxes last Thursday. Morgenthau's proposal is based on the theory that prices are rising because more money is in the pockets of the public than there are con- sumer goods available with the consequent bid- ding up of prices. The Social Security tax is part of a broader plan to rake the excess purchasing, power off the market while national defense production creates shortages in the regular consumption field and at the same time raises the national income. The plan as outlined by Marriner Eccles, chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, includes limited price control operations 4n the fields directly infiu- enced by defense requirements, direct# taxation of most individual incomes; curtailment of in- stallment buying, raising the requirements on bank reserve ratios, and sale of bonds and de- fense stamps. (NE QF THE ADVANTAGES of the Social Se- curity -tax, aside from revenue and curtail- ment of buying, is the storing up of purchasing poweruntil some future date when it is needed more than in the present boom period. This same feature is particularly, applicable to-the taxing and bond. selling parts of the plan. The taxes will help fiance the war and will also allow the government to 'uild a reserve for the large public works program which will go into effect immedately after the defense de- mand and thus cushion the blow to our eco- homic system. Sale of government bonds and savings stamps is an ideal way to store up buying power until after the war when its value in creating in- vestment funds and relieving the economic strain will be immeasurable. The Social Security tax is not expected to cut down on the amount of saving now being done which is a special advantage that cannot be found in other taxes. More direct taxes instead of cutting buying power sometimes tend to make people save less and spend more without clipping consumer purchases. In the face of the threatening inflation Mor- genthau's call for action is encouraging and all possible haste without sacrifice of accuracy must be made to carry out the complete program. --Edmund J. Grossberg Editorial Stag lie Gel6 . . in Dann AId Lachenbruch McCormick Wilson . hiur Hill .et Hiatt . ce Miller ginia Mitchell II_ . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor .Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor . . .Exchange Editor Business Stafft el H. Auyett . . . Business s B. Collins . * Associate Business e Carpenter . .Women's Advertising n Wright . Women's Business Manager Manager )manager Manager NIGHT EDITOR: DAN BEHRMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Dailf staff and represent the views of the writers only- &Iterventionists, Isolationists 'Scored . . S isolationists and interventiosts Rattle furiously, and perhaps fu- tilely, over America's part in World War I, it. . becomes ever increasingly apparent that the sophistry of debate is replacing the sanity of reasoned logic in their arguments. Typical of tlis tendency are several of the recent editorials and letters printed in the columns of The Daily. The opening gun in the latest of these verbal battles was\ ex-editor Hervie Haufler's screed against those 'all-too-clever intelligentsia' who have with 'secretarial efficiency' piped us help- les as children over the brink of war. Con- demning, confusing, Haufler makes no attempt to clarify issues; rather he decries with all of hi considerable writing skill the inability of the poor, wondering souls to stand out against God Slosson, God Ogden, Head God Roosevelt. Pro- Veasor IDawson took up the challenge understand- ing the futility of reasoned argument as opposi- tiOn to Haufler, and rightly confined his defense to an analysis of the "corrosive cynicism" which the Haufler epistle displayed. ' NOTHER INTERVENTIONIST faculty mem- ber, Ogden, however, made the mistake of at- tempting to meet irrationality with argument, and unable to do so substituted attention- getting debate for the simple, solid, sane logic which, while 4ot so attractive, is much more coqvincing. His letter is a prize example of the P of debating which proceeds-after a nice job of analyzing the problem and its principal issues-to stress the color arguments which appeal to the crowd and leave the judges and final decision untouched. Samples of this tendency on the part of Mr. Ogden are mound throughout his letter. He orates' on the psychology of conquest when he should have been dealing with the cold, hard facts of the Nazi economic dynamic; he worries about the fifth columnists who took over America First, and raises the bogey of an internal fascisin that is vivid only to a small, little-heeded minority shrinking in size from day to day.' Ogden's de- scription of internal America seems to reflect the wildest hopes of Herr Paul Goebbels on one of his most sadistically optimistic days. In short, Mr. Ogden is guilty of embellishment. Managing Editor Geld, taking his turn along with the rest of the boys, lashed out at Ogden's draping of the "battered" main issues of the bloody rags of 23 years ago. In doing so he failed completely to indicate any concrete evi- dence of Ogden's so-called draping of issues; he rather disclosed that he has mentally transferred his own understandable rebellion against World War I over to the present situation. * In the bold-faced type of his summing-up, Geld reasons that we fought Britain to gain our birthright, that Russia has nothing to contribute to that birthright, and that therefore impliedly we should refuse to fight with them as allies in order to preserve that birthright. Non sequitur, Mr. Geld. P.S. Why all this bother now? It's purely aca- demic balderdash, for even we ivy-surrounded, moss-backed, Haufler-cursed intellectuals know that when we're shooting we mean business. But bad reasoning hurts our petty pedantic soul. Dominic Says OUR CAMPUS Jews and Christians are to be commended for their recent inter-faith and inter-guild activities. "Inter-faith" refers to the cooperation of the four major traditions: Prot- estant, Catholic, Jewisi and Far Eastern, "in- ter-guild" to the united effort of ten or more Protestant groups. This is progress. If to be in- teresting, any phase of society must show diver- sity,rather than uniformity, then certainly relig- ious expression in America should be very inter- esting. However, in such a period, we should ask how vital the nessage and how effective the religious education? During the past fifty years, the theological convictions which initiated such debates as those between the Calvinists and the Wesleyans or between the Separatists and the Episcopalians have given place to theological indifferences and Bibical ignorance. Which is the more to be desired, the debate or the indif- ference, might be debatable, but it is good to have a calmer approach to religious truth. In reviewing the histoty of our University, one comes upon much wisdom about human nature and religion. The first president, a man far beyond his generation in ethical and sociological matters, had in his faculty a few men who failed to agree with him on private decorum and public policy. They were scholars but they indulged in criticism of .President Tappan. One of them carried his campus attitudeinto the public life and certain ecclesiastical bodies became in- volved in criticism of the University. No such trivialities could get the support of any major ecclesiastical body in our decade. Our students, trained in community life, understand that re- ligious groups must stand or fall together and that if the spiritual interpretation of history is to prevail, or the Judao-Christian thesis is to succeed, our Church structure must be simplified and the great souls within every religious family given direct relation to community affairs. UNLESS WE SOON DISCOVER a way where- by our spiritual and ethical leaders can ac- tually minister beyond their own groupings to any family which is perplexed or bewildered, there will appear a generation of youth which enjoys irreligion and atheism. The English poet, T. S. Eliot, recently expressed a fear that his country may be producing "A Christian nation out of touch with ecclesiastical authority." Worse still, I would say, we in America may come to possess a whole nation in which faith fails and the creativity born of respect for personal- t4y, love of justice and a will to perpetuate a cultural pluralism, may be no more. Here is the danger introduced by our denominational weakening of the rich, vigorous Gospel of Jesus Christ. Where are signs that these Inter-faith 'efforts will succeed and revision of the social structure over-take the call for a Weltanschauung? In the grace with which Catholic and Jew discuss and write about the world status of each other, in the frankness with which 'the minority status of our Jewish neighbors may be considered: in the increased affection with which the majority defend the minority, in the freedom of laymen 'eg Concerto for Stuffed Shirt 8 i By TOM TH UMB T AM NOT attacking anything in this column. Nor am I gnawing at the foundations of any of our good old institutions. I am merely .giving a blow by blow account of my'experiences with one old American custom-as practiced in a cer- tain city fairly near Ann Arbor. A certain organization in this nearby city sponsqrs a fine season of concerts-featuring the best artists and orchestras that money can buy-and then lets them play all that good music to a thousand stuffed-shirts and stuffed- skirts who wish they were home playing a round of whist or drinking dry martinis. i Somehow (I won't go into that) I received a couple of passes to the first of the concerts, featuring one of the country's outstanding sym- phonic groups, so I pressed my sports jacket un- der Webster's Unabridged and called my girl and we started thumbing. THE CONCERT HALL was beautiful, and the seats were lush and foamy. But the people- The people-maybe I should call them the clientele-didn't seem prepared to, enjoy music. The men wore stiff shirts with pasteboard col- lars-and tails. The females were roughly di- vided into two groups-over 70 and under 20. The women weren't clothed, they were draped. In beautiful flowing gowns of cloth-of-gold. Oh yes, I forgot to mention-one man was dressed very informally. He was wearing a tuxedo. The usher ignored us but we found our seats anyway. There they were-the best seats in the house. Right in the middle of the expensive seats. The cheaper seats were down in the orchestra and t'he expensive seats were in the balcony. That's 3so the people who are willing to pay a little extra can look down on the other people. WE WERE SITTING between an old lame lady with pince-nez and a snuffbox, and a man who was a squirmer like the underwear ads, who kept mumbling, "gr-rr-r-r- ur-r-r-m-mph," and other exotic noises peculiar to the full- dressed male. And there I was, an island among the dress suits, in my checkered green sports coat. MOST OF THE WOMEN left their husands home to play pinochle with the boys, but the girls were having a great time getting their culcher and yoo-hooing to their friends. It was a great fight, Ma. Everybody looked at me as if it ,were humanly imposgible 'to enjoy music in green checkered jacket, and I just looked back at them. It's awfully hard to stare down 999 people. ALTHOUGH most of the audience didn't notice it, the orchestra played Tschaikowsky's sixth. Voters' Inertia Creates Advantage For Tammany A LOCAL ELECTION is about to take place outside of Michigan, far from Ann Arbor, an election which will have much within it to attract our attention. It is the pending mayoralty election in New York City. This election is something of an object lesson to all cities and to all citizens interested in good government. Because of inertia on the part of the voters of New York City, Ahe reelection of Mayor La Guardia and the protection of the city from Tammany is being placed in doubt. Tammany, the cat with nine lives, is very definitely back in the running again. This is no surprise. There have been reform mayors in New York before, but never, except in the last mayoralty election, has a reform administration been returned to office. According to all ob- servers of public opinion in the great metropo- lis, the mayor is the overwhelming choice of the people in his city. Yet, despite this, the election is in doubt. THE FACT that public opinion is almost cer- tainly on the side of the mayor might be en- couraging, except that public opinion counts at the polls only in the' form of votes, and the pub- lic cannot vote unless it registers. The people of New York City did not register. On the con- trary, registration figures show the smallest count in many years. Here, then, is Tammany's advantage. Tammany gets out its supporters for registration. Reform administrations, such as is the Fusion government in New York City, has no well oiled machine, no mass of patronage seekers and greedy grafters to do the same.Thus, because registration is smaller, the chances .of Tammany are proportionally greater. Mayor La Guardia is now fighting for his political life. To stay in office the "little flower" must wage the fiercest campaign of his political career. Tammany's proportion of machine con- trolled voters being greater than in the past two elections, La Guardia to win must get the votes of practically all of the residue, no easy task. He may yet win, but if he should lose it will be the fault of the good citizens who felt that La Guardia would surely win anyhow, "so why go to all the trouble of registering and voting?" - Herbert Edelhertz priority and in the high sacred sportsmanship which is exhibited by the abler ministers found in a modern city or University. If, for one col- lege generation, twenty-seven per cent of our. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1941 VOL. L. No. 31 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Not' President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople today from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4:00 and 6:30. Student Tea: President, and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon. November 5, from 4 to 6 o'clock. To all persons traveling by com- mon carrier on 'Jniversity account: The Federal Revenue Act of 1941 imposes a tax on railroad tickets and other transportation of persons but provides that such tax shall not be imposed on transportation or facil- ities furnished to certain classes which include the University of Michigan. This provision became effective October 10. The local ticket offices understand this exemption but may require a certificate from the purchaser to certify that the transportation is on the University's account. It is quite certain that sell- ers of common carrier transporta- tion elsewhere than in Ann Arbor will require suchba certificate. Blank certificates can be had at the Busi- ness Office of the University, Room 1, University Hall, on and after Octo- ber 13 and those who can foresee that thgy will be purchasing transporta- tior! outside Ann Arbor, while travel- ing at University expense, should pro- vide themselves with such blanks. Shirley W. Smith Senate Reception: Since no indi- vidual invitations are being sent, this} is a cordial invitation to all members; of the teaching, administrative, and research staff 1and their wives to be present at the Senate Reception to new mnembers of the faculties on Tues- day, November 4, in the ballroom of the Michigan Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception will take place from 80:B to 10:00 o'clock, after which there will be dancing from 10:00 to 12:00. It is especially hoped that new teach- ing fellows and instructors may be present and the chairmen of depart-' ments are asked to be of assistance in bringing this about. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The second regular 1.. RECORDS - -_ t/ VICTOR'S "Masterpiece of the Month" is a new recording of Tschaikowsky's Symphony No. 5 by Eugene Ormandy and the Philadel- phia Orchestra. Almost every recording of Tchai- kowsky's fifth symphony that's been made so far has been a good record- ing - Victor's Stokowski version and the Victor recording under Stock; and Columbia's two albums of the fifth, the older featuring Rodzinski and the Cleveland Symphony, and the newer Beecham and the London! Symphony. The new Ormandy album keeps up the tradition and gives to the sym- phony a -treatment which forthright and musically - and a much more faithful performance tTian that in the previous Stokowski recording. There is no attempt to dramatize or sentimentalize well-known facts about the composer's personality which may or may not have been shown in his music. Because of the straightforwardness of this record- ing, which discards the mawkish and sentimental interpretation, the per- formance is a fine piece of workman- ship in which the music speaks for itself without second-hand interpre- tation by the conductor. NEVERTHELESS, none of the truly dramatic and colorful elements in this music have been lost - in fact they stand up better in the faithful version minus the embellishments of interpretation. (VictortM-828). Enesco, Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1, in A Major. The Philadelphia Or- orchestra. Roumanian Rhapsody No. 2, in DI Major. The National Sym- phony Orchestra. This new combina- tion Victor album adds a companion piece torthe favorite Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1. It also displays the talents of one of the country's new- est "best" orchestras, the Nationalj Symphony Orchestra of WashingtonI D.C., under the baton of Hans Kind- ler. Little has to be said for the Rou- manian' Rhapsody No. 1. Ormandy gives a captivating performance of it, taking full advantage of Enesco's full scale of orchestral color. U'4. nr r. ,i t, rt,.n tin of flip - f th meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1941-42 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, November 3, at 4:10 pm; Edward H. Kraus AGENDA: 1 Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of October 6th, 1941, pages 1-7, which should be re-paged as 755-761, and which were distrib- uted by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with the call to the meeting: a. Executive Committee prepared by Professor P. S. Welch. b. University Council, prepared by Professor Leroy Waterman. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School, prepared by Professor V. W. Crane. d. Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean E. H Kraus. Since the last meeting of th Faculty there have been no meetings cf the Senate Advisory Connittee cn University Affairs. Hence no rcr port can be submitted with the cal for the Faculty meeting. 3. Evaluation of Faculty Services, Professor R. C. Angell. 4. Status of the Instructor. 5. Centennial Celebration. 6. New Business. 7. Anr.ouncements. Approved Organizations: A list of organizations which have been ap- proved for the year 1941-42 will be run in the D.O.B. on November 9 and 11. It is hoped that all organizations wishing such approval will submit a list of officers to the Office of the Dean of Students before November 7. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, November 8, by stu- dents other than freshmen will be re- corded with the grade of E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week, Exceptions to these regulations may be made only because of extraordin- ary circumstances, such as serious or long-continued illness. E. A. Walter Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical Engineering .and Chemistry Seniors and Graduates: Mr. David Watt, representative of Procter & Gamble Co., Ivorydale, 0., will interview stu- dents in the above groups gn Mon- day and Tuesday, Nov. 3 and 4. In- terviews for Monday may be arranged in Room 221 West Engineering Bldg., for Tuesday in Room 2028 East En- gineering Bldg. Students who schedule interviews are requested to take a general test on Monday at 5:00 p.m. in Room 229 West Eng. Bldg. Latin-American Students: The Uni- versity has one more Civilian Pilot, Training Flight and Ground School scholarship to offer to a Pan-Ameri- can student who is enrolled in the University of Michigan and has at least Sophomore standing. Anyone in- terested please report to the Aeronau- tical Department, Room B-47, East1 Engineering Building, as soon as pos-I sible. Student tickets for the Ohio State game will be distributed at the Ath- letic Administration Building during the coming week according to the fol- lowing schedule: Monday, Nov. 3-- Seniors (Yellow Coupons); Tuesday, Nov. 4-Juniors (Orange Coupons); Wednesday, Nov. 5-Sophomores, (Pink Coupons); Thursday, Nov. 6-t Doctoral Examination for Mr. Jos- eph Pollard Harris, Zoology. Thesis: "Mechanical Effects of Water Turb- ulence on Certain Fresh-Water Plankters," on Monday, November 3, at 1:00 p.m. in Room 3089 Nural Science Building. Chairman, P. S. Welch. By action of the Executive Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to, attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Doctoral Examination for Mr. James Lewis Calver, Geology; the- sis: "The Glacial and Post-Glacial History of the Platte and Crystal Lake Depressions, Benzie County, Michi- gan," Tuesday, November 4, 2:00 p.m., 4065 Natural Science Building. Chairman, I. D. Scott. By action of the Executive Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Cleve- land Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Conductor, will be heard in the Chor- al Union Series, in a- program of compositions by Weber, Sibelius, De- bussy, and Jerome Kern on Sunday afternoon, November 9, at 3 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. A limited num- ber of tickets either for the season or for individual- concerts are avail- able at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President University Symphony Orchestra: The public is cordially invited to at- tend a concert to be presented by the University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Conductor, today at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The pro- gram, as arranged by Mr., Johnson, will include compositions by Haydn, Rabaud and Hanson. Lectures University Lecture: Mr. Arundell Esdaile, President of the British Li- brary Association andformer Secre- tary of the British Museum, will lec- ture on the subject, "Dr. Johnson and the Young," under the auspices of the Department of Library Sci- ence, at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem- ber 4, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Mr. Earl S. Draper, Assistant Administrator of the Federal Housing Administration will lecture on the subject, "Put- ting Planning into Action," under the auspices of the College of Archi- tecture and Design, on Tuesday, No- vember 4, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 102 Architecture Building. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Sr. Amado Alonso, Director of the Instituto Fio- logico,bBuenos Aires, will lecture on the subject, "La novela Don Segun- do Sombra y su significacion en la literatura gauchesca de la Argentina," under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages, on Monday, November 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. The .LanaieUIr sI iriterpr LiUU UMe secj! Freshmen (Green Coupons). Student ond Rhapsody is in keeping with the ticket windows will be open,1:00-9:00 recording of the first, and proves that tce idw ilb pn :090 No. 2 is every bit as fascinating asNo. p.m., each of these days. Students 1. The National Symphony Orchestra reporting after the day designated for shows in this recording what is mak- their particular class will lose the pre- ing it one of the country's outstand- ference given that class. ing symphonic organizations. (Vic- Harry A. Tillotson, l T4glrnf Mo rits o "IP F