I Weather Cloudy and Colder Y Lw igau ~.ati, Editorial I, Interventionists, Isolationists Scored., I VOL. Lt. No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE C I - _______________________________________ Senate Slated For Neutrality Revision Vote Varsity Back In First Starting Role Nazis Level Aggression Charge in Few_'Days Senator Clark Dares FDR To Request Congress For War Declarations Ball Says Freedom Of Seas Most Vital WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.-(R)-The Senate agreed today to speed up con- sideration of Neutrality revision as Senator Ball (Rep.-Minn.) declared that a freedom-of-the-seas policy was necessary for this country's survival and Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo.) dared President Roosevelt to ask Congress for a declaration of war. Winding, up a week of debate on the momentous legislation to lift Neu- trality Act provisions forbidding the arming of merchant ships and pre- venting them from sailing into bel- ligerent ports or combat areas, the chamber agreed unanimously to a suggestion by Democrtic Leader Barkley that it meet at 11 a.m. (EST) Monday, an hour earlier than usual. Vote Next Week Administration leaders, confident that at least 52 of the 96 members would support the bill, said the agree- ment would insure a vote by the middle of next week. Ball, a "freshman" Senator who differs with many of his Midwestern colleagues in supporting the pending legislation, told the chamber that "as long as the Nazis hold sway in Europe no man here in America can feel any sort of security". "No individual and no nation can afford to stand on the sidelines in this world. wide fight to the finish between the democratic way of life and the slave system that Hitler calls his new rde," Ball asserted. "'Authorization For War' Clark, who has been in the fore- front of Senate battles against Ad- m41ration foreign' policy measures, sa d the pending legislation "is in- tended to be and can only be an authorization for a state of war." He added that the' President should request a Corfgressonal declaration of war in the interests of hational unity but added that he would op- pose such a declaration "with every fibre yin my being." "We will oppose this course be-' cause we passionately believe that our entr nce into this war is neither necessar nor justifiable from the standpo' t of our national interest, but on the contrary is suicidal," the Missouri Democrat declared, 'Muzzle Knox', Clark said that the President should "muzzle" Secretaries Knox and Stimson and others of his ad- ministration "who constantly agitate for war." The Missourian described Knox as being similar to a person 'suffering from rabies, without any constitutional authority whatever, declaring war on nation after nation and solemnly announcing a 100-year alliance with England." Earlier in the day, Senator Green (Rep.-R.I.), an Administration sup- porter, said that the pending meas- ure merely would reassert the right of the freedom of the seas-a right which he ,said this country consist- ently had exercised under interna- tional law. The existing Neutrality* Law, he said, was a measure of "ap-- peasement toward Hitler." Britsh Cabinet Shake-Up Seen Conflict Qver Russian Aid Causes Disagreement (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Nov. 1. - Imminent changes in Prime Minister Church- ill's Cabinet were predicted today as Britain's dissatisfied left-wingers in weekend speeches harped on the gov- ernment's failure to produce all-out aid for Russia. Edgar Granville, national liberal member of Parliament, said "it is now generally accepted that Cabinet changes are imminent" and predict- ed some of the surprises would in- volve Lord Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, Lord Halifax, Ambassador to Washington, and the Foreign Office now headed by Anthony Eden. Against Washington Naval Policy Japan May Back Berlin Statemen - A_ Tokyo New Will Spokesmen Clain German Rebuke Increase Tension Paul White, speedy sophomore right halfback, received his first starting assignment of the season yesterday and came through with flying colors. White tossed southpaw aerial bombs and compiled a rushing average of eight yards per try. * * * .* Po wer G sWolverines 20-0 Victory Over Illini By HAL WILSON (Special to The Daily) CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 1-Sheer power gave Michigan's revenge-hun- gry Wolverines a 20-0 victory over a game but out-manned and out- weighed band of Illinois Indians here today. Playing in Memorial Stadium be- fore 30,101 wind-bitten fans, Michi- gan ground out its third conference win and gained in full measure for the astounding upset two years ago on this same gridiron which derailed the Wolverines' national champion- ship bound express. ^Power Tells Storyg Power, pure and unadulterated, was the story of today's Maize and Blue triumph. Led by their blasting tail- back-fullback combination, Tom Kuz- ma and Bob Westfall, the Wolverines marched around, through and over the hopelessly out-classed Illini for three touchdowns. Kid Kuzma drove 16 yards for the first, while Westfall, giving 100 per cent all day in a bril- liant offensive exhibition, scored the last two on runs of one and 17 yards. Nor does the final score afford a complete picture of the manner in which Michigan's crisp-blocking grid- men dominated the play. In the first half they completely bottled Illinois' famed passing attack and held Zup- pke's hard trying backs to two first downs and only 33 yards from scrim- mage. In the initial 30 minutes Mich- igan piled up the amazing total of 216 yards on the ground, good for 12 first downs, while they outgained the Illini through the air lanes, 53 yards to 14. Then in the final half Illinois came Freshmen To Vote, On Nine Candidates For Engine Council Senior class officers already elec- ted, the College of Engineering will conclude its fall voting Wednesday when freshman engineers elect two representatives to the Engineering Council. Placing disqualification as the pen- alty for electioneering, the election committee has announced that pic- tures of the freshman candidates will be posted on the Council bulletin board Tuesday, in order that the first-year students may become ac- quainted with their candidates. Omitted from the list of nominees in yesterday's Daily were John Dowdle and Dave Upton. Others who are running are George Collins. James Eyster, Walter Furbush, John Mans- field, John Miller, Alfred Shevin and Ray Yagle. Balloting will be done at the two regular freshman class assemblies to be held Wednesday, rather than at a box as was done for the senior election. Ih this way it is expected that a more representative vote may be obtained. Silk Stocking Shortage back fighting desperately to make a better showing. But still the ball game was never in doubt. Everything that resembled an Illinois scoring threat was stalled by the hard-charg- ing Wolverines, and Zuppke's In- dians trudged off the turf scoreless for the first time this season. Although Fritz Crisler's crw thor- oughly outclassed the Illini, however, traces of a Gopher-h.gover from last week were very much in evidence. The Wolverines had numerous oppor- tunities to score and could have doub- led the final count but for costly mis- takes, both of judgment and execu- tion.{ F.unbles Hurt Varsity Crucial fumbles, many of which were committed by Kuzma who was especially bothered by the slippery ball on the soggy field, stalled sev- (Continued on Page 3) Drama Tickets 1TO GoOn Sale Play Production Opener Will Be 'Jiin Dandy' Box office sale of tickets for "Jim Dandy," first offering of Play Pro- duction of the Department of Speech, will begin tomorrow in the League. The tickets are priced individually at $.83, $.55, and $.39. The box office will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomcrrow and Tuesday, and from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for the remainder of the week. Reservations may be made over the phone by calling 6300. Witten in the provocative style of William Saroyan, "Jim Dandy" is full of the type of characters and sit- uations that have placed its writer among the top-ranking playwrights of today. In Saroyan's own estimate, it bids fair to surpass his Pulitzer Prize and Critics' Award winner of 1940-41, "The Time of Your Life." Its presentation will mark an inno- vation in the annals of Play Produc- tion and the theatre, for through co- operation' with Saroyan and the Na- tional Theatre Conference it will be given in 50 University and little thea- tres throughout the country during the month of November prior to Broadway. House Committee Passes Price Bill WASHINGTON, Nov. 1--(P)-The House Banking Committee approved a commodity price control bill tonight after refusing to include wages and voting to prohibit ceilings on farm commodities than lower some of the highest agricultural prices in history. Chairman Steagall (Dem.-Ala.) said the committee vote on the bill was 18 to 5. With the farm bloc in full control, the committee accepted a formula for farm price ceilings which govern- ment experts said would permit food prices to raise as much as 20 per cent above the 110 per cent of parity level contained in the Administration's or- Hostility To U.S. Grows In Japan By -MAX HILL TOKYO, Sunday. Nov. 2-(/P)- Germany's declaration that she had been "attacked" by the United States in the Atlantic is expected to inten- sify the crisis in the Pacific in view of Japan's critical attitude towards Americans. Uyer terms of the Rome-Berlin- Tokyo pact the signatories are pled- ged to go to one another's aid in event of attack from a power not then engaged in the European war. Last December former Foreign Min- ister Yosuke Matsuoka said it was discretionary with the Axis, partners to decide whether another was the object of aggression. "Encirclement" The increasingly critical attitude of the Japanese press and official statements regarding the alleged "en- circlement" of Japan are indications that the Tokyo government is less likely now to take an impartial view should Germany ask her to invoke the tri-partite agreement. Japan's suspicions of Washington's motives, therefore, become doubly sig- nificant and today's positive action by Germany may very well spread the war to both the Pacific and Atlantic, informed observers said. Obviously, Japan has nothing to gain by not accepting the German version of the incidents involving American destroyers and Nazi sub- marines, it was said, particularly if the United States continues her ec- onomic blockade.' "A fDroOf Blood' One conpetent Japgnese source gave anindication of Japan's feelings when he said that the United States, by halting oil shipments, was "deny- ing Japan of a commodity as vital as a drop of blood." Koh Ishii, the government spokes- man, said today Tokyo had not ben advised of Germany's formal declar- ation. Therefore the government's reaction was.not expected for at least 24 hours. High Japanese sources declared today "the United States speedily is approaching the danger of participa- tion in the war due to the sinkihgs of American vessels." Tension Increasing These observers, as quoted by the Domei News Agency, added: "Therefore the United States is making every effort to avoid an arm- ed clash in the Pacific, which now seems inevitable. Tension in the Pa- cific is gradually increasing despite all the sincere efforts of Jpan. "It is absolutely impossible for Ja- pan to abandon the establishment of her co-prosperity sphere." 'U' Concert Series Will Begin Today In Hill Auditorium Opening the 1941-42 series of con- certs, Thor Johnson and the Univer- sity Symphony Orchestra will be heard today at 4:15 p.m. from the stage of Hill Auditorium. Featured works will be the Symphony No. 1 of Howard Hanson and the Sym- phony No. 22 of Franz Joseph Haydn. Both these symphonies should prove of unusual interest to the lis- tener because of their newness to American audiences. The Haydn work, in spite of its some two hun- dred years' age, was not performed in this country until 1939. Howard Hanson's Symphony No. 1 in E minor or "Nordic" symphony provides an opportunity for the con- cert-goer to hear a contemporary American work. This is in line with Mr. Johnson's policy of presenting at least one American work in the orchestra's annual opening concert. Completing the. program is "La Procession Nocturne" from Rabaud's Symphonic Poem." Governor Will Attend Inter fraternity Dance Red Reserves Called To Stop Nazi Advance Rostov-on-Don Threatened As Drive To Caucasus Draws Near Goal (By The Associated Press) Russia threw great masses of re- serves into the 19-weeks-old struggle against Adolf Hitler's invasion arm- ies last night as the Gerians momentarily threatened to capture the key city of Rostov-on-Don, gate- way to the Caucasus oil fields, and the munitionsacenter of Tula 100 miles south of Moscow. , Russians reported heavy rains had helped the defenses at Rostov. The Germans were smashing full- blast across the upper Donets River, marking all but the end of the trans- Ukraine drive, in an apparent effort. to cut off the line of United States war supplies to the U.S.S.R. via the Middle East. A bulletin from Hitler's headquart- ers said Nazi troops had crossed the Donets River at several points, pre- sumably in a wide flanking sweep to engulf Rostov-on-Don, and that German and Rumanian troops were advancing into the Crimea peninsula in pursuit of retreating Soviet forces. German military spokesmen de- clared emphatically that Russia's winter snows-the factor that spelled disaster for Napoleon on his drive to Moscow in 1812-would mean no halt in the campaign. Germany is prepared "to the last detail" for cold weather combat, they said, and this seemed borne out by recent reports of Nazi orders requisitioning winter blankets, heavy coats and boots in the German-conquered countries. Already, the Germans said, supply trains moving east are darrying mil, lions of winter garments and devices enabling Hitler's military juggernaut to operate in freezing temperatures. Soviet front-line dispatches said, the German central front armies un- der Gen. Fedor von Bock were mass- ing huge forces for a violent new offensive against Moscow and that "heavier fighting will begin in the near future." Five Injured Germans Deny Having Started Shooting In Greer, Kearny Incidents; Confess U-Boat Torpedo Attack On Destroyer (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, Nov. 1.-The German Government formally declared today that the United States "attacked Germany" in incidents involving the American destroyers Greer and Kearny. The official statement was issued from Adolf Hitler's headquarters to counter President Roosevelt's assertion that Germany had started the shobting. (The Tri-Power Pact binds Japan to come to the aid of Germany in case of "attack" on Germany by any power not engaged in the Euro- peqn war.) For the first time it was admitted that it was German submarines which had fired torpedoes a the Kearny, which the Navy Department in Wash- ington has announced wa ripped open but not sunk with a loss of 11 Ives 4'and 10 injured on the night of Oct. 1 16-17 southwest of Iceland. Mvi utual ICY (Previously German spokesmen had sought to cast doubt on the Navy De- Is Considered partment's announcement of the tor- pedoing of the Kearny, indicating K their belief it was a trumped up story By to boost the President's Neutrality Act revision through Congress.) (The Navy Department's version Canadian-U.S. Problems, Oct. 29 said the Kearrny went to tle War Issues Discussed aid of another convoy which was un- der attack and dl'opped depth bombs. In Hyde Park Meeting Three torpedoes then were fired, the _______Navy said, and the third struck the HYDE PARK, N. Y., Nov. 1-(P)- Kearnyd. Behind the stone and stucco walls of The German statement said the a Hudson Valley mansion, President Kearny was protecting one convoy Rooseyelt and Prime Minister W. L. when it received a call for help from another which was engaged iin 'battle Mackenzie King of Canada discussed with German naval frces. today the mutual problems of neigh- U-Boat's 'Sel-Defense' bor nations whose parallel national, The Kearny then attacked a Gem- policies are dedicated to the defeat man U-boat with depth charges, the of lazism. statement said, before the U-boats acted .in their own defense. since their college days at Harvard, based both on publishe statements arrived at the Roosevelt home from of the United Stateshavy and me- Ottawa this morning; and before he ports of German U-boat commanders. left his private 'railway car he gave In the Greer incident, the state- reporters a clue to the scope of his ment continued, the United States discussions with Mr. Roosevelt. destroyer pursued for several hours "It would not surprise me," he said, "in close military cooperation with "if all phases of the situation con- English naval forces," a German sub- cerning the two nations should come marine and in the pursuit the sub- up in the course of the conversations. marine was attacked by several depth We shall talk about everything, I bombs while it was under water. . expect." "Only after this attackdid the Ger- That statement opened the way man U-boat use its weapons. The de- for the President and Prime Minister stroyer continued its pursuit with to concern themselves with such depth bombs a number of hours." broad subjects as .the whole trend Informed By British of the fighting in Europe, the plight I (The Navy Department's account of Russia and her need of help, thei said the Greer, shot at by torpedoes Battle of the Atlantic, what Japan but not hit on Oct. 4, was informed may do in the Pacific and, linked to of the submarine's position by a all the others, plans for joint defense British plane which then dropped of Canada and the United States. four depth charges' in the U-boat', Speculation and rumor suggeste vicinity and flew away. While -the that they might consider, too, a larger destroyer was following the submar- degree of naval collaboration, Can- dne, the latter hturned and fired is ada's experiment in price fixing, and torped)s.) their agreement last spring for great- Another statement, also released er integration of the economies of from Hitler's headquarter, assailed the Dominion and the United States. as "forgeries of the clumsiest, gross King was asked about reports that est type" the map and document re- the Americana Navy would take ferred to by 'President Roosevelt in charge of the port of Halifax, use it his Navy Day speech. as a naval base, and defend it in "There exists neither a map pre- case of attack. pared in Germany by the Reich's gov- ernment regarding the dividing up Marked Increase of Central and South America, nor a document pronounced by -the Reich's Shown In Engie government regarding the dissolution of the religions of the world" the Output, Says statement declared. Despite the strong wording of these statements, however, it was said by WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-(P)-The spokesmen that they did not intimate Office of Production Management re- any change in relations with the ported today that output of airplane United States. engines in the United States increas- "Ignores Reuben James ed 88 per cent during the first nine The statement made no mention of months of 1941, but withheld actual the U. S. Destroyer Reuben James, production figures.mrs a third U. S. destroyer which the In horse-power, manufacturers are Navy Department has announced was turning out enough engines for about sunk Oct. 31 with 'only 44 of its 120 2,000 planes a month, a production officers and men so far reported survey showed. saved. No figures on plane production Authorized quarters, however, re- have been made public since Presi- (Continued on Page 8) dent Roosevelt's recent assertion that____ such information would be valuabler .l. to an enemy. In September, the last Union Will Show month for which OPM released such O G m statistics, 1,914 planes were produced, Movies a majority of them combat ships rather than trainers. With Minnesota Professional's Curiosity Movies of the Minnesota-Michigan football game will be shown at 7:30 INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 1-(/P)-- tonight in the main ballroom of the Charged with tampering with tl4 Michigan Union. mails, Mrs. Vera Brewer, former A capacity crowd is expected so get Southport postmaster, pleaded guilty there early, warns Bill Schoedinger, and explained in federal court that '43E, of the Union Executive Council, she opened a letter because of curi- in charge of the movies. Last week's osity to see the grade another had showing of the Northwestern tilt drew In Accidents I Poor Weather Conditions Cause Local Crashes Slippery roads and poor visibility were seen to be the causes of three automobile accidents which occurred in the vicinity of Ann Arbor yester- day and late Friday afternoon. Cars driven by Oliver Dalke, 508 East Liberty, and Florence Ehnis, Sa- line, collided on Lake Pleasant Rd. late yesterday afternoon. Albert Hahn, 1784 South State, a passenger in the Dalke car, suffered severe cuts and bruises. The accident was attrib- uted to a slippery pavement. A car driven by Carl Sisman, Gris- wold Hotel, was reported to have skidded off the highway and cap- sized outside the city yesterday. Anna Ozonich, 404 South .Ashley, a 'oassen- ger, was treated at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital for chest and leg injuries. Lacey Horne, Estelle Lauten, Emma Barnette and James Smith, all of Ypsilanti, were taken to St. Jos-, eph's Mercy Hospital Friday as a re- sult of a two car crash east of Car- penter Rd. Hore is reported to be in serious condition. Defense Contracts Hit New State High DETROIT, Nov. 1-(P)-Michigan's soaring pile of defense orders reached a grand total of $2,047,553,228 this week, after 30 days of contracting that shattered all previous records for a single month. During October $397,484,707 in new orders were written into the record, nearly one-fifth of the total outlay