weather Rain and colder. Jr Sit ian 4:3attg Editorial American Democracy Cannot Survive W'4ar,,, VOL. LIL No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS German Subs Grow Bolder As U.S. Loses First Warship Navy Information Reveals Rescue Of 44 In Crew Of ConvoyPatrol Boat Incident Heightens Senate Discussion WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-(P)-The Navy tersely announced the rescue of 44 members of the crew of the Ameri- can destroyer Reuben James tonight, leaving the fate of some 70 more en- listed men and seven officers still the subject of anxious waiting and inquiry. But, beyond this and the fact that the ship had been torpedoed and sunk west of Iceland-the first Amer- ican naval vessel to be sent to the bottom since the war started-the Department was still without infor- mation. Rescue Probable Presumably, several ships may have taken part in the rescue work, for the Reuben James was on convoy duty, and most commdnly advanced theory for the lack of news was that rescue ships were making no raslio reports for fear of disclosing their positions to Nazi submarines. The first word of the incident, which stirred and excited Washing- ton, already embroiled in a bitter row over foreign policy and revising the Neutrality Act, was received this morning in a short matter-of-fact statement from the Navy. Tonight, almost 12 hours later, it had this to add: Forty-Four Saved "The Navy Department has re- ceived a report that 44 members of the crew. of the U.S.S. Reuben James have been rescued. The survivors who have been accounted for are al enlisted men. "The Navy Department has no further information at this time. But additional details will be released when received." Torpedoing Of Vessel Starts Rot In Senate WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-(')-Con- gressional reaction to the sinking of the destroyer Reuben James ranged today from a demand by Senator McKellar (Dem.-Tenn.) that the Navy clear the seas of "raiders and' pirates" to contentions by some legis- lators that such incidents were to be expected. Senator Capper (Rep.-Kan.) said "This apparently brings us closer to a fighting war," but Senator Thomas (Dem.-Utah) said there was no rea- son for the country to "become in- flamed." "It is better to meet incident with incident rather than to get into a general war," Thomas declared. Chairman Connally (Dem.-Tex.) of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee, said: "This dastardly act of aggression must be avenged." Advocates of revising the Neutral- ity Act quickly seized upon the inci- dent as further evidence to support their stand. Senator Gurney (Rep.-S.D.) who has urged repeal of the Neutrality statute rather than its amendment asserted: "This clinches the argu- ment." From Senator Gillette (Dem.Iowa) who has opposed some administration acts in the field of foreign policy, came the declaration that "America will protect her seamen, no matter what mission they are on.. . . It does no matter how unwise may have been the vessel's duty." Senator Aiken (Rep.-Vt.) said President Roosevelt had ordered con- voys "in spite of his repeated prom- ises" and was "personally responsible for whatever lives may have been lost." Other comment: Senator Lucas (Dem.-Ill.)-"This is further proof of Hitler's well-laid plan and terroristic scheme to drive every ship, regardless of its nation- ality, out of the sea lanes of the Atlantic." Willkie Urges Immediate Repeal Of Neutrality Act NEW YORK, Oct. 31-(IP)-Com- menting on the sinking of the de- stroyer Reuben James, Wendell L. Willkie called today for immediate reneal of the Neutrality Act and de- Army To Operate Plant; Lewis Asked To Mediatet Workers Cheer Soldiers As Factory Reopens EndingStrikes BENDIX, N. J., Oct. 31-(P)-The bayonet-encircled plant of Air Asso- ciates, Inc., hummed tonight with de- fense production under stern guard of 2,100 soldiers who poured into the striketorn area during the early morning. "The machines are turning in the shop and shipments already have been made of critical material," Col.: Roy M. Jones, Army Air Corps officer in charge of federal operation of the aircraft factory, announced. More than half of the 700 produc- tion workers already have been re- hired, he told a press conference late today inside the plant, which holds $5,000,000 in defense orders for vital aviation equipment. "We are taking the men back as quickly as we can handle them" without regard to their former status. Hill Stays Away" One of the former company men not back on the payioll was F. Leroy Hill, president of Air Associates, whose battles with the CIO, United Automobile Workers of America led to a Presidential proclamation seiz- ing the plant to avoid a threatened ;production halt. "Hill has gone home and is not coming back as far as I know," said the new boss of the plant. "He is now a former employe." Colonel Jones said Hill had agreed to co-operate in every way as had other members of the exeecutive staff of the firm. Hill said he did not know whether he was rehired or not but would co-operate.I Opponents Return Both CIO workers and non-strikers, bitter opponents during the months of labor dispute that evoked three CIO and one non-union walkouts as well as several violent clashes, lined up in the morning at the roadway leading to the plant and awaited Army rehiring. They cheered in unison when Colo- nel Jones announced the Army would rehire with th only consideration the patriotism of the workers. Flanking the employes and barring entrance to the single road to the plant's front gate was a platoon of steel-helmeted coast artillery officers and men, armed with tear gas, riot guns, naked bayonets and 60 rounds of ammunition. New Crime Wave Hits CityBuildings The recent crime wave, in which! four fraternity houses and three Uni- versity buildings were burglarized, was renewed yesterday when New- berry Hall was broken into and a moving picture projector stolen dur- ing the noon hour. - An entrance was forced through the front door sometime between 12:05 and 12:55 p.m., police said. Be- cause of the valuable archaeological collections which the building houses, all entrances are locked during the noon hour. The Newberry Hall robbery was one of a series of eight burglaries which took place between 10:43 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Offices in the Wol- verine, First National and Michigan Theatre buildings were also entered and robbed. Defense Board Will State Recommended Action In Mine Walkout WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-(P)-The Defense Mediation Board today asked John L. Lewis and 16 steel company executives to meet with it Monday for a discussion of the captive coal mine dispute. Chairman William H. Davis indi- cated the Board would, within a few days after that meeting, r.ecom- mend for or against a union shop in the coal mines owned by major steel companies. But he declared the Board would not be hurried into a decision by "pressure." This was a reference to Lewis' action in set- ting Nov. 15 as the deadline for a new strike unless the Board acted before then. Lewis retorted Davis' "point is not well taken." The request to Lewis and the steel executives was dispatched after 31 Mediation Board members and al- ternates had held a preliminary dis- cussion of the union shop issue and matters of procedure, then recessed for the weekend to study a transcript of previous proceedings in the case. The Davis-Lewis exchange was by correspondence. Davis first made public a letter to Lewis which noted the UMW chief's statement that the truce in the strike of 53,000 miners would be extended to Nov. 15 and added: "I have at this time no reason to doubt that the Board can easily com- plete its consideration of the dispute and make its final recommendations sometime next week, but however that may be, the board will proceed to consider the merits of the dispute carefully, calmly, and not under pres- sure." British To Get Inc reased Aid In Middle East CAIRO, Egypt, Oct. 31-(P)--A United States military mission head- ed by Brig. Gen. Russel L. Maxwell is scheduled to arrive here within two weeks to take charge of all phases of American aid to Britain in Africa, it was disclosed today. The mission will be followed by hundreds of American technicians, both military and civil, to put into effect the vast program to be under- taken here under the Lend-Lease Act. The American activity will include not only getting war supplies into an ever-increasing volume but mainte- nance of American tanks, airplanes, and various construction projects- in fact everything connected with the war short of actual combat. It is considered probable here that the mission's work will embrace sur- veys for a possible landing of an American expeditionary force in Africa. This does not mean any such plan has been decided upon. It merely means that the War Department wants to have as much preliminary work as possible achieved in case it ever is decided to send an American Army to this continent and to have the fullest information as to possible campsites and other facilities. Ted Kennedy Elected Head of Eigineers Runner-Up Bill Collamore Chosen Vice-President In Yesterday's Voting Senior Class Picks Officers For Year Ted Kennedy, '42E, varsity football center, was elected president of the senior class in the College of Engi- neering at the annual class elections held yesterday. As runner-up in the presidential balloting, Bill Collamore, president of the University student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, was named vice-president under the regulations of the election. Class secretary for the year will be Harry Imming, while Bob Imboden, a member of the Technic staff, will serve as class treasurer. Tom Will- iams was elected Engineering Council representative. Although less than half the senior class voted in the election, election chairman Verne C. Kennedy, '42E, reported that the vote was heavier this year than it usually is. Still to be elected in general engi- neering elections are two freshman representatives to the Engineering Council, to be voted on Wednesday, in regular freshman assemblies. With strict regulations against electioneering in the form of passing out slips and putting up signs, the election committee has decided to take pictures of all freshman candi- dates, the prints to be posted on the Engineering Council bulletin board so that all freshmen may become acquainted with the nominees. Running in the freshman election will be George Collins, James Eyster, Walter Miller, Jack Mansfield, Al Shevin and Ray Yagle. Members of the election committee were 'Kennedy, John Burnham, '42E, Don West, '43E, and David Wey- meyer, '44E. Vichy Ignores {DeGaulle Plea For Opposition Sympathy Standstill Fails To Gain French Support In Unoccupied Territory VICHY, Unoccupied France, Oct. 31-(P)-The Frenchmen of Petain and the New Order turned their backs today on General Charles De Gaulle's plea for a five-minute stand- still protest against the execution of French hostages by the Germans. The extent of the response by other Frenchmen in the unoccupied zone could not be judged impartially, but at least there were no reports of un- toward incidents. The occupied zone was, as usual, a dead spot in inde- pendent communications. tA DNB dispatch from Paris to Berlin said the streets of that occu- pied capital presented their usual ap- pearance at the appointed time and that no incidents had been reported by early evening). If what could be seen of Vichy's response was typical the De Gaullist call was a failure in the unoccupied zone. What could be learned of the re- sponse bore out the previous conclu- sion of most Vichy observers that it was unlikely to become widespreadI because less than half the population knew of the appeal and the others were unable to comply without dan- ger of arrest. A Free French spokesman in Lon- don, where De Gaulle And his staff stood ceremoniously at attention for the allotted five minutes, said some days would elapse before De Gaulle's reports through secret channels fill in the picture of how German-domi- nated Freichmen responded, A Army Sees Compact New X-Ray Machine LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 31-(A- Development of a new 100.000-volt X-ray machine which can be swung into action on the battlefield within 15 minutes was described today to members of the Association of Mili- tary Surgeons. Tlje unit, carried in five suitcases, is the newest answer to the problem' of saving lives in modern warfare. Michigan Fifth Vic Over Tri( tory Of Gridders Seek Season sky Illini Today ** _ ,. --- ., Reuben James Affair Brings Conflict Closer European War Is Nearing American Continent, SimpsonSays By KIRKE L. SIMPSON The torpedo-mangled hull of the United States destroyer Reuben James has gone to the cold sea floor of the North Atlantic somewhere west of Iceland, a grim reminder to the natidn that an Old World conflict again has crossed the eastern thresh- old of the New. Iceland, with its British-American garrison, is a rampart of New World defense. Westward of that outpost American warcraft of sea and air are shepherding vital war cargoes for England or supplies for the Iceland garrison. They are under orders to: shoot on sight at marauding Axis raiders. The Reuben James is the third American naval craft attacked in that defense zone. Sinkings Decline Twenty days ago British naval au- thorities in Iceland revealed that from the hour when -the American shoot-on-sight patrol began Sept. 15, no ship of war of commercethas been lost in the North Atlantic to enemy submarine attacks. They then fore- cast, however, that the Nazis would step up'their U-boat warfare in those seas to meet the challenge of the Arican patrol. That forecast seems fully justified now. With three American destroyers attacked in the patrol zone, one of them badly hit and another sunk,: there is every reason to believe Berlin has ordered its U-boat commanders to. defy the Washington mandate. Motive Hitler's motive in issuing such or- dbrs is not so clear. Berlin's efforts to dismiss the attack on the Greer and that of the Kearny as uncon- firmed and probably fictitious, in- dicated Hitler was unready then to risk open war with this country, at least until his Russian campaign had reached a decisive point. , He apparently hoped he could soon release German air power from the eastern front to supplement a re- invigorated Atlantic attack on Eng- land's lifelines during the coming winter. Despite stunning Russian de- feats, however, there is no longer any assurance of a complete victory before the Russian winter stagnates the vast battle there. And into the rising scale of Nazi submarine as- saults on American warships within the Atlantic patrol zone now can be read another possible meaning. The British report that submarines have had no success against North Atlantic shipping for a month or so meant the American patrols had per- mitted the British to increase their anti-submarine operations. C.A.A. Board Sta Indian Chief.. . "LIZ" ASTROTH Ickes Scores ALCOA Pact; Accuses Jones. Secretary Of Interior Hits At Actions Of Colleague - In New Senate Report WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-(P)-In- terior Secretary Ickes, defense in- vestigators heard today, has accused his fellow Cabinet Member, Jesse Jones, of an attempt at "forcing my hand into the, signing of a contract that would not be in the public in- terest." This accusation was contained in a letter written by Ickes to Jones, Fed- eral Loan Administrator and Secre- tary of Commerce, Sept. 2, protesting a contract between the Defense Plant Corporation and the Aluminum Company of America for construc- tion and operation of new produc- tion facilities.' "Frankly," Ickes wrote his col- league, "I would be reflecting on your intelligence if I supposed for a min- ute that you did not have in mind the dilemma in which I would find mys lf when the demand was made upon me to sign on the dotted line an onerous and unconscionable con- tract or run the risk of possible con- demnation by the unthinking for not having done so." One of the plants to be constructed under the contract would be located in the Bonneville-Grand Coulee Dam area and would depend upon Federal power for its operation. Ickes' letter was put into the record of the Senate Defense Investigating Committee, which also heard testi- mony from ALCOA officials. rts Inquiries Favored Wolverines Face Twice Defeated Indians In Homecoming Battle Smeja, Sharpe Fill Rogers' End Post By ART HILL It's redemption day in Champaign, Ill., today. This afternoon, at two p.m., Michi- gan's mighty (but once defeated) Wolverineswill take the field to bat- tle wily Bob Zuppke's twice-beaten but still dangerous Illinois eleven. Highly favored, the Michigan play- ers still can't bring themselves to be- lieve that today's battle its the set-up that the sports writers of the nation would have their readers believe. Remember '39 Upset And there is good reason for this attitude. The members of the Wol- verine eleven can't forget that Octo- ber afternoon two years ago when, playing at Champaign, they took a 16-7 beating from a Zuppke-coached Illini outfit wlich won only two other games that season. The Illini, ardent Michigan fans will remember, were held to a 0-0 tie by little Bradley Tech that fall, but they managed to outclass the Wolverines just a month later. This year, judging by past perfor- mances, the Wolverines should be an all-out favorite to take Illinois into camp this afternoon. But Bob Zuppke, who is fajmed for his ability to build his squad up for one game each season, wants to wi this en- counter more than he has ever want- ed anything else. Illini Point For Game It has long been a matter of record that Illinois generally wins its biggest home game each year, This year, that means Michigan and the Indians are pointing for today's game. But, unfortunately for Illinois fans, the Wolverines ae not inclined to consider today's lame a bareather. 'hat humiliating 1939 defeat isn't far enough in the past to pernit that. They realize that their opponents could spring an upset today and they'll go into the game with but one thought in mind. Michigan must win. On the records thus far, Michigan should win. The Wolverines out- played Michigan State, Pittsburgh and Northwestern and took an un- expectedly close 6-0 victory from Ed- die Anderson's Iowa Hawkeyes on a wet field, losing only to Minnesota. The Illini, on the other hand, have beaten only Drake and Miami U., while dropping one-sided decisions to Notre Dame and Minnesota. The records show, however, that the records don't mean much when Michigan meets Illiiois. It's been ten years since a Wolverine eleven defeated an Illinois team in Mem- orial Stadium at Champaign. Today's game is one they want to win. Face T Formation For the second time this season, Fritz Crisler's charges will face the T formation today. Zupke, like Ed- die Anderson, employs the T in alter- nation with the single wingback sys- tem. It is significant that the last tiipe this formation was tried out against the Wolverines, by Iowa, it almost succeeded in springing an up- set. It is practically a sure thing that the home team will throw plenty of passes in this afternoon's tilt. They have tossed more than 20 in each of their games thus far this season and will undoubtedly continue this pro- cedure today. Star heaver of the Illini is Quarter- back Lavere (Liz) Astroth who con- nected on 11 of his 19 aerial attempts against Notre Dame last Saturday in spite of the fact that the Irish took a 49-14 victory in that contest. Worth watching, too, is an Illinois halfback, sophomore Don Griffin, (Continued on Page 3) Petition Campaign BroughtTo Close After two days of active campaign- ing the Student Defenders of Democ- racy last night brought to a close their drive for signatures on petitions urging the repeal of the Neutrality Act. Nazi Drive On Moscow Stalls As Russians Retreat In Crimea By The Associated Press) Hitler's major offensive upon Mos- cow came to the end of its first month last night with an apparent sharp decline in power, but there was much to indicate that in the far South the German drives still were generally unhalted. At the center, where the weary Nazi armies still stood well short of the Capital, Soviet dispatches de- clared that German action had fallen to mere local attacks in all sectors. save for the Volokolamsk area some 65 miles to the northwest where fighting still was reported heavy. Of that whole theater the German High Command significantly continued its utter silence. But in the South, where this time the Soviet Command was silent, the Germans claimed that the Russians were in retreat on two major fronts -southward into the Crimean Penin- sula and eastward in the Donets Ba- sin in the area about and above Ros- tov on the River Don, .Ta+otwhere the invaders td asg an effort to reach Caucasus oil, block the British-American supply route running up from Iran, and-in the Crimea-to knock out the greatest Southern Soviet naval base at Sevas- topol. It seemed possible, in fact, that the current diminution of the offen- sive against Moscow might be ex- plained in part by the shifting of forces southward. The war in Russia, in any event, had reached one of those brief peri- ods of a hard, uneasy twilight, where the shadows of things that might come were long across the world and dimmed the harsh perspective of the struggle in the East. The day brought Washington's an- nouncement of the sinking of the first U. S. warship actually to go down under fire since the war began -the destroyer Reuben James, tor- pedoed west of Iceland. Senator Connally, the Texas Demo- crat who is chairman of the Senate Forik- nReatinns Committee called1 In Air Crash Fatal To Twenty T4 ST. THOMAS, Ont., Oct. 31.-op)- Three inspectors of the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board took over tonight the investigation into the unex- plained crash of an American Air- lines transport plane which plunged 17 passengers and three crew mem- bers t~o death in an oat field Thurs- day night in a drizzling rain. As a meager beginning from which to work the investigators had a last radio report from the plane, only a few minutes before it crashed, and Two residents of Washtenaw County were victims in the crash of the American Airlines plane Thursday which carried 20 pas- sengers to a flaming death. They were Erwin J. Benz, 35, 1103 Henry St., Ann Arbor, and E. Raymond Root, 39, Ypsilanti. the statements of a farmer and his is only a few miles from the scene of the crash.l Mrs. Thompson Howe, on whose farm the plane crashed, said she heard the plane overhead and "some- thing about the sound of the motors made me decide to take a look." She saw the plane loom out of the murky sky, barely miss high-tension wires, and hit the field with an explosion which set the twisted wreckage afire. Other residents nearby said the plane had seemed to circle overhead, its motors sputtering, and one said he saw a glow in the sky that might have been a flare dropped in search of a landing field. Three bodies, including that of Mary E. Blackley of New York City, the stewardess and only woman aboard, were found alongside the wreckage. Provincial police dug through the