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October 31, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-31

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ehigan Daily

Old Cry Against Labor Is Raised,
Camouflaged In New Language



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
I,College Publsbers Representative
&tember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

HE OLD CRY has been taken up once more
on Capitol Hill. It is the same cry which has
reverberated through the halls of Congress at
intervals for years. But this time it is couched in
new terms, camouflaged by words like "national
defense," "emergency," "crisis."
Under these friendly covers the same old-guard
reactionaries in Washington are again demand-
ing that strikes be made illegal, that troops be
called out to make men go back to work. One
Senator has even gone so iar as to introduce legis-
lation under which anyone conducting a strike
with intent to retard defense production" would
be classed as a saboteur, fined $10,000 and jailed
for five years. The Senator didn't say just how
he would go about proving what a striker's in-
tentions are.
This time there is a greater danger than
ever before, however, for other Americans-
both in and out of Congress-who sincerely
want to speed aid to the anti-fascist forces
have allowed themselves to be fooled into
believing that the right to strike must be
abrogated if such aid is to actually be in-
They are being led into this belief by men like
Rep. Clare Hoffman and Rep. George Cox, who
have never been primarily interested in defeat-
ing Hitler but, rather, in doing everything they
can to cripple the entire labor movement in this
THESE ARE THE KIND of men who take
every strike in the nation-no matter how
small-and exaggerate it all out of proportion to
Its actual importance. They exaggerate to such
an extent that an unwary public is all too likely
to find itself believing every labor leader is a
saboteur and every union is a hot-bed of under-
ground activity.
And yet out of all the thousands of defense
industries in this country, the Detroit Free Press
-try as it might-yesterday could find only five
in which there was any actual stoppage of work
because of strikes. They managed, however, to
play these in a box on page one.
The tendency is also, of course, to im-
mediately blame every strike on the working
man. That such is far from fair is shown



Emile Gie
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick .
Hai Wilson.
Arthur Hill.
Janet Hiatt .
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell

Managing Editor
S. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . .Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor


H. Huyett
B. Collins

Business Stafff
. . Associate Business
. .Women's Advertising
* . Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Basic Grounds
For Hesitation . .
I F ANY ONE THING has kept us
from joining , the interventionists
wholeheartedly, it has been the thought, what
peace settlement will be made after this war is
over? Before we agree to put on a life belt and
get shipped across the Atlantic to fight the
"New Order," we want some concrete assurance
that if we live through the slaughter we will
see a better world as the outcome, and that if
we die, our children will not have to repeat the
pilgrimage again in another 20 years.
Against the rule of Naziism, which we hate,
we are willing to fight, willing to die. But we
are not willing to die for nothing, for another
Versailles, for another rest period, time to re-
arm again for World War III. If we go over
there, we don't want to claw empty air, we want
something to hold, something we can be sure
of, something that will be an end to this period-
ical de-population of the world's women and
children, as well as men.
jAFTER THE LAST WAR a League of Nations
was formed. It was a totally ineffective
organization as far as preserving world peace
was concerned, but it was a start, a suggestion
for the future generations to consider. The
League worked well, but on subjects not con-
nected with the prevention of war. The United
States remained aloof, said that European af-
fairs were ,not ours. Now we discover that they
are, that we are vitally affected by European
and Far Eastern wars. We are realizing that
American "splendid isolation" is as impossible
across the Atlantic as it was for England across
the Channel.
And if we are concerned with the wars of
Europe, we want a part in their prevention. We
want this country to play a part worthy of her
importance in helping to regulate the affairs of
the world. We want an organization with police
power, with the power of sanctions, economic
and armed, to stop another Hitler from taking
over the control of a country. We want an or-
ganization that will be able to listen to Russia's
proposals as well as England's, without absorb-
ing either political ideology.
ANOTHER POLICY we are worried about is
the meaning of peace. Will it be merely a
halting of actual firing, a peace of hate, or will
it be a peace of reorganization and rebuilding,
a peace that will have foundations built on some-
thing more solid than exhaustion of a nation-
hence no war for awhile? We saw what hap-
pened with Clemenceau at the last peace con-
ference, we also remember a man named Duff
Cooper during this war. True, Cooper is not
hacked by a large following, but represents a
portion of thought that dominated the 1919 set-
T HESE are tremendous things we want. In all
probability they are an impossibility within
our lifetime, within the time we shall take to
consider the question of war or peace in Amer-
ica. We are not foolish enough to say that we
shall stand aside until the documents of peace
are placed before us, that we shall not budge
until every comma has been placed in the char-
ter of guarantee. But what we are looking for,
what we want before we agree to take the final
step is some definite and concrete course of ac-
tion that is being mapped out by the govern-
ment. We want a hope, a picture of the future,
h.. a n fhnw.ifrl h oi f ln In i ln Ticlfn a +, ,h

Gbn nO

WASHINGTON-Inner America First circles
are churning over reports that Senator Burt
Wheeler plus cronies are thinking of climbing
off the wobbling isolationist bandwagon.
The other two are Republican Senators C.
Wayland ("Curly") Brooks of Illinois, and Ray-
mond E. Willis of Indiana. ,
Publicly, the three are still talking isolation-
ism in calliope overtones. But what gives sig-
nificant color to the inside word that they are
looking for a way out was their stand on the
last lend-lease bill.
This bill was vigorously opposed by America
First. But none of them took any part in the
debate. Willis wasn't even in Washington.
Brooks finally voted for the bill. And Wheeler
didn't vote at all.
All the other red hot isolationists lined up
against the measure.
According to word reaching worried America
First chiefs, Wheeler is disturbed over the type
of elements forging to the front in the isola-
,tionist movement, particularly in local America
First units. Close intimates say he was shocked
by the groups he encountered at America First
rallies during his recent trans-continental
speaking junket.
The big hitch on Wheeler's switching over is
his vendetta with Roosevelt. If a way could be
found to bring the two together, the Montana
Senator might take the leap and desert his
present cronies. But getting the two men to-
gether is a big order, as feeling between them is
very bitter. Wheeler has long hated Roosevelt
and the feeling is heartily reciprocated.
Political Pressure
Behind the undercover wobbling of Brooks
and Willis is plain political pressure. Both are
under plenty of it in their states.
Brooks comes up for election next year and
already several prominent Illinois Republicans
are squaring off to run against him on his iso-
lationism. One is Bill Blackett, Chicago business
leader and former National Committeeman, who
vigorously supported Wendell Willkie's militant
demand that the GOP abandon its isolationism.
Another is William F. Waugh, former Illinois
American Legion Commander, who also has de-
manded united support behind Roosevelt's for-
eign policy.
Politicos close to Brooks say that the chief
factor keeping him from bolting is the powerful
Chicago Tribune.
This arch isolationist, Roosevelt-hating paper
played a big role in Brooks' election and the
inside political word is that he is fearful of
bringing down its fury on his head.
Willis faces no campaign next year, but when
he returned to Indiana recently he was startled
by the change in sentiment on the foreign issue
-particularly among Republican leaders after
Willkie's fighting pronouncement.
The local boys told Willis that public opinion
was veering strongly against isolationism and
+1 n mt7 ,11r alec ,.. 4nTiria o re i.h r nn

in the testimony of Isador Lubin, Commis-
sioner of Labor Statistics and once professor
in the University economics department, be-
fore the House Banking and Currency Com-
mittee. He estimated that net labor costs
since the outbreak of the war have gone up
only 1.2 per cent as compared to a 19 per cent
rise in food prices and an 11 per cent increase
in the prices of durable goods.
It would seem, therefore, that the most logical
way to prevent future industrial disruptions is
to put some sort of check on the inflationary
rise in prices. But Congress refuses to do this.
Thus, the only weapon left open to the laborer
is the threat to strike. This is the only method
he has of assuring himself a decent standard
of living. It is wasteful and costly, to be sure, but
it is basic and necessary.
There is no reason, either, why regular union
organizational activity should not be continued
throughout the crisis. We still have a law which
guarantees collective bargaining to the worker.
And the need for a strong labor organization in-
creases rather than decreases in time of war.
Men like Hoffman and Cox are always so
busy ranting and raving at labor that they en-
tirely fail to see the other side of the picture.
They either fail to see, or purposely overlook, the
abuses and delays caused by a certain section
of industrial management. When the Aluminum
Company of America scuttles the national wel-
fare so that it might retain the profits and mon-
opoly of the vital aluminum industry, these men
are looking the other way. The same is true
when General Motors continues to make money
hand over fist by manufacturing automobiles
with metals and machines which should be in
use constructing tanks. It is also true when OPM
hesitates to grant the British the necessary
materials to put the trans-Iranian railway in
condition for shipping goods to Russia.
But men like Hoffman and Cox overlook these.
All they see is John L. Lewis-who certainly no
longer represents a majority of the labor move-
ment-leading his miners out on strike against
the expressed wishes of the President. And im-
mediately there is a call for troops.
Lewis-and therefore a part of labor-was, of
course, wrong this time. Dead wrong. But it is
commendable that President Roosevelt chose not
to listen to the hysterical cries of unthinking
Congressional reactionaries. The situation could
not have been alleviated by using troops td force
the men back to work. It has been clearly ill-
ustrated in war-time England that compulsion is
never successful in labor disputes. Men do not
work well with a bayonet in their back. And
now it has been proved here by the President
and Lewis that arbitration does work.
A conference-table method is best because
the majority of workers and a majority of
their leaders realize that the main objective
of the labor movement in the United States
today should be to defeat Hitlerism, for the
latter-if it is not crushed-will abolish
unions and make slaves of union members.
Workers are, therefore, willing and anxious to
make sacrifices in the fight against fascism. But
they are not willing to do it all. Nor are they
willing, as a result of the crisis, to lose all the
gains they have made in recent years. They
demand that if labor is going to be asked (or
forced) to sacrifice, then the same must be done
of big-business. And the American people must
back them up in such a demand if the defeat of
Hitler is to mean a real victory of democracy.
-Homer Swander
be long before Representative Joe Martin, smart
National Chairman, will climb off the isola-
tionist wagon and follow Willkie's lead on for-
eign policy.
'Pepper Endorses Hitler'
At a formal reception in Washington, German
newsman Kurt Sell was introduced to militant
anti-isolationist Senator Claude Pepper of Flor-
ida. Onlookers held their breath. But-they got
along beautifully.
High point of the conversation was when Pep-
per paid a compliment to the German system.
"The totalitarian system," he observed, "pro-
vides a certain discipline which is necessary in
this machine age."
"You are right, Senator!" exclaimed Sell, and
then added with a grin; "I think I should run

out and send a news bulletin to Berlin-'Flash,
Pepper endorses Hitler!'"
Hrs. Roosevelt's Taxes
Next March, Mrs. Roosevelt will pay her larg-
est income tax. Her income is higher, and so is
the tax rate.
Principal new item is the $52,000 from her
radio sponsors, the Pan American Coffee Bureau.
The Bureau's seven coffee-producing countries
have chipped in to pay the First Lady $2,000 for
each weekly 15-minute broadcast for 26 weeks.
Actually, she will earn only half of this sum
during this calendar year, the remainder in
1942. The tax on the $26,000 earned in 1941 will
come to $17,330. This is based on the safe as-
sumption that Mrs. Roosevelt's income is al-
ready in the $75,000 bracket, and thus the added
radio income is taxed at a high rate.
Formerly, the entire revenue from Mrs. Roose-
velt's radio broadcasts went to charity. The
sponsor paid the entire amount direct to the
Friends Service Committee and Mrs. Roosevelt
never saw the check. But Congressman Ham
Fish accused her of evading taxation, and now
Mrs. Roosevelt deducts from the income what-
ever is necessary to meet taxes, and pays the
balance to charity.
The result is-thanks to Ham Fish-that char-
ity's share is far less, and the principal bene-
ficiary is the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

'Sense Of Hunar?'
To the Editor:
can't help but admire Art Hill's
sense of humor in his column,
"High and Inside" for Wednesday
morning. It was really funny to read
of how the 120 mighty musicians of
Michigan, fearing neither man nor
beast, trample the exhausted grid-
iron heroes into the lush turf-but
you read the column. That's power-
ful description, Art, powerful!
Actually, I wish you could have
been with me in the players' run-
way after that Minnesota game.
The "bounding buffoons" had their
arms around the tired gridders, tell-
ing them how well they had fought,
how glorious they were even in de-
feat. To the Michigan Band the
team was still the best in the nation,
and the shouts of encouragement, the
pats on the back were freely be-
Frankly, Art, the boys of the band
are entitled to a little consideration,
too. That rush to get to the "tunnel"
entrance is almost a necessity to pre-
vent the crowds from the stands
from closing in first. In all other
parts of the stadium the people in
the first rows must be patient and
wait until the crowds in the upper
rows have spilled through the exits,
but on the East the tunnel is an in-
vitation to the lowernhalf of the
stands to make a more rapid get-
band to gather outside of the sta-
dium and be on its way as soon as
possible. A surprising percentage of
band boys have jobs to get to, and it's
a race against time to get out of the
stadium, march up to Morris Hall,
put your instrument away safely, get
home and out of uniform, and make
a five o'clock supper job.
At best, the bandsman who has
only "dotted the i in MINN", has
spent long hours of drill and re-
hearsal during the week. He has
cheerfully reported 'to Ferry Field
for eight or more hours of intensive
drill, he has spent another four
hours of rehearsal, to say nothing of
the time spent practicing on his in -
strument, time coisumed getting to
Ferry Field and back, etc.
And on Saturday the Michigan
bandsman gets into uniform by noon,!
snatches a hasty luncheon, reportsi
to Morris Hall, and marches to the
stadium. He helps entertain the fans!
before the game and at half-time.i
He cheers the team vociferously andc
whole-heartedly. Ask the cherlead-t
ers how often the band has put on itsI
own cheers in addition to leadingt
the stands. Ask the gridders them-
selves how much cheering they get1
from the bandsmen before the game
when they are on the way to the6
locker rooms after pre-game warm-
NEXT TO the football plyes
themselves there is no group on
campus which gives more of its timet
and effort to making the game of
football the colorful spectacle it is.r
Nor is there any group so consistently
loyal to the team, win or lose. I don'tf
think a single fan minds the band's%
desire to get lined up and marchingP
after the game without having h
spend a half-hour getting out of the
stadium. And I think the gridders
would miss the cheerful cries of thet
bandsmen after a hard game-criesC
like "Great work, boys! Minnesota<
knew they were in a REAL BALLi
- Michael Monroei


VOL. LII. No. 29
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to members of the faculty
and other townspeople on Sunday,
November 2, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars
may park in the restricted zone on
South University between 4:00 and
Senate Reception: Since no indi-
vidual invitations are being sent, this
is a cordial invitation to all members
of the teaching, administrative, and
research staff and their wives to be
present at the Senate Reception to
new members of the faculties on Tues-
day, November 4, in the ballroom of
the Michigan Union at 8:30 p.m. The
reception will take place from 8:30
to 10:00 o'clock, after which there
will be dancing from 10:00 to 12:00.
It is especially hoped that new teach-
ing fellows and instructors may be
present and the chairmen of depart-;
ments are asked to be of assistance in'
bringing this about.
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,t
and the Arts: The second regular
meeting of the Faculty of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
for the academic session of 1941-42
will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall,
November 3, at 4:10 p.m.
Edward H. Kraus
1, Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of October 6th, 1941,
pages 1-7, which should be re-paged
as 755-761, and which were distrib-
uted by campus mail.
2. Consideration of the reports sub-
mitted with the call to the meeting:

a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor P. S. Welch.
b. University Council, prepared by
Professor Leroy Waterman.
c. Executive Board of the Graduate
School, prepared by Professor V. W.
d. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Dean E. H Kraus.
Since the last meeting of the
Faculty there have been no meetings
cf the Senate Advisory Committee
cn University Affairs. Hence no re-
port can be submitted with the Fall
for the Faculty meeting.
3. Evaluation of Faculty Services,
Professor R. C. Angell.
4. Status of the Instructor.
5. Centennial Celebration.
6. New Business.
7. Anr ouncements.
.Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due Novem-
ber 1 in the Office of the Academic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty members,
during the 6th and again during the
11th weeks of the semester. These
two reports will be due about Novem-
ber 8 and December 13. Report
blanks will be furnished by campus
mail. Please refer routine questions
to Miss Buda, Office of the Dean,
(Extension 575), who will handle the
reports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore,
Head Mentor, Extension 2136.
Chairmen of Public Activities: Eli-
gibility lists for first semester pub-
lic activities will be due on or before
November 1. Formal blanks for these
lists may be obtained from the Office
of the Dean of Students.
Approved Organizations are re-
quested to submit an up-to-date list
of officers to the Office of the Dean
of Students at once. Failure to do
so will indicate that a society is no
longer active. Blanks for the pur-
pose may be had upon request or the
list may be turned in in letter form.
Student tickets for the Ohio State
game will be distributed at the Ath-
letic Administration Building during
the coming week according to the fol-
lowing schedule: Monday, Nov. 3-
Seniors (Yellow Coupons); Tuesday,
Nov. 4-Juniors (Orange Coupons);
Wednesday, Nov. 5-Sophomores
(Pink Coupons); Thursday, Nov. 6-
Freshmen (Green Coupons). Student
ticket windows will be open, 1:00-9:00
p.m., each of these days. Students
reporting after the day designated for
their particular class will lose the pre-
ference given that class.
Harry A. Tillotson,
Ticket Manager.
Latin-American Students: The Uni-
versity has one more Civilian Pilot
Training Flight and Ground School
scholarship to offer to a Pan-Ameri-
can student who is enrolled in the
University of Michigan and has at
least Sophomore standing. Anyone in-
terested please report to the Aeronau-
tical Department, Room B-47, East
Engineering Building, as soon as pos-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Mr. Her-
bert Matthew Schueller, English
Language and Literature; thesis:
"John Addington Symonds as a The-
oretical and as a Practical Critic,"
tonight at 7:30, 3223 Angell Hall.
Chairman, C. D. Thorpe,


By Lichty

"Why don't you bring your boy friend home sometime?-Are you
ashamed of him?"

Emanuel Feuermann


Great Music ian...

Sonata in F major, Op. 99, No. 2,
Brahms; Variations on a Theme by
Mozart, in E-flat major, Beethoven;
Sonata in E major, Valentini; Suite in
Five Movements (for 'cello alone)
Hindemith; Apres un reve, Faure; At
the Fountain, Davidoff; Introduction
and Polonaise, Op. 3, Chopin. Encores:
Nocturne, Chopin; Tango, Albeniz;
Minuet, Valesini.
Rarely in the annals of musical
events occurs a concert so near per-
fection that the written word sud-
denly finds itself unable to manifest
a true judgment. Such a concert
happened in Hill Auditorium last
night with two very able artists pre-
siding. It is true, Emanuel Feuer-
mann was the featured artist of the
evening, but to omit the mention of
Albert Hirsh, his accompanist, would
be a gross oversight for which this{
reviewer could be taken to task.
Working hand in hand, these two
excellent musicians gave a small but
appreciative audience a musical thrill
that I do not expect will be dupli-
cated for a long time. Opening with
the Brahms' Sonata, Messrs.Feuer-
mann and Hirsh ran through the
rhythmical complexities of the work
with amazing ease, tossing the solo
passages back and forth in an ex-
hibition of ensemble playing that
would rival the exacting teamwork
of a symphony orchestra.
Again in the Beethoven Variations,
Feuermann and Hirsh struck a musi-
cal partnership. Each taking a share

the breath of a titan. He displayed
in no uncertain terms that he was ang
absolute master of his instrument.-
His tone was eloquent and his tech-
nique certainly could find no peer.
The work, in a variety of tempi,
showed Mr. Feuermann's musician-
ship to best advantage from the slow
movements wherein beautiful, sus-{
tained melody, artistically phrased,l
received the same painstaking atten-t
tion as in the faster movements de-l
voted to a brilliant tour de force.
After the intermission if any doubtt
remained in anyone's mind as to the
genius of Mr. Feuermann's 'cello
playing, it was dispelled in the mod-
ern music of Hindemith. This was
played alone. A more exacting test
of a string instrumentalist could not
be conceived, but the artist, playing
with a tone not big but refined, with'
a tone not sultry but mellow, andc
tempered with a discreet vibrato, fol-
lowed through the harmonic and
melodic difficulties of the work with1
the easedand instinct of the superb
musician that he is.
Then followed two melodic bits byl
Faure and Davidoff, and the program
closed with a Chopin piece in which
Mr. Hirsh must come in for special
men-,"ion. He romped through the
intricacies of the score with a flaw-
less technique. His arpeggi and runs
fairly rippled, from his fingertips in
an amazing exhibition of the fine
art of accompanying. And, of course,
Mr. Feuermann, too, displayed only

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