lain and ocolder.
Sfr igan
Basic Grounds
For Hesitation ..
"" :
Ted Sharp Is
Chosen Head
Of '42- J=Hop
As Vote Ends
Dotterrer Wins Soph Prom
Chairmanship; Others
Elected To Fill Posts
Judiciary Council
Supervises Election
Ted Sharp, a junior from Detroit,
was chosen in the campus election
yesterday to the chairmanship of the
1942 J-Hop Committee.
Chuck Dotterrer, a sophomore'en-
gineering student from Detroit, was
elected chairman of the 1941 Soph
Prom Committee.
Members of the J-Hop Committee
from the literary college are, Bob
Begle, Detroit, Bob Burstein, Pitts-
burgh, Pa., Bob Bartlow, Buffalo, N.
Y., Leanor Grossman, Huntington
Woods, Rose Mary Mann, Ann Ar-
bor, and Elaine Barth, Rochester,
N. Y.
The' other members elected from
the School of Engineering are Bruce
Renaud, Detroit, and Tom Poyzer,
Milwaukee, Wis.
Jim Snodgrass, Cincinnati, O., was
chosen to represent the forestry and
pharmacy schools. Mary Louise
Knapp, Detroit, was elected from the
School of Music. Mildred Christa,
Detroit, will, represent the architec-
ture school.
Members of the Soph Prom Com-
mittee from the architecture and en-
gineering schools are, Stan Glass-
man, Rochester, N. Y., Dick Emery,
St. Joseph, and Ralph Beuhler, Ann
Soph Prom Committee members
from the literary college are, Harold
Cooper, Far Rockaway, N. Y., Jack
Hooper, Danbury, Conn., Marty Fe-
ferman, South Bend, Ind., Phyllis
Present, East Lansing, and Nancy
Hattereley, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
The restricted electionwas super-
vised by the Men's Judiciary Council
in cooperation with the Michigan
ASU Granted
Official Status
Organization Is Removed
From Probation List
The American Student Union was
removed from probation by the Dis-
ciplinary Committee last Tuesday and
is now recognized as an approved
Because of infraction of University
rules, the ASU was put on probation
last December.
After their recognition, the execu-
tive committee issued the following
statement concerning their present
position. "It is extremely fortunate
that the American Student Union
may again function as a recognized
campus organization. The main issue
before the country today is the mili-
tary destruction of Hitler, in order
to preserve America as an indepen-
dent nation. This is the main issue
before students, too, for the very
future of education depends upon the
outcome of this war. It is of urgent
necessity, therefore that all groups,
agreed on this one issue regardless of
other differences, should unite for
immediate action.- Other organiza-
tions and other individuals will as-
sume their responsibilities. But the
ASU with its experience in anti-fas-
cist struggles and itslactive member-
ship can be of service too."
Buikema Named Head
Of Citizenship Board
LANSING, Oct. 30.-(AP)--Spon-
sored jointly by the State Depart-
ment of Public Instruction, the U. S.
Immigration and Naturalization Ser-
vice and the Works Progress Admin-
istration, a 12-member council wasl
organized here today to provide citi-
zenship training for 291,000 aliens in
Dr. Benjamin J. Buikema, Assis-
tant Superintendent of Schools in
Four-Day Coal Miners' Strike
Ends With Temporary Truce
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-A four-
day strike of 53,000 captive coal min-
ers was terminated today under a
17-day truce accepted by John L.
Lewis, United Mine Workers presi-
dent, and Myron C. Taylor, director
and former board chairman of Unit-
ed States Steel Corporation.
The mines were scheduled to start
reopening tonight or tomorrow, and
operations were expected to be back
to normal by Saturday.
Under the agreement, suggested by
President Roosevelt last night in a
letter to William H. Davis, chairman
of the Defense Mediation Board, the
mines will continue to operate pend-
ing a second attempt by the board
to mediate the dispute over a de-
mand for a union shop. Neither the
mine operators nor the Union, how-
ever, \vill be bound to accept the
board's recommendations.
The mine workers stipulated that
they had accepted the agreement for
a period ending Nov. 15. Union offi-
cials said this was to prevent "a long,
drawnout," session of the board. On
a previous occasion the board con-
sidered the dispute several weeks be-
fore making its recommendations.
(The captive mines involved in the
strikes are mines owned by steel
companies, which do not place the
coal on the open market but use .it in
their own operations. If a union
shop is granted, all miners will have
to become members of the union after
a certain period of employment.
(The strike was ended after four
appeals by President Roosevelt. Lewis
Fund Reaches
Quarter Mark
rejected the first two and made no
public reply to the third.)
Lewis announced the UMW's deci-
sion to order the men back to work
at a dramatic press conference with
Lewis joined Taylor at the latter's
hotel after conferring for two hours
with a score of district officials of
the United Mine Workers. He later
said the district leaders had voted
unanimously to accept the Presi-
'dent's proposal.
Senate Adopts
Plans To Hold
Soldier Dance
Student Body To Entertain
Fort Custer Men Here;
Support SDD Proposal
Recognizing the nation-wide prob-
lem of draftee entertainment, the
Student Senate' unanimously voted
last night to sponsor a special cam-
pus dance for enlisted men in Fort
This resolution, the Senate's first
official act of the University year,
has been referred to committee for
a hearing on transportation and ball-
room facilities. Full cooperation will
be given to the Student Defenders
of Democracy who have already ini-
tiated a similar proposal.
"This dance," declared President
Bill Todd, '42, "will give Michigan
studeitts an opportunity to show
their appreciation foi the soldiers'
services. The lack of recreation for
these selectees gives it a special im-
Todd anticipates a problem in
bringing men in from Battle Creek,
nearest town to the army camp, but
he feels that it can be done with aid
from local groups, the USO and stu-
dent organizations.
The Senae's second resolution,
also adopted unanimously; proposed
an investigation of lighting condi-
tions in the general library. Intro-
duced by Jacob Fahrner, '43, this,
plan would make use of several pre-
vious' surveys of existing conditions.
In making his proposal, Fahrner
pointed out .the need for improve-
ment in the illumination of several
library study halls.
Under its constitutional system of
senatorial courtesy, the Senate recog-
nized two new Senators appointed by
members prevented from serving
their full terms. Orval Johnson, '43,
will replace William Ditz, and Ruth
Basye has named Winston H. Cox,
'42, to fill the vacancy left by her
resignation. Sally Walsh, '43, was
unanimously chosen to take over Miss
Basye's position as Senate secretary.
Army Pilots Are Found
FRESNO, Calif., Act. 30. -(R)-
Two Army pilots, lost during a storm
from a formation of 19 planes last
Friday, were found alive beside a
campfire in the Mt. Whiteny region
of the high Sierra, the Army report-
ed tonight.
A relief plane was dispatched from
the Fresno 'Army air base to drop
food and blankets to the pain.
Engine Men
Will Choose
Class Heads
Electioneering Prohibited
By School Committees
In Vote For Officers
Freshman Council
Posts To Be Filled
All forms of electioneering declared
taboo by the election committee, se-
niors in the College of Engineering
will go to the polls today to elect five
officers for the class of '42E.
Emphasizing the importance of the
restrictions against electioneering of
all kinds, Verne C. Kennedy, '42E,
chairman of the election committee,'
warned that any candidate found
guilty of infractions would be auto-
matically disqualified and his votes
Candiates for the class presidency
as announced by the committee are
Robert Boswell, William Collamore,
Ted Kennedy, John Templer and Bill
Schomburg. The runner-up in the
presidential election will automati-
cally become vice-president under
the rules of the election.
Running for the post of class sec-
reary are Charles Armstrong, Harry
Imming, Roy Mattern, Carl Rohr-
back, Herbert Ford Whipple and Ted
Williams, while Joe Hallissy and Bob
Imboden will vie for the treasurer's
Fifth official to be elected today
will be senior class Engineering Coui-
cil representative., Candidates will be
Dean Hanink, George Pusack and
Tom Williams. The president-elect
will act as the second senior repre-
sentative to the Council.
The rules against electioneering,
Kennedy explained, are aimed ex-
pressly at bulletin board signs and
campaign slips which are usually
passed around prior to the elections.
With equally stringent restrictions!
against electioneering, freshman en-
gineers will elect two representatives
to the Engineering Council in their
(Continued on Page 2)
'My Process Stolen!'-
Aged Abbott Sues State
He lives in a four-dollar-a-week
rooming house plasteed with col-
lege pennants and pictures of a re-
sort-hotel he planned; he has a
daugh'ter in Duke University-and
now he is suing the State of Michi-
gan for $13,000,000.
He is white-haired, 65-year old
Charles Abbott, '97, who claims to
have invented the moveable dies
used by the state in manufactring
auto license plates.
The University graduate, an en-
gineer-lawyer, .claims the state
agreed in 1921 to pay him 50 per
cent of all his process saved-more
than one dollar per plate.
Now they're manufacturing plates
for six and one-half cents apiece,
"and they owe me money, and
plenty of it."
"I've got the boys in a hole now,
and when I get Michigan I'm going
after the other states that stole my
Pilot Survives
Plane Crash;
14 Are Killed
Officials Await Airman's
Recovery From Accident;
Ice Blamed For Wreck'
MOORHEAD, Minn., Oct. 30-()
--Soothed by sedatives, a veteran fly-
ing officer tonight rested for the
ordeal of telling official investigators
what happened during those agon-
izing moments today in the fatal,
flaming crash of his Northwest Air-
lines Transport plane.
Physicians declined to permit Cap-
tain Clarence Bates, 41, a 10,000 air
hour flier, to talk about the 2 a.m.
disaster that killed 14-everyone on
the liner but the pilot.
Victimswere twelve passengers, the
stewardess and copilot.
Whether, as unofficial outside ob-
servers believed, the ship gathered
ice quickly in slipping down through
fog and mist to freezing ground tem-
peratures will not be known until
Bates talks. Also eagerly awaited
weredetails of Bates' exit from the
plane. He presumably either was
thrown from the cockpit or crawled
from the wreckage, which caught fire
almost immediately.
George Gardner, Wvice president in
charge of NWA operations, said he
was assured Bates was recovering
rapidly from shock and minor in-
juries. Gardner, other NWA officials,
Civil Aeronautics Authority repre-
sentatives and local authorities, as
well as the aviation world awaited
the direct details of the apparent
sudden disabling of the 21-passenger
plane as it virtually hovered over the,
Fargo airport.
That was its next stop on the Chi-
cago to Seattle flight. Concealed by
thick weather with a 500-foot ceil-
ing, the twin motored transport re-
ported to the St. Paul dispatcher
that it was coming on routine instru-
ment approach from 2,700 feet.
Stimson Directed
To Move Troops;
Striker Is Injured
Hopkins Finds
Stalin Hopef ul
Of Nazi Defeat
NEW YORK. Oct. 30--OP)-"The
battle line will remain west of Mos-
Thus spoke Joseph Stalin to Harry
L. Hopkins, President Roosevelt's
special representative, who described
his dramatic and historic meeting
with the Russian leader in an article
in the current American Magazine.
"We Russians shall win the war,"
Hopkins said Stalin told him. "The
battle line will remain west of Mos-
cow. Russia will not fail. Russia is
big, Russia is exorable. Russia is
fighting-for Russia. She will not,
again be enslaved. Once we trusted
this man -.-"
And then Hopkins commented:
"I hope I shall never be hated as
Stalin hates Hitler."
"For Hitler he had more than the
anger he would necessarily have for
a man who had double-crossed him;
it was a personal hatred that I have
seldom heard expressed by anyone in
authority." r
Fail To Open ,
Closure Of Two Houses
Reduces Total To 38
Two social fraternities, Hermitage,
the fraternity of which President
Ruthven was a member during his
college career, and Tau Kappa Ep-
silon failed to open this semester,
putting the number of active frater-
nities at 38. -
Although there was a record num-
ber of freshmen who signed up for
fraternity rushing, there is no in-
congruity in the fact that the two
fraternities are not operating, since
they closed before the semester be-
gan, it was pointed out.
At least part of the cause for the
closing of the two was placed on the
draft and the increase of national de-
fense industry employment.
Among professional fraternities,
Delta Sigma Pi, a business adminis
tration organization went off cam-
pus, and a Chinese fraternity, Alpha
Lambda is also closed.
Committee Is'
With Drive
The Community Fund reached the
quarter-mark yesterday in the drive
toward its $59,434 goal.
Contributions totalling $14,089 were
repoi'ted by eight of the ten cam-
paign divisions at a luncheon at the
Union, which marked the end of
three and one-half days of the
annual 10-day campaign.
The special gifts division, which
opened its campaign prior to the
general campaign, led in the amount
of contributions with 130 pledges to-
talling $8,821. Next in order were
the University division, which report-
ed $2,377, the commercial division
$2,002, the public schools $464, Junior
Chamber of Commerce $122, the ser-
vice clubs division $118, the industrial
division $95 and University hospital
$90.. .
John Moore, executive secretary of
the Community Fund, expressed,
great satisfaction over the progressof
the campaign and predicted that the
quota would be exceeded. The pro-
ceeds of the campaign will be dis-.
tributed among the 12 social welfare
agencies participating in the Fund
and will be expended by them in I
The campaign will close Wednes-
day, Nov. 5. The next general report
meetings will take place Tuesday and
the final report will be made Thurs-
Morgenthau f
Asks Greater
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30-(/P)-Sec-
retary of the Treasury Morgenthau
today called for a quick increase in
Social Security taxes to ward off in-
flation and help finance the defense
He said there would be extra money
in the pockets of the people, but no
goods to buy with it. Therefore he
wanted to "mop it up."
He declined to say what new tax
rates he proposed, but authoritative
sources said he was trying to choose
between two plans which would either
double or quintuple the tax on em-
ploye pay checks.
These sources said that under one
plan being studied in the highest ad-
ministration circles the present old
age pension taxes of one per cent
each on employes and employers
would be increased to two per cent
each, and the unemployment in-
surance tax on employers would be
raised slightly from its present three
per cent rate.
They said, however, there was also
a strong possibility that the Adminis-
tration would choose a more drastic
proposal which would inicrease the
employes' pension tax from one to
five per cent, while raising the em-
ployer's pension tax from one to two
per cent so that after paying the
three per cent unemployment insur-
ance tax employers also would be pay-
ing a total of five per cent.
ROTC To Present
Retreat Ceremony'
A battalion of the senior and soph-
omore cadets of the University ROTC
unit will observe the military cere-
mony of retreat at 5:15 p.m. today
when they march in a parade and
review at Palmer Field.
Labor Harassed Industry
Taken Over By Soldiers;-
Reenforcenents Sent
U.S. Trucks Roll In
From Two Points
NEW YORK, Friday, Oct. 31.
-(P)-Between 20 and 30 U.S.
Army trucks carrying troops to
the Air Associates plant at Hen-
dix, N.J., left Fort Hamilton,
Brooklyn, at 12:30 a.m. (EST)
Meanwhile the Jersey City,
N.J., police teletype reported 19
trucks of troops from Fort Jay,
Governors Island, passed through
the Holland Tunnel en route to
Bendix before midnight.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. -(A')-
President Roosevelt tonight ordered
the Army to take over the Bendix,
N.J., plant of Air Associates, Inc.
The plant has been harassed by
labor disputes since a strike of CIO-
United Automobile Workers started
Sept. 30.
The President directed Secretary
of War Stimson to take over opera-
tion of the plant and retain control
as long as may be required in the in-
terest of national defense.
It was the third time the President
has resorted to such drastic action
to deal with time-consuming disputes
between labor and management which
have affected production in defense
Non-Strikers Stop Work
As Union Men Return
BENDIX, N. J., Oct. 30-(P)-Act-
ing on a request of the War Depart-
ment, CIO union: workers withdrew
tonight from the strike-troubled
plant of Air Associates, Inc., .after
their return to work benches promt-
ed a brief flurry of violence and a
30-minute work stoppage by 300 non-
Charles Kerrigan, eastern regional
director of the United Automobile
Worl ers of America, Aviation Divi-
sion, said the union members, rein-
stated today in the positions they
left a month ago, would stay away
from the plant ,"until Washington
He said Edward F. McGrady of the
War Department, which asked the
withdrawal, had advised him to ex-
pect speedy intervention.
Fifteen of a group of 26 UAW mem-
bers had entered the plant at the
change of shifts when the sitdown by
nonistrikers occurred.
Joel Miller, union committeeman,
,aid the first union man to take his
place at a machine, Aaron Oren-
stein, a turret lathe operator of
Brooklyn, N. Y., was badly beaten
when "50 or 60 men jumped him."
'Cellist Feuermann
Makes Listeners
Forget It's Raining
Almost 5,000 people forgot it was
raining yesterday.
They were listening to Emanuel
Feuermanti, his 'cello and his accom-
panist putting on the best show at
Hill, Auditorium since the time last
fall when Dorothy Maynor made the
oboe player in Eugene Ormandy's or-
chestra cry by her singing.
When it was all over, Emanuel Feu-
ermann-holding a 'cello that was al-
most as tall as he was-stood on the
stage' bowing to the audience's ova-
tion. Albert Hirsh,. his accompanist,
stood with him.
Once the audience was so enthu-
asti6 they started to clap before the
artist had quite finished a selection
They had to call the modest Mr.
Feuermann back three times before
they got their encore. Then they
mad it two
Locker Room Leftover Left To Loser:
Old .Wet Sock Trophy Awaits
Favorable Student Opinion
Norseman Speaks For Countrymen:.
Expeditionary Force On Island
Necessary Evil, Says Icelander
Although the people of Iceland
prefer to be left to their own devices,
they accept the Anglo-American oc-
cupation of their island as a neces-
sary evil, Thor Reykdal, '43E, the
first Icelander ever to attend the
University, declared in an interview
Slow-spoken and unassuming,
Reykdal, a native of Reykjavik, was
an eye-witness to the British occu-
pation but had arrived in this coun-
try before the 'coming of the Ameri-
can troops. The people, he said, re-
ceived the British move with mixed
feelings of surprise and indifference.
Most of the inhabitants of Iceland
peared on the island but rumors of
their impending arrival were current.
6ince 1918, the 130,000 people of
Norwegian and Irish stock living in
Iceland have been subject to the King
of Denmark. According to Reykdal,
the severance of all connections with
their former over-lords fulfills a long
desire. Iceland wishes to be com-
pletely independent after the present
Reykdal is a student in naval arch-
itecture. He first learned of the Uni-
versity of Michigan from a counselor
at Columbia University. His journey
to this country preceded the recent
series of sinkings by several months,
and his ship was not in convoy.
Impressed with the highly indus-
A new trophy has been proposed
for the Ohio State-Michiagn grid ri-
valry, and its adoption depends upon
the "general student reaction."
But there's something different
about this trophy-it goes to the
loser, not the winner.
And that's not all. What is the
trophy? Is it a loving cup? No. Is
it a golden football? No. What is it?
Just an old wet sock!
No kidding. An alumnus of the
University, who "prefers to remain
anonymous until student opinion is
known" has volunteered to donate as
a prize, "an athletic sock that is worn
at the toe and heel . . . placed in a
cylindrical glass candy jar approxi-
mately nine inches high by seven
inches across." The sock, the donor
states, "is not actually wet except in
The proposal for thq "Ol' Wet
Sock" trophy was made to Coach
"Fritz" Crisler, who turned it over to
the students to decide whether they
"want it in their trophy case if they
lose the game."
or not this idea should be adopted.
It has been suggested that students
write to The Daily expressing their
feelings on the idea of a "Wet Sock"
trophy for the Michigan-Ohio State
game. Although The Daily reserves
the right to print the signed letters
and cards received, communications
not intended for publication do not
have to be signed. All communica-
tions will eventually be turned over
to Coach Crisler to give him an idea
of the student feeling on this scheme.
If few replies are received it will
be considered a negative answer, but
students are encouraged to answer in
the negative or %positive. All replies
must be received at The Daily by
next Tuesday morning, Nov. 4, and
should be addressed to "Old Wet
Sock Editor" care of The Michigan
Daily, Student Publications Build-
ing, Ann Arbor.
The alumnus, anxious to start a
tradition similar to the "Little Brown
Jug," gives the following complete
description of the trophy:,