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October 29, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-29

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Randolph Field
Will Graduate
University Men
Former Michigan Students
Included Among Cadets
T Get 'Wings' Friday
Six University men are included in
the class of Aviation Cadets to be
graduated from Randolph Field/,Fri-
day, a class which represents 30
sttes and 150 colleges and universi-
The six are: Edward J. Horder,
'41, of Evanston, Ill.; Richard M.
Mansfield, '43, of Buffalo, N.Y.; Mar-
shall R. Case, '39, of Moline, Ill.;
John '. JFattock, '44, of Grand Ra-
pids; Marvin R. Taylor, '40, of Ann
Arbor, and Robert F. Watt, '40, of
Members of the tenth class to re-
ceive their basic training at the
"West Point of the Air" during 1941,
these pilots-to-be came from all
walks of life. Some were clerks and
salesmen, others, football heroes and
engineers, but all are now vital cogs
irt the United States' fast-growing
Air Arm.
Randolph Field trains 4,500 stu-
dent pilots, annually as a part of the
present pilot training program that
calls for 30,000 military pilots each
year. Classes report ever five weeks,
and the huge Texas field, manned by
550 officers and more than 3,500
enlisted men, is operating on a 24-
hour basis.
Ticket System
Needs uChage
Tillotson Says
(Continued fBom Page 1)
all the seats from the 50 yard line On
around one corner on one side of
the field. As may happen in the
case of the Ohio State game one-
fourth of these more desirable tickets
will be out of Michigan's control al-
Student Quota Cut
Other fixed obligations such as
seats for bondholders, "Mi" Club
memters, and, alumni cut the stu-
dent's ticket quota of between-the-'
goal-line seats to about 6,500. Since
there hre approximately 10,000 stu-
dents it becomes at once obvious that
all students can't occupy the better,
Under the present arrangement the
best seats' go to seniors and their
guests. Under the system employed
by Ohio State and considered by Mr.
Tillotson, as much of a single bloc
as could be put in.these seats accord-
ing to class preference would be given
the good tickets. Any who wish to
'buy guest tickets under this system
would be forced to take less deir-
abletseats outside the student bl.
In a questionnaire sent to all zig
Ten ticket managers it was dis-
covered that at most schools no class1
preference or guest ticket arrange-t
ments were made. It is in Michigan's
attempt to compromise between the
student bloc and the desire for guest
privileges that much of our difficulty
lies, said Mr. Tillotson.
The problem of. the dispensing of1
tickets is also an' important problem
left over from last week's mad rush
on the ticket office. Forced by
schedule conditions this year to dot

away with the mailing system, Michi-
gan found to its surprise that it was
the only school in the Western Con-t
ference that was still using the anti-
quated system.t
Unprecedented Situation
The change combined with the
Minnesota sell-out brought about an
unprecedented situation here, and'
the need now is to find some system9
that will prevent an occurrence oft
the now almost forgotten "Monday1
mob." The arrangements made for1
Ohio State game' are merely tem-t
porary and will not necessarily be
used in the future.
Here, then, Mr. Tillotson said, is a
chance for constructive student
assistance of a worthwhile kind.
Williams Will Speak
Before Hillel Group
Analyzing the adjustment of youth
to the problems of modern, dynamic
society, Prof.' Mentor- L. Williams of
the English department will be fea-
tured in Hillel Foundation's regular
Friday evening Fireside discussion in
a talk entitled "Why Adjust?"
Professor Williams in two all-
campus polls won the distinction of
being voted the most popular facul-
ty man. He holds the ,position of
Professor ,of American Literature.
collaborate with
European Youth?
On what Educational Basis?
ncn&fn r"D Af"V PA1E

Oldest Living Michigan Alumnus
Marks One Hundredth Birthday

One hundred years ago yesterday,
just one month and three days after
the initial meeting, in Mason Hall,
of the first class of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, nu-
cleus of the present University of
Michigan, occurred the birth of the
oldest living alumnus of the Univer-
The centennial birthday of this
fortunate alumnus, Artemas Roberts,
was observed in Dade City, Florida.
These first hundred years have
been good to both college and alum-
nus. Both have had a long, full and
useful life. The many achievements
of the College are well known, those
of Mr. Roberts, although less f am-
ous, have been equally satisfying.
Mr. Roberts has prospered, he has
raised a family which today includes
many grandchildren and great-
Another Century
Unfortunately, while the Literary
Ann Arbor

College enters its second century with
its accustomed energy and spright-
fulness, its "twin" prepares for the
dusk of his life. A letter received by
the Alumni Association from " him
tells his story:
"I'am about to celebrate my birth-
day again; that is on October 28. I
will be 100 years old if I live that
-long. As my dear wife went some
years ago and my health being poor,
I have been unable to attend anyof
the reunions and will not need your
very interesting paper longer. Would
be glad to meet you some time, but
it is not likely that I can. Glad to
get The Alumnus so far and you have
my best wishes always."
Mr. Roberts last visited the cam-
pus in 1927 when he attended his
Sixtieth Class Reunion. Now, al-
though he will not be able to see the
University again, he !is still remem-
bered with pride and respect by ev-
eryone connected with .the Univer-
Ruthven Congratulates
Today he will receive a letter of
cohgratulation from President Ruth-
ven, which speaks for everyone con-
nected with the University:
To you belongs the rare distinction
of being the oldest living alumnus of
the University of Michigan and of
reaching your own hundredth birth-
day in the same year that the Col-
lege 'of Literature, Science and the
Arts of this University, which opened
its doors for instruction in Septem-
ber, 1841, also becomes a centenarian.
My owhl heartiest felicitations and
those of the Regents, Faculty, stu-
dents and alumni of Michigan are
yours today.

Here Is Today's
In Summary


Preliminary returns on the recently
opened Ann Arbor Community Fund
drive show donations of $3,321.50
from the special gifts division of the
campaign, which 'started its solici-
tation in advance of the general drive.
The, campaign opened Monday and
will continue 'for 10 days, during
which time a quota of $59,434 will be
sought by workers. This sum .has
been set as the minimum at which
local social welfare and character-
building services can maintain their
services for the coming year.
Winter is blowing into town, with
a ten perature of 28.9 reported
Monday night, first time below
freezing this season.
Yesterday the mercury hit in the
vicinity of 24 degrees, and ye old
weaher ian says that chills will
be here for several days.
Waterloo project area, opened to
hunters yesterday for the first time
was host to more than 500 big game
seekers, but ilatest reports suggest
that the pheasants are also aware
that men with guns are being ad-
mitted tothe reserve.
Latest report on yesterday's take
was one rabbit, but a large part of
the 600 acres available to hunters
has yet to be canvassed. Parts of the
project area will be open for hunt-
ing purposes until Jan. 1.
Closest part of the area is near
Chelsea, and the land between Sey-
mour, and Cassidy Lakes will be open
until the end of the year.
Museum Head
Will Give Talk
British Expert To Speak
At Library Today
Arudell Esdaile, former secretary of
the British Museum, will deliver the
second in a series of lectures on "The
British Museum Library" at 10 a.m.
today in Room 110, Library.
The president of the British Li-
brary Association will speak on other
phases of the same topic at 11 a.m.
tomorrow, and at 4 p.m. Monday,
Wednesday and Friday of next week.
The lectures, sponsored by the De-
partment of Library Science, are open
to the public.
Mr. Esdaile will also deliver a Uni-
versity Lecture on "Dr. Johnson and
the Young" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Fekula To Speak
Mr. G. M. Fekula will speak at the
Seminar of the Department of Chem-
ical and Metallurgical Engineering
today in the Seminar Room in the
East Engineering Building on "Ther-
mal Properties of Hydro-carbon Mix-


Scoring System
For Restaurants
To Go Into Effect
(Continued from Page 1)
ber 5, in the W. K. Kellogg Audi-
torium. Lectures will be given every
Tuesday until further notice.
The first lecture will provide a
background, reviewing communica-
ble diseases and their relation to food
handling. The second lecture will
deal with anti-contamination meas-
ures and proper display, storage, and
refrigeration of food.
Cleanliness and general sanitation
with stress placed on dish and glass
washing, will make up Lecture No. 3,
while the food handler's individual
cleanliness and personal hygiene will
be discussed in the fourth of these
required talks.
Zeta Phi Eta Group
To Conduct Trylauts
Zeta Phi Eta will meet at 4 p.m.
today in the Zeta Phi Eta room in
Angell Hall. Tryouts for new mem-,
bers will be the main business of the
New officers of the club are Nancy
Gould, '42, president; Alvira Sata,
'42, vice president; Meta Jane Cris-
ell, '42, treasurer; Carol Freeman, '42,
recording secretary; Doris Cuthbert,
'42, corresponding secretary; Gail
Parsons, '43, marshall. The appointed
officers are Betty Singer, '43, social
chairman; Julie McKee, '42, pledge
captain; and Rita Garvey, '42,
"Cameo" reporter.
Blose Ordered To Duty
At San Francisco Base
James W. Blose, '42, of Sharpsville,
Penn., recently commissioned a sec-
ond lieutenant in the Air Corps Re-
serve, has been ordered to active duty
at Hamilton Field, fighter plane base
near San Francisco.
Lieutenant Blose received his ap-
pointment as Flying Cadet while at-
tending the University; completed his
training at the Air Corps Advanced
Flying School at Kelly Field, Texas,
where he has been assigned to the
35th Pursuit Group.







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