T:HE MICHTEANN fDAILY f J", -LTJL- JL n-A JUL JL '%X XIL X I JLF LIL X AL4 X League Social Cc a Collegiate Songstress Contest To Be Sponsored By Herb Miller Herb Miller, Grad., the League's itillrocm with Michigan students the bandmaste,', is going to run a little jadges. It's a modification of the collegiate songstress contest all of "he customer is always right" idea. his own. Miller said. In order to relieve Betty Correll, To Sing At Intervals '44SM, trombonist, who has been TSA singing the vocal refrains for the At intervals during the informal c - nccs Saturday night and Nov. 7. band thus far, Miller announcdyes- Miller will bring a contestant up to tend'Ay that he' will run a contest'tiemkntouehrotedac Saturday night and Nov. 7 to choose t nse mike, introduce her to the danc a vocalist who will be a new'and per- .Byand she s on ter own from then manet aditon o te bnd.c:1 ]A By the end of the evening all manent addition to the band. the survivors of the private auditionw The Contestants? I x ill have had their chance to sing Any Michigan woman may enter and the dancers will then write the the audition eliminatior s but must name of the singer they prefer on the contact Miller before 5 p.m. tomorrow back of the pass-out checks. at 2-1479.'Arrangements will be This performance will be repeated made for private auditions for eachi the next weekend. The girl receiving contestant before tomorrow , vening, when the girls chosen will rehearse j the most votes in the finil analysis with the band. will then takq her place as vocalist The "finals" come at the League's with Herb Miller and his orchestra. F ~x O F L UX UR IO US HIGHER PRICED? S a GNH E RmPoft' C E D i A UXURY FEE LING for your fepti Bear- $ like softness and toas9 warmth ir that famed OD'OR SAY STYLE Get yours today i .. . Vet , - i .~ < --r * S* . )mmittee Ruthven Teas Among Duties Of Committee Activity Chairmen To Acquaint Newcomers With Opportunity; Members Required To Attend Will Hold 'World Of Tomorrow' Being Erected There will be a mass meeting of the entire League social committee, aew and old members as well as those interested in serving under the various divisions, at 4 p.m. today in the League. Short speeches by the chairmen of the social activity groups will ac- quaint newcomers with the oppor- tunities for participation. Attendance at the meeting is required of all Social committee members, Elizabeth Fariss, '42, announced and two ab- 3ences will be penaized by exclusion from Ruthven Tea service. Tea Chairmen Named Chairmen for the Ruthven tea committee are appointed in four di- visions. Marjorie Storken, '43, is By BARBARAdeFIRES chairman of Group I, assisted by The guy on top the ladder is Bill Mary Sellon, '43. Directing Group II ThesguyAondpthe gudder is Bild is Jane Honey, '43, assisted by Eliza- Burgess, '43A, and the guy who could beth Steffon, '42. Dorothy Cummings, easily knock him down is Bob Erick- '43, is chairman of 'Group III, and her son, '44, day laborer, and the thing assistant is Carol Pitcher, '43. Chair- in his hand is a Saw, '45Buzz. man of Group IV is Mary Eleanor If the mere fact that thefdecora- Brown, '43, assisted by Marjorie tions for the Union Formal are going Green, '43. to e pose the world in 2041 isn't League's division of the acquain- enough.to make you crawl in on your tance bureau is also under the juris- knees, the grotesque contortions (mu- diction of the social committee. Elaine rals to you) lining the walls certainly Richert, '43, is chairman of the com- should. mittee in chairge, and is assisted by There will be a caricature of Uncle Sally Walsh, '43. Joe Bursely done in livid green, Style show chairman, Virginia !(ugh!) coeducation as a surealist Morse, '43, is assisted by Marlou sees it, a football player's biology Shartel, '44. Margaret Brown, '43, is notes and a medical student's dream chairman of the Club 7-11 committee, --the first time a dance has ever and her assistant is Margaret Ihling, been decorated with a lower intestine, '43. Guide service is under the direc- There will also be a "spittin'" image tion of Nancy Griffin, '44, and Beth of 'the League fountain-don't let Cowing, '42, manages the bridge tour- that scare you away though-it's go- J nament committee. ing to be called "Friday Night." Acquaint Tea Assistants Motif Is Futuristic In order to acquaint the Ruthven An enormous amount of orange Tn ordernt io acquaints te Rutvens and black paint is being transformed Tea assistants ' with points of interest into a futuristic motif which will be in the Ruthven home and garden, a superimposed upon a three foot white committee has been organized to is- bandrios h p ereef the sue the Social Committee Booklet, band running the perimeter of the which will deal in detail with the room. Over the orchestra will be a Ruthven home. Jeanne Follit, '42, is sign reading "Let the crystal ball add in charge of the committee, and her hundred more years of Michigan assistant is Marjorie Lovejoy, '42. purges does all his drawing in the Assisting Miss Fariss, chairman of dining room of the Delta Tau Delta he entire committee, is Jeanne house-he sets one table on top of ! Campbell, secretary. anyother. and goes to work. Hummm, Under immediate consideration at can't quite figure that one out, just today's mass meeting will be the pro- be sort of awkward. He mixes his ,edure and organization of Ruthven paints on his wrist and if they look Student teas, the first two of which well there, he puts them on the can- -re to be held Wednesday, Nov. 5 and vas. the following week. In order to keep the colors where WAAnics' I . I COLLEGIATE SHOE SHOP By SHAPPY Our debut having been made, ouir object from now on shall be to live up to our one-week} old reputation .. . we're not saying whether it is good or bad. . . but hoping for the best ... here goes again.... Myriads of athletically and swim- mingly minded women, having been spurred on by visions of the cool -1 U. .. .- - GOODYEEIR' s ,STATE STREET STQRE II SALE OF CORDUROYS .-M-'' .-,. r .ter r .:,' '.. ,.r 131 , a pv -,. Y f ^^4+Q :ae r 44 >' t ' ( t 4} .. k . ::,c;.Sio utr: ... ~ \' green waters of the 1Union 'Pool, but having, made the horrible mistake of not having a health re-check nor signing up originally for the annual meet, were disappointed last week at being cold-heartedly turned \away from participation in that revelry of water-the WAA swimming meet- (we ought to know, we were among them!) The "Amazon Aces," otherwise known as the WAA board, were not too successful in proving their ath- letic ability, as the tie score of 10-10 shows in the balloon volley-ball game in which they battled the League Council . . . tsk, tsk, better brush up, board! Much groaning and cracking of bones and muscles still attends the meeting of toe Fencing Club. Three fencers, according to a reliable au-- -thority, went home after the last meeting with "quivering quadriceps," which, for plain people like you means a la Webster the extensor muscle in the front of the thigh .. . which for plainer people 4ike me means . . . "it hurts!" Pleasant Lake Farms will be the destination of the hostel group this weekend, not via bikes but via those good old reliable, (we hope!) feet ... If you can hike ten miles, o.k. go ahead and have sore feet, we won't care ... but seriously, what it will do for your . ahem .. figure... and ego is really sbimething. So happy hiking and solong. /A Match" f or your Money An unbeatable combination is f June Grey's wool jerkin and skirt outfit. Slacks are also available in a variety of colors to match.' J/l. Lflr iTC ' , nn f, I I The balance of our Fall stock re- duced for clearance! Sturdy, com- fortable, colorful as Autumn leaves right for classroom, office and casual wear. Corduroys to mix or match available at uni of-the-season savings. usual height- -f i i Two-piece Suits 7.98 and 12.98 Fingertip coats 7.98 'Fingertip Reversibles 4.98 'It, II Blouses 1.98 Skirts 3.98 Slacks 3.98 Dirndl Skirts 3.98 Jackets 3.98 and 4.98 z Jq, t - t t I I