Weather Cloudy, light rain. Jr SiJt4tBa tlIaiti Editorial *Reply To A Reply By Mr. Ogden.,t VOL. LI. No. -27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ?9, 1941 ' -323 I I PRICE FIVE CENTS London Fears Soviet Forces In Far South Face Disaster Russians Report Opening Of New Battle Sector '.In Front Of Moscow Germans Repulsed, Communique Says (By The Associated Press) The Russians reported eruption of fighting in a new sector before Mos- cow today and London accounts said Red Army counter-attacks had beat- en the Germans back as much as 10 miles on the ceptral front, but Soviet forces in the far South appeared to be facing catastrophe. Moscow'si early morning communi- que said a giant struggle had devel- oped in the Volokolamsk area, some 55 miles northwest of the city and about mid-way' between Kalinin far- ther to the northwest and Mozhaisk on the west. Thrusts Repulsed Repeated German thrusts have been repulsed, it added, in the previ- ously established " fighting zones around gozhaisk, which is 57 miles from the Soviet Capital, and at Ma- loyaroslavets, 65 miles to the south- west. In the past two days the communi- que said 26 German planes were downed near Moscow. s The Southern German forces of. Marshal . Gerth von Rundstedt, al- ready immense and still being streng- thened,° were uinder tood earlier to have stood within 1 to 15 miles of Rostov on the River Don and clearly were still advancing, if only slowly. iformed Allied opinion reluctant- lyconceded that Marshal Semeon Timoshenko, recently sent to the south to try to break by far the most danigerous of all Hitler's current thrusts, was not likely to be able toi hold Rostov, whose fall would lay open the lower valley of the Don and would by Allied accounts just about finish the tributary'basin of the Do- nets as a Russian industrial reser- voir. Moscow Theatre As to the ,Moscow theatre, how- ever, information of yesterday strong- ly suggested that the Russians held the initiative generally, and there were three interesting related re- ports from neutral quarters in Lon- don: That Red reserves from Siberia had gone into the line, giving the weary Germais a very hrd time of it; that Russian artillery (of which the Germans have spoken at times slightingly as against the vastly su- perior mobility of dive-bombers) ap- peared to have an effective superior- ity at the moment; that the expect- ed freeze had not come, thus leaving the front a sticky mess under rain andlight snowfalls. Russian military dispatches implied that some of the main fighting was still in the area of Mozhaisk, which itself is 57 miles west of Moscow, and declared that Red detachments' cut off in the original German break- through on the central front were emerging from encirclement and re- forming. , One such detachment was said to have been led by a woman. , Front-Line Dispatches Front-line dispatches to Pravda, the official Communist newspaper, claimed in fact that the Germans had fallen to digging defense fortifi- cations in some sectors of the Mos- cow front-trenches and tank traps -in an effort to consolidate advances which hail now been generally halted. The Germans themselves acknowl- edged that there had been violent Soviet counter-attacks-supported by "almost all the artillery they still possess"-on the Moscow front, but claimed that all had been thrown back and that several thousand Red prisoners were as a result in hand. The Nazi High Command itself made no mention of the center, stressing instead operations in the south. There, it was said that the city of Kramatorsk, 100 miles south- east of Kharkov in the Donets Basin, well to the northwest of Rostov and. in the line of an offensive separate from that toward the lower Don, had fallen with the resultant loss to the Russians of the Stalin plant. Himes Marriage Lecture Postponed The lecture by Prof. Norman Himes of Colgate aUniversity scheduled for Alumnus 'Bob' Adams Returns To Direct Opera Mimes Swings Into Production With Call For Tryouts; Dancing,_Acting, Singing, Committee Jobs Open By WILL SAPP A Michigan man of '30 is back on campus today ready to lend his 10 years of experience in the country's top-ranking theatrical circles to the direction of the 29th Mimes Union Opera to be presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Dec. 9 through Dec. 13. He is Robert K. "Bob" Adams, direc- tor of more than 50 ;uccessful pro- ductions in stock, radio and on Broad- way and more recently of the Taylor Holmes "Man Who Came To Din- ner" company. Shades of Michigenda of 1908 will be revived for Boll Adams when he begins to mould his 80 male chorus girls and singers into something syn- chronized next week. For on campus he was the presi- dent of the Comedy Club, a theatri- cal group which spent most of its time lamenting the financial demise of Mimes and the Operas. He never had a chance to act in an Opera, now he's going to direct one. Call it the Michigan spirit-call it, sentimentalism, but it's straight from General Chairman Jim Gorm- son, '42, that Adams passed up a higher-paying Chicago radio job to direct this year's show. By the end of this week Adams will be auditioning all tryouts for parts in the show. More than 80 appli- cants had signed up yesterday and more are expected today and tomor- row. Any eligible male who can' sing, dance, speak lines well or is inter- Engne School Petitions Due Today Noon ested in serving on any committee or working backstage may partici- pate in the Opera by signing an ap- plication card in the Union Lobby between 2 and 5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow. Positions are still available on the the following committees: publicity, music, house, finance, programs, tick- .ets, patrons, properties and person- nel. Director Adams who says he "does New Football Ticket System Is Suggested Changes In Distribution Will Be Recommended To Avoid Student Rush Tillotson Requests Constructive Ideas As an aftermath of the hectic week before the Minnesota game, when scalping, complaining and mob scenes were all too common on this campus, Harry Tillotson, University football ticket manager, yesterday announced that he would recommend that sev- eral changes be made in Michigan's system of ticket distribution. Stating that his recommendations to the Board in Control of Physical E'ducation would insofar as possible be arranged to suit student desires, Mr. Tillotson asked that students who are interested in the problems of tick- et distribution offer any suggestions that they may have. In asking this, however, Mr. Til- lotson outlined the essential facts of the situation, and requested that all solutions be guided by these facts' which are perintent both to seat al- lotment and ticket dispensing. The facts as Mr. Tillotson outlined them are those which follow:. The University stadium seats 85,- 000 people, but only 25,000 of those seats are within the goal lines. Ac- cording to Western Conference rules the visting team may if it wishes take (Continued on Page 6) Changes Made In Distribution For Ohio State Separate Days Set Aside For Ticket Handling To University Classes To Curb Defense Delays, Reaction To Speech Seen FDR Plans Strike Laws Foreign Press Interprets Address As New Step Toward Actual Warfare Indignant Response By Axis IsReported (By The Associated Press) The foreign press and most foreign observers interpreted President; Roosevelt's Navy Lay speech to mean the United States was aiming its guns for active participation in the European war. The Fascist mouthpiece, Virginio Gayda, and some sections of the Ger- man press went as far as to say the address virtually put the United States into the war against the Axis without formal declaration. Official comment by belligerent government leaders had not reached the United States at a late hour yes- terday, nor did the cables carry any reaction from Soviet Russia or China., Chorus Of Indignation ' The three-power alliance,. pro- duced a chorus of indigation. In- formed Germans said the address would "occasion the greatest hilarity except for the fact the President's policies could have the direst conse- quences.' Fascist circles considered the speech ot be Mr. Roosevelt's strongest and frankest so far to pre- pare Americans for war. One Tokyo newspaper, Hochi, said the United States opposes Japan in the Pacific as a common enemy along with Germany and suggested the Japanese should read the speech with that understanding. British authorities went about their work with smiles of satisfaction they made no effort to hide. The London press called the speech a new, direct BOB ADAMS i A { t y I not talk funny like an actor," but who really does, has brought with him several new ideas garnered from experience in summer stock where it was necessary to work on a relatively narrow budget and without expensive scenery. One hint on t money-saving back- ground effect has already got Mimes\ president, Bob Titus, '42, and Gorm- son together for late-hour meetings that may result in a "something" new for the 1942 show. The name of the production is yet a committee heads' secret. The an- 'nouncement gill be made between the halves of the Michigan-Ohio State football game on Nov. 22. +I' capus Vote Will Be Held On Dance Post Balloting for Soph Prom and J-Hop committee positions will take place at six different campus boting booths tomorrow. Nine sophomores and 13 juniors will be elected at the restricted class balloting. Each person eligible to vote will be accorded one vote for a candidate from his own school. Ballots with more than one marking will be dis- qualified, Ed Holmberg of the Union Staff said yesterday. Identification cards, will be required. Literary and engine school voting booths will be open, from 1 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Angell Hall base- men and at the engineering arch. Students in the architecture school will ballot between 2 and 5 p.m. in the lobby of the architecture build- ing. The following three schools will ballot between 3 and 5 p.m.: Forestry, 2039 Natural Science; Music, lobby of music school; and Pharmacy, lobby of the pharmacy building. Three men and three women will be elected from the literary college to the J-Hop cmmittee. Three will be selected from the engine school and one each from the forestry, mu- sic, pharmacy and architecture schools. Of the nine Soph Prom psitions, three men and tlree women will be chosen from the lit school and three from the combined engine aWd archi- tecture schools. The names of the candidates will be ' listed 4n tomorrow's Daily and results of the elections will be printed Friday.i Interest in the elections has re- sulted in considerable campaigning by the candidates, some of whom have resorted toelaborate posters and signs. ASCE Honor Medal aAward Announced To Van den Broek Prof. John A. Van den Broek of the j Department of Engineering Mechan- ics has been awarded the Norman Medal, highest award of the Ameri- can Society of Civil Engineers. The award was given for Professor Van den Broek's work in establish- ing the Limit Design theory, which challenged established theories on the strength of materials. He is the fourth University pro- fessor or alumnus to receive the award established in 1872 in recog- nition of special contribution to en- gineering science. The presentation of the medal will be made officially at the annual meet- ing of the ASCE in January in New York. Henry E. Riggs, honorary profes- sor of civil engineering, was also cited by the Society at their meeting in Chicago, and made an honorary member of the Society. Appeal To Lewis Fails; Congressmen Suggest Troops Be Called Out Nazi Protest Held 'MostAmusing' WASHINGTON, Oct. 27- (P) - President Roosevelt, whose thrice- voiced plea to John L. Lewis has fail- ed to end a strike of 53.000 CIO coal miners, said today he was considering new legislation to cope with defense strikes in general. The President made this disclosure at a press conference while on Capi- tol Hill a wave of angry feeling pro- duced suggestions that troops be called out and that persons conduct- ing strikes with "intent" to retard defense production be punished as saboteurs. Compulsory Arbitration? A reporter asked Mr. Roosevelt whether he was considering a law calling for compulsory .arbitration and suspension of the right to strike on defense work. If the query were confined to gen- eral terms, and omitted specific methods, the answer would be in the affirmative, the Chief Executive re- plied. Ten specific methods might have to enter into the study instead of just two, he said. Asked what existing powers he had, he referred to the fact two struck plants already had been taken over by the government. But he hast- ily continued that this did not mean the governnent was going to seize al the coal mines. The President said he had not re- ceived any reply from Lewis, head of the United Mine Workers, with reference to his third appeal that the strike for a union shop in the so- called "captive" coal mines be called off pending negotiation on the issue of a union shop. Appeal Turned Down The third appeal was sent yester- day after Lewis had turned down two previous pleas. A conference is scheduled for tomorrow between Lewis and Myron C. Taylor, retired chair- man of the United States Steel Cor- poration. Steel companies own most of the "captive mines" and use the, coal for producing steel. At New York Irving S. Olds, chair- man of the big steel corporation, an- nounced a telegram had been sent to the National Mediation Board ac- cepting the services of the board "for final decision" for settlement of the strike in the companys coal mines and expressing the hope there would be an immediate resumption of pro- duction. Class Office Candidates Must . Submit Names, Qualifications For Duty. Noon today will be the final dead- line for submitting senior and fresh- man petitions for candidacy in the coming class elections in the College of Engineering. Containing the signatures of at least 25 students in the applicant's class and stating the applicant's qualifications for office, the petitions should be turned in at the Dean'sj office, 255 West Engineering Build- ing, before the deadline. Senioirs submitting should indicatei whether they wish to run for presi- dent, secretary, treasurer or Engin-1 eering Council representative. TheE runner-up in the presidential racet will automatically be elected vice-i president.I The seniors selected as candidatesf by the election committee will be ah-I nounced in The Daily Friday, theI day of the election. Balloting will be done on the second floor of thet West Engineering Building, over the Engineering Arch.- Freshman engineers will elect two Engineering Council representatives at an election to be held in their regular class assemblies Wednesday, Nov. 5. Serving on the election committee are Verne C. Kennedy, '42E, John Burnham, '42E, Don West, '43E, and David Wehmeyer, '44E. Panof sky To Talk On 'Melancholia' In Lecture Today "Durer's Melancholia-the Con- ception of Melancholia in the Ren- aissance" will be the subject of a University Lecture by Dr. Erwin Pa- nofsky at 4:15 p.m. today in the amphitheatre 6f the Rackham Build- ing. Recognized as one of the nation's leading authorities on the history of art, Doctor Panofsky is a member of the faculty of the School of Human- istic Studies at the Institute for Ad- vanced Study, Princeton, N.J. He was formerly professor of the history art at the University of Hamburg, Ger- many. 1 Author of many publications on the history of art, his latest book is "The Codex Huygens and Leonardo daVinci's Art Theory." All scripts for the 1942 Junior Girls Play should be turned in at Miss McCormick's office in the League or given to Mary Lou Ew- ing, '43, general chairman. The winning script will be announced Nov. 15. Predicting the. elimination of the step toward helping the British in the confusion which marked the distri- war. bution' of tickets for the Minnesota I Forgery ChargedF game, Harry Tillotson, University The German press belabored Rcose-{ football ticket manager, yesterday an- velt at a "shirt-sleeved demagogue" nouncedra change in the distribution and charged he referred to a forgery procedure for the Ohio State game. when he mentioned having possession; Under the new plan, one day will of a map of South America showing be set aside at the ticket office next German plans for the control of that week for each of the\ four, classes. continent. Members of each class will exchange Only one sour note was discerned their signed coupons on the day as- in South American reaction to the signed, or they will lose the prefer- speech. Officals and the press of Ar- ence given their class.sgech.nOfBralsand Che ppeArd Student ticket windows will be gentina, Brazil and Chile appeared open from 1 p.m. until 9 p.m. on each pleased with the Presidents address. of these days. This is the schedule But an editorial commentator on a to befollwed:Bogota, Colombia, newspaper said : Monday, Nov. 3-Teniorshe oration by Roosevelt had the coupons). object of destroying Congressional Tuesday,. Nov. 4Juniors (Orange resistance to repeal of the Neu- coupons). trality Act . . . We cannot contem- Wednesday, Nov. 5-Sophomores plate without anguish the spi'ead of (Pink coupons), a. - universal war, heralded by this Thursday, Nov. 6-Freshmen speech and in which we will be in- (Green coupons). voluntary participants." London Reaction Late afternoon London newspapers Violoncellist saw the speech this way: The Evening Star: "Still slowly To Play Here Feuernann Will Present Concert Tomorrow ;a S Y S perhaps, but inexorably, the United States moves toward war." Lord Beaverbrook's Standar d: "President Roosevelt has acted. These are deeds, not words. .. . He challen- ges our enemy. His nation does not yet finally defy Nazi ambition to conquer the earth. Its has defied her (Germany's) ambition to rule oceans." Tribute To Great Conductor,' Gould Says After Varsity Night By CHARLES THATCHER "The program was really a great tribute to a really great band and an equally great conductor." That was the opinion guest .con- ductor Morton Gould held of the Uni- versity Concert Band and its con- ductor. Prof. William D. Revelli, at the conclusion of the band's annual Varsity- Night show last night in Hill Auditorium. "The band did a wonderful job to- night," he asserted. "They practically. sight-read a very difficult program, and on the basis of the job they did, I'm sure that Professor Revelli will have another top-notch band this year." One of the evening's highlights was the presentation of Gould's latest composition, "Jericho," conducted by the composer. Already assured of success in professional music circles, Asked which of his own numbers he liked best, Gould replied, "I don't like any of them as soon as I've fin- ished writing them. I'm always think- ing of the next work, not the last one." I really have a soft spot for the University of Michigan," Gould con- cluded. "and I hope I'll be able to come back and work with the band whenever possible. I have a high re- gard for Professor Revelli-he's a fine musician and a swell person." As guest soloist of the evening, Gould improvised on a four-note theme. suggested by the audience, playing it in the styles of Bach, Cho- pin, Strauss and Gershwin. Also featured on the evenings pro- gram was the band's own ''Stump Me If You Can" quiz program starring Porf. John L. Brumm of the jour= nalism department and "quiz kids" The man who owns the last 'celloI made by Stradivarius will appear in the second concert of the annual Choral Union Series tomorrow on the Hill Auditorium stage. Enianuel Feuermann, famed vio- loncellist, will present a program that includes the following selections: Brahms: Sonata in F major, Op.-99, No. 2; Beethoven: Variations on al Theme by Mozart, E-flat major; Val-I entini: Sonata in E major; Hinde- mith: Suite in Five Movements (for 'cello alone); Faure: Apres un reve; Davidoff: At the Fountain; and Cho-' pin: Introduction and Polonaise, Op. Feuermann made his debut as guest artist with the Vienna Sym- phony under Felix Weingartner at the age of eleven. When he was six-' teen he became professor at the Con- servatory of Music in Cologne. From there his rise in the music world was cut out for him. In 1934 he was invited to make his American debut as guest artist with the New York Philharmonic Orches- tra under Bruno Walter. His success; made him a demand throughout the country. Health System For Restaurants Will Go Into Operation Today Roosetelt Calls Protest By Nazis 'Most Amusing' WASHINGTON, Oct.. 28--(P)- President Roosevelt said today Nazi protestations of "fake" atahis state- men that he had a German map for the partition of South America were most amusing. It's a scream, he told his press con- ference, it's good. Told German sources had said a map purporting to show how Latin Armerica would be divided by the Axis was a fake, Mr. Roosevelt said the charge was in the same class as that a week or ten lays ago that he was responsible for torpedoing the American destroyer Kearny. The map, Mr. Roosevelt said, came from a source which was undoubt- edly reliable. There is no question abuot that, he said. But he declined to make public the map or a document he said described Nazi plans to suppress reljgions, both of which he mentioned in his Navy Day speech last night. It might choke off sources of information, he said, remarking that the map contained some notations which might permit tracing the channels through which it moved. Speckhard To Visit WartimeEngland Robert Speckhard, '42, former edi- torial director of The Daily, will leave by bomber next week for"Eng- land, it was reported late yesterday By. DAN BEHRMAN A sweeping revision of Ann Arbor's restaurant health-scoring system and compulsory lectures for food handlers have been introduced by City Sani- tary Inspector Franklin Fiske to raise the standards of local eating- places. The new scoring system, to go into effect today, abolishes numerical rat- ings for an A, B, C, or D grading. This plan, according to Fiske, will influence proprietors towards "an objective of good restaurant opera- tion, instead of trying to get an extra two or three points." Adapted from the United States Public Health Scoring System, the new form includes 17 items. A de- ficiency in any one will drop an es- tablishment to B rating, although giene. Besides creating a health prob- lem, unsanitary management in these departments can result in eco- nomic loss through spoiled foods." After each establishment has been checked, the Health Department gives it a rating card. This card must be displayed in a prominent place, toward the front of the. es- tablishment and near the cash regis- ter or counter. Other requirements, also needed for an "A" rating, include clean floors, adequate lighting, sanitary toilet and lavatory facilities, suffi- cient garbage disposal equipment, screened doors and windows, well- ventilated rooms, and protected food displays. "Although a federal inspector has not yet appeared in Ann Arbor," Fiske nointed out. "these standards