A OU"x, "'D 23 n, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG 1941 Jndependents' Banquet Will Feature Theatrical Theme Annual Event Will Premier Active Season Individual Women And Houses To Be Honored For Activities; Senior Society To Tap Women Footlights, fanfare, the glamor of the theatre, will furnish the theme for this' year's Assembly Banquet, which will be called "Curtain Raisers," announced Mildred Otto, '44, publicity chairman for the affair. The dinner will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Nov. 10 in the League Ballroom with the "drama" leading the way in the matter of programs, decorations and the happenings of the evening. Since the banquet is the opening event of the season for independent women, it is to be pre- sented as.a premiere of things in store for members of the organization. Will Present Awards Features of the evening will be the presentation of scholarship plaques to individual women with the high- est scholastic averages, and awards to dormitories and houses with the highest averages. Registrar Ira M. Smith will have charge of the offer- ing of these awards. The second act on the program will include the giving of awards to the individual women and to the houses with highest averages in par- ticipation in activities on campus. These activities are being reviewed by Senior Society members in their Independent Fortnight programs, and since the banquet is the culmination of the Fortnight, these awards are both recognition of past work in activities and inspiration for future work. The premiere-banquet will also feature the tapping of five wo- men by the present members of Sen- ior Society. To Hold Meeting The start of intensive preparation on the affair will be at 4 pi. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League, when there will be a mass meeting of all eligible, independent women interested in working on the banquet. Those intending or wish- ing to work on tickets, publicity, or decorations are especially asked to attend. Dgumbo, Pink Elephant, Has Official Debut If you haven't heard of "Dumbo" yet, you will! He's New York's latest pet, and he's taken the city by storm, we understand. You see, Dumbo is just a little pink elephant with tre- mendously floppy ears. He's related to Ferdinand and the immortal Mickey in a way, because he happens to be Walt Disney's new-' est and perhaps most promising off- spring. His official debut was made the other night when Disney's newest full-length technicolor, presentation opened in New York. The film de-! p'cts Dumbo's life in the circus. Especially amusing is his appearance as a clown with a pastel-colored false face. Promotionists are as enthusiastic as movie goers, for the baby elephant who is all ears has great possibilities as an animal toy to displace the panda and Pinnochio in juvenile af- fections. In fact, it's not as a film star that our pink elephant will es- tablish his fame, but rather as an in- spiration for toy designers who hope he'll become the Christmas toy sen- sation that all the youngsters will ask Santa Claus for.w Dumbo's mighty influence won't just be felt in the toy department, for New York stores are already be- ginning to tie the animal up with big promotion schemes. One Fifth avenue establishment has windows displaying the pink elephant -motif to introduce a new color, "screaming pink." Another store ties our elephant up with the nursery with windows fea- turing sculptured relief figures of characters from the picture repro- duced and painted in pastel oil colors. Even resort clothes can be remotely connected with Dumbo, promotion experts say, since the film is devel- oped around a Florida setting. This little pink elephant is going to make good, mark our words! Will Do Double Duty Just in case your shoulders aren't1 as round and lovely as you'd like them to be, here's a dress for you! The tight fitting, long-sleeved jacket will also give you that sophisticated, svelte look and it's got those wide shoulders embossed with little leaves and flowers to soften the neckline. A new note in fashion newscis that ever-popular dead black, either for afternoon or formal wear, with an- other color such as ice-blue or coral setting it off. There's a beauty of black silk velvet, an off-the-shoulder, number, with a wide panel of that delicious blue starting from the bodice and continuing down the wide, wide skirt.[ Black and white is still the "go" too, so how about a wide white skirt of silk satin, with a long-sleeved, high-necked black bodice embroi- dered with a white silk flower de- sign? A variation of this would be the same plain black bodice, with two large pink flowers at the V-neck, and a huge pink satin skirt. Activity Notes Low altos and high sopranos, are still needed to harmonize with the Women's Glee Club, Marjorie Gould, '43, announced. There will be a meeting of club emembers at 4 p.m. tod1ay in the League, at which time an opportunity for tryouts will be given. Women who save signed up to assist on the finance committee of Sopho- more Cabaret, or r any eligible sopho- mores who would be interested will meet at 5 .p.m. today at the League, Josephine Fitzpatrick, '44, announced. Eligibility cards are desired at the first meeting even though they have been signed for League activities. Student season tickets for the en- tire Play Production series will be available for purchase tomorrow at houses and dormitories through the efforts of the League Theatre-Arts Committee. Diner's Delight' Reservations Due Tomorrow By BARBARA deFRIES It seems that there are a couple of necessities that must be taken care of pronto-according to publicity man Don West-and while he's making up his mind whether to have a news story or feature, we'll type it off "quick-like" and go home to dinner. Reservations for the 7th a'nual Union Formal (it's traditional but the women's editor won't let us use that word) to be held from 9:30 to. 1 a.m, Friday must be completed by 5 p.m. tomorrow. For the benefit of those who didn't read the previous article on reservations, we'll repeat that when. you buy. a ticket you will find upon closer scrutiny that there are two stubs-you fill out each stub with your name *d address and (the newest inspiration of the Executive Council) the name of the group with which you wish to sit at dinner. Chummy, isn't it? Choose Your Company y Well, there's nothing worse than having your whole dinner spoiled by finding, yourself at the same table with an "illegally broken date." When ycu turn in that reservation stub you are assured of company of your own desire for the evening.I Speaking of dinner, in a special communique direct from the Student Offices it has been disclosed that the menu for Friday night will be more than tasty and appetizing, it will be sensational!-though frankly, any- thing would sound good at this point of starvation. Chicken a la king will be circumscribed with French Fried potatoes, relish, rolls, coffee and apple pie a la mode.1 To Be Set Cabaret Style This delicious array of culinary art will be deposited on tables set cabaret style about the dance floor. Now that you want to go to the Union Formal (and if you don't after that menu you're not human) tickets may be obtained at the Union travel desk or from any member of the Council. The sale is limited to 250 tickets and things are already ap- proaching the limit. We're not al- lowed to mention prices but if you'll put a dollar sign in front of the num- eral five lines above and a decimal point in the obvious place . . . . Meeting To Include i Guest Speaker, Tour Of Health Service! The University of Michigan Alum- nae Club of Pontiac will hold its October meeting today at a dinner in the League, with Prof. Preston W. Slosson as guest speaker. Following the dinner the group of more than thirty will take a specially conducted tour of the University Health Service. Special guests at the meeting will be Mrs. May Preston Slosson, Mrs. Preston W. Slosson, Mrs. Irene John- son, chairman of the Alumnae Coun- cil, and Mrs. Lucille Conger, execu- tive secretary of the Alumnae Coun- cil. President of the group is Mrs. Ferdinand Jesse. Auxiliary Of Riding Club To Meet Today The auxiliary group of Crop and Saddle will meet at 7:30 p.m. today. All. 14 women are expected to at- tend, announced Mary Hayden. '42, .president of the club. Anyone in the auxiliary section, not able to attend should call Miss Hayden at 5718 to- day. The group will meet in front of Barbour Gymnasium. Jla N Petites Pommes de Terre I' A The last weekend left most of us in a not-too-sharp condition. There really can't be much doubt about that. Consequently, we feel that this is as good a time as any-better, as a matter of fact-to ring in a good dose of Van Wyck Brooks style, with plenty of juicy, long, explanatory footnotes, so that none of our already overworked cerebral cortexes will be unduly taxed. We got a pretty concrete idea today of how terrifically the mad, gay so2 cial whirl of Ann Arbor was continuing to function, in a repot from the mil- itary front. Twenty-eight members of the Naval R.O.T.C. *(1) were enter- tained brilliantly at a dinner-dance at the Hotel Hayes in Jackson (no cracks) last night with the only catch being that at the last repo; from the front, and with minutes to go before the start of the expedition, the honored gentlemen still didn't know whom they were going to dance with. We don't know why we're so fond of this story, except that we keep get- ting mental pictures of those little thin R.O.T.C. boys dragging i. b Peter Arno pouter pigeon-dowagers around the boards. There were quite a few dances on campus last Saturday night, and the fact that we shall now give you a few names (names which I am sure you will all read eagerly) from among those at the Phi Gam *(2) dance is not due to the fact that this was a par- ticularly luminous affair of that night, but because our colleague, Ben Doug- las, thrust the list into our hand, and it's such a lot of trouble calling houses, and here was this list .... Well, anyway, among those present at the thing were Mary Lou Ewing and Norm Call, Janet Clark and Fred Anderson, Ginny Boardman and Phil Detwiler, Nan Sawyer and Lyons Howland, Betty Hall and Buck Dawson, Betty Heidbreder and Wayne Wright, and Sally Weinhart and Jack Vaughn. Homecoming Humor. . Homecoming weekend, as it generally does, turned up p good many plen-ty funny anecdotes. One of them that we liked particularly centers about a State Street fraternity and a rather colorful experience the house in general had with an alum's frau. This female, it seems-a very respectable woman; don't get me wrong, fellows,-had had a very busy *(3) and tiring day. Now what would be the most natural thing for anyone to do if she had had the above? That's right, and she did it. She trotted unfalteringly (com- t paratively) up to the dorm, laid her weary frame down and went " to sleep. Came two o'clock, and some of the active brethren decided to go to bed, and naturally, as you have probably already sur- mised, they found the woman in the case just exactly where she had placed herself several hours before. Gentlemanly feelings or something equally nauseating stopped them from obeying the first urge to give the gal a good boot out of the place, and everyone, for the next hour, sat around gnawing his knuckles while a delegate found her husband. In case you're interested in anti-climaxes, he came, awakened her, and led her gently from the house. We had quite a bit of trouble getting the names of a few couples at the Phi Psi * (4) dance last Saturday from the Hon. John R. Bachman, and we hope all you lucky people fully appreciate the treat you're getting. He (the Hon. John R. Bachman) told us plaintively that the last time some of these hallowed names had been submitted, they "hadn't been handled right." * (1) Naval R.O.T.C.: A group of little boys who run around in uniforms reminiscent of your local pallbearer-the one with the fallen arches. Not to be confused with the plain, unfrosted, R.O.T.C., a group of little boys who run around in uniforms reminiscent of that discarded horse blanket you used to use to keep the Model A's motor from freezing. "(2) Phi Gamma Delta: A fraternity. Location: 707 Oxford Road. Telephone 2-3101. Knock twice ,and ask for Joe. If you plan to visit the place, wrap up plenty of the old agility to dodge the flying-uh-milk bottles as the door is opened. *(3) Busy Day: Translated loosely, it means that tough long walk to and from the stadium.- Translated roughly, it embraces a few other items. * (4) Phi Kappa Psi: Another fraternity. It's the big one up on Wash- tenaw with the two miles of deserted moor fronting it--(minus Heatheliff). Originally, it was planned to plant and cultivate this' beauty spot to make a sort of miniature Arboretum. Plans fell through when quicksand was dis- covered there, and besides, it's not such a long walk to the real thing. -i iS ( . 4 ss ::::.":::" ' V-167 G No Cramming Necessary ,For swell flavor and real chewing fun- the 1 A H-are you ~ aoupt Elsie? Elsie is at DIMATTIA'S IOLLY- WOOD ALON. She has an riginal and fascinating way of fixing the pompadour. DIMATTIA'S is open I