Weather Y 5kP igau Fair and continued cool. :43 a tt) Editorial VOL. LII. No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1941Z-323 - - - T...yi Z- a23 PRICE FIVE CENTS Red Reverses In Far South, Central Front Are Admitted Peril Greatest in Ukraine; New War Plant Set Up East Of Ural Mountains Future Troubles Soviet Command (By The Associated Press) Russian reverses just below Mos- cow on. the central front and in the far South before Rostov were plain last night. By all accounts the peril in the Ukraine was both greater and more imminent, and in Kuibyshev, the al- ternate Soviet capital, the Red lead- ership acknowledged as much by its preoccupation with he organization of a new war plant t the east of the Ural Mountains., The position in a sentence was this: The German ari es appeared to be inching forward generally. But while Stalin's government apparently ac- cepted the growing possibility of dis- aster in western Russia-at least in the Donets and Don industrial aeas of the Ukraine-all indications from Soviet sources supported the belief that the Russians were as concerned with the resistance of the distaet fu- ture as they were with today and tomorrow. The Soviet command in its .com- munique for this morning addressed itself to the future more than the immediate present, giving nothing new of consequence as to the exist- ing fighting areas but asserting that there had been "a sharp deterioration in the physical condition and morale" of the invaders, who were said to be approaching exhaustion. Kuibyshev reported that coal pro- duction in the Kuznets Basin in Si- beria, most vital nqw that the Donets Basin is a battlefield, had been sharply increased; that the produc- tion of iron ore, manganese and non- ferrous metals In Kuznets was up 40 per cent over peacetime; that fac- tories evacuated from the Moscow area already were In operation in the Urals. Russian Sources Admit Nazi Gains It was from Russian rather than German sources that the principal information came yesterday concern- ing the offensives upon Moscow. A German advance of some 15 miles beyond Maloyaroslavets, an area of weeks of fighting, to 50 miles below the capital wasacknowledged in So- viet military dispatches, which re- pofted that at that point Red coun- ter-attacks beat the invaders back across the Nara River. It appeared that Serpukhov, a city of 77,000, stood near the core of this heavy new action-the most vio- lent of a day that saw a sharp rise in the tempo of fighting all about Moscow. The Russian left wing in that area was acknowledged to be under attack of terrible power, and Soviet dispatches conceded that about Moscow generally the Germans were bringing up tens of thousands of re- inforcements. Fighting was reported still in heavy progress aout Maloyaroslavets itself, and thus the situation appeared one of a German salient extending to a depth of 15 miles-to a point at or near the confluence of the Narva and Oka rivers. The supreme commander of the Moscow armies, General Gregory K. Zhukov, directed his troops to die before giving more ground, thus or- dering them: "Not a step back! Halt the Fascists! Don't let them reach Moscow! "Every man must fight like ten!" Tass Reports Raid By Japanese Patrol The day' brought also an indication, quite small in itself, and one that might in the end turn out to have been of little consequence, of possible difficulty for the Soviet on the east- ern flank facing Japan. The official Russian news agency Tass circulated a report-of which Japanese officials in Shanghai disclaimed knowledge- that 20 Japanese soldiers had made a raid across the Russian far eastern frontier four days ago and that they were driven back after a clash with Red patrols, some casualties resulting. Varsity Night Features Morton Gould's Music 0 'Shooing Has Sarted, President '2 ____ _______ Declares In Navy Presenting musically-famous Mor- ton Gould as guest conductor and soloist, the University Concert Band will open its annual Varsity Night program at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Featured on tonight's program will -be the presentation of Gould's latest success, "Jericho." Other numbers to be played by the band under his di- rection include the Second Movement from his "American Symphonette," "Deserted Ballroom," "Tropical," and the well-known "Pavanne." Second feature of the evening will be the return of Michigan's original Stump Me If You Can" quiz program with Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism department firing the questions. Leaping to his challenge will be a Brain Trust composed of Bob West- fall, '42, football captain, Patricia Hadley, ''42, Pan-Hellenic president, Waliie Weber, freshman football coach, and guest Gould. Opening the program, the Concert Band under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli will play a new march by Leonard Smith, "American Champion." Other selections by the band will include the "Russian Sail- or's Dance," Victor Herbert's well- Ship Incidents Will Not Rush U.S. Into War DETROIT, Oct. 27.-(')-Secretary of the Navy Knox, Detroit's guest of honor on Navy Day, expressed the conviction the American people would never rush into war as the result of isolated shooting "incidents" on the high seas., This answers one argument, he said, of those who would refuse to allow this government to arm mer- chant ships. "We have had a number of inci- dents of the most unwarranted and indefensible kind and the country has kept its head perfectly," Knox pointed out.: "The Secretary said, "Throughout the last year I have regarded the Neutrflity Act as definitely hamper- ing the successful prosecution of our avowed national policy of all possible aid to those who were fighting Hitler. "We have had, since the beginning of this war, a law which says we are neutral and propose to practice neu- trality. "And all the while we have been entirely unneutral, vigorously and actively supporting one side and con- tributing in many other ways to the defeat of the other side. In the in- terest of straight thinking and straight doing we should put a period to this piece of national hypocrisy." GARGOYLE TRYOUTS All students interested in doing editorial work on the Gargoyle staff are urged to attend an im- portant meeting at 4:30 p.m. to- day in the Gargoyle office, first floor, Student Publications Build- ing. Gargoyle offers to the student experience in all phases of maga- zine work, as well as in related fields of publication. Artists and photographers are requested to bring specimens of their work, if possible. Day Address; Discloses Startling NaziSecrets British May Decide To Support Red Army On Southern Front - I PROFESSOR REVELLI known "Indian Summer," and the familiar "Clarinet Polka." Following Gould's appearance as guest conductor, a barber-shop quar- tet composed of Don Wallace, '43SM, Charles Thatcher, '43E, Bob Roberts, '43SM, and Louis Davis, '43SM, will bring back some of the songs of the gay nineties. In recognition of the service ren- dered the band during his term as faculty manager, Professor Brumm will be made an hoAorary member in a special ceremony after the quiz pro- gram. Completing his double role on the Varsity Night program, Morton Gould will then return to the stage as a concert pianist, featuring some nov- elty improvizations on themes sug- (Continued on Page 2) Mimes issues. Call For Opera Tryouts Today Many Forms Of Talent Needed; Actors, Writers, Property,_Make-Up Men Equipped with a Hopwood prize- winning script, this year's Union Op- era committee stands ready, willing and able to employ the many and varied talents of Michigan men. Be you actor, musician, writer, make-up artist, publicity expe/, property man, or committee man, the' Opera committee asks you to sign up from 2 to 5:30 p.m. today at the Union. Actual tryouts will take place Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday at the Union, and everyone is asked to bring his own songs, gag-lines or tap shoes with him, as the tcript written by Roy Ingram, Grad., offers full oppor- tunity or insertions of all kinds. The UnionG peraCommittee in- cludes Jim Gormsen, '42, general chairman; Charles Boynton, '42, pro- ductoin manager; Gordon Hardy, Grad., music director; Tom Good- kind, '42,publicity chairman; Bob Ti- tus, '42, ticket chairman; and Harry Drickamer, Grad., finance chairman. Others are Bryant Dunshee, '42, program chairman; Bob Shedd, '42, house chairman; Bill Todd, '42, per- sonnel manager; Bob Sundquist, '42, stage manager; Aaron Kahn, '42, pa- trons~chairman; and Bob Sibley, '42, script clairman. Nazi Drive On Caucasus Dangerous To English Hopes, Simpson Says By KIRKE L. SIWPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) The clamor among the British peo- ple for more active aid to Russia seems destined to be answered af- firmatively soon, although not in the form of flanking operations across the English Channel. Tottering Russian armies in the south, reeling under hammer blows from north of Kharkov to Rostov, could not be helped very much now, by a British offensive in Libya or even an attempted invasion of the Continent from the west. German, not British initiative, is determining the scene of the next headon clash between Empire troops and Hitler's shock divisions-and there is every indication the collision will take place 'somewhere in the Caucasus. There is more than a hint in dis- patches from Russia that the whole Soviet left flank for a 400-mile span is wavering. Nazi claims that both Kharkov and Byelgorod, . 50 miles northeast, have been captured, re- present a dangerous breach in the first river line, the Donets, upon which retreating Red forces might have hoped to rally. Both cities stand along the upper Donets. From both, rail and high- way routes fan out north, east and southeast to facilitate a German effort to cut Russian armies apart clear to the Volga in the south, open- 'ng a huge gateway to the ol-rich Caucasus. With the Donets basin from Byelgorod to Stalino already overrun and the Donets line turned in the north, the Don itself seems the only natural barrier behind which the Russians can stand in the south, short of the Volga. Yet holding the Don line would im- pose grave new problems for the, Russians, even if a British force of considerable size were rushed to their support from Iran as it well may be. That river, rushing south of the Oka Prof. Slosson To TalkToday Drainage Basin below Moscow, sweeps southeastward to within 50 miles or less of the lower Volga near Stalin- grad, then bends sharply eastward to empty into the sea of Azov below IRostov. It is 600 miles air line from the region of Tula, where the Don rises, to Rostov. By contrast, the river ' traverses a thousand miles or more, sweeping eastward in a great bend west of the height of land that forms the division between the Caspian and Sea of Azov watersheds. To hold that circuitous front would greatly extend the Russian lines, leaving the priceless advantage of interior lines to the Germans. They could mass quickly to smash at chosen points. Congressional Opinions Vary On FDR Talk WASHINGTON, Oct. 27-(P)- Senator Pepper (Dem.-Fla.) tonight expressed belief that President Roose- velt's Navy Day speech would hasten revision of the Neutrality Act. "The President's was an eloquent address which clearly demonstrated to the American people the necessity of arming our merchant ships and letting them sail to the ports of our friends," he said. Rep. Martin (Rep.-Mass.), House minority leader, declined to comment, saying he had not heard the speech. Senator Van Nuys (Dem.-Ind.)- "I don't know anything about any secret maps, but all the military ex- perts agree that it is silly to believe Hitler could invade this continent. There might possibly be some spor- adic bombings along the coast of South America, but there is no nec- essity for us to get into this thing. I have no fear that Hitler will invade America, despite the inflamatory statements of some persons who would like to see us involved in the war." Senator Glass (Dem.-Va.) - "I don't know how many votes/the Pres- ident's address will affect, but I know that I am going to vote for the bill which gives our ships the freedom of the seas." Rep. Luther Johnson (Dem.-Tex.) -"It was calculated to arouse the pa- triotic fervor of the American people more than any speech he has yet de- livered hand to intensify the deter- mination of the American people that Hitler shall be destroyed." Chairman Bloom (Dem.-N.Y.) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee -"The President expressed the views and hopes of the majority of the American people." Roosevelt Calls For Greater Production Of Arms, Appeals To Capital, Labor; Senate Opens Debate On Neutrality Act WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-O")-President Roosevelt declared tonight that the "shooting has started" and solemnly. called on the nation to help destroy a Hitler regime against which he levelled the following formal accusations: 1. It has drawn up a secret map showing how it intends to obliterate the existing boundary lines of 14 South and Central American countries and substitute five "vassal states"-one of which would have dominion "over our great life line-the Panama Canal." 2. It has drafted a detailed plan to wipe out all existing religions, if Hit- ler wins, and substitute an international Nazi church. In place of the Bible, the words of Mein Kampf would be "imposed and enforced as holy writ" and in place of the Cross of Christ, the swastika and the naked sword would hold sway. Mr. Roosevelt, making a major speech at a dinner at the Mayflower Hotel here in observance of Navy Day, declared that he had documents to prove his words-a copy of the secret map, and a detailed plan of the anti- religion program. Pointing to the attacks on American vessels, Mr. Roosevelt asserted: "We have wished to avoid shooting, but the shooting has started. And history has recorded who fired the first shot. In the long run, however, all that will matter is who fired the last shot." Again, he said the nation stood ready to face its newest and greatest challenge-"we Americans have cleared our decks and taken our battle statios" He called for greater armaments production, to provide every soldier with weapons "better than that of any army on earth" and he appealed again for peace between capital and Lewis Urged To Stop Mines 1 From Closing Roosevelt Says Continue4 Operation Is Necessary For Defense Efforts WASHINGTON, Oct. 27-(P)-Ap- peiling to John L. Lewis for the third time to keep the captive coal mines running in the interest of national defense, President Roosevelt wrote the leader of the United Mine Work- ers tonight that "it is essential that the mining of coal should go on with- out interruption." Mr. Roosevelt replied a short time after Lewis had rejected a second such request and had contended in a letter to the Chief Executive that the strike involving 53,000 workers was not impairing defense output. In his letter Lewis told the Presi- dent the fight was only between a labor union and the United States Steel Corporation, which he said was dominated by a "rich man named Morgan.',. His reference was to J. P. Morgan, a director of the United States Steel Corporation, one of the steel com- panies which own the captive mines. In his second request Mr. Roosevelt had suggested Lewis keep the mines open pending an attempt to settle the dispute at a conference Wednes- day with Myron C. Taylor, former chairman of the Board of United States Steel. Slavic SOf Future Is Subject Rackham Speech' Large Bundles For Britain: American Volunteer Ambulance Unit To Leave For Active Duty 64 American volunteer ambulance drivers are again ready to carry on their duties with the British. Early next month, the first con- tingent of ambulances with full equipment and drivers will leave New York for immediate service in the Middle East. The full quota of 400 ambulances and 1,000 drivers will be sent abroad as soon as the volunteer list has been filled. The group is being sent by the American Field Service, veteran am- bulance organization, and is the third volunteer service to participate in overseas duty. In the first World War, 31 sections of ambulances donated by Americans and driven by 2,500 American vol- unteers, carried more than 600,000 French wounded from the lines before the United States sent troops to en- acter and physical fitness. If they are of draft age, they will receive a release from their local boards. They must accept service for a minimum period of one year from the time they leave the United States. Col. Ralph Richmond of the United StatesrArmy Ambulance Corps, com- mander of a section during the World War, will head the overseas staff. In the past, the American Field Service has been well represented with students of the University and residents of Ann Arbor. Among those who served in the World War were Louis and Richard Hall, sons of Dr. Hall of the faculty, and Thomas F. McAllister, now a judge in Grand Rapids. Representative of the Field Service for this district is Clifford Hanna, One of Europe's most complex problems will be discussed by Prbf. Preston W. Slosson at 8 p.m. today in a Rackham Amphitheatre address on "The Future of The Western Slavs." Professor Slosson's speech, spon- sored by the Slavic Society, will be "in direct relation to the present situation in the Slavic countries of Europe," according to Eli Voydanoff, '43, the society's president. The society, whose four officers represent four different nationalities, is open to any Slavic studett or fac- ulty member. Slavic music and in- struction in Slavic dances feature its sccial side, while business meetings are held bi-monthly. Voydanoff, in outlining the soci- ety's purposes, stressed its prohibition of any political or religious discus- sions at meetings. "Our main ob- jective," he pointed out, "is cultural, and we would like to bring Slavic culture home to bosh Slavs and non- Slavs." Tobacco Companies Found Trust Violators LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. 27-(/P)- The -billion-dollar tobacco industry's three largest companies, one subsidi- ary concern and 13 executives were convicted today on charges of mon- opoly and price fixing in criminal violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The corporations convicted in United States Distridt Court on all labor. Industrial dutput, he said, can- not be hampered by the selfish ob- struction of a small but dangerous minority of industrial managers who hold out for extra profits, or for business as usual.' It cannot be hampered by the selfish obstruction of a small but dangerous minority of labor leaders who are a menace to the true cause of labor itself, as well as to the nation as a whole." Paying his respects to some critics of his foreign policy, he said they would continue to insist that Hitler's The complete text of President .Roosevelt's address will be found on page 6. plans need not worry us-and their statements would be "paraded with applause through the Axis press and radio." Y "The Nazis have made up their own list-of modern American heroes," he said. "It is, fortunately, a short list. I am glad that it does not con- tain my name." The speech was delivered before a notable gathering of Navy, Army and other, leaders at a dinner of the Navy League, and was broadcast through- out much of the world. In it, the Chief Executive advocat- ed broadening of the program for re- vising the Neutrality Act to permit not only the arming of American merchant ships, but to let them also "be free to carry our American goods into the harbors of our friends." Mer- chant ships must be protected by the Navy, he declared. The Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee has recommended these revi- sions and Mr. Roosevelt said elimiha- tion of hamstringing provisions of the Neutrality Law was "the course of honesty and of realism." Navy Day this year had been set aside as a day of recognition for total national defense. And the first ob- jective of that defense, he declared, "is to stop Hitler." Senate Begins Debate On Neutrality Act WASHINGTON, Oct. 27-(IP)-The Senate began its historic debate on neutrality revision today, with Sena- tor Connally (Dem.-Tex.) urging the United States to reassert its right to freedom of the seas and Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) declaring troop transports would follow in the wake of armed. American merchant- men traveling to belligerent, ports. Before the chamber was a measure greatly broadened by the Senate For- eign Relations Committee, of which Connally is chairman. To the House provision for the arming of merchant whips, the committee added another abolishing the Neutrality Act's pro- hibitions against sending such ships into belligerent ports or combat zones. During a 90-minute speech before packed galleries and grave-faced col- leagues Connally asserted the pro- noed arvision "isapfam . By ROBERT MANTHO Emanuel Feuermann, renowned violoncellist, is one man who always puts his instrument to bed with him. Rain or shine, traveling or at home, the famous artist makes sure he knows the exact location of his 'cello after he has turned in for the night. The Stradivarius instrument-val- ued at $35,000 and called the "last 'cello" because it was the last of its kind made by Stradivarius-presents a difficult transportation problem, But Emanuel Feuermann's system as- sures safety. When travelling, he engages an ex-l tra upper Pullman berth for storing the cased instrument and it takes two{ men to get it up there. Daytime travel finds the 'cello in a Pullman chair opposite its owner. When the 'cellist is at home in Scarsdale, N. Y., the pampered 'cello occupies a twin bed. But the maestro can't afford to lose it-for experts have pronounced it one of the finest examples of Breakfast In Bed Too?: Emanuel Feuermans' 'Cello Is His 'Bedroom Companion' EMANUEL FEUERMANN I i