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October 26, 1941 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-26

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Joe L. Davis
To Give Talk
On Literature
Lecture Today Sponsored
By International Center
As Part Of Series
"The Modern Movement in the Lit-
erature of the United States" will be
-the subject of an address by Prof.
Joe L. Davis of the English depart,
ment at 7:30 p.m. today in the In-
ternational Center.
The lecture which' is one of the
regular series of Sunday evening pro-
grams sponsored by the Center, will
serve as the basis of discussion in the
organizational mest pg of a seminar
on "Certain Aspects of the Culture
of the United States" at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Center.
The seminar will have guest speak-r
ers at its meetings and will devote
itself to subjects r'elating to phases of
art, architecture and literature of the
United States. Its purpose is to give
foreign students a chance to become
acquainted with the American cul-
tural backgibund and American cul-
tural achievements.
Both the seminar and Sunday eve-
ning program are also open to Amer-
ican students and townspeople. Dur-
ing the summer a similar series of
lectures en American culture was
given as part of the Latin-American
Summer School conducted at the In-
ternationT Cenie.r
Year's First Meeting1
For Newman Club
TorlBe Held Today
The Newman Club will hold its
first general meeting of the semester
at 4 p.m. today in the Club rooms of
the Chapel Auditorium.
The meeting, which will be pre-
sided over ,by Albin Schinderle, '42,
president, will consist mainly of the
election of three members-at-large
to the Council. These include Gerald
Huttlinger, '44, Samuel 'Bruni, Ellen
DeVine, '44A, Bill Schoofs, '42BAd,
and Anne Bismack, '43SN.
Besides the election of members-
at-large, the program for the comingt
semester will be announced. Follow-
ing the meeting there will be a sup-f
per in the basement of the Chapel.
Libby Mahlman, '43, and Harry Bay-
er, '44, are in charge of the *supper
and will be astisted by Preston Ger-
main; '43, and Winifred' Browne,
Opening of 14 state teachers' col-
leges in Pennsylvania w'as delayed by
an outbreak of infantile paralysis.

Group Seeks
New D on
in Legislature
Citizens' Committee Plan
Amendment To Voters
In Next Election
Seeking a reapportionment of
Michigan's legislature, a citizen'
committee met here yesterday anc,
proposed a constitutional amendmen'
to be submitted to the voters at the
next election, in November, 1942.
The committee cited the so-caller
"evils" of the present method b
which seats in the legislature are d-
vided and laid plans for a campaigr
to place the arendment on the ballot
by popular petition.
Dr. Ray Miller, professor of history
at Wayne University, Detroit, told the
committee that the amendment could
be placed on the ballot by this
method easier and at less expense.
There is little hope that the legis-
lature will take action itself, he said.
Objectives outlined at the meeting
are to start a state-wide campaign
at a gathering in Lansing November
1, and to agree on the final form of
the amendment. The petition would1
be submitted to the people for 250,000
signatures "during the winter.
Dr. Miller told the committee that
reapportionment was a state-wide
rather than a Detroit and Wayne
County problem.
Citing Lansing and Grand Rapids,
he pointed out that these two cities
have city representatives totaling
four, and a total population under a
wua rter of a million. But 12 counties
with a population also of a quarter of
'nllion have 12 representatives.
"The 1920 census, uopn which the
,recent proportions in the legislature
're based, is entirely antiquated. Siner
hat tme increases in population ir,
metropolitan areas have been en-
'irely without representation."
E. W. McFarland of Wayne, tem-
aorary chairman of the organization,
,aid the movemrent was not backed
>y any one group alone but by many
Robert ?. Wardell, former repre-
e tative from Detroit, stated that
'the areas sinned against now have
75 per cent of the vote to put over
the amendment if they are properly
Lecture Will Be Given

Disastrous Results Of Finnish Attack

'M' Blitzed-
Tradition Hits
Tooters' Lids
Tradition has decreed that Michi-
gan bandsmen wear their hats back-
ward after football games won, but
yesterday the band reluctantly
marched homte with visors in front
because of Michigan's first loss of
the season.
Backing the national defense pro-?
gram as well as the Michigan team,
the band presented a series of de-
fense formations as their contribu-
tion before the game and between
halves yesterday.
Drum major for the half-time
.ormations was Jim Kennedy, '43,
who led the band to form an ld
"jalopy," which then broke into a
tank, followed by the formations
"MINN" and "MICH" for the two
respective teams.
Featured at the half-time period
was the appearance of visiting drum
major Eddie Sacks of Johnstown, Pa.,
national high school drum major
champion. Among the feats per-
formed was the twirling of two ba-
tons at the same time.
Co-drum major Lynn Stedman, '45,
put the band through its paces in the
pre-game maneuvers, at which time
the marching organization formed
the defense formations honoring the
armed forces of the United States in
observance of Navy Day.
Wolverines Favored
Over N.U. -In Movies
Michigan lost on the gridiron yes-
But they'll win today.
They're going to play Northwest-
ern again, at 7:30 p.m. in the main
ballroom of the Michigan Union.
But only in the movies.
So you can be sure they'll win, for
they have every time the movies have
been shown. Because they won the
Bob Morgan of the Alumni Asso-
ciation will be on hand to shoot a
slug-by-slug description of the game
as it occurred.
Bill Shoedinger, '43E, of the Union
Executive Council in charge of the
movies, says there'll be a big crowd
on hand. "So be there early."
The pictures are the official movies
of the Wildcat-Wolverine tilt, taken
by the Athletic Department for use
of the football team.
Movies of the games the team
plays will be shown every Sunday
from now until the end of the season.

Robert Solomon. '42. was electedIber of Robert Owen House, has been
president of the Intercooperative head purchasing agent for the Coun-
Council Friday night, and Harold L. cil. The presidential position was
Ehlers, '42E, was chosen vice-presi- vacated early this semester by Har-
dent.' old Guetzkow, elected last spring.
Ballots were cast by individual The results of the election were
members of all the cooperatives be- announced in the first issue of the
longing to the Council, and the pre- "Cooperator." edited by Betty Zunk
ferential system, whereby the vice- which was distributed at last night's
presidency was determined by the Intercooperative Council party in the
second highest number of votes, was Women's Athletic Building. Other
used. eatures of the cooperative newspap-
Solomon is president of Rochdale er are an editorial on the cooperatives
House, and is former chairman of by Miss Zunk and a discussion of
the social committee of the Interco- the growth of the cooperative move-
operative Council. Ehlers, a mem- ment on the campus by A. K. Stevens,



'J Uft

This is the wreckage of Russian supply column after it was sur-
prised by the Finns in Karelia, according to Finnish sources.
Hun gary Well Situated In War,
Foreign Professor Maintains


Bahaism, the- Persian religion
which emphasizes the spiritual unity
I mankind, will be discussed by Mr.
nd Mrs. John Failey at 6:30 p.m.
oday at the Disciples Guild meeting
n the Christian church. This is an-
ther in the series 'My Religion.',




Complete Appeasement
Is Reason For Escape
From Nazi Subjection
. x
(Note-The Daily's informant for the
following article has requested that his
real name and position be withheld
so as not to endanger a large number
of friends and relatives who are still
in Hungary.)
"Hungary is better situated and
has less to fear in this emergency
than any other country in Europe,"
Qregorv McArthur, a faculty mem-
ber with an "inside" news source in
Hungary, said in an interview yes-
"Hungary," he said, "is an agri-
cultural country. It is well stocked
with food and need have no fear of
the famine which is plaguing all oth-
er European countries today."
Althoug Hungary is completely
surrounde and controlled by Ger-
many, McArthur passed off the ques-
tion of invasion lightly. "The Nazis
have nok reason to invade Hungary or
even to set up garrisons within her
border," he said.
"The present Hungarian govern-
ment has cooperated completely with
Hitler. The two things which he
wanted most from Hungary have
been granted: a large proportion of
Hungary's raw materials, principally
aluminum and foodstuffs, are being
curned over to him and his troops
have been assured safe passage
through the country."
McArthur said further that it is
;his policy of cooperation with Hitler
shat has made possible Hungary's es-
;ape from the invasion and complete
subjection which has come to other
'mall European countries.
When 'tuestioned as to whether the
'ffungarian people as a whole or he,
iimself, approved this policy o1 coop-
ration or "appeasement," McArthur
'ef lsed to commit himself,
"Information coming from Hun-
gary is not always reliable," McAr-
thur volunteered. "Probably the
United States Government is the on-
fy agency in the Western Hemisphqre
;hat is able to obtain really accurate
McArthur said that it is almost
impossible to tell just how completely
the Nazis control information coming
from Hungary. "It is certain, how-
gver," he said, "that censorship there
s not as strict as that in other Ger-
man-occupied countries."
Asked to describe the morale of
the Hungarian people and the gen-
eral war conditions in the country,
McArthur leaned back in his swivel,

U _






office chair and smiled for the first
'ime during the interview.
"Budapest is the gayest and most
normal capital on the continent," he
said confidently. "There are no
black-outs in Budapest, and there
have been no air raids."
He went on to say that though per-
mits for private cars are necessary,
these are freely given, and taxis,
which are exempt from the gas ra-
tioning, are plentiful and cheap. Ex-
cept for a four weeks' shortage of
bread in July, Hungarians have had
no difficulty in securing food; and
in the line of clothiig only leather-
soled shoes are rationed.
McArthur explained that although
there is a recognized Socialist party
in Hungary it does not control the
government, which is still nominally
democratic. A Parliament meets reg-
ularly and the right of labor to or-
ganize has not been abridged.
"All in all, Hungary has an excel-
lent chance of surviving the present
crisis without sacrificing all of her
liberty and self respect to the Nazi
aggressors," McArthur concluded.

n bO '-- t as
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