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October 26, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-26

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control
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Published every morning except Ivonday during the
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National Advertising Service, I
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ember, ,associated Collegiate Press, 1941-4 2



nile Gele
vin Dann,.
avid Lachenbruch
y McCormick
al Wilson .
thur Hill
net Hiatt
race Miller .
rginia Mitchell

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Business Staff
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ulse Carpenter .Women's Advertising
elyn Wright . . Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers


Must Aid
Program .


literary1college's 100th Anniversary
elebration this month President Ruthven took
he' occasion to attack the government's policy
1 the present national emergency of calling
xperts on college faculties to "serve the practi-
al needs of government, as if the work of train-
ig the'youth of the land were not as import-
nit as any other in our national economy." As
peaker at the Friday .evening ksession of the
niversity Press Club of Michigan convention
e continued his plaint with the statement:
War periods always have disastrous consequen-
es for higher education, and this one is no ex-
option," because, among other things, "they
eplete, college staffs of important members."
everal members of the University engineering
%culty are now actively participating in the
efense program, and the number will undoubt-
fly increase before the emergency is over.
N ANOMALY, it seems to us, that President
Ruthven should se'e fit thus to condemn the
ffort whose purpose is the protection of the
'ee institutions in which he professes belief.
le are arming for defense, nad possibly war
verseas, because a Hitler-dominated Europe
)nstitutes a menace to our security. The struggle
all-consuming of men and materials, of mili-
try strategy and technological skill. The United
iates must command the utmost of its human
ad material resources. The war machine must
ike precedence over all else in these critical
ays. And the services which the technological
Kperts of our colleges can render to the success-
il performance of the war machine are invalu-
le and indispensable.
'HE PARTIAL DEPLETION of college faculties
will certainly work hardship in education, as
resident Ruthven suggests: it is the result that,
to be expected. For war entails tremendous
crifices and losses not only in education, but
i the life and prosperity of all the people.
uman progress is inevitably retarded because
But the result of the present conflict far more
be feared is the loss of freedom if we are
efeated. Comnmitted, as we are, to the policy of
efending by force our free institutions, the-
sidious ,clamoringp, such as President Ruth-
n's, for "business as usual" ican serve only
confuse and divide the people.
-Clayton Dickey
lut 'Morale Building'
ears Down Education. .
IF EDUCATION still means learning
how to think and not what to think,
Len the college "'morale-building" program pro-
sed by Frederick J. Kelly of. the United States
ffice of Eudcation is not coflsistent with the
ms of any university worthy of its name.
Kelly, Cief of the Division of Higher Educa-
n, told the annual meeting of the Association
Urban Universities last week that the govern-
ent is asking colleges to build "morale basic
successful p'osecution of defense activities."
uis suggestion goes much further than any
fense training course intended to place college
aduates in important emergency positions.
>rale building means more than drafting man-

bad for morale. According to General Ben Lear,
girls playing golf in shorts injure spectators'
"morale" if the spectators are in uniform. And
there are some men in the United States Con-
gress today who will tell you that unions and
the right to strike ruin'labor's "morale."
Any morale-building program in higher edu-
6ation would encounter no small difficulty in
achieving its purpose. History courses teach the
bungling corruption of several. American govern-
ment psychology strips emotion, patriotic or
otherwise, to a stimulus-response process, and
economics, by adding one and one describes the
fallacy of production for combustion instead of
consumption. A true military morale could not be
built up out of a university curriculum, unless
that curriculum were junked for the manual of
BUT THERE IS another morale, one that is
overlooked by government education. Morale
is at its best when a populace supports a mili-
tary program out of its own free well, thereby
squelching the opposition's cries of "misleading
propaganda." Assuming that the government's
aims in this war have been properly stated and
are for the common good (which is our posi-
tion), there is no need to khakify education.
The morale of college students and faculty mem-
bers will be a lot higher when there is no des-
truction of academic freedom to undermine their
support of a government program.
The college man of today should have no
trouble making his decision as to America's fu-
ture course of action. If he needs an elaborate
morale-building program to aid him, then the
value of his intelligence to the government pro-
gram is not worth such a program's expense.
-Dan Behrman
A Glance At Ben
Stolberg's History . .
IN LAST WEEK'S Saturday Evening
Post, there appeared an article by
that well-known fair weather friend of labor,
Benjamin Stolberg, entitled "Sitting Bill," a
sympathetic biographical treatment of William
Green, A. F. of L. presidert.
Mr. Green's organization, you will recall, is
the same which last week in its national conven-
tion at Seattle, ardently declared its" willingness
to fight Hitler, but refused to investigate Jim
Crowism within its own ranks as suggested.
Green himself answered the suggestion with the
excuse that "it takes time to break down preju-
STOLBERG, in his treatment of Green, not
only attempts to whitewash slurs cast on the
A. F. of L. president, but, in the same baited
breath throws some added dirt at the CIO.
In dealing with the reform movement in the
A. F. of L., led by Lewis, and later the break of
the CIO from the A. F. of L. in 1935, he has this
to say
"Green was pleased (with the reform
idea) ... he felt that in another year or two
this current which was setting strongly for
reorganizing the A. F. of L., would sweep
everything before it. But Lewis and Hillman
representing the fashionable left wing of
their New Deal friends, and spurred on by
Communist fellow travelers, decided on a
THIS is a bold enough statement of idea, and
written in normal times by a sincere con-
servative, we might let it ride. But after all, Mr.
Stolberg is a professed friend of labor, we are
living in time of war when propaganda is used
so much for crushing opposition movements, and
the Saturday Evening Post does have a circula-
tion of three and a quarter million, which means
probably anywhere between ten and twelve mil-
lion readers weekly. These factors made it worth
our while to investigate Mr. Stolberg's personal
In 1936, writing for The Nation, Stolberg de-
scribed a supposed meeting between Lewis and
Green, in which Lewis pleaded with Green to
start a'n organization campaign in steel. He
writes of Green's rejection of the proposal, quot-
ing him as saying, "Where will we get the
He further relates of Lewis' answer, in which
Lewis showed Green how they could raise the

money. Green sadly shook his head and walked
away. Stolberg, wrathfully wrote: "And now
this man (Green) has the gall. to accuse John
Lewis and the CIO of thwarting his effort to or-
ganize the steel workers."
THIS hardly sounded likeathe explanation giv-
en by Stolberg in last week's Post; however,
believing in his steadfastness of ideal, we con-
tinued with our history.
In another magazine article written in 1936,
he said this of William Green and his associates.
"No one in American life is more devoutly
petty middle class than the typical labor'
bureaucrat. His union is to him his business
enterprise ... He has two customers: he sells
labor power to the boss and he sells protec-
tion from the boss to the membership."
Note Stolberg's -convenient change in atti-
tude toward the middle class, and the couching
of his phrases in last week's Saturday Evening
Post :
"Discipline in the AFL is voluntary . . .
The AFL has its roots in the tradition of
middle class democracy, and Green is con-
stantly aware of this."
In 1937 Stolberg was still "one of the boys,"
and wrote of John L. Lewis: "The men around
him submit to him not because he is the boss,
but because he does understand." Previous to
that he had even said: "The Lewis machine, in
its bitter struggle against its own left wing, had
to keep its voting strength in the 'red' baiting
AFL conventions." It's interesting to know that
Stolberg has-heard of 'red' baiting.
HOWEVER; by 1938 it wasn't so popular to be
a John L. Lewis supporter anymore; and

Of Navy Day.
Tomorrow we will hail the nation's
first line of defense-the largest Navy in the
world. Tomorrow we will hail a Navy that is not,
as in other years, decked with the bunting of
peacetime, but a Navy that is fighting a shooting
war against Hitler. A Navy that has a job to do
and is fearlessly doing it, while the politicians
argue and the rest of us strive for "business as
But the United States Navy was born in times
ofdtrouble. It was on October 27th, 1775, that Con-
gress made its first appropriation for the building
of a Navy. With the granting of a commission as
commander-in-chief to Esek Hopkins in De-
cember of that year, the little Navy took shape.
It rendered heroic service in the fighting to
come; although we were heavily outmanned by
the British, the fighting spirit of Arnold, Wickes,
Conynham, and John Paul Jones did much to
aid the Revolutionary cause. And the tradition
they established stayed with our Navy.
AF'TER the Civil War, to be sure, the need of a
Navy was not felt so greatly by the United
States; naval construction lagged. But with in-
auguration of Theodore Roosevelt as President-
his birthday falls on October 27-a new day
dawned for the Navy. The 46,000 mile cruise of
the Battle Fleet in 1908 put our Navy "on the
After the World War, the people of the United
States once again let the Navy go. In accordance
with the Washington Five Power Pact in 1922,
we scrapped or demilitarized over 800,000 ions
of combatant ships. By 1933, our Navy had fallen
to third in size in the world. But with the
coming of the second Roosevelt, the need of the
Navy was felt again; as the result of a mammoth
building program, today we rank first among the
world's Naval powers.
BUT we have a long way to go. According to
information given Congress last January by
Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, the combined
fleets of 'Germany, Italy and Japan are more
than twice as large as our own Navy. On the
basis of present construction, on January 1, 1943,
we will have, Secretary Knox stated, 422 com-
batant ships in commission; the Axis, 962. It is
on the British navy, then, that we rely to great
extent for our present security.
It is to keep than British Navy going, if for no
other reason, that our Navy is today helping to
sweep the Atlantic clear of German submarines.
The recent torpedoing of the "Kearny," one of
our new destroyers, with the loss of 11 men,
brings into sharp focus the job the Navy is
doing and the risks it entails. Today the Navy
is on a war basis; while the rest of the country
debates repeal or amendment of the Neutrailty
Act, the Navy shoots on sight.
THE MEN on the Atlantic have not framed the
Administration foreign policy. Politicians
indulge in no log-rolling for the sailors' votes.
While Navy chiefs are, of course, consulted in
regard to national policy, the individual officer
has no chance to approve or disapprove of the
President's actions. He cannot criticize his Com-
But for te officers of our fleet, the Navy is
a career-a career of service to their country.
They do the job to which they're assigned. And
the enlisted men are not draftees. They're vol-
unteers, all of them; they joined the Navy be-
cause they were ready and willing to defend
America on the high seas.
And it's a Navy that's ready and willing, that
does a tough job well while the country wavers
behind it, which the nation will salute tomorrow.
-James Conant
Stolberg is writing articles for the Scripps-
Howard press under the title, "Inside the CIO."
I challenge his right to such a title, for to the
best of my knowledge and belief he has never
been a member of any union affiliated with the
CIO ... He has supplemented his own knowledge
with gossip and rumor which he could find by
stooping. And Mr. Stolberg can stoop ... Mr.
Stolberg's method is to try and sneak over a
punch immediately after the handshake. He
does not break clean."

TODAY it is even less popular to support the
CIO, so we find Stolberg under the protective
wing of the Saturday Evening Post. A truly
beautiful transition ... from the Nation-to the
World Telegram-to the Saturday Evening Post.
We reiterate: Today a mess of propaganda is
being thrown, around. It is important, there-
fore, to know about the columnists who feed
the public mind. Mr. Stolberg is one example.
-Harry Levine
What Japanese Think
However muddled the Japanese situation may
be, one thing about it is clear enough. Thought-
ful Japanese do not want to get into a war with
the United States. This is evident from a review
of Japanese press opinion on the current develop-
ments in /the field of Japanese-American re-
The Japan Times and Advertiser, whose views
are never very far from those of the Japanese
Foreign Office, takes the position "that the out-
come of the Russo-German war is uncertain,
that President Roosevelt has asserted that Amer-
ican aid to Russia is going forward smoothly and
in volume, and that American war output rap-
idly is achieving a mass production basis, which
will assure constantly increasing American sup-
port t the U.S.S.R."
ChIal Shogyo, another journal which is close
to official circles, has said plainly:
There is no reason for a clash between
Japan and America. We, frankly, are not
satisfied with the situation and want to
make many claims, but we think there exists
no problem which cannot be solved diplo-
matically ,without a direct collision between
the twn ai orng

(Continued from Page 2)
University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pa-
nofsky of the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton, will lecture on
the subject, "Durer's Melancholia-
the Conception of Melancholia in the
Renaissance," under the auspices of
the Department of Fine Arts, on:
Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor El-
wood C. Zimmerman, of the Univer-
sity of Hawaii, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "A Scientist's Expedition to
Southeastern Polynesia" (illustrated
with slides), under auspices of the
Museum of Zoology, at 4:15 p.m. on
Tuesday, October 28, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is cordial-'
ly invited.
University Lecture: Mr. Arundell
Esdaile, President of the British Li-
brary Association and former Secre-
tary of the British Museum, will lec-
ture1[ on the subject, "Dr. Johnson
and the Young," under the auspices
of the Department of Library Sci-
ence, at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 4, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
- University Lecture: Sr. Amado
Alonso, Director of the InstitutoPFilo-
logico, Buenos Aires, will lecture on
the subject, "La novela Don Segun-
do Sombra y su significacion en la
literatura gauchesca de la Argentina,"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages, on
Monday, November 10, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is cordially invited.
Professor Preston Slosson will
speak on "The Future of the West-
ern Slavs" in the Rackham Amphi-
theater on Tuesday, October 28, at
8:00 p.m. under the sponsorship of
the Slavic Society. Following the
lecture, an informal reception will be
given in the West Conference Room
during which refreshments will be
Lecture: Professor Joe Davis will
speak on "The Modern Movement in
the Literature of the United States"
tonight at 7:30 in the series of Sun-
day evening programs at the Inter-
national Center. This lecture which
will introduce and initiate a seminar
to be offered at the Center during
the rest of the semester on "Certain
Aspects of American Culture," will
follow the regular Sunday supper and
social hour. Open to anyone inter-
Events Today
University Choir: Come to Morris
Hall at 8 o'clock this morning to
prepare for 9 o'clock broadcast over
Station WJR, Detroit.
Final tryouts for the Varsity Men's
Glee Club will take place during the
regular rehearsal today at 4:30 p.m.
in the Glee Club Room. It is im-
perative that all members attend.
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a din-
ner meeting in the Union tonight at
6:15. This meeting will be in place
of the meeting scheduled for Tues-
Graduate Outing Club will meet
today at 2:30 p.m. at the rear north-
west door of the Rackham Building.
Election of officers will be held, fol-
lowed by an outdoor program, with
an outdoor supper, conditions per-
mitting. All graduate students and

faculty welcome.
Congress Cooperative House, 816
Tappan Avenue, will hold open house
today from 3:00 until 6:00.
"Mr. & Mrs." Club: The "Mr. &
Mrs." Clyb, a group of young married
people, will meet in the Pigot Room
on the third floor of the Student Wing
at the Presbyterian Church. Under
the direction of Dr. John Finlayson,
the club is starting' a study of the
books that almost got into the Bible.
Time, 9:30-10:30 a.m. today. , All
who are interested are cordially in-
vited to come and get acquainted.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Brashares in-
vite all Methodist students and their
friends to Open House at their home,
848 East University Avenue today,
3:30-5:30 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its supper hour this eve-
ning at 5:30 and its forum hour at
7:00 at Zion Parish Hall. Prof. C.
M. Loessel, of the Michigan Normal
College, will speak on the subject,
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Textkritik des Neu-
entestaments" by Mr. Henry A. San-

"The structure of bacteria as re-
vealed by the electron ^microscope."
The Research Club will meet in
the Rackham Amphitheatre on Wed-
nesday, October 29 at 8:00 p.m. The
papers to be read are: "The Transi-
tion from Neutrality to Non-belliger-
ency in American Foreign Policy"
by Professor Lawrence Preuss, and
"Praise aid Dispraise in the Ancient
and Modern Folklore of Mediterran-
ean Countries" by Professor Eugene
S. McCartney.
"Le Cerele Francais" of the Uni-
versity of Michigan will meet on
Wednesday, October 29, at 8:00 p.m.,
at the Michigan League. All students
who speak French, or who have had
a minimum of one year of college
French, or the equivalent, and all
members of the University faculty
interested in French are cordially
invited. Professors Keniston and
Talamon, of the Department df Ro-
mance Languages, are to address the
members of the club; Professor Ko-
ella, of tie Frnch Department, will
speak on "France Today"; and Pro-
fessor Hackett, of the School of Mu-
sic, will sing French songs. Refresh-
The Bible Seminar, conducted by
Mr. Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, will
meet at Lane Hall on Mondays at
4:30 p.m.
Choral Group: The Student Religi-
ous Association choral group for the
singing of motets, chorals, and madri-
gals will meet at Lane Hall on Mon-
day, October 27, at 8:00 p.m.
Varsity Night Program: The Ui-
versity of Michigan Band will present
its annual Varsity Night program on
Tuesday evening, October 28. Tickets
will be on sale beginning Monday,
October 13, at Wahr's Book Store,
the Union, the League and by all
band members.
Mimes Meeting at 7:15 Tuesday
night at the Union. The room num-
ber will be posted.
Oriental Religions Seminar: Miss
Vibha Gengradomying will speak on
Hinayana Buddhism at the Oriental
Religions Seminar, sponsored by the
Student Religious Association, at
Lane Hall on Monday, October 27, at
7:30 p.m. The seminar is open to
the public.
Women's Glee Club rehearsal on
Tuesday, Oct. 28, in the Kalamazoo
Room of the League. -All sopranos
come at 4:00 p.m. All altos come at
5:00 p.m.
Michigan Union Opera try-outs
sign up for appointments in the
Union Lobby Monday and Tuesday
afternoons, October 27 and 28, from
2:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class
Monday night at 7:30 in Room 214
of the First Methodist Church. The
subject for discussion will be "Right
and Wrong." This is the fourth in
the series on "Developing Religious
Disciples Guild (Memorial Chris-
tian Church): 10:00 a.m. Students'
Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild, Sunday
Evening Hour. Mr. John Failey will
speak on "Bahaism." A social hour
and tea will follow the program.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. Sun-
day Morning Service, "Nature Speaks
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students Union:
"Religious Freedom in Russia."

Reformation Sermon on "The Word
of God-The Power of God" by Rev.
Henry o. Yoder.
Student Evangelical Chapel: Note
change of location for Sunday morn-
ing only: The 10:30 a.m. services
will be held in the basement room
of Lane Hal. Rev. L. Verduin will
be in charge of this meeting and also
of the 7:30 evening devotional serv-
ice which will be held as usual in the
Michigan League Chapel.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30
a.m. with Professor Kenneth Hance,
leader. Morning Worship at 10:40.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach
on "Ann Arbor." Wesleyan Guild
meeting-at 6:00 p.m. Subject: "Be-
ginning the Reconstruction Now."
Dr. Harold Carr of Court Street
Church, Flint, will be the speaker.
Fellowship hour and supper following
the meeting.
Ann Arbor Meeting, Religious Soci-
ety of Friends (Quakers): Meeting for
worship Sunday at 5:00 p.m., Lane
Hall. Business meeting at 6:00 p.m.
All interested are cordially invited.
The Church of Christ will have
Bible study at 10:00 a.m. Sunday in
the Y.M.C.A. Building. This will be
followed at 11:00 by the morning
worship, during which Garvin M.
Toms, minister, will preach on the
subject, "One Bread-Ohe Body."
The evening servie will be held at
8:00. The sermon sbject will be
"They Began to Make Excuse."
The midweek Bible study will be
at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday. Everyone
is welcome at all services.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
10:00 a.m. High Schol class, Church
Office Building; 11:00 a.m.,Kinder-
garten, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Jun-
ior Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning
Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend
Henry Lewis; 4:00 p.m. H2 Club
(high school students) meeting, Har-
ris . Hall. Speaker: W. H. Auden,
noted English poet. Subject: "Liter-
ature in the Church." Refreshments,
Complirze, and games.
Wednesday and Thursday, Holy
Communion, 7:30 a.m., Harris Hall
Chapel. Tea will be served in Harris
Hall on Friday from 4-5:30 p.m. (No
tea will be served on Tuesday be-
cause of the Parish Conference to
be held in Harris Hall on Monday
and Tuesday-).
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship 10:45. "Taken for Grant-
ed", subject of the sermon by Dr.
W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild: Sup-
per at 6:00 p.m. with Student Discus-
sion at 7:00 on "Why the Church?"
At 8:00 p.m., Singspiration.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at. 10:30.
Subject, "Probation After Death."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Free
public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash-
ington St., open daily except Sun-
days and holidays, from 11:30 a.m.
until 5:00 p.m. Saturdays it is open
until 9:00 p.m.
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, Minister,
will preach on the subject, "Force
Versus Ideas." Services are being
held in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
during redecoration of the church.
5:30 p.m. Ariston League, high
school group, will meet in Pilgrim
Hall for a discussion on "The Paci-
fist's Position," led by Ken Morgan.
7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship will
meet in the church parlors to hear
Prof. G. E. Carrothers' discuss the
subject, "Service as a Means of De-
veloping Character."
Bethlehem Evangelical and Re-

"To tell the truth, I don't know whose little girl I am!-Mamna
and Papa are fighting it out in court!"


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