THEU1V MWHIGAN DIi.LY A" PAGE THREE Teti Dollars- And Thatlsn't Chicken Feed. Varsity Band Offers Cash For Formation Ideas For O.S.U. Game Anybody want ten dollars? No, no strings attached. Nothing to buy, nothing to sell. All you have to co is' turn in a winning formation suggestion for the University March- ing Band and you win a ten-dollar prize as well as get the chance to see your formation presented at the Ohio State game here Nov. 27. Rules are simple. Just draw up a rough sketch or even a written 'de- scription of your formations ideas and drop them in any of the boxes which have been placed about the campus before 6 p.m. tomorrow. Entries should consist of a series of five or six formations centered around some specific theme, but need not be fully developed in order to be considered, band minager Stuart Park, '42, specified. Boxes have been placed in the Union, the League, on the steps of the Library and in the foyer of An- gell Hall. Judging the formations will be the band's formation com- mittee, and their decision will be final. Other rules state that all entries will become the property of the Uni- versity Marcping Band, and that in case of a tie duplicate prizes will be awarded. Announcement of the winner and the presentation of the ten-dollar prize will be made at the band's an- nual Varsity Night performance Tuesday in Hill"Auditorium. Cercle Francais To Open Activity Reorganized on a new basis, the Uercle Francais will open its activi- ties for the year with a meeting at $ p.m. Wednesday in the League. George Kiss, Grad., president of the society, will preside at the meet- ing. Prof. Hayward Keniston, head of the romance languages department, will deliver a welcome address to new students. 4 Prof. Charles Koella, adviser of the club, will speak on "La France au- jourd-hui." Student Directories Scarce As Hen-Teeth The "Where's Who" of the campus, the 1941-42 Student-Faculty Direc- tory, will be sold only at the Student Publications' Building aid in campus bookstores during the coming week., Only a few copies of the orange- bound volume are available, sand Al Owens, '42, business manager of the 'Ensian, urges students to "get them while they're hqt." i Ee iCorn usking Kin E tgne Petiown s ;r Deadline Date Is Announced Election Of Class Officers To Take Place Friday; Nominees Unnamed Engineering seniors and freshmen intending to run for class officer po- sitions must submit their petitions to the Dean's office, 255 West Engineer- ing Building, before noon Tuesday, if they wish to have their names placed on the ballots. All petitions should indicate the4 applicant's qualifications for office,_ and must be signed by at least 25 students from the applicant's class. In order to eliminate electioneering as .much as possible, the names of those selected to run for the seniorA class positions will not be announced~ until Friday, the day of the election,> election chairman Verne C. Kennedy,E '42E, has announced.; Freshman candidates, on the other hand, will be announced well in ad- vance of their election Wednesday, A F Nov. 5, as it is felt that first-year s;tu- dents would benefit from an oppor- tunity to acquaint themselves with the nominees.5 Ballots for the senior election Fri- Marion Link, 26, Iowa cornhus day will be obtained at the ballot up, mixes adagio and acrobatic da box to be placed on the second floor for the national cornhusking tack] of the West Engineering Building, holds aloft his partner, Maxine St over the Engineering Arch, while structress. They have made freque freshmen will cast their votes in their regular class assemblies the following, Wednesday. '' h T0 He d. Seniors will elect a president, vice- Rich o ea president, secretary, treasurer and Engineering Council representative, U'Press Club while freshmen will elect two repre- sentatives to the Council. Senior petitions should specify Michigan Newspapermen which position is sought, SKennedy Terminate Convention pointed out. The senior runner-up '_ for the presidential position will auto- Two hundred Michigan editors yes- matically become vice-president ac- terday brought to a close their vaca- cording to the regulations of the tion at making the news rather than election. editing it by-electing Philip T. Rich, editor and publisher of the Midland Industrial Firms' Evening News, president of the Uni- versity Press Club for next year. A re Interviewing Rich suceeds Emmet Richards, edi- tor and publisher of the Alpena Senior Engineers News, as head of the organization. Other officers elected at the busi- The job situation for senior en- ness session which closed the twenty- gineers is quite evidently living up to third annual convention of the Press expectations, as a number of indus. Club, include Elton R. Eaton, editor trial firms have already sent their and publisher of the Plymouth Mail, prospective graduates for positions. first vice-president, and Carl M. representatives here to interview Saunders, editor of the Jackson Citi- Earlier in the semester Dean Ivan zen Patriot, second vice-president. C. Crawford of the College of Engin- Murl H. Defoe, publisher of the eering predicted that engineering Charlotte Republican, was elected graduates would have no trouble third vice-president, anl Prof. John finding employment as long as the L. Brumm, chairman of the Depart- present emergency lasted. ment of Journalism, was again made With this year already running secretary-treasurer. ahead of last, when almost all grad- uates were readily placed, a job for everyone woild seem assured. Hillel Council Plans Play A meeting of the Hillel Council will be held today at 10:30 a.m. at ther Foundation. Plans for the produc- tion of a three act play will be dis- sBL 4' ' ~ 1 d r. 6 -r he same es, in smart leathers. ng style in antique tan, black, nil a new Fall navy.h e fit, supreme a; in point price! I / 4.9j g Shows Versatility king champion and national runner- ncing in his training for another try Le. At right the brawny farm youth eplienson, 20, Ames, Ia., dancing in- nt appearances recently. Senator Scores Forest Control McCallum Fears Federal ForestryRegulation Speaking at the concluding ses- sion of the two-day Land Utilization Conference, Sate Senator George P McCallum yesterday issued a chal- lenge to the delegates to consider the encroachment of Federal regulation on state conservation control. Senator McCallum emphasized that the ever increasing Federal con- servation program was going beyond its constitutional limits in superced- ing state regulation. Also speaking at the final session Jay H. Price, United States regional forester, described in detail the Fed- era proposals for improvement of our present system of preserving for- ests. George McIntyre, Michigan State Forester, expressed the wish that private controls could be substituted for state and Federal regulation. Community Fund Drive Wil Begin Prof. PrestonIS ossonT +Tlk HereTomorrow At Meeting Of Slavic Society The annual Ann Arbor Community When Prof. Preston W. Slosson ad- any political or religious discussions Fund drive, with 350 volunteer work- dresses a Rackham Amphitheatre at its meetings. It is not affiliated ers from the Fund's member agencies audience Tuesday on "The Future of with any political or religious group and 100 special campaign workers outside the University, since its aim soliciting contributions, will open to- the Western Slavs, he will open one o , morrow and will continue through of the most active periods in the are purely cultural. Voydanoff, in discussing Professor Nov. 5. Slavic Society's three-year history. Slosson's lecture Tuesday called at- To mark the opening of its twenty- Founded by Nick Yakovljevitch, tention to its direct relation to the first annual campaign, the Commun- Notre Dame, '26, the society counts present situation in the Slavic coun- ity Fund will sponsor a banquet at 28 members with a roster reading tries of Europe. Also in this connec 6 p.m. tomorrow, at the Bethlehem 28 members wt Narter re tion, the society will send delegates Church. The program will feature a like the League of Nations. Russians, to the National Congress of Slavs to movie prepared by Prof. Wesley H. Ukrainians, Carpatho-Russians, be held in Pittsbugh in November. Maurer of the Department of Jour- Czechs, Slovenes, Poles, Macedon- Local functions in Ann Arbor con- nalism and entitled "Human Priori- ties for Ann Arbor." ians, Serbs, Croations, Montenegrans sist largely of social or business meet- and Slovaks are eligible for member- ings and Slavic music and dances The general public is invited to at- ad vtwice a month. Some of the society's tend this lecture. Tickets, priced at ship. proposed policy's for this semster in- 75c, will be sold at the door. The society's purposes, as outlined lude destroying intra-Slav barriers, by President Eli Voydanoff, '43, ar'e and "conveying Slavic culture to the * two-fold. "We aim to provide a means people of America." Choir To d nfor close association among Slavic With Voydanoff as president the students," Voyandoff declared, "and society's officers are Vice President at the same time acquaint Slavs and Eugene Milinkevich, '42E, Corre- O er D etro it non-Slavs with Slavic culture. sponding Secretary Dorothy Pravda One of the society's most strictly '43, and Recording Secretary Laura Radio Station observed by-laws is a prohibition of Zack. A newly formed University Choir of 75 voices will begin a regular H h TL O\ T L O K broadcasting series over Station WJR, HH 1JDLt r ao o Detroit, with a program from 9 to 9:30 a.m. today. T ~Lingerie for, The choir will broadcast every Sun- day morning. Today's program will be an all-hymn program. "Safely Through Another Week" by Lowell t mr _ Mason will be the opening presenta- tion. The second number will be "C Day of Rest and Gladness," ar- ranged by Lowell Mason. Soloist willol e i n be Margaret Martin, '42SM. Other numbers will be "Fairest EXCLUSIVE PURE SILK - Lord Jesus," "Beautiful Savior," "A SLIPS AN D GOWNS Mighty Fortress," 0 Love That . l Will Not Let Me Go," "The Church's in creamy satin with a scrolly ap- One Foundation" and "God Be With pligudd bow-knot. Made with machine You Till We Meet Again." Solos will stitches . . tiny and delicate but won- be sung by Donna Baisch, '425M, derfully strong. In white or pink. Donald Plott, '44SM, and Robert Hol- land, '44SM. Sizes 32 to 40. . The choir is under the direction SLIPS . . . . 4.95 1 - of Prof. Hardin A. Van Deursen ofGS the School of Music. Glen, King GOWN a .. ..9 will be at the harmonium. Historical data on the numbers sung will be read by Prof. Joseph E. Maddy of the radio music department. All the broadcasts will originate in Morris Hall. Harold Carr To Speak '8 NICKELS ARCADE At Wesley Foundation - Dr. Harold Carr, Flint minister, will speak at 6 p.m. today at the Wes- ley Foundation. Dr. Cgrr, who is well known as a youth adviser and marriage councilor, has chosen "Be- ginning The Reconstruction Now" as his topic. wc , v aN rA i- .. ts a date Dancing dirndls . . . best beloved date frock . . with its slenders hug-me-tight r Jbodice and billowing skirt to make -you pretty as a picture. See our irresistible new collection of crepe and wool dirndls . . every one destined to enchant'the stag line. Sies 9-17, 12-18. from $1095 p 6/iza41i ton 1 ~LINK C ti p Royal Black relieved by flashing JEWELS and soft PASTEL insets. Graceful ... Spectacular. Revival of your Summer favorites! Still t n brisk Autumn styl A pace-maki brwn Supre aIn pii $1,0-95 to