_EAY, OCTOBER M5, 1941 THEMICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Organizations To Celebrate Homecoming With Dances, Suppers And Open Houses, - Union formal Patron List -1 With the excitement of the biggest home game, some 36 organizations will celebrate homecoming today with dances, buffet suppers and open houses. Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Theta Chi and Tri- angle houses will hold buffet suppers and dances afterwards from 5:30 p.m. to midnight. Alpha Kappa Psi is the only one of these houses that will entertain away from the cha'pter house. They will have a dinner dance at Huron Hills' Country Club with Prof. R. A. Rat- cliff and Prof. D. M. Phelps chaser- oning this party. Phi Kappa Psi will be having a buffet supper at the chapter house. Dr. William Brace and Dr. Gilbert DeRyke have been asked to chaper- on. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Carr of Mus- kegon. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scorville of Detroit will chaperon at the Phi Kappa Tau buffet supper. The Theta Chi party will be chap- eroned by Dr. and Mrs. William Cox- on, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rea- gan, of Detroit. The chaperons of the Triangle house will be Prof. and Mrs. E. L. Eriksen and Prof. and Mrs. H. J. Mc- Farlan. Fletcher Hall will hold an open house from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. today. Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Strong will be chaperoning the affair. Acacia will have a radio dance from 9 p.m. to midnight. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Clarke of Zeeland and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pryce will chaperon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hay and Mrs. Ray Shoberg are chaperoning at a dance from 8 p.m. to midnight today at Alpha Gamma Delta. Alpha Rho Chi's radio dance from 9 p.m. to midnight ill be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Tanner and Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Ross of Dexter. Alpha Sigma Phi will hold a dance at their chapter house from 9 p.m. to midnight. Prof. and Mrs. Fred Basom, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Doug- lass Hammial are to chaperon. Prof. and Mrs. W. L. Emmons and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wikel will chap- eron,a dance from 9 p.m. to midnight today at Alpha Tau Omega. Chi Phi's dance from 9 p.m. to midnight today at the house will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. C. 0'- Connor and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kel- sey. I i s Announced : . y r P N o G IN 'RT and F 1, ~r t r. V4~~. k tp /f 7 : ; ; t i * r Afir w 4AMP' A thrilling new Brassieref by EDITH 'LANCES.. . Edith Lances, inspired designer of custom-made Sculptural Bras, created this unusual new bra to answer the needs of Juniors and women with young, girlish figures. With infinite care LANCETTES are, cut to shape you gently, support you wisely, and preserve your lovely Delta Upsilon has invited Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Dettlinger and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Titus to chaperon the par- ty they Will hold from 8 p.m. to mid- night today at the chapter house. The WAB will be the setting for a dance which will be given by the Intercooyerative Council. Prof. and Mrs. W F. Strieduck and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rupke will chaperon. Hillel Foundation will hold a radio dance from 8:30 p.m. to midnight at the foundation. The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs, O. Zwerdling and Mr. and Mrs. S. Levy. Kappa Delta will have a dance from 9 p.m. to midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kinietz and Mr. and Mrs. F. Ouradnik will chaperon. Dr. and Mrs. S. Goudsmit and Mr. and Mrs. E. Soodik of Chicago have accepted the invitation of Kappa Nu to chaperon their party today. Chaperoning the, party of Kappa Sigma today will be Prof. and Mrs. G. M. Bleekman and Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Caruthers. Martha Cook's radio dance from 9 p.m. to midnight today will be held at the residence. Mrs. G. Diekema, and Miss Sarah- Rowe will chaperon. The Michigan Christian Fellow- ship will hold its first dance today at the chapter house. The chaperons will be Mr. R. H. Claypoole of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. E. Juncher of Jackson. Phi Delta Epsilon will have a dance at the chapter house today. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hotchkiss of Duluth, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan have accepted the invitation of the house to chaperon. .Lr. and Mrs. P. Neuman of Grand Rapids, ;and Dr. and Mrs. Sugars will chaperon the dance at Phi Epsilon Pi today. Phi Ganma. Delta will hold a dance from 9 p.m. to midnight at the house. Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Upton and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dawson will chaperon, Phi Rho Sigma's dance from 9 p.m. to midnight will be chaperoned by Dr. nd Mrs. W. L. Bryant and Dr. and Irs. Harvey Humnpf. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will hold a dance from 8 'p.m. to midnight at the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wed- dige and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gibson will chaperon. Accepting the invitation, to chap- President Ruthven Invited To Head Patron Committee For Annual Formal, Oct. 31 President and Mrs. Ruthven will 'lead the list of patrons and patron- 3sses who will be present at the 7th innual Union Formal to be held from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the main jallroom of the Union. Other patrons and patronesses who will dine and dance at this supper formal are Regent and Mrs. F. M. Cook, Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea, Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean J. A.. Bursley, Dr.. and Mrs. D. W. Myers, Prof. and Mrs. Harlow J. Heneman, Prof. and Mrs. C. O. Wisler, Prof. and Mrs. J. S. Worley. Prof. and Mrs. John E. Tracy, and Prof. and Mrs. M. H. Waterman. Miss Bertha Welker, Mr. and Mrs. Don May, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin uenzel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oakes, VIr. and Mrs. Ken Morgan, Mr. and Virs. Robert Morgan and Mr. and Virs. John Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Spooner, Mr. md Mrs. A. K. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. ". Hawely Tapping and Mr. and Mrs. parry Tillotson. Decorations for the dance will ;ransformthe ballroom100 years into ,he future and abstract pictures of :ourses of study, instructors and ampus life in general at that time vill line the walls. Bill Burgess, '43A, :as charge of all the art work. Tickets are now on sale at the Jnion Travel Desk, or they may be purchased from any member of the inion Executive Council. The Union Formal traditionally opens the fall eason of dances, as it is the first jig dance of the year. Picnic TO Be Given Avukah, campus Zionist organiza- tion, will have a wienie roast to- morrow. All interested are invited to attend. The* group will start from Hillel Foundation at 4 p.m. C youthfiud ! Be Prepared For Rain Or Shine At Today's Game A ccessories Ae you going to the Michigan- either a hood or bandanna, or carry j Mmestagam? romallreortn umbrella for those uneuirling~ A id Persona1ity heame is a sell-omt so plan to wearcurls. The umbrella might poke your comfortable clothes which will sur- companion in the eye and keep those vive the mob scene which is bound behind you from seeing the game but You RoomIto folow our victory over the Go- it x\ill hold off those few drops. Rub- Extra cots in every room, guest phers. ers or boots are a necessity for dry Extr cos i evey romgues phrs.feet unless you want to sit on them privileges applied to the limit.-yes, Do you think it will rain? Be pre- all afternoon. you may expect a parade in your pared. Do you think it won't? Be Sunshine-Don't forget your sun- corridor this weekend! And they'll prepared. Maybe it will be cold. May- glasses unless you can see better push your door open, four-fifths of be not. But you can't take a suitcase through a squint. If it is cold you them. Then you will have the satis- with you although your guess is as just put on a few more sweaters and faction of hearing them exclaim, , good as anybody's when it comes to coats than you would put on if it "Ohh, how cute! These are much out-guessing those rain clouds. were warm. If it is really cold and :heerier than the rooms at Pilling- Here are some suggestions for what you can't find a hot brick to rest your smelt!" to wear if the weather looks like: feet on, a pair of woolen ankle socks Whether this rings sincerely, or is Rain-Since you won't have room will keep them warm for a while. merely the necessary apology for to pitch a tent, wear a raincoat with But isn't it about Indian Summer intruding depends upon the ingenu- time? ity you have used in decorating. Your room is capable of as much'in- Juniors! Attention Tryouts To Be Held dividualityin 'dressing as you, and Any girl who was unable to at- should be. treated with as much con- tend the JGP mass meeting last Tryouts for all those interested in sideration d Wednesday and who is still inter- being in the floor show of Sopho- Look around for a way of express- etdi okn nacmite more Cabaret, which will be pi-esented ing your own personality with some ested in working on a committee, mr aaewihwl ep~sne changeable "room accessories." A may sign up for work in Miss Mc- Dec. 4 and 5, will be held in the ball- vase of autumn leaves collected from Cormick's office in the League, room of the League from 3 p.m. to 5 the last colorful remnants can be Mary Lou Ewing, '43, general p.m. Monday, Ann McMillan, '44, the personality note of a room, for general chairman, announced, instance. They may be made to last-cnvst several weeks by dipping into melted paraffin. If you were one of those whose room was caught in its underwear, start designing a really kdistinctive THE CASUAL THAT. BELONGS1" "outfit" and be prepared before your dormitory holds open house. I k kk cinta years. Come in for your Lancette today and see Miss Dorothy Gebeau, pertnaI representative, for EDITH LANCES bras. Jacobsons announce their exclusive agency for this thrilling new bras- siere. in Nylon, Net, Lace, Batiste or rayon satin. $1 to $4.00 0(0cLs n - eron from 9 p.m. to midnight today at the Phi Sigma Delta dance are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zucker of Cleve- land and Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Ell- man of Detroit. A dance will be held at the Sigma Alpha Mu from 8 p.m. to midnight today. Chaperoning will be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldman and Mr."'nd Mrs. Jacob Ingoer. The chaperons at the Sigma Chi dance from 9 p.m. to midnight today will be Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Kline of Erie, Pa., and Mis. G. Barksdale of Charlestown, W.-Va. The Sigma Nu chapter house will have a dance from 9 p.m. to mid- night. Mrs. H. B. Phelps and Mrs. Edward Goodale will chaperon. Sigma Alpha Epsilon's dance from 9 p.m. to midnight will be chaper- oned by Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Naylor and Mrs. Leila Vibbert. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hartman and the Reverend and Mrs. E. W. Blake- man will be the chaperons at the Theta Xi house today. The Trigon Club has invited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lent-Koop and Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Parr to chaperon their dance from 9 p.m. to midnight today at the chapter house. A radio dance at the Xi Psi Phi chapter house will be chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Ward and Dr. and 'Mrs.. .Barrows. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Comstock of Detroit and Mr. R. L. Richardson of Detroit have accepted the invitation of Zeta Psi to chaperon from 8 p.m. o midnight today at the chapter house. Zeta Tau Alpha will hold a dance from 9 p.m. to midnight at the chap- ter house. Mr. and .Mrs. John W. Rae and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shoe- craf, will chaperon. . . Are You In The GAME? Do you have enough skirts? Do you own one of those color-matching, sleeveless jer- kins? Have you just loads of soft wooly pastel sweaters? The Campus Shop has all of these for you. Skirts- $3.95 and up, jerkins-$2.95 and up, sweaters-$2.95 and up. Come in and see the lat- est styles. CAMPUS SHOP 305 S. State Ph. 2-2747 9r RIGHT as a coke after class! A burnish-toned classic casual that looks twice its actual pricel A Oo-Every- where WALLED-TOE MOC with Harness Stitched Trim and built-up leather heel COLLEGIATE SHOE SHOP F i...,_. . P I. 7 ,I ,....._ I '11 ------------- ALWAYS Srnapt t 34, A WINNER Smart Lu~ ow Serve You Ready to / at Our SNACK BAR Z*1 14 werdling A coat to wear with pride in its beauty, and comfort in its easy lines and luxurious warmth. They are superb in quality and finished with meticulous work- manship. "One of the most ex- citing collections we've ever had. We bought the skins early, when prices were far, far lower than they are today. We urge you to select your fur coat now 11 il \\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\\ \\t \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x/rx DATE INSURANCE.01 Take out yours against damp weather. Look your hest for jthe pledge formals in a Perm- anent hair style f rom... '7 In the State Street Store Priorities in the steel industry.., priorities v in plastics! Now at last it's our turn to f put a priority on good food and re- freshment for our customers! Snack sandwiches, beverages, wonderful pastry, ice creams now being served in our bright new Snack Bar. No ad' Save! stinting on quality or quantity! Just plain good food, well served ... our one idea to make you want to drop in often. SNACK BAR HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 5:30 Saturdays 'Till 6:00 A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD' COAT. TERMS AND INSURED STORAGE FREE. _. I- 11 C