I !AY " O24- T[E MICHIGAN DAITY Wi1 Osborne To Play At Annual Jnterfraternity Ball N PAGE nFV ov.4 Dance Tickets To Go On Sale "Winter Is A 'Com' Virginia Morse Named Chairman Of Panhellenic Banquet l mmediately Band Chosen By Cdnrittee Holds Record For Appearing At Greatest Number Of Proms "Slide Music" and its creator, Will Osborne, will reign Nov. 14 at the Union Ballroom when Interfraternity Ball takes its traditional place on the campus socialncalendar, co-charmen Don Stevenson, '42, president of IF, and Bob Porter, '42, secretary of the organization, announced. Tickets for the dance will 'go on sale immediately in all fraternity houses, with sophomores on Inter- fraternity Council handling all sales. Tickets Are Limited Although attendance at the ball is invariably heavy, ticket sales are re- stricted and preference is given to men belonging to Greek letter groups. The ball is not only traditional as an event, it is also, traditionally, the first formal of the year featuring an outstanding out - of - town "name" band. Witl their selection of Will Os- borne as the band of the evening, committeemen have chosen an or- ganization which has played for more college proms than any other dance orchestra in the country. His unique style and slide rhythm trademark have \been patented to protect their originality. Plans Not Completed Plans for the dance are well under way, Stevenson said, and tentative decoration arrangements already have been submitted. The list of patrons and patronesses along with completed decoration de- signs and the guest list have not, as yet been prepared by the committee, but something entirely new in "danceable surroundings" is promised by committee heads. Misguided Male R aises Havoc In dormitory By ANN VENNELL Excitement prevailed Saturday night on the fourth floor of Mosher Hall when one bright young man took upon himself the privilege of calling for his date at her very door. He even had the thrill of riding all'the way up to the fourth floor in Mosher's exclusive elevator, and upon arriving, nonchalantly asked if he was on the right floor and which way was 4, much to the speechless amazement of the damsel who had accompanied him thus far on the elevator. Hearing the squeals of consterna- tion emitted by half-dressed belles en route to and from showers on seeing the little man who shouldn't be there, he realized his mistake and whipped off down the steps as fast as he could go-needless to say, with the approval of all concerned. He was just in time, lucky boy! The assistant house director immedi- ately searched every nook and cran- ny for the misguided male. Hub-bub continued for some minutes until she was satisfied as to the non-presence of any such creature on the floor. Perhaps someone should write to Emily Post and ask her to inform all unknowing prospective daters of dor- mitory girls on the proper decorum of lads wishing to call for their lassies! OtherPositions Announced By Association Central Committee Members Will Supervise Annual Banquet To Be Held Nov. 3 At-League Virginia Morse, '43, has been named general chairnan of this year's Pan- hellenic Banquet which will be held Nov. 3, Patricia Hadley, '42, presi- dent of Panhellenic Association, an- Sophomores To Discuss ass Cabaret Colorful Note Accentuates First Meeting As 14 Chairmen Dramatize Committee Work Comfort Is Keynote In Styles For Michigan's Outdoor Miss Comfort is the dictator of style these fall days but there is no need suggest darklong haded path we to sacrifice style in taking the dic- with colorful tweed jackets over plain tation. mannish tailored shirts. Although For those steak roasts in the Ar- judpurs still hold the record for boretum, an extra roomy man's shirt popularity, the new western frontier Sophomore women met yesterday in the League Ballroom to hear Ann MacMillan, general chairman, an- nounce that Sophomore Cabaret this year will take place Dec. 4 and 5. T i 3 I . 4 *r.*... When the old October breezes start whistling up the diagonal, the time is not too far in the offing when light coats will be stuffed in the moth- balls. Well, the breezes really started .in yesterday morning .so it is igh time to start thinking about how we are to buck old man winter this year.f This model would most appropri- ately fulfill all qualifications in the capacity of a dress coat.' The classic princess lines are simple but, are in perfect taste for campus wear. The gathered waist with, the' smart tie- belt gives a most slimming, effect. Any type of skirt underneath would in no way effect the fullness that falls from belt to them. Mink trim rules supreme 'again in the fur king- dom. This model comes in beige and brown. Four Fraternities. Will Have Dances After Rally Today If you want the perfect starter for a big weekend try a fraternity dance. The Alpha Delta Phis are having a dance from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. to- day at the chapter house. The chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs. Clark Hopkins and Mrs. Hans Weichsel. Members of Alpha Phi Alpha are entertaining at a dance from 9 p.m. to 1, a.m. tonight at the Wolverine. Mrs. Anna E. Smith and Mrs. Robert Carson are to chaperon the dance. Phi Kappa Sigmas are getting a 9 o'clock start with a radio dance at the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rochman and Mrs. Leslie F. Schwanbeck are guests o he fraternity. The Pi Lambda Phis are entertain- ing their guests from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at a house dance. The chaper- ons will be Dr. and Mrs. Kopel, De- troit, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Gerson, also of Detroit. Announce Betrothal Of Elsie Courtney nounced today. After Miss MacMillan had given1 Assisting Miss Morse on the cen- a brief outline of the organization of tral committee for the banquet will the project, members of the central be Nancy Griffin, '44, tickets; Betty committee told about the activities Erdmann, '43, programs; Margaret of thier own particular groups, not Davidson, '43A, assistant programs by speech, but in story form. chairman; Joy Louisel Wright, '43, Each committee chairman explain- music; Barbara MacLaughlin, '43, ;d the duties of her committee, and decorations; Jane Gilbreth, '44, added a colorful note to the meeting decorations assista'nt, and Ruth v dressing in clothes suitable for Wood, '43, in charge of the menu. work in her division of the project. Activities Are Listed If for any reason sophomores were Miss Morse is affiliated with Kap- unable to attend the meetini, there is pa Alpha Theta and is a member of till time for them to participate in Wyvern. She was also chairman of the activities by contacting the com- the booths and exhibits committee mittee heads. Pussy Hughes, costume for Sophomore Cabaret, took part in hairman, wishes to announce that the skit presented in the Cabaret, :he can use more people in her group. worked on Frosh Project, is chairman She may be reached at 2-3279. of the style' shows for the Social 1 Josephine Fitzgerald, finance chair- Committee of the League, and is on man, announced that she would like the WAA Executive Board.- f to have the sophomore .dues paid as Miss Griffin, a member of Pi Beta socn as possible. She can be con-4 Phi, is also on the WAA Board, tacted at the Gamma Phi Beta house. worked on Frosh Project, is a mem- If any women would like to utilize ber of the Social and Theatre Arts the "Sophomore Cabaret as a means Committees of the League, was tick- of making new contacts, Laura Vial, et chairman for last year's Panhel- chairman of the date bureau, should lenic Banquet and- is on the business be contacted at 2-2547. staff of The Daily. 1Wl Miss Erdman, affiliated with Kap-17-1 1 Club Will Hold pa Kappa Gamma, worked on Froshf Project, is in the Women's Glee Club, Campus Open House I and was on the Gargoyle Business staff, and also worked on Sophomore For all those who will still have Cabaret and Panhellenic Banquet pep in their systems after the rally last year. tonight, 7-11 club announces campus Her assistant, Miss Davidson, is a i open house from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. member of Alpha Omicron Pi and has 3inthe Grand Rapids room of the worked on the Michiganensian, the Laue Socal Comitee f he eageis Maize and blue decorations will Social Committee of the League, I "erve as a background to the prelim- in the Glee Club and the Sailingereaabckoudtthpelm Club, and is on the. Architectural inary celebration of an anticipated Council. Miss Wright, affiliated with victory. Nickelodeon music will pro- Chi Omega, has worked on Frosh vide an opportunity for dancing and Project, was music chairman of Soph- bridge tables and cards will be avail- omore Cabaret, and is music chair- able. Cokes and sandwiches may be man of the Theatre Arts Commit- ordered by special arrangement with tee of the League. She is also on the the grill. make-up committee of Theatre-Arts, and is a member of the Women' Glee decorations committee for Sopho- Club. more Cabaret, the Social Committee Head Of Decorations of the League, and is on the staff of Miss MacLaughlin, a member of the Michiganensian. Alpha Chi Omega, has worked on Tirc riF ~hfr lhr+k of plaid flannel is a favorite among} pants with cowboy boots are begin- Michigan women. In blue jeans rolled ning to find their place even in the to the knees and some old mocca- English saddle. sins, one can really enjoy a sizzling Crops Look Snappy steak without worrying about ketchup To complete a good looking ridingI stains. 'outfit, one might include a snappy - Blazer Is Popular crop. A bright yellow vest is another Tennis presents a great tempta- suggestion to insure warmth and at tion to would-be study-hards with the same time add a touch of color. tournaments in full swing and courts A clever lapel pin of tiny boots, a so near to most of us. Skirt-likeI saddle, or a wooden horse's head shorts topped by a slipover on partic- often adds just the right touch. ularly cool days hold the record in' popularity on the courts. A white For golfing on these windy days, blazer with the Michigan crest on you'll keep up to par by wearing a soft, loosely-fitted tweed suit. On it denotes a touch of school spirit. wafmrl ds lgslip ve s t r For those who enjoy Sundary morn- warmer days a long slip over sweater ---eom- with a full skirt to facilitate taking long strides makes an outfit that will be a real hit on the fairways. With Prog ra m ses either of these outfits a soft felt hat and those popular brown and white golf shoes will make anyone U n ion F acade look like a real golfer. Blue And Gold To Be Colors For 1941 Union Formal Dance a T i s r i i t s i Programs for the 7ith annua union formal will have as a, covey motif the traditional engraving of the Union front door and tower, according to Andy Caughey, '43,' chairman of the programacommittee. An outer cover soY transparent cell- uloid, criss-crossed with a diagonal gold grid carries out the color scheme for this year-blue and gold. A blue Michigan seal in the upper left hand ccrner completes the cover design. Blue tassels and cord will bind the programs which will be given to each couple at the door. Inside the booklet will be the names of the various mem- bers of the. Union Executive Council who are sponsoring the dance and a list of patrons and patronesses. Tickets for this supper dance are now on sale at the travel desk in the Union or they may also be obtained from any member of the Council: A limitation of 250 has been placed upon the ticket sale. one Ranger' Pinched LYNN, Mass., Oct. 23.--I)-In the first case of its kind in 40 years, William Myers, of East Boston was fined $10 in district court today for speeding on horseback. rrosh Project, Sophomore Cabaret, is recorder for the 1942 JGP, is on the Social, Theatre Arts, and Merit System Committees of the League, was general chairman'of last year's Panhellenic~Ball and wa& an orienta- tion adviser this semester. Her assistant, Miss Gilbreth, is affiliated with Collegiate Sorosis. She was a transfer orientation adviser this year, has worked on the Social Committee of the League and on The Daily. Miss Wood is a member of Gamma Phi Beta and was on the A Great New Hat Named for A Great New Plane! PIG KiII Preerence '' f, ,._; .. . ' " tf r:: - ..c:.-.-..r.. .x > .... . f'.'' .# . " Yom,.., a } a sudden run spoil The engagement of Elsie Courtney, your day! Just a drop :'oEliCurny of RUN-R-S'TOP-he '42, to Ed Christensen, '42BAd., was famouscolorless liquid, announced Wednesday at a dinner STOPS runs and snags in= party at the Pi Beta Phi house. The stantly and permanently, in 'news was disclosed on tiny white ban- all silk and Nylon hose! ners attached to red and white pep- Easy to carry; easy to use; r sticks. easy to remove. Comes in a perm gay colored vanity. Carry V Miss Courtney is the daughter of RUN-R-STOPin your hand- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Courtney of bag, and end runs! Get it to- Lakewood, Ohio. Mr. Christensen is day! 1Og at all dept., drug, the son of Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Christ- hoe, hosiery & l0#~ stores ensen of Two Harbors, Minn., and a member of Theta Chi. Morristown, N. J Dept Collegiate Sorosis announces the pledging of Sally Stroh, '43, of Grosse .. Pointe. II t J -. . ' 4, ,7 Just Arrived! PELL IMELL RAINCOATS 7.95 Bic NEW SHIPMENT Of these rain-or-shine campus coats. Get yours in case of cloudy "LQDESTAR" Exciting new-brimmed felt classic' for casual or dress wear! Tops in felt classics, .Lodestar" sends you forth in fine fettle for business, college, sports, travel! Black, Brown, YI' 'K Boxy tailored coats are idea for Michigan football games. And camel's hair and tweeds with ZIP-IN lirings wil[ live through any winter. Michigan coeds prefer that casual, thor- oughbred air. I 99f399 II 11 III I I I I I . Ifs