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October 24, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-24

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Letters To The Editor




=- -


dited and managed by students of the University of
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National Advertising Sevce, Inc.
0 College Publisers Representative
mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Stafff

le Geld
n Dann
d Lachenbruch
McCormick .

ur Hill
t Hiatt
e Miller
;rnta Mitchell

. Managing Editor
. . - . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
m . Sports Editor
. ' Assistant Sports Editor
* . . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . . .Exchange Editor



Business Staff
H. Huyett . . . Business Manager
B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager'
Carpenter . Women's Advertising Manager
Wright . . Women's, Business Manager

,The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Ticket System
solution Suggested.
campus had been in a constant state
of 'excitement over some phase or other of the
University football ticket system and its faults
a revealed by events of the past week. The rush
on the ticket office Monday, the scalping prob-
, and the poor location of most student seats
.eem to prove conclusively that something is
wrong, that something must be done.
',Unfortunately, however, all solutions thus far
suggested have been impracticable for one of
several reasons. Some of them have covered
only one aspect of the situation others have been
written without the facts at hand, and still
others have suggested plans so complicated that
they could not be used. Examples of unsatis-
factory answers to the problem were the letters
which appeared in the columns of the Daily.
The students who attacked the system obviously
did so without a complete command of the
necessary facts.
Three problems in all require solution and
those three are: 1) the possible recurrence of the
near-riot which took place Monday at Ferry
Field, 2) the poor seats which students get for
the big games,-and 3) the new and lamentable
outbreak of student scalping. It is our belief-
that there is a comparatively simple solution to
these problems, at least insofar as the system of
ticket distribution is involved.
IT IS ESSENTIALLY THIS: Reserve a block of
tickets which are entirely within the goal lines
for students. Then if any student wishes to pur-
chase extra tickets with his coupon he must for-
feit his right to the superior student seat and
take seats which the ticket office may reserve
elsewhere. This is very possible for as Mr. Tillot-
seon himself has said there are 25,000 seats be-
tween the goal lines and over 8,000 are already
being alloted to students and their guests. To
reserve seats for 10,000 students is certainly not.
The benefits of such a plan are obvious. Stu-
dents would get better seats for themselves, but
n onie that were very good for scalping. Assured
of good seats there would be no occasion for a
weekly storming of the Athletic Office. Although-
such a plan could undoubtedly stand refinement,
its basic soundness urges its adoption.
-Hale Champion

Ticket Trouble
To the Editor:
AS UNDERGRADUATES it was understood by
the writers that the University of Michigan,
and rthe Big Ten, in the aggregate, was the
stronghold of amateurism, and the castle of
athletic purity, wherein football was played for
the love of the game and the benefit of the stu-
dents alone. However, like all anamorphosis,
this illusion has been dispelled by a closer per-
spective; the general view has suffered in the
pastyear or two from certain unfavorable lights
shed upon the athletics of Michigan. The ulti-
mate instance of this feeling has 'been reached,
in the statement of Tillotson in last Wednes-
day's Daily, wherein he said that students have
been guilty of purchasing their full quota of
tickets to the Minnesota game. "Guilty?" A fine,
well-rounded phrase to use in regards to stu-
dents who have done no more than they are en-
titled to; would we call a person who collects
accident. insurance for breaking his a'm guilty
of collecting that insurace? Would we call a
person who withdraws books from the library
guilty of using that library? Would we call a
person who goes to a class he has registered for
guilty,of going to school?
It is a matter of elementary arithmetic that
every student could purchase three tickets to the
game for his friends without filling half of the
stadium, yet somehow the seats ran short. Mich-
igan has a large alumni indeed, yet it is the stu'-
dents who are playing and the primary consider-
ation should be given to the students in the pur-
chase of the tickets; the students are in school
for a' short period and they are,.the ones for
whom the game is theoretically being played.
THE ANSWER to the problem presented by
the situation of Mr. Tillotson is obvious; in
order to preserve the flavor of student participa-
tion, and in order to allow the sale of enough
tickets to please all those who are so unsocial as
to take their quota, in addition to those who pur-
chase exclusive of students, the stadium should
logically be enlarged, rather than that the privi-
lege of student purchase of tickets be extin-
guished. However, if the stadium were enlarged
we would have to go through the number of stu-
dent coupons held, and multiply by the quota,
and withhold that sum from public sale, at least
until the students have had a reasonable time
to attefpt the purchase. It is not at all unlikely
America Overlooks
Democracy At Home . . .
, government of Iceland offers an
addition to the cogent arguments against Amer-
ican entry into the European war presented in
these columns yesterday.
It cannot be overemphasized that in our desire
to ensure democracy throughout the world we
must guard even more zealously the democracy
which we have at home. ey
The ocqupation by military force of a scrupu-
lously neutral nation in an area assertedly con-
trolled by the might of Britain's fleet and the
subsequent resignation of the responsible heads
of the state is a pattern found with surprising
regularity in ,the countries now under Nazi
In our collaboration in Britain's struggle to
maintain the world's democratic institutions we
have also collaborated in the suppression of the
freedom of the nation which is the home of the
oldest embodiment of the democratic way of
government: the Althing of iceland, which has
given over a thousand years of representative
government to the peace-loving and liberty-lov-
ing people of Iceland.
of the United States to the invasions made by
the German Reich is too severe. One reads daily
of the wholesale imprisonment and/or execution
of the inhabitants of these lands, for such of-
ferlses and "preparation of treason" and "eco-
nomic sabotage." One might inquire, however,
whether the armed forces of Britain and the
United States might not be "forced to adopt" the
same stringent treatment in similar circum-
Of course the people of Iceland are not sniping
at Anglo-American sentries or pouring sand into

electric generators but the silent treatment ac-
corded the occupying forces by the local citi-
zenry, including shaving girls who associate with
the soldier boys, might in a people less stolid
than these Norsemen become the terrorism of
Paris and Prague.
In emulating the methods of our opponents
we not only lose the object of the struggle before
we start, but we court defeat in the final battle
whether it be political or military.
-William A. MacLeod
in both foreign and domegtic policy to ever pass
off a sign like that without comment.
THAT POSTER reflects the smug complacency
of a number of our fellow citizens. The word
"American" has an effect on them that's even
better than sleeping pills. Tell them that this
action is being done for America and they accept
it without question, it must be right.
There's no magic in "America." And Americans
are as subject to mistakes, rationalizations, stub-
bornness, and prejudice as any other country in
the world. America has never been infallible, and
it certainly has not reached perfection with the
present world mess. Americans need more honest
thinking on their own, rather than slogans to
help them avoid mental strain. You are the
Americans, you are "my country" and it's up to
n, ton +can +ha Aarirn. rnio,+ l ,t+i t ,ni, nran

To the Editor:
RECENTLY there has appeared muc criticism
of ticket allocation for the footballgames.
Irate students have protested loudly and vigor-
ously and put the blame on bondholders, alumni
and other groups.
Frankly I don't see what is their big com-
plaint-although obviously there is need for
some changes. Rather, I feel that the Univer-
sity, the bondholders, the alumni and others
should do some complaining about the students.
Coach Crisler has once again produced a grand
football team; Mr. Revelli has outdone himself
in the training and conducting of the 1941 Uni-
versity of Michigan Band; the cheerleaders are
still trying hard, and the students are appar-
ently attending the games, but one is hardly
conscious of their presence.
5O FAR we have won all the games on our
schedule. This being the case, can anyone
explain why fans at our games are so depressed
and so unwilling to exert themselves and show a
little enthusiasm? It is true that after 'every
touchdown we all stand and yell a little and
listen to the band play the Victors, but our job
is a still greater one than that
The Michigan State, Iowa, and Pitt Students
must have turned out in full for the games-at
least anyone hearing them would have to draw
that conclusion.
They say that a few thousand Michigan stu-
dents attended the Northwestern game but I
for one didn't hear them.
Let's show some response to the cheerleaders
and at the same time become more enthusiastic
about our band-it couldn't be better. Our team
has outdone itself so far this year. The boys
are down there every day working for us.
EVIDENTLY the thing that is lacking is stu-
dent support and enthusiasm. Let's show all
those concerned that we're really rooting for
them and that we're appreciative of all they are
doing for Michigan.
See you at the Pep Rally!
- Enthusiast
0 End Result of
A Belly Ache
siastic member of our great selective army.
My friend, who prefers to be known as 'Selected'
man No. 32698324, gives a little insight into the
fine morale of the men in the Army camps.
Dear Tom,
I am very enthusiastic about army camp life.
We lie around in bed every morning till five
O'clock. This, of course, gives us plenty of time
to get washed, shaved, dressed, make up our
bunks, etc., by 5:10. By 5:15 we stand outside
and shiver a while until someone blows the
bugle. After we are reasonably chilled, we grope
our way through the darkness to the mess hall.
Here we have plenty of breakfast consisting of
an unidentified liquid and a choice of white or
rye crusts.
' After gorging ourselves with this good food,
we waddle our way back to the barracks. We
have nothing to do until 7:30, so we just sit
around and scrub toilets, mop floors, wash win-
dows and pick up all the cigarette butts and
match sticks within a radius of 150 feet of our

that the use of an enlarged stadium would pro-
duce the same result as is present this week, and
again the athletic board would find themselves
in front of the dilemma, trying to dodge it. This
is a faint suggestion that the fault of the ticket
shortage is due, not to the guilt of the students
purchasing their stated quota, but rather some
deeper and less obvious ill,

School Spirit


> 0o Robe S.Aflet
WASHINGTON-One of the Mer-
ry-Go-Rounders has spent the past
two weeks taking a quick turn
through the Middle West from Ohio
to Missouri, generally considered the
cradle of isolation and the area which
Roosevelt hs to swing if he wants
a unified nation behind his foreign
Foryears that area has been much
more interested in Mississippi barges
than battleships and felt just as safe
from invasion as the Russian peas-
ants along the Volga River. Foreign
policy was something they remem-
bered only from the days when they
recited in school George Washing-
ton's Farewell Message on entang-
ling alliances.
BUT TODAY, as far as this observ-
er can ascertain, the Middle West
is not isolationist. Nor is it sold on
Roosevelt's policies. It is in a con-
fused condition, fumbling betwixt and
For this first time in the history
of the Midwest, its people are awak-
ening to the fact that they cannot
remain isolationist, that the airplane
and modern science have narrowed
the Atlantic to the 1914 width of the
English Channel. They know that
the chain of new defense arsenals
and factories from St. Pa 1 to Tulsa
and Houston, down the backbone of
America instead of along the Atlan-
tic seaboard, mean a revolutionary
elange in the defense of the coun-
try. And they are about ready to
believe that if Hitler wins, this na-
tion might even be invaded.
What Is Roosevelt's Policy
Important and astounding as is
this new thinking, people are a long
way yet from going along with Roose-
velt's policies. This is chiefly true be-
cause people do not seem to know
whether Roosevelt has any clear-cut
foreign policy.
THEY would like to know; and a
great number would be willing to
follow the President-even into war
-if they trusted him. A surprising
number even think that entrance in-
to the war may be necessary and that
it would be better to get it over soon
rather than drag it out indefinitely..
But they are confused by the failure
of the President to chart the course.
Also they distrust all the conflicting
information they get from Washing-
For instance, they remember that
Roosevelt announced in the most
categoric terms that the destroyer
Greer was attacked first by a Nazi
submarine. But later, they know,
.Secretary of the Navy Knox sent
a report to the Senate that a British
airplane first attacked the Nazi U-
boat, and that the Greer actually
was bearing down on the submarine
when it turned back and fired.
So when the Kearny is torpedoed,
the average Midwesterner is skeptical
as to what really happened.
Navy Censorship
Again, the average Main Streeter
had no idea that the U.S. Navy was
putting guns on Panama's ships until
a couple of them were sunk and Pan-
ama objected to the guns. Most Mid-
westerners didn't care very much if
U.S. guns were on Panama hips, and
a lot approved. But they would like
to have known about it in advance,
instead of having it leak out by acci-

RESULT IS that they now wonder
what else has been going on that
they don't know abotit.
Also the Navy's censorship has
given rise to a lot of wild rumors
about shooting matches on the high
seas, plus far more suspicion than is
justified about secret international
moves made by the White House.
Result-the biggest complaint you
hear in the Midwest is: "If the Presi-
dent would only tell us what he's
doing. We're not children. We know
we have to help R~zssia even if the
Communists don't believe in religion.
But why does the President have to
make such a queer announcement
about the Russians bringing back re-
ligion? Is he trying to fool us?"
That's about what it boils down
to. Folks in that part of the country
feel they are out of knee-breeches.
They don't get much kick out of
sleight-of-hand in these serious times.
And, while they don't want war, they
might be willing to go to war if they
were led; not blindfold ,but with their
eyes open.
Capitol Chaff
Capital chuckle of the week: "What
is Congress? A nut-house run by the
inmates" . . . Senator Gerald Nye,
from the agricultural North Dakota,
got an unexpected political spanking
from M.W. Thatcher, Washington
representatives of the powerful Far-
mers Union and national grain co-
ops. He denounced Nye for spending
too much time making isolationist
speeches and "forgetting the farmer":


By Lichty

* ro

©1941. j11cwo Times. Inc.
Re.U. .Pat Off,. All Ita Res.


(Continued from Page 3)
Academic Notices
Botany 1 final examination for stu-
dents who were unavoidably absent
from the regular examination in June
will be given Tuesday, October 28, at
7:00 p.m. in Room 2033 NS.
Make-up Final in Physics 26: This
examination will be given Monday,
October 27, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., in the
West Lecture Room, West Physics.
Remedial Reading: All student who
wish to enroll for a special class in
remedial reading are invited to at-
tend an organization meeting which
is to be held in Room 4009 Univer-
sity, High School, on Monday, Octo-
ber 27, at 5:00 p.m. This work will
be conducted strictly on a non-credit
and voluntary basis.
Faculty Concert: John Kollen will
present compositions by Haydn,
Schumann, Debussy, Chopin and
Beethoven at the School of Music
Faculty Concert in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, Sunday, October 26,.
at 4:15 p.m.
The general public is cordially in-
- Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Sketches and water col-
ors of Bali, by Miss Jane Foster, New
York City. southwestern Indian pot-
tery from New Mexico and Arizona,
collected by Professor Gores and Mr.
Cole. Textiles recently acquired for
the Interior Design program. Ground
floor corridor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily 9 to 5,ithrough
October 31. The public is invited.
Exhibition of the winning designs
in a Landscape Exchange Problem in
which students of nine of the leading
universities of the country competed
The exhibit, located in the third floor
corridor of the Architecture Build-
ing, will be on display through to-
day. The Architecture Building 'is
open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to
.5:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pa-
nofsky of the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton, will lecture on
the subject, "Durer's Melancholia-
the Conception of Melancholia in the
Renaissance," under the auspices of
the Department of Fine Arts, on
Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor El-
wood C. Zimmerman, of the Univer-
sity of Hawaii, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "A Scientist's Expedition to
Southeastern Polynesia" (illustrated
with slides), under auspices of the
Museum of Zoology, at 4:15 p.m. on
Tuesday, October 28, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
University Lecture: Mr. Arundell
Esdaile, President of the British Li-
brary .Association and former Secre-
tary of the British Museum, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Dr. Johnson
and the Young," under the auspices
of the Department of Library Sci-
ence, at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 4, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.'
Professor Preston Slosson willi

Events Today
German Club: There will be a pic-
nic today for members and other
students interested in German. Meet
at 5:30 p.m. in front of the Rack-
ham Building and walk to the Is-
land. Please sign on the Depart-
ment bulletin board in South Wing
or University Hall by Friday noon.
Women's Glee Club rehearsal today
at 4:00 p.m. in the Michigan League.
All sopranos.
Coffee Hour: Students are wel-
come at the Coffee Hour, sponsored
I by the Student Religious Association,
held in the Lane Hall Library Fri-
day Friday afternoons, 4:00-6:00.
French -Roundtable: Mr. Zorack
Organsky will lead the discussion on
"Dante" at the French Roundtable
tonight at 8:00 in the International
Center. Advanced students of French,
as well as persons whose native tongue
is French, are invited.
Religious Drama: Students . inter-
ested in a study of religious dramatic
art looking toward the creation of
a marionette theatre for the produc-
tion of old and newreligious plays
will meet i nLane Hall tonight at
Ushering Committee for Theatre
Arts: Sign up today and Saturday
to usher for "Bingham Bingles" be-
ing given Saturday night.,
Sign up today, Saturday and Sun-
day for the Art Cinema League Films,
"Duck Soup" and "Barbel- Shop" be-
ing given Sunday night. Sign-up
sheets are posted in the Undergrad-
uate Office in the League. Bring
your eligibility cards.
Women participating in League
activities should have their eligibility
cards signed in Miss McCormick's
office before 5:00 p.m. -today.
The Ann Arbor Society of Friends
and the Student Religious Association
cordially invite all students interest-
ed in work camps to meet Edward
Miller, director of work camps for the
American Friends Service Committee,
during the regular Friday afternoon
Coffee Hour at Lane Hall, today,
4:00-5:30 p.m. A special meeting will
be held at 5:00 p.m.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this after-
noon, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Westminster Student Guild: Social
Hour tonight, 8:30-12:00. The pro-
gram will include games and dancing.
All students are invited.
Coming Events
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public Saturday, Octo-
ber 25, 8:00-9:30 p.m. The moon
and the planets will be shown throuh
the telescopes. Children mistbe ac-
companied by adults.
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a din-
ner meeting in the Unionon Sunday,
Oct. 26, at 6:15 p.m. This meeting
will be in place of the meeting sched-
uled for Tuesday.
"Mr. & Mrs." Club: The "Mr. &
Mrs." Club, a group of young married
people, will meet in the Pigot Room
on the third floor of the Student Wing
at the Presbyterian Church. Under
the direction of Dr. John Finlayson,
the club is starting a study of the

"You write Junior a good sharp letter about squandering money in
college-while I go next door and try to borrow the $25 he wants!"

ise Patriotism


Can Be Dangerous.
NE DAY LAST WEEK we had some
time to kill in Birmingham, so we
walked through the place looking at the signs
in store windows. By signs, we mean the "God
Bless America" and "Gee, but I'm glad to be an
American" variety, the type that are supposed
to make you stand straighter and feel that glow
of pride.
Now we have no argument with those posters.
If it makes some people happy to read them, or
if they promise themselves to vote in the next
election, they've more than served their purpose.
And maybe they make the store owner feel bet-
ter too. Maybe he's a little more careful in his
nuhlic relatinns haause he has that reminder

Soon the sergeant comes in and says, "Come
out in the sun, kids," so we go out and bask in
the wonderful sunshine. Of course we stand in
six inches of mud. To limber up we do a few
simple calisthenics, including touching the toes
with both feet off the ground, and grabbing one's
self by the hair and holding one's self out at
arm's length.
At eight o'clock we put on a light pack and
start walking to the mountains. The light pack
is not to be confused with the heavy pack. The
light pack includes a gun, bayonet, canteen, mess
kit; coat, cartridge belt, first aid kit, pup tent,
stakes, tent poles, rape and a few other negligible
items. The heavy pack includes a blanket or two
more. Carrying my pack I weigh 237 pounds (I
weighed 140 pounds when I left), so you can see
how easy it is to romp and play in the mountains.
An observation car follows us as we climb the
mountains and picks up the fellows who faint.
The boys who "fall out" in the mountain climb-
ing are treated very well. They give them six
months in the guardhouse, but they do not have
to face a court martihl.
At 12 o'clock those who can, limp to the in-
firmary. At the infirmary, patients are divided
into two classes: (1) those who'have athlete's
foot, and (2) those who have colds. If you have
a cold you get your feet swabbed with iodine. If
you have athlete's foot- you get your throat
swabbed with iodine. If you have neither, you're
sent to the guardhouse for impersonating an
I am very popular at the infirmary. I told
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