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September 23, 1941 - Image 21

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-23

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Engineering College Offers
Opportunities For Research
In Modernized Laboratories

College Of Architecture Is One
Of Leading Schools In Country


Latest Facilities, Libraries
Supplement Instruction
In All Technical Courses
Crawford Brings
Broad Experience
Freshman engineers I entering the
University this fall will be given a
greater opportunity to learn than
ever before, as the College of Engi-
neering, under the able guidance of
its Dean Iivan C. Crawford. is keeping
well apace with modern times and
Engineering at the University to-
day is a far cry from the few tec'h-
nicak courses offered in the Literary
Department back in 1853. Even then
Michigan pioneered, however, and
four years later De Volson Wood in-
stituted a systematic course in en-
gineering, making the University the
sixth school in the country to offer
such a course.
Independence day for the College
of Engineering came sometime in the
year 1895, and Charles E. Greene was
the first dean of the independent
college. In the interim, however, the
engineers had been leaping ahead.
Cooley Starts Lab
The first little laboratory at Mich-
igan, costing but $1500, was erected
in 1881 by Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley,
who has since then helped plan the
projected million dollar research
building and seen the establishment
of the Mortimer E. Cooley Founda-
tion for the encouragement of engi-
neering research, set up by his former
Engineering education has come a
long way in the almost-one hundred
years of its growth. What was once
part of the "Litergrry Department"
now spreads out over one entire cor-
ner of the campus and occupies two
entire buildings while overflowing
into others.
Crawford Heads College
Today, thei progressive spirit of the
engineering college finds its counter-
part in its leader, Dean Crawford.
A graduate of the Army School of the
Line in 1918, at Langres, France, and
of the G-1 course of the War College
in Washington, he brings to the col-
lege a wide experience in the field of
engineering education. Prior to tak-
ng his position at Michigan in July;
1940, Dean Crawford taught civil en-
gineering at th University of Idaho
for 14 years, and was dean of the
School of Engineering and Architec-
ture at the University of Kansas for
three years.
Under his guidance now rests the
administration of not just the little
research lab of 1881, but a myriad of
others which have sprung up along-
side it.
Youngest department in the college
is that of aeronautical engineering,
established in 1930. Its labs now in-
clude two wind tunnels and a labora-
tory for testing structures.
Engineering Branches Out
Chemical and metallurgical engi-
neers can avail themselves of a large
number of labs, where they may learn
evaporation, distillation, heat trans-
fer, air conditioning, refrigeration,
filtration, melting and heat-treating,
metallography, physical properties,
gas, fuel, combustion and technology.
Civil engineering, once confined to
just, that, now comprises structural,
hydraulic, transportation, sanitary
and municipal engineering, and is
spread out as far as Wyoming, where
the University maintains a surveying
camp. Other facilities are the trans-
portation library, the highway lab-

Press Club Will Meet
Here On Oct. 23-25

The annual conference of the Uni-
versity Press Club of Michigan will be
held October 23, 24 and 25 at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Emmet Richards,
president, and Prof. John L. Brumm,
chairman of the Department of Jour-
nalism and treasurer of the Club,
have announced.
The theme of the conference this
year will be "The World in Prospect,"
and one session will be devoted prin-
cipally to the outlook for the state
of Michigan. Speakers of national
and international reputation will be
invited to participate in the conven-
tion's session.
On the final day of the yearly
meeting, the editors in attendance
will be guests of the #Jniversity Ath-
letic Association at the Michigan-
Minnesota football game, to be played
here October 25.

Architectural Student Council: Back Row-Paul Van Wert; Milford
Romanoff; Doris Golding; John Bickel; Gene Walder. Middle Row-
William Nuecherlein; Frank Butters; David Proctor; Linn Smith; Sue
Holtzman; Dean Hill. Seated-Jean Ranahan, Jack Moehlman.

oratories and the hydraulic experi-
ment equipment.
Electrical engineering too has
branched out to offer electrical ower
engineering, electrical communica-
tions, illumination engineering, de-
sign, electronics and industrial elec-
trical engineering. The labs include
the dynamo lab, the communica-
tions labs, the photometric lab, elec-
tronics lab, heat transfer lab and the
power plant.
Mechanicals Are Largest
In the realm of mechanical engi-
neering, the largest under-graduate
department in the engineering col-
lege, are steam-power engineering,
internal-combustion engineering, hy-
dromechanical engineering, automo-
tive engineering, industrial engineer-
ing and machine design.
Used in the instruction of these
courses are the mechanical engineer-
ing laboratory, divided into parts for
the study of many allied subjects, and
the automotive and internal combus-
tion engine laboratory for automo-
tive engineers.
Students in naval architecture and
marine engineering will have ample
opportunity to test their design ideas
in the University's experimental
naval tank, 300 feet long, 22 feet wide
and 10 fee deep.
Libraries Are Advantageous
Engineering libraries, in addition to
the general library, include the West
Engineering Library in the West En-
gineering Building, the East Engi-
neering Library in the East Engineer-
ing Building, and the Transportation
Library for transportation engineers.
Changes in personnel have kept
the teaching starr of the college well
up to the pace set by the facilities,
making the College of Engineering
well deserving of the prominent place
it now holdshamong the engineering
colleges of the nation.
Many Recitals Offered
By School Of Music
In adidition to providing all types
of musical instruction to its own
students the University School of
Music offers a comprehensive ser-
ies of musical programs for the gen-
eral campus body during the year.
Among the featured presentations
are a series of concerts given by the
University Band and the University
Symphony Orchestra, several pro-
grams offered by members of the
faculty, organ recitals by Prof. Pal-
mer Christian and carillon recitals
by Prof. Percival Price.

One of the leading architectural
schools in the country, the Univer-
sity's College of Architecture and De-
sign, is housed in one of the newer
buildings on the Campus, and offers
a full quota of courses in all phases
of architecture, drawing and paint-
ing, landscape architecture, interior
decorating and industrial design.
Student activities in the architec-
tural school are under the jurisdic-
tion of the Architectural Student
Council as the governing body of the
Arichitectural Society.
The Society is comprised of the
student body and faculty of the
school, and is set up for the purpose
of promoting activities that are for
the betterment of the school.
A tentative schedule of activities
has been proposed for the coming
year by the Society, and will include:
1) A mixer for freshmen during
Orientation Week.
2) A student - faculty reception
during the first or second week of
3) Faculty teas to which students
are invited.
4) Discussion groups and lectures
University Names
'Perfect' Students
Headed by fifty-three "All-A" stu-
dents in tig literary college, one
hundred ten perfect blueprints were
gained during the summer session in
five University divisions.
According to the registrar's office,
the L.S.A. students making A's in
three or more hour programs were
John E. Allen, Lawrence S. Bartell,
Olive N. Barton, Marie Bedell, Helen
Benson, Lawrence E. Bohrer, Taze-
well M. Bott, William A. Brokaw,
Annabel Brown, Walter M. Bury,
Pratap Chand, Jack M. DeLong, Pa-
tricia J. Donnelly, Anne G. Evarts,
Rosa Feigenbaum, Terrance R. Flynn
and WallaceR.tGriffitts.
The list continues with Mary L.
Gunn, Ruth Herschberger, Margaret
(Continued on Page 5)

throughout the year by prominent
ment in various fields.
5) Design awards for outstanding
work by students.
6) Twenty-four hours design com-
petitions in various fields.
7) Architectural Ball to be held in
conjunction with the Business Ad-
ministration School.
8) Trips to points of interest for
architectural students and faculty,
including Cranbrook, Toledo, New
York and Chicago.
9) Art mart to be set up in League
,to sell student's work.
10) Any othe- activities which the
student body may desire.
Are Features
Of Arboretum
Relatively well-known to every up-
per-classman but likely to escape the
attention of entering freshmen is the
Arboretum, garden spot of Ann'Arbor
and the University.
Visitors to Ann Arbor have called
the Arboretum one of the mpst beau-
tiful spots of its kind in the Middle
West, and students are equally ap-
preciative of its charm. From May
through October its 96 acres of roll-
ing ground are ideal for long,
thoughtful walks, and during the
winter skiing and tobogganing enthu-
siasts hold forth there.
Foliage in the Arboretum is now at
its best, although most of the flowers
are gone. Relatively damp weather
during the summer ,ensured heavy
crops of leaves on the matiy maple
and oak trees, and within the next
few weeks frost should turn them to
brilliant colors.
Greatest fame of the Arboretum,
however, is duo to University students
who have made its 96 acres their fav-
orite locale for starry-eyed hand-in-
hand walks during lazy, lovelorn




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