THE MICHIGAN VAjY PA nd Utilization Sessions DrawSubmarinerigger Launched Forestry, Conservation Experts Speech Clinic Gives Service To All Students By GEORGE SALLADE More than 80 lumbermen and fed- eral nd tate foresters will be in Ann Arbor today and tomorrow to attend the anual Land Utilization Conference sponsored by the Univer- sity's School of rorestry. nMeeting in the Union, the confer- ence will study land utilization prob-m fmta ntrs obt h lems of mutual interest to both the lumbermen and government forest- ers. Highlighting the program will be a talk on "Priorities" by Phillip McCullough, assistant director of the OPM Priorities Field Service, at 2 p.m. today. .Theafternoon session will also be addressed by Dr. Wilson Compton, manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, speaking on "The Place of the Lumber Indus- try i the Defense Program."n Another star attraction of the af- ternoon session will be a talk by a member of the United States Forest Service on "Demands of the Defense Prgram on the Forest Resource." A report on social security litigation will also be presented by Regent J. Joseph Herbert and K. B. Matthews. The group will hold its first meet- ing at 9:30 a.m. today in Rooms 319- 25 of the Union. Two lectures, one on "Preliminary Results of Pulpwood Logging Cost Studies" and the other on "Recent Developments in Logging Cost Control," will be given by Prof. Willard S. Bromley and Prof. Don- Student Article GiesAspects Of Pacifism Highlighted by an article, "Is the Pacifist Position Tenable" by Robert Bessey, Grad., the first issue of "Con-] troversy," the quarterly publication of the Student Religious Association, was released yesterday. According to Bessey "pacif' m is a philosophy-a way of life-unded on certain principles which remain constant, even in this changing world." He admits that pacifism of- fers no panacea for saving the world. Bessey explains the principles of pacifism as being the beliefs in in- dividual personality and its ultimate goodness, in the conviction that no end can 'be achieved with means not compatible with that end, and in the willingness to suffer rather than to inflict suffering., Also included in\ the fall number of "Controversy" is "A Treatise on the Concept of Value" by Richard H. Fisher, '43, pointing out that the principal factor in religion is the discovery, appraisal and reorganiza- tion of primary human values. The religion of Buddhism is clari- fied by Ubol Guvanasen, Grad. Gu- vanasen maintains that, the four noble truths of Buddha are (1) all life is suffering, (2) desire is the cause of suffering, (3) cessation of desire ends suffering and (4) an eight-fold path for the suppression of desire. This path includes right belief, right aspiration, right speech, right actions, right liveihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right contemplation. Other features of the magazine are a discussion of Christianity and an analysis of ethics in the modern world order. "Controversy" is edited by John A. Houston and John F. Muehl. Typical yearly expense at state-op- erated co-educational colleges in the U. S. is $453, while the figure for pri- vate institutions is $979. FRIDAY and SATURDAY A Group of Casual and more Dressy HATS . . $..95 each. DANA RICRARSUION 523 East Liberty Michigan Theatre Bldg.f _ x ald M. Matthews, both of the forestry school, respectively. Presentation by State Sen. George P. McCallum and acceptance by President Alexander G. Ruthven of an oak tree which will be planted in khonor of President Henry P. Tappan, first president of the University, is scheduled for 11:45 a.m. today at the northwest corner of the General Li- brary building. Dr. Egon Glesinger of the Inter- national Timber Committee will be the guest speaker at a luncheon at 12:15 p.m. today in Room 316 of the Union. The conference will meet at .:30 a.m. tomorrow in Room 305 of the Union in a concluding session on "Forest Regulation." 'BrownJugs' Assure Clean Shaven Mugs Every time the Wolver nes meet the boys from Minnesota, there is a little brown jug in attendance, to be presented with appropriate ceremony to the winner of the game, if Michi- gan manages to come out on top. But this year, things are going to be different. Instead- of fighting forI just one little brown jug, the teams will be running over each other for little individual jugs. For this year's annual battle a State Street clothing store has a spe- cial offer for both the Michigan and }Minnesota teams, an award of little brown jugs to the eleven men on the field whose team scores the first touchdown. Nor are the jugs mere show pieces, devoid of use lout tor a what-not. Theywill contain eithershaving lo- tion, tale or shaving cream. That's for the first touchdown. Now let us suppose for the sake of argument that, the Golden Gophers manage to get across the goal line first. In that case, each man on their team who is on the fieldt will receive ajiug. Then, the Wolverines score. Their eleven on the field will also receive a jug. Now, Michigan scores again. The team will be supplied with an- other jug apiece, adding to the first. If the boys received shaving cream for the first six points, shaving lotioln, or talc will be the contents of the second brown jug. As a matter of fact, if either team can score enough touchdowns, they will be able to amass an entire set of shaving and after-shave equipment, with the odds going in favor of the 60-minute men. The Wolverine team has the hea- vier beards, they ought to have the best incentive. i. Harlan Bloomer Stresses' jinportance Of Ea rly ~i ......dooXa,.. *4 The new submarine Trigger of the U.S. Navy slides down the ways at Vallejo, Calif. The keel for the Trigger was laid on Feb. 1 of this year. . S t Of fers Portuguese Instruction Corrective Measures "Students with speech defects owe it to themselves to make use of the Speech Clinic's services," Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer said yesterday. "They will find," Prof. Bloomer continued, "that if they attend to their speech defects early in their college life, their difficulties will be cleared up in a short time, and they will not be hindered in their senior year by the necessity of having to erase their defects before gradua- tion." Students who displayed speech de- fects in the examination given at registration are being notified ths week in order that, appointments for further examinations can be made. Only sixty cases can be taken care of a week, so students are requested, to make, application at once. The work of the Speech Clinic is divided into eight parts. The diffi- culties taken care of are lisping, ar- ticulatory defects, stuttering,' sound substitutions, loss of language func- tion, suffering from cleft paJaate, ex- treme foreign accent, and delayed speech in children. Professor Bloomer emphasized that there was no relationship between intelligence and speech defects. Since speech defects however are closely allied with general health, the Speech Clinic works directly with Health Service. "No student should feel any shame or inferiority at having a speech de- fect," Professor Bloomer concluded, "since only a few weeks training at the Clinic will usually clear up any difficulty." Girl, Hit By Automobile, Reported 'Quite Happy' I Sales Tax Worker In line with an ever increasing em- phasis on Latin-American Relations, the Romance Languages Department now offers instruction in Portuguese. Accordinf to Prof. Hayward Kenis- ton, head of the department, the im- portance of the Portuguese speaking nation of Brazil has long been over- looked.# Although this country is larger than the United States, and has a population greater than all the rest of South America, the stress up to this time has been upon the teaching of Spanish.I Last year oral classes in Portuguese were given by the International Cen- ter. The participation in these classes was encouraging, so despite the Witt Advocates Anti-Nazi Move ASU Meeting Is Addressed By NationalSecretary Advocating an immediate attack on the European continent and the repeal of the neutrality act, Bert Witt, national executive secretary of the American Student Union, ad- dressed a meeting yesterday at Unity Hall. r Witt stated that the fall of Mos- cow to the German armies is a step in the march on Ann Arbor. America and' Britain should attack Europe and force Hitler to fight a two front war now, he continued. Every hour tiat we delay the re- peal of the neutrality act, Hitler gets stronger, Witt also declared. He went on to say that the battle of production in the UnitedStates would be won on the college cam- pus through the teaching of certain skills needed for America's defense, the understanding of what we are fighting for, and military training for both male and female students. Witt concluded by saying that the ASU stands for defense, support of President Roosevelt and aid for countries defying Hitlerism. Keeler Returns From Trip Prof. Hugh E. Keeler of the me- chanical engineering department re- turned last night from Chicago where he attended the program committee meeting of the University of Michi- gan Club of that city. He was official representative of the University at the affair. Alleges Demotion Is 'Squeeze Play'. LANSING, Oct. 23.-(P)-Hint of a "squeeze play" in transfer of a sales tax department employe to a lower classified position without salary re- duction was aired before the Civil Service Appeal Board today. Norman McBain, formerly a super- intendent of junior auditors for the department in Detroit, complained to the board he was transferred to a field accountant position without ap- parent reason. He held that although his salary was not reduced, he lost executive ranking. Thomas J. Wilson, state personnel director, said the Civil Service Com- mission was not notified of the change] and that it should have involved a re-classification of position and a lower salary. "This apparently is a case of some- bosdy being pushed around or an error of omission on the part of the de- partment head," Wilson asserted. He said "other instances" might exist where transfers of the same nature were made to "squeeze out somebody." A sales tax department spokesman said McBain was transferred "in the interest of his health" and that the department was unaware of the re- quirement to list job changes which lmight mean reclassification. scarcity of goodatexts, the Romance Language Department decided to make Portuguese a part of this year's curriculum. The language is now being studied} by Earl W. Thomas, former member of the Romance Language Depart- ment, who is working in Brazil on his doctor's dissertation as the Bra- zilian-United States Fellow. The new professors teaching the course here are Prof. LeRoy E. Colby and Prof. Alonzo G. Stanford who have recently returned from Para- mie, Wyo., where they spent nine weeks in concentrated study of the Portuguese language at the Institute for Intensive Training in Portuguese and Spanish. This Institute is part of the American Counsel of Learned; Societies which, in turn, is supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. The Institute was divided into two parts with thirty 'students studying Portuguese and ,thirty Spanish. Portuguese conversation was aided by five native Brazilians and occasional Brazilian visitors. Professor Colby received his Bache- lor'sN degree at Ohio University and iis Master's at Michigan. Before studying at Paramie he taught high school French and Spanish. As well as his course here, Professor Colby is teaching Portuguese in an exten- sion class in Detroit. This has gotten a considerable response. Professor Stanford is a graduate )f Elbian College where he received his Bachelor's degree. He took his Master's at Iowa and taught at that university for two years. Students Will Hold Symposium Today Discussing the question of "Making America Safe for Differences," three students from the University of Cal- ifornia will present a symposium fol- lowing Hillel Foundation's regular conservative services at 7:30 p.m. today. The three students, Gilbert Harri- son, George Hill and William Burke, Jewish, Protestant and Catholic re- spectively, are touring the country under the auspices of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. ' Following a series of radio dis- cussions on a Los Angeles station, the students began their tour talking on general-religious questions on college campuses throughout the country. They are locally sponsored by Hillell Foundation and the Student Religious Association. Robert Gach reported to the sher- iff's office yesterday afternoon that he had struck a child while driving east on U.S. 12. The girl, Anna R. Satterla, 4486 Plymouth Rd.. suffered a'broken leg and chest injuries. She was crossing < the road to get to the mailbox when she was hit. Rushed to a local hos- pital, she was reported "quite happy"/ by her doctor. Gach was not held by the officers in charge of the accident. Prospective students are eligible for a scholarship at Princeton, and several of them at the University of Pennsylvania, if their father worked on the Pennsylvania railway. CONGA . herb {Tickets for the Comedies featuring: HAROLD LLOYD, BUSTER KEATON W. C. FIELDS, CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 'HARRY LANGDON, and the MARX BROTHERS are still available! The Sunday night performances (Oct. 26, Nov. 9, Nov. 23, Jan. 18) at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater begin at 815 and let out early enough for the eleven o'clock curfew. Anyone can tell you that you'll need an Al I - O CCasion Casual' For home-coming week-end .. . for the game, for the after-the-game- tea, for the dance, for that big date-a casual for every occasion is indispensable. Come in and see I III III m141111 0 R A T T1iiAPfIT V III lIII 1 I