,: We ather L2r Bki igan ~Iaitl Editorial Fair and warmer Ticket System Solution Suggested . _I, f VOL. LI. No. 23 Senate Passes Appropriation, For Additional Aid To Britain New Lend Lease Clause Resiricts Food Buying To American Products Measure Approved Over 'War' Protests WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(M)-The Senate stamped its approval, 59 to 13, on a $5,985,000,000 Lend-Lease ap- propriation today, after writing into, the measure a provision restricting: food purchases under the program to United States-grown products. With a little more than four hours of debate, the chamber passed and sent back to the House a revised mea- sure containing total appropriations of $6,160,039,000, including $175,039.- 000 in Miscellaneous funds for gov- ernment departments. Overriding a pretest that it was "putting the seal of approval on an undeclared war," the chamber ap- proved the'major appropriation with- out-change in the form adopted pre- viously by the House.' The vote on final passage com- pared with" the 67 to 9 majority, for the original $7,000,000,000 rLend- Lease appropriation last March 27. Three Democrats Vote No Three Democrats, 'Clark of Idaho, Clark of Missouri and Walsh o Massachusetts, joined with nine Re- publicans and Senator La Follette (Proj.-Wis.) in voting against the measure. Fifteen Republicans, 43 Democrats and Senator Norris (Ind.- Neb.) voted for it. Senator Danaher (Rep. - Conn.) brought the\"war" issue into the de- bate with an assertion just before the vote was cast that approval of the bill would constitute "ratification of a course of conduct never sub- mitted .to Congress. He said this included' the trfade of destroyers for naval and air bases on brltish possessiono and the joint occupation of Ice antI by Anerican and British forces. Debate On Farm Products Much of the debate revolved about the $1,000,000,000 allocation for the Agriculture Department to purchase pork, dairy and poultry products, most -of which presumably will be shipped to Great Britain. Senator McNary of Oregon, the Republican leader, called this appro- priation too large, asserting Congress was supplying $500000,000 a year to durtail production of 'certain crops and now was asked to make a $1,000,- 000,000 available to increase yields. Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) contended Great Britain was receiv-, ing these food supplies on credit from the United States, selling them to food dealers in England for cash and apparently retaining the cash. That, Vandenberg asserteid, was merely a process' of "syphoning" money from the United states treas- ury into Great Britain's. jSwOC Votes To End .Steel Strike Today. DETROIT, Oct. 23. --()- Mem- bers of the Steel Workers Organiz- ing Committee (CIO) voted at a mass meeting tonight to end a strike at Great Lakes Steel Corporation and return to work immediately. Two thousand workers voted to ac- cept a six-point program providing return to work as soon as the com- pany can call them. Company offi- cials said they would be ready to resume operations on the midnight shift, but that it probably would be 48 hours before full production could be resumed. Workers began entering the plant to report for the midnight shift, un- molested by a few pickets who still milled about the company gates. Pickets, heeding the advice of union officials, removed a barricade of auto- mobiles in the street. Walter P Reuther, director of the UAW-CIO's General Motors depart- ment, who announced the vote, told the strikers that continuation of the dispute would result in closing of ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1941 Z-32 PRICE FIVE CENTS I alo Students Hunt 'Gopher Pelts' In Rally Today Snake. Dancers To Mass Behind Special Police For Pep Program By WILL SAPP Seven thousand Gopher-hungry Michigan students will'mass in the middle of State Street in front of the Union at 7:45 p.m. today to snake- dance their way down to Yost Field House in tie biggest pep-rally dem- onstration in the University's history. It'll be the first chapter of a story that won't end until Ann Arbor will l4ave swelled to three times its nor- mal size with football fans from the entire nation swarming into town for the biggest grid clash in the country saturday.' King Football will reign when the torch-light parade leaves the Union for aeshort but tumultuous program at the Field House." Special Police Escort Behind a special police esedrt the famed U. of M. Marching Band will lead the thousands of rallying stu- dents down State Street. But the cheerleaders say they're going to lead the police. N Into the Field House they'll jam and there' "M" Club President Gus Sharemet will m. c. a program of cheers and short pep talks. Graying Louis Elbel, '89, will lead the band and students in a rendition of his inspirational song, "The Victors." Tommy Hafmon is on the program too. Story Teller Crisler Herbert Orrin Crisler, Wolverine mentor, but just "Fritz" to a bunch of cheering collegians, will tell the sad story of The Little Brown Jug... whose ending he plans to change. Like Fielding H. Yost says, "That jug belongs to Meechigan!" After Bud Keetch, '42E, head cheer- leader, introduces two new Michigan cheers in a warm-up for tomorrow's game, the rally will sort of roll out of the Field House onto South Ferry Field where four -truckloads of fire- wood will go up in the blaze of a traditional pre-game rally. Press fMeeting OpenS Second Session Today President Ruthven To Talk At Banquet; Kaempffert, Seltzi4r To Address Club President Alexander G. Ruthven, Waldemar Kaempffert, ' New York Times science editor, and Prof. Law- rence Seltzer, formerly with the United States Department of the Treasury, will be featured speakers on the second day's program of the twenty-third annual University Press Club of Michigan convention being held here. The general session this morning will open at 9:30 a.m. in the Union with a talk on "Post War Problems of Democracy" by Prof. Roy Sellars of the philosophy department Prof. Lawrence Seltzer of the economics department, Wayne University, will speak on "Economic Consequences of the Recent Tax Measures." Waldemar Kaempffert, science edi- tor of The New York Times, will speak on "Science and the War" at 2 p.m. in the Union, and Prof. William Haber of the economic department will speak on "Post War Planning." A tea for wives of Press Club mem- bers will be held at 4 p.m. at the home of President and Mrs. Ruthven. President Ruthven will speak on "Living Toward the Future" at the1 banquet at 6 p.m. today in the League. Members of the Press Club and faculty men will attend a perform- ance of "The Bingham Bingles, Inc." at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre, following a faculty reception. IMORTANT NOTICE Attention is called to the fol- lowing rules in Section 13 of the University regulations on Student Conduct: a) The presence of women guests in fraternity houses, and men's rooming quarters, except when chaperons approved by Uni- versity authorities are present, is not in accord with the generally accepted standards and conven- tions of society and is disapproved. b) The use or presence of in- toxicating liquors in students' quarters has a tendency to impair studtmoal. and i scntrary to Will He Have it Saturday Night? Soviet Defenders Report Moscow Drive Repulsed; (Nazis Claim New Gains w - , Special Program Inaugurates Sixteenth Broadcasting Year That little brown jug is displayed at Minneapolis by Bud Higgins, slippery pocket-sized Gopher halfback. Higgins, weighing less than 150 pounds, scored three touchdowns against Pittsburgh last Saturday. Minnesota, holder of the jug for seven successive years, has never been beaten by a Crisler-coached Michigan team. Labor M.P.'s Demand Military' Aid To Russia In Heated Debate By HOMER SWANDER Paying tribute to the world's most modern method of widespread public education, the University Broadcast- ing Department yesterday inaugu- rated its sixteenth consecutive year 3f educational broadcasting with a-1 special program over station WJR. Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the president, read an address for Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven in which he emphasized that it is by means of radio that "the voice of the Univer- sity comes directly to the people of. the state whose fathers created it and to whom it properly belongs." Ruthven Extends Thanks The President, through Dr. Rob- bins, also extended his thanks to station WJR for their cooperation during the past 14 years in what he termed a "mutual enterprise for the time-honored purpose of 'encourag- ing the means of education.'" A plaque was presented to the sta- tion for its services to the youth of the state in broadcasting 'Youth in the News', a program written and acted entirely by University students. The presentation was made by Orin Kaye, State Administrator of the Na- tional Youth Administration, to Leo Fitzpatrick, vice-president of WJR. Abbot Gives Forecast Also on the program was Prof. Whldo Abbot of the speech depart- men and director of broadcasting at Ickes Lifts All Gasoline Bans On East Coast (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Oct. 23.-Parliamentary spokesmen for British labor voiced today in fervent and caustic debate their demands for military action to aid Russia-somewhere or anywhere -and demanded that Prime Minister Winston Churchill get rid of certain ministers lest they "drag him down with them." In many respects it was the most revealing discussion since the start of the war, although the Prime Min- ister himself did not, apparently, consider the labor assault of major importance. He was not present in the House of Commons today, and it was indicated he would take his time about answering the criticism. (British Parlianentary sessions are surrounded by considerable sec- recy for reasons of security, but it appeared probable Churchill would not speak until next week.) Eden, Beaverbrook Answer Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in Commons and Lord Beaverbrook, tlie supply minister, in the House of Lords gave the government's answer today to the sudden outpouring of rebuke from the labor benches. Eden said, in effect, that if the members knew what the government was planning they would not be so querulous; Bea- verbrook bluntly compared Russia's present situation with thatof Britain after Dunkerque and declared Brit- ain and the United States had prom- ised Joseph Stalin to make up Russia's losses in tanks and planes with fin- ished products from their own as- sembly lines. To a considerable extent Beaver- brook stole the show with an inti- mate word picture of Stalin at work Brumm Play To Be Shown 'Bingles' To Appear Today In LydiaMendelssohn "The Bingham Bingles of Birming- ham," written by Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism depart- ment, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre before members of the faculty and the University Press Club of Michigan. The play was written to show that drama can be brought down "out of the aesthetiq realm it now holds, and still be highly entertaining. Profes- sor Brumm says that his farce makes no attempt at being intelligent or educational. - Fifteen students from classes in Play Production of the speech de- partment will take part in the pre- sentation. Hugh Norton, graduate student and teaching fellow here, directs the play and takes the lead- ing role of Bingham Bingle. Bingle is an advertising man who and with a vivid description of "leap frog" Russian industries-s charac- terized by Stalin himself-"which could be moved backward or forward as the enemy advanced or retreated." "Just as we did (after Dunkerque) -Russia, I believe, will be able to reconstruct her war industries," said Beaverbrook. Criticism From Bevan The barrage of labor criticism came principally from Aneurin Bevan, for more than a decade a member of Parliament from the west England coal mining country on the Welsh border; from Philip J. Noelbaker, an old-liige pacifist; from Col. Josiah Wedgrood, veteran of the Transvaal, Flanders (1914) and Gallipoli; from William Gallacher the lone Com- munist in the House of Commons,aand from retired naval commander, Stephen King-Hall. Bevan said "Lord Halifax (British Ambassador to Washington) inform- ed Hitler in the plainest possible language, when he was assembling his troops to attack Russia, that he need fear no attack from us . . is a state- ment of that kind, when Hitler is gathering his forces, removed from high treason?" i iEf 'Garg' Reports 9Complete Sal On First Issue In spite of an increase of 30 per cent over number of copies printed a year ago, Gargoyle' registered a complete sellout on its first day of distribution of the year's first issue, according to Circulation Manager John Zimmerman, '43, Although all the 2,500 copies avail- able for distribution have been sold, there remain in the Gargoyle busi- ness office 200 magazines on reserve for those students holding year's sub- scriptions who have not as yet ob-. tained their 'copies. These may be called for on the second floor of the Student Publications Building. The success of the October Gar- goyle has been attributed by Business Manager Ralph Mitchell, '42, to the use of offset printing on glazed paper, inaugurated this year. "This' new process," he said, "although it involves larger cost, opens up greater possibilities for coming issues, in- part because photographs and car- toons are printed to better advan- tage by this method." Union Will Resellf Minnesota Tickets An Michigan student who has non- student Minnesota game tickets which he finds he cannot use should turn them into the student offices of the British Return Borrowed. Oil Ships To Remedy Petroleum Emergency WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(AP)-All gasoline restrictions in the populous East, including the rationing pro- gram and the, filling station curfew, were lifted tonight after Secretary of the Interior Ickes announced the British were turning back 49 oil tank- ers borrowed from America. "The bad outlook of the summer has been overcome," the coordinator said as he declared an end to the petroleum emergency. The British were able to release the tankers, he reported, because of the greatly-diminshed sinkings in the battle of the Atlantic. Ickes withdrew the curfew as of tonight and recommended to Priori- ties Director Donald M. Nelson that his' rationing order be lifted forth-, with. Nelson subsequently said he would revoke the rationing program "as soon as an order can be drawn." The East Coast oil emergency was created, officials said, by diversion to the British of a large portion of the American oil tanker fleet. Be- tween 80 and 100 vessels were report- ed to have been transferred. Ickes said the 40 ships being re- turned-15 by Nov. 1 and 25 more by DETROIT, Oct. 23. -(A)- The retail gasoline dealers association of Michigan announced today it had proposed to Washington a 12- hour, night-time closing of filling stations in Michigan to help with defense. Nov. 30-would be restored to normal service hauling oil from Gulf ports to the Atlantic seaboard.-r Before calling for an end to the restrictions on gasoline, Ickes said the program of his office a'nd the continued warm - weather virtually had cured the deficiency of petroleum stocks, and that supplies of gasoline on the Atlantic seaboard now actua- ly exceded those of last year. Car In Wrong Lane Hits Bus; No One Is Injured A Great Lakes Greyhound Co. bus the University, who gave a short talk entitled "Fifteen Years of Broad- casting and a Forecast of the Six- teenth." Interspersed with special arrange- ments of college songs by the WJR chorus, the half-hour program was brought to a close with the reading of congratulatory telegrams from Gov- ernor Murray D. Van Wagoner; Dr. John Studebaker, United States Com- missioner of Education; and Dr. Eu- gene B. Elliott, State SuperintendentI of Public Instruction. Regular Programs Scheduled Regular University programs will go on the air over WJR beginning tomorrow at the following times: Saturday-n a.m. and 5:45 p.m. Sunday-9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday-3 p.m. Friday-10445 p.m. Additional programs will be offered over W45B, a frequency modulation station in Detroit. Mad Marxes, W. C. Fields Star In Films First Of Comedy Series Will Be Shown Sunday By Art Cinema League If you Want "to get away from it all," at least on Sunday nights, the Art Cinema League offers you the opportunity to laugh-and hard-at several of the best American film comedies ever produced. Opening the four-program series at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with the Marx Brothers in "Duck Soup," and W. C. Fields in "The Barber Shop," the League will present other hit come- dies-starring such personalitiesnas Harold Lloyd and Charlie Chaplin- Nov. 9, Nov. 23 and Jan. 18. Single tickets for the perform- ances will not be soe. Season tickets are on sale at the League, the Union- and State Street bookstores. Sunday's offerings should be espe- cially appealing if you believe as do many movie critics that the one place where intellectuals and low-brows seem able to meet in full accord is at comedies. Though farces have many' pat- terns, you will find one of the widest ranges Sunday, from W. C. Fields' half-heard mutterings as he shaves his customer in "The Barber Shop" to the unceasing flow of patter from Groucho Marx as he darts nervous- ly about the screen. Directory Sells Original Stock Staff Will Issue Extra BookletsToday Only Although Student Directory sales have consistently been good in past years, the demand for these booklets this year has surpassed all expecta- tions. When almost the entire stock of 3,000 copies was sold on the first day of issue, -the staff became frantic, and when the final Directory disap- peared at 11:20 a.m. yesterday, they immediately set to work to find a way to satisfy the flood of requests still coming in. Luckily, however, 300 extra copies had been prepared by the foresighted printers, which copies have been bound and will be available on cam- pus today only. After these copies are gone, it will be impossible to get any more. Students and others who were un- able to purchase their Directories yesterday may obtain them, while they last, in front of the Main Libra- ry, at any of the bookstores or in the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard Street. LONDON, Friday, Oct. 24.-RP) -The Moscow radio reported early today that German attempts to seize industrial regions near Rostov-on Don were repelled at all but one point, but admitted that at that point the Soviet for- ces had to withdraw to a new de- fense line. The Nazis. consolidated their position in this southern front area at heavy cost, the radio said. I I rowed zone- of no man's land, its Squares changing hands as the Red- line swayed ;back and forth, its wisted terrain littered with thous- rnds of dead. New losses for the invaders total- ing 10,000 men were reported in these accounts, but still °it was acknowl- edge the Red armies were vastly out- numbered. Germans Claim Added Advances Near Capital BERLIN, Oct. 23.-(A)-Steadily reinforced German troops were re- ?orted battering yard_ by yard to- Nar Moscow tonight in a wide ad- vance which spokesmen said had tarried to about 35 miles from the japital, but it was acknowledged that the toughest fortifications still lay ahead. The going was hard, German sources freely admitted, but despite weather which hampered both sides and made large-scale operations dif- ficult, a broad break-through south and southwest of Moscow was an- nounced by th~e High Command, and spokesmen said this enabled the Ger- mans to penetrate lightly defended terrain between Moscow's concentric fortifications. German pressure was declared in- creasing hourly, as troops released from mop-up operations above Bry- ansk and Orel were moving toward the very suburbs of the capital. White House Rebukes Maritime Commission WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-()--The White House rebuked the Maritime Commission today for disclosing that Boston was to be the chief point of debarkment for Russian-aid ship- ments, and the State Department emphatically denied Japanese-Ameri- can tension had anything to do with the decision. Early 'Rebukes Disclosure Of Russian-Aid Port By Maritime Office Red Troops Battle In Kalinin Streets MOSCOW, Friday, Oct. 24.-(A')- The Red Army announced today it had repulsed repeated German at- tacks in the Mozhaisk and Maloyaro- slavets sectors before Moscow where fighting has raged for five days. ether dispatches relayed by offi- cial wireless declared Soviet troops holing the northwestern approaches to the capital were struggling in the streets of Kalinin, fighting block by block and yard by yard. The early morning communique reported fighting continued along the entire front and said the Germans "undertook a number of fierce at- tacks on our lines" about Mozhaisk, 57 miles west of Moscow, and Maloy- aroslavets, 65 miles southwest. "These attacks were beaten off with heavy losses to the eneiy," the ;ommunique said. The communique spoke of heavy tank battles in the northwestern direction of the front (possibly at Leningrad) where, it .said, one unit destroyed 15 derman tanks, several mine-thrower batteries and 10 artil- lery pieces, and killdd more than 600 officers and men within a few hours. Russian planes were credited with destruction of 37 German airplanes Wednesday ,r the loss of 1. On the same day, it was stated, one Russian air formation destroyed 100 German tanks, one battalion of infantry and more than 250 trucks. Kalinin, 95 miles above this capi- tal, was pictured in these advices, relayed by the official wireless, as a city no longer; as a wild and fur-