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October 23, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-23

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Sit 43Uf



Cloudy and Cooler.

Why Spill
American BWood?.




'Bold Venture'
Losses Mount
As Hull Calls
Nazis Pirates
American Sea Toll Is 94
As Man Of War Rescues
All Hands On 'Lehigh'
British Minelayer
Lands Crew Safely
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-( P)-
More men were lost in the sinking of
the American freighter Bold Venture
than originlly feared, it developed
today, while Secretary of State Hull
spoke scathingly of Nazi designs for
"a reign of terror on the high seas."
But word was flashed meanwhile
that all 39 of the American crew
aboard the freighter Lehigh, which
was, torpedoed on a trading voyage
off the African bulge Sunday, had
been rescued and brought to port.
Rescued with them, apparently,
were five Spanish stowaways. Twen-
ty-two men were landed at Bathurst
by the British Warship Vimy, an
old World War ,minelayer, and an
equal numlr at Freetown. In the
latter group a third assistant engi-
neer, Joseph Brady, Jr., was seriously
injured in the chest and leg and a
seaman, Joseph Bartlett, lst three,
Officials disclosed 35 men, all for-
eigners, comprised the crew of the
Bold Venture, former Danish ship
now under Panamanian, registry;
which was sunk off Icelan last;
Thursday with its cargo of cotton,
copper and steel. Its crew originally,
had beenput at 32.
Thus with 17 landed safely at Rey-i
KJayik, the missing men numbered;
18. This brought to 94 the apparent1
loss of lives aboard seven American-
owned Vessels attacked at sea since
the European war started, including
the 11 missing .from the torpedoed
destroyer Kearny. Three other Amer-
ican-owned ships have been sunk
without loss of life.
It was the torpedoing of the Le-
high, flying the American flag and
sailing without cargo from Bilbao,
Spain, to the African Gold Coast,
that impelled Hull athis press con-
ference to say the act was "in har-
mony with all the definitions of pi-
racy and :assassination."
He termed it a perfect example of
the "Nazi policy of attempting to
create a reign of terror, frightfulness
and absolute lawlessness on the high
seas, and especially on the Atlantic,
Russian Relief '
To Be Project
Of GroupHere
Problems of Russian war relief de-
mand immediate, serious action in
the opinion of seyeral University pro-
fessors and students and they pro-
pose to do something about it.
Preliminary plans were laid at an
initial meeting recently, it was re-
vealed yesterday, and arrangements
for a larger meeting in the near fu-
ture were made.
Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the phil-
osophy department, Prof. William C.
Trow of the education school, and
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the geo-
graphy department' were appointed
to plan organization of the Russian
War Relief Committee of Ann Arbor

which will cooperate with the na-
tional organization in New York of
which Dr. Frederick A. Coller of the
University Hospital is a sponsor.
The broad scope of the national or-
ganization is emphasized by burly
sailors and Marine workers of Ellis.
Island Hospital who have organized
a knii/ng group of deckhands and
messmen to keep Russia supplied with,
warm woolen clothing. "From now
on we're knitting for Russia,' they
Union Resells
Unused Tickets
Extra Minnesota Ducats
May Be Purchased
The Athletic Administration offices
have asked The Daily to announce
that the Union ticket resale desk is
the only legal intermediary for the
sal of extra non-student tickets for

Students Jailed, Fined'
On Charge Of Scalping

(Daily Sports Editor)
The big gun which University au-
thorities have been brandishing at
ticket scalpers, for the Minnesota
game proved to be loaded yesterday.
Two students, one a sophomore in
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts and the other a junior
in the School of Engineering, were
apprehended at different times dur-
ing the day by authorities while try-,
ing to peddle regular $2.75 ducats for
more than triple their face value.
Both were confined by police in a,
cell while being booked on a charge
of scalping.
At' the hearings before Justice J-j
H. Payne both students pleaded
guilty and were released from jail
after paying fines of $29.75 and $19.75
respectively late last night. Maxi-
mum penalty for the state offense is
$100 fine o' 90 days in jail.
And the authorities, trying to halt
the wave of professional and student
scalping which has swept over Ann
A letter making serious charges1
against the present system of dis-
tributing tickets and Harry Tillot-
son's reply appears on the editor-
ial page.
Arbor and Detroit since the an-
nouncement last week that the Min-
nesota game was a complete sellout,
warned that this was just the initial
shot in an intensive campaign against
continued scalping.
Athletic Director Herbert O. Cris-
ler yesterday expressed concern over
the fact tht scalpers, both outside
and local, capitalized on the provision
allowing each student to purchase
three adjacent seats with his athletic
coupon. The scalpers, Crisler de-
clared, obtained their tickets by urg-
ing students to allow them to pur-
chase the extras, then holding them
for resale at much higher prices.
Since Monday, when 28,000 student
Drama. Group
Season Tickets.
To Go On Sale'
Play Production To Offer
Special Weekday Rates
For Five Presentations
Special season tickets for students,
priced at $1.75, will be sold for the
five presentations of Play Production
of the Department of Speech this
year for the first time.
The tickets, which will be sold to
students by members of the Child-
ren's Theatre, are being offeied to
encourage attendance on Wednesday
and Thursday nights and to make it
possible for students to attend allof
the plays at a minimum cost. On the
weekday nights main floor seats are
No special rates will be offered to
students for single plays.
The Theatre Arts Committee of
the League, which is conducting the
ticket campaign, has announced that
the Children's Theatre will receive
the price of every sixth ticket they
Assembly, organization of indepen-
dent women on campus, will sell sea-
son tickets to Ann Arbor residents.
Ticket sales will start at the box
office for the first play and for the
series November 3. Mail and phone
orders may be made now to the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre where
the plays will be presented.

tickets~ were first placed on sale and
the ticket office mobbed by anxious
students, the campus has been a
central turnover spot. Choice seats
between the 40-yard lines are report-
ed to be bringing as much as $50 a
pair, while a bloc of six has brought
more than $100.
In order to prevent further scalp-
ing, Crisler stated last night, a num-
ber of F.B.I. plain clothesmen will be
assigned to special duty. They will
circulate among both student and
professional groups, Crisler warned,
and violators who are caught will be
prosecuted to the limit. Students will
be subject to strict disciplinary action
by University authorities as well as
a stiff fine or imprisonment under
the Fedieral band state laws.
Ticket Manager Harry Tillotson'
also announced last night that the
present system of allocation, under
which much of the trouble originated,
would probably be altered consider-
ably for the Ohio State game, last
home contest on Michigan's schedule.
This new modification, Tillotson ex-
plained, would alleviate the conges-
tion by providing special times in
which certain student groups could
exchange their tickets for coupons.
Dance Petitions
Are Due Today
In Union Offices

Four Times
Unlocked Doors, Windows
Blamed By Police Chief
For House Robberies
Thieves Ransack
Four fraternity houses and twc
University buildings were the settings
for a new crime wave which swept
through Ann Arbor early Wednesday
Police, today, continued their in-,
vestigation of the fraternity house
robberies which totaled a loss of more
than $265 in property and cash.
Phi Epsilon Phi was entered and
ransacked and the wallets of several
of the .members were stolen showing
a loss of about f$50.
Someone also entered Acacia house,
ransacked several of the rooms and
took some money and two radios but
left the watches and jewelry. The
other houses that were burglarized
were Delta Tau Delta and Delta Sig-
ma Delta where money was also re-
ported stolen.
A report was filed with local police
that someone had ransacked Room
2125 Natural Science Building and
that a projector was the only thing
stolen. A small bar was used to gain
entrance into Rooms 213 and 217 in
the Old Dental Building where no-
thing has as yet been found missing.
At least two of the four fraternity
houses robbed did not have their
doorsslocked so that the thieves did
not have to make a forced entry.
Police Chief Sherman H. Mortenson
had issued a warning at the begin-
ning of the semester that all soror-
ities and fraternities be certain that
theit doors and windows were locked
at night.
He pointed out that there were
mcre than 45 robberies in the past
year due to open doors and windows
and asked that all organizations have
their members carry keys so that
their doors would certainly be locked
before the last man returned.
Mortenson also suggested that fra-
ternities report the presence of any
strangers loitering around their
houses so that the department can
investigate them and see if they have
any business around the house.




Administration Senators


Germans May Be Halted,

Soph P

Will Interview
ts To J-Hop,
rom Positions

Petitions for J-Hop and Soph Prom
committee positions must be submit-
ted by 3:30 p.m. today at the student
offices in the Union if the application
is to be considered, Bill Slocum, '42,
Judiciary Council president said yes-
None will be accepted after the
3:30 p.mi. deadline. Each petitionl
must be accompanied by 25 signa-
tures from the applicant's school.
The Men's and Women's Judiciiary
Councils will interview petitioners to-
day and tomorrow. Men's interviews
will be between 2 and 6 p.m. today inj
Room 304 of the Union and at the
same time tomorrow in Room 316.
Women applicants will be inter-
viewed between 4:15 and 6 p.m. today
in the undergraduate offices of the
Names to be placed on the ballots
will be announced by the Men's Ju-
diciary as soon as possible. The elec-
tion 4vill be Friday, Oct. 30.
Wacky Galaxy Planned
By Art Cinema Lea gue
It's either all or nothing if you
want a good time Sunday nights.
If you want to see such stars as
Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, the
Marx Brothers, W. C. Fields and Bus-
ter Keaton in comedies which in years
past have brought the loudest £ guf-
faws from American audiences, you
can see them all by buying a season
ticket to the Art Cinema League's
four program series which opens at
8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Tickets are on sale at the League,
Union and State Street bookstores.
Sunday's program will feature the
Marx Brothers in "Duck Soup" and
W, C. Fields in "The Barber Shop."

:London Military Authority
Declares Nazi Striking
Power IsDiminishing
Russians Believed
To BeWeary Also
(By The Associated Press)
Hitler's supreme offensives upon
Moscow have been beaten down to a
halt well short of the city, a high
military authority in London de-
clared last Wednesday night, and
German striking power is diminish-
ing both there and before Leningrad.
This summary came from a quar-
ter where conservatism as to Russian
prospects has always been main-
tained, and it was emphatically qual-
ified with the declaration that Rus-
sian exhaustion was no less than that
of the invaders and thus that some
small factor might yet decide the
great issue.
It was accompanied by an estimate
that the major German drive in the
Ukraine was less strong than pre-
viously, and this was somewhat sup-
ported by an official Soviet claim
that all Nazi efforts to extend their
advance toward Rostov on the River
Don, the gateway to the Caucasus,
had been broken and that the in-
vaders had been thrown upon the
defensive at several points.
Abandon City
The Soviet Communique for this
Thursday morning acknowledged the
abandonment of Taganrog, 30 miles
to the west of Rostov, but this had
been discounted in advance by the
fact the Nazis had claimed the town
since last week-end and by an earlier
unofficial Russian concession that,
it had been evacuated.
Moreover, the Red Commandepor
ted it had cost the Germans 35,000 in
killed and wounded to take the town.
"Undoubtedly," said the London in-
form&1ht in speaking mainly of the
Moscow front, "Hitler will order and
carry out new attacks, but he vwll
not again be able to muster anything
like the strength he has used up in
the past two weeks.
"I think some optimism is justified,
and I wouldn't be surprised if one
of these days we learned that the
embassies and the Soviet government
departments, which have moved to
Kuibyshev had returned to Moscow."
Germans Silent On Moscow
The German High Command itself
made no single reference to the sit-
uation about Moscow in its communi-
que for yesterday, and there was no
direct Berlin claim of any sort of
progress on that front. Instead, Ger-
man commentators in general took
the line that what was happening in
the Donets River Basin of the Ukraine
was more important.
It was claimed by the Nazis that
German occupation of that industrial
area had been extended, although
details were not given, -and it was
thus implied-but only implied-that
there had been a continued advance
toward Rostov.
The general assertion in Berlin was
that Soviet production of munitions
and arms was being desetroyed, and
this ws pictured as objective No. 1.
The weather by Russian and Brit-
ish accounts was hampering the in-
vaders everywhere: on the Moscow
battle areas gales wer driving heavy
snow, and rain was aid'to be making
the roads impassable in the Donets

Police Puzzle.
Over Parade,
Rally Problem
Police Chief Sherman Mortenson
is going to have a crew of blue-coats
on South State street tomorrow.
Because they are afraid that there
won't be room for both cars and 7,000
students on the same street when
the "Beat Minnesota" pep-rally begins
at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow.
And also because they are supposed
to protect public property.
Besides. they got a taste of that
little-brown-jug-fever themselves'
Monday when they had to beat off
thousands of students at the ticket
It's going to be the biggest pep-
rally in the history of the University
tomorrow. The torch-light parade
forms at the Union (right in the mid-
dle of the street) at 7:45 p.m.
A short, peppy Field House pro-
gram of cheers, talks by coaches and
Tommy Harmon is on tap. Then the
bonfire. Four truckloads of firewood
all ready for the match.
The cheerleaders will introduce two
new Michigan cheers for use at the
Gopher game Saturday.
tU Press Club,

Connally, Says Amendment
May Allow U.S. Vessels
To Enter Combat Areas
Committee Hears
Opposition Leaders
NEW YORK, Oct. 22-(/P)-
The New York Times tonight
quoted marine circles as saying
that the 9,552-ton American-
owned tanker W. C. Teagle was
sunk late last week while bound
for the United Kingdom.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-(PR)-In-
dicaglons were multiplying tonight
that administratfon forces would take
the lead in an effort to expand the
armed ship bill so as to permit An era
ican merchant vessers to sail any-
where on the high seas.
After the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee had spent the day hearing
opposition witnesses contend that the
House-approved measure authorizing
ship arming would push the country
closer to war, Chairman Connally
(Dem.-Tex.) told reporters he was
"having some amendments prepared
for possible use later on."
Elimination Favored
Connally reiterated previous state-
ments that he favors elimination of
the Neutrality Act provisions which
prevent American-flag ships from en-
tering belligerent ports or combat
He said, too, that "hooking up the
armed ship and the belligerent port
questions in -one bill probably would
take less debate in the aggregate than
passing the ship arming now and
considering the other problem later."
SConnally added, however, that Ad-
ninistration leaders. had not yet
reached a decision regarding pro-
cedure.' There is no thought in ad-
ministration circles of accepting
Wendell L. Wilkie's suggestion that
the neutrality law be repealed com-
pletely, Connally declared, adding:
"There are some provisions we
ought to preserve-a few little gad-
gets that we might leave around for
ornamental purposes."
Provisions Include
These provisions include those for-
bidding the use of the American flag
by foreign ships and granting the
government control over munitions,
Although the administration trend
in the Senate appeared to be in the
direction of broadening the ship arm-
ing measure, there were authoritative
reports that some House leaders were
opposed to that procedure on the
ground that it would only tend to
delay the pending measure.
'Garg' ,Dissects
Engineers' 'Life
In First Issu


Faculty To. See

To Celeb rate
Members of Michigan's 41 social
fraternities will be working like go-
phers today and tomorrow hammer-
ing and glueing together decorations
that will greet Michigan's largest
homecoming crowd in the history of
the University aturday.
Pasteboard, wood, tin and ribbons
will be plastered all over fraternity
houses and lawns in competition for
a silver loving cup, donated by a local
fraternity jeweler.
Judging for the most attractive
decorations will be made at 10 a.m.
Saturday, according to Don Steven-
son, '42, president of the Interfra-
ternity Council. Assisting Stevenson
in the judging will be Robert Sibley,
'42E, Union president; Frank Oakes,
social director of the Union, and Gus
Sharemet, '42, "M" Club president.
Stevenson said that no house would
be allowed to spend more than $15 on
the display. This is a $3 increase over
the previous contests.
All houses will be out to dethrone
Sigma Chi, winner for the past two
years. Last year'stop-ranking Sigma
Chi display was of a toastmaster
shooting out slices of Michigan's vic-
tims burned to a crisp with Pennsyl-
vania next in line.
Directory Sale

Brimi iPlay
Students Will Take Roles
In Professor's Farce;
Hugh Norton To Direct
"The Bingham Bingles of Birming-
ham," a farcical comedy by Prof.
John L. Brumm of the journalism de-
partment, will be presented at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre for members of the
faculty and the University Press Club
of Michigan.
The play, which makes no attempt
at being intelligent or educational,
is directed by Hugh Norton, graduate
teaching fellow. Norton also plays
the lead as Bingham Bingle.
Play Production students will take
part in the presentation. Veitch Pur-
dom, '42, will play the role of Edith
Bingle; Ray Ingham, Grad., is cast
as Inglefoot; Hal Cooper, '44, as Wal-
ter; Carol Freeman, '42, Camay; Judy
Fletcher, '43, Clorox, and Esther
Counts, '42, Palmolive.
The cast continues with Claire
Cook, Grad, as Mazda; Mildred June
Janusch, '43, as Anon; Jim Bob Stev-
enson, as Vilim; Larry Vincent '43, as
Johnny; Phyllis Cone, '43, as Clar-
ice; Joseph Lynn, '42, as Pete; Rich-
ard Arbuckle, '42, as Capt. Philip
,Tweeds; Buzz Stuch, '43, as Corp.
Rex Reynolds, and Jeff Solomon, '43,
as Corp. Wallace Kirk.'
In addition to the presentation be-
fore the Press Club, a public showing
will be offered at 8:30 p.m. Saturday
in the Mendelssohn Theatre. This
second presentation is sponsored by
the League of Women Voters.

University Press Club Opens
Twenty-Third Annual Meeting

Conference On Land Utilization
Will Study Efficiency Problems

Two hundred Michigan editors will
take their fling at making the news
instead of editing it when the twen-
ty-third annual convention of the'
University Press Club' of Michigan
opens here today.
The three-day conference, which
will attract editors from all over the
state, will have as its general theme
"The World in Prospect."
Registration for the convention
will be from 10 a.m. to 12 noon today
in the Union, which will be general
headquarters for all sessions.
,Four University of Michigan pro-
fessors will conduct a symposium on
"The World in Prospect" at the open-
ing session at 2 p.m. in the Union.
Members of the panel will be Prof.
I Preston W. Slosson of the history de-

department will speak on "Post War
Problems of Democracy," and Prof.'
Lawrence Seltzer of the department
of economics and formerly with the
United States Treasury Department,
will speak on "The Economic Conse-
quences of the Recent Tax Meas-
ures,"at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.
The session at 2 p.m. Friday will
highlight talks on "Science and the
War" by Waldemar Kaempffert, sci-
ence editor of The New York Times,
andt on "Post War Planning," by
Prof. William Haber of the economics
A reception and tea for wives of
Press Club members will be held at 4
p.m. tomorrow in the home of Presi-
dent and Mrs. Ruthven.
President Ruthven will deliver the

Greater Part Of Issue Sold
In First Day Effort
Today will be the last time stu-
dents will be able to purchase Stu-
dent Drectories, at 75 cents a copy,
from 'Ensian staff members, selling
on the campus.
Reputed to be the one student pub-
lication which always sells out, the

Problems of efficient'land utiliza-
tion will be viewed by numerous ex-
perts in related fields of conserva-
ion, forestry and lumbering at a
Land Utilization Conference meet-
ing tomorrow and Saturday in the
Sessions tomorrow morning will
hear Prof. Willard S. Bromley of the
forestry school report "Preliminary
Results of Pulpwood Logging Studies,"
and Prof. Donald M. Matthews of
he forestry school discuss recent de-
velopments in the same field.
Preceding a luncheon at which 'Dr.
Leon Glesinger of the International

ton, manager of the National Lum-
ber Manufacturers Association, who
will discuss "The Place of the Lum-
ber Industry in the Defense ,Pro-
Concluding the afternoon session
will be a member of the United States
Forest Service who will point out "De-
mands of the Defense Program on the
Forest Resource," and a report on
Social Security litigation by Regent
J. Joseph Herbert and K. B. Mat-
The main topic of the morning
meeting Saturday will be forest regu-
lation. There will be a general dis-

Have you ever wanted to know
what makes engineers the way The
Daily says they are?
Gargoyle, Michigan's magazine of
college life, will answer this and other
questions of import in their first issue
of the school year, which will be
available to the campus at 8 a.m.
The feature relative to the engin-
eers is the first in a series of monthly
articles on the various colleges in the
University. For their first, the edi'-
tors will give odds that they have un-
covered many places and facts about
the engineering college that even its
"inmates" haven't known.
But despite increased printing and
engraving cost, Gargoyle, with all it
offers, remains. at the price of 15
cents per issue.
For this, its 35th year, the student
magazine offers along the editorial
line material of a more permanent
value to replace a merely temporary
humorous outlook; more gepuine hu-
mor in cartoons, satire and jokes;
selections from the best available' fic-
tion on campus and numberless
photographs of activities, persons and

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