THE MICHIGAN DAItY The Michigan Daily * Behind the Scenes At The Daily By TOM THUMB Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and. Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as 4second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIBItt BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative . 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON - LOS ANGELKS *-BAN FRANCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Stafff tni lef, l. . . Alvin Dann . David Lachenpruch Jay McCormick Htal Wilson Aethur Hill Janet Hiatt, Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor' . . . . Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor * . . .Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor . . Exchange Editor Daniel James Louise Avelyn Business Staff H. Huyett . . Business B. Collins' . . Associate Business Carpenter . Women's Advertising MWright . Women's Business Manager Manager Manager Manager EXCLUSIVE! Going My Way takes you behind the scenes at The Daily. Below is reprinted, unretouched, uncensored and unexpurgated, the regular Daily assignment sheet exactly as posted by City Editor Dave Lachenbruch: Friday, Oct. 17. Another good paper. This 3-48, 12-11, 2-42 makeup is all right, but when it's used three days in succession, it gets just the least bit monotonous. The Daily doesn't have to look exactly the same very day, you know. It's hard .to tell whether this is today's paper, yesterday's or the day before. Why not Ase the good old 1A some time. It's refreshing. Apparently there was no local news, as there is just one local story above the fold. Also I see by the paper that Harold McCormick, the inventor's son, died. In the first place, I never knew that McCormick had a son, and in the second place, if he had a son, I would have assumed that he'd been dead a long time ago. In the third place I don't give a damn-and I think I can safely say that I represent the average reader. In short, the McCormick item was over- played. The 12-11 on football might have better been an 11 with a deck. It's just a mite too bold for that part of the page. Also Northwestern is all ... It is rather a problem of making such allocations as may be necessary in the dif- ferent fields of activity ..:. In other words there are two distinct prob- lems: first, the general price distortion caused by the swelling of consumer buying power In the face of curtailed consumer production; secondly, more'specialized price distortions where the gov- ernment has entered the market. To meet this two-horned dilemma separate solutions are nec- essary. AS ECCLES EXPLAINS, priorities, rationing and price fixing will suffice in the limited field of government purchases for defense. Here we have no quarrel with Sallade; il is rather in giving Henderson unlimited powers such as will be required eventually if he starts in with rent control as well as direct government purchasing fields. Actually it is a difficult-nay, even im- possible-task to regulate the prices of a million and one articles of regular consumer consump- tion. Obviously as soon as one offending product price is brought under control the price of an- other will shoot up and so on ad infinitum. QIgTCE price control does not offer the solution to the general inflationary rise in prices, it is necessary to adopt a more comprehensive plan. Eccles proceeds to, urge an intelligent taxation program, reduction of buying power by the sale of government bonds and stamps, grant- ing of adequate authority to the Reserve System to deal with excess bank reserves, and curtail- ment of intallment buying. One thing is certain, the United States is faced with a serious threat to its economic sta- bility. Government action is badly needed, and some of the above mentioned steps have been already taken. But it is more important that the problem be seen in its entirety and a con- certed and intelligent effort be made to meet the danger. To haphazardly grant dictatorial price control powers to one man and consider the problem as solved is a sad mistake. Action is needed immediately, but such action must be well directed and carefully planned. - Edmund J. Grossber NIGHT EDITOR: GLORIA NISHON The editorials published in The Michigan baily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Leave 'Humanity' Out Of This War . . ESTERDAY AN EDITORIAL in these columns urged war. Not war for the economic status of the United States, not war for the freedom of the seas, nor even for the caowhs of deposed European kings. This cry was a, familiar one. "War for Humanity." There was a quoted line or so of poetry. Here, too is verse. Not, however, from the pen of the charming Burns, the gay witty Burns whose light hearted rhymes have delighted readers through nearly two centuries. This poet, Wilfrid Owen, was a soldier in the last war. He was a man, defeated and embittered. '"He called his poem "Anthem for Doomned Youth." What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. There is nothing that can be done now. We have come too near the brink of war not to topple over. Our ships, like bad boys taking a dare, will soon cross the sea with supplies for Britain. They will' be sunk and another self- justified Yankee army will raise arms against the "Hun." Only, let this one plea be heard. Let's not say this one's "for Humanity." -H. J. Slauterback, Eccles And Price Control . M ARRINER S. ECCLES, chairman of the Board of Governors of te Fed- eral Reserve System, contributed an article to the August issue of Fortune 1Mhagazine entitled "Price Fixing Is Not Enough" in which he brought out some points that are pertinent to George W. Sallade's recent editorial in The Daily captioned "Price ControlBill Needed." As Eccles puts it'. "This is not a Germany where people are used to taking orders about prices and dis- tribution. The fact is that in the civilian sector of the economy we have every reason for dropping back on traditionally functional methods of price control-namely the curb- ing of consumer purchasing power in adjust- ment with the output of consumers' goods and to avoid more totalitarian methods un- til absolutely necessary." E CCLES does not mean that Leon Henderson should not be given price control powers but that they should apply to a certain area rather than extend into the whole field of production. In order to understand the problem it is neces- sary to consider the inflationary situation which threatens this country from a broad viewpoint. Generally speaking the value of national in- come produced in the United States is now greater than the consumers goods being pro- duced because of the products which have been directed to defense uses. For example, soon the United States may be producing 100 billion dol- lars worth of goods and services in,. a year with perhaps 20 billion dollars being spent on national defense. Thus there is an excess of cnsumer purchasing power trying to obtain goods where shortages exist, and the buyers bid up prices to spelled like that, not Nrthwestern. Just sheer carelessness that causes these typos. It's raot a good idea to abbreviate in a head- line: Robt. Chas., Prof., Pres., as we had in several heads today. ASSIGNMENTS:- MANDEBERG: Get a story on all the broad- casts of the Northwestern game. Get call letters of all stations and names of announcers. Get them somehow, but by all means get it in to- morrow's paper, page 1. SALLADE: How about SRA and the Center? Nothing doing? Find out what Alpha Phi Omega is and get some sort of a story on it. The Cen- ter's having movies Sunday night, incidentally. A cover. NISHON: Keep up the dorm column work. Good feature on Language Table. MANTHO: Do you know anything about the Hiawatha dlub? If not, fifd out. It might be worth a feature. If it is, write it. THATCHER: Get the dope on the Glider Club for a feature. BEHRMAN: What's the Slavic Club? See if you can find out. SWANDER: A peppermint stick for you if you can get a feature on the Pulitzer Prize nomina- tions here at the U of M. GROSSBERG: Health Service has a shortage of smoked glasses. See the DOB on this, and also Doc Forsythe. Ought to make an interesting short jobbie.- BAKER: That Prof. Holmes U. lecture. It de- serves front page play. MACLEOD: What the hell is the Civic Amateur Theatre? Find out all about it and tell Papa. FENSTEMAKER: Put on your best skirt and wig and get a story on the League of Women Voters. SAPP: Has the Union come to a standstill? ? MINTZ: Publicity for that 4-program series of American Comedies by the Art Cinema League. JENSWOLD: Is that' Student Directory ever going to come out? It's important to learn how to ferret out stor- ies. Look up these things and use your own in genuity. Love and kisses, -lach- / LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor:, The UNITED STUDENTS COMMITTEE FOR THE DEFEAT OF HITLERISM has endorsed an emergency statement on foreign policy sent here by John W. Darr, Union Theologiaa Seminary, and signed by leading American youth; including the following: Clarence Carter, Secretary Treasurer, Young Men's Council, YMCA, New Haven, Conn.; Webb Feiser, President, Chapel' Union, University of Chicago; Maxine McKinley, Young Women's Christian Association, Union Theological, Semin- ary, New York; Laurence Sperber, President, National Council of Law Students, Harvard Uni- versity; Elizabeth Spofford, Regional Chairman, Church Legion for Industrial Democracy, New York;.'Mark Tarail, Executive Director, Young Men's Hebrew Association, Trenton, New Jersey; James Ward, Editor, Daily Northwestern, North- western University." The emergency statement points out that: "Millions of brave young men and women un- hesitatingly offer their blood and lives before the gates of Moscow to stem the tide of Hitler's hordes away from Great Britain and the United States. The very safety of our country, the fu- ture of our generation and of all humanity, de- mand that the dike not be broken. The Eastern Front is America's first line of defense. "All out aid rushed to this front and unstinted sacrifice on our part today are the only ways to avoid enormously greater sacrifices tomorrow under conditions in which the price of victory will be greater." After stressing the need for passing the Lend- Lease legislation that will apply to all those countries engaged in the struggle against Hitler- Ism and for the repeal of the Neutrality Act, the emergency statement 'concludes with these words: "The conclusion is inescapable that Hitler dared to strip Europe of the armies of occupation and to throw them against the one "eastern front only because he has reason to feel secure from the threat of a two-front war." "All Quiet On the Western Front" today is aid to Hitler on the Eastern Front. Britain and America must seize this golden opportunity to win this war which Hitler is waging against the world and against the United States by opening tip nin effective Western Front while he is locked irfmortal com- bat with Russia's armies." - United Students Committee for the Defeat of Hitlerism The Cranberry Unmasked The cranberry has been sailing under false colors. Innocent-looking as a choir-boy, isn't he? Well, a news item the other day told the real truth about the scoundrel. That beaming countenance, so intimately associated with the merry but reverential mood of Thanksgiving and Christmas, masks a sinster influence, the Trust. At least, a Federal grand jury thinks so, and it has indicted seven firms and farm coopera- tives on charges of violating the Sherman Anti- Trust Act and controlling 70 per cent of the nation's $7,000,000 yearly business in cranberries. To find the shadow of monopolv. which some- ad Q Robeot S. A n"1 WASHINGTON - That sweeping housecleaning of officers now under way in the Army is going right up to the top. Nothing is being said about it, but three of the commanding generals of our four field armies are slated for other assignments. They are Lt.-Gen. Hugh Drum, 62, CO of the First Army, with head- quarters in New York (ty; Lt.-Gen. Ben Lear, 62, CO of the Second Army, with headquarters in Memphis; and Lt.-Gen. John L. DeWitt, 61, CO of the Fourth Army, on the West Coast. No immediate change is contem- plated in the command of the Third Army, headed by tough-jawed Lt.- Gen. Walter Krueger, 60, with head- quarters in San Antonio. AS IN THE CASE of the hundreds of other officers ousted or shift- ed, the three lieutenant-generals will be replaced chiefly on the basis of their showing in the field maneuvers this year. Those directed by Drum are still in progress,nbut there has been a lot wanting in the caliber of leadership so far displayed. The three army commanders will be succeeded by younger men with greater tactical ability. Drum, ear and DeWitt are able or- ganizers and trainers. Generally they have ddne a good job in whipping their new armies of citizen soldiers into shape. But the need now is for com-! manders with outstanding tactical skill who can lead large armies in the field. That's the next important re- quirement of Army training-as the maneuvers and war games conclu- sively demonstrated. Of the four army commanders,' Krueger displayed the best tactical skill. Much of this was due to his brilliant staff, but he As given high credit for surrounding himself with such crack assistants. Since the Lou isiana war games, Krueger has added another tactial ace to his staff, Lt.- Col. Al Grunther, as Deputy Chief of Staff. British-French Clash BRITISH and French forces have clashed on American soil the last few days, but news of the encounter has not leaked out generally. However, there was nothing secret about the battle. In fact, it occurred in broad daylight and was witnessed by a big crowd. The clash occurred between men of the Free French submarine, Sur- couf, lying in the harbor of Ports- mouth, N. H., and the crew of two British submarines in the same har- bor. Actual scene of the encounter was the playing fields of the Phillips Exeter Academy, about fifteen miles from Portsmouth. The French wore green shirts, while the British were dressed in blue. Length of the encounter was an hour and a half, divided into two 45-min- ute halves, with a fifteen-minute in- termission. In short, the sailors of the French submarine played a soccer match with the sailors of the Britih sub- marines, and the result was a tie, 2-2! dmerica First Bolter IT'S A GOOD ODDS BET that a prdminent member of the America First Committee will resign so &i. He is Louis Taber, aggressive, white-thatched head of the nation's largest farm organization, the Na- tional Grange. Taberjoined the Committee believ- ing sincerely in its professed aim of "keeping the United States out of war," but now frankly admits he made a mistake and has been listen- ing attentively to intimates who have been urging him to get out. Though he isn't saying so publicly, Taber strongly disagrees with Amer- ica First's stand against aiding Brit- ain. Also, he is bitterly critical of the Committee's failure to repudiate the racial appeals of -ex-Colonel Lind- bergh. Taber acted like anything but an American Firster when he went to the White House recently with other farm leaders to discuss price control with the President. Taber warmly praised the President for taking a strong stand against the dictators and for aiding Britain, and wound up by inviting him to be the main speak- er at the Grange's 75th Anniversary Convention in Worcester, Mass., next month. "It's been eleven years since you addressed one of our. conventions, Mr. President," said Taber; "that was our 1930 meeting in Rochester when you were governor of New York. We'd be deeply honored to have you again." The President warmly thanked Ta- ber but regretfully begged off, saying GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Overnight Growth Of Soviet Religion.. . . "Grogan is always first in with a full quota-I suspect he's got a false bottom in his cart:" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI N S p E~C+NC.T4 : ;r T SEEMS TO US that an undue amount of fuss is being raised over the present Russian attitude toward religion. The Russian attitude is pretty much the same as it has been for the last ten years. Why peo- ple should take it into their heads that as soon as a country is attacked by Hitler it becomes a democracy is beyond us. The very same Poles known for their religious intolerance before the war suddenly are as- cribed with democratic principles and receive our aid accordingly. Now our aid to the U.S.S.R. But this time we are a little bit more particular. 'We're tired of being played for suckers by the "brave, demo- cratic" Greeks, Serbs, and Poles respectively. So this time we're going to give religion to the Russians. Whether they like it or not. The Russians are at war; they're cooperating with us. Every day the Soviet office of informa- tion solemnly assures the American reporters that there is complete religious freedom in the U.S.S.R. But that's not enough. We want them to smile when they say it. - Harry Levine The Farmers Have Learned The State Land Use Planning Committees, by request of Secretary of Agriculture Wickard, are preparing programs to guard American farmers against the inevitable aftermaths of war. At the close of the last war, farming as a whole was totally unprepared for adjustments. Among the far-reaching recommendations of the Planning Committees are: to meet present demands by present acreage rather than mush- room expansion as in the last war; that farm ,rotation schedules shall not be upset except after careful study; that farmers pool labor and'ex- change help in rush seasons. Most important of all is a recommendation from all sections that agriculture keep itself from inflation because of temporarily high prices. Tn the last war, land nrices sky-rocketed with WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1941t VOL. LIL No. 21k Publication in the Daily. Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Senate Reception: Since no indi-D vidual invitations are being sent, thisc is a cordial invitation to all members of the teaching, administrative, and1 research staff and their wives to beE present at the Senate Reception tor new members of the faculties on Tues- day, November 4, in the ballroom ofE the Michigan Union at 8:30 p.m. TheD reception will take place from 8:30r to 10:00 o'clock, after which there will be dancing from 10:00 to 12:00. It is especially hoped that new teach- ing fellows and instructors may be1 present and the chairmen pf depart-7 ments are asked to be of assistance inf bringing this about.D Phillips Scholarships: Freshman students who presented four unitss of Latin, with or without Greek, forI admission to,, the University, and who are continuing the study ofE either language, are invited to com-k pete for the Phillips Classical Schol- arships. Two scholarships, in the amount of fity dollars each, will bes awarded on the basis of an exam- ination covering the preparatory work in Latin or in both Latin andt Greek, as described in the bulletin on scholarships. Copies of the bullet- in may be obtained in Room 1, Uni- versity Hall. The examination will be held this year in Room2014 Angell Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 4:00 p.m. Interested students are urged to leave their names with F. O. Cop- ley or R. A. Pack, or with the secre- tary in Room 2030 Angell Hall. , College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, A'hools of Education, For-i estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or, courses unless this wor is made up by October 29. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propridte official in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Women Students wishing to attend the Illinois-Michigan football game are required to register in the Office of the Dean' of Women, A letter of permission from parents must be in this office not late than Wednesday, OctoIr 29. If the student does not go by train, special permission for n- other mode of travel must be included in the parent's Metter. Graduate wo- men are invited toeregister in this office. Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant Dean of Women Tick ts for Marriage Relations Oours' The final sale of tickets for the Marriage Relations Course, for both men and women, will be at the Michigan Union today, 2:00-5:00 and 7:00-9:00 p.m. There will be no tick- ets sold after this date. Women participating in League activities should have their eligibility cards signed in Miss McCormick's office before Friday at 5:00 p.m. Chemistry Colloquim will meet to- day in Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Evan C. Horning will speak on "Synthetic Polymers." broadcasts beginning Sunday, Octo- ber 26. First sopranos: Bear, Brown, Clin- ton. Edwards, Fritz, Gale, Gould, James, Martin, Morriso. Second sopranos: Bailies, Gilman, Johnson. Kahn, Leininger, McNutt, Morley, Munger, Porter, Scott, Stan- derline. First altos: Chaufty, Cox, lCraw- ford, Pierson, Pollard, Samuel, Schultz, Schneyer, Smith, Zapotoch- na, Eldersvelt. Second altos: Alexander, Ayers, Baisch, Bostwick, Campbell, Higgins, McCracken, Meier, Pratt, Rubin, Ya- nich. Alto-tenors: Schwartz, Stone, Topp. First tenors: Converso, Faxon, Hol- land, Matheson, Parthum, Scherdt, Taylor. Selond tenors: Boynton, Conti, Marple, Mount, Pankaskie, Pow~ers, Rhoads. Baritones: Bender, Breach, Han- son, Imperi, Kreuter, Kring, Miles, Ralph Terrell' Basses: Edgren, Elliott, Evans, Hurd, Haaxma, Plott, Redfield, Reed, Rob- bins, Wheeler, Wierengo, lylalpus. Speech 127: . Professor Brandt's section will meet tonight at 7 o'clock. Psychology 31 make-up examina- tion wil be given tonight, 7:30 to 10 p.m. in Room 1121 Natural Science. Political Science 52, sections 1 and 2, make-up will be given at 1:30 p.m. Monday, October 27, in Room 2037 Angell Hall. Concerts Grace Moore will inaugurate the Sixty-Third Anual Choral Union Concert Series, tonight at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. She will be assisted by Isaac vanGrove at the piano. A limited number of tickets for individual concert or for the season, are on sale, up to 5 o'clock today at the office of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. After 7 o'clock all remaining tickets will be on sale at the box office at the right end of the outer corridor in Hill Auditorium. Charles A. Sink, President 'Faculty Concert: John Kollen, Assistant Professor of Piano in the School of Music, will present the ini- tial concert of the Faculty Concert Series for the current year in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Sunday, Octo- ber 2, at 4:15 p.m. The general public is cordially in- vited. Lja Exhibitions )Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Sketches and water col- ors of Bali, by Miss Jane Foster, New York City. Southwestern Indian pot- tery from New Mexico and Arizona, collected by Professor Gores and Mr. Cole. Textiles recently acquired for the Interior Design program. Gound floor corridor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through October 31. The public is invited. Exhibition of the winning designs in a Landscape Exchange Problem in which students of nine of the'leading Universities of the country competed. The exhibit, located in the third floor corridor of the Architecture Build- ing, will be on display through Octo- ber 24. The Architecture Building is open to the public from 9:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. -