weather Cloudy and Cooler Y £Ufr iu Apr 4jattg Editorial Leave Tmanity' Out Of This War .i r VOL. LII. No. 21 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22, 1941 Z-32 PRICE FIVE CENTS Chelsea Heads Try TosCope With Itinerant Labor Influx Migrant Workers Cause, Police, Fire Problem; Sewage Plant Needed Kentucky Families Attracted By Jobs (Special to The Daily) CHELSEA, Oct. 21.-This peaceful Michigan village has today become a living reenactment of John Stein- beck's "Grapes of Wrath." Arriving in flivvers or trucks at all hours of the day and night, 150 work- ers and their families from the hills of Kentucky have settled in aband- oned houses and shacks in and near here. 'This influx of migratory labor, brought on by booming defense in- dustries, has created a serious police, fire and sanitation problem for vil- lage authorities. Althaugh the town's sewer and, water supply system has been improved, a $20,000 sewage plant is needed to cope with the situation. For Jobs--Chelsea Migratory workers have told town- ship authorities that they left their D\omes in Kentucky to seek jobs be- cause of signs posted along mountain roads and in busses saying: "If You Want Work, Come to Chelsea, Michi- gan." The source of these signs is unknown. These itinerant laborers have set- tled along the railroad tracks on the outskirts of town and in a few out- lying districts. Living in unpainted, rame houses, they have created -a small-scale "Oalkie" camp in Chelsea. ,Authorities can offer no statistics dn the number of migrants, since they have drifted into town over a period of time without any required registration. One township official re- ports that a Chelsea landlord6 called him up to report that, without his knowledge, three families were squat- ting in one of his vacant houses. Capitaline lu Situation But some' landlords have capital- ized on this situation by renting broken-down homes to two or three large families of incoming workers. The population at the last census taken in this village was 2,200. But today local factories, working 24 hours a day under defense contracts, have more than doubled the number of workers employed. The Federal Screw Works, largest .plant in town, has added 550 to its payroll and now lists over 700 workers. Many of these men drive in from neighboring towns, but a large nun- ber of Kentuckians have settled here "for the duration." The question of police and fire pro- tection has grown to serious propor- tions with the town's two-man force reporting animpsity between local coizens and the new comers. Village authorities have considered buying a more up-to-date fire truck and equipment, since they are not pre- pared to handle a serious fire out- break. Townspeople Resentful The townspeople themselves have a(opted a -esentful attitude toward the southeriners. One local housewife bitterly complained of a Kentucky woman next door who had asked the. use of her telephone so that "she could call tip and get her husband out of jail." Drunkenness and wife- beating are some of the other crimes attributed to "those hillbillies" by local residents. Leading officials in town, already worried by the problem, foresee a much more severe crisis after the de- fense boom collapses and the mi- grants are thown out of work. So far none of the Kentuckians have applied for county relief. But for the time being there seems to be little chance of any further in- crease in the transient population. Marriage Relations T ick ets To Be -Sold For Series Today Tickets for the marriage relations lecture course will be placed on sale again from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. today in the Union for both men and women students. Identification cards must be pre- ssented at the time of purchase of Neophyte Bandsman Helped In Initiation -Medill Photo by Leichter Forced to eat without utensils as initiation for University Band freshmen, Robert Thayer arouses the compassion of beauteous North- western freshman, Charlotte Stamm, who circumvents tradition with a bit of maternal assistance. This incidejt took place in Northwestern's Stock Hall shortly before the Wolverine football victory. Michtgan's Mar'ching Hundred' wWins Approval At Northwestern By EMILE GELE Chalking up the second half of a double victory last week-end, Michi- gan's "Fighting Hundred," the Var- sity Marching Band, out-dazzled the Northwestern music-men, one of the Big Ten's snappiest outfits, to win the wholehearted approbation of tl e crowd and the praises of veteran band critics. "Michigan's band is the one band in Ton Harmon' To Lead Beat Gophers' Rally 5,000 Students Expected To Attend Pep Parade; Bbnfire To Be Featured Tommy Harmon, who plays foot- ball around the country on Sundays, broadcasts, from Detroit on Satur- days and fights his draft board dur- ing the week-days, is coming back for the rally. He'll be there with the rest of you at 7:45 p.m. Friday in front of the Union for the mass torch-light par- ade down to the Yost Field House where cheerleaders, Harmon and a few impromptu speaking co-eds will do their best to fan the "Beat Minne- sota" blaze which has taken the campus this week. Ed Holmberg, '43, of the Union staff, promises that four truckloads of firewood will be on hand for a bonfire after the speeches. M-Club members will be on hand to control any mob- feeling which might arise in the expected 5,000 students. Michigan's cheerleaders have de- vised several new cheers. the world that I'm jealous of," con- ductor Glenn Cliff Bainum of the Northwestern Varsity Band declared during Sgturday's, pre-game activities. Ford Pearson, ace sports announcer for NBC's Red Network, cited the University band as the best he ha, seen this season, observing, "Most , my work involves listening to bands rather than watching them, and it's in the playing that Michigan espec- ially outranks the others." The formations which brought the spontaneous applause of the stands between halves Saturday were based on a national defense theme, the band paying tribute to all the armed. forces of the United States. Opening formation was the number 158, in honor of tl first draftee, which broke into a cannon represen- tative of the artillery branch of the Army. Naval forces. were honored by an a chor formation, while the 'wings of the Air Corps completed the series. , The band has been working out nightly on South Ferry Field perfect- ing the formations which will be used at the Minnesota game. In addition to their regular ap- pearance before and during the game Saturday, the band will lead the "Beat 'Minnesota" pep rally Friday. Padesta Will Address Ordnance Association, Mr. J. W. Padesta, of the American Broach and Machine Company, will address the University post of the Army Ordnance Association at their first fall meeting at 8 p.m. today in the Union. Mr. Padesta's talk on "Problems of the .Machine and Tool Industry" marks another instance of the grow- ing interest being taken by the man- ufacturers of Ann Arbor in the Ord- nance Association since this post re- ceived its charter last spring. Ticket Lack .0 Blame Laid To StudentsI Tillotson Says Full Quota Purchases By Scalpers Have Caused Scarcity Ann Arbor Police' Arrest Speculators By BUD HENDEL With tickets fo: Saturday's grid- iron clash betwe n Michigan and Minnesota being s :arcer than hens' teeth, an under-ci:rrent of student discontent over tl e allottment of ducats is rising on every corner of the campus. And, according to Harry A. Tillot- son, ticket manager, part of the blame for the unsavory situation rests on the shoulders of the students themselves. The other contributing factor to the wild ticket scramble, in Tillotson's opinion, can be laid at the feet of a ring of Detroit scalpers. In explaining the fact that some students were forced to accept in- ferior seats, Tillotson said that a. large number of those holding stu-1 dent coupons have been guilty of buying their quota of three extra tickets and reselling them to scalpers. The ticket manager stated that when his office prepared for the Minnesota sale, they expected the normal student demand. 'But when the first onrush of students'demand- ed their options, the supply of good: seats was exhausted and an inferior batch had to be distributed to the remaining coupon holders. Several witnesses have testified that they saw the actual exchange of money betwee\ the scalpers and the students who purchased the tick- ets at the windows. Most of the speculating gentry were offering 25 cents for each extra ticket, a very1 small sum when one considers that those self-same ducats are being sold, in Detroit and Ann Arbor for seven; dollars and up. In order to prevent a similar oc- currence in the future, Tillotson ad- (Continued on Page 3) Cinema League Will Sponsor Movie Series Comedies To Be Featured; Initial Opener Presents Fields, Marx Brothers The best in American film comedy is not lost to you forever. The Art Cinema League, acting be- cause of popular demand, will pre- sent a series of four Sunday evening movie programs featuring such stars as Charlie Chaplin, the Marx Broth- ers, W. C. Fields and others in their most notable successes. k Opening the series at 8:15 p. Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with the Marx Brothers in Single tickets will not be sold,9 however, and admission will be only by season tickets now on sale at the League, Union and State Street bookstores. "Duck Soup," and W. C. Fields' "Bar- ber Shop," the League will present other comedy programs Nov. 9, Nov. 23 and Jan. 18. Remembering the acclaim that' greeted a series of old films last year, Art Cinema officials forecast success for this year's venture, saying that the one place where intellectuals and low-brows seem able to meet in full accord is at comedies.*" The Art Cinema League" is confi- dent that Sunday's audience will en- joy W. C. Fields' half-hearted mut- terings as he shaves his customer in "The Bprber Shop." Soviet Command Claims; U.S. Ships Reported Sunk Americans Believed Lost To Open Concert Series/ From Merchant Vessels Lehigh, Bold Venture Willkie, Republicans Flay Neutrality Act WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.-)-The sinking of two more American-owned. merchant ships, and an appeal from Wendell L. Willkie and more than 100 other Republicans for outright repeal of the Neutrality Act gave new drive tonight to the movement to' wipe that law off the statute books. Thirty-two men, 17 of them Amer- ican citizens, are missing as a result of the two sinkings, officals announ- ced. President Roosevelt announced GRACE MOORE. that the freighter Lehigh, flying the American flag, was torpedoed off the west coast of Africa Sunday night.' Of its crew of 39 Americans, 22 were r c M o r picked up from a lifeboat and the other 17 were missing. * The State Department said that i II4 LJLA the freighter Bold Venture, Ameri- can-owned but flying the Panaman- -n eag d e Ue tt ian flag, 'had been sunk last Thurs- aE'Z..7.'AU day near Iceland. Maripe circles in8 New York reported she was the vic- When Grace Moore, Metropolitan tim of a torpedo while enroute from Opera prima donna, steps on the Hill Baltimore to England.SAuditorium stage to inaugurate the Day Before Kefirny Au63rauagehor inSrat The siraking of the Bold Venture 63rd annual Choral Union Series at took place one day before the tor- 8:30 p.m. today, it will mark her first pedo attack on the United States Ann Arbor appearance. destroyer Kearny, and in the same That's one of two reasons Hill Au- general area off Iceland. A new de- ditorium will be packed to capacity velopment in- the Kearny case c- for the- event. curred today when Admiral Harol'R. The other is the soprano's artistry. Stark, Chief of Naval Operations, ap- The blonde-haired singer has peared before the Senate Foreign blazed a trail of song from a moun- Relations Committee in closed ses- tain choir in Dixie to the greatest sion. opera houses of the world-frqm Stark was reported to have said Europe's capitals to the -Islands of that the Kearny was on convoy duty the Caribbean.' when it was torpedoed. Members of Today the world hails her as the the Committee disagreed as to "Queen of Song" and points for evi- whether the convoyed ships were dence to the roles she has portrayed American or British, and Chairman -the tender Mimi, the tragic Juliet, Connally (Dem.-Tex.) said that full Marguerite, Manon and, after a re- information, on that point was not vival, Charpentier's "Louise." The yet available, past season saw her recreate the role The appeal of Willkie and the other of Fiofa in Montemezzi's "L'Amore Republicans was made public in New de' tre re." York. To the appeal Willkie himself Hollywood accorded her the Gold appended a statement declaring: Medal Award of the American So- "Millions upon millions of Republi, ciety of Arts and Sciences for her cans are resolved that the ugly motion picture, "One Night of Love." smudge of obstruotive isolationism She has been honored by four kings shall be removed .from the face of and three presidents, prizes a recep- their party." tion gi'en her in Mexico City by Administration Criticized American Ambassador Daniels and Willkie also criticized the Admin- has taken her first airplane concert istration's handling of relations be- tour over South and Central America. tween labor and management, and To the tune of regular sellouts the manner in which it laid foreign when she appears at the Met and an policy issues before the country. He annual! gross for herself from opera co.ntry,:and concert appearances alone of also asserted: n-well over $100,000, Grace Moore "sThe desire of many in the Admin- dropped quietly in on Ann Arbor istration to ,rewrite our social and yesterday at 6:54 p.m. and retired to economic life under cover of the na-her room at the Union. tional effort must be ruled out dur- Five thousand music rovers await fing the emergency." her today. The Lehigh and the Bold Venture h Stalino Falls To Invaders, Berlin Says; Blitzkrieg Gains In Ukraine Area Two Routes Open ToGerman Attack (By The Associated Press) + The Soviet Command declared early today that German advances which apparently had taken the in- vaders to within about 50 miles of Moscow both on the west and south, west had been generally checked, but it peared that the Germans were striking with great power in the Ukraine toward the approaches o the Russian Caucasus. The progress of this far southern drive was by all signs considerable and it became increasingly clear that there were now two fronts of great decision: Moscow itself and before Rostov on the River Don. Berlin claimed that, the major manufacturing and armaments City of Stalin, 100 miles northwest of Rostov, had fallen to the Nazi ad- vance and the Russians, while not acknowledging the loss of the city, admitted that they were in hard straits there against a superior Ger man striking force. German Plan Unknown Whether the German plan was to turn down from Stalino directly upon Rostov, the 'aucasus gateway and a most vital Russian communications center, or to strike on due east and thus by-pass the city was not clear; either alternative was for the de- fenders a most threatening one. Soviet broadcasts acknowledged that the Russians ,had fallen back near Taganrog, just 30 miles to the west of Rostov and lying on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov, and spoke in such terms as to imply what the Nazis had previously claim- ed: that Taganrog itself had been captured. Nazi military spokesmen stressed the southern offensive over that on Moscow, in effect corroborating pre- vious speculation that the last strug- gle for the capital'itself might be a. long way off. Fall Of Basin Decisive Moscow, they said, would fall "when the German 'leadership de- cides to take it," but they were 4t pains to add that its seizure would not be a decisive stroke comparable to occupation of the Donets Basin in the Ukaine-"which now is near- ing completion." The fall of the Donets Basin's producing .centers and hinterland, they added, "is the dame as the loss of the war." All this suggested' that with even Moscow's outer defenses , not yet broken the lethal quality of its inner bastions was , well recognized by the invaders. Again it appeared that all-out frontal assaults on the old capital were not necessarily in sight at all. Student Directory Hits Campus 'Toda In Belated A rriva Moscow Assault Slowed, University Thespians Present: Speech Department Announices Play Production Series Titles The names of the five plays to be presented by Play Production of the Department of Speech were announ- ced yesterday by William P. Halstead, Associate Director of Play Production. "Jim Dandy" a William Saroyan play, will be presented first, from November 5 to 8; Maurice Maeter- linck's "The Blue Bird" will be given December 3 through 6; "Flight to thfe West" by Elmer Rice is to be presen- ted January 14 through 17; Mozart's "Impresgario" and Mascagni's "Cav- alleria Rusticana" both will be given in conjunction with the School of Music March 4 through 7, and Aug- ustin Daly's melodrama "Under the Gaslight" will be offered as the final feature April 1 through 4. As in former years, the plays will experhnent and will be continued in the future if it. proves successful. Student tickets for the five per- formances will be $1.75, tax included; medium seats will be $2.50 and the best seats will go for a total of $3.00. Attached serially to the season tickets will be stubs for each play. These will have to be exchanged for a ticket at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by Thurs- day of the week of the play. Mail Orders Can Be Made Mail orders for "Jim Dandy," the first play, and for season tickets may be made now. Box office sale for these tickets will open November 3. In order to purchase single tickets, patrons must buy them during the week of the play. The box-office will be open for these sales from 10 a.m. vere the ninth and tenth American-I owned craft to be reported sunk since the war began, and tonight there were reports in marine circles in New York that the 3,512-ton San Juan, a former American passenger liner, flying the Panamanian flag, had gone down in theGulf of Suez as the result of a blackout collision. Blonde Songstress Arrives: Grace Moore Slip PicksMichig By ROBERT MANTHO Blonde-haired Grace, Moore rolled into Ann Arbor on the 6:54 yesterday -quietly and with no one the wiser. "Football? I'm a great follower of the game . . . except that I always wear myself out cheering .. . Maybe the experts favor Minnesota this week, but I'm betting on Michigan.' "Ann Arbor is a beautiful little city, isn't it? . . . just the kind of town I'd want to live in." Miss Moore sat back in her chair and admitted she was "a little tired.' Perhaps her engagements for the past week had something to do with it, because she admitted she had just finished flying 26,000 miles. "My train arrived from Winnetka Beauteous Coeds Will Be Featured In New Gargoyle It required ,the willing aid of ten campus organizations, a careful sur- vey of certain lists of names, a host of telephone calls and the snapping of numerous flash-bulbs to bring into being only one of the features which Gargoyle, the magazine of campus life, will offer to students tomorrow in their first issue of the year. The names were of entrants into All scripts for the 1942 Junior Girls' Play must be turned in to Miss Ethel McCormick's office in the League or to Mary Lou Ewing, '43, general chairman. The win- ning author of' the script will be announced Nov. 15. No more need students remain in the dark as to their friends' telephone numbers, no more need they inquire about where to go for shoes or face sInto Tpowder, for today the new Student is IntoTown-Directory will be on campus for those who wish to be informed. an 0 ver Gophers This orange-bound booklet, selling <_-_for 75 cents a copy, instead of 60 as previously reported, is once again im- tions-plus the sensation of having proved for the convenience of the a waterfall in Brazil named after her. student body it serves. The addition (In Spanish, it's pronounced the this year is in the form of a classified "Grahsay Moray" waterfall.) \ advertising section in which campus Her latest decorations come from and downtown merchants are listed Brazil, Venezuela and the Domini- under the types of merchandise they can Republic . . . "which makes an sell. even dozen," she laughed. Besides this innovation, students "Everyone shouldsee South Ameri- will find "between the covers all the ca to make the proper contact with features which the book contained the people there. Although there is last year. Beside the name of every a terrific German infiltration into student will be his class, phone num- their schools and artistic life, they ber, Ann Arbor address and home are really very friendly to North mailing address. e Americans," she became serious. Included also are University phone "And I know, because I met the numbers; a map of Ann Arbor; the t president of each country." University calendar; organization Miss Moore is a firm believer in phones, addresses and rolls; dormi- a individualism and very definitely tory, fraternity and sorority ad- I