THE MICHIGAN DAILY n Daily I l, Washington Merry-Go-Round By.DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN V14 - WASHINGTON-The Republican isolationist logjam is slowly but steadily breaking up. An- other big chunk will soon cut loose in the person of Tom Dewey. I Edited and managed by students of the Univers~ty of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning, except Monday during the University yearrand Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Prest is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI.10G BY9 National Advertising Service, Inc. C olkve Publisbers Representative 420 MADisON Avi. NEW YOIRK.LN. Y. C:ICAGO . DosTon - Los AsGELS * SAN FRANC0igO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Gel . Alvin Dann. DavidcLachei bruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson . Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell . . . Managing Editor . . .. Editorial Director A.s.City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor S. . . Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's Editor Exchange Editor t Business Staff Daniel James Louise Evelyn H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright Business Manager Associate Business Manager .Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON MINTZ The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Cannot Wait Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn. - Rob't Burns AS a desperate Soviet Union looks abroad for the help thatappears to be toolate, as jackal Japan readies herselfrfor another 'stab in the back,' and as the briefly hopeful populations of occupied Europe see anL other distant, but still glimmering light go out, it seems foolish to argue that America's isola- tionists and interventionists should consider anything but the pragmatic issues of war and peace. Yet, perhaps, if these antagonists could for a moment forget the pragmatic and consider the ideal, they might find a solution to the Ameri- can dilemma. The interventionists shout long and loud that we fight an unwanted war in order to save ourselves; the isolationists scream with equal assurance that we must stay at home in order to save our collective hides, but both of them ignore the moral issue, the obliga- tion /of man to his fellow. HAT AN AMERICA of which we are proud owes no succor to Polish slaves, Russian mis- ery, and French suffering is as unthinkable as that an American citizen worthy of the name owes an injured, perhaps dying man nothing but a hastily thrown glass of water. That neither the American nor his government should fulfill such an obligation to the human race would be an unforgettable indictment of our civilization. It should be thus dlear that there is only one honorable course for this nation in this war; it must fight with every pitiless weapon at its command against the transgressors of human dignity. It must fulfill its obligations by a total war against that which created the obligation. If the American people should at this time choose to exercise their unfortunate talent for stailling off what they know should eventually come, if they should-as they have in the past- forget their obligations, then the Aiierica in which we are to live must bear the stigma of a real guilt. Unless we immediately declare all- ,out war against Fascism wherever it may be found, ours will be the blame, ours will be the shame. -Hale Champion This Problem, Of Morale. IN RECENT MONTHS a lot of print- Ser's ink has been spilled on the problem of Army nmorale.bThere havenbeen charges and counter bharges, denials and ad- missions. Some critics claim that morale is bad, others that it is good. The real condition of Army morale probably rests somewhere between the two. It is certainly not as high as it ought to be, and it is at the same time not hopeless. From time immemorial soldiers in every army have con lained about their lot. In fact, a little "grousing" is a healthy condition. American sol- diers, nevertheless, are doing more than "grous- ing." Some of them are frankly discontented. This discontent reached its peak with the ex- tension of the period of military service for na- tional guardsmen, reservists and draftees. Open disapproval of the extension was even expressed by some National Guard regiments. '"OR. R A OV R ATKnhrnwurvcr enn hp triar SHORTLY AFTER the New York City elections, the dapper little District Attorney, who is voluntarily quitting this job which gave him his political start, will make a speech in which he will desert the isolationist camp. Dewey will not go all the way with Wendell Willkie, GOP titular leader, who has come out for a declaration of war against Hitler. But he will endorse the policy of aiding foes of Naziism and will call for national unity behind the Pres- ident. Behind the scenes, Dewey has been wobbling on the foreign issue for some time. With his eyes fixed on the New York gubernatorial race next year as a stepping stone for another try at the presidency in 1944, he has been in a stew which way to jump. What cautious statements he has made have been of an isolationist tenor and he has been considered in the ' 'anti" fold. But after some secret polling in key sections of the state, Dewey finally became convinced that if he wants to be governor he will have to disassociate himself clearly and definitely from any isolationist taint. So, after the municipal elections, he will take the plunge in a speech carefully staged to ensure the widest publicity. Gracias, Senhora THE FAMOUS Brazilian artist Candido Porti- nari recently painted a portrait of Mrs. Doug- las Fairbanks, Jr., who accompanied her movie star husband on a goodwill tour of Latin Amer- ica. When the portrait was completed, the artist sent it to her, but much to his surprise the por- trait came bouncing back, with a letter in which Mrs. Fairbanks said that since her husband had been o cof work for some months, and was now devoting his time to the service of his country (Douglas is in the Naval Reserve), she found it impossible to buy the portrait. The price was $500-. With a gesture which only a, Latin could con- ceive, Portinari calculated the number of hours Mrs. Fairbanks had spent in sitting for the or- trait, multiplied it by the hourly wage'of an artist's model, and sent her a check. Then he gave the portrait to his two-year-old daughter. addition to this loss of confidence in their su- periors, many of the enlisted men have the griev- ance of poor food. While the Army purchases the best type of food produced, the careless officer often allows the, preparation of that food to become slovenly and unappetizing. Although the food complaints and even per- haps the loss of confidence in leadership might be classed as grousing by some people, there are several other factors that cannot be so °dis- missed. These are the bad effects of the lack of equipment, the lack of a feeling of purpose and the lack of proper amusement for soldiers on leave. It is all right to spend the beginning of one's period of service pretending that brooms are weapons, but after six months it becomes- demoralizing. Most of the draftees who entered the Army with the feeling that their country was in danger have lost the sense of emergency. Perhaps even more injurious to morale is the attitude of the civilian population towards the soldiers on leave. Association betWeen the "de- cent" town girls aid the boys from the nearby camps are frdwned upon. Still without the promised USO recreation halls, Army men are forced to stand around on the street corners. Fortunately for all concerned, no one realizes and understands the problem of morale and its solution better than the Army and the United States government. The bad effect of the sud- den extension of service has been alleviated by the promise to release the majority of men after only 18 months. A systematic program of re- allocating those officers who have proven them- selves unfit to command has also been under- taken. This process, sadly enough, has been made difficult by the cry of outraged editorial writers. Army authorities have been accused of everything from playing politics to dismissing patriotic heroes unjustly. What should be re- membered is that a change in position or even a dismissal is not a disgrace. Perhaps the re- servist involved was merely never suited to his job or had become stale after years of inactivity. THE SENSE THAT HE IS SERVING his coun- try in its hour of need has again been par- tially restored to the selective service man by President Roosevelt's historic fireside chat a month ago, warning of the ever-present Nazi menace. The lack of equipment is gradually being met. The one seemingly unconquerably barrier is the civilian attitude. The feeling that the soldier is inferior or morally corrupt must be abolished. Until the USO can fully organize its program, the average citizen-soldier's lot must be made as good as possible. Towns located near the camps might 'well provide some recreational and social progranms. After all the man in uni- form is sacoificing his all for the nation, we in civilian life should at least be willing to make his burden easier. Clearly, then, a lot remains to be done. The government must continue to attack the morale problem by discharging men after 18 months service provided the nation is still at peace, by reallocating or dismissing incompetent officers despite the cry from the public, by constantly reminding the service man that he is serving his country in its hour of need, and by making up equipment deficiencies. The greatest burden, hnwxraurr eamains with the civilian nonniatinn , '~ New Nazi Schemes S. Intelligence authorities have uncovered a new Nazi scheme to get desperately needed rgw materials at the expense of our Latin Ameri- I can Good Neighbor policy and the British blockade. The way the plan works is this: The Nazis get a friendly neutral European country to ap- proach a South American government with an attractive offer to buy a large quantity of goods. Ostensibly the purchase is for the neutral, but actually it is for Germany, to whom the goods would be trans-shipped once they crossed the Atlantic. One suspected deal of this kind was uncovered in El Salvador, in Central America. The Spanish Minister there offered to buy 6,000 bales of cotton from the gvernment. With its export trade in the doldrums because of the war, El Salvador would like very much to make a sale of this size. But authorities are skeptical of the ultimate destination of the cotton. t Fascist Spain is closely associated with Nazi Germany. Also, General Franco is heavily in H4tler's debt for aid in the civil war. Authori- ties strongly suspect that Spain is merely acting as asecret "front" and that the cotton is sought for Germany and not Spain. If that is true, and the cotton got across the Atlantic, it would be a double triumph for the Nazis. They would have thumbed their nose both at our Good Neighbor policy and the Brit- ish blockade. Isolation Strategy HE SECRET POW-WOW of the eleven Sen- ate isolationists to map strategy for the battle against arming merchant ships, wasn't as har- monious as Senator Burton K. Wheeler, who pre- sided, let on to newsmen. One of those present caused a furore by sug- gesting that the battle be called off. The "fifth columnist" was Senator D. Worth Clark if Idaho, one of the most vocal foes of Roosevelt's foreign policies and chairman of the Anglophobe-packed committee that has been investigating movie "propaganda." Clark al- most caused Senators Hiram Johnson, in' whose office the meeting was held, Wheeler and La- Follette to jump out of their chairs by counsel- ing against an open fight on the ship arming issue. "I think the best policy would be to forget about it and lay' fir the next bill to do aay with combat zones," Clark said. "That's the big danger, as I see it. Arming merchant ships won't seriously imperil our neutrality as long as we keep them out of belligerent waters." . But the suggestion was roared down. Wheeler urged all present to prepare long speeches and to induce others to do likewise, to keep the de- bate going in the Senate as long as possible. An outright filibuster, he said, was inadvisable, but the debate should be long -and loud enough to make the American people "acutely conscious of the steps being taken by the President to get us into war." NYE, LaFollette -and Taft also urged that arm- ing merchant ships and permitting them to enter combat zones were "inseparable compo- nents" in the proposed revision of the Neutrality Act and should be treated as such in floor debate. "Arming merchant ships -will be inviting Hit- ler to fire on them on sight, whether they, hap- pen to be in neutral or bellfgerent waters," Taft declared. Upshot of the secret meeting was a three-fold strategy plan: (1) To insist on "open" hearings by the Foreign Relations Committee; (2) To put Navy Secretary Knox, particularly, and other Administration witnesses through a bysteing third-degree at the hearings, and (3) To pro- long floor debate. RECORDSgii Ridiculous to Sublime; Skunk Song to Tschaikowsky "NOBODY LOVES ME, on account of I'm a skunk," will resound down the halls of his- tory as the immortal words of "Chuck" Peterson, who sings the vocal on Tommy Dorsey's latest for Victor, The' Skunk Song. This two-sided number is destined to replace Alexander the Swoose as the animal novelty of the moment. Also released by T. Dorsey and his boys on a Victor platter are two numbers from the U. of Pennsylvania's Mask and Wig Club production, "Out of this World,'-That Solid Old Man and Fifty Million Sweethearts Can't Be Wrong. The former is, as thIe name implies, solid, and the latter is,-well-the latter. But if you like Dor- sey's swing style you can't go wrong on the i Solid Old Man. Freddy Martin has issued a second take of his famous recording of Tschaikowsky's Piano Con- certo No. 1, under the title of Tonight We Love, this one. containing a lyric and a vocal. It also is considerably less spirited than his first re- cording of the concerto. The reverse side of this Bluebird disk is Carmen Carmela, a pleasing lit- tle song with a vocal by Clyde Rogers. Tito Guizar's recording of the same number (called Darling Carmela) in Mexican, for Victor, is a better job. THE KING SISTERS do an extra good job on their latest novelties. Bi-I-Bi and Minka, both on the same Bluebirdisc . . . Dinah Shore's voice is as lovely and tender as ever in the ap- pealing Miss You. The other side is Is It Taboo?, a torrid number by the Carolina songbird . . . ao ,,Wnnrl ci nisc t +im Oianhnn+ rnthon '. nrifP LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Regarding Mr. Hilton To the Editor: Mr. Allan Hillton's letter was well written and made some good points, tho it is strongly tempting to take up such questions as the relative stand- ard of living and of education and popular culture in the Germany of the Weimar republic and the Ger- many of Hitler. Leaving such matters of current controversy to others. however. I wish to discuss a timeless issue of the general philosophy of history raised by him in the sen- tence "{If Germany's system were in- ferior to the pluto-democracy of France . . . . she could never have conquered those countries." This is the pseudo-Darwinism that makes military victory the test of all values. That is, indeed, the true fascistic philosophy. "Inferior" means getting beaten in battle. Savages be- lie. that; Sparta and Assyria be- lieved it; Carlyle and Nietzsche in certain moods (not in others) hinted at it; Machiavelli and Napoleon would probably have endorsed it, and certainly Mussolini and Hitler would. By those standards, Genghis Khan was greater than Jesus because the former conquered Asia and the latter was crucified in his youth; Athenian culture was less than Spartan, be- cause Sparta won the Peloponnesian War; Norway, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, because their population was small, their military force not great, and their statesmen simple enough to believe in the honesty of Hitler's repeated assurances that he would not attack them, were on a lower level of civilization than the Nazis. What is the fallacy? There are about forty of them. To mention only a few: (1) this philosophy of force and fear ignores all extra- terrestrial and super-mundane val- ues; it takes for granted that there is no God to judge and no immor- tality in whichi to work out the con- sequences of this life, interrupted by bodily death; (2) it assumes that war is the principal occupation of mankind and that peace cannot be better spent than in preparation for war; (3) it equates highly artificial modern warfare between political en- tities called governments with the quite different struggle of species and of individuals in "natural selec- tion"; (4) it ignores the fact that pacific and even oft-conquered peo- ples like the Jews and the Chinese have, in the long run, survived over the ages and danced on the graves of their "conquerors" of a day; (5) most immediately to our present pur- pose, it ignores the, possibility that quiet, democratic, unwarlike, decent folk, who Ore, after, all, pretty nu- merous, may get "fed up" with gang- sters and join to form a police, backed by numbers, organization and intelligence, which eventually be- comes more formidable than the ferocity and military prowess of the predatory. A true world federation would have made Mussolini and Hit- ler impossible; even now a world league of the democracies would have more power than the Axis. After all, what did become of all* those great conquerors-Louis XIV, Napoleon, Wilhelm II, etc.? Seems to me, I read somewhere that they conquered so long as their enemies remained in isolation from each other (as Mr. Hillton advocates) and were beaten when they finally got together (as I advocate). Philosophically yours, - Preston Slosson Sports Editor's Reply To the Editor: In Jim Conant's editorial Sunday he pointed out that the scouting of football games is not ethical, or as Anita Louise put it, "it ain't cricket" And because of this scouting, the game is taken away from the players and made a battle of wits between the coaches. And it is with the latter statement that I wish to take a stand. Now let's see what the scout brings back from a game he has watched. He brings back a list and an account of all the tricky and deceptive plays he has seen. He also points out the differ- ent defensive and offensive forma- tions he has witnessed. He brings back very little about the ability of individual players because the game of these stars are spread to all parts. of the country by newspapers, word of mouth, and the movies. With the information the coach learnshfrom his scout he sets out to build a defense against these tricky plays. When the game rolls around the boys on each side are fairly fa-' miliar with each other's plays and it is merely a question of ability of the players from then on. The point is briefly, that once the element of surprise (in the form of trick plays made up by the coaches) is done away with the more important the ability of the individual players be- come to the game. 'O If Conant's aim is to give football back to the players (if they don't have it now) he should argue against the rule permitting unlimited substi- tutions. When it was pointed out by a Daily sports writer that "Miss Louise still, GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLic AVf.F dence), Salary, $7,500 per year; clos- ing date, October 27, 1941. Requirements: Seven years of sat- isfactory practical experience in av- iation, airport operation and man- agement, or commercial air trans- portation. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Sigma Xi: Members who have transferred from other chapters and who are not yet affiliated with the Michigan Chapter are cordially re- quested to notify the Secretary, Frank E. Eggleton,. at Room 4111 Natural Science Building, or phone Extension 461, giving membership status, year of election, and chap- ter where initiated. Tickets for Marriage Relations .Course: The final sale of %ickets for the Marriage Relations Course, for both men and women, will be at the Michigan Union, Wednesday, Octo- ber 22, 2:00-5:00 and 7:00-9:00 p.m. There will be no tickets sol. after this date. i Women Students wishing to attend the Illinois-Michigan football game are required to register in the Office of the Dean of Women. A letter of permission from parents musttW in this office not later than Wednesday, October 29. "If the student does not go by train, special permission for an- other mode of travel must be included in the parent's letter. Graduate wo- men are invited' to register in this office. Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant Dean of Wonien Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held in Room 319, West Medical Building tonight at 7:30. "Glycine -Chemistry and Physiology," will be discussed. All interested are invited. Chemistry Colloquium will meet on Wednesday,, October 22, in Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Evan C. Horning will speak on "Syn- thetic Polymers." University Choir: The following persons have been admitted to mem- bership in the University Choir (En- semble 49) for Sunday morning broadcasts beginning Sunday, Octo- ber 26. First sopranos: Bear, Brown, Clin- ton, Edwards, Fritz, Gale, Gould, James, Martin,' Morrison. , Second sopranos: Bailies, Gilman, Johnson, Kahn, Leininger, McNutt, Morley, Munger, Porter, Scott, Stan- derline. First altos: Chaufty, Cox, Craw- ford, Pierson, Pollard, Samuel, Schultz, Schneyer, Smith, Zapotoch- na, Eldersvelt. Second altos: Alexander, Ayers, Baisch, Bostwick, Campbell, Higgins, McCracken, Meier, Pratt, Rubin, Ya- nich Alto-tenors: Schwartz, Stone, Topp. First tenors: Converso, Faxon Hol- land, 'Matheson, Parthum, Scherdt, Taylor. Selond tenors: Boynton, Conti, Marple, Mount, Pankaskie, Powers, Rhoads.t Baritones: Bender, Breach, Han- son, Imperi, Kreuter, Kring, Miles, Ralph Terrell. ' Basses: Edgren, Elliott, Evans, I;urd, Haaxma, Plott, Redfield, Reed, Rob- bins, Wheeler, ,Wierengo, Malpus. Speech 127: Professor Brandt's section will meet tonight at 7 o'clock. (Continued from Page 2) "Funny thing, Joe-when I was a kid I wanted to be a certified public accountant!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Remedial Reading: All student who wish to enroll for a special class in remedial reading are invited to at- tend an organization meeting which is to be held in Room 409 Univer- sity High School, on Monday, Octo- ber 27, at 5:00 p.m. This work will be conducted strictly on a non-credit and voluntary basis. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Sketches and water col- ors of Bali, by Miss Jane Foster, New York City. Southwestern Indian pot- tery from New Mexico and Arizona, collected by Professor Gores and Mr. Cole. Textiles recently acquired for the Interior Designsprogram. Ground floor corridor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through October 31. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Harry N. Holmes, of Oberlin College, will lecture on the subject, "A Chemist's Adventures in Medicine" (illustrated with slides) under the auspices of the Department of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society "today at 4:15 p m. in 303 Chemistry Building. The public is cordially invited. Events Today English Journal Club will meet to- night at 8:00 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. The speaker will be Professor Joe Lee Davis. Graduate students in English and othe. interested persons are cor- dially invited. J. D. O'Neill Romance Languages Journal Club Reception and first meeting will be held tonight at 8:30 in the Assembly Hall (Ballroom) on the third floor of the Rackham Building. The re- ception is in honor of the ladies of, the department, new members of the staff, and graduate students, all of whom are most cordially invited. Please note that the room has been changed since a previous announce- ment. Sigma Rho Tau, the Stump Speak- ers' Society, will hold its annual Freshman Ral ath7:30 tonight in the Union. Entertainment and re- freshments will be provided. All en- gineering and architecture freshmen and transfer student's are invited. Music Seminar: Mr. Leonard Gre- gory of the University School of Mu- sic will give 'his first lecture on "Be- ginnings and Development of Plain Chant" in the first meeting of the Student Religious Association music seminar today at 4:15 p.m. The talk will be illustrated by recordings of early medieval plain chant and is open to all students. Aquinas Semilar, sponsored by the Student Religious Association to study the writings of Thomas Aquin- as, Will meet regularly on Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 at Lane Hall. Seminar in Religious Music: Mr. Leonard Gregdry of the University School of Music will lecture on the "Beginnings and Development of Plain Chant" in the first meeting of the Seminar in Religious Music spon- sored by the Student Religious Asso- ciation, at 4:15 this afternoon in Lane Hall. The Tuesday evening concert of recorded music to be given in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build- ing tonight at R0 0will consit of