* R GENERAL NEWS Jr --7 S irdh, *4 a AL t t GENERAL NEWS L - ., .... Y. ANN ARBOR, 'MICHIGAN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1941 Z-32, -- - ---__- ----- I A .. _ _ i &ctivitid Quiz Kids And Maurice Evans To HighlightOratorical Series General Rules (alfl'x of Fam d A 4kfc2 Pro gram Outlined Freshmen Honor Students Make Phi Eta sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta University Offers Many Opportunities To more than 10,000 students the University of Michigan offers more than an opportunity to obtain an education through its many societies and extra-curricular activities. The, many choices range from scholastic honor societies to outdoor clubs to speech societies. Although most of the societies and extra-curricular activities . are not open to first semester freshmen, those who capnot enter now may do so later by completing the required number of years and fulfilling other prerequis- ites. Scholastic Phi Eta Sigma is a scholastic honor society for freshmen men, requiring a half-A, half-B average for the first semester or the first two semesters combined 'for admittance. Alpha Lambda Delta is the corresponding society for freshmhen women. Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776 for the recognition and encour- agement of scholarship and cultural interests. It is open onl'y to juniors and seniors of the Colleges of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts, seniors of the School of Education and candi- dates for advanced degrees in the Graduate School who meet !rigid re- quirements. Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor- ary scholastic society for seniors in all departments of the University, holding as -its aim thew emphasis of scholarship and character in the thought of college students. Outstanding senior engineers are invitedl to join the campus chapter of Tail Beta Pi, national engineering honor society. Distinguished scholar- ship is the prime requisite for mem- bership. iota Alph&s a society whose aim is to stamp apprpval on meritorious work of engineering students. Quarterdeck, honorary invitational society of the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, holds regular °meetings throughout the year for tits members. Scientific Sigma Xi is a national- honorary scientific fraternity founded to en- courage original investigation in pure and applied science and for the pro- motion of friendship among those engaged in research. ; A national honorary chemistry so- ciety, Phi Lambda Upsilon numbers among its members senior and grad- uate chemists and chemical engineers elected on the basis of scholarship. At meetings of the Botany Journal Club, ,current literature on botany is reviewed by staff tind advanced stu- dents oil the second and fourth Tues- days of each month. All members are (Continued on Page 7) Varsity Glee Club Expects Bus' Season With the return of niany of last year's best men, the University of Michigan Men's Glee Club is assured of an early start for the concert sea- son. Getting plans for an active season under way, Manager Clarence Kiop- sic, '42BAd, has negotiated for an extensive list of out of town engage- ments, in addition to the many local appearances and broadcasts. Initial tryouts for new members will be held Thursday, Oct. 2, in the glee club rooms, third floor, Michigan Union. Throughout the year regular rehearsals of the Varsity Club are held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. each Thurs- day in their club rooms in the Union. Organized In 1859 One of the oldest extra-curricular activities on campus, the group was organized in 1859 and has since that date given much to the student mem- bers and to the school as a whole. Two years ago, on the midwest tour the club gave concerts at Northwest- ern University, the University of Chi- cago, inj Milwaukee and at several alumni gatherings. They were also featured on a national broadcast sponsored by a motor car company Of University Are Outlined -- i t y -i.- u.&11u..\. 111 L Four OrchestrasEngaged For Choral Union Series THE QUIZ KIDS... .. .will the faculty be stumped? * * * Continuing in its long tradition of bringing the finest lecturers available to Ann Arbor audiences, the Uni- versity Oratorical Association series will present this year distinguished personalities in the fields of drama, literature, journalism, diplomacy, en- tertainment and world travel. The season ticket sale will open in Hill Auditorium on Sept. 30. Maurice Evans, world renowned Shakespearean actor, will begin the series Oct. 10 with a dramatic recital on "Shakespeare in the News." Evans, who will come to Ann Arbor immediately prior to the opening of "Macbeth" in New York, is n-king a' limited number of appearances throughout the. country, and is con- tributing the proceeds of his lectures to British relief. His performance here will consist of interpretations of famous Shakes- pearean actors whom he has por- trayed on the stage. jAnne O'Hare McCormick, the only woman ever to receive a Pulitzer Prize for work as a foreign correspondent, will lecture Nov. 13, on "After the War What?" Miss McCormick is now a Foreign Center Aids Students Prof. J. R. Nelson Directs Varied Yearly Program The International Center under the direction of Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson provides a varied yearly program of activities to aid foreign students in adjusting themselves to their new American environment and in getting acquainted with fellow American stu- dents. One of the outstanding services of- fered by the Center is the Counselor's office. It was organized by the Uni- versity in 1933, even before the for- mal organization of .the Centel itself. Professor Nelson, director of the Cen- ter, also acts as counselor. The Counselor's Office aids foreign students with their problems of hous- ing and employment, registration and classification, language, immigration and naturalization and personal af- fairs. The International Center itself was opened in the fall of 1938. During the five years since the establishment of the Counselor's Office a program of activities had been developed that were of such benefit to foreign stu- dents as to warrant a permanent or- ganization. The Center now serves (Continued on Page 2) member of the New York Times' edi- torial staff. Quiz Kids To Appear Departing from the general char- acter of Oratorical Association pro- grams, the series Nov. 24 will present the popular radio stars, the Quiz Kids. Adding to the entertainment is a challenge, slated for acceptance, is- sted by the Quiz Kids to five' prom- inent faculty to match wits with them in Hill Auditorium. Sinclair Lewis, noted author and Nobel Prize winner, will debate "Can (Continued on Page 6) Creative Work Is Encouraged By Hopwoods Awards Totaling $10,000 Are Granted Each Year To Competing Students Contributing highly through the years toward establishing the literary fame of the University have been the Avery and Jule Hopwood awards. Under the terms of the will of Avery Hopwood, prominent American dramatist and member of the class of '05, one-fifth of the Hopwood estate was set aside and given to the Board of Regents for the encouragement of creative work in writing. In the 11 years the awards have been given, they have amounted to nearly '$10,000 a year. Nowhere else in the world does a university offer such large prizes to its students in the field of writing. The bequest states, "It is especially desired that the students competing for the prizes shall not be confined to academic subjects, but shall be al- lowed the widest possible latitude, and that the new, the unusual, and the radical shall be especially encour- aged."' The income from the bequest is split into major and minor awards. Eligibility for the major awards is confined to senior and graduate'stu- dents; but all undergraduate stu- dents are eligible for the minor awards provided they meet the gen- eral conditions for the contests. Separate Hopwood competitions are also held for freshmen and sum- mer school students. As early as 1931, one year after the Regents accepted the Hopwood be- quest, publishers began to be inter- ested in the results of the Hopwood contests, and they are accepting (Continued on Page 2) Freshmen Are Forbidden Extra Curricular Work During First Semester Use Of Automobiles StrictlyProhibited Following its usual course of reg- ulations regarding freshmen activi- ties, the University will not allow freshmen to participate in any extra curricular activities. At the beginning of the second se- mester of residence, however, all freshmen who have received grades satisfactory to the University will be issued eligibility cards entitling them to be active in University activities. Satisfactory grades must be 15 hours of work completed, with grades of C or better, and at least one grade of B. No freshman who receives a grade of below C his first semester will be allowed to go out for activities. Eligibility Cards Alternative to the previously men- tioned rules is an honor point rating of 21/2 times the number of hours car- ried during the first semester. Trans- fer students admitted to the Univer- sity in good standing may be issued eligibility cards during the first se- mester of residence. General Eligibility Requirements General eligibility requirements are an average grade of C and a C aver- age for the entire academic career of the student. Students not fulfilling these requirements may petition the Committee on Student Affairs for special permission to engage in extra curricular activities. It must be stressed that enrollment in the University carries obligations of conduct outside the classrooms and University grounds, as well as in them. If students, or groups of stu- dents do not observe the principles of conduct as outlined by the University, they will be liable to disciplinary ac- tion by the University. Probationary Status This action may consist of proba- tion, suspension or expulsion from the University. Students on probation are forbidden to engage in any public activity, and failure to observe this rule will result in suspension. Also, students who fail to make sat- isfactory grades will be placed on pro- bation, during which period they must make up their deficiencies to remain in residence at the University. College Rules Outlined. In regard to College rules, students who are absent from classes in ex- cess may be excluded from the course or be reported to the proper author- ity. At the discretion of the instruc- tor, the student may either be drop- ped from the course without grade, or be given a grade of E. Exceptional cases, such as an extended illness, are naturally taken into consideration when the instructor's report is made, but the usual rule is that courses dropped after the eighth week, for freshmen, and all other students at the end of the sixth week, will be re- corded with a grade of E. For the benefit of freshmen who neglected to read the woman's page of The Daily, women's hours are as follows: Week nights, 10:30 p.m.; Fri- day, 1:30 a.m.; Saturday, 12:30 a.m., and Sunday 11 p.m. University Enforces Auto Regulations The Dean of Students Office offers the following general interpretations of the Automobile Regulation and suggests that students retain this article for future reference because violations will not be excused on the basis of misunderstanding. Particular attention is called to the section relating to stored cars. These cars must be registered at the Dean's office without delay and fail- ure to comply with this requirement will be considered in the nature of a violation. The personal and social usage of motor vehicles is denied all students who come under the Ruling, but care- ful consideration will be given to any student who applies for such neces- (Continued on Page 5) Proper Abbreviations Of Schools And Colleges To indicate the various schools and colleges in which a student is enrolled, the following are in gen- eral use on the University campus: College of Literature, Science and the Arts-Numerals alone. College of Engineering-E. Law School-L. Medical School-M. SRA Provides Religion Center Of University Organization Offers Wide Program For Students, Sponsors Discussions Established by the university to aid the understanding of religion in theory and practice, the Student Re- ligious Association each year offers a wide and varied program in the field of religion and is the center of a large group of activities open to all students. ' The co-educational Freshman Ren- dezvous held at Waldenwoods, a lake resort near Ann Arbor, this past week-end was sponsored by the As- sociation. Outstanding members of, the faculty and student body partici- pated in discussions on pertinent re- ligious and ethical problems. A two-day conference for mem- bers of the Association Council and other students interested in relig- ious groups here which opened yes- terday will continue today at Lane Hall. Open house will be held for all students tomorrow 'through Fri- day. Lectures Sponsored During the regular school year the SRA sponsors a program of lectures, seminars and conferences. Social service, publications and coffee hours are also provided. . University students are given the opportunity to hear the views of all faiths at lectures given by Jewish Rabbis, Catholic Priests and Protes- tant Ministers and to express their own opinions at luncheon discussion and in seminars. Among the discussions groups are the Freshmen discussion group open only to members of the class of '45, the Association discussion group, the Saturday luncheon group and the Inter-Guild luncheon group which attacks common protestant problems. Seminars include those on theo- logy, the Bible, the history of Christ- ian ethics, social service, Jewish- Gentile relations, music, Oriental re- ligions and religious drama. Lane Hall, the home of the SRA, is open to any students who wish to attend meetings, to listen to the col- lection of recorded religious music or t4 read in the library of religious books and magazines. Publications Published Two publications are put out by the Association. One is the Contro- versy, a quarterly journal of stu- dent religious opinion, and the other is the weekly Association News which presents the program of activities for the week. SRA also organized the Bureau' of Student Opinion which conducts campus polls on subjects of current interest. The Association program for Oc- tober will include initial meetings for all the discussion groups and sem- (Continued on Page 7) Famous Conductor DIMITRI MITROPOULOS Studlent Senate Serves Entire- CampusBody Representative Legislature 'Grew From Parleys; Headed By Bill Todd Created in 1935 during the ill- fated Nine Power Conference, the Student Senate has outlived its in- ternational contemporary both as a liberal discussion forum and an active organization capable of exercising legislative power. Thirty student members, elected under the Hare system of propor- tional representation, make up the Senate. These senators hold office for one year and are the only stu- dent officers representing the cam- pus as a whole. Under a new con- stitution adopted last May, the Sen- ate completed its growth from a stu- dent-faculty forum to a campus leg- islature. Perpetuate Parley The Student Senate was originally set up to perpetuate the Spring Par- ley, and to provide a year-long op- portunity for the Parley's free discus- sion of world and campus affairs per- taining to the student body. Since its inception, it has led the way to increased scholarships, better stu- dent working and living conditions, and a more complete understanding among campus groups. As now constituted, the Senate is headed by Bill Todd, X42. Vice-presi- dent Roger Kelly, '42, Secretary Ruth Basye, '42, and Treasurer Robert Krause, '42, make up its other of fi- cers. According to President Todd one of the Senate's primary objectives will be increased aid toward students forced to work for room and board. With this end in mind, the Senate (Continued on Page 7) Moore, Martinelli, Pina, Szigeti, Vronsky-Babin, Casedesus Will Appear, Roth String Quartet Will Give Concerts f Grace Moore, Americas own queen f song and world-famous Metro- olitan Opera soprano, will make her Ann Arbor debut when she opens the ixty-thi'rd annual Choral Union. Beries on Oct. 22 in Hill Auditorium. A.group of distinguished artists has been contracted to follow Miss loore in the musical se4es. These include Giovanni Martinelli and Ezo Pinza of the Meteropolitan Opera; Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin, famed piano team; Robert Casede- sus, outstanding French pianist; Emanuel Feuermann, renowned vio- loncellist, and Joseph Szigeti, violin- ist, whose every appearance in Ann Arbor has been popular with audi- ences. Four Orchestras Contracted For the first time in Ann Arbor's musical history four major orches- tras will be heard in the Choral Union Seriel The Cleveland Orches- tra, under the baton of Artur Rod- inski, and the Chicago, under Fred- erick Stock, will play Sunday after- noons. The Boston Symphony Or- chestra under Serge Koussevitzky and the Minneapolis Orchestra, conduc- ted by Dimitri Mitropoulos, have also been engaged to play. Miss Moore, soprano, opens the series with a spectacular career be- hind her. She has been presented, to six kings and to five presidents, has been honored by twelve com- mand performances and been d- orated by five nations. The second concert of the series will be presented by Emanuel Feuer- mann, violoncellist, on Oct. 30. This distinguished artist made his debut with the Vienna Symphony Orches- tra under Felix Wengartner at the age of eleven and was made profes- sor at the Conservatory of Cologne when sixteen. Today pronounced one of the foremost of living musi- cians, Mr. Feuermann enjoyed great success in the Brahms Double Con- cert for Violin and Violoncello, which he played together with Joseph Szi- geti at the 1940 AnA Arbor May Fes- tival. Artur Rodzinski will bring his Cleveland Orchestra here for the third concert on Nov. 9. Season after season music centers clamor for this orchestra and each year finds it a welcome visitor in tours which cover a large section of the United States. This year's concert will mark the Cleveland Orchestra's third Ann Ar- bor appearance. ppera Stars To Appear November 18 will bring together Giovanni Martinelli, tenor, and Ezio Pinza, bass, in a joint recital. The great tenor is a world institution and is one of the most distinguished singers of this age. Pinza, a dynamic bass, is one of the world's most popu- lar artists. In their joint concert, they will provide a program of arias and operatic duets. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Frederick Stock, will be heard Sunday afternoon, Nov. 20. The orchestra has just celebrated its fiftieth anniversary season and is the third oldest organization in the country. Loved and remembered in Ann Arbor, it has provided the orchestral background for the May Festivals from 1905 to 1935. On Dec. 10, Serge Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony Orchestra will make its annual pilgrimage to Hill Auditorium. Dr. Koussevitzky has presided over the Boston Or- chestra for more than fifteen years and has helped bring its effectiveness to new heiglas. Included in the rep- ertoire are the monumental works of past master. composers, togeth r with those of the great moderns.. Pianist To Make Debut After Christmas Vacation, the sev- enth concert of the Choral Union Series will feature Robert Casedesus, eminent French pianist, on Jan. 19, in his initial Ann Arbor gppearance. Casedesus has received many honors from great rulers and musical asso- ciations alike. On Feb. 3, Dimitri Mitrdpoulos and the Minneapolis Symphony Orches- tra, unanimously acclaimed in its first appearance here last year, will return for another engagement. Not Like The Movies: Picture of Life In Fraternity Is Poorly Painted By Movies, For Independents: Congress Provides Organization For Unaffiliated Michigan Men Hold it a minute, freshman. If you're thinking of pledging a fra- ternity, you ought to have some idea of the general fraternity seteup at the University, and perhaps have a few of your fiction story ideas ex- ploded before you enter into the maze of rushing. So place yourself in a quiet corner and prepare to receive at least a general outline of the Michigan fra- ternity system. First on the list of "must know," is the Interfraternity Council. This is the governing body of all the fraternities, composed of sophomore tryouts, juniors and senior officers. Aided by faculty advisors, the Coun- cil makes regulations which are ap- plicable to all fraternities and is the clearing house for fraternity news, and all dinformation regarding the houses on campus.. Three Programs Sponsored Besides this wide general program, passed by the house presidents, the IFC has an Executive Council, com- posed of the district presidents and the president and secretary of the Council as student members. This body considers all violations of rush- Congress, organization for all in- dependent men - not a legislative body of "lame ducks"-will step right along this coming school year with an extensive new program devised by the new president, Richard Shuey, '42. The organization is solely for men who are not affiliated with a frater- nity-the campus independents-and the new plans will considerably broaden the scope of Congress' serv- ice to these men. The following changes will go into effect beginning immediately: 1) Membership cards will be pre- sented to all independents. These will entitle members to substantial discounts on such items as laundry, dry cleaning and shoe repairing, be- sides certifying membership in the largest organization at the Univer- sity of Michigan. 2) Those students obtaining Con- gress cards will be asked to fill out a short record card, listing their pre- election. These positions will open to freshmen, sophomores' juniors. 5) This year will also see be and the I . ::"'