Jr MFriau Partly Cloudy ~Iatix Editorial Humanity Cannot Wait. I VOL. LII. No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1941 Z-3234 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hull Indicates Reply Of U.S. To Torpedoing Will Be Actio Half Dozen Senators Put Complete Neutrality Act Repeal Issue To Senate As Minority Protests FDR May Speed Up Aid To Russia WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-()-The United States' answer to the torpedo- ing of the destroyer Kearny off Ice- land with the loss of 11 men will consist of actions rather than Wbrds, Secretary Hull indicated at a press conference today. The Secretary of State ruled out any diplomatic protest, remarking that one does not send diplomatic notes to an international highway- man. Meantime, at the Capitol, demands were voiced for a complete report on the clash last Friday between the Kearny and a submarine which the Navy said was "undoubtedly Ger- man."' Senator Gillette (Dem -Ia.) said he would ask that the Senate Naval PANAMA, Panama, Oct. 20.-()- Panama officially announced today its approval of arming Panama-reg- istered merchant ships. \ The, cabinet statement said "at- tacks of Qermans on vessels of the Panamian flag have no justification, and constitute a flagrant violation of our rights as a nation' Committee demand details from the Navy Department, and Senator Nye (Rep.-N.D said he considered it es- sential that Congress be given full information about the attack. A half dozen Senators-three Demo- crats and three Republicans-laid the issue of complete repeal of the neutrality act before the Senate to- day as the Foieign Relations Com- mhittee brushed aside minority pro- tests of "gag rule" to order brief, closed hearings on the House-ap- proved armed ship bill. Harriman Expresses Faith In Soviets HYDE PARk; N.Y., Oct. 20.-(P)- Orders for "speed ,and more speed" in supplying Russia with arms to re- sist Nazi military might appeared likely tonight after W. Averell Har- riman told President. Roosevelt he had "great confidence" in the Rus- sian situation. Harriman dropped a hint that some public pronouncement on stepping up aid to the Red forces might be ex- pected in Washington tomorrow, from the President, himself, or both. Japan To Display Iron Unity' TOKYO, Oct. 20,-(P3)-Declaring Japan "eircled" by foreign powers, Premier General Eiki Tojo today called upon the country's people and fighting forces to display the "iron unity" necessry to bring the empire through its "crucial hour." His appeal for unity and an address in which he told war officials to be prepared to sacrifice everything for their country were made against a backdrop of newspaper assertions to the effect Japan would neither chal- lenge the United States, and Great Britain to war in the Pacific. Sigma Rho, Tau's Annual 'Pow-Wow' To Be Held Today Extending a special invitation to all freshman and transfer engineers, Sigma Rho Tau, engineering stump speakers' society, will hold its annual Newcomers' Pow-wow at 7:30 p.m. today at the Union. Principal speaker for the evening will be Prof. James H. Cissel ofithe civil engineering department, who will speak on the subject, "You Have to Sell Your bridges." Other talks, will be given by faculty men, alumni and students. An added highlight at the reception this year will be the showing of pic- tures of last year's Ohio State foot- ball game, to be explained by varsity football center Ted Kennedy, '42E. Also planned for the meeting to- night is the presentation of an .11- piece student dance orchestra which Tickets For Gofther Tilt Bring Students Distress Thousands Mill Around Window As Excitement Rises;' Students Criticize Present Method Of Distribution To Aid LaGuardia Invasion 'Beaten Down,' Soviet Accounts Indicate; Nazis Claim Fresh Gains By HOMEl SWANDER and HALE CHAMPION Thousands of perspiring, exhausted students literally fell out of the packed Administration building yes- terady bitterly condemning a system of ticket distribution which forced them to fight for hours for what they felt were inferior tickets. The struggle began at 8 a.m., five hourse before the ticket office was scheduled to open, and reached a cli- max early in the afternoon when the near-riot became so intense that at least two women fainted and others who had waited for hours gave up in disgust. Maintaining that there was no justification for such an unpreceden- ted rush, Harry Tillotson, ticket man- There are no more Minnesota tickets available for public sale at the Administration Building. This does not apply to tickets for sale with student stubs. Any public tickets that are returned from alumni groups will be offered for sale only at the Ticket Resale Desk of the Michigan Union Sat- urday morning. ager, emphasized that there were enough\ tickets to satisfy all student demands and that threeh dditional tickets could. still be purchased with each coupon. He added that student tickets would be available all through the week, and that any hurry was entirely unwarranted. However, faced with a recurrence of the same situation when Ohio State tickets are distributed, Mr. Til-. lotson said that the system now in use would be altered in some respects. This statement was made as the shoving, pushing, sweating throng continued to mill around both the inside and the outside of the build- ing, while- four policemen attempted lUnion, M-Club Sponsor..Rally" Band, Cheerleaders, Fire To Feature Program It's going to be a whale of a rally Friday!' Get your date now-preferably the sturdy type-and show up in frontS of the Union at 7:45 p.m. Fri- day for the biggest rally this campus has known since'1895 when Michigan smeared Minnesota 20 too0. The band and a crew of cheer- leaders will be there to lead a parade down to the Field House for a half- hour program of cheers, pep talks, and ,the story of the little brown jug. Tha "Beat Minnesota" rally 'is co- "ponsored by the MichiganUnion and the M-Club. Gus Sharemet. '42, and his band of letter winners will be on hand to "prevent" riots And there'll be a big bonfire at' Ferry Field with fotir truckloads of wood to feed victory-hungry Wolver- ine flames. to keep only a semblance of order. "Nothing ill-natured about this crowd," explained one of the officers, "just a bunch of college boys." Graduate and freshman women alike discovered that such a state- ment covered a multitude of sins. Kathleen Roach, '45, fainted and was, carried to a home across the street where she was revived still suffering fiom exhaustion. Mrs. Clayton Lewis, Grad., five feet two inches tall, after four hours of waiting was pushed out of line unable to get tickets. Traffic was briefly blocked, dis- courtesies on the part of students were the rule rather than the ex- ception, and one student who drop- ped his watch in the melee hunted vainly for its remains among beer cans, coke bottles, and candy wrap- pers. Not only was there objection to the handling of the mob, but many criti- cized the seats that were' being given out. Of the 25,000 seats between the two goal line, only 8,000 were alloted to students and almost all of those to seniors and their guests.. Each sweat-soaked student who limpedrhome to send hisnsuit to the cleaners (very few women lasted out the initial stampede) was thoroughly. convinced that he was just one seat out of the end zone, and he didn't hesitate to say so. George Cheffy, '42, who finally (Continued on Page 3) Scientists Vote T o Hold 1942 Meeting Here One of the oldest and most prom- inent organizations of its kind in ex- istence, the American Association for the Advancement of Science will hold its 1942 summer meeting in Ann Ar- bor, the University announced yes- terday. Five University faculty men have been named by President Ruthven to serve as an organizing committee for this national conclave which attrac- ted nearly three thousand scientists to its Columbus session in 1939. Profs. Ernest F. Baker of the phys- ics department, John W. Bradshaw of the department of Mathematics; Lee R. Die, of the zoology department; Malcolm Soule of the Department of Bateriology; and Louis Hopkins of the mathematics department will compose the committee. According to Professor Hopkins, this meeting will probably be "the biggest event in Ann Arbor next sum- mer." The AAAS has a total regis- tration of .over 20,000 members, all outstanding American men of science.. Since its founding in\ 1848, the AAAS has been headed by some of the greatest scientists thebnation has ever known. Joseph Henry, Louis Ag- assiz, Asa Gray, Simon Newcomb, Samuel P. Langley, Michael Pupin, Franz Boas, and Karl T. Compton are among the men listed on its roll of presidents. LOUIS HOPKINS 'lli *, . , Prof. Hopkins Named To Aid DefenseGroup Requested By La To Take Part Guardia In New Emergency Program Prof. Louis Hopkins will serve on the newly formed government Com- mission on Colleges and Civilian De- ,fense, the University Summer Session office announced yesterday. Acting upon an official request from Fiorello H. LaGuardia, United States Director of Civilian Defense, Professor Hopkins will probably 3eave for Washington next month for the Commission's first meeting. With New York's mayor as direc- tor and co-ordinator, the' new com- mission is being set up as part of the American Council of Education. Its purpose, as announced by LaGuardia, is "to formulate plans and submit recommendations for the civilian pro- tetion of universities and-the univer- sity student." Professor Ho.pkits,a member of the! University Senate and head of the summer session, has played an im- portant role in the University's de- fense program. As chairman of the Committee on National Defense he has supervised the defense training course plan and Dean Alice Lloyd's recently created program of co-ed vocational preparation for a national emergency. Good Students wuTT*1Na 1h .E'° - N Kharkov, Rostov Are New Objectives Of Blitzkrieg As Encirclement Begins German General Is Shot In France (By The Assdciated Press) BERLIN, Oct. 20.-Axis armies were described tonight as smashing eastward toward Kharkov and Rostov to carry the fight quickly to a new Russian defense deep in the Donets basin, where the battered Russian forces were expected to be reinforced by fresh troops from the East. A military commentator said the High Command already had a great new encirclement under wsy to meet the Russian attempt to guard im- portant war industries along the Do- nets. So far, the commentator added, retreating Red Army units were being followed so closely they had been. unable to rally. Military commentators also inter- preted the fall of Taganrog, announ- ed by the High Command over the week-end, as giving the Germans an effective stranglehold on shipments from Russia's Caucasus port of Batum. Earlier, it was said, the Russians eased pressure on their rail lines by shipping from Batum to Taganrog- by water and then carrying on by train to Moscow. Now, it was pointed out, the water route has been cut ex- cept for fhe southern stretch from Batum to Novorossisk; and the rest of the rail route is in close bomber range. There were indications the Ger- mans expect the early fall of Khar- kov, in the heart of the Donets val- ley. Foreign correspondents were handed German releases pointing out the importance of the city of 834,000. The Germans, said it was a metal trades center, with factxies for ag- ricultural machinery, tractors, trucks, tanks, bicycles, motorcycles, automo- biles and locomotives. German General Is Shot In France VICHY, Unoccupied France, Oct. 20. -0)-- General Holtz, German commandant of the important Nan- tes region of western Occupied Directory Late: iYou' re JMystery One Day More Sabotage has again hit the Stu- dent Directory, causing the date of, appearance to be moved forward from today, as previously reported, to tomorrow at 8 a.m. Due to the temporary. loss of some important materials, the printers have announced that though the directory will be 1com- plete in all respects, it is necessary to postpone distribution. In all events, members of,,'the 'Ensian staff, who have compiled the book, will be on campus all day tomorrow to sell copies at '75 cents apiece. The main section of the book will be devoted, as last year, to the names, classes, phone numbers, Ann Arbor addresses and home mailing addresses of all students on campus. Special pages are also given to University phone numbers; a map of Ann Arbor; the University cal- endar; organization phones, ad- dresses and rolls; dormitory, fra- ternity' and sorority addresses, phones and memberships, and the names, addresses and phone num- bers of all faculty members. Grame Moore To Inaugurate Music Series F Op An au IUD in iA by tpie Prof. Wants Japanese Showdown: Chinese Aid, Economic Isolation Of Japan Advocated B Staley By BILL BAKER A two-point program for a peace settlement in Japan involving in- reased aid to China, economic isola- tion of Japan, and an eventual settle- ment based on Japanese withdrawal from China was outlined yesterday by Prof. Eugene Staley of the Fletch- er School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts College. Delivering the first University Lec- ture of the academic year, Professor Staley declared that "Japan is out on a limb, and the United States, in cooperation with the other democra- cies, can either force Japan to a set- tlement or saw off the limb." Professor Staley's program, which would be undertaken by this !nation, Great Britain, the Dutch government of the East ndies, China and Russia, would be composed of two points, ec- onomic pressure on Japan and a pol- itical and economic settlement. Pressure could be placed on Japan by increasing our aid to China, col- laborating in the defense of south- eastern Asiaand the islands, and ap- plying economic isolation to the Land of the Rising Sun. which, according Economically, six points are pro- posed. China would be developed economically and Japan would be afforded the opportunity to supply materials for development. A larger share of colonial markets would be opened to Japan, and guarantees of; access to raw materials would be given. Professor Staley recommended the undertaking of trade agreement ne- gotiations, and a promise toJ Japan that the United States would not in- terfere with her economic develdp- ment in South America. If the war between the Axis and the democra- cies is still going on, we would offer to purchase Japan's war materials, thus making her, paradoxically, "an arsenal of democracy." Japan faces only three alternatives to acepting a proferred peace settle- ment by the democracies: 1) If Ger- many loses, she will have the status of a defeated belligerent, and the democracies will be none too well disposed toward the Axis nations; 2) If Germany wins the war, Japan will become little more than a vassal state. much like Italy has: and 3) If. W i lie Ieted I France, was killed today by two gun-r men who escaped, and Frenchmen wi y East uad tonight fearfully awaited severe Nazi p1 j/_reprisals. V1 The General was the highest Ger- Undergraduates To Honor man officer yet attacked in the wave jBi Scholars At Dinner; of terrorism in the occupied zone; B Guests Attend and German sources warned the [M assassination "might have very seri- pa Undergraduate residents of the East: ous consequences." " Quadrangle who attained a 3.5 or bet- German and French police began by ter average for the second semester, a thorough roundup of suspects who 1940-41, will be honored at a dinner may be executed as hostages under wi to be given at 6 p.m. today in the the German system of exacting many by West Dining Room of the Quad. French lives for every slain Ger- by Students to be honored include man soldier. co James Hayward, '42; William Lang- The gunmen apparently were well "E ton, '44E; Warren Smith, '44; Elli- aware of General Holtz's routine. "I ott Weinberg, '44; John Baker, '44; They lay in wait on the tree-lined C1 Duane Bird, '44; Warren Bourquin Cours SaintPierre in front of Saint C '44E; James Conant, '44; Herbert; Heavenrich, '44; Edmund'Merz, '44E; Carl Orberg, '44E; Warren Solovich, Editors To Make Own News: '42; Clifford Straechley, '44; Norfian Taylor, '42E; and William Zack, '41, 1 from Greene House. WorIn nOs e Prescott House members who will be feted are John McWilliams, '44; Of Annual Pr George Thompson, 4lEd; and Marv- in Zeskind, '43E. From Tyler House, Raymond Kan- With "The Worfd in Prospect" as fer, '44E; William Kehoe, '44; Robert the conference's general theme, 200 of Lam, '42, and Donald Neithercut, Michigan editors and their wives will "I '42E, will be guests of honor at the convene in Ann Arbor Thursday for b; dinner. the twenty-third annual convention im Prescott House men iticlude: Mar- of the University Press Club of Mich- S tin Feferman, '44; Herbert Fisher, igan a '44; Harold, Johnson '41E; Harry , Highlights of the- three-day con- D Gilmore, '44; Edwin Menz, '44E; Nor- ference will be an address by Mark o man Peterson, '44E; Henry Schmidt, Foote, Washington correspondent, on ti '44E; Norman Schwartz, '44; Jack "Washington Off the Reord" at the Zuckner, '44, and Robert Swift, '43E. Press Club banquet at 6 p.m. Thurs- s Special guests 'at the dinner will day in the Union, and one by Presi-' T be: Prof. Karl Litzenberg, director dent Alexander Ruthven at the ban- of Residence Halls; Prof. Joseph quet Friday on "Living Toward the t Bursley, Dean of Students; Prof. Future." n Erich A. Walter, assistant dean of the Registration for the convention will" literary school; Prof. Alfred H. Lov-1 be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon ell, assistant dean of engineering; Thursday in the' main lobby of the a Prof. A. D. Moore, chairman of men- Union. tors, and Prof. Arthur Van Duren, Following the presidential addressR chairman of academic counselors. at the opening session at 2 p.m.- amed Metropolitan Star Will Sing First Concert Of Season Tomorrow Grace Moore, famous Metropolitan pera soprano, will make her initial nn Arbor appearance when she in- ugurates the 63rd annual Choral nion Series at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow Hill Auditorium. She will be assisted at the piano Fy Isaac Van Grove, well-known anist-composer. Miss Moore will open the concert ith four Shakespeare songs: Or- heus with his Lute, from "Henry II"; Hark, Hark the Lark, from, Cymbeline"; Come Away, Death!, om "Twelfth Night"; and Come, gy! from. "A Winter's Tale." Other selections to be sung by Miss Poore include: "Phidyle" by Du- arc; "Cuvre ton coeur" by Bizet; Waltz" by Arensky; and "Toi Seul" y Tschaikowsky. Following intermishion two songs ill be heard, "La maja y el ruisenor" y Granados and "Danse apache" y Wolf-Ferrari. The program will onclude with the four selections: Spring Voices" by Roger Quilter; Tus ojos negros" by deFalla; "Ma urly-headed Babbie" by "George lutsam and "Serenade" by John Aden Carpenter. t To Be Theme ass Club Session, The general session Friday will pen at 9:30 a.m. with an address on Post War Problems of Democracy" y Prof. Roy Sellars of the Depart- nent of Phildsophy. Phof. Lawrence eltzer of the economics department nd formerly with the United States )epartment of Treasury will speak n "The Economic Consequences of 'he Recent Tax Measures." At 2 p.m. \Waldemar Kaempffert, cience editor of The New York Limes, will speak on "Science and the, War." Following Mr. Kaempffert's alk, Prof. William Haber of the eco- omics department will speak on Post War Planning." A reception and tea will be held t the home of President and Mrs. 1uthven at 4 p.m. President Ruthven will speak on Moscow Is Still In Peril But Germans Only 'Inch' Forward, Report Says Axis Losses Total Four Million Men' (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Oct. 20-(A')-Soviet ac- counts indicate today the Germans still were inching forward upon Mos- cow, but only over battlefields red- dened by a great slaughter, and an informed source here expressed the opinion the pace of the invasion gen- erally had been materially beaten down. Radio announcements from the Soviet capital, where the silence of a city transfixed in a state of siege was only infrequently broken, made clear, however, there was no lessn ing of th peril before the capital's gates. Pravda, the official Communist newspaper, declared in a broadcast manifesto that German losses in kill- ed and wounded on all the eastern front now approached 4,00,000, but added: "Still these accursed locusts come on!" On the basis of the available in- formation a qualified London in- formant offered this picture, al- though stressing it was necessarily qualified by the fact news was mea- ger: 1. The Moscow front: Russian resistance appeared still strong enough for effective counter- attacks, particularly in the vicinity of Kalinin, which lies 95 miles above the capital. While nothing specific was said here about the areas of more imminent menace-those of Mozhaisk, 57 airline miles west of Moscow, and Maloyaroslavets, 65 miles below the capital-the Russians themselves in their noon communique reported continued heavy fighting . there with no indication of any ma-. terial change in positions. 2. The southern Ukrainian front: It appeared increasingly plain the Germans were having a hard time of it in attempting to drive through the forces of Marshal Semeon Budyenny to Rostov on the Dion river. London had no confirmation of the German claim to the capture of Tag-, anrog, some 30 miles west of that important port. 3. The Leningrad front: There was some basis for the be- lief-so said this informant-that the Germans had 'been forcect from the offensive to defenseive tactics and now were merely digging in. Treasury Buys Russian Gold WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-(MP- Secretary Morgenthau announed to- day the Treasury has bought $30,- 000,000 more of Russian gold to pro- vide the Soviets with cash to buy' war materials in this country. He disclosed the purchase at a press conference at which he revealed the Russians had completed deliveries of $10,000,000 of gold bought about two months ago in a similar transac- tion. In both cases the Treasury paid cash immediately and the Russians promised to deliver the gold within a certain time. Morgenthau said the first $10,000,000 of gold was promised in 90 days and a shipment arriving in San Francisco this week-end com- pleted the delivery in about 65 days. Tickets Selin g'f.. r For Lectures For students who have not yet been able to obtain tickets to the marriage relations lecture course, the few remaining tickets will be placed on sale from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow at the Union. Identification cards must be pre- sented at the time of purchase of tickets for the series, which cost $1. No ticket may be bought by proxy and tickets are not transferable. The course is open to senior and graduate students only. The lecture series opens at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Rackhan Lec- ture Hall with a lecture'on "The Anatomy and Physiology of Repro-