_______ _TEMICHIGANDAILYUNDAY, OCTOB __________________________I ER 19, 1941 Miehigan Daily I s Rf" 7 1ndigestion Bur~y T B Some By TOM THUMB l Contempoaries U1 p - , TI w '- klited and managed by students of the University of c1lgan under the authority of the Board in Control / Student Publications. ublished every morning except Monday during the liversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tile for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication of all other matters herein also erved. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as, ond class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESKNTUD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI$ING OY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Putbisbers Representative 420 MADiso PAvsE NEW YORK. N. Y. CtAje O * BOSTON . LOS AnGELES - SAW FRANCISCO ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Edi e Gel . a Dann d Lachenbruch McCormick Wilson,. ur Hill . 't Hiatt e Miller " Lnia Mitchell torial Staff . . . Managing Editor . -. . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor ' . . , Sports Editor' . . Assistant Sports Editor * .. .Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor el H. Huyett B B. Collins e Carpenter n Wright Business Staff Business Associate Business VVomen's Advertising Women's Busingss Manager Manager Manager Manager NIGHT EDITOR: BILL BAKER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily saff. and represent the views of the writers Sonly. idespread Scouting Fiuts Football*. . U NDER THE HEADING "Actress Sees Practice; Still Has a Lot to Learn," football story appeared on the front page of riday's Daily. It wasn't a very important story; didn't predict the outcome of the Northwest- rn game; but it made interesting reading. t told of how "pretty Anita Louise of Hollywood ame" saw a red-shirted Michigan outfit trying ut Northwestern's plays against the first team; roperly mystified, she asked how Coach Crisler ot the plays ahead of time. They told per about outing and similar intricacies of modern foot- all. And, concludes the story in wondrous fash- "When the beautiful star was told that scouts were sent to watch Northwestern play a couple of games and bring back all tle secrets 'they could learn, Miss Louise said, 'That ain't cricket'." .A cute tale. The moral of which was summed p by the Daily writer (froim the sports staff, no oubt) with the following comrent on Miss otise: "she still has a lot to learn about Ameri- a's favorite fall sport." But more far-reaching eflections, it seems to us, could have been culled omm the incident than this aspersion on the Yl who.co-starred with Tom Harmon. OR AN UNSUSPECTING READER, if he were not warned by the tone of the story against iking any such reactionary point of view, might gre with Miss Louise. To the uninitiated, it ight seem not only unethical but -ridiculous at rival colleges spend time-sometimes mon- y-on stealing the other team's secrets, in or- er that, when game-time comes, each sq ad iay be familiar with the opposition's plays to ate. it might seem a trifle ridiculous that what egan as a game between college kids has de- enerated-maybe not degenerated; we'll be po- te and say developed-into a battle between be eyes and wits of college coaches. This editorial doesn't recommend that Coach risler scrap his well-developed coaching sys- zm. It doesn't recommend that freshman coach nri scout extraordinaire be forcibly detained in nn Arbor of a Saturday afternoon. It embodies o desires to ivoke the Pure Food and Drug Act uainst independent 'scuts, who peddle their ;uff-so we are told by a recent Daily sports ,ory-for $50 a game. But it suggests that may-- e if the Big Nine, or a larger group of insti- itions, got together and eliminated some of e complexities and money-consuming \extras ' "America's favorite fall sport", it wouldn't o said sport any harm: It--would take nthing ray from the spectator appeal of the game- light enhance it, in fact, by adding to the scor- g. And it would leave more of the game up t e boys who are in there and less to the coaches.j UT WHATEVER YOU THINK of scouting and big-time football, you have to agree with [iss Louise; it may be football, but "it ain't icket." -James R. Conant at-in America Turns Going My Way presents a digest of what's worthwhile in the newspaper columns this week. The Washington Ferris Wheel.. IT IS NOT generally known in official Wash- ington, but Madame Perkins is carrying on a series of secret negotiations with Leon Hen- derson, price control mogul, on the effect of baked beans in the Army. President Roosevelt would like this kept out of the newspapers as it may mean the Allies' losing the war, but the United States has a new secret weapon so destructive that it is guaran- teed to kill one thousand Nazis a minute. Next week this fearless column will publish the plans in their entirety so that all may see. S" .My*Morning ... By Eleanor THE PRESIDENT was out somewhere on the Atlantic hobnobbing with his foreign friends, so I took a spin out to Seattle in the morning to visit Sistie and Buzzie. The chubby little cherubs are growing up. In Hotchkiss Corners, Georgia, for lunch with Governor Talmadge at the Hotch- kiss Corners Women's Club, and thence to San Francisco where I talked to a youth group. These people were against war, but youth is so head- strong. Their parents, who really know best, think it's just fine. And so back to Washington and to bed at 10 p.m. after a slow day. ..Along Canal Street . . with Wiper Windshield THE STORKLUB was alive with rumors that the Communazis have split up, and that the Russiaputs will fight Hitler. A revolt? . . . EX- CLUSIVE! Reginald DePullman Carr, of THE DePulman Carrs, is having debutantrouble. His fiancee of the moment, Brenda DeGoldstein of Brooklyn and Newport, is scheduled to go under the knife for a brain operation next week. The romance went pfft when he discovered that she had a brain.. . This is your New Yorkorrespond- ent, Wiper Windshield, who has just found out that if there were more souls along Broadway, and less heels, he'd still be working in his fa- ther's butcher shop. ... Unfair Enoug... By Eastbrook I HAVE nothing against labor unions. But Joe Klump, who 'runs a turret lathe in the Froitzboinder Girdle factory, an industry vital to national defense, is a skunk. His wife was in jail seven times. Klump himself collects postage' stamps, thus hoarding the nation's wealth. Ilump has an aluminum leg, which he has not contributed to national defense. He was arrested :for speeding in 1936, and his nephew, Emil Kloztface, is a drunkard. In short, Joe Klump is an out-and-out rat. To make things worse, he is a member of the CIO-Girdle Worker's Union. This is definite proof that all of the unions are rackets and should be tarred-and-feathered and run out of the country on a rail. about-face in the attitude of the southern na- tions, and evidence a new desire of those coun- tries tp cooperate more with the United States. In Argentina, for example, it has been an- nounced that Edmund von Thermann, German ambassador to that nation, whose expulsion has been demanded by the chamber of deputies, may soon depart voluntarily because of public pres- sure. At the same time a report comes that the deputies have gone on a legislative strike, re- fusing to pass any further measures of the gov- ernment of Acting President Castillo because of its pro-Nazi leanings. Tuesday night in Washington the two arch- rivals of the hemisphere, United States and the Argentine "Republic, signed a three-year recip- rocal trade act, the first commercial arrange- ent between the two nations since 853. The treaty was the twelfth trade agreement reached with American republics by the United States. ACROSS THE ANDES in Chile a huge anti- totalitarian demonstration on a national scale was held Sunday. Peru has signed an agree- ment to turn over every bit of its strategic ma- terials to the United States. In Uruguay windows of German stores have been smashed and a derisive swastika painted on the walls of the Spanish legation. Brazil has closed down a German language newspaper in'the heart of the German settle- mtnt in Southern Brazil because of its activi- ties in spreading Nazi propaganda. Paraguay has issued a law, decreeing death for anyone convicted of fifth columnist activities. Taken together these individual acts are sig- nificant of a fast-growing opposition to the Axis in the southern half of the continent of South American-the very half which formerly was the coldest to the appeals for cooperation made by the United States. W[HAT IS THE REASON? It is certainly not that Southern South America has sudden- ly discovered a new affinity for "Los Yanquis." As a matter of fact, those nations-with reason enough-still regard the United States with considerable reservations, tinged with actual dislike in many cases. The large German populations might have made it possible for the Nazi government to cul- tivate a very cozy friendship in South America by this time. But that friendship has not been cultivated. Geri~any has overplayed her hand. The gov- ernments of Latin America have become wary of the Nazi menace, slow to follow the people them- selves who long ago became suspicious of so- ,,nllpA .A nc rsp .4- o f f ,i f,.p ',a A.I, in. c 0 .. . The Reply Ghoulish .. . By Tombstone THE RAIN was beating down on the roof, and it was the kind of day that sort of makes me wonder why I'm alive. It was dark and the earthworms were skwushy under my feet as I walked. Old Joe was walking next to me. "Why do people live?" I asked him. He said, "I don't know," and it made me feel all good inside. So I took out a gun ,and shot myself. Spurt folio .,. by Pal Stison (Daily Sports Editor) THE TURBULENT TURBINES from the windy city are expected to be on the trouncing end in yesterday's gladiatorial combat of the grid- iron. The grid classic is destined to live down through the history of the world as one of the toughest-fought slaughters in the annals of football. At any rate, read these pearls of literature and be benefited accordingly: Joikwood State School of Knitting and Sociology will trounce Minnesota, 197-3; Immoral Tech should beat Duke, 96-0; Underslung Eastern High School will trounce Fordham, 64-6; Rubadub Memorial Hospital should beat Robert Owen Cooperative House, 1-0. And Porter's Cap should take the 1941 Kentucky Derby with ease. Dominic Says g g WHEN VIRGIL SAID, "The noblest motive is the public good," he spoke for our time as well as his own. "Nothing worth having in this world, least of. all democracy, can be achieved save as the cost of it is paid in self-discipline." So said other great men, but this 'particular statement is by Harry Emerson Fosdick, scholar and preacher, whose industry, loyalty and achievement is evident of his right to speak. Many who wear the badge of religion or of the other professions, unlike tis man, speak fluently about ideals but fail to perform the introductory and the continuing tasks which actualize them. All intellectuals are thought to be in that case by the rustics. It is wholesome to recall the campus proce- dures of one hundred years ago:-"Monday morning, freshmen, Greek New Testament, the Gospels; Tuesday morning, sophomores, Greek New Testament, Acts; Wednesday morning, Jun- iors, Greek New Testament, the Epistles." There were no seniors, or perhaps onMonday morning' they would have been assigned in Latin, Dun Scotus criticism of Aquinas. Our grandparents laid the foundation for a type of democracy_ which made these .United States a blessing 'to the entire world, brought to our shores rugged minds from every foreign people and set our nation deep in the basic values of God and man. WHAT of our own day? There may have been decades when spending the winter at a re- sort could pass for a University education but, that day is past. Entire continents are at stake. The moral structure of western culture is ques- tioned. The whole pattern of life which our fathers and our leaders have taught us to love is riddled. Therefore, we are all in search for values. On objective issues there are diverse opinions. Who are at :war? One writer says youth and age; Hitler representing youth and Churchill, age. Another states that the lines in China are most definite; a central conservative government which calls itself New China at war with Com- munistic peasants while the foreigner is bomb- ing from the skies. But he goes on to say that the same lines are drawn in England, in Ger- many, in France and in America. Another ob- server tells us of our old securities. The capital- istic system, our Christianity, our free public education, with a wide margin of luxury are gone and the clock is being turned back 1,000 years. A fourth has it that our destiny is deter- mined by the heavenly bodies and under the stars of 1940-50 man's office must be to revert to barbarism., ON ONE subjective issue at least, there is unity, that of discipline. The interventionist says, "join with England and Russia in dead earnest to strengthen our, democracy for the tAsk." The supporter of "supplies but not men" thesis ex- horts us to hurry along the job, hence he would have discipline to that end. The obstructionist takes refuge in "make America worth defend- ing," hence he too is ready to take training in home improvement. He who sees the world con- flict as a suicidal mismanagement on every front is willing to create of. the United States the, model democratic commonwealth so he"is for discipline. Evidently, regardless of the position taken on the major world happenings, we are out for a new morale, a renewal of our souls at the altar of common struggle. If we keep the right to register opinion and the right to stand before God, whose consideration of the infinite values rise above any state and over all prefer- ences, as we courageously discipline ourselves in collective behavior, we will arrive. Here, then, is one platform on which every section of our community can unite; each must get down to that which for the good of all seems to be funda- mental, and stay at a few given disciplinary tasks with a will. In this sort of a world, the man in search for LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: One'Daily feature that I miss this year is the regular listing of radio programs. I believe this was a wrth- while feature and should be resumed, and I know that many Daily readers will agree with me. -B.G. * * * (EDITOR'S NOTE-The radio pro- grams were discontinued because it was felt that there was not enough demand for them to warrant the ex- penditure of valuable space which could be used for other items. How- ever, we'd like to hear from as many students as possible upon the subject of resuming the Radio Spotlight, our regular radio program schedule. If there is sufficient demand we shall make it a daily feature again). DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE TIN SUNIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1941 VOL. LH. No. 19 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices To the Members of the University Senate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday, October 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Senate Reception: Since no indi- vidual invitations are being sent, this is a cordial invitation to all members of the teaching staff and their wives to be present at the Senate Recep- tion to new members of the faculties on Tuesday, November 4, in the ball- room of the Michigan Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception will take place from 8:30 to 10:00 o'clock, after which there will be dancing from 10:00 to 12:00. It is especially hoped that new teaching fellows and in- structors may be present and the chairmen of departments are asked to be of assistance in b nging this about.[ Library Committee Meeting: There will be a meeting of the Library Committee on Tesday, October 21. Members of the Faculties wishing to lay requests before the Committee are asked to have them in the hands of the Director as soon as possible. W. G. Rice, Director Public Health Assembly: The first general assembly for all students in public health will take place at 4:00 p.m. on'Tuesday, October 21, in the Auditorium of theW. K. Kellogg In- stitute of Graduate and Postgradu- ate Dentistry. The speaker will be Dr. Hven Emerson, Professor Emeri- tus of Publiq Health Practice, Colum- bia University, and Lecturer in Pub- lic Health Practice, School of Public Health, University of Michigan. ,The subject of his address will be "Nu- tritional Diseases." All students in public health are expected to be present and their guests are welcome. Sigma Xi: Members who have transferred from other chapters and who are not yet affiliated with the Michigan Chapter are cordially re- quested to notify the Secretary, Frank E. Eggleton, at Room 4111 Natural Science Building, or phone Extension 461, giving membership status, year of election, and chap- ter where initiated. Phillips Scholarships: Freshman students who presented four units of .Latin, with or without Greek, for admission to the University, and who are continuing the study of either- language, are invited to com- pete for the Phillips Classical Schol- arships. Two scholarships, in the amount of fity dollars each, will be awarded on the basis of an exam- ination covering the preparatory work in Latin or in both Latin and Greek, as described in the bulletin on scholarships. Copies of the bullet- in may be obtained in Room 1, Uni- versity Hall. The examination will be held this year in Room 2014 Angell Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 4:00 p.m. Interested students are urged to leave their names with F.r 0 Cop- ley or R. A. Pack, or with the secre- tary in Room 2030 Angell Hall.' Choral Union Members: Pass tic- kets for the admission of members of the Choral Union to the Grace Moore Concert will be issued to members in good standing between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4 on Wednesday, October 22, at the office of the Uniiersity Musical Soc- iety, . in Burton Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be is-; sued. The regular rehearsal of the Chor- al Union will be held Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 7 o'clock sharp in the School, of Music Building on Maynard St.; Charles A. Sink, President 0 GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty t i propriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Smoked Glasses Needed: We are unable to obtain more dark glasses such as we have given to students after eye tests. There may be some of these about student rooms which we would appreciate having returned to the Health Service for use. Warren E. Forsythe, Director, Health Service The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received from the City of New York Civil Service Commission, no- tice of an examination for the fol- lowing position: Director of Air Traffic Control and Airport: (Open to all citizens of the United States, regardless of resi- dence), Salary, $7,500 per year; clos- ing date, Otober 27, 1941. Requirements: Seven years of sat- isfactory practical experience in av- iation, airport operation and man- agement, or commercial air trans- portation.' Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices To Students enrolled for series of lectures on Naval subjects: Lieuten- ant J. E. Fitzgibbon, U.S. Navy, Assistant Prfessor of Naval Science and Tactics, University of Michigan, will deliver a lecture on "TheBattle- ship and the Heavy Cruiser" at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, in Room 348 West Engineering Build- ing. a Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held in Room 319, West Medical Building, on Tuesday, October 21, at 7:30 p.m. "Glycine-Chemistry and Physiology," will be discussed. All interested are invited. Psychology 34 and 42 make-up ex- amination will be given Wednesday, October 22, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1121 Natural Science. German Make-up Examinations will be held Monday, October 20, in Room 204 U.H. 1:30-4:30. Permi- sion from instructors and consulta- tions must have been taken care of as previously announced. Psychology 31 make-up examina- tion will be given Tuesday evening, October 21, 7:30 to 10 p.m. in Room 1121 Natural Science. Concerts Grace Moore Concert: Tickets for the Grace Moore concert, Wednes- day evening, October 22, in Hill Audi- torium, are on sale over the counter in Burton Memorial Tower. A limit- ed number of season tickets (10 con- certs) or for the other individual con- certs, are also available. On the days of the respective con- certs, tickets will be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office one hour preceding the beginning of the re- spective performances. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Sketches and water col- ors of Bali, by Miss Jane Foster, New York City. Southwestern Indian pot- tery from New Mexico and Arizona, collected by Professor Gores and Mr. Cole. Textiles recently acquired for the Interior Design program. Ground floor corridor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through under the auspices of the Economics Department. The public is invited. This lecture is scheduled for 3:15 p.m., instead of 4:15 p.m. as previ- ously announced, in order to avoid conflict with the University Senate meeting at 4:15 the same day. Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Mr. Charles W. Eliot, Director of the National Resources Planning Board, will speak on "A National Policy in Planning" as part of the series of lectures introducing the graduate Program in Regional and City Planning. Ground floor lec- ture room, Architectural Building; Monday, October 20, 2:00 p.m. The public is invited. University Lecture: Professor Harry N. Holmes, of Oberlin College, will lecture on the subject, "A Chemist's Adfentures in Medicine" (illustrated with slides) iunder the auspices of the Department of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society, on Tues- day,.October 21, at 4:15 p.m. in 303 Chemistry Building. The pulic is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pa- nofsW of the Instittute for Advanced Stu y at Princeton, will lecture o 4he subject, "Durer's Melancholia- the Conception of Melanchblia in the Renaissance," under the auspices of the Department of Fine Arts, on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Events Today The International Center announ- ces a showing of the color movies of the Campus and student life for tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Alumni Mem- orial Hall. These movies were Miade for the Alumni Association and will be presented by Mr. Hawley Tapping. Arrangements have been made for a gallery talk on the collection of portraits of former distingished members of the faculty. The public is invited. Varsity Glee Club Officers' meet- ing today at 4:15 p.m. in the Glee Club Room. Glee Club rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. Graduate Outing Club will meet today at 2:30 p.m. at the rear north- west door of the Rackham Building. Opportunity for hiking, bicycling and outdoor sports. Supper outdoors, conditions permitting. Graduate stu- dents and faculty welcome. Election of officers to be held on Oct. 26. Gamma Delta Student Club spon- sors a hike this afternoon, gleaving the church at 3:00 p.m. Supper and social hour at. the church at 6:00 p.m. A discussion will be held at 6:45 p.m. on the topic: "Do We Need a Modernized Bible?" Latter-Day Saints' M.ILA. group will have a picnic today at Cedar Bend Drive. Those going will meet at Lane Hall at 5:00 p.m. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Kunstmuseenin den Vereinigten Staaten," by Mr. Rich- ard Ettinghausen. Romance Languages Journal Club Reception and first meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 8:30 p.m., in the Assembly Hall (Ball- room) on the third floor of the Rack- ham Building. The reception is in honor of the ladies of the depart- -','z ' . >i 4<"' 4. V, ( F; 4.+ (71941 Chi.go pTimes Inc "You must cut down on your worrying Mr. Snodgrass!--if you can't entirely forget the war situation, at least confine your worries to Western Hemisphere defense." 1#