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October 19, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-19

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Lie igun

Cloudy; no change in

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VOL LII. No. 19


Varsity Stars
Who Turned
'Cats To Kittens1




. . heaves victory passes
* * *

U.S. Officials
Hold Cautious
View On Nim
Tok yoCabinet
Government Spokesmen
Reveal That Japanese
Negotiations Continue
Conference Begun
By Konoye Group
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18.-()-Of-
icial Washington adopted a "wait
nd see" attitud'e today toward the
new government in Japan, but cau-
tioned against assuming that the
Tokyo cabinet change meant a redi-
-a departure in relations with the
~Jnited States.
State Department officials let it
;e known that discussions with Japan
n an effort' to settle outstanding
roblems between the two countries
iad been proceeding right up to the
ime Lieut. Gen. Eiki Tojo assumed
he Japanese premiership.
That these negotiations, started by
he Konoye government, would con-
tinue with the new regime was indi-
rated after the disclosure that Sec-
"etary of State Hull and Undersec-
Fetary Sumner Welles had conferred
it length late yesterday with Kaname
Wakasugi, Japanese Minister to
Washington, who recently returned
from Tokyo.
Except' to say that there was a
"general interchange of views" in the
'eparate conferences with Wakasugi,
the department would not comment.
Informed sour es indicated, how-
ever, that Wakasugi told Hull and
Welles that the two-nation talks
would continue, at least for the time
Although Premier Tojo was repre-
sented as favoring a firm attitude to-
ward the United States, some officials
here described the new foreign minis-
ter, Shigenori Togo, as a moderate
in his attitude toward Axis ties and
held that it would be better to judge
the new government by its future,
Belligerent statements by non-dip-
(Continued on Page 2)
New Government
To Cling To Axis
SINGAPORE, Oct. 18.--(P)-The
consensus of informed quarters here:
today was that the success of Japan's
military leaders in forming a cabinet
signifies a conviction the nation had
reached an impasse. which the new
government now is likely to try to.
break by force.1
This impression was heightened by
the first statement of Gen. Eiki Tojo
as premier promising firm and
speedy measures along Japan's "im-1
mutable" course-creation of her
sphere of Eastern Asia and settle-
ment of the China affair-and de-
claring for continued' adherence to
the Axis.


Nazis Claim Huge Soviet Losses

LONDON, Oct. 19.-(P)-Red
Army forces have launched a
massive counter-offensive against
the Germans in the Kalinin sec-
tor, 95 miles northwest of Mos-
cow, the Soviet official radio an-
nounced early today.
LONDON, Oct. 19.-(P-Adolf Hit-
ler is hurling enormous new masses
of men an'd tanks into the battle
for Moscow in a desperate race
against winter storms already sweep-
ing across the Muscovite plain, toe
Russians declared today.
"The battleground in the past few
hours has been covered with a thick
carpet of snow," the Moscow radio
said. "Roads watered by recent rains
now are hard with ice.
It conceded that the situation
about the imperilled capital "remains
serious." But earlier accounts said
the Nazi surge toward the city had
been definitely slowed. It was not
clear whether this was due to Rked
army counter-attacks or from a Ger-
man pause for breath.
(The British radio, heard in New
York, asserted today that Russia still
had "at least 150 divisions, totalling
2,500,000 soldiers, as reserves behind
the front ready for-the defense of the
rest of Russia and the continuation of
the war."
"The provisioning of this fully-
Senate Group
Asks Hillman
For Testimony

Committee Invites
Green To Hear
Pirector Define


WASHINGTON, Oct. 18.-(P)-
The Senate defense investigating
committee disclosed today that it
would seek a showdown on the gov-
ernment's labor policies in the con-
struction field by calling Sidney Hill-
man, John L. Lewis and William
Green for joint testimony next Wed-
nesday concerning a Wayne County,
Mich., housing project.
Chairman Truman (Dem.-Mo.)
said the committee desired to ask
Hillman, co-director of the Office of
Production Management, in the pres-
ence of Lewis and Green for an ex-
planation of why a contract has not
been" awarded to the P. J. Currier
Lumber Company of Detroit which
says it was low bidder on the project
by $431,000.
Lewis, .president of the CIO United
Mine Workers; bas charged that the
award has not been made to Currier
because the firm employs CIO labor.
He- asserted also that a stabilization
agreement Hillman signed with the
AFL, of which Green is president, in
effect created a "monopoly" for the
AFL in the defense building.

Winter Race To Moscow;

equipped and trained army is being
done from the newly-developed Ural
mountain region," the broadcast
Italian press dispatches reported
Italian and German troops marching
through a snowstorm toward an ob-
jective identified by the Milanese
newspaper, Corriere Della Sera, as
Rostov on the Don.
Capture of Rostov at one of the
eastern tips of the Black Sea would
give the Axis armies an important
Russian railroad center and harbor
and would tap the Gronzy oil pipe
line as wel as threatening commun-
ications between Russian and the in-
terior f the Caucasus region along
which United States and British aid
to Russian may now pass.
Neutrality Law
Revision Faces
Senate Battle
Senator Glass Advocates
Repeal Of Entire Act;
Wheeler Favors - Test
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18.-mP)-The
prospect of a Senate battle over
major revision of the Neutrality Law
developed today as Senator Glass
(Dem.-Va.) called the existing act
"a craven piece of poltroonery" and
announced that he would work for its
complete repeal.
Glass, a member of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee, told re-
porters that the House-approved
amendment permitting the arming of
ships should be discarded and that
we should repeal the whole damn
Another Foreign Relations Com-
mitteeman, Senator Pepper (Dem.-
Fla.), expressed virtually the same
views in an interview. He said he
Wilkie says U.S. must abandon
hope for peace ... story on page 7.
would urge repeal of all neutrality
'law provisions except that providing
government control of munitions ex-
Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.), a
leading opponent of administration
foreign policy, said that he hoped an
effort would be made to repeal the
law completely. "That would bring
the issue of peace or war out in the
open where it should be," he said, add-
The men surrounding the Presi-
dent apparently want, a declaration
of war, but they have been afraid to
come out in the open and ask for it.
Instead, they have been deceitful and
In addition to its prohibition
against the arming of ships, the Neu-
trality Act now prevents American
vessels from entering belligerent
ports or designated combat areas.
Chairman Connally (Dem.-Tex.) of
the Foreign Relations group has urged
a freedom-of-the-seas policy for
American merchantmen, but has in-
dicated his belief that legislation to
abolish present restrictions on ship
movements should be delayed until
after the armed-ship bill is enacted.
U.S. Must Aid
English Child,
Claims Allen
American funds for child nurseries
rather than American soldiers are
"the best way to increase British
manpower," declared Chairman Hen-

ry J. Allen of the Save The Children
Federation addressing an Ann Arbor
audience last night in the Rackham
Describing the need for child care,
Allen pointed out that only womnen
with children under twos years old
are exempted from munitions factory
work. Since the British school system

BERLIN, Oct. 18. -( P)- Eight
whole Russian armies-perhaps a
million and a quarter of Marshal Si-
meon Timoshenko's fighting men-
have been annihilated in the gigantic
double battle of encirclement at Bry-
ansk and Vyazma during the Ger-
man drive toward Moscow, a special
war bulletin declared tonight.
The communique from the field
headquarters of Adolf Hitler listed
648,196 prisoners taken, and of the
rest reported:
"The bloody losses of the enemy
again were heavy."
The battles were officially declared
completed except for the mop-up of
small, scattered Red Army forces.
Bryansk is 210 miles southwest and
Vyazma 125 miles west of Moscow.
Thus were written off what the
Germans regard as the greatest bat-
tles of military history during which
the strongly-manned outer defenses
of Moscow itself were drenched.
The communique, heralded by
hints 24 hours earlier that an im-
portant announcement might be ex-
pected soon, said incalculable quan-
tities of war material including 1,197
tanks and 5,229 pieces of artillery had
fallen into German hands. q
It credited the victory to coordin-
ated efforts of the air corps and pow-
erful infantry and tank forces.
Convoy Attack
Has Possible
Kearny Tie-up
Berlin Says Merchantmen,
Destroyers Were Sunk
In LongUBoat Raid
BERLIN, Oct. 18.-()-The possi-
bility that the U.S. Detroyer Kearny
when torpedoed was in waters of the
Atlantic where the high command
announced destruction of 10 Britain--
bound merchantmen and two de-
stroyers in a day-long attack by U-
boats was a subject of speculation in
Berlin tonight.
Authoritative sources said they
had no reports from any German
craft of an attack upon an American
vessel, however, and had no facts to
verify or amplify the United States
Navy's announcement that the Kear-
zy had been torpedoed.
Naval authorities refused to go be-
yond a high command communique
which said "A strongly protected
convoy en route to England from
North America was attacked by Ger-
man submarines after entering the
blockade zone. In stubborn attacks
lasting several days the submarines
sank 10 enemy merchantmen, among
them three fully loaded tankers, to-
taling 60,000 tons. In a nocturnal
fight with the protecting vessels two
enemy destroyers were sunk."'
The authorities admitted that in
the course of such prolonged sniping
ships of both sides could have spread
over a large ocean area.
A PeaceSettlement In The I
Prof. Eugene Sta
Far Eastern P
Courses of action open to this
country in the Far Eastern situation
will be outlined by Prof. Eugene Sta-
ley of the Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy in a University Lecture at
3:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
Professor Staley's talk, "A Peace
Settlement in the Far East?", will
deal with the possibilities of a settle-
ment and other aspects of the Jap-
anese situation.

Professor Staley, who is a member
of the faculty of the Fletcher School
of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts Col-
lege, has made many special studies
in the field of international econom-
ic relations, working in Geneva, Paris,
Berlin and the Balkans. For three
years he held the travelling fellow-
ship of the Social Science Research
R,-nrmi.c. won a m m f 4r the

(Special To The Daily)
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 18.-Fighting with a relentless determination
seldom equalled in Michigan grid history, Fritz Crisler's undefeated Wol-
verines ground out a magnificent 14-7 triumph over a star-studded band
of Northwestern Wildcats in Dyche Stadium today.
Employing with devastating effect the same formula which once made
Michigan invincible on the nation's gridirons, this current Wolverine team
spelled punt, pass, and pray, in capital letters-and rode to victory in the
country's number one clash of the day before 47,000 amazed, roaring fans.
Superlative line play, two lightning thrusts through the air,.near-per-
fect punting and an unquenchable desire to win-those were the corner-
stones upon WIhich the Maize and Blue built its bid for an upset win over
favored Northwestern. And anything short of that would have failed, for
the rugged Cats were great today.
In fact, the Purple squad, saturated with man-power, piled up a distinct
edge in game statistics, rolling for 17 first downs to Michigan's nine. Th-
air-minded Wildcats struck for siir first downs and 197 yards via the aerial
route, compared to one first down and only 73 yards through the airglanes
for the Wolverines. Net yards by rushing figures showed 169 for North-
western and 128 for Michigan.
Kuzma Throws Touchdown Passes
It's impossible to single out any Wolverine for honors. They were all
great. Sophomore Tommy Kuzma threw two touchdown passes. His
superbly accurate punts, time and again rocked Northwestern back to its
goal and were vital factors in staving off the terrific Wildcat offensive.
Quarterback George Ceithaml, a 60 minute ball player today, turned in a
truly great performance, and his tackles stopped many a Wildcat from
racing into the secondary. Capt. Bob Westfall, Mihig'n's leading ball
carrief, was the bullet of last year. Knees pumping like pistons, Westy re-
peatedly broke through the Purple forward wall.
Wingbacks Tippy Lockard and Paul.White, who alternated at thiat poi-
tion, played fine defensive ball. Little Davie Nelson couldn't shake loose on
running plays today through the bulky Cat line, but he too punted well
and shone defensively.
In the line every man played aggressive, alert ball. Flankmen Whitey
Fraumann and Joe Rogers, both of whom played the entire game along with
-nAl Wistert, each snagged a touchdown
pass from Kid Kuzma's accurte arm:
Series Of Comedies They bore the brunt of Northwest-
ern's scintillating end sweeps and
Will Open At League sore it well. Tackle Wistert, waging
i duel with Alfie Bauman, Wildcat
Opening a series of the best films 1l1-American, stood comparison well,
of American comedy, the Art Cinema while over on the right side of the
'ine, veteran Rube Kelto turngd in his
League will present the Mar Broth- usual standout game.
ers in "Duck Soup" and W. C. Fields . Michigan's guards, Merv Pregul-
in "Barber Shop" at 8:15 p.m. Sun- man, Bob Kolesar and Julie Franks
day, Oct. 26, in the Lydia Mendels- were continually breaking through
sohn Theate. when the chips were down, when it
sie ounted most. Bill Melzow convert.
No single tickets will be sold for 'd two vital extra points. The Wol-
the four Sunday evening programs, verines' two standout pivotmen sen-
but series tickets will be on sale at *ors, Bob Ingalls and Ted Kennedy,
the League, the Union and a State did a fine job of line-backing. In
Street bookstorhort, pick out your own adjectives
reet otore. nd apply them. They were.all great.
The second offering, Nov. 9, will 78-Yard March,
be Harold Lloyd in "Grandma's Bad Michigan oened the scorin in the
Boy," and Buster Keaton i ."Sher first quarter *ith a 78-yard sustained
ouk, Jarlie ha.march which ended after nine min-
Four Charlie Chaplin movies-~ tes with a 9-yard touchdown aerial.
"The Tramp," "A Woman," "The Northwestern ran off two quick first
Bank," and 'Police"-will be shown downs after receiving the initial kick-
Nov. 23. off, but was forced to punt from the
Michigan 42 after the Wolverines
Par East? held for downs at that point. Bill
der Correvont, Wildcat halfback ace,
. sliced a poor punt out of bounds on
le To DisCuss Michigan's 22. And then the Maize
and Blue marched.
To oro After an offside penalty, Westfal
olicy Tom orrow on a spinner over left guard ,drove
to the Purple 47 for 26 yards and a
first down. Three more first downs
gained on smashes and reverses by
Westy, Kuzma and Lockard followed.
Then with the ball on the Purple 11
F "'kyard stripe, Bullet Bob 'drove with
terrific power over the goal, but the
x play was nullified by a Michigan
- backfield in motion penalty.
Then after three more downs which
advanced the ball only two yards,
(Continued on Page 3)
Pittsburgh Game Movies
To Be Shown In Union
Official athletic department mov-
ies of the Pittsburgh game will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. today in the
North Lounge of the Michigan Union.
Shots of yesterday's victory over
the Wildcats will be screened next
k ' Sunday

Once Shrine, Now Fortress:
Moscow Remains Important
Defense Center, Says Simpson

...boosts All-American stock
* * *

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
Half-encircled by' Nazis, Moscow
already hasceased tobe the shrine
and nerve center of. Soviet Russia,
but still is the inner keep of a vast
fortress, 300 miles in breadth and
more than that in depth, which may
yet balk Hitler's hopes of rendering
Russia impotent to impede his plans
for reshaping Europe-and the world
-to his liking.
Within the Moscow defense zone
are millions of Russians, troops as
well as civilians. The indicated with-
drawal of Soviet government offic-
ials to Kazan, a frowzy and even old-
er and smaller city on the east bank
of the Volga, 450 miles east of Mos-
cow, speaks. of grim Russian deter-
mination to fight on at Moscow to
the bitter end. Earlier evacuation of
non-defense personnel paved the way
f.. ha.

of the present central battle front in
And reduced as it now is to the
function merely of a huge blockhouse
outpost, buttressing the center of a
new Russian defense front, Moscow
still could prove Hitler's Verdun. It
still could shatter his dreams of world
empire under German sway as it once
blotted out those of Napoleon.
Even if Moscow falls, the Russian
forces eastward of the city still will
be a major factor in the war. Every
division the Nazis must deploy
against them represents that many
fewer men for the next expected Ger-
man campaign-into the Caucasus
toward the all-important Russian oil
fields which, most of all, Hitler seeks
in his east front war.
It is also grimly certain that in
Nazi occupied regions of Russia such
as the grain-rich Ukraine, Hitler will
encounter eventually active and pas-
sive civilian resistance on a scale to

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