Prom Election
To Be Oct.' 30
Closing In On Moscow- Germans
Robert Samuels To Direct
.Balloting; All Petitions
Obtainable At Union
HolmbergWill Aid
Thirteen committeemen for the J-
Hop and nine for the Soph Prom wil
be elected October 30, the Men's Ju-
diciary Council announced last night.
Robert Samuels, '42, newly chosen di-
rector of campus elections, will be'in
charge of the balloting, assisted by
Edward Holmberg, '43, of the Union
The chairmen for both committees
are to be chosen from the College of
Engineering. The J-Hop committee
will comprise one student each from
the nursing school (elected, separ-
ately) the educational school, the
music school, the architedtural
school; three members from the en-
gineering college; and five from the
literary cellege, three men and two
On the Soph Prom Committee
there will be four engineering or ar-
chitectural studen~t's and five othfers,
three men and two women, from any
other undergraduate school.
Engineering and literary school pe-
titions must contain 25 signatures,
and those in -other divisions of the
University should have as close to
that number as possible. The peti-
tions are obtainable in the student
offices of the Union from 2 to 5 p.m.
on week-days, William Slocum, '42,
Judiciary Council president, declared.
They are due at noon, October 23, at
the same offices, and must be accom-
-panied by eligibility cards. The
Council will in'terview candidates
from 2 to 6 p.m., October 23 and 24.
The women candidates for J-Hop
and Soph Prom positions will be in-
terviewed by the Women's Judiciary
Council at the League on oThursday.
The time and place of balloting
are to be announced at a later date.
co-Ups Offer
Cbeaper Rlates
Several Vacancies Open
For Room And Board
t OR E L
¢O -r
OD ESSA- Sea ofAzov
North Atlantic
Raider Hunted;
Kearny Afloat
Tension High In Capital;
Fear Raid May Be Nazi
Move To Bolster Japan
I . .
The German High Command said they were fighting 62 miles from
Moscow (1), claiming that Kalinin and Kaluga had been in their hands
for several days. Arrows indicate pincer actions developing against the
Russian capital. London sources said that the German drive toward
Kharkov (2) still met with stubborn resistance. Germans stated that
defenses of Odessa; (3) under siege nearly 60 days, had been penetrated
by Rumanian forces.
Pacific Air Base Constuction
Pro gres sing' WellI Navy Says
1 , ;
Despite the general rise in the price
of food and other commodities, Uni-
versity students can still live econ-
The cooperative houses on campus
make it possible for both men and
women students to get room and
board for a weekly cost ranging from
$2.25 to $6.00. Those who just take
their meals at co-op houses pay from
$1.50 to $3.40 per week. There are
a number of vacancies for both room-
ers and boarders; students who wish
to inquire about them can cali Owen
Schwam, 2-2143.
Tentative plans are being made for
a new cooperative house, at which the
weekly room and board rate will be
approximately $5.00. All those inter-
ested should telephone Louis Cote,
State-Seized Property
Owes Rent To Owners
LANSING, Oct, 17.-(,')-A prop-
erty owner who redeems his land
af'ter it hs been seized by the state
for non-payment of taxes may re-
cover any rentals. the state collected
during the period of seizure, the State
Court of Claims held today. /
The decision awarded Frank J.
Kehoe of Jackson a judgment of
$801.5.0, the amount the state had
collected on rentals while it held title
to Kehoe's land. I
Circuit, Judge Joseph A. Moynihan
of Detroit, presiding over the Court
of Claims, said "the state cannot
make a profit on the exercise of its
taxing authority at the expense of
the owners of real property."
Man Who Shot Landlord
Is Pardoned By Governor
LANSING, Oct. 17.-(,P)-Robert
Benoit, Detroit resident sentenced to
two years probation for shooting his
landlord, was pardoned today by
Governor Van Wagoner to nullify
deportation proceedings.
Benoit, sentenced on a simple as-
sault case, faced deportation to Can-
ada. He is married and the father1
of three children. The parole board
recommended a pardon and said de-
portation would be a hardship. 1
Sunday Carillon Concert
Will Be Mixed Program
Giving his regular Sunday evening
carillon recital from Burton Tower,
Prof. Percival Price, of the School
of Music, will present a mixed pro-
gram, featuring "Gavotte for caril-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17.-(lP)-As uinder way. The navy also reported
if to serve notice it was feeling fit for exceptional progress in the develop-
any showdown in the Pacific, the ment of Alaskan air bases at Sitka,
United States Navy announced to- Kodiak and Dutch Harbor.
night its prbgram of constructing air The huge new drydock at Pearl
bases in that vast ocean is progress- Harbor, Hawaii, is basically complete,
ing very well. the statement said, and the Kaneohe
Without so much as a mention of air base on the island of Oahu is in,
Japan, where an Axis-minded pre- operation even while enlargements
mier has just been chosen, the official are being carried forward.
announcement said: Navy Statemet
"In short, the new *Pacific bases The navy statement on the orders
program is keeping well apace of the to merchant ships to proceed into
general expansion program of the port was worded as though to allay
navy in building up the nation's two- alarm. It said thea was "nothing un-
ocean navy to the greatest array of usual or new" in thisaction, adding
seapower the world has ever seen." that any implication the vessels
Only a few hours earlier the navy would not continue to ply their usual
had announced it had ordered "a trade was erroneous.
very few" American merchant ships Marine circles in San Francisco
into port for instructions. It did heard, however, all American ships
not say where these ships are 10- bound for the Orient had been direc-
cated , but other sources indicated ted to put into Honolulu, and reports
the international crisis with /Japan circulated in the national capital
had sent a number of vessels speed- that the Japanese liner Tatuta Maru
ing to safety from Pacific war clouds. had been recalled to Japan with sev-
Blow At Siberia Feared eral hundred American passengers.
These two developments followed (At Honolulu, however, officials at
increasing predictions on Capitol Hill the NYK Line, owners of the Tatuta
that the new Tokyo government Maru, said they had heard of no
might strike at Siberia, now that the change in the ship's schedule, which{
defenders of Moscow are fighting calls for arrival in Honolulu a week
with backs t the wall, from today, nor had they heard from
The situation in Moscow was fur- the vessel itself.)
ther emphasized when the State De-
partment formally announced United Government Heads
States Ambassador Laurence Stein-
hardt., together with other members Study 'Victory' Phan
of the Moscow diplomatic corps, high ,.y a
officials of the Soviet foreign office
and members of the American sup- WASHINGTON, Oct. 17.-(P)-
ply misoion, had left Moscow for some Amid growing tension over develop-
destination eastward, ments abrod, high administration
Amongthose traveling with Stein- sources revealed today they were
hardt are the United States military studying a proposed $50,000,000,000 a
and naval attaches, other embassy year "victory program."
personnel, two representatives of the While the program is only in ,the
American Red Cross, and ten Ameri- study stage, it was learned authori-
can newspaper correspondents. tatively that President Roosevelt had
Air Base CoAnpleted ordered the Army, Navy and Office
In its report on air bases, the navy of Production Management to map
said the one at Midway Island, which out a program that would match the
is about 1,200 miles from Honolulu productive efforts of the Germans.
on the route to Yokohama, Japan, The Germans are supposed to be
has been "completed far ahead of spending more than half of their na-
schedule." tional income on arms, and $50,000,-
In addition to the originally- 000,000 a year would be about half
planned construction there, it was the prospective American national
stated, "substantial expansions" are income.
Officials who revealed these stud-
ies, however, cautioned "ther is no-
Engine Professor thing formal about this," and poin-
" - ted out it hasn't gonetfar enough yet
1C kl a ay tt o .be taken up even tentatively with
I l:. the budget bureau.
(ontinuedfrom Page 1)
in response to questions about pos-
sible retaliation that regular Navy
orders applied. He noted the tor-
pedoing was clearly in the American
Defense Zone.
The regular orders given the Navy
last Sept. 11 were to hunt down and
eliminate any "rattlesnake raiders"
in American defensive waters.
Although the Navy said nothing of
the raider's nationality, members of
Congress quickly assumed it was a
German submarine and talked of re-
Senator Pepper (Dem.-Fla.) de-
clared the Navy should retaliate "with
two sinkings for each assault," and
Chairman Connally (Dem.-Tex.) of
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee asserted "we shall retaliate by
sinking every surface raider or sub-
marine. that invades our defensive
waters or threatens any of our Naval
(In Berlin, authorized quarters
said the only information there on
the torpedoing was the American re-
ports, and for that reason comment
was withheld. It was pointed out that
German submarines were not in con-
stant touch with their bases and
usually returned to their stations be-
fore making reports.)
Aside from an apparent general
disposition to regard the incident as
intended to affect the Pacific situa-
tion, the reaction of legislators varied
widely. -
Representative Cox (Dem.-Ga.)
called it "probably the incident for
which we have been waiting," but
Senator Nye (Rep.-N.D.), opponent of
administration foreign policy, de-
clared there was no reason it should
"When the Navy operates under
shooting orders that the President
has given, we ought not to be sur-
prised when these things occur," Nye
Senator Johnson (Rep.-Calif.) com
mented: "It is just another incident
leading us into the war. There were
no casualties, but that won't make
any difference."
'Kearny' Hit
Seen AsPart
Of Nazi Plan
Simpson SaysHSubmarine
Commander Has Orders
To Hunt For Victims
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
Destiny rode the deadly warhead of
the torpedo that wounded the United
States destroyer Kearny, providing
an overt act fraught with conse-
quences still to be revealed for this
country and for the Axis.
The encounter between the Kearny
and a craft which was presumably
a German submarine came at a mo-
ment and under circumstances which
compel recognition of the incident as
a deliberate part of Hitler's master
war gplan. Its repercussions upon
American public opinion are yet to
be assessed. There can be no reason-
able doubt, however, that the sub-
marine commander who loosed that
torpedo at the Kearny was under
Berlin orders not only to hunt for
victims in forbidden waters off Ice-
land, but to strike specifically at
American warships.
The blow was struck just as Berlin
was picturing Russia all but beaten
into impotency. It came also as
Japan, shaken by a cabinet crisis,
seemed to have cast its lot anew with
its European Axis colleagues by ele-
vating an Axis-minded member of
its military caste to the premiership.
Berlin Assurance
Into that timing can be read a
definite Berlin assurance to Tokyo
that if Japan's pro-Axis. policy leads
it into war with Russia, Britain and
the United States, Nazi sea power will
be interposed in the Atlantic to ease
the odds against .it in the Pacific.
And the purpose of that assurance,
now implemented by the actual tor-
pedoing of the Kearny, must have
been to induce Japanese action
against Russia in its hour of supreme
That was already implicit in Tok-
yo's political upheaval, admittedly
forced by widely divergent views
among its public men as to which
road Japan should now take in a
wartorn world. That German agents
in Japan have been busily thumbing
the Axis silent partner down the Hit-
ler road goes without saying.
German Moves Hidden
The attempts of the fallen Konoye
cabinet to reach a peaceful rapproche-
ment with London and Washington
have been anathema in Berlin. Yet
any German moves to short-circuit
these attempts remained hidden until
(Continued from Page 4)
First Baptist Church: 10:15 a.m.,
The Church at Study, Prof. Leroy
Waterman's Class for Graduates
meets in the church. Roger Williams
Class for undergraduates meets in
the Guild House, 503 East Huron.
11:00 a.m. The Church at Worship.
Sermon, "Characteristic Christian
Conduct," by Rev. C. H. Loucks.
6:15 p.m. Roger Williams Guild.
Rev. Charles Brashares, pastor of the
First Methodist Church, will speak
on the subject, "Don't Be a Chisler!"
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, minister,
will preach on "Seeing and Know-
ing All."*
2:00 p.m. Cars will leave the church
to take members of Ariston League
(high school group) to the fall meet-
ing of the Jackson Association of
Pilgrim Fellowship at Leslie. Those
interested in goirfg, call Priscilla
7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship will
(neet in Pilgrim Hall. Discussion of
the evening will be led by Paul Lim-
Yuen, who will talk on "The Con-
fucian Approach."
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Doctrine of Atonement."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free public Reading Room at 106
E. Washington St. Open Mondays
through Fridays, 11:30-5:00; Satur-
days, 11:30-9:00.
Bethlehem Evangelical and Re-
formed Church: 10:30 a.m. Worship
6:00 p.m. Student Guild. Discus-
;ion topic, "Development of Religious
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship,. 10:45. "Does God
Care?", subject of sermon by Dr. W.
P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild: Sup-
per at 6:00 with meeting at 7:00 p.m.
A Worship Service on "Prayer in
Our World" will be led by the Rev-
erend Henry Lewis, of the St. Andrews
Di ciples Guild (Christian Church):
10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H. L.
Pickerill, leader.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m. The Disciples Guild Sun-
day Evening Hour will be held at the
Guild Hous~e, 438 Maynard Street.
Robert Neset, a Graduate student,
will speak on Catholicism. This will
be the first in a series of prograins on
the general topic "My Religion." A
social hour and tea will follow.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
10:00 a.m. High School Class, Church
Office Building; 1100 a.m. Kinder-
garten, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior
Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
and Sermon Jy the Reverend John G.
Dahl; 4-6 p.m. High Square Club
Steak Roast. Cars will leave from
Harris Hall for those needing trans-
portation; College Work Program,
7:00 p.m. meeting, Harris Hall. Stu-
dent speakers: Tom Lovering and Bill
Clark; Topic: "Experiences in Work
Camps in Mexico and North Caro-
lina." Compline Service. Refresh-
Tuesday and Friday, tea is served in
Harris Hall from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The
Holy Communion is celebrated on
Wednesdy and Thursday in the Harris
Hall Chapel at 7:30 a.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Church
worship service at 10:30 a.m. Ser-
mon by Rev. Henry O. Yoder on
"More than Conquerors."
Zion Lutheran Church: Service of
worship at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn on "Ministering
unto Jesus' Needs."
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student class at 9:30
a.m. in the Wesley Foundation As-
sembly Room. Mr. William Cargo
will lead the discussion. Morning
Worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares wigl preach on "Take
Not God's Name in Vain." Wesley-
an Guild meeting at 6:00 p.m.. The
Rev. Owen Geer of Dearborn will
spedk on "Cooperative Living."' Fel-
lowship hour and supper following the
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.
Morning Service, "Harry Bridges and
Charles E. Coughlin-'Aliens'."
j 7:30 p.m. Student meeting. Dis-'
cussion on "Nazi Influences in the
America First Committee."
9:00 a.m. Coffee Hour, folk danc-
The Church of Christ will meet for
Bible study Sunday at 10:00 a.m. on
the second floor of the Y.M.C.A.
Building, This will be followed at 11:00
by the regular morning worship. The
minister, Garvin M. Toms, will preach
on the subject: "Created in Christ."
The subject of the evening sermon
at 8:00 p.m. will be "The Ways of
The midweek Bible study will be
held Wednesday evening at 8:00. The
public is cordially invited to every
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Morn-
in worship service at 10:45 a.m. Ser-
mon by Carl A. Brauer, Minister, on
the subject: "A Lesson in Prayer."
Bible Class at 9:30 a.m.
Gamma Delta Student Club spon-
sors a hike in the afternoon, leaving
the church at 3:00 p.m. Supper and
social hour at the church at 6:00 p.m.
A discussion will be held at 6:45 p.m.
on the topic: "Do We Need a Modern-
ized Bible?"
in her
T his star of opera, c+
has just' returned f
tour off South Ames
A limited number ,
either for the entire
at the office of the
in Burton Memorial
V Y, 8:30 -P M
ncert, radio; and the movies,
m a brilliant' "good wilti"
ftickets are still available,
eries or for single concerts,
University :Musical Society;
- -
ized Bible?"
'7 .74
N /7
'4<' g~EiLEE~ IUN~J\JIX!
7 7
. 'I
e L
- -- . . . ._ . _ _ _ .,
1 t
Open an account now with
the Ann Arbor Savings Bank.
Put your money in a safe and
Memsber Federal JReserve System and Federal Deposit I nsurancq C3or p.
Ak h N L A ~A m - - m ___J
Airmy in ! pru
r g
When the Army call comes as it
probably will in February for Prof.
Frank A. Mickle of the mechanical
engineering department, he will join
the fast-growing group of Michigan
faculty members who have left their
classes to aid the nation in defense.
Professor Mickle is a lieutenant-
colonel in the reserve corp of the Ord-
nance Department of the Army, to
which post he was appointed last Au-
gust. Prior to that time he had been
a major.
During the World War Prof. Mickle
served as first lieutenant in the Army
11VIA.... T1....C A Y Tip ITI11+4L +1h_"in,,.,_
Council Will Hold Dance
For Graduate Students
Graduate students of all schools
are invited to attend a record dance
at 9 p.m. today at the Rackham
The dance sponsored by the Grad-
uate Council, will feature a demon-
stration of square dancing and offers
the added attractions of new records
and refreshments.
All graduate students are urged to
come, with or without escorts.