_ _ _ _THE MICHIGAN DAILY ;an Daily I -1 I ww rrt w r- -,.. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of Wke Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. /Eitered at the PostrOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as !second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING By National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Senate Farm Bloc Blind To Inflation. ACCORDING TO SENATOR BANK- HEAD of Alabama, Henry Morgen- thau is agricult'ure's "public enemy No. 1" be- cause as Secretary of Treasury he has express- ed a desire to place a ceiling on farm prices. Senator Bankhead, supposedly an Adminis- tration bulwark, is willing to sacrifice the eco- nomic future of the United States for his farm votes. Senator Bankhead opposes the release of government stocks of cotton, wheat and major farm products because the present surplus (which he'wants withheld) prevents any infla- tion in farm prices. These are the opinions stated to the press by a United States Senator in one of his country's most critical periods. The facts of the case do not seem to bear out his opinions. AT THE PRESENT TIME cotton prices stand at seventeen cents a pound, as compared to nine cents a pound on August 1, 1x39. The price of a bag of flour has risen fifteen per cent over last year's rfigure, And one dollar now puts only eighty-eight cents worth of food at 1939, prices on an American dinner table. These are the facts which Senator Bankhead and the entire farm bloc in Congress seem to be disregarding in their I'll-cut-your-throat-be- fore-you-cut-mine policy. The danger of infla- tion is aplot closer than p'ress statements would indicate, and the early nineteen twenties should, have been enough of a lesson for any repre- sentatives of agriculture's interests. OF COURSE, Congress has been legislating to avert the nation's increase in prices when- ever it is convenient for it to do so. The most striking Iexample of this tendency can be had from a comparison of Congressional action on Cuban sugar and Canadian wheat. The quota on Cuba sugar was raised less than a month ago but the national legislature squelched a move to import some of Canada's wheat sur- plus. Sounds inconsistent, but a lot more farm voters raise wheat. It is this sectional selfishness which must be eliminated if we are to have a truly national de- fense effort and also avoid the great American hangover which has been an integral part of all our past military binges. When Senator Bankhead reasons that there can be no scarcity because of our surpluses and then refuses to re- lease the surpluses, any rational American should gets some idea of what will be in store for us after the boom is over. THE EFFECT of inflation and the only pos- sible governmental position on it was best expressed by Secretary Morgenthau himself when he declared that "the cost of inflation is too ruinous to producer and consumer alike for anyone in authority to tolerate it now." If this "intolerance" is extended to groups willing to bet the country's future on an immediate kill- ing, then America may get through paying for the Second World War before she fights the third. E Emile Gel . Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hill ditorial Staff . Managing Editor Editorial Director ' 4. . City Editor . . Associate Editor . . Sports Editor, Assistant Sports Editor . mmm~r~c 'Grin Jlanes iatt . . ...women s Editor Grace Miller ~ . Assistant Women's Editor Virginia Mitchell . , . s.s Exchange Editor Business Staff D~niel H. Huyett . . Business Manager James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager Louise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manager Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: DAN BEHRMAN The editorials published in The Michigan ~ Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Pegler Opposes The Wagner Act . W ESTBROOK PEGLER does not like the Wagner Act. As a matter of fact, Mr. Pegler is so wrought up about the Act that he's seriously considering runnin for the Senate just to oppose Robert Wagner and his bill, so the columnist says in the Detroit Times of October 15. According to Pegler, the Wagner Act was formulated for the evil purpose of aiding labor unions. He is not interested in the war. No, not he. The Wagner monster is his only concern. As for war, sluff it off, like this: "War? Nope, I'd say. Not interested be- cause if the Wagner Act isn't amended, it won't make -any difference who wins the war over yonder, because we are going to lose our freedom anyway .to a lot of the unioneers," Already, Pegler points out, hundreds of thou- sands of Americans have lost an important portion of their liberties under the act. And how did they lose their liberties? Why, because em- ployers are afraid to send anti-union literature through the mails, because employers can't buttonhole a worker and tell him that his un- ion leader is a Communist or a gangster, be- cause an enployer can't raise his wages while a union is discussing a new contract. On the last point, Pegler really gnashes his teeth. It irks him no end to think that an em- ployer would be accused of currying favor if he tried to slip a little extra in the pay envelope during negotiations. It means, he explains, that workers can't get more pay than the "unioneers and the mediocrities and the incompetents in the same plant want him to receive.", With a bit more subtlety, perhaps one could be taken in. But after all, Mr. Pegler, we both know that no union has ever set a maximum wage for its workers. And the unlawful raise you roar about applies only to that -period during which negotiations are going on. You find the union leader who fights against letting the em- ployer raise pay. We've never heard of one. If Pegler objects to the loss of free speech be- cause employers cannot use the mails, or take their workers aside and point out the horrible facts about unions, let him speculate on the kind of mail, and the little side conversations that went on before the Wagner Act cut it down. Little innocent words, like "Joe, you're a good man, and we like you. Now if you're smart, you'll steer clear of these racketeering un- ions, because we don't think they're good for you. You've a wife and kids to think of, Joe, and we'd certainly hate to see a iew man in your place. But you'll force us to do something, Joe, for our own protection, you understand." In other words, try to join a union and we'll throw you out. UNION TERRORISM is also stamped on by Pegler. He talks about calls in the middle of the night, threatening, slugging and coercing workers into joining unions. Of course we might strike up a conversation of our own. Talk about the Ford service men, and the testimony given before an NLRB hearing in Dallas, Texas last year before the company was unionized. We might mention the strikebreakers hired by the bosses when the regular employees, after a legal and majority vote decide to strike. We could point out to Mr. Pegler that company police and Qr 1., nra y d 'r.,..nna . n n ain' 4-. a . 4A Ala f I The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE (Today I lend the column to Homer Swander, in the interests of himself and two night editors of The Daily, for purposes of hitting back at the low- est insect found in the United States mails, the anonymous letter writer. Newspaper people receive these things once in awhile; often they don't strike back. There really isn't much you can do with a bug. You figure on a certain percentage of bugs. But some are worse than others. You smash those.) There is a guy I would alike to meet. Not socially, or fbr very long. Just for a few minutes I would like to meet him in a ring with boxing gloves or out behind our old barn with bare fists or even in a dark alley with no holds barred. Or anywhere. For just a few minutes. This guy I am talking about is really a lot of people. A lot of people who don't think, who don't reason, who don't even try to. When they can't refute an opponent's argument-and usu- ally they can't-they resort to name-calling and character-smearing, They throw people's repu- tations and feelings around with-I'was going to say reckless abandon, "but it isn't that-it is with a determined maliciousness. He sent me a post card the other day, this fellow did. He called me a Jew, a Communist, a Wop and a coward because I urged a declara- tion of war, yet didn't enlist in the army myself. He said I was trying to get other young people shot and killed when I didn't have the "intes- tinal fortitude" to take my chances along with the rest. Now I do not mind being called a Jew. I don't happen to be one-why, I don't know. But I would just as soon be called a Jew as a Metho- dist (which I am) or a Catholic or a Presbyterian or what-have-you. I can't see. any difference except that they all Worship God in a little different way. And I don't mind being called a Communist- even though I am not one and hate their in- tellectual dishonesty almost as much as I hate Nazi terrorism. I've been called a red, a radical and a :Communist before anyway, so that one has kind of worn off. It doesn't affect me any- more at all.- And when this fellow yells "Wop" at me, I don't get mad either. I just lpink of a little Wop- kid I used to go to school with. His name was Tony (like most Wop-kids, I guess) and he wanted a pair of high-top boots something awful. Used to lace mine for me just so he could touch them. When I got a new pair I gave those old ones to Tony. You should have seen his face. But Tony already had a pir of shoes and he had a cousin who didn't have any at all. So he gave those 6ld high-top boots to his cousin. No, I don't mind being called a Wop. But then on the post-card it says I'm a coward, it says I am not man enough to do what I pro- pose others to do, it says that I have a wide yel- low streak running down by back, that I am urging the destruction of American youth, that if I wasn't a coward I would back up my words with deeds. And it is unsigned. Funny, isn't it? He calls me a coward and 'then doesn't have the guts to sign his name. That takes real courage, that does. If it is the courage typical of "the good old American stock" which he has such great respect for, then God help America. It doesn't make much difference that one an- onymous writer called me a coward. It makes me mad. Naturally. Because I at least signed my words and I will back them up with action the day our country declares war. But the important thing is that this fellow, as .I said, is a lot of people. Dangerous people. People running around calling names, unthinking, unreasoning. They make good fascists and Nazis, these peo- ple. They react to emotion rather than logic.I They call upon sincere interventionists to join the forces of Great Britain or Russia when the goal of intervention is united action by the whole nation, not individual enlistments. We can't argue with these people. We can't fight Ithem. But we have to keep our eyes on them. They're dangerous. And it would be fun. In that ring or behind our barn or in some alley. For just a few minutes. Wouldn't it? * -Homer Swander CThe obetSdAeI WASHINGTON - Ex-President Herbert Hoover recently announced he was starting a new drive to send U.S. food to Nazi-occupied Europe, contending that it would be "entire- ly possible" to'do this without help- ing Germany . Mr. Hoover doubtless believes this. But it also happens that one of his principal European assistants, from whom Mr. Hoover obtained much of the information on which he bas- ed is feed-Europe campaign last winter, was o most cordial terms with high Nazi officials. THIS MAN was John Hartigan, representative of the Hoover re- lief organization in Germany. Harti- gan was famous among the Ameri- can colony in Berlin for several things. One was is hats. He h'ad twelve of them, of four different styles and three of each style. Hgrtigan would explain to callers that he bought his hats in Bond Street and go a new one every time he visited Lon- don. All the hats were kept on dis- play on a large table in the ante- room of Hartigan's elaborate suite in the Adlon Hotel, the most fash- ionable in Berlin. Hartigan never failed to tell callers about the hats. In fact, he sometimes invited guests especially to come up to see the uni- que collection. HARTIGAN also was noted for his piano playing. He had a fine piano moved into his suite and he liked to invite guests to hear him. Among the waiters of the Adlon, Hartigan also had a special repu- tation. To them he was known for his remarkable breakfast appetite. They were much impressed by the fact that he often ordered two whole breakfasts. Polish Letter Mr. Hoover's representative was very fond of his comfortable quart- ers at the Adlon. He also liked other things about Germany. HE was a great admirer of what he called Nazi "efficiency," and he was very appreciative of the hospi- tality of Herr Frank, Nazi Governor- General of Poland. Hartigan was invited by Herr Frank to his confiscated Polish castle for the Christmas., holidays. Hartigai was so grateful for the pleasant time and favors shown him, that he wrote Herr Frank a letter in which he not1 only thanked him for hisgenerous hospitality but congratulated the Nazi Gauleiter on all the wonderful things he was doing for the Poles. In his reports to Mr. Hoover, Hart- igan strongly urged the necessity of sending U.S. food to crushed, pil- fered and enslaved Poland. In transmitting his confidential reports, Hartigan had the use of the diplomatic pouch of the American Embassy in Berlin. Some of the re- ports went that way. Others, how-, ever, did not. They went in a manner that made them accessible to the German Foreign Office. nological improvements in articles of peace as well as of war. The bad features you know; they are all the British can see in Naziism. The persecution of the Jews, the end of democracy, the lowering of certain moral standards, the glorification of1 German culture to the exclusion of other cultures, the concentration camps and Gestapo are examples. The stifling of free expression, the permeation of the army into all ranks{ of life, and perversion of truth into propaganda you also know. But whole books have been written on+ these excesses of Naziism. If you see no more than this in Naziism, then you put the United States in one h--- of a hole. If Ger- many's system were inferior to the pluto-democracy of France and the communism of Russia, she could nv- er have conquered these countries. Both took twice as long as Germany to prepare for this war. And if Na- ziism's excesses are also its good' points, we are doomed to adopt them in order to compete in the modern world. But these excesses are not Naziism. Even in Germany they will probably disappear in time. The features of Naziism we are adopting at the'pres- ent time, must adopt, are those which increase productivity, end unemploy-' ment, spread culture to the masses. The question is, will we adopt totali- tarianism, the bad feature of :Nazi- ism, along with the good features? Today we are. But it is possible for America to save her democracy,, which I believe she wants to do, if she only knew which way was up. To do this she must stay out of the European War, incorporate the econ- omy of South America into her own by cooperation with the Good Neigh- bors, reorganize the federal govern- ° .. rrk' <: - a ,J - ' , , t'. 4 , . .- ;, ; : rs: ; 3 f- <<, w ~ . ' sx. r t. / / a * f 1 } i F, , 2 t J _ i _ y+1 V" _OJ e }'y'YeV+ f1 '.t, "- '5' '., GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty 1 - "If your folks don't answer this letter, why don't you just turn it over to a collection agency!" DAILY OFFIC IAL BULLET IN r~ r A&g , t 0,or A1)St 41 +w k -Dan Behrman LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To Torn Greene: Mr. Tom Greene, Managing Editor, Michigan State, clo The Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor, Mich. Fort Custer, Mich. Oct. 16, 1941 Dear Tommy: Don't you worry about those freshman girls at Michigan State. As an unnamed peril who has been offered plenty of jobs to pose at bay on snowy hill-tops I tried my best to meet one of the corn-fed State lasses at the contest. I got treated colder than a Chicago Tribune reporter at a White House press conference. Nope, Tommy, don't you worry about those girls. They're intelligent and don't do things without thinking-that is, they're not Greene. Regards, Draft No. 138 e ' Citizen Kane'..,. To the Editor: ' The excellent movie Citizen Kane not only brings to light the tragedy of William Randolph Hearst, but it also recalls an incident taking place in 1935, when the newspaper tycoon was once before impersonated in Ann Arbor-on the Library steps. That was the spring when the "radicals" were on the loose with their Willis Ward crusade, their Strachey meeting, an unauthorized peace- strike and other folderols. The night when Willful Willie was impersonated, there had been administered on those same steps that morning, the famous Oxford Oath. But the Law students who had turned actors didn't count on being out-sleuthed. Their make- up was dug out of a closet, and they were brought to the bar of a discipline committee, found guilty, and sentenced to a- year of probation on good behavior. Their little burlesque on Hearst and his pro- tege was not within a mile as indecent as some initiation ceremonies held on these historic steps at a later date, and they might have es- caped notice entirely, but for the prevailing "Hearsteria." Now, Orson Welles has done in grand style pushed out. But we also know that the manu- facturers as a group are not all "red-blooded Americans". So we don't feel sorry for Mr. Pegler and his (Continued from Page 2) Smoked Glasses Needed: We are unable to obtain more dark glasses such as we have given to students after eye tests. There may be some of these about student rooms which we would appreciate having returned to the Pealth Service for use. Warren E. Forsythe, Director, Health Service School of Education Students:. No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, Oct. 18. Students must re- port all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer- sity Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially reg- istered. Arrangements made with the instructors are not official changes. Academic Notices To Students enrolled for series of lectures on Naval subjects: Lieuten- ant J. E. Fitzgibbon, iU.S. Navy, Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, University of Michigan, will deliver a lecture on "The Battle- ship and the Heavy Cruiser" at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, in Room 348 West Eigineering Build- ing. Psychology 34 and 42 make-up ex- amination will be given Wednesday, October 22, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1121 Natural Science. Psychology 31 make-up examina- tion will be given Tuesday evening, October 21, 7:30 to 10 p.m. in Room 1121 Natural Science. German Make-up Examinations will be held Monday, October 20, in Room 204 U.H. 1:30-4:30. Permis- sion from instructors and consulta- tions must have been taken care of as previously announced. Concerts Grace Moore Concert: Tickets for the Grace Moore concert, Wednes- day evening, October 22, in Hill Audi- torium, are on sale over the counter in Burton Memorial Tower. A limit- ed number of season tickets (10 con- certs) or for the other individual con- certs, are also available. - On the days of the respective con- certs, tickets will be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office one hour preceding the beginning of the re- spective performances. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions E3Khibition, College of Architecture and Design: Sketches and water col- ors of Bali, by Miss Jane Foster, New York City. Southwestern Indian pot- tery from New Mexico and Arizona, collected by Professor Gores and Mr. Cole. Textiles recently acquired for the Interior Design program. Ground floor corridor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through October 31. The public is invited. Lectures Change in time of University Lec- ture: Dr. Eugene Staley, Professor of International Economic Relations in the Fletcher School of Law and Di- plomacy, will lecture on "A Peace Settlement in the Far East?" in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing on Monday, Oct. 20, at 3:15 p.m., under the auspices of the Economics Department. The public is invited. This lecture is scheduled for 3:15 r-m incfa afl o .-1r "m 1_ with slides) . under the auspices of the Department of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society, on Tues- day, October 21, at 4:15 p.m. in 303 Chemistry Building. The public is cordially invited. Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Mr. Charles W. Eliot, Director of the National Resources Planning Board, will speak on "A National Policy in Planning" as part of the series of lectures introducing the graduate program in Regional and City Planning. Ground floor lec- ture room, Architectural Building; Monday, October 20, 2:00 p.m. ,The public is invited. Events Today Singers: Play Production of the Department of Speech and the School of Music are planning to combine in a presentation of an opera. Singers interested in trying out are requested to come to the School of Music to- day at 2:00 p.m. prepared to sing for two minutes. Please bring music or accompanist. V. B. Windt Graduate Dance:. An informal radio-record dance will be held to- night from 9-12 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Re- freshments, bridge. All graduate stu- dents, faculty and alumni invited. Come with or without dates. Small admission charge. Saturday Luncheon Group: Stu- dents interested in a discussion of the ethical issues involved in current, social, and political events will meet at Lane Hall today for luncheon at 12k)0, (small charge) follpwed by a discussion at 1:00. Reservations should be made at Lane Hall. Work Holidays: The Council of the Student Religious Association will leave Lane Hall at 1:00 p.m. to- day for the Pencraft Court Housing Project for an afternoon's volunteer work. The Lutheran Student Guild will meet at Lane Hall at 2:00 to do clerical work for the Community Fund Drive. Both 'groups will meet to- gether for a picnic supper. Any in- terested student is welcome to work in either project. Wear old clothes. 1I what they did in pantomine, and students are now paying money to see what was then free. Moral: wait five years and see the real thing. -Martian Nazi Or Totalitarian? ... To the Editor:r There are some in this nation who read into the remarks of Lindbergh inferences of pogroms' to come, or anti-Semitism, or pro-Naziism. Read. ing his speeches, including the Des Moines ad- dress, will show that none of these things 'is true. Those who make such assertions are the same ones who see in Anne Lindbergh's "Wave of the Future" an endorsement of totalitarianism (which it is not). The Lindberghs, and others like them, are interested in preserving our demo- cratic political system by keeping us out of a European whr which does not concern us. Upon this basis only has it been possible for Kathryn Lewis, John T. Flynn, and Hugh S. Johnson to cooperate in one group. I am not saying that keeping out of war is enough to preserve our democracy; but entrance into war dooms democratic government to his- tory books. Capitalism seems incapable of sur- vival; it is already on the way out both here and abroad. But democracy is flexible enough so that it can survive, here, if immediate action is taken to stop the drift to totalitarianism in Washington. There are good features about Naziism, of course. Anyone who has looked at Germany im- partially, without having his viewpoint distorted / / Coming Events English Journal Club will meet Tuesday evening at 8:00 in the East,, Conference Room of the Rackham Buildin-, The speaker will be Pro- fessor Joe Lee Davis. Graduate stu- dents in English and other interested pers':ons are cordially invited. J. D. O'Neill Transportation Club Meeting on Monday, Oct. 26, at\7:45 p.m. in 1213 East Engineering Building. Alpha Nu, men's honorary speech fraternity, will meet on Tuesday, Oc- tober 21, in the Alpha Nu Room, fourth floor Angell Hall. All mem- bers are invited. Varsity Glee Club Officers' meet- ing Sunday at 4:15 p.m. iA. the Glee Club Room. Glee Club rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. International Center: The classes in Language Service at the Center are scheduled as follow: Portuguese: Beginners, Monday, 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., Thurs- day, 8:30 p.m. Advanced, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.; Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Spanish: Beginners, Thursday and Friday, 4:00 p.m. Advanced, Thurs-