Cloudy and warmer;
light rain tonight.
4 w A
Lt igau
New Treaty Aids
Hemisphere Unity
# *
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Russian Officials
Reported Ready
To Leave Moscow
Arming Of U.S.
Germans aain
To Capital
Admit Nazi
As Reds
U.S. Ambassador
Ste'ihardt Flees
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Friday, Oct. 17.-The
leaders of Russia's government or at
least part of them were reported early
today to have left Moscow to the des-
perate arms of the Red Army, and it
was believed they were setting up a
wartime capital at Kazan, 450 miles
to the east, to continue the fight.
There was no immediate official
confirmation of the reports, which
came from reliable sources just as
Washington dispatches disclosed Uni-
ted States Ambassador Laurence A.
Steinhardt and his embassy staff
were leaving :Moscow in a general
diplomatic evacuation for an undis-
closed destination in the interior-
presumably Kazan.
London sources -suggested the
Stalin government had left the fate
of Moscow, now a capital in name
only, in tge hands of the army. They
declared it would be defended- foot
by foot agaisnt German troops driv-
ing down from the west and north-
The Moscow radio was still broad-
casting up to midnight, but it issued
only propaganda stories and no news.
Moscow stations failed to send the
post-midnight communique at the
usual hour.
The Russian embassy in London
gave one reply to all phone calls over
a period of several hours: "There is
no one in now. Call back in a half
British authorities replied "no
-commeit" on queries for confirma-
tion of reports of the Russian gov-
ernment rove They said, however,
that if the Russians announced the
withdrawal of the government from
the capital it would only emphasize
their determination to continue the
Reds Claim Nazis
Still Face Strlfggle
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Friday, Oct; 17.-The
Red armies, admittedly breached and
bleeding on the approaches to im-
periled Moscow, fought on today with
undiminshed ferocity, claiming a
heavy toll of the assaulting Germans
even while acknowling great losses
of their own.
The German frontal assault, im-
plemented' with everything that Nazi
army and arsenal could produce, was
being met by Soviet forces still "alive
and struggling" with the aid of fresh
Russian tank formations, official dis-
patches declared.
War correspondents, with brave
words, insisted the resistance and
tenacity of the Russians remained
unbroken, despite the Germans'"tem-
porary successes." The whole people,
they said, too, were preparing to fight
as soldiers for a long time.
There was little attempt, however,!
to disguise the fact the Germans
had managed to break through the
defense at unspecified points, or to
minimize the anger to Moscow.
"They are throwing into action
everything they 'could scrape up at
home, in the occupied countries, or
withdraw from other directiois of the
front," wrote a military correspond-
ent to the 'government newspaper
Three Faculty Men
Leave For Capital
Three more faculty men have -re-
ceived one-year leaves of absence
from the University to meet the ever-
pressing d emand for experts in Wash-
ington to direct the national defense
The action, taken early this week
by the executive council of the
Board of Regents, approves applica-
tions for leave from Prof. Charles F.
Remer of the economics department,
Prof. Preston James of the geography
department and Prof. Samuel Goud-
smit of tlje physics department.
Remer and James are already in
Washington working in the office of
Machine Tools
Stand Unused,
Thomas Says
DETROIT, Oct. 16.-OP)--Machine
tools in the Detroit area adaptable
for defense production are currently
operated at "no more than 35 per
cent of capacity," R. J. Thomas, pres-
ident of the United Automobile Work-
ers (CIO) declared today.
In a report to a Congressional com-
mittee investigating labor migration, '
Thomas described it as "a startling
situation" and urged "immediate
steps by We Army, Navy and other
Government agencies to co-ordinate
this reservpir of unused equipment
for the full and immediate transitionl
of the auto industry as a whole to
defense production."
The UAW-CIO president reported
a survey in 34 Detroit automotive
plants showed that of 1,577 machine
tools of 13 principal types, 337 are
idle throughout the week and the re-
mainder operate at an average of
70.4 hours weekly.
On the basis of capacity operation
equaling 160 hours a week (with eight
hours for maintenance), total weekly
operation could be 252,320 machine
hours, Thomas said, compered with
the present rate of 87. 296 hours.
Thomas said there still was time
to place in effect a plan advanced
last December by Walter P. Reuther,
UAW-CIO official, for utilizing ex-
isting auto plant machines and tools
for defense production. ,
Harold McCormick,
Inventor's Son, Dies
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Oct. 16.-
WP)-Harold Fowler McCormick, son
of Cyrus Hall McCormick, inventor
of the reaper, died today of a cere-
bral hemorrhage. He was 69 years
Death followed an illness that
caused him to be bedridden much of
the time in recent years.~ He suf-
fered fromi arthritis and recurring
heart attacks and had to use a wheel
chair and be assisted by a nurse.
The millionaire head of the Chi-
cago Harvester Family had been in ill
health several years, suffering from
heart trouble. He had spent most of
his time in recent years in Califor-
nia, where in 1938 he niarried Miss
Adah Wilson, his 34-year-old nurse.
It was the third marriage for Mc-
Awaits HouseApproval
Final Vote Expected Tomorrow; Heated Debates Bring
Republican Split Over Issue Of Neutrality Act
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. -(A')- the attitude of both sides in the
Evidences of Republican disunity on House toward the question of this
the question of arming merchant country's participation in the world
ships multiplied today as the House crisis, Cluett said "if we had relied
debated that issue at a session which solely on the advice of Congress the
ran into the night and cleared the country would probably be in the
way for a final vote, and assured ap- same position it was two years ago."
proval, tomorrow. "Give me the leadership of a great
First, Representative Fish (N.Y.), American like Wendell L. Willkie," he
frequent cirtic of Administration went on, "as contrasted with a dozen
foreign policy, announced he intend- parading isolationists who cannot,
ed to vote for the bill repealing the and will not see the greatest peril
Neutrality Act's prohibtion against ever confronting this nation, and who
putting guns on merchantmen. would lull us into a state of false
Then Representative Cluett (R.- security.",
N.Y.) sharply criticized the opposi- Otherwise, debate followed gener-
tion he said had come from a major- ally the lines of the argument which
ity of House Republicans to "prac- has continued unabated since Presi-
tically every move made by the Presi- dent Roosevelt asked last week for
dent and his advisers in the depart- repeal of the Neutrality Act's pro-
ments of the Army and Navy to bring hibition against arming merchant
to this country that security which is ships.
vital to us and to those who are fight-
ing for us and the principles we es- A '? E I o-
Asking whether this opposition was rr u
sincere or was born of political ex- To Russia
pediency, he declared:
"If this antagonism is a political At Convention
maneuver, it will prove to be not/only A
a death blow to the Republican Party, ,
but a disservice to the nation which Dispute Leads To Ouster
will never be forgotten or forgiven."Dspt Led ToO tr
Nor was Cluett sparing of Demo- Of Brewery Workers;
crats in Congress. Declaring it had Bolshevism Denounced
been "an amazing sight" to witness
IF.C. Names
Council To Take Tryouts;
List Upperclass Pledges
Richard C. Arbuckle, '42, of Psi
Upsilon house was elected to the
Executive Council of the Inter-Fra-
ternity Council at its meeting last
The council also adopted a reso-
lution to take a sophomore from each
The I. F. C. also announced the
pledging of the following upperclass-
men whose names were not included
in the list which was published in
Tuesday's Daily.
Acacia: Fred Bryan, Allen Grieg-
er, Warren Shelley, Gene Sherry,
George Crocker, Richard Widman,
William Dixon, Robert Reid, Galvin
Smelcie, Marc Hebden, Jack Moehl-
Alpha Tau Omega: Richard Burck,
John Roth, Cyril Tyler, Richard
.Delta Upsilon: Jack dopeland,
Richard Johnson, Robert Sovern,
Louis Telbizoff, Jack Vizena.
Kappa Nu: Melvin Soodik, Paul
Kappa Sigma: William Johnston,
E. Bruce Kleber, Robert Holland,
Walter Stewart, Robert Vibbert, Don-
ald Plott, \Robert Winkley, Charles
(Continued on Page 6)
SEATTLE, Oct. 16. - (P) - The
American Federation of Labor ad-
journed its 61st Annual convention
early tonight after endorsing full
aid to Rusia, but denouncing Com-
munism in caustic terms.
The aid to Russia action high-
lighted a day which saw suspending
of the Brewery Workers Union from
the Federation after bitter debate
between leaders of the brewery work-
ers and the teamsters union.
The suspension was for the union's
refusal .to abide by the Federation's
standing decision that the teamsters
have jurisdiction over beer' truck
The resolution& committee's pro-
posals, as adopted by the Convention,
carried even stronged denunciation
of Communistic practices than did
the executive council's report.
The adopted resolution said:
"It is the opinion of your commit-
tee that a victory by Stalin over other
countries in Europe would be as dis-
astrous to free institutions as a vic-
tory by Hitler."
The Convention 'unanimously
adopted three national defense reso-
lutions submitted by the California
and Indiana State Federation dele-
.Petain DecIaration
Charges War Guilt
F., -u-,
FDR In Secret Meeting
As Japan Faces Crisis;
Military, Foreign Experts
Confer With President
As Showdown Nears
Senator Nye Fears
New Tokyo Cabinet
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. -(A)-
Imposing a rule of strict secrecy,
President Roosevelt conferred with
top-flight military and foreign affairs
advisers an hour and three quarters
today, while on Capitol Hill some
legislators predicted events in the
Far East might lead to a Japanese-
American showdown.
The situation in Japan, where the
Cabinet of Premier Prince Fumimaro
Konoye has resigned, and in Russia,
where Moscow is half ringed with
hammering Nazis, was believed to
have been canvassed as the President
talked with the following group:
The Secretaries of State, War and
Navy; General George C. Marshpll,
Army Chief of Staff; Admiral Har-
old R. Stark, Chief of Naval Opera-
tions, and Harry L. Hopkins, Lend-
Lease Supervisor.
Hull Gives No Comment t
When the conference was over
Secretary of State Hull told reporters
he was "expressly prohibited" from
saying anything, and added he did
not expect any public statement from
the White House.
Shortly after the conference ended
informed sources said they had re-
ceived word that Laurence A. Stein-
hardt, American Ambassador to Rus-
sia, was leaving Moscow with his staff
for some point in the interior. It was
indicated that all foreign diplomats
were moving from the capital.
In Congress two men who-.are us-
ually poles apart in their outlook on
foreign affairs agreed the cabinet
resignation bore ominous implications
for the future of Japanese-American
Senator Nye (Rep.-N.D.) said:
"Of course, we can't tell much un-
til a new cabinet is appointed, but
the resignation of the former one ap-
parently means a complete military
setup in Japan. If it is to bean all-
out pro-Axis government then we will
face a most serious hour.
Red Battle Important
"The outcome of the battle for
Moscow probably will determine Ja-
panese policy finally. It is quite ob-
vious that Japan will try to be on the
winning side."'
Senator Hill (Dem.-Ala.) asserted:
"It looks to me as though Japan
Cabnet QuiF
Japan Crisis
Seen As .Link
In Nazi Plans
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
Thundering Nazi blows on the
outer gates of Moscow find a distant
but dramatic echo on the Tokyo end
of the German-Italian-Japanese axis.
Whatever else the Japanese cabinet
crisis may mean, it is too closely in-
terlocked with the developing siege
of Moscow not to be regarded as an
important piece dropping into place
in the jigsaw puzzle of Hitler's war
Whether Berlin's guarded hints
that the capitulation of Moscow is
immediately impending is justified
remains to be seen. There is no
reasonable doubt, however, that Nazi
undercover pressure in Tokyo, timed
to coincide closely with the German
investment of Moscow, had some-
thing to do with the konoye cab-
inet upset.
There is sound military reason for
Hitler to seek some sort of threaten-
ing Japanese gesture just now,
whether aimed specifically at Russia
or at the American aid-for-Russia
effort. Moscow's defenses are crumb-
ling under the hammering of Nazi
armies which at some points are only
about 60 miles from the Kremlin,
nerve center of Communism.
Hitler's headquarters has drawn a
grim picture of Russian army col-
lapse in the west. More than 6,000,000
Russian soldiers have been killed,
crippled, or captured within 16 weeks,
according to German bookkeeping.
Berlin sees Russian resistance in the
west reduced to a hodge-podge of em-
battled civilians and remnants of
shattered divisions which escaped
German traps.
Films Continue
Run At League
'Time In The Sun' Given
Unusual Press Reviews
Nipponese Ministers Split
As Pressure For Move
Against Russia Grows
UT.S. Negotiations
Take .New Turn
To French Leaders believes Russia might cave in and
that they want to move in some-
VICHY, Unoccupied France, Oct. where if she does. Then we may have
16.--()-With the hindsight reflec- to move.
ted by a specially chosen council of "So far as I am concerned, I favor
Team Faces Tough Foe;
FansFill SpecialTramn
. o
"Time in the Sun" and "China-
Strikes Back," the two films compris-
ing the Art Cinema League's second
presentation of the season, continue
their run at 8:15 p.m. today and to-
morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Unprecedented press acclaim has
been accorded "Time Ain the Sun"
which has been termed by the "New
York Times" as a "spectacular dis-
play and a magnificent account of-
Mexican native life which arises
from mere exterrals to spiritual
forces . . . The photography is so
stunning and, of such dramatic
strength that each individual shot
offers an exciting experience!"
"China Strikes Back" reveals ex-
clusive pictures of the former Eighth
Route Army, its leaders and guerilla
warriors in training. Critics have
said that "it is a striking document
of the unification of Free China.
TOKYO, Friday, Oct. 17. -(A)
Senior statesmen of Japam we
called into conference with the Er
peror at 1 p.m. today to recomme
a new Premier after the third go
ernment of Prince Fumimaro Ko
oye collapsed last night in the face
a grave impasse on national policy t
ward the United States and Sovi
Those called to confer includ
Marquis Koichi Kido, Lord Keeper
the Privy Seal, Dr. Yoshimch Ha
president of the Privy Council; Bar
Reijiro Wakatsuki, Koki Hirota, A
miral Keisuke Okada, Admiral Mits
masa Yonai, Gen. Nobuyuki Abe a
Count Keigo Kiyoura.
The Konoye %Cabnet, not thr
months old and occupied during mc
,of its tenure with circuitous Was:
ington negotiations and indecisi
uneasiness over the 'consequences
opportunties offered to Japan
Germany's war with Russia, resign
en bloc.
Coidd Not Agree
A communique said Konoye a
his ministers had resigned becau
they could not agree "on the way
pursue national policy." Most obser
ers 'considered this to mean sev
weeks of Japanese-American negol
ations in Washington had taken
decisive turn unpleasant for Japa
This was coupled as a major fact
in tie Cabinet collapse with growii
militarist pressure for action again
Russia, now that the fate of Mosc
itself is in the balance.
Informed sources foresaw the uk
lihood of more vigorous Japane
foreign policy under a new gover:
ment, which may take shape Fride
This policy woud be characterizE
it was believed, as necessar to bre,
the so-called "ABCD" encircleme
of Japan-military and ecoon
measures of the United States, Bi
tain, China and the Dutch from the
East Indies Bastion.
Matsuoka In Eclipse
The third konoye governmez
formed July 18, after the start
the German-Russian war, saw t
eclipse of Foreign Miister You
Matsuoka and some of his pro-A
policies, and might be termed in r
trospect an interim regime for
frightened and isolated nation. No
Axisminded Japanese hope the seer
ingly collapse of Moscow and t
impasse at Washington will bring
resurgence of Matsuoka's policies
close Axis collaboration, & possi:
the return of Matsuoka himself to tV
Operetta Tryouts
Sought 'By MUSIC
School Play Groin
Tryouts for the forthcoming ope
to be given jointly by Play 'Prducti
of the Department of Speech a
the School of Music will be held
2 p.m. tomorrow in the music scho
.The musical, which is 'one of t's
given each year by dramatic grou
on campus, will be of a alibresin
-ar to that of "The Bartered Brid
and Mozart's Il Seraglio" which ha
been offered here previously.
Any students with vocal tale
are welcome to try out. for' pa
in the production. They must coi
prepared to sing for two minutes a
must bring with them either anS
companist or the mnuslc for th
Valentine B. Windt, irector
Play Production; Thor Johnson, cx
Iductor of the University's sympho
IOrchestra and members of the Scho
of Music's' faculty will judge the coi
The opera has not been chosen y
but it will not be a Gilbert and Sul
van opera for all of these have
ready been presented hereyyinPy dt1
FDR Leaves Capital
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. -(A'
President Roosevelt left the Capi
tonight for a weekend at Hyde Pa:
Coach Fritz Crisler's title-yearn-
ing Wolverines, 35 strong, entrain at
8:15 a.m. today for Evanston, Ill.,
where they will receive their first
real Conference test tomorrow against
Coach Lynn Waldorf's Northwestern
The team will spend the night at
Highland Park, Ill., and move into
Evanston and Dyche Stadium just
before the opening whistle.
Both teams will be going into the
fray with clean slates, Nrthwestern
havinK won two games and Michigan
three. The Purple had little trouble
in whipping Kansas State, 51-3, and
Wisconsin, 41-14. The Maize and
Blue trounced Michigan State, 19-7,
squeezed through with a 6-0 victory
over Iowa and then last week gave
Pitt a terrific lacing to the tune of
At yesterday's. practice, the last
one on home ground before the game
which is expected to draw a capacity
crowd of 50,000, the Wolverines went
through a mock scrimmage. The
line spent quite a bit of time block-
ing dummies, and Tom Kuzma, Davey
Nelson, Paul White and Don Robin-
son took turns tossing passes. To
climax the hard week of intensive
drill, the whole squad went through
While more than three hundred
have shown their support of the
Michigan team by purchasing round-
trip train tickets to Chicago at the
special rate provided for by the Alum-
ni Association, there still remain a
number of fares, which are available
at the travel desk in the Union.
The train chartered to carry the
fans to the game is scheduled to leave
Ann Arbor at 8:20 a.m. Saturday anfl
arrive in Chicago at 11:40 a.m. From
station to stadium transportation will
be via the Chicago North Shore ele-
vated line.
Provision has been made for a con-
venientsmeeting place for Michigan
alumni. Alumni Association will
maintain headquarters Saturday
morning on the third floor of the
Palmer House in Chicago. Present
throughout the morning will be T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary of
the Association, Robert 0. Morgan,
assistant general secretary, and a
number of the district alumni officers.
Following the game, at 5 p.m., resi-
dents of Michigan and University stu-
dents will be guests at a reception to
be held in Scott Hall, the Union
building on the Northwestern cam-
political justice, Marshal Petain
placedathe blame for France's defeat
today on six men who were returned
to office time and again by French
In a broadcast to the nation the
Chief of State announced a public
trial would be held for five of the
six, who already have been in prison
more than a year.
As far as the accused ministers
are concerned, the Marshal's deci-
sion failed to change their position.
They have been in prison awaiting
trial. They are still in prison await-
ing trial.
The accusation submitted to Petain
by the council concerned:
Former Premier Edouard Daladier,i
Generalissimo Maurice Gustave'
Gamelin, former Premier Leon Blum,
Pierre Jacomet, former administra-
tor of national defense industries,
Guy La Chambre, and Pierre Cot.
Actress Sees Practice;
Still Has A Lot To Lea'n
One would think that pretty Anita
Louise of Hollywood fame would be
quite a football authority after ap-
pearing with Tom Harmon and For-
est Eveshevski in "Harmon of Michi-
But the appearance of the Holly-
wood actress at the Wolverine prac-
tice this afternoon proved that she
still has a lot to learn about America's
favorite fall. sport. When some one
pointed out to Miss Louise that the
taking advantage of every possible
opportunity to make certain our own
security in the Pacific."
Other legislators also read with'
deep interest dispatches from Tokyo
indicating the cabinet crisis might
portend a "more vigorous foreign
policy" designed to offset what the
Japanese call encircling of Japan by
the United States, Britain, China and
the Dutch East Indies.
I +4
Kennedy Named Drum Major
As Band Leaves For Evanston
Making their first out-of-town trip
of the season, the University March-
ing Band, under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli, will leave for
Evanston today, where they will play
at the Northwestern-Michigan game.
Special guests of the band for the
trip will be Dean Walter Rea, assist-
ant dean of students, Prof. John L.
Brumm of the journalism department
and former faculty adviser to the
band, and Emile Geld, '42, managing
editor of The Daily.
Other faculty men included in the,
band's regular traveling complement
Tickets for the band's annual
Varsity Night show, to be pre-
sented Tuesday, Oct. 28 in Hill
Auditorium, may now be obtained
at the Union, the League, Wahr's
hnnefnra ,.nr . r n.nv mah.
man, '45, take charge of the band on
alternate weekends.
Having already served two years as
twirler with the University Band,
Kennedy was the logical man to-step
into the vacancy left by the gradua-
tion of "Long John" Sherrill, drum.
major of the band last year.
Drum major at Arthur High School
in Saginaw for three years, Kennedy
won the state drum-majoring con-
test while in high school, and is now
working on a special "high throw"
technique which he claims will en-
able him to throw the baton over 100
feet and catch it when it comes down.
Brother of varsity football center
Ted Kennedy,'42E, Kennedy takes no
chances on his batons, but makes his
own, his latest being made of a special
transparent plastic material and con-
taining batteries and lights at each
Definitely not confined entirely to