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October 16, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-16

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]Experimental Plays
Put At Disadvantage ,



Russian Sources
Admit NaziArmy
Besieging Capital

Gifts Totalling $39,000
Received By University
Largest Donation Is Made By Rockefeller Foundation
Regents Authorize Interlochen Summer Courses

Pres. Ruthven Deplores
'Misuse Of Knowledge'
In Federal DraftPolicy

Fleeing Civilians Evacuate
Moscow For Hinterlands
As German Peril Nears
More Troops Sent
To Oppose Soviets
MOSCOW, Thursday, Oct. 16.-
(P)-A vast German force of tanks
and motorized infantry has broken
through the defenses west of Mos-
cow, forcing the Russian cental ar-
mies into retreat, it was acknow-
ledged officially early today, with
the hour of supreme crisis for the
Soviet capital admittedly at hand.
(By The Associated Press)
The Germans were grinding for-
ward toward Moscow last night from
northwest and west-slowly and spill-
ing much blood but nevertheless
without apparent interruption of con-
sequence-and the Soviet admitted
that the hour of extreme peril had
now struck.
From the menaced capital those
civilians not ab~le to aid in the de-
fense were pouring out into the hin-
terlands and the black marble tomb
of Nicolai Lenin, an ideological shrine
for the convinced Bolshevik, was
closed-perhaps the most ominous
portent of all.,
In the vicinity of Kalinin, 95 miles
above the capital, and along the wes-
tern approaches within 60 miles of
the Kremlin the Nazi columns drove
on, although often, said the Rus-
sians, "only across the heaps pf their
own dead."
Onslaught From Kalinin
it appeared that while the offen-
sive from the west-based originally
about Vyazma but now apparently
operating about Mozhaiks-still was
the more powerful, that striking down
from Kalinin and imperiling the
whole bf the Red line upon the up-
per Volga River was moving at a
greater rate.,
Perhaps worse than all this from
the Russian viewpoint, if official Ger-
man accounts be established, was
Berlin's declaration that immense
new bodies of troops were moving
up to add their power to the advanced
Nazi lines.
These forces, by the account of the
German High Command, substantial-
ly completed during the day a long
series of encirclement battles against
Russian armies claimed to have been
entrapped far behind-in the vicini-
ties of Vyazma 125 miles to the west
of Moscow and Bryansk, 210 miles
southwest of the capital-and were
thus freed to drop their assignment
of concentric maneuver and beat on
forward to join the advanced forces.
560,000 Soviet Prisoners
in this Bryansk and Vyazma en-
circlement-so termed by the Oer-
man command-it was claimed that
Soviet prisoners in hand now num-
bered 560,000, aside from 888 Red
tanks and 4,133 cannon declared cap-
tured or destroyed.
It was the official organ of the
Soviet Army, Red Star, which made
the plainest statement of the Soviet
position. The paper said: "Moscow
is in danger!"
The government newspaper Izves-
tia called for the sort of "people's de-
fense" which had aided the regular
forces so long in beating back the
Germans besieging Leningrad, cry-
ing out:
"From behind every stone on the
approaches to Moscow the enemy
must be met with fire and steel. Ev-
ery factory must become an arsenal
forging arms for the defenders. Every
man must learn to handle a gun."
Report From London
An authoritative source in London,
reporting the fighting about Moz-
haisk on the west while the Russians
themselves had not acknowledged

that the German's stood that close
to Moscow, stated also that it was
possible that Rzhev, 125 miles north-
west of the capital, had fallen in a
continuing Nazi advance eastward.
A neutral observer of high posi-
tion in London thus summed up:
"Hitler for the first time in two
years of war has thrown every avail-
able gun and tank into one attack.
If he fails to take Moscow or destroy
the Russian armies in the present
drive-and he well may fail-Ger-

Pep Rally To Precede
Minnesota Grid Tilt
Michigan students will whet their
windpipes for the onslaught of 80,000
rabid fans for the Wolverine-Minne-
sota clash Saturday, Oct. 25, with a
pre-game pep rally at 7:30 p.m. Fri-
day, Oct. 24, in Yost Field House.
The Varsity Band will provide
Michigan tunes for the occasion, the
cheer leaders will lead students in
several cheers, and Coach Fritz Cris-
ler will address the crowd. M-Club
members will be on hand to see that
things go smoothly.
Following the 30-minute rally to
be sponsored by the Union and M-
Club, the traditional bonfire will be
held on South Ferry Field with fuel
furnished free.
House To Vote
On Amending
Neutrality Act
Move To Arm U.S. Ships
Assured Of Passage, Say
New Deal Legislators
WASH'NGTON, Oct. 15.-(,)-Re-
vision of the Neutrality Act to permit
the arming of American merchant
ships for protection against "modern
pirates" won unusually prompt ap-
proval of two House committees to-
day, and Administration leaders pre-
dicted the House would pass the leg-
islation Friday with at least 100
votes to spare.
Only six days after President'
Roosevelt requested the authority as
a matter of "immediate necessity and
extreme urgency," the House Foreign
Affairs Committee approved the nec-
essary legislation without a record
vote. A short time later, the Rules
Committee cleared the way for the
House to begin consideration of the
measure tomorrow.
While the legislative machinery1
was thus operating at top speed on
this attempt to change the 1939 Neu-
trality Act, Secretary Knox told his
press conference that the Navy was
ready to put guns and gun crews on
the merchant ships "as fast as the
ships come to us," once Congress au-
thorizes such action.
In that connection, the Navy Sec-
retary explained that while there
were not enough guns on.. hand to
arm all ships immediately, they would
be available as rapidly as the ships
could be brought into port to receive
them. The Navy has estimated the
number of ships to be armed at 1,200.
Knox declared that arming of mer-
chant ships was a highly effective
method of protecting them from both
aerial and submarine raiders.

Meeting on the one hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the
College of Literature, Science and the Arts in Ann Arbor, the University of
Michigan Board of Regents yesterday accepted $39,000 in gifts for the
University and provided for summer courses to be given by the school at
the National Music Camp, Interlochen.
Special summer courses will be given by the University at the National
Music Camp in 1942, 1943 and 1944. The Regents recommended that at
the end of that period continuation--
of the courses be submitted to the ican research from June 1, 1941, to
Board fQ"r consideration. June 30, 1942. W. K. Kellogg Founda-
The course, the first to be given tion, through the Michigan State
by the University at Interlochen, will Nurses' Association, presented $1275
carry a tuition of $30 for Michigan for Nurses Refresher Courses.
residents and $45 for out-state resi- Other gifts included: Anonymous,
dents. Part-time tuition will be $16 $1500 for three scholarships for Helen
for residents and $25 for non-resi- Newberry Residence students; Law-
dents. rence D. Buhl, Detroit, $1200 for the
A special Advisory Committe on Buhl Classical Fellowship; Associated
Relations with the National Music Fishing- Tackle Manufacturers, Gen-
Camp was set up, consisting of three eva, Ohio, $1000; American Associa-
members, Prof, G. E. Densmore, head tion of University Women, Ann Ar-
of the speech department, Prof. E. V. bor-Ypsilanti branch, $500 for the
Moore, head of the School of Music, Association's Fellowship, 1941-42; and
and Prof. Joseph E. Maddy of the E. J. Marshall, Toledo, $400 to estab-
School of Music. (Continued on Page 6)
Largest gift accepted by the Re-
gents was a gift of $15,000 from the HeAll
Rockefeller Foundation to provide enry J. Alen
over a period of three years for a
program of teaching English to ad- To G ve T alk
vanced students of Spanish American ,0rGive Talk
gave $3000 for Hygiene Laboratory Here Saturday
An anonymous donation of $8,000
was approved to continue the work Save The Children Group
of theClarafWardSeabury Clinic in Chairman To Be Feted
the study of :infantile paralysis,. in
1941-42. Lederle Laboratories of Pearl By Ann Arbor Chapter
River, N. Y., gave $3,000 for work in
research on virus epidemics. Laird Scheduled to deliver a public ad-
Bell of Chicago gave $833 to con- dress at 8 p.m. Saturday on Britain's
tinue the Huron Mountain Wildlife child aid problem, Henry J. Allen,
Survey. chairman of Save the Children Fed-
An anonymous donation of $2,750 eration will be honored at a dinner at
was given for aboriginal North Amer- 6 p.m. the same evening in the League

New Pictures,
To Be Shown
Cinema League Program
'Presents Second Bill
Presenting the second program of
"out of the ordinary film produc-
tions" in its 1941-42 season, the Art
Cinema League will show "China
Strikes Back" and "Time in the Sun".
at 8:15' p.m. today, tomorrow ands
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The box office in the League will
open at 10 a.m. today. A Walt
Disney cartoon will also be shown
at all three performances.
"Time in the Sun" was described
by critic Edmund Wilson in 1932 after
a sneak preview in this way: "As you
watch, you are ready to believe that
Director Sergei Eisenstein has indeed
created the supreme masterpiece up-
to-date of the movies."
Time Magazine said of the film,
"If 'Time, in the Sun' is not the
cinema's supreme masterpiece, it is
an arresting, superbly photographed'
richly imaginative picture."
The other Art Cinema offering,
"China Strikes Back," was filmed in
the hitherto inaccessible regions of
Shensi Province and North China.

Allen, who will speak in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre on the findings
of his recent six-week survey of the
problem in Britain, is well known
throughout America as a former gov-
ernor of Kansas and editor-publisher
of the "Wichita Beacon."
The Ann ArborSave the Children
Federation, sponsor of Allen's ap-
pearance here, is part of a nation-
wide organization to aid evacuated
British children and provide for their
adoption in America. As chairman,
Allen flew to Britain to coordinate
his group's effort with the British
Save The Children Fund.
Besides his service in Kansas' state
-government, Allenwas United States
Senator for two years and directed
publicity in the Republican cam-
paigns of 1928 and 1932.

Japan Hints
At Dangers
Of U.S. 'Trap'
TOKYO, Oct. 16. -()- The
Japanese foreign office announ-
ced today that the Russian for-
eign commissariat had advised
the Japanese Embassy staff to
prepare to withdraw from Mos-
TOKYO, Oct. 15.-(P)-Authori-
tative agencies spread a blanket of
gloom tonight over prospects for a
new lease on Japanese-American
friendship, and the leaders of the
Empire heldaa series of consultations
which hinted at decisions of great
Domei, the news agency with close
government connections, quoted au-
thoritative persons as doubting the
United States is really trying to main-
tain peace in the Pacific, and as
warning: "Japan is in danger of
falling into a trap set by America."
Both Domei and the influential
newspaper Asahi dealt pessimistical-
ly with the trend of 49-day-old con-
versations begun in Washington with
delivery of a message from Premier
Prince Konoye to President Roose-
velt. Domei said the "hostile atti-
tude" of the United States was kill-
ing the negotiations; Asahi said there
would be no end to the Pacific crisis
so long as there was uninterrupted
military and economic pressure in the
Orient from the United States.
The Privy Council, which is the
most important advisory body on
foreign matters, met in the presence
of the Empero. Later the Lord Privy
Seal, Marquis Koichi Kid, and Lieut.
Gen. TeiichigSuzuki, head of the cab-
inet planning bureau, talked with the
Premier, who also saw Emperor Hir-
'Steno' Course
Aids Selectees
University Offers Typing,
Shorthand For Defense
In conjunction with the national
defense program, the University of-
fers all men slated for military serv-
ice an opportunity to acquire or im-
prove themselves in skills demanded
in the army, such as shorthand, typ-
ing, surveying, photography and ra-
dio technique.
Representative of the defense
training courses is shorthand and
typing, taught by Miss Helen Glea-
son, supervisor of the Dictaphone
station. To qualify for this popular
secretarial course, the only non-
credit subject offered, the student
must be of draft age and willing to
devote six hours a week to this class.
The aims of this course are to
teach the beginner a mastery of the
keyboard, a speed of 40 words per
minute on the typewriter, the funda-
mentals of shorthand, and an ade-
quate knowledge of letter setup.
More advanced students areeexpected
to increase their speed by 20 words
per minute.

President Ruthven attributed our
democracy or Christian communism
AFL Reelects
William Green
Racketeering Hit In Move
Rejecting G. E. Browne
For Secondary Position
SEATTLE, Oct. 15.--(/P)--The
American Federation of Labor today
reelectedhWilliam Green president, a
position he has held since 1924. He
was unopposed.
Included in the business completed
by the labor convention was the
overwhelming rejection of GeorgetE,
Browne, indicted head of the Inter-
national Alliace of Theatrical and
Stage Employes, as an AFL vice pres-
ident after a stand taken earlier in
the day be the group against rack-
eteering or law breaking in any form
within the labor movement.
The vote against the reelection of
Browne as 11th vice president was
37,944 to 421. Browne was absent
from the convention. He is on trial
in New York on a charge of extorting
$550,000 from motion picture firms.
The only votes for Browne were the
420 allotted to the three delegates
of his stage employes' union and the
one vote of the Colorado State Fed-
eration of Labor. The latter was cast
by George W. Brayfield, also a mem-
ber of Browne's union.
The successful candidate for 11th
vice president was Edward Flore of
Buffalo, president of the hotel and
restaurant employes' union and the
incumbent 12th vice president.
Law Students Are Named
Award of the Henry M. Bates and
Class of 1908 memorial scholarships
to John Raris Hall, '42L, of Rock-
ford, Ill., and Jack H. Shuler, '42L, of
Pontiac, respectively was announced
this week by the Law School.
The Henry M. Bates scholarship,
given by an anonymous donor, is
awarded each year to a senior stu-
dent who is a member of the Law
Review board on the basis of schol-
arship in pre-legal as well as Law
School work, character and leader-
The Class of 1908 scholarship is
given by the Hon. Guy B. Findley,
judge of the Court of Common Pleas,
Elyria, Ohio, in the recognition of
work done in the junior year.

University Professors Recount History
Of School; Six Graduates Are Given
Degrees At Centennial Celehration
Charging that thousands of college men who should be preparing to
serve mankind are instead being "compelled to sacrifice their careers in a
blundering program of war or national defense," President Alexander G.
Ruthven yesterday continued his crusade against the "misuse of knowledge"
which, he says, led to the present draft policy of the Federal Government.
In the opening address of the literary school's Centennial Celebration, he
also deplored the policy of calling experts on college staffs to "serve the
practical needs of government, as if the work of training the youth of the
land were not as important as any other in our national economy."

failure in attaining the final goals of
to the fact that we, as a nation, are
<unwilling' to support and conduct
complete educational training pro-
grams for our youth and yet are will-
ing to sacrifice them to the greed of
"We have beencomplacent," he de-
clared, "toward a world 'run for pro-
fit and ruled by accountants,'. and
blind to the important fact that edu,
cation may open two doors: one to
virtue and the other to vice; one to
justice, charity, and happiness, and
the other to injustice, greed and mis-
ery; one to peace and the other to
war and its consequences."
Although the president praised the
liberal arts colleges for trying to pro-
vide genuine education for American
youth, he also criticized them, for
"they have occasionally forgotten
that the best instruction is that which
stimulates and enables the, student
to learn for himself, to think for
himself, and to discibline himself. As
results we have aidepressing num-
Additional stories from the
Centennial celebration of the lit-
erary college will be found on
page two of today's Daily.
ber of college and university alumni
who are little more than skillful tech-
Ruthven pointed out that if our
way of life is to be improved, and if
the "world is to be satisfactorily re-
built after this period of selfishness,
rapine, and murder comes to an end,"
it will in great part depend upon the
"The colleges must not be content
now with the laurels which they have
earned, but must redouble their ef-
forts in behalf of a sick world."
"May she (the University) ever
look forward to and work for the time
when the social structure of the world
over shall be controlled not by poli-
ticians interested in personal gains
but by an informed citizenry . ."

Campus Quarterbacks Call Signals :
Daily Inquiring Reporter Seeks
Student Opinion On Comaing Tilts
o- -

With two great weekends of foot-
ball approaching for the University
fo Michigan grid squad, interest on
the campus is running high. Every
one has their own ideas on the out-
comes of the Wolverine battles with
Northwestern and Minnesota, and
to find out these ideas, the Daily re-
porter asked various students on the
campus yesterday how they felt
Michigan would do in the next two
weeks against the Wildcats and the
Just as the experts of the nation
are divided in their forecasting, so
are Michigan's students. Everybody
realizes that the three teams are so
evenly matched that there is very
little to choose between them. But
on committing themselves, most of
the Maize and Blue fans felt that
Michigan would beat Northwestern,
and the Minnesota game was a toss-
up with a slight nod going to the
boys from the Northland. However,
they are all hoping and backing
Coach Fritz Crisler's squad all the

Wildcats by twelve points, but Minn-
esota is a toss-up."
Stanley Barnes, Spec., "I think
Michigan will win both games. They
have to."
Caroline Byrne, '42, "We'll take
Northwestern, but I don't know about
Pat Swanson, '45, "I think we'll
win both games, but it will be close."
Don Folkman, '44, "We will take
Northwestern, but I'm afraid of Min-
Margaret Stebbins, '43, "Certainly
win both of 'em. (You can put your
money on it now, boys.)"
Francis Frantz, '44, "It's a good
chance that we'll beat Northwestern.
The Minnesota game is in the hands
of fate."
Walter Fish, '42, "I hope we win.
We might beat Northwestern if we
learn to pass between now and then."
Ray Gripman, '43, "Watch us lose
both games." (There's one in every
Helen Eckerman, '44, "Michigan
will win ainst Northwestern hut

OPM Orders
January Auto
Output Slash
Henderson Says Material
Shortage May Prevent
Fulfilling Of Quota
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.-V)-De-
fense officials gave the automotive
industry a double-barrelled jolt today,
ordering a 51 per cent cut in passen-
ger car production in January and
warning simultaneously that mater-
ials shortage would probably force a
much greater curtailment.
Leon Her~derson, civilian supply di-
rector of the Office of Production
Management, declared he had made
no effort to fix a quota for- January
but, instead, was setting a maximum
limit "to which the manufacturers
can produce-if they are successful
in obtaining sufficient materials."
He said several companies already
had reported difficulties in obtaining
strip steel and asserted this situation
would be further complicated by rap-
idly increasing demands of defense
industries for more steel and other
scarce materials.
The January, 1942, maximum was
set at 204,848 passenger cars, com-
pared with 418,350 produced in Jan-
uary, 1941. Considering previous pro-
duction cuts ordered by Henderson,
the industry therefore faces a pro-
duction slash of 36.3 per cent during
the first six months of the model year
which began August 1.
If materials hold out, production
can reach 1,288,065 cars during the
six months, compered with 1,928,517
in a comparable period of the last
model year.
But Henderson made it plain that
he thought the figures optimistic and

Angell Speaks,
At Convocation


Don't Believe This Headline:

Lit Students Spend Holiday
In Further Quest Of Education

Concluding the celebration of the
Centennial Dr. James Rowland An-
gell, president-emeritus of Yale Ur!-
versity, Eddressed the evening convo-
cation, at which six honorary degrees
were presented, on the "Persistent
Problems of Higher Education in a
Recipients of the degrees were
Lawrence D. Buhl, Donald S. Crane,
A. D. Hastings, E. S. Bastin, S. U.
Mast and Paul S. Mowrer.
Dr. Angell declared that the essen-
tial problem presented to a state uni-
versity in a democracy is that of
keeping its ,policies close enough to
the understanding of the people to
secure their sympathy and good will
while making no concessions to a
cheap and vulgar popularity and
while constantly exercising a leader-
ship which steadily advances the in-
tellectual standards and accomplish-
ment of the institution.
He asserted that while some of the
problems are perhaps more urgent
for the tax-supported type of insti-
tution, few of them are intrinsically
unique to this group.
More specifically, Dr. Angell point-
ed out; the university faces the three
problems of finance, the educational
activity of the institution itself, and
the political and social relations of
the university with the community.
Collins Heads Committee
For Engineering Affair

What did you do with your dayV
Yesterday the dollege of Litera-
ture, Science arld the Arts cele-
brated its one hundredth birthday,
and in honor of this.a holiday was
granted students in that school.
But it was no holiday for the In-
quiring Reporters, who parked in the
middle of the diagonal with the ques-
tion: "What did you accomplish on
the day of rest given you by a century
of education?"
Fred Stanton, '43: "The whole
thing's a fake. The real centennial
of the University of Michigan was in
1917, anniversary of the establishment
of the first university, the Cathol-

cational. Then I did some homework
in the evening."
Jules Lerner, '44E: "Huh?"
Sam Greenberg, '42: "I thought it
was Tuesday, so I slept through all
my classes."
Elizabeth Buennell, '44: "Delta
Gamma played the Thetas in foot-
ball. It was a moral victory."
Bill Goodell, '44: "After wide tap-
ping of all sources, I've discovered
the whole thing is an obvious attempt
at sabotaging the University defense
program. I've reported it all to the
George Koopman, '45: "I spent
every, minute of it taking full notes

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