__ __THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan Daily Only Freedom From Nazism Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPREKENTaD FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CicAGO * BoSTON . Los ANGELEs * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Stafff smile Geld Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hill . Janet Hiatt o Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell Managing Editor Editorial Director h . . . City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager .WAssociate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager I Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright NIGHT EDITOR: HOMER SWANDER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Century In Retrospect. . . T ODAY STUDENTS and faculty mem- bers of the literary school- will take a day off to celebrate the one-hundredth anni- versary of the beginning of classes in the College. It is a highly significant occasion for both the students and faculty. Members of the administration and the faculty will review with pride and satisfaction the re- markable progress of a century of higher edu- cation. Four outstanding scholars will relate the history and achievements that have made this University outstanding. Those who have had a part in this development will be singled out for special praise. Members of the student body will, therefore, have a rare opportunity to become ac- quainted with the background of the rich cul- tural heritage which they receive here. ALTHOUGH ACADEMICALLY this material should be interesting, it has a far greater im- portance. Dean Kraus points out in his statement to the students that "as the heirs of a century of notable growth and achievement in higher education, the responsibility for further progress in the century rests upon you and future gen- erations." Consequently it is essential that future citizens and leaders know something about the development of higher education here. Problems and the future of liberal education in America will receive considerable attention in the afternoon discussion by prominent educators and in the evening address by the principal speaker of the convocation ceremonies, James R. Angell. In a world where the barbaric forces which represent the negation of cultural values appear to be in the ascendency it is incumbent on all those who have faith in thesworth of those values and their importance to a better ordered existence among mankind, to attend these ses- sions, hear the varying points of view and eval- uate seriously the proposals for a continued and even improved development of this institution and others similar to it. Preservation of cultural values and training for democratic leadership will become meaning- less concepts if the progress of higher education is hindered. Thus this anniversary is not only cause for celebration, but even more so it is a day for provocative thinking and discussion. -Emile Gele Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Professor Maurer and Miss Blank By TOM THUMB THE PRESS of some important work I'm doing for the government (NYA), forces me to make this short and snappy. It's a story about the Journalism depart- ment's Professor Maurer, known for his quick wit (Give me another week to get those assignments in, please!). In a philosophical discussion in one of his Lies In Rev( (Editor's Note: This is the second of two articles by Micromegus writing on the possibilities of a federal union to heal the wounds of a world at war.) To the Editor: Expediency: With every passing week of Nazi control over the economic and political life of Europe the prospects of dislodging them by open military assault become more remote. It is al- ready doubtful whether even a combined British- American expeditionary force could gain and hold a foothold on the now hostile continent. It is also a terrible indictment of British propa- ganda that sporadic outbursts against the Nazis did not begin to appear in any number until Hitler invaded Russia! The Union proposal would take over the ideological fervour of the Communists, who do believe they are fighting for a New World, and apply it to a democratic objective. In short, Europe can be freed from Nazi tyr- anny only by internal revolt; Hitler would prob- ably scoff at the Union's invitation to member- ship, and would thereby bring upon his regime the furious wrath of a war-weary continent; that continent has so far only been antagonized by Churchill's war-inspired utterances that Brit- ain will "smash" them (polite word again); so far it is plain that the Communists alone have supplied the promise of something better, neces- sary if Europe is to revolt. Admission to a world as (ultimate, but obviously not immediate) equals would do it. ECONOMIC: The claims that such a union is only a guise by which Americans may be forced to meet the costs of reconstruction in-a more palatable form are absurd, because it is now clear that the alternative is, first to pay with all we have for the further ravages of war, and then to find post-war export markets (which mean continuing to give away our prod- ucts, as we shall be a greater creditor than ever and also own all the world's gold, which we have accepted heretofore as a means of settlement). Further, by investing the dubious asset of po- litical sovereignty in a world-wide sovereign state, mankind (and we are all one species) will free its energies from the dismal job of periodic- ally soaking non-existent boundaries in blood, for the more important problems of the produc- tion and distribution of wealth. Morals: Moralists are not needed to point out that the experiences of total war are more de- structive of a community's standards of morality and ethics than any other conceivable experi- ence. Men of good will have, furthermore, been sickened by the prattling of Americans who dis- claim all responsibility for the blunders of our own government which have contributed to the present world anarchy, and who recommend that we "wash our hands of Europe's wars." Frank admission of our own seamy part in the pre- war policies of tariff-building and "throw Czechoslovakia to him" attitudes would clear the atmosphere for the construction of a sensi- ble political order for mankind. HISTORY: Future historians will regard the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as the period in which the earth was transformed by scientists into a technological neighborhood, by politicians into a political anarchy. The present political order is cracking up for the same reasons that the Greek and Medieval city-states collapsed: because the claim to po- litical sovereignty is absurd when peoples are pressed together compactly in "national neigh- borhoods." History records that smaller, dis- united political units have always given way in the long run before larger concepts of political unity. The ascendency of Rome over the Greeks and the national states over Medieval principal- ities are obvious examples. The recent ,"eight points" issued by Messrs. Roosevelt and Churchill have been regarded by some as a blueprint for a saner world order. Actually that is absolutely not the case: they are simply a revival of the tragically misguided Wilsonian doctrine that Europe's troubles can be solved by creating more nations than she al- ready has to put up with. This time, to that ee Robert S.AIles WASHINGTON-Word trickling back to the diplomatic corps from Germany indicates that Hitler finally is beginning to realize that the United States means business, and that he made a tragic mistake in not accepting the advice of his more conservative diplomats who warned him of this in the first place. In fact, the inside story, which now can be told, is one of the most tragic of the war. Pos- sibly if it had not been for overweening per- sonal jealousies the war might even have been prevented. WHAT HAPPENED was that when Hans Dieckhoff, German Ambassador to Washing- ton, returned to Berlin in 1938, he brought back a strong report that the United States would enter the war eventually if Germany became the aggressor. He was ready to warn that Ger- many faced a repetition of 1917-18. But Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop would not let him see Hitler. Ribbentrop, probably the most ambitious man around der Fuehrer and a great friend of Himmler, wanted to be the funnel for all advice going to Hitler. In the same cautious school with the Ambas- Writer Claims ominous doctrine has been added ' the eighth point," which proposes an Anglo-American po- lice force of stupendous proportions (Treasury estimates for the post-war budget include an item of ten billion dollars yearly "for national defense and international loans" and, more thorough-going repression of Germany. Sovereignty, in a world technological neigh- borhood, is an extremely dangerous instrument, and we have seen all too well the results of bandying it around freely by "self-destruction." It must be invested in a union of mankind, which is quite a different thing from "giving up our rights as free and independent Ameri- cans." And in that last sentence lies the principal ob- stacle to an early and sensible peace via the Union Route: this route flies in the face of insti- tutional loyalties (national patriotism) and practices (political sovereignty). Those who be- lieve that it is the only hope for the kind of world we all want must continually repeat and repeat that we are proposing an investment, not a sacrifice; that we need only haul down one flag and run up another (i.e., broaden the basis of patriotic loyalties as the Hoosiers and Wol- verines, Britons and Scotsmen, French and Ger- mans in Switzerland, have done). IT HAS BEEN SAID that the European nations will be extremely wary of any proposals com- ing to them from Washington in this war, that all learned their lessons in 1919 when (1) Ger- many laid down her arms on the strength of Wilson's Fourteen Points which were repudiated at Versailles; (2) that the Allies counted on American support of Wilson's baby, the League, and saw the Senate repudiate it. Similarly, Americans are not wholly sold on the purity of Britain's present war aims. Let it be remem- bered that a federal union, with already estab- lished machinery for the admission of new states would overcome the mistrust of the Ger- man people; furthermore, Bitain and America, as two members of the union, would already have surrendered their rights later to repudiate ideals to which they subscribed under the duress of war. To inspire (and warn) the workers for union, there is the example of the Communists who cheerfully sacrifice their cities (as the French would not do) and their lives (as the French did not until Russia was attacked) because they believe they are working for a new and better world. To cheer them, unionists have the cer- tain knowledge that eventually their idea of a unity of mankind will prevail, as it clearly must, regardless of whether we have a Nazi or an Anglo-American world empire in the meantime, if science is ever to leave off destroying and once again turn to building. - Micromegus A Very Small Minority . . To the Editor: F In Sunday's Daily Mr. George W. Stengel dared any who might disagree with him to re- sort to name-calling or, "invective epithets." He then proceeded to label as "war agitators" and "stupids" the Daily editors who urged a dec- laration of war against Hitler, and the 203 University of Michigan teachers who (with more from Wayne University) signed the recent "total war" petition. He rounded off his impatient invective with the dubious assertion that "this vociferous faculty group constitutes a very small minority of the University faculty." N THE LETTER accompanying the faculty petition sent to Michigan's Senators and Rep- resentatives at Washington, it was accurately skated that fewer than half of those on the teaching staffs had been approached with the petition. Of this very substantial sampling- much larger, of course, than any cross-section for a Gallup poll- nearly all, whether giving or withholding their signatures, expressed gen- eral approval of the point of view represented." And- the letter concluded: "A few felt that it might be construed as a reflection on the for- eign policy of the national administration to submit a petition on that subject at the present time, and expressed a belief-which, indeed, the vast majority of those who signed fully share-that the inexorable logic.of events would in any case soon bring the United States directly and unequivocally into the world struggle against Hitlerism. Almost none believed national isola- tion a policy either possible or desirable at the present juncture. All agreed that even victory was not enough: that after victory peace must be built on durable foundations." Sincerely yours, Carleton F. Wells Reply To Allan Hilton ... Dear Al: If you don't mind, I have a few questions to ask you: I'd ask you in person, but I don't know who you are. You claim (quite vehemently) to be a lover of democracy, but so do lots of people these days, like Lindbergh, Wheeler and Nye-so you can see what I'm up against trying to locate you. First of all, how do you and the Colonel propose to conduct your pogroms in a democratic fashion? I'm awfully anxious for an answer to that one. You should have a ready reply, cause you and the Colonel are democrats. But most important, Al, (and I hope I don't embarrass you with this one) I'd be very appre- ciative of an elaboration of a sentence in your letter to The Daily. You said that Hoover, Lind- bergh and Nye are opposed to the "excesses of Nazism." That's very interesting, Al. It seems to imply that except for the "excesses," Nazism is an O.K. system. So would you do me a favor, pal. Please make a list for me. In the left hand column, put the "excesses" and in the right, put the O.K. things. But just between you and me. Al, I don't think it can be done, because if you'll ponder a while you're gonna begin to real- ize that if you take away the "excesses", you DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1941 VOL. LII. No. 15 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices To All Persons Traveling by Com- mon Carrier on University Account: The Federal Revenue Act of 1941 im- poses a tax on railroad tickets and other transportation of persons but provides that such tax shall not be imposed on transportation or facili- ties furnished to certain classes which include the University of Michigan. This provision became effective Octo- ber 10. The local ticket offices un- derstand this exemption but may re-. quire a certificate from the purchas- er to show that the transportation is on the University's account. It is quite certain that sellers of common carrier transportation elsewhere than in Ann Arbor will require such a cer- tificate. Blank certificates can be had at the Business Office of the University, Room 1, University Hall, on and after October 13 and those who can foresee that they will be purchasing transportation outside Ann Arbor, while traveling at Uni- versity expense, should provide them- selves with such blanks. Shirley W. Smith GRIN AND BEAR IT ; J v . r '. ' t z. £- r , ;c: : .;:-. "; 4 w , r Mkt, . a x ' ' '1 21 ! 5I "I told Otis he ought to be on a government price fixing board-the au a ia n ha' at ri o nrn iw; ,. :t, ..r~ By Lichty J C experience nes nad trying to To the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: All pating in League activities will be members of the Faculty of the College signed this week from 3:00-5:00 p.m. of Literature, Science, and the Arts in Miss McCormick's office in the are invited to take part in the aca- League. demic procession preceding the Cen-g tennial Celebration Convocation this W evening. Academic robes will be Women students wishing to attend worn in the procession. Members the Northwestern-Michigan football of the Faculty will assemble in game are required to register in the Room 25 Angell Hall at 8:00 Office of the Dean of Women. A p.m. for robing. Wraps may be letter of permission from parents left in this room during the convo- must be in this office not laternthan cin. ten rodsrillgbpeent oday.If the student does not go cation. Attendants will be present ayby train, special permission for an- after the room from 5.f p.m. until other mode of travel must be included Ife th ovcto. In case of i h parent's letter. Graduate wo- ing, there will be no procession. Mem- men are invited to register in this ing, herewill e noprocoffonice. bers of the Faculty will assemble at office. 8:00 p.m. at Hill Auditorium enter- ing by the stage.entrance in the rear Academic Notices and robing in the class rooms. A large attendance of the Faculty is Physics Courses 26 and 46: No lec- desired at all three sessions of the ture today. W. W. Sleator, Centennial Celebration and especially Preliminary examinations for the at the evening convocation. doctorate in English will be given in E. H. Kraus Room 3217 Angell Hall, 9:00 a.m. to '12':00 can the fallowing schedule : 0put , i it on PHwhiatI buly," i 1 1 j i 7 1 t i Attention Students: Today the One Hundredth Anniversary of the first Wednesday, November 19, Amen- instruction given in the College of can Literature. Literature, Science, and the Arts will Saturday, November 22, English be celebrated. This day will be a Literature, 1700-1900. holiday for the students and the fac- Wednesday, November 26, English{ ulty in this College. All classes taught Literature, 1550-1700. by the faculty of the College of Lit- Saturday, November 29, English erature, Science, and the Arts will, Literature, Beginning to 1550. therefore, be excused on that day. All those intending to take the ex-i _ _aminations should leave their names{ Senate Reception: Since no indi- with N. E. Nelson, 3223 Angell Hall.t vidual invitations are being sent, this . is a cordial invitation to all members Psychology 31 make-up examina- of the teaching staff and their wives tion will be given Tuesday, October to be present at the Senate Recep- 21, 7:30 to 10:00 p.m., in Room 1121 tion to new members of the Rce- Natural Science Blg. on Tuesday, November 4, in the ball-< room of the Michigan Union at 8:30 Exhibitions p.m. The reception will take place Hopwood Exhibit: There will be an from 8:30 to 10:00 o'clock, after exhibit of manuscripts and published which there will be dancing from wok10:00'to 12:00. It is especially workd for winners of Hopwood Awards that new teaching fellows ayhoped today in Room 160 of the Rackham structors may be present and the Building. chairmen of departments are asked toI be of assistance in bringing this Lectures about. University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pa- nof sky of the Institute for Advanced Faculty Members: The Detroit Study at Princeton, will lecture on Branch of the English-Speaking Un- the subject, "Durer's Melancholia- ion invites all faculty members who the Conception of Melancholia in the wish to attend their luncheon at 12:30 Renaissance," under the auspices of p.m. on Thursday, October 16, in the the Department of Fine Arts, on English Room of the Hotel Statler. Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 4:15 p.m. in Dr. James Rowland Angell will be the Rackham Lecture Hall. The pub- the speaker. Reservations may be lic is cordially invited. e made by mail through Miss Laurie Parkinson, Secretary, 2439 Twenty- Dr. E. S. Bastin, Head of the De- yThird Street, or by telephoning La- partment of Geology, University of fayette 7251 Chicago, will speak on "Some Prbb- Dr. F. E. Robbins lems of Ore Deposition" Thursday at 11:00 a.m. in the Amphitheatre, Third School of Education Students:. No Floor of the Rackham Building. Some course may be elected for credit after of the chemical and physical prob- Saturday, Oct. 18. Students must re- lems which have puzzled the ore I port all changes of elections at the geologist will be discussed. Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer- sity Hall. Membership in a classE does not cease nor begin until all Events Today changes have been thus officially reg- Varsity Glee Club: All members are istered. Arrangements made with the urged to be on hand for the concert instructors are not official 'changes. at the Literary School Banquet at the Union tonight. Meet in Glee Club Students, College of Literature, Rooms at 7 o'clock. Old members I Science, and the Arts: No course may are particularly urged to be present. be elected for credit after the end Wear dark suits and white shirts. of the third week. Saturday, October 18, is therefore the last date on AICE etn oih t73 ic nw e ctinthm b pproedn A.I.ChE. meeting tonight at 7:30 which new elections may be approved.inRo 102Es Egnerg The willingness of an individual in- in Room 1042 East Engieerig structor toadmit student later does Building. Prof. G. G. Brown will not affect the operation of this rule. speak on "Patent Problems. Refresh- E. A. Walter ments will be served. International Center Music Hour: To Deans, Directors, Department This evening from 7:30-9:00, at the Heads and Others Responsible for Music Hour in the International Cen- Payrolls: Payrolls for the first sem- ter, the following program will be ester are ready for approval. This presented: should be done at the Business Office Mozart Serenade "Eine Kleine before October 16 if checks are to be Nachtmusik" with Bruno Walter and issued on October 31. the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Edna Geiger Miller, Schubert Symphony No. 8. Payroll Clerk Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5, with Artur Schnabel and the London Singers: Play Production and the Symphony Orchestra conducted by School of Music are planning to Malcolm Sargeant. combine in a presentation of an) Anyone interested is welcome. I t j i { j Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in Room 302 of the Union. Students of all schools and colleges are eligible to participate in the club. University of Michigan Flying Club will meet today. Regulations for the new airplane will be discussed. Fees must be paid before individuals may fly. Hiawatha Club will meet tonight at 8:00 at the Michigan Union. Slavic Club will meet tonight at 8:00 in Room 321 of the Michigan Union. All members, as well as stu- dents interested in the Slavic Club are requested to attend. Mr. Benjamin Lovett, social direc- tor for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, is' again donating his services to teach a course in Social Training and the American Country Dance. Special emphasis will be placed on teaching techniques. Although the course is designed primarily for students in Community Recreation, others inter- ested are cordially invited to attend each Wednesday evening, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the Lounge of the Wo- men's Athletic Building at the east end of North University. Freshman Discussion Group, spon- sored by the Student Religious Asso- ciation, will not meet today due to the Centennial celebration. The group will meet Wednesday, October 22, at 7:30 p.m. A German Round Table for prac- tice in conversational German will be organized at the Interntional Center this evening at.9 o'clock following the weekly Music Hour. Beta Kappa Rho: All women on campus who are wholly or partially self-supporting are invited to meet Wvith Beta Kappa Rho, working girls' organization tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Zeta Phi Eta meeting at 5:00 p.m. today. Interviewing for all those who peti- tioned for Assembly Banquet will take place today and Friday of this week, 3:00-5:00 p.m.; in the Kalama- zoo Room of the League. Bring your eligibility cards. All Episcopal'Students: There will be acelebration of the Holy Com- munion in the Bishop Williams Me- morial Chapel today'at 7:30 a.m. Coming Events Seminar in the History of Religious Sects, sponsored by the Student Re- ligious Association and regularly meeting on Wednesday afternoons, will. meet Thursday, October 16, at 4:30 p.m. due to the Centennial cele- bration. Polonia Society meeting in the recreation room of the International Center on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Election of officers. Games and re- freshments. Graduate Dance: An informal radio-record dance will be held Sat- urday evening, Oct. 18, from 9-12 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Refreshments, bridge. All graduate students, facul- ty and alumni invited. Come with or without dates. Small admission charge. Ushering Committee for Theater Arts: Sign up for ushering for the Chinese film, "China Strikes Back" in the Undergraduate office in the League today, Thursday, 'Friday and Saturday. Ushers are needed for Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights. "The majority of Frenchmen are