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October 15, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-15

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A Century
III Retrospect ..



Soviet Defenders
Strengthen Lines
Aroun Moco

Federation Can Outlaw eech To Open
All Wars, Adler Asserts
This War Fought In Vain If Humanity is Not Pt Lit School's Celebration

Above Nationalism, Philosophy Professor Says

Nazis Continue Advance
In North As Russians
Report Gain In Center
Kalinin's Position
Is Claimed Serious
'(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Wednesday, Oct. 15-
The Germans crashed toward Mos-
cow from a new direction today in
heavy fighting at Kalinin, only 95
miles northwest of the capital, while
the ed armies of the center reported
theyhad beaten the Nazis back 10
bloody miles over the critical Vyazma
sector to the west.
Government advices'said the Ger-
mans lost 13,000 men in dead and
wounded on the Moscow front Tues-
In the south, near the Sea of Azov,
the early morning Russian communi-
que conceded the loss of Mariupol
(which the Germans claimed Oct. 7),
but it was the gigantic encirclement
drive on Moscow which was of most
urgent danger.
German spearheads thrust at the
capital from the south, southwest,
west and northwest-from the se-
tors of Orel, Bryansk, Vyazma, and,
finally, Kalinin.
Thalinin's Position Serious
The " seriousness of .this latest
threat was obvious from Kalinin's
position, on the main trunk railroad
from Moscow to Leningrad, just east
of the natural obstacle of the Valdai
The city, named for Michael Kal-
inin, chairman of the Presidium of
the Supreme Soviet-Rusia's nearest
parallel to a national president, is an
important center of about 216,000
There and in the other theaters the
Red armies Sought under oath of
desperation "to die here but not let
the enemy to Moscow."
They were heartened in their re-
solve by the successes of counter-at-
tacks arouhd Vyazma, where the Rus-
sian position appeared generally
somewhat improved.
In the raging continuance of the
air war, the Russian communique re-
corded destruction''of 89 German
planes on all froits Sunday to Rus-
sian losses of 23, and said that so
far eight Nazi planes had been listed
as brought down during Tuesday near
Moscow alone.
S. A. Lozovsky, the official Soviet
spokesman, declared in an optimistic
summary that the German advance
had been everywhere slowed down
and that in many sectors it had been
completely halted.
Red Armies Are Not Encircled
He asserted, too, the Red armies
west of the capital were far from en-
circled, as the Germans had claimed,
that the Soviet government was re-
maining in Moscow, and, most im-
portant of all, the numerical super-
iority of the invading forces was now
"Fresh millions have risen to the
defense of Moscow," he declared. "We
know the Germans can never capture
Back of the battlefronts, however,
thousands of Russian civilians dug
out a new defense line, twisting miles
of terrain\ into trenches and tank
tra'ps for yet another stand that will
come if and when the invaders break
through the long-contested Soviet
positions beyand.
The Red counterthrust to the west
against the German salient pressing
nearest to the city was not precisely
Michigan Technic
Anniversary Issue
To Be Sold Today
Sixty years of Michigan Technic
rolled into one will be available again

today when the anniversary issue of
the engineering college publication
is sold over the Engineering Arch, in
the East Engineering Building lobby
and near the secretary's office, West
Engineering Building.
Articles in the magazine this month
include "The Engineering College, Its
Past, Present and Future," "The En-
gineer As a Politician" and "Beryll-
ium: The Wonder Metal.."
In addition the Technic will pre-
sont its usual feature deartments.

Soviet Losses
At Six Million,
Berlin Claims
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 14.-Germany's mil-
itaryleadership announced tonight
the annihilation of a total of 6,000,-
000 Russian soldiers, of whom more
than half were captives, and an ir-
resistible advance by the Nazi armies
of the center which has put the out-
ermost defenses of Moscow within
range of German heavy artillery.
A special High Command commun-
ique said the imprisoned since June
22 "has far surpassed 3,000,000," or
more than half a million in excess of
all World War prisoners taken by the
Germans. Authorized military sources
provided the estimate of 6,000,000
destroyed, putting it on the basis of
300 Soviet divisions of full war
At the same time the High Com-
mand reported definite annihilation
of the Red armies in the Vyazma
area, 125 miles west of Moscow, and
said the Russian Armies about Bry-
ansk, 200 miles southwest of Moscow,
were being steadily dissolved in sev-
eral so-called German "kettles."
"The number of prisoners taken in
this gigantic double battle has in-
creased to over 500,000. It 'still is
increasing hourly," the High Com-
mand said.
In claiming the spectacularly ad-.
vanced position of the German ar-
tillery before Moscow, the Berlin
spokesman hastened to say that the
Red capital's outer belt of fortifica-
tions lies a considerable distance
from the center of the city.
No one divulged how close the Ger-
mans actually were. (It was pre-
sumed, however, the defenses might
extend some 50 miles from Moscow,
and there were reports from London
the Germans at one point had gotten
within 60 miles of the capital on the
West before they were for the time
being, repulsed.)
Military Group
IHonors Guests
Lieut.-Col. G. B. Egger
And Wife Welcomed
Special guests at a "get-acquainted"
banquet meeting of Scabbard and
Blade, ROTC honor society, yesterday
were Lt.-Col. G. B. Egger, new on
the ROTC faculty, and Mrs. Egger.
Attending the banquet were all the
officer-faculty men of the depart-
ment and their wives, as well as stu-
dent officers who are members of the
In addition to Colonel and Mrs.
Egger, faculty members who received
special welcome at the banquet were
Prof. Walter E. Lay of the mechanical
engineering department, Dean Wal-
ter Rea, assistant dean of students,
and Prof. John Worley of the trans-
portation engineering department.

Only a federation of all the nations
in the world will permanently out-
law war, Mortimer J. Adler, professor
of the philosophy of law at'"the Uni.
versity of Chicago, declared in an
interview yesterday.
If the present war does not result
in putting humanity above national-
ism, it will have been fought in vain,
he said. According to Adler, an un-
avoidable truth is that in a world
becoming smaller through economic
connections and better communica-
tions political unions must get large.
It is merely a question of whether
the political units should be enlarged
by the method of conquest or by fed-
eration. Conquest is Hitler's method
and federation should be our method.
In 1750 no one would even believe
that a group of 130,000,000 peo-
ple could live peacefully together in
one area.
St. Thomas' Phi
St. Thomas Aquinas is the greatest
philosopher in the history of Euro-
pean culture, Mortimer J. Adler, au-
thor of "How to Read A Book" and
"What Man Has Made of Man,"
claimed in the opening lecture of the
annual series sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association yesterday
at the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Although there may eventually be
a greater philosopher, he will have
mastered Aquinas as Aquinas mas-
tered Aristotle, Adler said. Aquinas
has uttered more truth and wisdom
concerning the problems men face

Of One-Hundredth

Analyzing the present situation,
Adler explained that the invasion of
Russia and the cessation of the bomb-
ings of the British Isles had lulled
both the people of United States and
Britain into a false sense of no ur-
He described the American people
as "in a period of sliding along psy-
chologically with no intense concern."
Admitting that even he was uncer-
tain as to the future course the
United States should take, Adler
pointed out that about six months
ago the feeling on the war was very
While an ardent interventionist
last May, Adler no longer has a strong
conviction that the United States
should enter the war. Regardless of
the fact that some people lo have
definite ideas on what the govern-
ment should do, he stressed the fact
that the average person is not con-
than any other writer either before
or after him:.
Adler maintained that in our world
we take sides either by reason or by
emotion, and that if we do so for
reason we follow the theories of
The greatest achievement of the
venerated medieval scholar, accord-
ing to Adler, was his solution of the
problem of faith and reason. The
20th century problem of the relation
of religion, philosophy and science
will finally be solved by the methods
used by Aquinas in the solution of his

--- 4


Collins Given
'Engine Council
Executive Job
Fills Post Left Vacant
By Departed Officer;
Other Offices Are Filled
Robert Collins, '42E, became vice-
president of the Engineering Coun-
cil at a meeting held last night, re-
placing Robert Miller, '42E, who was
unable to return to school this fall.
In addition to his election to the
vice-presidency, Collins was also
selected to act as chairman for the
committee in charge of the annual
Slide Rule Ball, to be given Nov. 7 this
year. John Burnham, '43E, will
handle publicity.
Although music chairman George
Gotschall, '42E, has announced that
no band has been contracted as yet,
the decision will be made soon, and
it is expected that tickets for the en-
gineering dance will be on sale some
time next week.
Officers for the senior class in the
College of Engineering will probably
be elected within the next three weeks
or so, Council president Robert Sum-
merhays, '42E, reported, as a com-
mittee to arrange for the election was
appointed at the meeting last night
and will start work immediately.
Class officers to be elected at that
time will be president, vice-president,
secretary, treasurer and engineeringI
council representative.I

Trade Treaty
With Argentin e
Signed . U.
Major Concessions Made
By Both Nations; Pact
Affects 127 Products
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. -GP)-
The United States and Argentina to-.
night signed at Buenos Aires a re-
ciprocal trade agreement-the first
comprehensive commercial arrange-
ment between them since 1853-de-
signed to improve trade relations dur-
ing the present emergency and after-
It is the 12th trade agreement to
be concluded with American repub-
lics and will go into effect provision-
ally Nov. 15, entering into full force
30 days after exchange of ratifica-
Three Year Treaty
Subject to certain special provi-
sions, it will remain in force for three
years and may continue in force in-
definitely thereafter.
Under it Argentina grants conces-
sions to the United States on 127 pro-
ducts which in 1940 accounted for
about 30 per cent of the total United
States exports to Argentina-about
$32,000,000 out of $106,000,000.
These concessions take the form ofa
reductions in tariffs or agreements
not to raise tariffs.
Included are fresh apples, pears,.
grapes, raisins, prunes, tobacco, mo-
tor vehicles and parts, automatic re-
frigerators, certain items of electri-
cal machinery and apparatus, agri-
cultural and industrial machinery,
office appliances and forest products.
Argentina Gets Reduction
Argentina, in return; gets reduc-
tions in duties or assurance of the
continuance of existing tariffs on 84
products which in 1938 and 1939 ac-
counted for some 93 per cent of its,
total exports to the United States.
Among other things the tariff is
reduced on coarse wools, quebracho
extract, casein, tallow, oleo oil, and
oleo stearin, cattle hides and Italian
type cheeses.
Also among the major concessions
granted Argentina in the accord
were a reduction by 50 per cent of
the duty on canned meats and flax-
seed, two prime export products of
the southern republic.
The duty on canned meats was re-
duced from six cents per pound to
three cents per pound.
Current Events Lectures
To Be GivenBy Slosson
Prof Preston W Slosson of the

Churchill Bans
Debate OnAid
To dRedArmy
British Leader Says Talk
Likely To Do More
Harm Than Good
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Oct. 14.-Winston Chur-
chill silenced aid-to-Russia critics in
Commons today with a flat refusal to
discuss the situation for fear talk
might hurt the Soviet cause.
There were some cries of dissent
when the Prime Minister banned a
debate on the matter, but the ma-
jority of the House gave tacit sup-
port to his silence both on the ques-
tion of aid and as'to the actual war
The issue was raised by Emanuel
Shinwell, a Labor member, who had
advocated that the British create a
diversion in the West.
"There is considerable disquiet in
the country," he told the House,
"about the whole substance and speed,
of assistance rendered to Russia."
"Mr. Shinwell should not suppose,"
the Prime Minister responded acid-
ly, "that he has a monopoly of anxi-
ety in these matters. I do not see
any reason at all for an early debate'
at the present time on the situation
in the East.
"I think it might be detrimental.
I am sure it woud likely do more
harm than good." He apparently re-
ferred to the possible danger of giv-
ing useful information to the Ger-
Shinwell's fellow Laborite Ernest
Bevan entered the discussion with
an accusation that Lord Halifax, Bri-
tish Ambassador to Washington, had
made irresponsible statements in the
United States which were tanta-
mount to "gratuitous assurances to
the enemy that they will not be at-
tacked anywhere."
Staley To Talk
Here Monday
Eastern Peace Settlement
To Be Speech Subject
Possibilities for a peace settlement
in the Far East will undergo close
scrutiny when Prof. Eugene Staley of
Tufts College delivers a University
lecture at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Professor Staley, a member of the
faculty of the Fletcher School of
Law and Diplomacy at Tufts, will
:discuss "A Peace Settlement in the
Far East?" in the first University
Lecture of the season.
An authority on international ec-
onomics, Professor Staley has done
research work in that field in Europe
and was awarded the travelling fel-
lowship of the Social Science Re-
search Council in 1929 and held it
through 1931.
During the past summer he gave
a series of lectures on the Far Eastern
situation at the University of Chi-
cago. Before going to Tufts he was
assistant professor of economics at

Lend Program'
Is Successful,
Says, Roosevelt
E. R. Stettinius Receives
New Blanket Powers
To Handle Allocations
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-G')--
Following up his announcement that
the United States was rushing supplies
constantly to reinforce the "brave de-
fense" of Russia, President Roosevelt
said today he saw nothing in the mil-
itary situation to raise doubts about
the success of the lend-lease program.
As reporters crowded into his oval
study for the semi-weekly press con-
ference, the President jocularly cast
himself in the role of a school teacher
and recounted to his students these
new facts and figures on the aid
Lend-lease supplies were sent last
month to Great Britain, China, South
American nations, Poles and Nor-
wegians to the total of $155,000,000.
This was about three times the
average monthly figure for the last
six months and compared with a total
for the six months of $246,000,000.
Including articles and services in
the process of manufacture or ac-
complishment, Se ptember's total
lend-lease aid was $200,000,000.
Of the original $7,000,000,000 lend-
lease appropriation, only five per cent
remains unallocated.
To clean up this remainder, Mr.
Roosevelt announced he had given
Edward R. Stettinius, lend-lease-ad-
ministrator, blanket authority to
handle the entire allocation himself
iwithout referring individual trans-'
actions to the President for approval.
Students wishing their work to
be considered for publication in
Perspectives must hand in their
manuscripts this week at the Pub-
lications Building or in the English
or engineering English department

Heads Celebration

Professors Shull, Winter,
Boak, Reeves To Speak
In Centennial Program
Notables To Meet
In Rackham Hall
Devoting an entire day to the recol-
lection of a glorious past and to a
study of the problems which it expects
to encounter in the future, the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts today celebrates 100 years of
continued existance.
The centennial program will be-
gin at 10 a.m. with an opening ad-
dress by President Alexander G. Ruth-
yen, who will then preside at the
morning session, This session, meet-
ing in Rackham Lecture Hall, will
concern itself with the history and
achievements qf the College, while
the afternoon discussion will center
around the problems and future of
liberal education in America.
Reeves Will Speak
Following President Ruthven in the
morning Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, Wil-
liam W. Cook Professor of American
Institutions, will trace the general
history and development of the Uni-
Other speakers will be Prof. J. G.
Winter, chairman of theLatin depart-
ment, commenting on the record of
the College in language and litera-
ture; Prof. A. F. Shull of the zoology
departm'nent discussing scientific ad-
vancement; and Prof. A. E. R. Boak
of the history department speaking
on achievements in the social sciences.
Presenting the viewpoints of en-
dowedinstitutions, large state uni-
versities, education and scientific
foundations and college women on
educational problems, four visiting
speakers will address the afternoon
session, beginning at 2:30 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Martin ten Hoor, Dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences, Tulane
University, is scheduled to open the
meeting, with Dr. George Clarke Sel-
lery, Dean of the College of Letters
and Science, University of Wiscon-
sin following him.
Final Talks
Henry Allen Moe, secretary-gener-
al of the Guggenheim Memorial Foun-
dation, and Judge Florence Ellinwobd
Allen of the United States Court of
Appeals will deliver the final talks
of the afternoon.
Following dinner at the Union an
academic procession will form in
front of Angell Hall at 8:00 p.m. and
procede to the convocation cere-
monies at Hill Auditorium.
The principal address of the eve-
ning will be delivered by Dr. James
Rowland Angell, president emeritus
of Yale University. He will speak on
"Persistent Problems of Higher Edu-
cation in a Democracy." An alumnus
of the University, the famous edu-
cator is the son of the late James B.
Angell, president here from 1871 to
Special guests from all over the'
nation have been invited by the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts to attend the day-long celebra-
tion. Guests, organizations and insti-
tutions which will be represented are
listed below.
Guests. . .
Mark S. Andrews, Jr., President,
District 10, Michigan Alumni Asso-
ciation; James R. Angell, President
Emeritus, Yale University and Edu-
cational Counselor, National Broad-
casting Corporation; Vernon J.
Brown, Auditor General, State of
Michigan; Harry Bulkley, Former
Regent, University of Michigan; Earl
L. Burhans, Senator, Michigan State
Legislature and Regent-elect, Univer-
sity of Michigan; Alfred B. Conna-
ble, Jr., Regent-elect, University of
Michigan; Oscar A. Eberbach, Uni-
versity of Michigan Alumni Associa-

tion; Eugene B. Elliott, Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction, State of
Michigan; Gwyn M. Hughes, Presi-
dent, District 1, Michigan Alumni
Association; Irene B. Johnson, Uni-
versity of Michigan Alumnae Coun-
cil; Elizabeth E. Kennedy, University
of Michigan Alumnae Council;
George P. McCallum, Senator, Mich-
igan State Legislature; Frank Mur-
phy, Lieutenant Governor, State of
Michigan; Haskell L. Nichols, Repre-
sentative, Michigan State Legisla-
ture; Mason P. Rumney, University

Northwestern Invites Michigan:
Van Wagoner, Michigan Students
To Attend ReceptionIn Evanston

Homecoming Day Will Be Tag Day:
Student Senate Considers Drive
To Augment Scholarship Fund

Residents of Michigan and stu-
dents at the University will be hon-
ored at a reception to be held at 5
p.m. Saturday, following the North-
western game, in Scott Hall, Evan-
At this time they will have an op-
portunity to meet Gov. Murray D.
Van Wagoner of Michigan and Mrs.
Van Wagoner; President Franklin B.
Snyder of Northwestern University
and Mrs. Snyder; Mayor Ingraham of
Evanston; Coach Lynn Waldorf of
Northwestern and George Zorich and
Ike Kepford, Michigan's boys on the
opposing team.
The Michigan Alumni Clubs pres-
idents and the Michigan Wildcat
Council members, sponsors of the
event and aeting as en-hosts. will be

end celebration, a special train will
leave Detroit Saturday morning,
bound for Chicago, and will pick up
ticket holders here. Fare for the
round-trip has been reduced for the
occasion; and three hundred are ex-
pected to travel to the game in this
The train will leave Ann Arbor at
8:20 a.m. Saturday, to arrive in Chi-
cago at 11 :40 a.m. The return trip
will extend from 9 p.m. Saturday to,
1 a.m. Sunday.
Tickets are now on sale at the
travel desk in the Union.
Throughout Saturday morning the
Alumni Association will maintain
headquarters on the third floor of
the Palmer House. There visitors
will be able to meet a number of the

Closely following up its last spring's
program for the establishment of a
scholarship fund for needy students,
the Michigan Student Senate held an
informal meeting yesterday in the
Union to organize plans for a Senate
Tag Day which will take place Oct.
25, the date of Michigan's homecom-
ing game with Minnesota.
A committee for the planning of
this financial drive was appointed by
William Todd, '42, president, and a
petition for its approval was drawn
up to be presented to the Dean's of-
fice. The committe is composed of:
Robert Krause. '42. Jake Fahrner. '42.

are for the use and disposition of the
faculty committee on scholarships
which will work in conjunction with
the Student Senate Scholarship
The announcement was made by
Todd that the resignation of William
Ditz, Jr., '42A, has been received, as
has the resignation of Ruth Basye,
'42, who will recommend a successor
at a later date.
Discussion by the senators ensued
over the subject of initiating legisla-
tion for the encouragement of the es-
tablishment of a campus radio sta-
tion and also over the subject of the
Senate's assumption of a new duty-

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