i GE TIE MICIGANIiT1AIL1Y misr MTY. OCTOB~ER 14, 1941 DAILY OFFICIAL1 BULLETIN (Continued from Page 5) Portugese will meet as scheduled on the Bulletin Board. Enrollments will still be actepted. Beside the regular Thursday tea and the Friday night Recreation Night, the following should be noted: Tonight at 7:30 there will be an organization meeting of all inter- ested in joining classes in spoken Spanish, Italian, Arabic, and Russian. The Wednesday Music Hour, 7:30- 9:00 p.m. program is as follows: Mozart Serenade-"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" with Bruno Walter and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Schubert Symphony No. 8, Bee- thovcef 'Piano Concerto No. 5 with Ardhu rScinabcf and the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Malcolm Sargeant. Ieta Sigma Pi meeting tonight at 7:30 in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. There will be a short business meeting. Mrs. Pris- cilla Bonner Horton will speak on "Some Aspects of Vitamin A and Carotene Metabolism." Refreshments. Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30 tonightin the Union. Guest speaker for the evening will be Lieut. J. E. Fitzgibbon of the Naval R.O.T.C. de- partment who will discuss battleship gunnery. All engineers are invited. Tau Beta Pi: A dinner meeting for all members will be held tonight at 6:15 in the Union. The Annual Pre-Medical Smoker CLASSIFIED I TYPING TYPING taken in home. Reasonable rates. Call 2-1592. Katherine. 56c .VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind- ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. 6nc WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL-' Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, phone 7112. 7c MIMEOGRAPHING AND MULTI- GRAPHING-illustrated and typed work for fraternities and other stu- dent organizations. 1 cent postage on alumni mailings. The Edwards Letter Shop, 711 N. University, Phone 2-2846. 8c LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price.- 2c INDIVIDUALIZED LAUNDRY SERVICE Each bundle done separately, by hand No Markings Silks, Wools, and Coeds' Laundry Our Specialty All our work is guaranteed 1 ADVERTISING LOST and FOUND SHELL RIMMED glasses-Reward-- Call Henry Cooper, 7137. 59c NEXT semester's tuition in a tan en- velope. Please return. Reward, S. Stephenson, 1511 Washtenaw, Call 2-2218. 61c YELLOW GOLD, hexagonal, Wal- tham watch, 10 tin diamonds. Re- ward. Ruth Nagle, 730 Haven- Phone 4211. 60c COMPASS1 dividers in blue pencil box in College of Architecture. Re- ward. Call Richard Mine, 8043. 58c TAILORING & SEWING4 STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan residents-Alterations on women's! garments promptly done. Opposite Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c3 HELP WANTED WXPERIENCED student counterman. Hours, 9 to 12 in morning, Monday thru Saturday, Apply 105 N. For- est. 50c COLLEGE GIRL-Room and board exchanged for small service. No children. Attractive room. Call 3836. 54c ROOM and BOARD STUDENTS! wa b held tOi ht at 8:00 in the Michigan Ujnion. Members of the Medical and pre-Medical Faculty will be present to discuss problems of in- terest to pre-medical students. Re- freshments and cigarettes. All pre- medical students invited. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League. Harris Hall: Tea will be served to- day. 4:00-5:30 p.m. All Episcopal stu- dents and their friends are cordially invited. Coming Events Mr. Benjamin Lovett, social direc- tor for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, is again donating his services to teach a course in Social Training and the American Country Dance. Special emphasis will be placed on teaching techniques. Although the course is designed primarily for students in Community Recreation, others inter- ested are cordially invited to attend each Wednesday evening. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the Lounge of the Wo- men's Athletic Building at the east end of North University. University of Michigan Flying Club will meet on Wednesday, October 15. Regulations for the new airplane will be discussed. Fees must be paid be- fore individuals may fly. The University of Michigan Glider Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednes- day in Room 302 of the Union. Stu- dents of all schools and colleges are eligible to participate in the club. Slavic Club will meet Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock in Room 321 of the Michigan Union. All members, as well as students interested in the Slavic Club, are requested to attend. A. I. Ch. E. meeting on Wed., Oct. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. Prof. G. G. Brown will speak on "Patent Prob- lems." Refreshments will be served. La Sociedad Hispanica will meet Thursday, Oct. 16, at 8:00 p.m. in the ,Michigan League. German Round Table: A German Round Table will be organized at 'the International Center under the direc- tion of Mrs. Ruth Wendt. Those in- terested in securing practice in speak- ing German are invited. The first meeting will be held in the Interna- tional Center Wednesday evening, October 5, at 8:30. Beta Kappa Rho: All women on campus who are wholly or partially self-supporting are invited to meet with Beta Kappa Rho, working girls' organization, on Wednesday, October 15, at 8:00 p.m. in the ,Michigan League. All Episcopal Students: There will be a celebration of the Holy Com- munion in the Bishop Williams Mem- orial Chapel Wednesday and Thurs- day, at 7:30 a.m I' .._,. -- .._.., I 1 i TELL ME If you were to ta ke a survey you'd f1ind thctt most women agree on the important matter of 'cleanliness; they all feel that men should take care to keep all shirts and washables in, tip- top shape always. Ine, are espec ially The Ann prepared to meet student laundry needs. Free pick-ups and deliverie SILVER LAUNDRY 607 E. HOOVER Is your board bill worrying you? es Come on over to 608 Monroe and try Mrs. Jeffry's famous home- cooked meals. Lunches and din- ners every day but Sunday. 5594 $4.20 ' You w i l l save laundry done in Ann Arbor. laundry sent home. I 4 I =own& The sample student the savings to you. , E v._ - - _ _. . . __ . , -_ - - - . _ - - . _ a _ - _ _ _ I SAMPLE 3 Shirts 3 Pairs of Sox , 6 Handkerchiefs 2 Suits of Underwear 1 Pajama Suit 2 Bath Towels I Approximate Cost fJ .Ii ?~1eridI~ hester iel for a Definitely MILDER COOLER BETTER TASTE; Smokers everywhere know you can travel a long way and never find another cigarette that can match -' - . I I P A*.1 1 - I DLI... ......J VARSITY LAUNDRY 23-1-23 TROJAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company 9495 I II I E