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October 14, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-14

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Air igu


Price Control
Bill Neededt




Rushing Ends
As University
Lists Pledges
Council Reports Changes
In Regulations Are Aid
To Freshmen, Houses
35 Greek Societies
To Initiate Classes
Following a record registration for
fraternity rushing, the freshmen kept
right, on going and endedf up as the
list below will indicate.
Rushing was aided this year by the
revision of rules made by the Inter-
fraternity Council, which simplified
both the freshman's and the frater-
nity's problem.
The names included here are only
those which have been checked by the
University; and the nterfraternity
Council. Upperclassmen, whose
names do not appear here, will be
listed later in the week.
Acacia: Thomas Buchanan, Roberts
Campbell, James Churchill, Albert
Eastman, Arch Hal, Elbert Kennedy,
Stewart Kingsbury, David Murphy,
Phil Reid, Howard Spracklin, John
Wunch, Leslie Froelich, Paul Pospesil.
Alpha Delta Phi: WilliamBowen,
Stratton Brown, Joseph Cox, Peter
Frantz, Donald Gerlinger, Charles
Godfrey, Joseph Hearn, Donald Laing,
John Lyons, John Mummert, Richard
John O'Leary, Howard McC- Orr,
Earl Osborne, Edward Potter, Jr,'
George Spear, David Strack, Ed.win
Uhl, David Upton.,
Alpha Kappa Psi: George Linzel.
Alpha Sigma Phi: Lincoln Aldridge,
James Coquillard, Robert Dodd, Carl
Engel, Jack Nessel, Albert Ott, Don-
ald Sanborn, Robert Springer, George
Wolfe, Bert Zahner.
Alpha Tau Omega: Edward An-
thony, Jack Bauckham, John Corbett,
William Davis, William Esslinger,
John Herbert, Edwin Howe, Robert
Leedpr, Phillip Marcellus, Leigh
Smith, Warren Watts, Philip Whelan,.
Howard Wikel.
Beta Theta P: William Buckey,
Mlilledga Bullard, William Cobb,
Dewey Doyle, Robert Hargrove, Car-
rol McConnell, Henry Peterson,
Thomas Reader, Edward Robertson,
Harry Saums, Robert Saxton.
Thomas Schick, Stephen Selby, By-
ron Smith, William Somers, James
Todd, John Vyn, Robert Wendling,
Thomas Coulter.
Chi Phi: Robert Allen, James Beck-
er, James Burbott, Bruce Carey,
Charles Cambel. Robert Clubb, Lud-
wik Daniels, Jr., William Farrar, John
Fonda, John Goodsell III, Wilbur
Donald Hutchinson, Jr., James
Hipp, Elsworth Kendig, John Knaff,
Willard Krebs, Jr., James Lucas, Allan
McCurdy, Robert Morris, Jerome
Powell, James Quinn, Thomas Roche,
William Sellon, Barton Smith, Ben-
jamin Sproat, John Stageman, John
Tate, John Ward, Almet Broadhead,
Donald Straka, Glyn Lake.
Chi Psi: Robert Anderle, James
Bargmann, Willis Boice, David Car-
penter, Arthur Christensen, Russel
Fisher, John Galbraith, Richard
Gracey, William Hibbard, Herman
Kothe, Jr.
EdwineKrupp, Richard Kuehn,
George McDermott, James Nordlie,

Robert O'Conner, Clark Pardee, Rich-
ard Ranney, Richard Strickland,
Richard Wenzell, Robert Williamson.
Delta Kappa Epsilon: James Arm-
strong, Jr., Stephen Bryant, William
Bennett, Nathan Bryant, Donald Car-
gill, John Croul, Jacob Dalm, Jr., Jos-
eph Fee, Walter Flannery, Robert
Henry )Rolzaepfel, Robert Hurley,
Maxwell, Earl Roberts, Donald Sykes,
Warren Yapp.
Delta Tau Delta: Jerry Brown,+
Richard Derby, Clayton Dickey, Ear-
nest Qoeckel, William Hampton, Max-
well Huntoon, Burton Kelly, Paul"
Morgan, Charles Peck, John Platt,
Carl Reinhart, Carlton Roeser, Fran-
cis Sippy, Kenneth Sippy, Richard
Wickes, Charles Yager.
Delta Upsilon: William Alexander,
Charles Bassett, William Bieluskas,
Elmer Covert, Patrick Hays, David
Keller, William Kerner, John Laird,I
Charles Lemmon, Max Pearse, John
Robertson, Harwood Rydholm, Rob-
ert Sovern, Rupert Straub, Louis Tel-+
bizoff, Jack Vizena, Robert Will-a


I 'rte. _ - -


Keds Evacuate Vyazma
As Nazis Claim Success-

Germans Report
Moves 'At Top
Push East Qf

Advance*Soviet Communique Says
Speed'; Veteran ReplacenIents
Moscow Are SlowingBlitzkrieg

BERLIN, Oct. 13.-(IP)-German
tank and motorized infantry divisions
were declared by authorized sources
to be beating forward at top speed
tonight through Russian defenses
which no longer were able even sub-
stantially to delay the invaders, and
some military experts expressed belief
that certain far-advanced Nazi for-
mations already were operating east
of the longitude of Moscow.
Official military maps published in
the German press indicated the main
German lines were within 100 miles
of the capital.
Adolf Hitler's field headquarters
announced that in the principal bat-
tle areas about Vyazma and Bryansk
-the former some 125 miles west of
Moscow and the latter 210 below-the
number of Red war prisoners now in
hand had. gone beyond 350,000.
Not merely two, but three powerful
German columns, it appeared from
Nazi accounts, were striking toward
Moscow's gates. The third-aside
from those based in the Vyazma and
Bryansk vicinities - was reported
smashing to the southeast from the
headwaters of the Volga river in the
Valdai hills toward the town of Rzhev
and standing, by late reports, within
140 miles northwest of the metrop-
This third offensive, said military
informants here, was one of Hitler's
major surprise movements of the
campaign and had caught the Rus-
sians wholly unaware.
Are Awarded
To 16Students
Sixteen University stdents havet
been awarded scholarships totalingt
$1,000 for outstanding work in extra-
curricular activities.t
The awards, announced yesterday
by Robert Shedd, '42, chairman of
the Student Award Fund Committee,1
were given to upperclassmen with at
least a C average on the basis ofr
need and service to the University
through some extra-curricular ac-E
Students who received awards and
the activities they have participatedt
in are: Elizabeth Luckham, '42; De-
troit, vice-president of the League1
and chairman of freshman orienta-r
tion; Albert Erskine, '42, Aurora,
N. Y., Varsity Band; John Middleton,
'43, Palmyra, N. Y., Congress andE
Student Senate; and Richard Worth-
ington, '42, Hobart, Ind., Varsity
Band. I
Other recipients are Ben Smith,E
'42, Fort Myers, Fla., golf; ReubenZ
Kelto, '42, Bessemer, football; Hol-
br'oke Seltzer, '41, Chicago, Thes
Daily; Max Bahrych, '43, Syracuse,k
N. Y., hockey; Joe Rogers, '42, Plym-
outh, ,football; William MacLeod,
'43, Birmingham, The Daily, and
David Matthews, '43, Owosso, track.
Other winners are Dobson Burton,t
'42, Battle Creek, swimming; Paul
Goldsmith, '42, Swampscott, Mass.,
hockey; John Robbins, '42SM, Flint,n
(Continued on Page 2) i

MOSCOW, Tuesday, Oct. 14.-()-
The Russians announced early today
the retreat of Red forces from Vy-
azma, key rail junction 125 miles west
of Moscow, but front-line dispatches
said a steady flow of veteran rein-
forcements had slowed, although not
yet stopped, the German onslaught
against the Soviet capital.
A Soviet information bureau com-
munique said Red forces withdrew
from Vyazma "after many days of
fierce fighting in which the enemy
sustained tremendous losses in man-
power and armament."
This town of 17,000 population at
the confluence of the Berba and Vy-
azma rivers, was the second hitherto
strongpoint of Russian resistance
whose abandonment the Russians
have announced in two days. A with-
drawal from Bryansk, 210 miles
southwest of Moscow, was announced
Adler Address
To Inaugurate
Series Today
Famous Author-Educator
Will Discuss 'Aquinas'
In First SRA Lecture
Opening the 1941-42 lecture series
of the Student Religious Association,
Mortimer J. Adler, world-famed au-t
thor, educator and lecturer, will
speak on "Thomas Aquinas and the
Modern World" at 8:15 p.m. today4
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. . ,
The lecture is free and open to thet
public. Adler will address himself tot
those who have no knowledge of the
theories of Aquinas. His lecture will
serve as a beginning for the more de-I
tailed studies of the scholastic phil-
osopher to be taken up by a seminar
series opening at a luncheon meeting
Friday in Lane Hall.-
Adler, who started the modern
movement for the study of Aquinask
at the University of Chicago, will1
explain the thirteenth century au-e
thor's writings and their significances
for the world of the twentieth cen-t
The author of "How to Read aI
Book" and "What Man Has Made ofc
Man", Adler is now professor of phil-
osophy of law at the University ofI
Chicago. He began his career at thet
early age of 13 as an editorial writer
on the New York Sun.
Prominent among all American ed-
ucators, Adler has taught English and
experimental psychology at Columbia
University. While at Columbia he
was also an instructor in John Er-
skine's course of great books. He has
been visiting lecturer at St. John's
College since 1937.
Adler is an active supporter of the
Neo-Thomist movement which at-
tempts to clarify the relations be-
tween the sciences and opposes the
use of the so-called scientific method
in the investigations of religious and.
moral questions. HIis last appearance
in Ann Arbor iwas in 1938.

British Press
Asks Russian
Aid Increase
Suggest American Blood
Must Be Shed In War
If Allies Are To Win
Air Force Begins
Non-Stop Offensive
LONDON, Oct. 13.--lP)-A call for
more direct British-American action
to aid embattled Russia was heard in
many quarters tonight despite au-
thoritative assertions the German
drive on Moscow had been slowed
and may even bog down 70 or 80
miles from Moscow.
Some of the London Press called
for shedding of American blood and
asserted Britain and Russia alone
cannot prevail against Hitlerdom,
while informed quarters suggested
Britain might put its forces into a
land campaign against the Axis in
Italy, North Africa or perhaps the
Russian Cauasus.
RAF Strikes
Britain flung its air force into a
non-stop offensive against the Reich
to cripple its war industries and tie
up transport. Appeals were made to
both British and United States work-
ers to boost production to sustain
Stalin's armies in the campaigns to
Both Lord Beaverbrook and W.
Averell Harriman, heads of the Bri-
tish and American Moscow missions,
worked long at their desks today to
give effect to promises to send Rus-
sia everything she wants in the way
of material aid, and the British said
that a procession of trucks and trains
loaded with planes and tanks already
was moving to ports.
Most agreed the Russians prob-
ably will stand or fall on their own
in this big battle, and that for Bri-
tain and America the important
thing was long-term aid.
U.S. Criticized
In this atmosphere the tabloid
Daily Sketch said "the sooner Ameri-
cans are in with the Russians and
ourselves, mingling their blood and
sweat and tears in a common drain,
the sooner the war will be won." ,
"The idea this titanic struggle can
be won without any shedding of
American blood may be dismissed by
every American as insane," the Sketch
said, adding that a "declaration of
total war at this juncture by Ameri-
ca against Germany" would be more
helpful than delivery of 3,000 Ameri-
can tanks every month.
In addition to the air offensive, re-
liable observers looked to Britain to
take the initiative elsewhere.
Med Smoker
Set For Today
Get-Together Will Begin
At 8 P.M. In Union
Plans for the present year will be
presented to members of the Pre-
Medical Society and interested pre-
medical students at a smoker to be
given at 8 p.m. today in the Union.
At this time the officers of the
club will be introduced, and those
present will hear short talks on the
various aspects of medicine. A pam-
phlet on the "Choice of a Medical
School," printed by the American
Medical Association, will be passed to
juniors and seniors interested.
As an innovation this year, the

Pre-Medical Society will have a page
in the 1942 'Ensian. Plans for this
page will be explained to members.
There will also be a discussion of the
psychological tests which the Bureau
of Human Adjustments is offering
club members this year, to determine
their respective aptitude for the prac-
tice of medicine.
Plans for the rest of the year in-
clude visits to local. hospitals and
clinics, in addition to talks by au-
thorities in the medical field..
Refreshments and cigarettes will
be served at the smoker, and all in-
terested pre-medical students are
cordially invited to attend.
Marriage Relations
Tickets To Be Sold
Tickets for the marriage relations
course lecture series will continue on
sale from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
today at the League and the Union.
Tickets will be sold to seniors and
-rt+ tt fn ettt .nr -c .I'l t hn .tt

FDR Pledges U.S. To Aid
Russians As Cabinet Men
'Denounce Neutrality Act,

Governor Praises


. . .

Lansing, October 13
My Dear President Ruthven:
It is a privilege and a pleasure to congratulate you on the one-
hundredth anniversary of the beginning of instruction in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts of the University of Michigan
which ybu will celebrate Wednesday next.
It is a source of great satisfaction to me, and I know it must be to
you, that our University has played such an important role in the
development of higher education in Amperica. Michigan and the Uni-
versity's hundred thousand alumni can be justly proud that the insti-
tution, because of its pioneering efforts along many lines, has im-
measurably influenced the traditions of our nation's educational
organization and has come to bear the title, "Mother of State Univer-
sities." It is well, then, that you celebrate the centenary of the
University's first College by looking back upon its achievements and
More important, however, is the fact that a part of your anniversary
program will be devoted to the future of liberal education in America.
I am sure that you and your colleagues in the University have faith
that cultural values will survive to bring better ordered existence to
all mankind, and that, therefore, the second hundred years of the
University and of the College will be as fruitful as the first.
I sincerely extend to you the blest wishes and congratulations of
the people of Michigan on this important occasion in the educational
history of the State.
Very truly yours,
Students Should Realize Heritage
CnaDean-Kraus Says

Emphasizing the importance of
student participation in the day-long
centennial celebration to be held to-
morrow, EdWard H. Kraus, Dean of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, pointed out that "as the'
heirs of a century of notable growth
and achievement in higher education,
the responsibility for further progress
in the century ahead will rest largely
upon you and future generations of'
No classes are to be held in the
literary college throughout the day,
so both students and faculty will have
ample opportunity to take advantage
of Dean Kraus' invitation.
The morning session, convening in
Rackham Lecture Hall, will be de-
voted to a discussion of the history
and achievements of the College.
The general historical development
will be traced by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,
William W. Cook ,Professor of Ameri-
can Institutions.
Other speakers on the morning
program are to be Prof. J. G. Winter,
chairman of the Latin department,
discussing the record of the College
in language and literature; Prof. A.
F. Shull of the zoology department
commenting on scientific achieve-
ments; and Prof. A. E. R. Boak of
this history department speaking on
advancement in the field of social
The afternoon session, also to be
held in Rackham Lecture Hall, will
consider the problems and future of
liberal education in America from the
points of view of the endowed insti-
tutions, large state universities, edu-
cationarl and scientific foundations
and college women.
Representing these varying points
Cinema Group
Will Give New
0 0
Chinese Movie
"China Strikes Back," a picture
filmed in the hitherto inaccessible
regions of Shensi Province and North
China, will be shown here at 8:15
p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.1
"China Strikes Back" shows ex-
clusive pictures of the former Eighth
Route Army, its leaders and guerilla
warriors in training. Critics have
termed it "a striking document of
the unification of Free China."
Competing the second Art Cinema
program of the season will be a Walt
Disney cartoon and a Mexicai "dra-
matic film symphony" entitled "Time
in the Sun."
Based on Sergei Eisenstein's un-
firi:h A flm 1na 1 ivm Axvi- n " -

of view will be Dr. Martin ten Hoor,
Dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences, Tulane University; Dr.
George Clarke Sellery, Dean of the
College of Letters and Science, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin; Henry Allen
Moe, secretary-general of the Gug-
genheim Memorial Foundation, and
Judge Florence Ellinwood Allen of
the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals..
The principal speaker of the con-
vocation ceremonies to be held at
8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium will be
James Rowland Angell, president
emeritus of Yale University, talking
on "Persistent Problems of Higher
Education in a Democracy."
J.Hop, Prom
Petitions Now
Are Available
25 Signatures Demanded
For Soph, Junior Posts,
Elections To Be Oct. 30
Petitions for J-Hop and "Soph
Prom comittee positions may be ob-
tained at the Student Offices of the
Michigan Union between 3 and 5 p.m.
today, Men's Judiciary head Bill Slo-
cum, '42, and Jane Baits, president of
Women's Judiciary Council an-
nounced yesterday.
Petitions will be due, along with
25 signatures from the applicants re
spective classes, by noon Thursday,
Oct. 23, and may be obtained any
time until that date.
All-campus elections will be held
Oct. 30 to choose the thirteen-person
1943 J-Hop and the eight-person 1944
Soph Prom committees. Both chair-
men will be from the engineering
school this year.
Eligibility cardstmust be shown
with the signed petitions and all ap-
plicants must schedule five-minute
interviews with either the Men's or
Women's Judiciary Council.
Interviews for men will be held be-
tween 2 and 6 p.m. and between 4:15
and 6 p.m. for women on Thursday
Oct. 23. Those students deemed qual-
ified by the judiciary bodies will have
their names placed on the ballot,
Slocum said. Both men and women
must secure their petitions at the
Football Blitzes Iceland
As British Stand Agape!
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Oct. 11.-
(delayed)-(AP) -American football
m- A ifo ire} or--nnr n-n n" +j i

President Announces Full
Delivery Of Munitions
AccordingTo Schedule
ull, Stiumson, Knox
Ask Ban Removal
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-(/p)-In
an apparent effort to encourage Rus-
sian resistance to the vast German
offensive, President Roosevelt pro-
claimed to the world today the United
States was rushing large amounts of
supplies to help the Soviet's "brave
A formal statement issued by the
White House declared:
"The President announced today
that within the past few days large
amounts of supplies had been sent to
Russia. He further stated that all
of the munitions, including tanks,
airplanes and trucks, promised at the
Moscow conference for delivery in
October, will be sent to Russia before
the end of the month.
"These supplies are leaving United
States ports constantly.
Staffs Work Hard
"The staffs in the Army and the
Maritime Commission have worked
over the past weekend rushing sup-
plies to the seaboard and everything
possible is being done to send the
material to Russia to help the brave
defense which continues to be made."
Tie President did not disclose spe-
cific amounts of war supplies the
United States had promised to place
in Russian hands this month or in the
Shipment routes also remained
secret. There was nothing to indi-
cate whether the stream of supplies
was flowing across the Atlantic to
Russia's Arctic ports, around Africa
and up the Persian Gulf for trans-
shipment through Iran and the Cau-
casus, or across the Pacific to Vladi-
A few hours earlier Congressional
leaders who attended a White House
conference on lend-lease legislation
reported they had received a predic-
tion from Harry L. Hopkins that
Russia would "keep up the fight"
even if the Nazis succeeded in taking
Hopkins Confers
Hopkins, the lend-lease supervisor,
recently conferred with Joseph Stalin
and other high Soviet officials in
Moscow. Legislators who attended
today's meeting said President Roose-
velt expressed some concern over the
Russian situation, but agreed with
Hopkins Soviet armies were far from
At the White House meeting Presi-
dent Roosevelt was reported to have
urged speedy passage of a new lend-
lease appropriation of $5,985,000,000,
already approved by the House. Sen-
ate leaders expressed' hope it would
be passed by their chamber next
Hull, Stimson, Knox
Ask Ban Removal
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.--(P)-
Three cabinet members and other
officials called on Congress today to
remove the ban against arming
Americantmerchant ships and one of
them declared even "the risk of war
itself" must not deter this country
from aiding Britain.
Secretaries Hull, Stimson and Knox
told the House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee also that the Neutrality Act's
prohibition against American 'mer-
chantmen entering combat zones
ought to be removed in the interest
of insuring delivery of lend-lease
supplies to British ports.
"The risk we incur in arming our
ships and sending them to sea," said
Knox, "is far less than the risk of
allowing England to lose the war."
In one of the bitterest official con-
demnations yet of the Nazi cam-

paign of conquest, the usual mild-
mannered Hull told the committee:
"The blunt truth is that the world
is steadily being dragged downward
and backward by the mightiest move-
ment of conquest ever attempted in
all history. Armed and miliant pred-
atory forces are marching across con-
tinents and invading the seas, leaving
desolation in their wake. With them
rides a policy of frightfulness, pillage,
murder and calculated cruelty which
fills all civilized mankind with horror

f _:
. X.....4_'.

Henry J. Allen, Humanitarian,
To Be Honored Here Saturday
Henry J. Allen, chairman of Save
the Children Federation, will be guest
of honor at a dinner at 6 p.m. Sat-
urday in the ballroom of the League.
Allen, who recently returned from
a six weeks' survey of the Child Aid
problem in Great Britain, will talk
on his findings at a public address in _
the auditorium of the Rackham build-
ing at 8 p.m. the same evening. a
One of Kansas' crusading publish-
ers, he worked his way through Wash- p
burn College and soon traded a shoe-
string investment into ownership of
the "Wichita Beacon," where he
gained a nation-wide reputation as A
a fighting editor.
Elected. Governor of Kansas while
still in France with the AEF, he
served two terms, and was author and
sponsor of the "Industrial Court Plan
for the Arbitration of Labor Dis-
Following two years as United
States Senator from Kansas, he be-
came director of publicity in the
Republican campaigns of 1928 and
1932, and was editor of the "Topeka HENRY J. ALLEN
+fiata ninvneil" fnr fyip v~ov

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